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I just joined this site yesterday and I love it. I meet with my Doctor today and my banding is somewhere around 7 to 8 weeks out. Today on the scale I hit 320, I was told that I would only lose 50 to 60% of my weight with the lap band. That would take me only down to 200 lbs or so. Please tell me this isn't true! My goal is 140, i'M 5'6.

Kay, what they are quoting you are averages and I believe those are even a few years old. If you are a faithful bander and follow the rules, exercise, etc. you can be much more successful, there's several here on this message board. I am 5 mos out and have already lost 55% of my excess body weight or something like that. My surgeon figured it out on my visit on Tues. and said I had already beat the '1 yr average' by 3%. the band is a tool that you need to use the way it's meant to be used. It won't do the work for you. If you do the work, you can be successful. Our very own Janet here reached her goal weight and lost over 100 lbs in less than a year. Congrats to you and good luck!

Beachlover, your sweet spot is when you get the perfect amount of restriction, not too much and not too little. It takes a few fills generally to get there, some more and some less. I think it took Janet 2 it has taken me 5 (plus I had a prefill in surgery).

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Good morning!! And a glorius morning it is despite the fog outside (very unusual for here), because......

I hit 85 this morning!!! WOO HOO!!

A half a pound more and I'll be out of the 220's even. I just realized something yesterday when I had to get my driver's license out for ID. I weigh less than it says I do. That's never happened in the past.

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Lori, you'd better plan to get that drivers license renewed early - or claim to have lost it! You sure don't want that weight on there when you are at goal - no one will believe it's really you!


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That's a good idea! I'll 'lose' it when I get to goal. Funny when I put the weight on there it was about 60 or 70 less than I weighed at the time. :) It's fairly new since we've only been back in CO for 2 yrs so won't be up for renewal for awhile.

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Interesting - there are so many things associated with major weight loss we don't consider. Drivers license picture - I would not have thought of that till I pulled it out for ID. Imagine the problem you might have at the airport... Passport picture and DL both show you 100 pounds heavier. Something to think about before I approach the counter at KCI in April as we leave for Korea - and maybe even worse when I try to come home! However, by April I will not have lost enough weight to raise a major question. It will still look like me, just a little bit better! teehee.

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Good morning all! I am posting here because I can't scream and dance at work.

:drool::biggrin::biggrin:I JUST GOT MY APPROVAL!!!!!:w00t::biggrin::tt1:

The call came about half an hour ago. I've been approved and my surgery is scheduled for December 16th!

I have been hoping and praying for weeks for this day. Because of my job, I am pretty restricted by the amount of time I can take off (family business, understaffed, been here forever, small office...you get the drift). December 16th was THE most workable date my surgeon had on the books, as it would allow me to take time off during the relatively slow period before Christmas. I'll be able to wrap work up on the day before surgery and then take off the next 13 days if I need them. I didn't even take that much time off when I gave birth!

The most amazing part is that spots were being filled up so quickly with my surgeon's office (he only does surgery on Tues/Thurs). He has 9 other patients awaiting approval and it was really going to be a longshot that I was able to be approved in time to get the 16th. I made the decision to turn it over to God and let him guide the process. My prayers have been answered! I couldn't be happier.

Thank you all for the inspiration and wisdom you have shared. I look forward to turning to you for advice and sharing my experience with everyone as well!

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Well, it has been 20 days since my surgery and I have lost a total of 22 lbs. However, I do think my clothes are getting a little looser. I get to start for the next four weeks any food besides red meat, pork, bread, fibrous vegetables. Still no carbonated beverages, alcohol, sipping thru a straw. I fixed baked chicken tonight, stir fry vegetables (soft) and mashed potatoes for supper. I am keeping my calories under 1000, usually under 800. I have been walking on my treadmill for 35 minutes at 2.5 mph. I will weigh again on Saturday and hoping for more weight lost. I do not get my first fill until December 9th. What is the sweet spot that everyone mentions?

CONGRATS ON YOUR 22 LBS :w00t: But I want you to remember that the weight loss will slow some so don't get discouraged ok - you didn't get fat overnight and it's not going to come off overnight - i know that we expect it to - but it doesn't work that way :tt1:

I like your calorie - but also want you to vary them each day and every couple of weeks increase your speed and time on the treadmill.. I did this and I never hit a plateau - maybe I was just lucky - I don't know but that what I did.. Just my 2 cents :drool:

I just joined this site yesterday and I love it. I meet with my Doctor today and my banding is somewhere around 7 to 8 weeks out. Today on the scale I hit 320, I was told that I would only lose 50 to 60% of my weight with the lap band. That would take me only down to 200 lbs or so. Please tell me this isn't true! My goal is 140, i'M 5'6.

Kay Hi and Welcome - I lost 100% of my excess weight in 1 yrs time I started at 250 I was 52 yrs old - 5'4- was banded 7/17/07 and after one year 1 week - my scales read 150... I am now between 138-140 and very happy - feel 10 yrs younger and have tons more energy.

You can lose however much you want to - it's up to you not the band.. The band is only a tool to restrict your portions - you choose what you eat and how much exercise you do - it's all about calories in vs calories out..

This is a lifetime lifestyle change in your eating - the band makes the hard job of lossing weight a little easier but the work will be up to you..

Kay, I have been told the same thing, but the psychologist with my group told me I can lose 100% of the weight I want to lose - if I am committed, and if I am patient. I told him I wanted to lose this 100% (a little over 100 lbs.) in 2 years. He said I can do that. Then I came to LBTalk and met IndioGirl who lost 100% of her excess weight within a year. Then there was Apples2, and AthinnerDenise who met their goals within a year. And there is Skittles, who is my age. These people who tell you that are talking about averages - you know what that means. Some are higher and some are lower... I am going to be higher. How 'bout you???? I thought so.[/quote]

Love it Joannmaire - Well said as usual !!!

Good morning!! And a glorius morning it is despite the fog outside (very unusual for here), because......

I hit 85 this morning!!! WOO HOO!!

A half a pound more and I'll be out of the 220's even. I just realized something yesterday when I had to get my driver's license out for ID. I weigh less than it says I do. That's never happened in the past.


Interesting - there are so many things associated with major weight loss we don't consider. Drivers license picture - I would not have thought of that till I pulled it out for ID. Imagine the problem you might have at the airport... Passport picture and DL both show you 100 pounds heavier. Something to think about before I approach the counter at KCI in April as we leave for Korea - and maybe even worse when I try to come home! However, by April I will not have lost enough weight to raise a major question. It will still look like me, just a little bit better! teehee.

My drivers license said 130 when I when I weight 250 - heck I am not 130 now - but close - so I finally caught up to my dr - and my pic is from 95 almost 14 yrs old - so I had a diff hair style and look way younger - for the last 14 yrs renewed by mail...

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Good morning all! I am posting here because I can't scream and dance at work.

:drool::biggrin::biggrin:I JUST GOT MY APPROVAL!!!!!:w00t::biggrin::tt1:

The call came about half an hour ago. I've been approved and my surgery is scheduled for December 16th!

I have been hoping and praying for weeks for this day. Because of my job, I am pretty restricted by the amount of time I can take off (family business, understaffed, been here forever, small office...you get the drift). December 16th was THE most workable date my surgeon had on the books, as it would allow me to take time off during the relatively slow period before Christmas. I'll be able to wrap work up on the day before surgery and then take off the next 13 days if I need them. I didn't even take that much time off when I gave birth!

The most amazing part is that spots were being filled up so quickly with my surgeon's office (he only does surgery on Tues/Thurs). He has 9 other patients awaiting approval and it was really going to be a longshot that I was able to be approved in time to get the 16th. I made the decision to turn it over to God and let him guide the process. My prayers have been answered! I couldn't be happier.

Thank you all for the inspiration and wisdom you have shared. I look forward to turning to you for advice and sharing my experience with everyone as well!


I know how happy you are right this moment - I remember it well - I wanted to yell it from the roof tops !!!!

I had surgery on Tuesday - was back at work on Monday (day 6) I have a desk job

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Relapse prevention: everyone

  • Nourish yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Accept that everyone has needs, legitimate needs, and you don't need to be ashamed of yours. Learn how to meet your needs in healthy, responsible ways. If you make yourself feel needy, you will be tempted to look for comfort in diet books or the refrigerator. Especially make sure that every day you spend time with friends. In person is best, but phone calls and e-mail are better than nothing.

  • Also every day spend time doing things you are good at, things you can take pride in, things that demonstrate your competency and abilities. Allow yourself to enjoy your accomplishments and refuse to listen to the nagging inner voice that insists you could do better if only you tried harder.

  • Schedule something to look forward to every day, something that's fun and pleasurable. Watch comedy videos and laugh out loud at outrageous jokes. Play something -- a board game, a computer game, a musical instrument, tapes or CDs. Go outside and enjoy the birds, trees, flowers, and fresh air. If you live in the middle of a big city, go to a park. Make something with your own hands. Figure out how to give yourself a fun break from the daily routine, and then do it.

  • Keep tabs on your feelings. Several times during the day, especially in the first stages of recovery, take time out and ask yourself how you feel. If you notice rising stress, anger, anxiety, fear, sadness -- and even strong joy -- be alert to the possibility that you may try to dull these strong emotions by turning to, or away from, food. Find a better way of dealing with your feelings such as talking them over with a trusted friend.

  • Do something meaningful every day, something that gives you a sense of having made the world a better place, if only in some small way. If you do this consistently, you will build a sense of your dignity, value and ability to make a difference in your world.

  • The 12-step folks have a useful formula. When they feel on the verge of falling into old behaviors, they say HALT! Then they ask, "Am I too Hungry, too Angry, too Lonely, or too Tired?" All of those states are strong binge triggers. Additional triggers for people with eating disorders seem to be Boredom and Unstructured time. If you find yourself stressed by any of these feelings, figure out a healthier and more effective way of dealing with them than binge eating or starving.

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Woo Hoo!! Lucky!! Congrats!! You got your Christmas gift early!

Thank you...thank you...thank you! It truly is a wonderful Christmas gift! And how wonderful to start off the new year with the same resolution as usual...but with an incredible tool to aid in actually being successful this time!

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Congrats, Lucky!!

I just joined this site yesterday and I love it. I meet with my Doctor today and my banding is somewhere around 7 to 8 weeks out. Today on the scale I hit 320, I was told that I would only lose 50 to 60% of my weight with the lap band. That would take me only down to 200 lbs or so. Please tell me this isn't true! My goal is 140, i'M 5'6.

Most doctors quote this...I guess that's what the stats say, but we're proving them wrong here every day!!

Good morning!! And a glorius morning it is despite the fog outside (very unusual for here), because......

I hit 85 this morning!!! WOO HOO!!

A half a pound more and I'll be out of the 220's even. I just realized something yesterday when I had to get my driver's license out for ID. I weigh less than it says I do. That's never happened in the past.


I'm right behind you... slipped in to the 220's yesterday and it felt oh so good! I had to get on the scale twice because I could not believe my eyes!! My driver's license wrong in the right direction now, too! I can hardly stand to look at the picture!

Interesting - there are so many things associated with major weight loss we don't consider. Drivers license picture - I would not have thought of that till I pulled it out for ID. Imagine the problem you might have at the airport... Passport picture and DL both show you 100 pounds heavier. Something to think about before I approach the counter at KCI in April as we leave for Korea - and maybe even worse when I try to come home! However, by April I will not have lost enough weight to raise a major question. It will still look like me, just a little bit better! teehee.

Yeah, had this discussion with a cashier at RiteAid a couple of months ago. We laughed over it. She wanted to see photo ID. First I pulled out my Costco/Amex card... she said picture was really hard to see. So I laughed and pulled out my driver's license and said, "how about this??? does this look like me?" Then we held up some other shoppers because she wanted to know my story!

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I need some advice. I don't want to make a stupid decision.

I told you about what I found out about the Dr. and place I was going to get my lapband surgery done. (Top Surgeons) The Doc wasn't board certified, had less than 20 surgeries, the ownders had their licenses revoked and suspended... remember. Well, I found out that Dr. Billy is amazing... but my insurance will only cover 70%. That means I am stuck paying $8000 out of pocket, and they want half of that before I can have surgery! Top Surgeons was only going to charge me a copay of $250 and was satisfied with the 70%.

So, basically, I can't have the surgery unless I get it from Top surgeons. By coincidence (I really don't think it was a coincidence) 1 minute after I found out the devestating financial news about Dr. Billy... Dr. Samari from TopSurgeons (the one who was suppossed to do my surgery in the first place) called me personally and asked me if I was uncomfortable and was willing to answer my questions.

So I asked him if he was board certified... he said no, but was in the process of becoming board certified.

I asked him how many lap band surgeries he had done. He said over 100 in the past month and more since July when he completed his lap band training.

I asked him what complications to expect and how many of his patients came back with complications. He said that less than 1% of his patients have come back and it was for band slippage and he blamed poor diet for that.

So he made me feel a lot more comfortable and I want to know from you...

AM I CRAZY FOR RECONSIDERING? I thought that since it's orthoscopic surgery, and he does have experience and I can afford the surger only here... that it may be worth the risk. It's not brain surgery.

I am also looking to find out how his other patients are doing after having surgery by him.

You would know if this is "major surgery" and worth these kind of risks.

Your opinion would be appreciated.



aka Erica

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I need some advice. I don't want to make a stupid decision.

I told you about what I found out about the Dr. and place I was going to get my lapband surgery done. (Top Surgeons) The Doc wasn't board certified, had less than 20 surgeries, the ownders had their licenses revoked and suspended... remember. Well, I found out that Dr. Billy is amazing... but my insurance will only cover 70%. That means I am stuck paying $8000 out of pocket, and they want half of that before I can have surgery! Top Surgeons was only going to charge me a copay of $250 and was satisfied with the 70%.

So, basically, I can't have the surgery unless I get it from Top surgeons. By coincidence (I really don't think it was a coincidence) 1 minute after I found out the devestating financial news about Dr. Billy... Dr. Samari from TopSurgeons (the one who was suppossed to do my surgery in the first place) called me personally and asked me if I was uncomfortable and was willing to answer my questions.

So I asked him if he was board certified... he said no, but was in the process of becoming board certified.

I asked him how many lap band surgeries he had done. He said over 100 in the past month and more since July when he completed his lap band training.

I asked him what complications to expect and how many of his patients came back with complications. He said that less than 1% of his patients have come back and it was for band slippage and he blamed poor diet for that.

So he made me feel a lot more comfortable and I want to know from you...

AM I CRAZY FOR RECONSIDERING? I thought that since it's orthoscopic surgery, and he does have experience and I can afford the surger only here... that it may be worth the risk. It's not brain surgery.

I am also looking to find out how his other patients are doing after having surgery by him.

You would know if this is "major surgery" and worth these kind of risks.

Your opinion would be appreciated.



aka Erica


Now this is just my thoughts - I am far from being a medical expert ok - This is just me a plan old person who graudated from Amistad :drool: Since you are from Indio - you may know the high school. So I don't want you to take my words as gospel here ok..

It's important that he has done the surgery before which he has and that he know's how to place the band and stich it to your stomach - .. You are comfortable with him. You do have to take into consideration the $$ - Look at all the pple who go to Mexico - I don't think these doc's are board certified -

I can't tell you if my Doc was/is board certified (but I think he is)- I didn't even check that part - I ck'd to see if he had any malpratic suits but didn't find any.. I know he is on my Blue Cross Plan but I didn't even ask how many lapbands he had done (he was primarly a bypass doc) - I figured if he knew how to do those he could do my band - he was covered under my insurance. That's what I cared about

and I was very comfortable with him...

I would be concerned about doctors getting their licenses revoked. The slippage issue can be because the pple didn't follow the diet and it could be cuz the band wasn't properly placed...

This is a very hard one - This doc hasn't had any problems with his license has he??? Can't you find another doc within your insurance plan?? Sound like Dr Billy is out of network for you and that's why your insurance will only pay 70%

I don't think you are crazy at all - but I wouldn't rush into anything - I would do some more research on this Dr S and see if you can talk to his patients -

Most of the doc's now adays are on the lapband wagon for the insurance $$$ - What kind of care do they provide - just surgery - how about nutrition etc..

This is tough - Ladies what do you all think...

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Erica, I think Indio is right about the out-of-network situation. I think you need to do a little more research on surgeons in your area who might be in your network. Your ins company should have lists of surgeons in their network. There are a pot full of WLSurgeons in the Kansas City area - must also be the case for your area. It will give you a starting place.

I would be likely to feel okay with the surgeon you talked with based on the info he shared with you about the certification process and numbers of surgeries he has performed. Part of the certification process includes numbers of surgeries performed. I am a little more nervous about the owners whose licenses were revoked. If they handle the purse strings for this group, what kind of corners might they be cutting? WHY were their licenses revoked? Is there a state agency where you can ask that question and maybe get a little more information?

Just my 2 cents... Good luck in this search.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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