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Hi girls, (Tonight is Wednesday). I am having a hard time this week. Still getting in my exercise but cheating on junk. I hate myself.:huh2:.I went to the grocery store today and got everything I need to start over. I got to get sugar and carbs out of my body cold Turkey. I am still at 52 lbs. I was 55 but gained 3 lbs. We are having an ice storm tonight. I got alot done today. I have been busy, busy, busy.

PHYL---- :cursing: CONGRATuLATIONS! YOU ARE DOING SO WEL!! I can't imagine what it will be like when I get to that point. I am excited for you!!! I am also going to change my eating around and see if I am still having restriction. I am not worried about the CC's in my band, I just want to be sure I have plenty of space left in case I need another one. It's like I am kind of afraid to use too much. Don't want to be too full. I think I am pretty good now, just misbehaving. I still have to loose another 55 lbs so I need to pay attention. Glad to hear everyone is doing well this week


Becky - Don't Hate yourself - Love yourself enough to say no..

It is Christmas and you have to allow for just a tad of treats

You gotta do what Apple and I do an pick one time that you are going to indugle in a treat.... Or do what I have been doing - take one bite of a piece of xmas candy then throw the rest away.

Also - avoidance works well too - or look for the calorie content of what you are eating... Is it worth the calories...

Awareness - that keeps me from eating that candy and Cookies in the lunch room at work..

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Phyll -

CONGRATULATIONS!! What a great achievement! We are so proud of you. I can see the diamonds glistening all the way here in VT!


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Thanks for all the kudos, gang!! You can't imagine what that means to me... all the support and encouragement we give each other is priceless!!

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How's everyone doing today !!! Busy I know getting ready for Christmas - Family - Friends - Parties & cooking..

I was busy at work today - Went and had my nails done when I got off work - I need to go in my closet and go thru my presents to make sure I have everything - Tomorrow gym in the morning - p/u GD from airport at 11:30 and need to food shop for family coming - need to wrap presents - but have been waiting for paper to go on sale - I would assume Sunday it will. I have some - so I guess I could start..

Problem is w/baby GD 4 - I can't put presents out until after she goes to bed on Xmas Eve.

Well Im hungry - don't know what I am going to eat - but will figure it out - I really want Mexican - maybe I will put el pato sauce on my fish :lol:

Ok just cking in - I will cbl :laugh:

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23_9_10.gif Gang3_4_102.gif

Rise & Shine it's a beautiful morning

Yep it's your rooster - up at 5 - waiting til 7 for the gym to open - going to do my 3 miles - gotta get that exercise in - it's a wonderful way to start the day


I know you all are busy with last minute stuff, parties etc.. Just wanted to ck in and tell you all how blessed I am to have you guys in my life


Have a good day - drink your Water - make good food choices - no impulse eating - only planned treat and if at all possible get some exercise..



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DITTO'S JANET! I WROTE EARLIER , BUT DISAPPEARED. Anyway, I went to Walmart and got the turkey and all the trimmings for Christmas. I made four kinds of cookie dough.....they are chilling in the frig. I AM NOT BAKING NEXT YEAR! It is too hard to stay on track. I did eat Protein, so maybe I won't dip into the Cookies. I really don't like sweets anymore like I like snacky stuff. You know, chex mix, cheese balls, crackers.....bad! bad! bad!



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23_9_10.gif It's time to rise and shine ... I was up at 5:45 a.m. today - slept in :lol:

I went to the gym did 3.5 miles in 1 hr - came home showered dress left to ck bro's house & po box and then to p/u GD at airport - went to lunch ate the inside of a taco and 1/2 the shell - then went to bed bath & beyond - got some candles - the costco and got the Prime Rib and asparagus for my Xmas Eve dinner - then got cat & dog food.. Had the enchillda and bean from lunch for dinner... That's one good thing - my lunch now covers 2 meals instead of just one when eating out :tounge_smile:

Sampled some candies at Costco & Target - wanted sweets when I got home - but had a white hot choc instead when I got home - The only bad thing I did was have a cup of fritos - but slept well last night

I am going to try to make choc chip Cookies with splenda instead of sugar - the sugar cookies I bought Krussels (sp) cookie dough mix - and 4 can's of butter cream frosting :eek: but won't be making cookies til monday night or tues night... So I guess the gym will be my home away from home for the next week :tt2:

Today I will go to the store and get the rest of my weekly groceries and some gift cards and I am done.

Maybe get a nap in this afternoon and catch up on my recorded tv programs - last night watched 3 or 4 episodes of Brother & Sisters... Still have 1 more ER to watch & Gray's ...

I know Apples had a busy weekend - hope you had fun..

Joann - How are you doing ??? Hugs I know that you are most likely sad (doggie) & happy (band) right now but know that we are here for you..

Becky - No report of your food yesterday :smile: did you get into the cookie dough again :)

Boos - How are you doing - how's the food diary going..

Charlene - If you aren't baking why'd you make cookie dough:confused:

Lori - What did you do yesterday - You are on a roll 91 lbs gone:thumbup: - I bet that's enought to keep you honest during the holidays :wink2:

Ellen - How are you holding up - how are things at home..

Well off to read my paper - I just heard it hit the driveway..

CBL :cool:

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Full blown blizzard in our neck of the woods for two days now. Cannot see across the farm yard. Watched Christmas movies with DH ALL day yesterday (oh...with our puppa, too). Puppa (100# black lab) spent the day on our laps. Today we are cleaning (just last minute stuff...cleaning bathrooms, etc.) for Christmas. DH has a toilet brush in his hand as we speak! You just gotta love a guy with a cleaning utensils in one hand and toilet cleaner in the other. I love cleaning (therapy) but it is nice once in awhile when he makes an offer to help.

Our Christmas party on Friday night was wonderful. Had to keep our eye on the weather because we knew a storm was blowing in. Left about midnight and it was already snowing.

Not much to report. Pretty disgusted. Down another five pounds. I eat as much as I can possibly eat. Went to nutritionist and also spoke with surgeon's nurse. She told me to quit worrying about it and just keep on the way I am. I think I am eating every 2 hours and making my Snacks about 200 cals. four times a day. I know a lot of it is that I am EXTREMELY active and high-strung. Now, some of you are sitting there wondering what there is to complain about. I'm concerned. Nurse and nutritionist say to calm down but I am still losing. Not what I want. Never, ever thought this is something I would be concerned with. The last two months have been more work trying to maintain than it was to lose. To think, I plateaued for two months with 2# to lose right b/4 I hit goal. Boy, when I broke that plateau I really broke it.

Thanks for listening to me ramble and as you can tell I am concerned. I just need to continue what I am doing and calm down.

Well, back to cleaning. Have baking to do this afternoon. Making date, pumpkin and cranberry mini muffins, praline wafers dipped in white choc and choc, honey whole wheat bread (made with cottage cheese). Sending love and cheer to each of my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Apples2

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Janet, I said I am not baking next year. I have to make Cookies for our "Christmas Eve, Eve" at church on the 23rd. Get this, we are hauling ing 60,000 lbs of snow for the kids to play in. I know all of you up north think we are crazy, but this is a treat for us. The only problem is there is a 50% chance of rain. YIKES!:tounge_smile:

So far I have done real well on controlling my snacking. I have been eating Protein before I bake.

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Janet, I said I am not baking next year. I have to make Cookies for our "Christmas Eve, Eve" at church on the 23rd. Get this, we are hauling ing 60,000 lbs of snow for the kids to play in. I know all of you up north think we are crazy, but this is a treat for us. The only problem is there is a 50% chance of rain. YIKES!:tounge_smile:

So far I have done real well on controlling my snacking. I have been eating Protein before I bake.

Oh no, CharleneK, we would never stoop to the level of calling "you all" CRAZY....just plain NUTS!!!!!!!LOL

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Hello to all this morning (Sunday). Went to a Christmas party last night. There was all kinds of good food there. I did have two glasses of wine (as my kids would say, got crunked). I am not used to drinking as I don't drink much but thought I would loosen up a little bit. It was a fun party. I was hungry there and I did eat but started with Protein, then went to veggies and at last had a spoon full of a few of the dishes. I thought I was still hungry but waited 20 minutes and then was perfectly happy. My big mistake was Again, FUDGE!!!!. I had two pieces. I am going to have to do the 5 day pouch test after Xmas to get myself back off of sugar and carbs. So far my weight is staying down. I was a 55 lbs and then i went to 52 for a few days and now I am at now I am at 53 lbs. Of course everyone said I looked even skinnier since Halloween. That made me happy. Well I am glad to hear everyone is doing well so far. hope you are all enjoying this Holiday season and will talk later tonight.


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Oh no, CharleneK, we would never stoop to the level of calling "you all" CRAZY....just plain NUTS!!!!!!!LOL

LOL..........Yeah, well, that's the way we roll down here at Christmastime!

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Greetings, having trouble with the fonts and colors I was trying to be creative and be festive but got orange instead and the screen won't stay up long enough for me to change it. Oh well.

Well, Janet, you asked about my day and said after hitting 91 I am probably not even tempted to stray. Well.....I'm up 1.5 today, does that say anything? :tounge_smile: I had a brunch on Thurs. and parties on Fri and Sat. night. The Fri party wasn't a problem it was in a restaurant and I could order what I wanted. However, Thurs the bruch was very difficult. I didn't bring any food with me, these folks have no idea I am banded though most know I am losing weight, well they all should, 90 lbs isn't easy to miss, but there's one gal there that wouldn't comment on it even if she did notice. She's been very unsupportive of my weight loss, she is overweight herself so I don't know if I make her uncomfortable or what. Anway, I expected at a brunch for the to be eggs at least. Everything was bread, the main dish was a French toast casserole, there were muffins, sandwiches, etc. The sandwiches had chicken salad in them and I took the salad out and had that but left not satisfied for the number of calories the salad cost me. Last night's party was a pot luck type thing and everything was Pasta or bread again. I had a few mini weinies and then too many Cookies and brownies. Here I'm not even a sweet person and ate that. DUH!! Oh well, I'm not changing the ticker, I will work on being mindful through the holidays and won't sweat it too much. In the past I'd gain 10 to 15 lbs from Thanksgiving to New Years, this year I am still down. This too shall pass and I will be completely on track after the holidays and make wise choices through them. I have set a mini goal to reach 100 by Valentines, it seems doable right now, I've settled into a losing pace of about 5 to 7 a month. That's 9 lbs in a little over a month and a half. Oh and the rec center is doing Biggest Loser again come January and I will be entering again.

Today I am going to my sisters for a Christmas dinner, she is serving crab so I should be good there. They haven't seen me since Oct. Then all my parties etc. are over with until Christmas eve and Christmas. And I am going to work in the morning with my workout clothes in tow! Must keep that up during this season.

Charlene, yep nuts!! Too bad you can't take some of our zero temps with it to keep the snow cold.

Apples, I always tell my husband he looks sexiest when he's cleaning!

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36_15_16.gif Long, yep, the low tonight is 36 and it should be in the 70's for Christmas. No thanks on the cold although I do get tired of using heat at night and a/c during the day.

Girl, your doing great.....I'm with you....at least I am not gaining 10lbs this season. I did taste my sand tarts and they made me sick. I am glad I am losing my sweet tooth.

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I am going to have to do the 5 day pouch test after Xmas to get myself back off of sugar and carbs. So far my weight is staying down. I was a 55 lbs and then i went to 52 for a few days and now I am at now I am at 53 lbs. Of course everyone said I looked even skinnier since Halloween. That made me happy. Well I am glad to hear everyone is doing well so far. hope you are all enjoying this Holiday season and will talk later tonight. Beckyo:thumbup:

That 5 day pouch test is pretty useful in more ways than one, isn't it!

It is great how we lose our sweets cravings... had a couple of bites of sweet stuff at costco yesterday... their samplings, but just not the same as it used to be, so I passed up the rest of the sweet stuff. This is very weird, but my biggest problem at the moment is sometimes "snacking" on too many Papaya tablets at night! I usually need a few after dinner at night.. not that I've eaten too much, but even after only 3-4 oz of hard Protein.. ham last night, for instance, I feel like I need a couple of those Papayas. Then if they are within reach, they start "talking" to me just like in the old chocolate days!! True confessions of a Papaya enzyme junkie! So strange!

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