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Great Idea - I will do it right now !!


I am Janet and I am a recovering food addict :wink2:

I was banded 7/17/07 - My starting weight was 250 - I'm 5'4

Today (just over 10 months out) I am 154 - size 8 pants (was 18/20) Medium tops (was 22/24)

I got banded as I wanted to extend the years that I have left on this planet and to do that I knew that I needed to lose weight.

The band has been the tool I needed. For the first time in my life I have been able to achieve this goal (actually getting to my goal weight)

If you want a buddy - support - help - suggestions - Please feel free to call upon me - I will gladly share my journey with you - the journey is still on going and by helping you I will be helping me (staying motivated and accountable) and then one day you can pay it forward and help someone else.

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Indio- I think this is a great idea. I started out the same way you did, 250 and only 5'4". I've lost 21 pounds (well actually 19 because I gained two back this past week). I am scheduled for my 2nd fill next week. I have no restriction right now and am in bandster hell I guess. I'm trying to "white knuckle" it until next week, but it's hard. After the holiday weekend I returned to some old bad habits, mostly carbs. Any help or suggestions you could offer would be appreciated. Thanks!

Edited by Bea1128

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Hi Janet,

What a wonderful thing you are doing. I am getting banded in 2 weeks, well possibly one week, I just got a call from the surgeons office and dependent on how quick my cardiologist gets his clearance over to them after my stress test today I could get banded on the 5th or 6th!

Anyway I'd love a buddy. I have a question, as now that surgery is around the corner. How did you deal with telling others? My hubby and kids (adults) know and are extremely supportive, but I'm torn on what and when to tell others. Some won't understand, some will be supportive and a few might not (namely my mother). I feel like I'm being dishonest if I don't fess up but am not sure I am ready yet either. My MIL will be very supportive to my face, but she's a gossiper and I know will be talking about me behind my back. I guess that shouldn't matter to me and maybe I need to work more on not caring what other's think. :wink2:

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Hey IndioGirl55 you have done great and are an inspiration for me. I am 5'4 and 52 years old. I am waiting for the call about my insurance approval. It should be any time now because I have met all the other requirements. I will be coming to you for advice I'm sure. Thanks for encouragement. One day I am so excited and the next scared to death but one reason is because I have alot of scar tissue from prior surgerys and the doctor says he may not be able to do my surgery. So please pray that they can and thanks again for being an inspiration.

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Indio- I think this is a great idea. I started out the same way you did, 250 and only 5'4". I've lost 21 pounds (well actually 19 because I gained two back this past week). I am scheduled for my 2nd fill next week. I have no restriction right now and am in bandster hell I guess. I'm trying to "white knuckle" it until next week, but it's hard. After the holiday weekend I returned to some old bad habits, mostly carbs. Any help or suggestions you could offer would be appreciated. Thanks!


I keep a food journal - I keep my calories at anywhere between 900 to 1200 daily - If I want a treat (every now and then - like really once a month) I budget the treat in my calorie totals - So say I want 2 Cookies that are 200 calories - write them down and don't go over budget.

I am not a Atkins girl - I follow a WW type eating plan cuz I have to have my starches - I limit them - but usually have 1/2 c of rice for dinner nightly.

If you are hungry - eat extra veggies - this is where my WW training comes in - Veggies are the lowest in calories use I can't believe it's not butter spray) - so if I am still hungry after lunch or dinner - I eat an extra serving of veggies.

Your next fill hopefully will give you restriction but until then - you can make good food choices - keep your food low fat - sugar free and limited carbs - Write it down - read labels - know what a serving size is and how many calories are in that serving - 200 calories on Cookies is a waste to me 99.9% of the time - I rather have a meal or something substantial to eat that is going to provide me with some nutrition and stick with me for more than 1 hour.

When I am hungry I look for distractions - I get on the computer - go clean out a drawer - Iron some clothes - clean the bathroom - and this usually helps too - LBT has become my transfer addiction :wink2:

Also - are you exercising - if you have over eaten then you need to pay yourself back with some extra exercise to burn off those additional calories..

Hope I have helped - You can do this...

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I love this. Banding is new in my area it's only been around since March, and I'm going to be banded around November. So I definetly need some banding buddies. No one around here knows anything. Well the banding place does, but I want to learn from people's experiences. :lol:

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I have been looking for a buddy/ies throughout this website--you answered my prayers. I was scheduled for May 27th but it didn't happen-right before I was to go into surgery the doctor didn't like something on one the post-op tests and decided I needed a couple more tests. All is ok and now I am scheduled for June 10th. I get to eat a little more this week and then back on the mostly liquid diet on June 3. Tt was a real disappointment this past Tuesday but now I am resigned to believe it was in my best interests to have the other tests.

How did you stay on the pre-op diet and not cheat at all--I am so worried that my liver won't shrink down as it is supposed to prior to surgery. I am 5'6" and 253 lbs. I have a medical necessity approval due to diabetes, high blood pressure and other issues. I want to be successful but I don't have a big support group--my daughters are helpful but I don't have any sisiters and my parents are deceased--my husband is not much help either--a few friends know but they have their own lives. So I may need your help--so thanks for offering:tt1:!!!


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hi yes i could do with a buddy as im a bit low at mo!had my band fitted a year ago and had a second fill which was to tght ended up in hospital over one weekend cause no 1 could do it about 15 trys later they gave up til the monday to which my belly was like a pin cushion! the doc came round on the monday and done it straight away but from that point i had little restriction i said they could be a leek but they have just kept filling the band every time then a few hours later no restriction i am due to see my doctor on the 6th june and gonna try and make him listen for once as im sure theres a leak as they have to keep filling me up wheres all the Fluid gone ive only got a 5ml band!wot do u think?thats why im low as i have lost 4 stone i waS 23 st 7lbs, most of which i did my self but have started to go down hill fast i have put on 7 1/2 lb already not alot but dont want to go up any more.takecare an pls let me no what youy think?thanks rachel x

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Hi Janet,

What a wonderful thing you are doing. I am getting banded in 2 weeks, well possibly one week, I just got a call from the surgeons office and dependent on how quick my cardiologist gets his clearance over to them after my stress test today I could get banded on the 5th or 6th!

Anyway I'd love a buddy. I have a question, as now that surgery is around the corner. How did you deal with telling others? My hubby and kids (adults) know and are extremely supportive, but I'm torn on what and when to tell others. Some won't understand, some will be supportive and a few might not (namely my mother). I feel like I'm being dishonest if I don't fess up but am not sure I am ready yet either. My MIL will be very supportive to my face, but she's a gossiper and I know will be talking about me behind my back. I guess that shouldn't matter to me and maybe I need to work more on not caring what other's think. :thumbup:


I told my office and then the word spread - my friends knew and my family - no one gave me any guff - in fact they were all happy for me and I am the type of person who doesn't care what others think - I do want I want to do (old catholic school rebel in me still :tt2:) I figure I am grown I was the one paying for it (well what insurance didn't cover and my doc has a program fee).

It's really a personal decision - and only you can make that choice but I would say from what I have gathered over the last yr it's probably 50/50 who tells and who doesn't.

If you are going to face disapproval and family gossip and that's going to bug you don't tell - but if you can deal with it then tell - this is about what you want to do for you to become a healthier person and extend your life..

Hey IndioGirl55 you have done great and are an inspiration for me. I am 5'4 and 52 years old. I am waiting for the call about my insurance approval. It should be any time now because I have met all the other requirements. I will be coming to you for advice I'm sure. Thanks for encouragement. One day I am so excited and the next scared to death but one reason is because I have alot of scar tissue from prior surgery's and the doctor says he may not be able to do my surgery. So please pray that they can and thanks again for being an inspiration.

Teach - It's normal to be scared and happy ever other sec - I sorry to hear about the scar tissue - I had gall bladder surgery back in the 80's when they still cut you open - I was able to have my surgery - he said that it took a little longer but it was no real problem - in fact

I will keep you in my prayers that they will be able to band you - and for a speedy recovery..

Keep us posted...

I love this. Banding is new in my area it's only been around since March, and I'm going to be banded around November. So I definitely need some banding buddies. No one around here knows anything. Well the banding place does, but I want to learn from people's experiences. :eek:


Read all you can on this site prior to your surgery - you will me well informed - My doc was impressed by all my knowledge when I first met him - it was all gained from being here and reading & asking questions.

I have been looking for a buddy/ies throughout this website--you answered my prayers. I was scheduled for May 27th but it didn't happen-right before I was to go into surgery the doctor didn't like something on one the post-op tests and decided I needed a couple more tests. All is ok and now I am scheduled for June 10th. I get to eat a little more this week and then back on the mostly liquid diet on June 3. Tt was a real disappointment this past Tuesday but now I am resigned to believe it was in my best interests to have the other tests.

How did you stay on the pre-op diet and not cheat at all--I am so worried that my liver won't shrink down as it is supposed to prior to surgery. I am 5'6" and 253 lbs. I have a medical necessity approval due to diabetes, high blood pressure and other issues. I want to be successful but I don't have a big support group--my daughters are helpful but I don't have any sisiters and my parents are deceased--my husband is not much help either--a few friends know but they have their own lives. So I may need your help--so thanks for offering:tt1:!!!



I am divorced and my 17 GS (grandson) lives with me - My son and other family members live about 500 miles away.

I have found that my support group has been this site - it's all the support I need - In fact I like it better here than the one my doc's office has - I don't have to travel and its open 24/7.

I only had to do 1 week pre-op and it was shake - Soup - salad & fish for dinner and some great choc Protein bars - but during that week I had my colonoscopy (which is Clear liquids for 1 day) and the the day before surgery another colon cleanse and Clear Liquids - the day before surgery wasn't too hard cuz when I am nervous like that (scared) I don't want to eat.

Also my son's bday was right before surgery - I did eat that day but not alot - we celebrated it early.

I am no doctor - but have read somewhere that it takes more than a week or 2 to really shrink your liver - shrinking your liver makes the surgery easier for the doctor - that's it. It's the staying away from the carbs that is what help reduce the size of the liver (I think) again I can't give you medical fact just tidbits of info that I have read and can't state them as fact (love my disclaimer)

Depending on what your pre-op consist of will depend on how hard it will be for you- also it prepares you for your post op diet - again each doc is diff on what they have you do - I had 10 days of each stage - full liquids - mushie - soft - regular

You can do it - it will be a bit of a challenge - but just keep telling yourself that this is for a healthier you - and this is the beginning of a new way of live.


Here is some general information for all you newly banded or about to be banded

First all of you need to join the month/yr group for when you get banded - I was banded July 2007 - so I belong to the Lucky #7's - I have made life long friends & then your age bracket - I learned alot from the 50+ gang and here too I have made great friendships.

For me those are my 2 main support thread - and now I run around the board trying to help those who need some motivation and help.

hi yes i could do with a buddy as I'm a bit low at mo!had my band fitted a year ago and had a second fill which was to tght ended up in hospital over one weekend cause no 1 could do it about 15 trys later they gave up til the monday to which my belly was like a pin cushion! the doc came round on the monday and done it straight away but from that point i had little restriction i said they could be a leek but they have just kept filling the band every time then a few hours later no restriction i am due to see my doctor on the 6th june and gonna try and make him listen for once as im sure theres a leak as they have to keep filling me up wheres all the Fluid gone ive only got a 5ml band!wot do u think?thats why im low as i have lost 4 stone i waS 23 st 7lbs, most of which i did my self but have started to go down hill fast i have put on 7 1/2 lb already not alot but dont want to go up any more.takecare an pls let me no what youy think?thanks rachel x


Sorry for your problems - my 3rd fill was too tight but am lucky just went back to my doc and he took some out and I was fine

If they think you have a leak - them give them hell - make them test your band - port and tubing - the band is your tool and you do need that tool to help you with your Portion Control - but even then you need to make good food choices.

But I totally get your frustration - go to the doctor and tell them that you want your banded tested cuz so far it hasn't been working.


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thanks will do,it did work at first but after there mishap i had no restriction an my port is hard to get to as it faces down at a angle which is painful for me as they move to needle around to find the port hole.thanks for advice talk to you soon,rach x

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thanks will do,it did work at first but after there mishap i had no restriction an my port is hard to get to as it faces down at a angle which is painful for me as they move to needle around to find the port hole.thanks for advice talk to you soon,rach x

My doc gives me numbing shots before he fills me - as for them to give you some around your port so it won't hurt so much...

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If you can take on anymore, I would love for you to me my buddy. I am scheduled to get banded on 6/3. Started 244, current 230 goal is 160. I am on my second week for Optifast 800. I ate through all my bars and had to pick up some comprable.

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If you can take on anymore, I would love for you to me my buddy. I am scheduled to get banded on 6/3. Started 244, current 230 goal is 160. I am on my second week for Optifast 800. I ate through all my bars and had to pick up some comprable.

No problem - everyone can come to this thread and ask questions, get support - LBT has become my transfer addiction:lol:.

My doc had me do the opti fast too - but luckly it was only for one week and I couldn't stand the Soup (tomatoe which was all they had - my doc provided pre-op diet food) so I was allowed a 4oz of fish and a salad for dinner - the bars were pretty good - I still have some in my pantry.

But you all do need to be aware - I give tough band love (operative word being love) I will not attack you or put you down - but I will tell you to pull up those boot straps and move forward.

I want you all to feel as good as I do - I feel 10 yrs younger - have 100% more energy and am just so much happier with me. I am proud of what I have accomplished and I want you all to feel the same way.

The band does make a hard job just a little easier - It makes it doable, but it still is going to take work on your part.

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Thanks so much. I will get to eat liquids, raw veggies, cottage cheese, yogurt--it isn't so bad--it is just there seems to always be some dinner invitation or social event to have to deal with--I guess I need to learn how to deal with these kind of events now rather than later.


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        That's a great choice! 😊

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