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Hello Everyone: I hope you don't mind if I join this thread. Even though I do not post much I read this thread faithfully daily and have since it started. I am so impressed with all the support you provide each other and how welcoming you are.

I had my surgery at the end of 10/07 and have lost 55 lbs. I did gain a few pounds during the holiday season but I refuse to count that. I had to have an un-fill last month as I was so tight that I could not get much solid food down. We had several family members pass away and adding that to work stress I just tightened up until everything was a pb. I need to lose 50 more lbs and would like to do so by my bandiversary. I had a fill to put some back and will have more back in February. We go on vacation later this month and don't want to be overfilled when I am in a place I cannot get any taken out...that's why I am waiting until February.

I am having a tough time getting back on track now that the holidays are over. I did the 5 day pouch test and lost 4 lbs but have been rather blue (holidays, perimenopause, who knows) and want to eat ice cream all the time. Exercise is great, I walk or jog almost every day and try to do pilates 2 - 3 times a week.

So my question is, has anyone experienced depression or mood changes since they got the band? I get pms (the moody kind) every month but other than that I am usually good but since the band I notice I am edgier and generally crabbier. I also can't really talk about this to anyone as only my DH and mother know that I have the band. I am very happy with the weight loss but the mental part has me concerned. Any thoughts or ideas to share.

Thanks for reading this VERY LONG post and I appreciate any words of wisdom.

Edited by Lala D

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Hi to all,

What is a good site to start logging my foods and exercise? If I don't write them down, I can easily ignore what I eat. The peanut M&M jar has been bad for me during the holidays. I can ignore the Cookies and cake because they don't go down good, but the M&Ms do fine. I will move them or freeze them today!!!

I do want to keep up with this board. I want this to work!!!


Welcome Carolyn! I'd still be eating frozen M&M's, I agree, Toss 'em!! As for a site to track your food, I LOVE www.dailyplate.com I like how it makes a chart that shows you where your calories are coming from. I mostly watch my calories and Protein grams on there. Also the database of foods and restaurants is very extensive and complete and if you can't find it, you can add it. I used it faithfully my first 4 mos and then stopped, I just recently began using it again as I wanted to keep a check on my portions and make sure I wasn't increasing my intake, etc. It also lets you add your exercise but I don't eat those calories and I also don't abide by what they say I need to have in a day.

. Long, I am going to change my eating habits around again to see if that works. Usually every morning after coffee, I have an unjury shake with skim milk for B. Today I had a scrambled egg and two slices of bacon. Boy, did that make a difference. It is almost 2:00 pm and I am still not hungry. Janet, I do think I need to get hard Protein in and just cut up real small and chew, chew, chew. I hadn't been able to get alot of it down but I think maybe I need to make teeny bites. When I go out to dinner , everyone else is done and I am trying to get my food in. If I order orderves then my sister doesn't want to order a dinner so I order a dinner also and can't eat it. Fri night I asked for a lunch size dinner which was one grilled chicken breast and instead of potato and vegetable I got double order of vegetable. Took alot home but I did get the meat down. I just have to slow down. Also, I have kind of layed off walking and that is definitely a no no. Thats prob why I haven't lost any for couple of weeks. Gotta get back in the game. Well I will talk to you all later. Going to make stuffed peppers for dinner tonight.


Hey Becky, I think I'd be hungry too if I just had a shake for Breakfast. Glad you are getting in the solid protein and it is satisfying you longer. I order an appetizer a lot for my dinner and DH shares it with me and orders an entree. Last night we went to Texas Roadhouse and I got the 'rib and fries' appetizer, ate half the ribs and gave the rest to DH. Though he may not be willing to be my 'garbage disposal' (what he calls himself when I give him the rest of my meal) as he is cutting back on his portions and going to try and lose 20 lbs starting tomorrow. Maybe then we can just share one entree.

Hello Everyone: I hope you don't mind if I join this thread. Even though I do not post much I read this thread faithfully daily and have since it started. I am so impressed with all the support you provide each other and how welcoming you are.

I had my surgery at the end of 10/07 and have lost 55 lbs. I did gain a few pounds during the holiday season but I refuse to count that. I had to have an un-fill last month as I was so tight that I could not get much solid food down. We had several family members pass away and adding that to work stress I just tightened up until everything was a pb. I need to lose 50 more lbs and would like to do so by my bandiversary. I had a fill to put some back and will have more back in February. We go on vacation later this month and don't want to be overfilled when I am in a place I cannot get any taken out...that's why I am waiting until February.

I am having a tough time getting back on track now that the holidays are over. I did the 5 day pouch test and lost 4 lbs but have been rather blue (holidays, perimenopause, who knows) and want to eat ice cream all the time. Exercise is great, I walk or jog almost every day and try to do pilates 2 - 3 times a week.

So my question is, has anyone experienced depression or mood changes since they got the band? I get pms (the moody kind) every month but other than that I am usually good but since the band I notice I am edgier and generally crabbier. I also can't really talk about this to anyone as only my DH and mother know that I have the band. I am very happy with the weight loss but the mental part has me concerned. Any thoughts or ideas to share.

Thanks for reading this VERY LONG post and I appreciate any words of wisdom.

Welcome Lala! I have not experienced the mood changes since being banded, though I did go through a lot of that as I hit the perimenopause stage. But it didn't last, thank goodness! At first I told no one about my surgery either, but gradually I have so about everyone knows now. I have one circle of 'friends' that don't know, and after all this time I really have no desire to go out of my way to tell them. They've not been very supportive as I've lost weight, they have to have noticed 90+ lbs off my body, even lesser acquaintances in my life have been more supportive that have no idea about the surgery either. I have noticed that relationships with others have changed. Some have gotten better and others have drifted away. I'm not sure if that is because I am changing as I go through this metamorphisis or if some of it is pettiness and jealousy now that I'm not the 'fat friend' anymore.

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Great job..... I use sparkpeople.com too and love it there. Not to many groups about people living with lap bands, that is why I am here..


Kidder, thanks for noticing. I appreciate it. SparkPeople is great, they are very supportive and caring.

There are 2 groups there on Lap Band. Good Luck to you.

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I am loosing VERY SLOW. I am trying not to be discouraged but it is hard. I had my band Sept. 9, it is now Jan 4 and I am only down 15 lbs.... have had one fill and think I may need another....? it is just not coming off, the weight I lost came off the first two months, and nothing... I know I am not eating the right things, but they seem to stick but oh boy... not the bad things! I need to loose 70 lbs... any suggestions on what foods are good easy and help take the blubber off?

and what is the 5 day pouch test?

Edited by becky ann

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Hi tonight (Sunday). I had the stuffed pepper and some mixed vegetables. UM UM Good!!! Yep anyone can come over to my house for dinner any ol time. I go to the Dr on Tuesday and I think I only lost 4 lbs in December BUT at least I lost. I actually gained a few and lost them before the end of the month. My weight is not going down lately but also, I need to start exercise again and watch what I eat. I am also going to start logging on to Daily Plate. I did that before and boy did that help. That tells it all!!!! Its not that I eat that much, I think I feel lazy alot, especially since I haven't been walking. The first 50 seemed to have gone off okay without any problems but when I think about the next 50 it seems so far away. I don't know whats wrong with me. Janet, you talked about not being able to guzzle Water. I can drink almost half bottle of Water without stopping.:) BUt yet if I don't eat very very slow I get stuck. The green pepper tonight got stuck on the first two bites. I waited for an hour and tried again and this time it went down okay. I can drink almost half cup of coffee easily without stopping. What do ya think. Should I mention this to the Dr.


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Good Morning Gang

Sorry I have been MIA for 2 whole days - I have been kinda blue - not really blue but just don't know what to do with myself - I guess I just needed to veg for a day or 2..

I think it might because I haven't been taking my vitimans - I did last night.

Joann - I am like you - out of the house and for those of us who can do it - I do think it makes it so much easier...

How do you feel now that you have been banded an on reg food.. Is it easier or harder than you expected - I feel like you are a long time bander not a newbie:tt1:

Lori -Congrats on the scales moving !!!

Jill - Welcome back !!!

Amanda - Glad to see you posting here !!!

Carolyn Welcome !!!

Charlene - Hugs on the GD issue hope she is ok now..- Yep it would be hard to be a kid w/no sweets period espcially during the holidays

Gail - Like Phyl said - small plates - small forks etc - I buy those kid ones at target for $1.00

Becky - Yes tiny bites - that's the hardest just like Phyl said and she and I were banded just a week apart and we still stuggle with small bites - chewing and eating slowly...

Sliders go down a whole lot easier and we can eat more.

Becky aren't you joining a gym this week...

Yesterday I had some left over steak - 4 bites full physically but not mentally - as I have said a trillion times before - this is why we tend to eat softer foods - we aren't mentally full on 3-4 bites...

Well, My license expires this month - so this morning I have to go to DMV to take an eye test and get a new picutre - my current pic is from 95 - my weight has always been 130 on my license - so now it will be closer to the truth by 8 lbs not 112 off :thumbup:

Well, the holidays are really over now - back to our regular schedule - for me since I have the trainer I haven't really varied from my exercise - plus I have been making sure I get my 3 miles in cuz I know it will counter the extra sweets that I have eaten..

Ok - just cking in - I will cbl :wink_smile:

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Yahoo - holidays are over. I've been MIA for a few days myself. But, I'm back. Boy, you all have been yak'ing away on this thread.


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Can't remember if it was this thread, the fifties thread or the Daily News thread that I told about the kidney stones. Finally passed (2 of them) this morning. THAT WAS A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG 43 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Can't remember if it was this thread, the fifties thread or the Daily News thread that I told about the kidney stones. Finally passed (2 of them) this morning. THAT WAS A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG 43 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEA!!! Hope you are feeling better.

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YEA!!! Hope you are feeling better.

You know that feeling after giving birth? You kind of learn to forget how bad labor was!:wink_smile:

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You know that feeling after giving birth? You kind of learn to forget how bad labor was!:wink_smile:

Apples, I am so glad you are better. Just rest. I haven't had kidney stones, but I have been with my sister when she was suffering with them. I think they must be worse than labor. Take Care!

I just got back from my aunt's funeral. It all went well and my mother is doing fine. I saw cousins I hadn't seen since the band, and were telling me how great I looked. It really gave me the insentive to work hard on losing more weight this year.

Janet, I am glad you are back! I almost PM'd you to see what was up. Take care of yourself. When our Guru is MIA we get off track. Now, how is that for a guilt trip?

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Indiogirl: I am so sorry to hear that you are felling a little under the weather. Here's a big hug for you. You have been so supportive to people on this site. Have a happy new year.

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Apples: O, kidney stones are horrible and they tell me they are worse than any labor you could have. Plus you don't get a beautiful baby at the end all you get is a stone. I'm glad you're ok now.

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Charlene - LMAO - I don't do gulit - I'm just good at giving it.. LOL

But no really.... I do feel a little guilty when I don't post at least here.. I think they may need me for something - but hell you guys are really really good banders so I know that you will survive a day or 2 without me..

I don't feel depresses - just blah... can't put my finger on it. I'm thinking I need my D vitimans - just ate 2 Calcium w/d in them right now..

This to shall pass - I think that just getting back into my routine will help...

Apples glad you passed those stones - OMW when I had my DS they gave me a gas mask - and I was asleep during his birth - I'm not into pain - I hate pain. I had no desire to watch him being born...

Charlene I am glad that you and your Mom are doing ok - hugs again on the passing of your Aunt..

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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