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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I always get nervous with surgery and wrote my children the, "if I die, Mommy loves you!" letters. I cried leaving my two and a half year old daughter and knowing my almost ten year old son was at his fathers. My husband drove away and left me alone.

I have been super excited and was in a good mood in Pre-Operative. Joking and laughing with the girls. Suddenly people started filtering in and reminded me about the surgery. My doctor had told me because I was skinny he was just going in through the bell button.

As I waited the anesthisiologist started bringing me to the OR and I freaked. "I can't do this, I change my mind, I don't want to go under." Kerry, the nurse, calmed me and promised I would wake up and that everyone feels this way. The Anesthiasiologist asked if I was committed to the procedure and I nodde. He put the mask on my face and that was all I remember.

I was in recovery for a while and feeling really good besides the gas pain. I talked with the nurse and we laughed and joked around in between me napping and being awake. Around 3:30 I dozed off as much as possible.

I am still in pain today. FEels like I did a 1000 sit ups and I am still groggy. I will be on a liquid diet for a few weeks.

I think the thing that struck me the oddest is every time I doze off I dream of food. I dreamt of my surgeon and I having a salad, my hubby and I mushrooms. Even now I am having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

Looking forward to the recovery in a few weeks. PS sorry for any misspellings. I am still kind of asleep.

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Edited by loseloselose

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I was banded today 11-10-10.

I arrived at the hospital at 5:30am. I signed some paperwork and then was taken to my bed. The nurse had me change into the lovely open back gown and was told everything had to come off. Also got some nice bright yellow slipper socks from them. The nurse went over all the medical questions.. etc... They started an IV. They gave me some anti acid medicine through IV, a shot in my upper arm to prevent blood clots and urine sample. After that I received visits from the anesthesiologist, my doctor, several nurse's and they just went over what was going to be done and if I had questions. At 8am they came to get me. They had a different bed for me to get into waiting in the hallway. They put some cuff's on my legs (for blood clots) and wheeled me to the OR. Once outside the OR the anesthesiologist was there waiting for me and he immediately game me some medication in my IV to relax and feel calm. It worked because at that point i didn't really feel nervous or anything. I was then brought into the room and was asked to get onto the operating table. my arms were fastened down and they put a oxygen mask on. Within minutes the anesthesiologist said think about some where you would like to be right now... and that's the last I remember.

I was woke in recovery at about 11:45am... felt pain just breathing and they gave me morphine right away. It helped with the stomach pain but didn't help with the horrible sore throat and shoulder pain. After a little while they brought me back to my room and had me slide over to my bed... that wasn't the most pleasant thing to do after surgery. Nurse came and took my stats and told me to start on my 1 oz of Water (medicine measuring cup size). She told me I would not be able to go home until i could drink 4oz of Water in 1 hour, take a walk and use the restroom. I didn't really have a problem with any of that and was able to leave the hospital at 2pm.

Have soreness in the stomach which is relived by liquid vicodin. The sore throat and shoulder pain has not calmed but sticking to sugar free popsicles and heating pad until i feel better. Over all I had a great experience today and feeling pretty good.

Edited by Sha'sJourney

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Just banned yesterday, everything went great, this morning a lil sore...hungry and just relaxing right now...so far so good.


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9 days post-op, I was banded on 11-10-10. The day of surgery was good, I had a terrible headache that morning and was READY for them to nock me out just to get rid of the headache! Going off caffein will do that to a person.

Got to the surgical center at 8, went back to the waiting area by 9, surgery by 9:30-10:00 and was home by 2! The only complaint I had was coming out of surgery I could not breathe. They said it was because they fixed a small hernia while they were in there and that I would be ok.

The first day I laid in bed and slept and starting on day 2 I was up an moving. Driving on day 3 and back to work on day 5. Don't get me wrong, I have been tired this week, but going back to work was not a problem for me other than being tired.

I am NOT getting on the scale, my clothes ARE getting looser and I am now to the mushy stage of food. When I am hungry... I am really hungry! When I am not.. I'm not (pretty profound huh). So I am looking forward to my first fill and knowing my weight on 12/8/2010. Because there is no fill, I am tracking my calories on Sparkpeople.com and making sure I am not eating too much. Also, I am not eating or drinking constantly at this point, I am eating around meal times and that has been sustaining me for about 2.5 to 3 hours at a time.

Happy banding!:)

Edited by mrswajdyk

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Finally PostOp...was banded yesterday the 18th.

Arrived at the hospital at 7:15AM, taken to my prep room. Changed to my lovely gown and got some lovely turquiose booties. Weighed in (lost 2lbs more) then laid in bed for about 40 minutes before my nurse came in to IV me, leg compressions, Pregnancy test etc.... the WLS cooridinator came in and talked to me for about 30 minutes.

Had an EMT student come in with, kissed my hubby and mom and they wheeled me away about 10:15am. The nurse put some happy meds in my IV and last thing I recall is getting on the OR table and the mask being put on my face.

I have no idea what time I was in the recovery area, dozing off and on. Then wheeled to my recovery room, it was a little after 1pm. My family came in, said the surgeon came to visit them. I did well in surgery, lost about 1t of blood and he said everything inside looked good. He had told me last week, he was happy to have an abdominal virgin (since I'd never had any prior surgeries or given birth).

Had to drink 8oz of Water but my throat was so dry I ended up with 16oz. Nurse got me up for a walk and said if I could make the loop I could go home. Yippee!

Walked and did fine, she took out the IV. I got dressed and headed home, it was about 3:30p.

Abdominal pain isn't so bad, taking a little of the pain meds for that, it was the gas pains that hurt the most. But I do my little walk around the house, slept really well last night and now sitting in the TV room typing, and feeling pretty good. Gas has gone down, using some GasX strips which really have helped. Sipped down a EAS high Protein Shake and drinking lots of water.

So far so good :thumbup: Next appointment is on the 6th of December.

Dr. Bryan Anderson at St. Alphonsus in Boise Idaho... great guy and came highly reccomended!


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This thread will be a sticky so that people can post their surgery day stories so that those who come after can have an idea of what to expect.

I had my surgery on 12/20/08 at North Vista Hospital in Las Vegas and cannot say enough good about everyone there. It was one of the most pleasant experiences from the minute I got in there until they released me at noon to go home with my husband. The nurses and staff were friendly, warm and caring with every aspect from the minute I walked in until I was released. I could not have asked for a better experience if I had requested it myself. Dr. Atkinson was great and since I am at goal with 90 pds lost and no fills, I would say it did an excellent job. Thank you everyone that made this happen for me!!!

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My surgery was on November 22nd. I arrived at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. for early admission. They took me to a room around 6:15 a.m. and the nurse gave me a shot of lovenox (blood thinner), a patch behind my ear for nausea, and a nausea pill. She took all of my vital sounds and had me change into the lovely hospital gown and slipper socks. My husband was allowed to come in the room and hang out during surgery.

By 6:45, a nice young man came to wheel me back to pre-op. Let me just say that the pre-op area was like a complete zoo, organized, yet chaotic! There were patients everywhere being prepped for various surgeries. I had never seen such.

Next, the anesthesiologist came over to speak with me and go over my chart. Then, I know 10 other nurses came by to check on me and go over my chart. Over and over again, I had to repeat my name, birthdate, what procedure I was having done, when the last time I ate was, etc.

Then, a sweet female anesthesiologist came to start my IV. She was wonderful! She gave me a nice numbing shot before she did the routine dig for a vein. I was very dehydrated and she said my veins were flat. Even so, she got me on the first stick. Impressive! I was warned that my IV may need to be moved if that vein didn't cooperate, but they would move it during surgery. (They moved it two more times during surgery!) I hung out with the sweet anesthesiologist and her cohort for what seemed like a good twenty minutes. We all chatted and had a great time.

My surgeon came by to see if I had any questions before we started the surgery. Then, he went on to prep himself for the operation. Next thing I knew, the anesthesiologist was giving me a nice cocktail to calm me as she rolled me into the OR. I was in the OR for what seemed to be about 5 minutes before they applied the mask and told me I would start to feel sleepy.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up in recovery. I felt good, but very groggy. They gave me a nice injection of morphine. So, pain was the least of my concerns! The recovery area was just as much of a zoo as the pre-op area. Maybe that is the norm with a large hospital in a big city.

Finally, I arrived back in my room where my wonderful husband was waiting. The nurse came in and brought me some ice chips and Water to sip. That was the best thing in the world as I felt as dry as a camel in the middle of the sandy, hot desert! The anesthesiologist had ran an entire bag of Fluid through me during pre-op and the surgery. Then, I went through another entire bag after surgery. Yes, I was that dehydrated!

My surgeon came in to check on me and said I did great in surgery. I had a lot of scar tissue from a previous gallbladded removal and he removed it all. He also informed me of some massive scar tissue in my pelvic area from my three previous C-Sections. He didn't clean that area out.

I also received a visit from the Hospital Pharmacist. He wanted to discuss my medications and how to take them. He also went over the meds I was already taking and informed me that all of them could be crushed. Let me just say that there is a reason they make medicine in pill form and not powder....NASTY!!!!

I continued the day by getting an IV of antibiotics, walking the hallways, and trying a zillion times to pee! My surgeon requires you to be able to hold down liquid, walk, and pee before you are allowed to be discharged. You would think that with ALL of that fluid, I would have to pee. Nope, not me! It was around 4:30 p.m. before I was finally able to use the restroom. Once again....that dehydrated!

Once that was over, my nurse had me sign all of the discharge papers. Then, I asked for some pain medicine for the ride home as it was an hour away. So, I went from around 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. without any pain meds. To be honest, I really didn't need them.

Overall, I had a wonderful experience. My surgeon, the nurses, anesthesiologist, etc. were great!

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So I had my surgery 11/29 at North Shore LIJ in Syosset. Dr. Geiss is my doctor. I got the call from his office on Friday to be there Monday at 5:00 a.m. I was his first that day as I qualified for single incision lap-band and for day surgery. My husband drove me in, and we made were there at 5:00 a.m. Checked in admissions and taken to surgery waiting room to wait for the nurses to come in at 5:30 a.m. At 5:30 a.m., the nurse came and got me. I went to the little room with a urine cup for a pregnancy test as well as the gown, tred socks and disinfectant pads to wipe my abdomen down with. I did all and met the nurse in preop. Spend till almost 7:00 a.m. doing final checks on paper work and getting my IV started as well as the automatic blood pressure cuff and finger cuff for respirations. The first nurse missed my vein in my left hand. Another nurse got my vein on the right hand first try. This happens a lot as my veins are deep. Got to talk with my husband for few minutes and my daughter before the dr and anesthesiologist came in around 7:30 a.m. Dr. Geiss asked if I had any more questions. I didn't. Anesthesiologist put my mask on and away to dream land I went.

I woke up in post-op with terrible pains in my my diaphragm and chest. Pain from the residual gas in abdomen. I was given pain relief immediately. My nurse was great! I was moved to day surgery recovery and given ice chips. At ll:00 a.m., I was given meal of clear liquids-italian ice and Decaf tea- to consume slowly from medicine cups. At noon, the catheter was removed and I got up to walk a few rounds around the recovery room. I did a few rounds, had a flash of nausea and laid down to rest. Husband came back around 1:00 p.m. We went home at 2:00 p.m.

As the pain meds they gave me wore off at home, I suffered through most of the night with terrible pains in my chest and then gas pains of the worst kind in my stomach that vicodyn was only taking the edge off of. I walked, windmilled, and sat in the strangest positions last night. I took a dose of gas-x and tried to go back to sleep wondering if I had made a big mistake.

Today, most of the pain is gone in my chest, just some residual soreness. I have a lot of gas that is coming out in the usual ways. Belching with the band is hell. I can feel the gas bubbles come up my tummy to the band, get stuck...hurt like hell, then pass through on up and out. Everything is working fine, however. I am on my Clear Liquids with no problems. I got my follow up calls from the hospital and the dr's office. I'll see my dr in two weeks.

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I had my surgery on dec,9 2010 yes four days ago i dint follow the doctor introction.

No to eat but I did ate can my food get stuck on the stoma ? What can I dow?

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Hey! Had my surgery yesterday. Got up really early and my parents picked me up and drove me to UC Irvine. I had a terrible cold all week, but it was getting better, so I wasn't 100% sure they were going to do the surgery.

So I get all checked in, and then my doctor and anesthesiology and some others come by to decide if they wanna do it. Finally they decided it's fine.

Then the nurse gives me an IV, with much trouble because I was so dry!! Then I talk to my parents and they wheel me in, it all seemed to go as planned. I was out at 1:30. They gave me some pain meds and nausea meds right after and finally water!! I was drowsy and out of it for a few hours. Then the gas pain got SO bad that the nurse had me walk and that helped a lot.

*tip! When you have to move, like stand up or sit down take a really deep breath while you do and it doesnt hurt nearly as much*

So I had trouble filling my prescription for the meds the day before so we spent hours trying to get someone to fix it, and nobody seemed to take care of it but finally it was ruled the perscriiption was fine. Gee thanks CVS!

They had taken so long messing around with that that my meds had worn off and they couldn't give me more. Ack, but finally at about 7 after waiting like 30 minutes for wheelchair to come pick me up, we left. My parents live about an hour and a half away from the hospital. That ride wasnt too pleasant. Finally when we got home my dad went to get my meds.

The meds help a little, But it's still hard to move and I'm really sore! So it's 6 am now, I didn't sleep much, I tried laying down but I didn't like that do I've mostly been sitting up. Oddly enough I have no sense of smell right now, maybe from the oxygen, but hey! My cold feels about 98% better yay.

So overall it went well, I wish I got to talk to my surgeon after surgery. But nope. But overall I think I know what to do.

Heres to hoping this pain dies quickly!

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Had my surgery in August of 2009. An awesome experience. Long story short, God told me it was the right thing to do and that all would be fine. As a natural health advocate and Certified Herbalist you can imagine surgery wasn't exactly something I considered lightly.

But with the Divine okie dokie I'd received to go ahead with the surgery I felt 100% confident. I mean really, how could you be worried with a guarantee from God?

I did Reiki for myself (and asked other Reiki practitioners to do it for me as well) the day of my surgery and afterwards. I was so calm that when the doc asked me pre-op if I wanted something to help me relax I said, "I couldn't be more relaxed unless I was asleep." Of course he didn't believe that Reiki and meditation could really put me in a state of complete peace but I was. After all, 4000 years of oriental theories and practices can't be all wrong.

Post surgery I had no nausea. Of course, it felt like I had been kicked in the stomach but I felt pretty good other than that. I needed no pain meds. Yes, I could feel the band and had a little referred shoulder pain but it wasn't bad considering I'd been opened up & poked around in. I was up and driving my kiddo to school the next day. I rested and relaxed most of the time for about 3 days but needed no pain meds. Yeah, it was a bit uncomfortable but nothing I couldn't handle.

But as I've said before, I'm a positive kinda person. I believe that mindset and attitude can take you farther than you could ever imagine. Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right....as the saying goes. Over the years I've seen some amazing healing happen with the mind.

All was well and I was on my way to weight loss. It's been an interesting journey and I wouldn't change it for anything.

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I was banded yesterday (Dec 14th, 2010), I woke up at the crack of dawn I was so nervous. got to the hospial at 11:30, and sat in the waiting froom of ver an hour. FINALLY at 12:30, they too mein pre-op for anoher hour. At 2:15 they finally came to take me to surgery, surgery was schduled for 1:00., they had wto gastric bypasses first thing , I guess one of the band really bad complications, because she was in the unit when I got to the floor, with the other bander and the other bypass. Spent the night, as much as I complained about it before hand I was glad when I was there.

I was up and walking the halls with in 2 hours of getting into my room. It helped with the trapped gas in my shoulders and neck. Had one bitchy nruse who kept trying to take away my PCA in favor of the oral pain meds. Finally had to tell here that I will be on them for 12 hours only so just leave them, until the morning when I'm susposed to stop. Dr wouldnt' have prescribed 12 hours of morphine if I wasn't susposed to use it.

I'm still in quite a lot of pain, hoping I get over that quickly, I've got stuff to do. I'm glad it is done, I'm ready to get on with this weight loss business. Oy and I also need to work harder on not drinking so much at one time.

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I had my surgery on May 23. It went fairly smooth. I had the heprin shot to the tummy I really didn't feel it. Rolled into the surgery at 9:30 and was rolling out at 10:30am. Was in the recovery for 1 hour then off to a room. I was lucky didn't get the sore throat I was expecting. Once in the room I was basically left alone. Slept off and on till about 3pm. Then had to ask for help to get up. Waited awhile before some one showed up. At 4pm finally got up and walked the halls. Felt sore and, Delete Duplicates some discomfort but not terrible. Walked the halls three more times. Had very little Water because wasn't thristy but I knew I had to drink. Left the hospital at 7pm and was in my own bed by 8:30pm. I had the option of staying but was not really impressed with the nursing staff. Better treatment from my hubby.

Today, still some discomfort walking around the house and out to the mail box. Took half a gas-X table because of some gas. Stopped it right away. Been drinking fluilds and trying to get the Protein in. Found a chocolate milk 1% with 17 grams of protein only 210 calories.

Hopefully everyone has a sucessful surgery and recovery

Thank God!

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i had surgery yesterday at 10:30 i got there at 1015 for an 1100 appointment and they pushed my surgery up. so i was not able to get nervous. so all i remember is waking in post op. i got me some nausea juice and finished waking up and was placed in a room. i really have felt reasonable well. as long as i stay warm i am fine. started walking the halls by two thirty was given some loratab that really helped. i could only have ice chips yesterday and began with Clear Liquids today plus ff milk. i walked pretty well and have not had a lot of gas. i dont feel bloated very much but i am a bit stiff and sore. i have been walking around today since being home but have laid down and still stiff. i hope to feel better tomorrow for sure. i am glad i am on the post side. i want to get my Protein more tomorrow so i will start to feeling better. overall surgery was great. very minimal pain. Good luck to other bandsters.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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