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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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My Surgery date was July 10 2013. I arrived at 6am. Asked to urinate in a cup. Put on a gown which the nurse connected to a heating unit. I loved that part of the prep. Wish I knew where to get one of those gowns. My IV went in smoothly on the first try. Then I got a Lovenox shot in the belly. It did have a slight after burn for a few minutes. Then I received my first shot of Anesthesia. After that, it was pretty much a blur. I did see the inside of the operating room which looked a little chaotic and then I was out. Surgery was done in an hour. Everything went well. The doctor even mentioned the fact that I was smiling during recovery. (This doesn't surprise me at all. Pain medication makes me very happy.) Afterwards I got to rest all of ten minutes, then it was up to walk, use the restroom, eat a popsicle, up to walk again, and I was discharged home with an On Q pump.

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I had my surgery tue 26th November, plication with band.

I was able to go home the next day.

It is now day 5, I still have a lot of gas pain, and shortness of breath/dizziness if I walk to far.

I've been having VLCD shakes and Soups. Today is the first day I've had the most.

But I'm starting to crave for 'real food' like real fruit smoothies or real veggie soups... Time to go to the supermarket I think.

If anyone has some good blender recipes please pass them on, thanks. I think I need more Protein.< /p>

I'm looking forward to be pain free and be able to move around more freely

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Sorry double post

Edited by angiwantstolive

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I got Banded on Nov 22 2013 I checked into the hospital at 730 in the morning. The took me to pre OP and have me all my stuff gorgeous gown, non slip granny socks and that ever so stylish cap for my head. I was the height of surgical fashion.

I stayed there for a while and they brought in several people to talk to about their role in my surgery. Then they sent in the nurse who would start my IV. Now this was fun let me tell you. Now you can't drink or eat after midnight before so you come in dehydrated. So starting and IV was a problem 3 painful attempts and I was good to go.

Next came the Chaplin to make sure I was ok and to pray with me he was a nice guy and made me cry over why I'm doing this.

Then came in my surgeon Dr Shayani. Love him, he is awesome came in cracked a few jokes with me told me what was going to happen and what I need to do post OP for a week. He wished me well and said he'd see me soon.

Next came the most evil shot a Heprin shot (blood thinner) the stuff goes into the upper arm and stings like a beast. But only for a few mins.

Then came the anistiologist (I'm sorry I can never spell that right) who told me what he was going to do and injected into my IV something the nurse said would keep me calm.

They came to wheel me to the OR and my hubby kissed me goodbye.

Once I got to the OR they we're setting up and I was starting to panic a little. Dr Shayani asked me what kind of music I wanted to hear and I told him KLove the anesthesiologist said he wanted Rock they started to argue about it. Lol I don't remember anything after that.

I came to with a nice nurse speaking encouragingly to me and as soon as I was more aware she gave me ice chips. Now here's where it got a little scary I couldn't swallow the chips. she assured me I was but I couldn't feel it one bit. That is a suffocating feeling. It lasted at least 15 mins they got the anesthesiologist and he explained they numbed my throat for the tube they used on me. By the time he was there it was getting better. After a little more time they wheeled me into a room where my hubby could see me.

I spent about a half an hour more then they started kicking me out. This is the only dark spot in the experience. Shayani said only go home if I feel good. And I sooo was not ready. They kept pushing me and telling me to get dressed and my husband to call a taxi. They took out the IV and the leg things they use for circulation. They waited in front of my bed with a wheel chair arguing with me I kept telling them I wasn't ready when I complained that I was dizzy and nauseous they said well you just had surgery. I was livid.

They wheeled into the lobby and left me there I could barely get into the cab the driver asked me what was wrong when I told her I just had surgery her jaw hit the floor. I had to get into the front and this sweet lady helped me get out along with my hubby. When I got my coat off my shirt was really bloody my incisions were bleeding a bit to make a mess but not profusely.

I called my surgeon. He said he was just going to call to check on me. I told him what happened and he was upset. He asked me if I wanted to pursue action. I said yes. I was terrified over what happened I didn't get any warning over this may happen and that it's normal (the seeping) Shayani was a sweetheart he reassured me I was ok and asked me to email him updates in a day or two and gave me his cell # in case was necessary. He was very cool. I told him everything going on with me and he said I was doing very well. We only had one time were we had to talk on the phone because he wanted further clarification.

Overall I had a good experience with the exception of the end. I love my surgeon and the people involved before that were wonderful.

I hope this helps I know not everyone has the same experience this was mine I would say that had I been more coherent I would have fought tooth and nail. So if that should happen to you fight. You should not go home scared. Good luck to you.

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Sorry double post.

Edited by angiwantstolive

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My surgery was 12/6/13, almost a week ago!! The day of surgery was a blur. I had to be at the hospital at 7:30am, which was over an hour from my house. Early morning! I was thirsty, tired, but mostly excited!! My fiancé and I arrived about 7:15, and immediately was taken to a "stall" in out-patient surgery room. Just enough room for 2 chairs and a curtain for a tiny but of privacy. I was hooked up to an iv and given meds for nausea. Before I knew it Dr. Grossbard was visiting me. He told me I was next on the list and I would do great. Soon after, I was laying on a gurney heading to the OR. The anesthesiologist walked beside me and gave me "happy juice" and I only remember speaking to the nurse for a moment.

Next thing I know I was waking up trying to cough and catch my breath. It felt like something was in my throat and for a second I panicked until I realized it was just from the tube I knew would be inserted during surgery. Within the next 20 min I was walking the halls with my fiancé. I was happy to be moving! The nurses said I was doing great and could leave whenever I felt up to it. I came out of surgery at 10:30 and was pulling out of the hospital at 12:00! I had a great experience and can only hope everyone's is as peaceful as mine was!

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Congratulations Angie and KC -- great to see some December bandits....glad all went well and whole new life ahead. I am just five weeks out and soooooo happy. Best wishes for a fine holiday season.

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I had my band on 12/4 and was told to be there at 930. I had to provide a urine sample and then proceed up to my floor to get my room assigned. Once there I was met by a wonderful nurse who had me change into those lovely gowns. I made sure to put a couple of contact numbers on my board for my friends to contact, I was really nervous. The nurse gave me a patch behind my ear and began my iv. Started getting sleepy around 1015. They said I was 3rd and whisked me away at 11am. I remember tranferring tables and next thing I recall is being back in my room at 1pm! I did have hernia repaired and had serious gas pains. They encouraged me to walk to move the pressure around and they did not want me to have pain meds because I was still coming off the anesthesia. They gave me G2 with lots of ice and I was later released and had to keep walking off those gas pains. I took my pain meds for about 5 days. My incisions were covered with a glue that came off after a week and a half.

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I can't believe that it is finally my turn to post on here! I have been reading these constantly over the past few weeks and they have been a huge help in preparing me for what to expect.

I arrived at the hospital with my mom at 5:30 am and waited about a half hour. Someone came to get me and I checked in and they gave me a little tracking badge that tracks my location at all times and displays it on a screen.

Then I waited about 30 more minutes and a nurse came to get me. This is when my mom said "bye, I'll pick you up later!" and ran out of there. So much for support ...

They brought me to a place, I want to say room, but it was nothing like a room. It was a large common area that was divided into sections with very very very thin curtains that didn't close all the way. The nurse told me to pee in a cup and then put my gown on. I really didn't want to, b/c everyone could see me. But I guess that's a small price to pay to get skinny, so I just sucked it up and put the damn thing on. Then they put an IV in and asked me some questions, then wheeled me (while laying on the bed) up to the surgery floor.

On the surgery floor the "rooms" were exactly the same. I really don't understand the whole curtain thing. But I'm over it. The anesthesiologist came in to meet with me. So embarrassing meeting him for the first time while I'm laying there in a hospital gown and 7:30 am. Oh well. He gave me an anti-nausea patch to put behind my ear because I said I get really motion sick. And he also put some stuff in my IV and I literally remember nothing from that point on. I don't remember being wheeled into surgery, changing beds, etc. I am sure I did/said 100 embarrassing things.

So the scary things happened when I was in recovery. I woke up with this HUGE pressure on my chest, and I was so disoriented and I started screaming that I couldn't breathe, because I thought I couldn't. Someone came around and said "oh, yes you can' and then just left. Good thing i was extremely drowsy and was in and out and barely remember anything about recovering on that floor.

After that, they wheeled me down to the second recovery area where I would rest up and be out shortly. Unfortunately I had a horrible reaction to the anesthesia and I was so nauseous. I threw up a few times and just felt like I couldn't move, but all I wanted to do was go home. Eventually the nurse must have gotten tired of me and my bad attitude b/c she told me I had to get up and use the restroom and then go home. I told her I didn't feel up to it, she insisted, so I sat up and then puked all over her shoes.

Next the nurse brought me some diet coke and crackers and told me to eat and drink and I'll feel better. Good thing I was awake enough to tell her that I can't eat those! She then gave me some non-sugar-free Jello, but it had an anti nausea pill mixed in with it, so I ate it. An hour or so later I was wheeled out to my mom's car and she brought me home.

The best advice I got on here was to bring a pillow for the car ride home. Holding it against my stomach helped ease the pain. I was in really horrible pain that whole day and for the next 3 days. I could lay down, but I couldn't get up very well. I tried getting up several times to walk and go to the bathroom, but it felt like someone was stabbing me with 1000 knives, so I kept the moving to a minimum, even though I should have done it more. I did drink a lot of Water and had no problem drinking large quantities of water. I poured some in a shot glass and just sipped my shot glass. Another odd side effect was that the anesthesia made me soooo incredibly itchy for 2 days.

For the last few days I've been sipping water, gatorade, broth, and Protein Shakes. I'm not hungry, but I have no problem with anything coming back up, so I'm a little scared that I don't actually even have a lapband ...

That is my long surgery story! I am so PRAYING this works for me. Good luck everyone!

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I can't believe that it is finally my turn to post on here! I have been reading these constantly over the past few weeks and they have been a huge help in preparing me for what to expect.

I arrived at the hospital with my mom at 5:30 am and waited about a half hour. Someone came to get me and I checked in and they gave me a little tracking badge that tracks my location at all times and displays it on a screen.

Then I waited about 30 more minutes and a nurse came to get me. This is when my mom said "bye, I'll pick you up later!" and ran out of there. So much for support ...

They brought me to a place, I want to say room, but it was nothing like a room. It was a large common area that was divided into sections with very very very thin curtains that didn't close all the way. The nurse told me to pee in a cup and then put my gown on. I really didn't want to, b/c everyone could see me. But I guess that's a small price to pay to get skinny, so I just sucked it up and put the damn thing on. Then they put an IV in and asked me some questions, then wheeled me (while laying on the bed) up to the surgery floor.

On the surgery floor the "rooms" were exactly the same. I really don't understand the whole curtain thing. But I'm over it. The anesthesiologist came in to meet with me. So embarrassing meeting him for the first time while I'm laying there in a hospital gown and 7:30 am. Oh well. He gave me an anti-nausea patch to put behind my ear because I said I get really motion sick. And he also put some stuff in my IV and I literally remember nothing from that point on. I don't remember being wheeled into surgery, changing beds, etc. I am sure I did/said 100 embarrassing things.

So the scary things happened when I was in recovery. I woke up with this HUGE pressure on my chest, and I was so disoriented and I started screaming that I couldn't breathe, because I thought I couldn't. Someone came around and said "oh, yes you can' and then just left. Good thing i was extremely drowsy and was in and out and barely remember anything about recovering on that floor.

After that, they wheeled me down to the second recovery area where I would rest up and be out shortly. Unfortunately I had a horrible reaction to the anesthesia and I was so nauseous. I threw up a few times and just felt like I couldn't move, but all I wanted to do was go home. Eventually the nurse must have gotten tired of me and my bad attitude b/c she told me I had to get up and use the restroom and then go home. I told her I didn't feel up to it, she insisted, so I sat up and then puked all over her shoes.

Next the nurse brought me some diet coke and crackers and told me to eat and drink and I'll feel better. Good thing I was awake enough to tell her that I can't eat those! She then gave me some non-sugar-free Jello, but it had an anti nausea pill mixed in with it, so I ate it. An hour or so later I was wheeled out to my mom's car and she brought me home.

The best advice I got on here was to bring a pillow for the car ride home. Holding it against my stomach helped ease the pain. I was in really horrible pain that whole day and for the next 3 days. I could lay down, but I couldn't get up very well. I tried getting up several times to walk and go to the bathroom, but it felt like someone was stabbing me with 1000 knives, so I kept the moving to a minimum, even though I should have done it more. I did drink a lot of Water and had no problem drinking large quantities of water. I poured some in a shot glass and just sipped my shot glass. Another odd side effect was that the anesthesia made me soooo incredibly itchy for 2 days.

For the last few days I've been sipping water, gatorade, broth, and Protein Shakes. I'm not hungry, but I have no problem with anything coming back up, so I'm a little scared that I don't actually even have a lapband ...

That is my long surgery story! I am so PRAYING this works for me. Good luck everyone!

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I can't believe that it is finally my turn to post on here! I have been reading these constantly over the past few weeks and they have been a huge help in preparing me for what to expect.

I arrived at the hospital with my mom at 5:30 am and waited about a half hour. Someone came to get me and I checked in and they gave me a little tracking badge that tracks my location at all times and displays it on a screen.

Then I waited about 30 more minutes and a nurse came to get me. This is when my mom said "bye, I'll pick you up later!" and ran out of there. So much for support ...

They brought me to a place, I want to say room, but it was nothing like a room. It was a large common area that was divided into sections with very very very thin curtains that didn't close all the way. The nurse told me to pee in a cup and then put my gown on. I really didn't want to, b/c everyone could see me. But I guess that's a small price to pay to get skinny, so I just sucked it up and put the damn thing on. Then they put an IV in and asked me some questions, then wheeled me (while laying on the bed) up to the surgery floor.

On the surgery floor the "rooms" were exactly the same. I really don't understand the whole curtain thing. But I'm over it. The anesthesiologist came in to meet with me. So embarrassing meeting him for the first time while I'm laying there in a hospital gown and 7:30 am. Oh well. He gave me an anti-nausea patch to put behind my ear because I said I get really motion sick. And he also put some stuff in my IV and I literally remember nothing from that point on. I don't remember being wheeled into surgery, changing beds, etc. I am sure I did/said 100 embarrassing things.

So the scary things happened when I was in recovery. I woke up with this HUGE pressure on my chest, and I was so disoriented and I started screaming that I couldn't breathe, because I thought I couldn't. Someone came around and said "oh, yes you can' and then just left. Good thing i was extremely drowsy and was in and out and barely remember anything about recovering on that floor.

After that, they wheeled me down to the second recovery area where I would rest up and be out shortly. Unfortunately I had a horrible reaction to the anesthesia and I was so nauseous. I threw up a few times and just felt like I couldn't move, but all I wanted to do was go home. Eventually the nurse must have gotten tired of me and my bad attitude b/c she told me I had to get up and use the restroom and then go home. I told her I didn't feel up to it, she insisted, so I sat up and then puked all over her shoes.

Next the nurse brought me some diet coke and crackers and told me to eat and drink and I'll feel better. Good thing I was awake enough to tell her that I can't eat those! She then gave me some non-sugar-free Jello, but it had an anti nausea pill mixed in with it, so I ate it. An hour or so later I was wheeled out to my mom's car and she brought me home.

The best advice I got on here was to bring a pillow for the car ride home. Holding it against my stomach helped ease the pain. I was in really horrible pain that whole day and for the next 3 days. I could lay down, but I couldn't get up very well. I tried getting up several times to walk and go to the bathroom, but it felt like someone was stabbing me with 1000 knives, so I kept the moving to a minimum, even though I should have done it more. I did drink a lot of Water and had no problem drinking large quantities of water. I poured some in a shot glass and just sipped my shot glass. Another odd side effect was that the anesthesia made me soooo incredibly itchy for 2 days.

For the last few days I've been sipping water, gatorade, broth, and Protein Shakes. I'm not hungry, but I have no problem with anything coming back up, so I'm a little scared that I don't actually even have a lapband ...

That is my long surgery story! I am so PRAYING this works for me. Good luck everyone!

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I can't believe that it is finally my turn to post on here! I have been reading these constantly over the past few weeks and they have been a huge help in preparing me for what to expect.

I arrived at the hospital with my mom at 5:30 am and waited about a half hour. Someone came to get me and I checked in and they gave me a little tracking badge that tracks my location at all times and displays it on a screen.

Then I waited about 30 more minutes and a nurse came to get me. This is when my mom said "bye, I'll pick you up later!" and ran out of there. So much for support ...

They brought me to a place, I want to say room, but it was nothing like a room. It was a large common area that was divided into sections with very very very thin curtains that didn't close all the way. The nurse told me to pee in a cup and then put my gown on. I really didn't want to, b/c everyone could see me. But I guess that's a small price to pay to get skinny, so I just sucked it up and put the damn thing on. Then they put an IV in and asked me some questions, then wheeled me (while laying on the bed) up to the surgery floor.

On the surgery floor the "rooms" were exactly the same. I really don't understand the whole curtain thing. But I'm over it. The anesthesiologist came in to meet with me. So embarrassing meeting him for the first time while I'm laying there in a hospital gown and 7:30 am. Oh well. He gave me an anti-nausea patch to put behind my ear because I said I get really motion sick. And he also put some stuff in my IV and I literally remember nothing from that point on. I don't remember being wheeled into surgery, changing beds, etc. I am sure I did/said 100 embarrassing things.

So the scary things happened when I was in recovery. I woke up with this HUGE pressure on my chest, and I was so disoriented and I started screaming that I couldn't breathe, because I thought I couldn't. Someone came around and said "oh, yes you can' and then just left. Good thing i was extremely drowsy and was in and out and barely remember anything about recovering on that floor.

After that, they wheeled me down to the second recovery area where I would rest up and be out shortly. Unfortunately I had a horrible reaction to the anesthesia and I was so nauseous. I threw up a few times and just felt like I couldn't move, but all I wanted to do was go home. Eventually the nurse must have gotten tired of me and my bad attitude b/c she told me I had to get up and use the restroom and then go home. I told her I didn't feel up to it, she insisted, so I sat up and then puked all over her shoes.

Next the nurse brought me some diet coke and crackers and told me to eat and drink and I'll feel better. Good thing I was awake enough to tell her that I can't eat those! She then gave me some non-sugar-free Jello, but it had an anti nausea pill mixed in with it, so I ate it. An hour or so later I was wheeled out to my mom's car and she brought me home.

The best advice I got on here was to bring a pillow for the car ride home. Holding it against my stomach helped ease the pain. I was in really horrible pain that whole day and for the next 3 days. I could lay down, but I couldn't get up very well. I tried getting up several times to walk and go to the bathroom, but it felt like someone was stabbing me with 1000 knives, so I kept the moving to a minimum, even though I should have done it more. I did drink a lot of Water and had no problem drinking large quantities of water. I poured some in a shot glass and just sipped my shot glass. Another odd side effect was that the anesthesia made me soooo incredibly itchy for 2 days.

For the last few days I've been sipping water, gatorade, broth, and Protein Shakes. I'm not hungry, but I have no problem with anything coming back up, so I'm a little scared that I don't actually even have a lapband ...

That is my long surgery story! I am so PRAYING this works for me. Good luck everyone!

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My surgery was 2/14/13..Its been 10 months but I remember the day like it was yesterday. The hospital that I had surgery at was an hour away..so my parents, my grandpa, and my best friend all left at 5:30 to be there by 6:30. I rode with my best friend because I knew my parents were going to want to talk and I was a nervous wreck I just wanted to listen to music and relax and knew my best friend would let me do that haha We got to the hospital and I was already registered so I just had to sign a form, slap my wrist band on and was taken upstairs to another waiting room. This is a rather large hospital so there were about 15 others in the waiting room all for various surgeries. My surgery was scheduled for 9:30 but there was a complication with the person in the OR before me so it got delayed. THey finally came and got me around 10 to back. My mom came with me and I got the gown on and the ugly socks and got on the bed. We were just sitting there talking when about 6 nurses came in and started doing different things..Taking blood..hooking up IV..checking BP..giving me meds..putting things on me..i FREAKED out..I was nervous already but everyone around me I was super nervous. My weight loss surgery coordinator (for my surgeon) came in and calmed me down..she gave me a hug and told me that I was almost on the other side and to relax. They told my mom it was time to go and this CUTE nurse came to get me. He was a tiny thing and all I could think about was he is not gonna be able to push me on this bed! I got back to the holding area for the OR and it was FREEZING!!!! My surgeon came over and talked to me and asked me how I was doing and I said I was nervous and he patted my head *he is so funny* and was like I got ya hunny..No worries. All of these cute doctors were back there and all I could think was OH MY GOD..These guys are about to see me all naked sprawled out on the operating table LOL Sad..but true..A few other people came over to talk to me while I was waiting and asking me a 187,000 questions. They finally came and gave me some relaxing medicine and thats all I remember of before surgery. I woke up to my parents, Gpa, and my best friend and they said the first thing I said was MY ASS HURTS! I had been on the same uncomfortable bed forever..The nurse came in and asked me how i was doing and i said I really need to pee and I just want to get up off of this bed. She asked me if I was nauseated and I wasnt. She brought in 8 small cups of Water and said that after i drank those, got up, and went to the bathroom I could leave. I was like hell yeah line them up..lets do this. I had to wait 3 minutes between each cup. I sipped and sipped til finally they were all gone..Had no discomfort. Finally was able to get up and go to the bathroom and then I was ready to go! I got dressed with a little help from my mom and off we were and this was around 4. I had a pillow that I held on to and I Dont remember the drive home at all. I woke up in the recliner and had to pee around 6:30pm. I had gallbladder surgery a few years ago so i knew all about those gas pains..and my dad has history of blood clots so I was ready to get up and move! Each time I got up to to go the bathroom I did a few laps around the house..(not that big of a house), but enough to work that gas out and help with circulation. I wasnt in a lot of pain, but took the pain meds every 4 hours just to keep comfortable. Overall it wasnt a bad experience and pain was minimal and gas pains werent bad because I walked it out.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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