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It was so much fun. I set up a classroom for the preop nutrition class and greeted those folks as they arrived and gave them their notebooks... I really enjoyed it and think I will do that at least once a week now while I am not working.

Lori, did you ever think that in having this surgery, not only did you find "yourself," but you found your "calling?" WOW!!!! Congratulations. They are so lucky to have you.



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HI All,

Getting to the board was h-a-r-d today. My old bookmark didn't work and somehow it was really difficult finding this site. Hope it gets easier.

I started keeping my food journal again today. I'm a bit tired of being in the same place, so I need to be more vigilant. Had to postpone my fill, because of my father's illness, but they took pity of me and gave me an appointment in two weeks. I think if they hadn't been helpful after I told them my father had a TIA, I would have gone down there and picketed.

So far today has been filled with giving my mother a shower, making them Breakfast, making doctors' appointments for my family and catching up on paper work. It's amazing how quickly life goes back to normal after a vacation. BUT somehow I am going to fit in some exercise today. I don't know how or when, but I will.

Janet, how do you get up at that hour? It sounds like you are really enjoying your days. Nice.

Talk to you all later.



Ellen - Hugs gosh taking care of your parents is so hard.. Good on keeping that food journal - I HIGHLY suggest it - I did it for the my first year.

I am suppose to be to work by 7:30 - and I don't like to hop out of bed and straight into the shower - my xdh got me use to having coffee first - so now I get up (a little earlier than usual use to be 5 til this time change) have my coffee and feed the animal (you all know I have a new kitten too... I don't remember if I told you all - but GS came home with is like the day after my bro's passing and I just let it slide - he knows how to work me) and then get in the shower..

I love the time change cuz I am in bed by 9 - 9:30 every night so by 4:30 I have had my sleep..

Wow - new site looks good, although it threw me for a second. Janet - 4:30am!! OMG, I sleep till the last possible minute then jump out of bed. Heading off on another business trip to Orlando for 5 days. Not looking forward to it as Orlando is not one of my favorite places.

I'll check in when I get back.

- Kathy

I use to sleep but no more - heck the doggie wake me up to go potty too - they don't know what a clock is...

I had trouble getting here today too,just because it signed me out and I had to sign back in and couldn't remember my password. But I got it eventually.

At my support group last night our leader was the nurse practioner for the bariatric program at my hospital. I was going to be starting to volunteer there and got word my background check was in so I talked to her and went in today. It was so much fun. I set up a classroom for the preop nutrition class and greeted those folks as they arrived and gave them their notebooks. I did some copying, delivered those to the surgeon's office and visited folks in the hospital recovering from bariatric surgery. I really enjoyed it and think I will do that at least once a week now while I am not working.

Congratulations !!!! I bet that would be fun...

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happy hump day to all

thanks for all the encouragement from indigogirl...and i like the direction you gave us...i hope to get my direction back and get myself in a healthier way of thinking. i am however going the 11th for a teeny fill and see what happens. and i am eating the smart ones and doing great on them. does anyone have the point system that weight watchers uses. i was thinking i could follow that and with some guidelines it would help me eat healthier as well as help me to count things and keep logs of my diet. guess i need to do that. you make it sound easy when you follow that. my email is monicad323@yahoo.com if any one has any info or anything else to share with me that would be motivational or beneficial to getting this bander back on the wagon...

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happy hump day to all

thanks for all the encouragement from indigogirl...and i like the direction you gave us...i hope (REPLACE WITH I WILL) to get my direction back and get myself in a healthier way of thinking. i am however going the 11th for a teeny fill and see what happens. and i am eating the smart ones and doing great on them. does anyone have the point system that weight watchers uses. i was thinking i could follow that and with some guidelines it would help me eat healthier as well as help me to count things and keep logs of my diet. guess i need to do that. you make it sound easy when you follow that. my email is monicad323@yahoo.com if any one has any info or anything else to share with me that would be motivational or beneficial to getting this bander back on the wagon...

I am a WW girl - but I learned WW on the exchange system - I did the points once - but all I really remember is that I was to have 29 points a day - I think I weighted like 214 to have those many points - and you just budget them for each meal - and I know that all those frozen meals have points on them even the lean cuisine ones have what the points are.. You can join weight watchers on line - it's a very good tool - IMHO WW is the healthiest way to eat..

They also want you to keep a food diary - it has been proven that keeping a food diary will be beneficial in losing your weight.. Scientific fact !!!

Take the words hope and try out of your vocabulary and replace them with I WILL.... Positive affirmations !!!

If you think you can't you won't but it you think you can you will...

Also I think the smart ones & lean cuisines are great for an occasional lunches and dinners. But remember this isn't a diet - are you going to eat these meals forever. You need to learn how to prepare healthy meals and know what portions sizes are really about..

When I 1st started my journey - I bought a scale and weighed and measured all my foods to learn what a real portion size was all about - now after doing that for almost 1 year - i am very good at eyeballing my servings and knowing the calories in my meals I will still pull out the scale when measuring Pasta..

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Lori, sounds like the perfect job for a successful lapbander like you! You are an inspiration!
Lori, did you ever think that in having this surgery, not only did you find "yourself," but you found your "calling?" WOW!!!! Congratulations. They are so lucky to have you.



Thanks gals!!!

I had the most amazing morning. Yesterday when I was at the hospital volunteering, myself and the other volunteer were given the opportunity to come this morning and observe a lapband surgery in the OR. OMG it was fascinating. The patient knew we were going to be there. I was so nervous this morning not knowing how I'd react. I got there early and met the other volunteer. Then we went to the womens locker room and changed into scrubs and awaited the call that they were ready. We put on hair thingies, booties over our shoes and masks and off we were. Now I know just what happened to me. And it didn't bother me at all seeing it. I missed my calling I should've been an OR nurse or something as I was fascinated.

This afternoon I got an injection in my knee. I have tried these injections (series of 3 each one week apart) before and they helped a tad. I am hoping now with the weight loss (79 today!!) they help even more. He said my knee was really swollen today so to take it easy the rest of the day and let the injection work it's stuff. So here I sit playing on the computer.

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Thanks gals!!!

I had the most amazing morning. Yesterday when I was at the hospital volunteering, myself and the other volunteer were given the opportunity to come this morning and observe a lapband surgery in the OR. OMG it was fascinating. The patient knew we were going to be there. I was so nervous this morning not knowing how I'd react. I got there early and met the other volunteer. Then we went to the womens locker room and changed into scrubs and awaited the call that they were ready. We put on hair thingies, booties over our shoes and masks and off we were. Now I know just what happened to me. And it didn't bother me at all seeing it. I missed my calling I should've been an OR nurse or something as I was fascinated.

This afternoon I got an injection in my knee. I have tried these injections (series of 3 each one week apart) before and they helped a tad. I am hoping now with the weight loss (79 today!!) they help even more. He said my knee was really swollen today so to take it easy the rest of the day and let the injection work it's stuff. So here I sit playing on the computer.


Congrats on you 79 lbs.... Wonderful job...

Isn't it funny now that we are older - we wish we had done so many other things with our lives espeically as far as our jobs go..

Heck - go back to school you can do it...

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today i wrote down everything i put in my mouth...funny thing is i only ate 395 calories today. i cant figure it out after eating that smart one at lunch i have felt so full all afternoon and tonight i am not hungry and i cannot eat...i absolutely feel so full still...and i have a horrible headache...i am trying to discipline myself and work with this the correct way. i got so used to trying to survive when i was too tight that i adapted to those bad habits or foods...and then with my unfill i still ate those foods but more of them and i have learned my lesson. my husband is afraid i will get that fill next week and be too tight again and "suffer" all over. i am gonna continue what i have done this week and pray for the right decision to get that fill or not. if anything i would just go from 3.9 to 4.2 of a 6 cc band and before that was way too tight. so driving 2 1/2 hours for just half of that hardly seems suffice at the moment huh? just need to use a little sense and save some money to. and yes i will make these changes. have a wonderful evening.

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Hi everyone tonight (Thurs). I have been walking every day and eating pretty well for the most part. I lost a couple this week so I was thrilled. I really can't believe it but I think this last .05cc fill started my process of restriction. I have a total of 2.2cc so far and go in next thurs to Dr. I hope to have another fill so I can get thru the holidays okay but not really having any problems so far. I haven't been starving this month like before. It is so much easier to eat properly when you are not starving. I keep on shopping also. I am going to get in trouble with dh soon if I don't behave tee hee!. I can now wear XL in tops and sweaters. It is very hard for my not to want to buy up one size just in case. I can't quit that. If I buy stuff now (Which i am doing, at least tops and sweaters) then buy next fall these things won't fit. I should wait till after xmas and hit the sales. Well thats all girls. I'm out for tonight. Keep up the good work:tongue2::thumbup::tongue2::smile2:


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today i wrote down everything i put in my mouth...funny thing is i only ate 395 calories today. i cant figure it out after eating that smart one at lunch i have felt so full all afternoon and tonight i am not hungry and i cannot eat...i absolutely feel so full still...and i have a horrible headache...i am trying to discipline myself and work with this the correct way. i got so used to trying to survive when i was too tight that i adapted to those bad habits or foods...and then with my unfill i still ate those foods but more of them and i have learned my lesson. my husband is afraid i will get that fill next week and be too tight again and "suffer" all over. i am gonna continue what i have done this week and pray for the right decision to get that fill or not. if anything i would just go from 3.9 to 4.2 of a 6 cc band and before that was way too tight. so driving 2 1/2 hours for just half of that hardly seems suffice at the moment huh? just need to use a little sense and save some money to. and yes i will make these changes. have a wonderful evening.


395 is not enough calories - your body is going to rebel and hold on to the weight - you really need to eat 3 meals a day and 2 healthy Snacks if needed...

Remember this isnt a diet - you have to eat to live (we no longer live to eat:lol:),,,

It really doesn't sound like you need a fill - if you are full on a smart one from lunch and not hungry for dinner. Why would you consider getting filled..

For me I have never concerned myself with how many cc's are in my band - All I have ever cared about is that it works.

Eat healthy - exercise and you will succeed...

Hi everyone tonight (Thurs). I have been walking every day and eating pretty well for the most part. I lost a couple this week so I was thrilled. I really can't believe it but I think this last .05cc fill started my process of restriction. I have a total of 2.2cc so far and go in next thurs to Dr. I hope to have another fill so I can get thru the holidays okay but not really having any problems so far. I haven't been starving this month like before. It is so much easier to eat properly when you are not starving. I keep on shopping also. I am going to get in trouble with dh soon if I don't behave tee hee!. I can now wear XL in tops and sweaters. It is very hard for my not to want to buy up one size just in case. I can't quit that. If I buy stuff now (Which i am doing, at least tops and sweaters) then buy next fall these things won't fit. I should wait till after xmas and hit the sales. Well thats all girls. I'm out for tonight. Keep up the good work:tongue2::thumbs_up::tongue2::frown:


Becky - Congrats on the Loss !!!!

Becareful Girl on your shopping I did the same thing... Each month a different size - But since I do work and have to semi dress - I had to - couldn't go around in a 18/20 when I was a 10 and then can't wear a 10 when I was a 6 :cool2:.

It's funny when I got to a 12 I thought that would be it - but just living my new lifestyle - got me to 4's - I would never have beleived this if you told me in July 07 that by 7/08 I would be in 6's and now 11/08 in 4's..

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I hit it today!!! 80 pounds lost! 5 mos and 2 days since my band!! I am so thrilled. I hadn't lost for over 2 weeks then lost 1 yesterday and another today. I do that though when I lose, I will lose nothing for 2 weeks then have a week of losses every day. It feels so good to say that number! Never would I have thought I'd lose that much. Heck, I thought I was going to be that statistic that lost nothing, then when I did lose something I thought well maybe this thing will work nad I'll lose 50 lbs. I am smaller than I have been in many many years. Twice in my life I lost 60 lbs. and both times I had bought that next size down for incentive for them to never fit. For some reason I have hung on to those 2 pair of slacks all these years. Funny thing is they now fit but look so funny and out of style. They have tapered legs and the big pleats in the waist and the waistband is so high. They look like clown pants, both pairs. My daughter (Miss Fashionista) said I shouldn't wear them, of course DH is seeing $$$ signs and says couldn't they do in a pinch til you need the next size down. So my daughter and I agreed they'd pass if I wore long shirts over the tops of them. I haven't worn dress slacks in a long time since I am not working I mostly wear jeans, but now that I am volunteering in the hospital need something to wear once or twice a week. AS great at 80 lbs lost is, I still need/want to lose 55 more. That gives me a normal BMI but we'll see as we get close, right now I just want a 1 in front of my weight and that is 25 1/2 more.

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I hit it today!!! 80 pounds lost! 5 mos and 2 days since my band!! AS great at 80 lbs lost is, I still need/want to lose 55 more. That gives me a normal BMI but we'll see as we get close, right now I just want a 1 in front of my weight and that is 25 1/2 more.

:Dancing_wub:CONGRATULATION LORI :thumbs_up:


Onelander will be here before you know it

:thumbup:80 lbs in 5 months that's awesome:thumbup:

:thumbup:Keep up the good work:thumbup:...

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:thumbs_up::w00t::frown: 3 Woots to you Lori! Make it 6! :cool2::w00t::w00t:

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Thanks Donna and Janet. This was a big milestone to hit as I am into 'virgin fat' territory that I haven't seen probably since my son was born 25 1/2 yrs ago. I guess they will all be big milestones now huh?

One thing I am doing to Celebrate is flying to Vermont for the day/night. (we fly free). I have this Quest, it was to get to 50 by 50 (all 50 states). However, I didnt' make it as I refused to fly anywhere any more as I was panicked about middle seats and seatbelts (we get the last seats available on the flight if any and many times they are middles). So now I revised the goal to 50 during 50 and want to complete by my 51st bday in May. Vermont is one of the 5 states I have left and the furtherest/hardest one for me to get to. We get in at 3 tomorrow afternoon, will have dinner and have a room reserved and then leave at 6am Sunday morning. My other states are Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Hmmm what to order for dinner in VT tomorrow???

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Thanks Donna and Janet. This was a big milestone to hit as I am into 'virgin fat' territory that I haven't seen probably since my son was born 25 1/2 yrs ago. I guess they will all be big milestones now huh?

One thing I am doing to Celebrate is flying to Vermont for the day/night. (we fly free). I have this Quest, it was to get to 50 by 50 (all 50 states). However, I didnt' make it as I refused to fly anywhere any more as I was panicked about middle seats and seatbelts (we get the last seats available on the flight if any and many times they are middles). So now I revised the goal to 50 during 50 and want to complete by my 51st bday in May. Vermont is one of the 5 states I have left and the furtherest/hardest one for me to get to. We get in at 3 tomorrow afternoon, will have dinner and have a room reserved and then leave at 6am Sunday morning. My other states are Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Hmmm what to order for dinner in VT tomorrow???

How cool to get to all the state - I have been thru a few and all of Canada but I was a kid..

Vermont - My Aunt had a house on Lake Champaigne (sp)

It's known for it's Maple Syrup & candy - so I guess a little piece of maple candy...

I want to go to Louisianna and eat canjun/creolo food... crawdads etc... Arkansa & Alabama & mississippi - I guess they would be known for their bbq & or soul food - which I love...

Heck I said I wanted to eat my way across America - well now I just can't eat as much..

Have fun - you are adventurer - I don't know if I would do that just for over night - but you are retired right??? So I guess you can do that kind of stuff..

Have fun enjoy !!!!

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How cool to get to all the state - I have been thru a few and all of Canada but I was a kid..

Vermont - My Aunt had a house on Lake Champaigne (sp)

It's known for it's Maple Syrup & candy - so I guess a little piece of maple candy...

I want to go to Louisianna and eat canjun/creolo food... crawdads etc... Arkansa & Alabama & mississippi - I guess they would be known for their bbq & or soul food - which I love...

Heck I said I wanted to eat my way across America - well now I just can't eat as much..

Have fun - you are adventurer - I don't know if I would do that just for over night - but you are retired right??? So I guess you can do that kind of stuff..

Have fun enjoy !!!!

Well I am not really retired but would like to think I am. I just haven't looked for a job in the 2 years since we've been back in Colorado. I plan to soon though. I wanted to take this time and focus on me and getting to goal weight. After yesterday, I'd love to do something in a hospital. Just not sure what, nor am I sure I want to go to 2 to 4 years of schooling either. Maybe just a nice clerk job or something. I loved the environment though. Most of my career was airlines (before and after my stay at home mom years) and I know I don't want to go there again. The flying public has just gotten too nasty and the airlines aren't the same to work for either. I got yelled at enough for making it snow and cancelling a flight, or for not making the flight late so a late passenger could get on etc. It was too all my fault you know! :eek: I got spoiled with my QVC job back east, I could work when I wanted to and about as much as I wanted to. Those jobs are hard to find.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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