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:frown:i NEED anybody to be my buddy!! was banded 5/20 lost 54lbs so far but have recently been eating as before... not gained but DEFINATLY not losing... feel restriction but bad habits seem to be creeping up on me! HELP QUICK:sad::ohmy::sad:! HAD NOT EVEN POSTED OR VISITED THE SITE FOR OVER A MONTH...

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I need a buddy. I have had the lap band and one fill. I have lost a total of 29 pounds. Now I am really struggling with the amount of food and I am having pain under my right breast for a couple days. Not to mention it is Christmas time. I don't know if I should be hungry? Because I am!!! I own my own webdesign company so I can make my own time schedule. There are so many rules and I feel overwelmed and scared I am going to mess up. Any advice...

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JANET, I canceled my fill appt. I started thinking last night that I needed to work on my eating habits before I got more restriction. I would hate to go to all these Christmas functions and have to leave because I am stuck. So, I like the other girls that just posted need help through the holidays. I will be calling on you. This time of year I feel like an alcoholic only my problem is food......JUST ONE DAY AT A TIME SWEET JESUS! That is my mantra for the season.

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I think the good thing about being banded in December is you are not expected to be attending parties where all the treats are being served. And if you do go - you really are in a healing phase and you cannot go too crazy. Hard to find mushie treats, unless they are spread on a cracker and the cracker is a no-no.

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Good afternoon! Been busy busy here too. I have something every day til Christmas. Today was a Christmas brunch, lots of yummy looking food but hardly anything I could eat. Everything had bread in it in some way or another. I just can't do bread easily and didn't want to try in a social setting. I settled on a chicken salad sandwich and took off the bread. It was okay (I don't like the taste of mayo and it had mayo in it) so I came home hungry. Of course, planned on nothing for lunch since I was out so am struggling with some food issues at the moment, but this too shall pass. Tomorrow is my company party, sounds funny to say since I just started work there. Sat. night is a part for in outreach we are participating in our church, our small group adopted a family and are providing food, gifts, cash etc. for them as they are struggling. Sunday is Christmas dinner at my sisters. Monday will be my grocery shopping and cleaning day in preparation for 22 people at my house on Chrsitmas eve. Tues. is just a hair appt and finish my cleaning day. Whew!

As for learning better eating habits before a fill, isn't that what a fill and band are for? Personally unless I feel that restriction, I am going to eat too fast and too big of bites, that is what put me at 300+ lbs. Having the restriction is the only way I can imagine getting through the holidays and goodies. I don't want to 'white knuckle' it with will power alone through all the temptations. I feel my restriction loosening yet again and am in a panic wishing I had gotten a fill yesterday while I was volunteering. Oh and I found out fills are free for volunteers, they said it was the least they could do for us!! WOO HOO!!

I still have not received my prize money for my Biggest Loser win. And I heard somethings today that have me a little perplexed. A couple weeks ago she told me the prize was $700. The day I won she said over $500. Seems the problem is, someone in the money dept (not sure what they call it there) that they have asked for the funds for is telling them the prize can't be more than $599 w/o having to withhold taxes and doing a 1099 form. I say so what. Or can't they pay me cash? So now I am hearing the prize is going to be a $599 check. Weird. While I am grateful for the win and the prize, on the other hand, I am wondering where the extra $100 is going? Sure if they paid me $700 and had to withhold the taxes I'd get close to $599 anyway but are they just keeping it now? I guess the prize amount was never published in the first place and I never imagined it was going to be even $500 so am grateful, but the whole situation has me going HMMMMM??? Does that make sense?

I hit 91 today!! I was afraid to count all my loss from the weekend since I did take a Water pill before my weigh in, but it has all stuck except for one pound!! I decided I would take my Thurs morning weight as official! Come on 100!!!!

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Long -

Yes, the band and fill are to help with better eating habits, but only if you change them! As you know there are ways to eat around the band (sliders) and I may be doing that sometimes. So, for the next couple of weeks I'll log everything, and try to only eat three meals, keep to 1200 calories and no exceptions! If during this time I feel hungry and no restriction then I'll get another fill. I think that's a reasonable compromise for right now.


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:frown:i NEED anybody to be my buddy!! was banded 5/20 lost 54lbs so far but have recently been eating as before... not gained but DEFINATLY not losing... feel restriction but bad habits seem to be creeping up on me! HELP QUICK:sad::cursing::sad:! HAD NOT EVEN POSTED OR VISITED THE SITE FOR OVER A MONTH...

Welcome Jacobsmommy !!! We are here for you...

Ok you say you have restriction so that's not the issue the issue sounds like it's about your food choices & are you exercising??

#1 this isn't a diet - so don't think of it that way - think of this as your new lifetime lifestyle change in eating healthy that's it - you eat healthy 98% of the time and allow treats 2% of the time and exercise.

I need a buddy. I have had the lap band and one fill. I have lost a total of 29 pounds. Now I am really struggling with the amount of food and I am having pain under my right breast for a couple days. Not to mention it is Christmas time. I don't know if I should be hungry? Because I am!!! I own my own webdesign company so I can make my own time schedule. There are so many rules and I feel overwelmed and scared I am going to mess up. Any advice...

Angela - Welcome - When were you banded ?? Are you on normal food yet - Being hungry well ya you are suppose to be - that's normal - skinny pple get hungry too :huh2::lol:

There really aren't that many rules - Well my doc's rules and everyone's is diff - but basic rules - low fat - limited sugars & carb - exercise 60 grms of pt a day - eat Protein 1st then veggies then carbs - 2 healthy Snacks a day. Eat slowly, tiny bites, chew - no drinking 30 min before or after meal..

Ok for both of you...

Again this isn't a diet - don't look at it as one. Our bands are only a tool to help us lose the weight - it doesn't make our food choices (as you both most likely know you can eat around your band with slider foods ie ice cream candy Cookies chips) and it doesn't exercise for us...

What are you each eating - I am attaching a sample menu.

Are you guys exercising - IMHO it is very important to get in some physical activity - to lose weight it's all about calories in vs cal out...

In my weight lost phase I ate between 800-1200 calories a day - zig zaggin them and I exercised min 4 days a week..

I replaced sugar foods with sf foods - at night - my hungry time - I would have a sf fudgecicle (healthy choice 80 calories) or a couple sf dark choc pudding - or sf yogurt

I bake my fish - I no longer fry stuff - I also use the I can't beleive it's not butter spray on my foods... I still eat some carbs - usually a 1/2 c rice for dinner every night. I have cut my fat intake & sugar intake.

I still go out to eat - instead of eating a taco - enchillada rice and Beans - I eat 1/2 taco - a bite or 2 of bean - and a bite or 2 of enchillada - I am full.

I also didn't and still don't keep stuff in the house that calls my name... Advoidance is key - food is our drug of choice - would a drug addict keep drugs on the counter or in the cupboard if they were trying to quit.. Nope - so we shouldn't keep foods in the house that we can't say no to.

If your DH or Kids just have to have them - then have them keep them in their rooms out of your sight...

Also - I keep a food diary for the 1st year - I weighted & measured my food for about the first 3-4 months until I learned what a serving size really looked like and knew how many calories where in what I was eating

You don't have to do this forever - just use them as learning tools - as fat chick's we think that a pint of ice cream is a serving size - when it's really 1/2 c..

Both Apple & I are at goal - Long - Charlene - Phyl - Beckyo & Ellen are doing great - and JoannMarie was just banded 12/4. So even though I am the mentor on this thread - we have a great group of women who - will also give you their take on how to be successful -

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It has been 37 days since surgery. I got my first bandfill of 3c on Dec 11. Thank you for the sample menu. They want me to eat 4 oz. I don't have kids. I do have a husband that can eat and does eat everything but the kitchen sink. I am on full food. I really don't have any food intolerances. I am just never satisfied or full.

I am going to start excercises after Christmas. I have been on vacation and did not gain weight. I have also been sick. I like your menu better than my doctors. Thanks!

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Long -

Yes, the band and fill are to help with better eating habits, but only if you change them! As you know there are ways to eat around the band (sliders) and I may be doing that sometimes. So, for the next couple of weeks I'll log everything, and try to only eat three meals, keep to 1200 calories and no exceptions! If during this time I feel hungry and no restriction then I'll get another fill. I think that's a reasonable compromise for right now.


That's what I'm talking about! Everyone's system is different. When Orea was talking about the "first bite syndrome" I had a "Ah Ha" moment and realized that is why I have been pbing so much. The last restriction does not allow me to eat Protein fast. I get stuck. So, I am working on it. I don't have an appt till Jan 19th for a fill, but she said if anyone cancels I can get in early. I really think I am close to the "sweet spot". Maybe one or two more fills. With all the drama .....my daughter's surgery.....my mother's congestive heart failure... I have not journaled since Dec 2nd. There lies another problem. I too am going to journal and be strict on myself.

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JANET, I canceled my fill appt. I started thinking last night that I needed to work on my eating habits before I got more restriction. I would hate to go to all these Christmas functions and have to leave because I am stuck. So, I like the other girls that just posted need help through the holidays. I will be calling on you. This time of year I feel like an alcoholic only my problem is food......JUST ONE DAY AT A TIME SWEET JESUS! That is my mantra for the season.

Charlene - I agree 100% - I wish I could find that post in our Lucky #7 thread where we talked about fills - about being physiologically addicting ... Cuz that's we all read about - band and fills - heck I have had 3 with most of the 3rd one removed. We want our band to make us not eat... Well be too tight for a week - and you will never want that again.

Yes if you are eating soft - slider foods you are going to be able to consume more food - if you are eating 1 cup of food per meal - and a couple of healthy Snacks - then I think you are at your sweet spot.,

I don't find that my band keeps my hunger at bay - Yes after a meal of hard Protein I am physically full - but mentality I am still hungry and I would swear to you today that manifests it's self into what I perceive as real true hunger - not just head hunger - but it is only head hunger but I feel it physically - I hope you understand what I am trying to say...

Being super tight isn't going to take away the urge to eat those sweets and heck half those sweets are sliders anyways - so you can still eat them..

My newest trick - is to take one bite of a candy and then throw the rest away - there was a lindaroa choc in my stocking at work - I have never had one - so I opened it took 1 bite and threw the rest away...

I think the good thing about being banded in December is you are not expected to be attending parties where all the treats are being served. And if you do go - you really are in a healing phase and you cannot go too crazy. Hard to find mushie treats, unless they are spread on a cracker and the cracker is a no-no.

Joann - That's a very good way to look at it...

Good afternoon! Been busy busy here too. I have something every day til Christmas.

As for learning better eating habits before a fill, isn't that what a fill and band are for? Personally unless I feel that restriction, I am going to eat too fast and too big of bites, that is what put me at 300+ lbs. Having the restriction is the only way I can imagine getting through the holidays and goodies. I don't want to 'white knuckle' it with will power alone through all the temptations. I feel my restriction loosening yet again and am in a panic wishing I had gotten a fill yesterday

I hit 91 today!! I was afraid to count all my loss from the weekend since I did take a Water pill before my weigh in, but it has all stuck except for one pound!! I decided I would take my Thurs morning weight as official! Come on 100!!!!

Lori -Congrats on your 91 lbs - Fantastic

I feel that my band helps me with my Portion Control but that's it - I feel that I have to learn new eating habits - healthy - chew - eat slowly etc - The band doesn't stop me from taking big bites or not chewing - it just makes me bp (which isn't good for the band) or get full on 3 bites of hard Protein - well those 3 bites aren't going to be enough nutrition to keep my body functioning

As to the white knuckle will power - candy - cookie and such are no problem for me to eat and I am at my sweet spot - So I do have to use will power not to eat them- and some times it is white knuckle will power - I just remove myself from where they are..

I could eat have had eaten 6cookies or candies between Breakfast & lunch and then another 6 after lunch and then some more tonight - would I lose weight if I ate around my band.. Nope - would I gain yes..

So IMHO we do have to use will power - change our eating habits even with proper restriction and knowing when we are at our sweet spot can be tough too - I thought I needed a fill last January - well he took all that fill out except .01 so that was just a tweak and most likely helped me more mentally than physically..

We didn't get fat from eating too fast or taking big bites - we got fat cuz we ate high fat - high sugar foods and way to much of it and didn't exercise.

I really think what Charlene was saying is that she - thinks that she has restriction and wants to review what she is eating food wise. It's not the fills that make you lose weight it's the amount of calories that you are consuming - if you are eating those slider foods even if you have good restriction you aren't going to lose the weight...

So 3c is not enough I need to go back for another one?

Angela - I have never understood why pple concern themselves with the # of cc's in their bands - It's diff for each on of us - I could be at my sweet spot at 2 and it take you to 5 to get to yours and we each have the same band - so the number of cc's really doesn't matter - cuz that is a changing # anyway.

Oh does anyone else have a issue with pain under the right breast????

How long have you been banded - does it feel like gas - call your doc - we can't diagnose you over the Internet :huh2: he he as we aren't licensed dr's :0)

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It has been 37 days since surgery. I got my first bandfill of 3c on Dec 11. Thank you for the sample menu. They want me to eat 4 oz. I don't have kids. I do have a husband that can eat and does eat everything but the kitchen sink. I am on full food. I really don't have any food intolerances. I am just never satisfied or full.

I am going to start excercises after Christmas. I have been on vacation and did not gain weight. I have also been sick. I like your menu better than my doctors. Thanks!


I am almost 1 1/2 yrs out - and do you know what - I still fight to this very day - infact this very second not to continue to eat once I am physically full - I am not hungry right now - but I have the urge to want to eat - the band doesnt stop that at least it doesnt for me. They banded our tummies and not our heads and imho that's where the real problems lies.

Also you have only had one fill - and it usually takes more than one - When do you go back for your second fill..

Ok since you have been sick - I will let you slide on the exercise :cursing:- but rememeber your tomorrow is today - truly you can't put off exercising for tomorrow - you gotta do it now - just like if you screw up and eat 3 candy bars - you can't say oh well - I "F'd" up today so I will continue to eat them today and get back on track tomorrow - Nope - once you have realized your slip - stop drop and roll - yank those boot straps and get back on the band wagon immediately...

That's what I'm talking about! Everyone's system is different. When Orea was talking about the "first bite syndrome" I had a "Ah Ha" moment and realized that is why I have been pbing so much. The last restriction does not allow me to eat Protein fast. I get stuck. So, I am working on it. I don't have an appt till Jan 19th for a fill, but she said if anyone cancels I can get in early. I really think I am close to the "sweet spot". Maybe one or two more fills. With all the drama .....my daughter's surgery.....my mother's congestive heart failure... I have not journaled since Dec 2nd. There lies another problem. I too am going to journal and be strict on myself.

Charlene - For what it's worth - I agree with you 100% if you are gettng stuck - then you have restriction - if you follow the rules (eating slowly & chewing) how much can you eat per meal..

Yes with all your stress - I would assume that you have had some days where you haven't made good food choices and ate stuff that was easy to eat rather than healthy :huh2:

But overall you are doing great - can't remenber your exact ticker #'s - but isn't in like 52 lbs gone since July - Be proud of yourself for those lost pounds and very proud of yourself for doing the mental work that goes along with being a successfull bander...

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Thanks, Janet. I get down on myself sometimes. I see all the tickers of other banders and I feel defeated. I know I have alot of "head work" to do. You know my father was an alcoholic.....now I understand how hard overcoming an eating addiction can be. I believe I have that addiction gene. I guess admitting it is the beginning of this new journey.

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Long -

Yes, the band and fill are to help with better eating habits, but only if you change them! As you know there are ways to eat around the band (sliders) and I may be doing that sometimes. So, for the next couple of weeks I'll log everything, and try to only eat three meals, keep to 1200 calories and no exceptions! If during this time I feel hungry and no restriction then I'll get another fill. I think that's a reasonable compromise for right now.


Charlene - I agree 100% - I wish I could find that post in our Lucky #7 thread where we talked about fills - about being physiologically addicting ... Cuz that's we all read about - band and fills - heck I have had 3 with most of the 3rd one removed. We want our band to make us not eat... Well be too tight for a week - and you will never want that again.

Yes if you are eating soft - slider foods you are going to be able to consume more food - if you are eating 1 cup of food per meal - and a couple of healthy Snacks - then I think you are at your sweet spot.,

I don't find that my band keeps my hunger at bay - Yes after a meal of hard Protein I am physically full - but mentality I am still hungry and I would swear to you today that manifests it's self into what I perceive as real true hunger - not just head hunger - but it is only head hunger but I feel it physically - I hope you understand what I am trying to say...

Being super tight isn't going to take away the urge to eat those sweets and heck half those sweets are sliders anyways - so you can still eat them..

Lori -Congrats on your 91 lbs - Fantastic

I feel that my band helps me with my Portion Control but that's it - I feel that I have to learn new eating habits - healthy - chew - eat slowly etc - The band doesn't stop me from taking big bites or not chewing - it just makes me bp (which isn't good for the band) or get full on 3 bites of hard Protein - well those 3 bites aren't going to be enough nutrition to keep my body functioning

As to the white knuckle will power - candy - cookie and such are no problem for me to eat and I am at my sweet spot - So I do have to use will power not to eat them- and some times it is white knuckle will power - I just remove myself from where they are..

I could eat have had eaten 6cookies or candies between Breakfast & lunch and then another 6 after lunch and then some more tonight - would I lose weight if I ate around my band.. Nope - would I gain yes..

So IMHO we do have to use will power - change our eating habits even with proper restriction and knowing when we are at our sweet spot can be tough too - I thought I needed a fill last January - well he took all that fill out except .01 so that was just a tweak and most likely helped me more mentally than physically..

We didn't get fat from eating too fast or taking big bites - we got fat cuz we ate high fat - high sugar foods and way to much of it and didn't exercise.

I really think what Charlene was saying is that she - thinks that she has restriction and wants to review what she is eating food wise. It's not the fills that make you lose weight it's the amount of calories that you are consuming - if you are eating those slider foods even if you have good restriction you aren't going to lose the weight...

Angela - I have never understood why pple concern themselves with the # of cc's in their bands - It's diff for each on of us - I could be at my sweet spot at 2 and it take you to 5 to get to yours and we each have the same band - so the number of cc's really doesn't matter - cuz that is a changing # anyway.

How long have you been banded - does it feel like gas - call your doc - we can't diagnose you over the Internet :huh2: he he as we aren't licensed dr's :0)

Okay, I get what you guys are saying now. I was reading it as though you needed to do well on your 'diet' and eat like you had restriction even if you didn't. Not sure I am making sense, but I see what you are saying about eating around the band etc. I've read so often on these boards about folks getting such tight restriction that they can't eat protein, eat lots of 'slider' and soft foods and then complain they aren't losing because they have super restriction. When in fact if they had less restriction and ate like a bander should, they'd probably be doing a whole lot better. It's not about how tight you are but about how satisfied you are on the right foods.

Angela, 3cc may or may not be enough for you. Only you and your dr. will know. While 3cc's might be enough for one person to be at their 'sweet spot' it may be too much for another and not enough for another. We are all so different. Janet is right about not being so concerned with the # of cc's in our bands. Janet and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to fills. I think she has had only 2 or 3 and is at goal and over a year out from surgery, while I am only 6 mos out from surgery and have had 6 fills plus one prefill during surgery. My dr. even has a patient or two that have reached goal with great restriction and no fills, while I have 11 cc's in my band it's a 14cc band.

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