Officeslave 0 Posted May 27, 2008 Really had a bad food weekend over here. Started to slip back into old habits and couldn't keep my hand away from my mouth I swear. I wasn't overly hungry (any more than normal) but made some poor choices and was just plain stupid. I am going to be back on track today. I won't know until tomorrow when I do my weekly weigh-in how much damage I caused - but I have to just accept whatever the ugly number shows and move on and not dwell on it this time. In my old life if I gained or did some crappy eating I would dwell on it and think "Well, I am already screwing up - might as well wait to start eating properly next week" and continue with my crappy eating for the week. I can not allow myself to do that this time. I have already come so far and THOUGHT I had eliminated so many bad habits, but man the minute PMS rears it's ugly head BAM I am back to eating crappy and stop exercising. I did a TON of yard work this weekend and am pretty sore so I am hoping that will help eliminate SOME of the damage to the scale I may have done. Don't get me wrong, I didn't eat an entire pizza and I didn't stuff my pouch or anything, but it was little bites of this here and there ALL WEEKEND it seemed! GRRRR! Oh well, back at it this morning..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ezma 2 Posted May 27, 2008 Sounds like we had the same weekend. I thought I had myself back on track yesterday but the sabotage crept in at dinner time. I'll be thinking of you all day and using your for inspiration. Everytime I want to eat something bad I'll just say "Officeslave is back on track, you can be too.". Happy, healthy Tuesday! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jeanne352 0 Posted May 27, 2008 Ditto, I worked all weekend, and the food was flowing, and I found deviled eggs go down easy, Ate way to many. But today is a new day, and I didn't touch the chips, dip, hot dogs, etc. so better than I would have been without band. Bad habits die hard, but today is a new day, and I will move on to healthier eating. Good luck to you. Keep focased on those mini goals. We can do it!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Diva4Life 0 Posted May 27, 2008 OK...I think my band went on vacation this weekend! I was really bad...I went on a weekend get-away to the beach and boy did I eat! Then, I came home and my family bar-b-qued! To make matters worse, I was too tired to go to the gym this morning!!! Anyway, I was beating myself up for over eating and I realized that even though I ate more then I'm supposed to - I did eat a lot less than my pre-band days. I'm not at my sweet spot yet, but hopefully when I go see the doc tomorrow I'll get another fill. I'm on the same boat with you guys, and today I'm back on track too! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ReadySteadyGo 8 Posted May 27, 2008 weekends are really hard for me too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coolcrystal 1 Posted May 27, 2008 Ladies don't feel bad or guilty over this... there is nothing wrong with treating ourselves every now and again... we are all doing really well! Yesterday I had 2 deviled eggs and chips and guacomole... I did have some healthy stuff too... and really, deviled eggs aren't bad for you.. or guac.. the chips... yeah. probably... but if we cut out everything from out lives and don't give ourselves those little treats, I think it makes us crave them even more... it was memorial day weekend.. you know, I saw my doctor today and told him I ate this stuff and he was like, "you are right on track and doing good.. I see nothing wrong with having stuff like this every now and again to treat yourself".. as long as we don't turn it into an everyday thing, throw that guilt right out the window! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LilMissDiva Irene 3,282 Posted May 27, 2008 Thank you Crystal for reminding me of this! I normally do so good, but then that ugly TOM monster comes around the bend and I just have to taste this or nibble on that. I also confessed this to my nutritionist and she looked at me like I was crazy. She said there is not harm in it once in awhile. Just get that craving out and move on. As long as I am still losing and doing my exercising regardless of this, I'm doing a good job. Still though, the guilt does have its way with me - but it doesn't last long. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JaxBandster 11 Posted May 28, 2008 I won't even go into the kinds of foods I ate while on vacation the past six days. Suffice it to say, many of them weren't on my low carb list!!! I gained 3.5 lbs but I expected to and am not beating myself up about it. Just back on track today and ready to get rid of this remaining 40 lbs! We all will slip up along the way to our goal and even after we reach our goal. This will be a lifelong struggle for many of us. But the good thing is that we are aware of what our triggers are, when we goof up, and that we take steps to correct our behavior when we stray. Even skinny people indulge every now and then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AppleSmith1226 1 Posted May 28, 2008 Yeah girl don't feel bad ... weekends bust my a$$ too! I guessing it's cause not it's not as structured as the work week. And I am at home relaxing or going out with friend eating ice cream here and there. And man I just mess up big time! But also PMS time is pig city. I read it once here and man is it true ... during PMS ANYTHING goes through my band LOL! I could swallow a cow! I was craving like a crazy! I had ice cream 2 days in a row and PASTA!!!! Murder... but it's no way near as much as I used to eat ... It feels like before I used to literally blackout and pig out LOL thats how unconcious I was of the eating! But now I am so grateful that I am concious! I'm just gonna put my big girl panties on dust myself off and move on. I have come to far to just give up! We all have! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites