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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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Jess, I currently work in the Recovery Room and often help in the OR instead of twiddling thumbs waiting on my patient and I can tell you absolutely you will be covered and with blankets, just like Shelley said. It is a goal of ours to keep each patient as modest and keeping their dignity as intact as possible.

I'm exactly like you are...the only person I don't mind changing in front of is my husband...nobody else.

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I can finally consider myself banded! I was banded yesturday at Parham Doctors Hospital in Richmond, VA. My morning started off with taking a shower wiht the special soap that they gave me at my pre-admission testing. When I got to the waiting room, the only thing that i was nervous about was getting an IV because I hate needles. The nurse was very nice though. she gave me a shot to prevent blood clots, and then she gave me a shot of lidocane in my hand and numbed it so that she could give me the IV.

I was in the holding room for quite a while, and while I was waiting, I talked to my surgeon, met the anesthesit, and all of the nurses. Soon after that, they wheeled me to the operating room where I had to scoot myself to the table. Then they pushed something in to my IV and ave me the breathing mask and then I fell asleep.

I woke up in a lot of pain, because I had to have a Hiatial Hernia repair, and it was appaently one of the worst ones my surgeon has ever seen. He said he usually only needs one stitch, but he ended up needing to use 4 on me, so I was in a lot of pain. They put of pain medicine in my IV in the recovery room, but it didnt work, then my mom came back and I was having discussions that I dont even remember. I was also having trouble because I kept forgetting to breathe, but as soon as the nurse offered me a popsicle, I was so much better!

As soon as I got to my room, I was begging people to let me walk, which I did, and I even walked all the way to raidiology do that I could do my barium swollow.

After that, i was still in a lot of pain, so all night the nurses gave me morphine every hour. It was a long night with people coming in to wake me up. At 3:30 am, a lab tech came in to take my blood, and then at 6, I had to get another shot to prevent blood clots. Over the course of the time there, I was up walking a lot.

I finally was discharged about 2 hours ago, and now that I am home, I am eating sugar free popsicle, and drifting off to sleep, so sorry if this doesnt make much sense.

Good luck to everyone getting banded in the new future and to other people who are still in the decision process making.


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I have been told that I will be on the preop liquid diet for THREE weeks after my surgery. I am still in the preop stage. I am interested in the xray/barium swallow thing after surgery. My doc never mentioned that. Were you told before surgery that you would have to do that?

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I cant remember if I was told by my surgeon ahead of time if I was going to be doing a barium swallow, but i expected it after reading so many people's surgery day stories. Those stories helped me a lot. I wasnt surprised about the blood thinner shot, or that it would burn, because so many people mentioned that it burned, so I expected it.

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Holy cow! I have to have a hernia repair as well. Now I am considering asking my doctor if I can forgo it.

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My surgeon said that the hernia was the main reason why I was having Acid Reflux, so if that is the case, then it was a good thing they repaired it. They also told me that if they dont fix hernias, then the band doesnt work properly.

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I am going for surgery on Monday the 2nd August here in Australia, and I have sat here for about 3 hours reading all your stories about surgery day. It has been so helpful and calming to me, reading them has actually made me tear up at times.Thank you so much for taking the time to write about your experiences. All the very best of good luck to you, and God Bless you all.

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Hey guys,

I am set for surgery on August 5th, I am very excited and I appreciate everything that you are willing to share here. I will post my surgery day experience after I am banded. :(


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May 21st was a long day, but I think it went well.

We were supposed to get there at 7 a.m. for a 10 a.m. surgery slot. DH was worried about being late, so we got there at 6:30 a.m. We checked in, and were taken to a small walled-in room where the nurse went over my vitals with me. I changed into the ultra-fashionable gown, opening to the back, as well as the socks with the tread design. Once I laid down on the gurney, they put the massaging things on my legs, and connected the air.

A scopolamine patch was placed behind my ear for possible nausea. It's supposed to last three days.

The IV of saline was started, and we waited. Julie, Dr. Clark's Physician's Asst, came in to check on not long before 9, and said that they were getting ready to do a bypass, and that I was next after that. She also gave me a goody bag.

The goody bag had several items from On-Q, a pain moderating apparatus. I had it when I had my last intestinal surgery, and wondered if I would have it for this, since this was going to be laproscopic. She said no, it was just some goodies she wanted to give me. On-Q is an IV type set-up where thin lines are run on each side of an incision to deliver morphine right to the incision, instead of having the morphine affect the whole body. I really liked it how it worked, but I'm glad I didn't get it for this surgery, and I don't think I needed it at all.

The items in the goody bag were a pedometer/FM radio combination and a set of pens, and a Water bottle, all embossed with "On-Q".

The nurse gave me a shot of Heparin in the leg. That stuff burns going in! It's not unbearable, but it does sting.

The IV was turned up pretty high to really pump in the saline, and I got up at about 9:30 to pee. The nurse said that they do this so that the patients will void their bladders, since they want empty bladders for surgery. After I got up, they turned the drip rate down.

Dr. Wong, the anesthesiologist came in, introduced himself to me, and he told me what would happen once we got to the ER. I've been operated on before, so I wasn't worried about that part.

I ended up getting wheeled into surgery at 10:52 a.m. Dr. Wong put a strap over my forehead that held monitors for my sleep rate, and my arm was stretched out to the side. An injection was made in the IV, and I could smell the taste (if that makes sense). He said that most people just comment that they can taste something in their mouths once they get that injection, but I felt that I could actually smell what it tasted like since the taste seemed to be right up at the top front of my mouth.

The oxygen mask went on, I was instructed to take deep breaths, and the next thing I knew I was back in my little walled cubicle. I think I recall being in a recovery room, and getting my mouth swabbed, but I couldn't swear to anything that happened there.

After I was more awake, but still groggy, I was taken down to radiology for the barium swallow so they could check the placement of the band. Once we got there, I sat up on the edge of the gurney, and sat there for a while because I was light-headed and felt nauseated. The nurse waved an alcohol swab under my nose to help with the nausea. I finally felt ready to go in for the swallow, and they handed me a large glass full of thin barium. I almost dropped the cup, but was able to warn them before hand, so they took it from me, and gave me another minute to stand there. I finally managed to get a few drinks down, and they decided that it would be better to by-pass the standing x-rays.

They put the x-ray bed down, and I laid down on it. Then the meanie doctor made me roll over a couple times. I told him that I was going to moon him for revenge for making me roll, and he just laughed. The rolling was uncomfortable, but I managed. Everything looked good, and I even got to see the screen to see what the band looked like on an x-ray.

I was then taken back to the cubicle, and could definitely feel every bump when we crossed the elevator threshold or any doorway thresholds. I didn't feel them on the way down.

My throat was really dry, so I was able to have ice chips and a popsicle, and that really helped. I was also given a dose of the liquid lortab, and was really happy to have that popsicle as a chaser to get rid of the taste.

I was given my choice of what I wanted to try to eat. Out of the cream-of-wheat, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, cream of chicken Soup, mashed potatoes, and pudding, I chose the eggs and potatoes. No problem getting that down. I was allowed 2 medicine cups full of food.

I was finally let go at about 4:30. As I was getting into the wheelchair, I told DH that I thought he should drive home. The nurse looked startled for a minute, and then she realized I was joking!

We're looking for a car for our daughter, and since we were in Indy where there are several car dealerships within a few miles of the hospital, we decided (I insisted) that we not waste the opportunity. DH stopped and got me a bottle of Fiji Water to sip on for the drive. He drove through several lots so we could see what was available. If we saw anything that looked like a possibility, he got the details from the salesman, but no test drives. We just wanted to see what kind of prices are being asked. I had no problems being in the car for that extra hour that we spent driving through the lots.

Anyway, I slept most of the way home. We stopped to fill my prescriptions on the way home. I was given liquid lortab, Ursodiol (to prevent gall stones), and Protonix (for acid reflux). The pharmacy had to make the liquid lortab, so that took a little while. Not that I really noticed, because I was asleep in the car.

Once I got home, I took another dose of lortab, and then rested a while. I went to bed at 11, and had to make a wedge to recline on using my pillows, since lying flat was not comfortable. I woke up at about 9:30 this morning.

I'm still sore, coughing hurts even with a pillow against my abdomen, and it's a bit painful to take deep breaths. It's definitely bearable though. I am planning on wearing my binder for at least one week, since it feels good to have that support.

Good luck to everyone else!

I was self-pay in a clinic. I asked for liquid loritab... but they said I could swallow the pill.... so I've done without pain meds and took 1/2 of the nausea pill. I was told to only have liquids (oh, how I would love to have cream of wheat or mashed potatoes!).... and a binder? what is that?

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I'll try to make this short but it was a loooonnngggg day. I live in Florida and got banded in Denver, Co. on June 29th. Flew in Monday, had my pre-op visit, banded Tuesday, post-op visit Wenesday, was to fly out Thursday at 10:30am with a connecting flight in Dallas, to be home around 4:30pm. I was traveling with my wife, she got me all drugged up, we got on the plane for home and was then told there was engine probs and we had to go back into the terminal. To try and shorten this story, after much much line standing and cell phone calls, our only option was a flight out to Atlanta at 1:30AM the next morning! Then on to Florida to get home at 7:30am Friday morning! So we sat in the Denver airport for over 15 hours (not to mention a couple more in Atlanta) with me clutching a pillow to my stomach taking liquid loritab every 4 hours as my port incision was causing me much discomfort. Anyways, all is well now, I'm 4 weeks post op, down 22.5 lbs (7.5 pre-op, 15 post op) and going for my first fill this thursday.

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Welcome to all the new Bandsters! :thumbup:

I have been told that I will be on the preop liquid diet for THREE weeks after my surgery. I am still in the preop stage. I am interested in the xray/barium swallow thing after surgery. My doc never mentioned that. Were you told before surgery that you would have to do that?

Well, belld - if your doc wants you on liquids for 3 weeks, I'd definately DO it. We are all such individuals - though we all have bands, the pre and post-surgery instructions are often customized for us by our doctors. Maybe your doc is on the conservative side, but at any rate, please follow the doc's instructions. I was told before surgery that I would be on liquids for two weeks after, then one week on mushies, and one week on soft solids, then I could EASE back into 'regular' food.

The barium swallow is to help them "see" your band via xray and to make sure it's positioned correctly. Not a big deal, though the liquid doesn't taste very good - it is an essential step.

Holy cow! I have to have a hernia repair as well. Now I am considering asking my doctor if I can forgo it.

I wouldn't forgo the hernia repair - just make sure you've got your prescription for pain meds filled BEFORE you go home so that you don't have to do without, and take it on schedule. Don't try to be stoic...take those pain meds! :)

I am going for surgery on Monday the 2nd August here in Australia, and I have sat here for about 3 hours reading all your stories about surgery day. It has been so helpful and calming to me, reading them has actually made me tear up at times.Thank you so much for taking the time to write about your experiences. All the very best of good luck to you, and God Bless you all.

Blessings to you dreamskin - I pray your surgery goes quickly and without incident, and that you have a wonderfully easy recovery and a great start to your new banded life. I'm excited for you - I remember when my surgery was approaching...it seemed the days moved SO SLOWLY! Check in when you can and let us know how you're doing...:thumbup:

Hey guys,

I am set for surgery on August 5th, I am very excited and I appreciate everything that you are willing to share here. I will post my surgery day experience after I am banded. :)


Good luck on your surgery Ocnlvr - may your recovery be smooth, your tummy pain-free and your banded journey a rewarding one!

I'll try to make this short but it was a loooonnngggg day. I live in Florida and got banded in Denver, Co. on June 29th. Flew in Monday, had my pre-op visit, banded Tuesday, post-op visit Wenesday, was to fly out Thursday at 10:30am with a connecting flight in Dallas, to be home around 4:30pm. I was traveling with my wife, she got me all drugged up, we got on the plane for home and was then told there was engine probs and we had to go back into the terminal. To try and shorten this story, after much much line standing and cell phone calls, our only option was a flight out to Atlanta at 1:30AM the next morning! Then on to Florida to get home at 7:30am Friday morning! So we sat in the Denver airport for over 15 hours (not to mention a couple more in Atlanta) with me clutching a pillow to my stomach taking liquid loritab every 4 hours as my port incision was causing me much discomfort. Anyways, all is well now, I'm 4 weeks post op, down 22.5 lbs (7.5 pre-op, 15 post op) and going for my first fill this thursday.

Hey BigPops - sounds like you made it through just fine, and your loss before your fill is great! Keep up the good work, and I'll be looking for your updates!:thumbup:

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Well…im officially a bandster! Surgery was yesterday and everything went really well even though I had a freak out moment when I dropped off my boys with my brother. I started bawling thinking what if that was the last time I ever saw them. UGH- talk about heart wrencher. Anyways, Dr. Marquez was late so I didn’t go in until 12:30 (surgery was scheduled for 11:30). I remember thinking to myself that if she doesnt hurry up and get here then Im just going to walk out and not have this done. Lucikly about 15 mins later she showed up. Then they gave me the happy cocktail (hubby said I was saying some weird stuff! HA!) and wheeled me back and I only remember them messing with my legs getting me situated and the next thing I know is Im waking up in recovery. I did have a panic attack because I felt like I couldn’t breathe- the pressure in my chest was horrible. But they shot me up with something and things got better.

The worst part of the day was the barium swallow I had to do so they could take xrays. It was NASTY especially on an empty stomach. Then I got some more pain meds- liquid lortab and tastes like robitussin- ICK! I’ve been relatively pain free with just a couple of twinges of pain in my incisions. Ive been having gas pains in my shoulder too but the gas-x strips are helping with that. And last night I had the MOTHER of all burps and it felt soooo good! :)

Today Im feeling ok- I started coughing when I got up and that had made me hurt but I took my meds and now Im feeling good! Im not hungry and I've been sipping on some diet green tea this morning. Im going to go fix myself some broth in a few minutes or maybe eat a popsicle.

So all in all- things went well and I cant wait to be able to eat something with some substance!

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amber , im glad you did well and are on your way to a fast recovery!

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Yesterday was my day. We had to be at the hospital 6am, got there early enough for DH to have a last couple of cigarettes. I had a nervous stomach so I had to make a couple of last minute trips to the bathroom. I started out in the Same Day Surgery where I filled out the paperwork, had the leg squeezers put on, changed into a very warm attractive hospital gown and brown fuzzy socks, and received the dreaded Heparin shot in the abdomen. OUCH!! At this point DH laughed at me, said he'd never seen my pout and stick my lower lip out; well it did hurt.

After a goodbye kiss I got wheeled to the OR and waited, and waited and...my surgeon was running late. An hour later(it was 8:15am by this time) I was wheeled back into the OR suite. I slid over onto the very narrow table, and the last thing I remember was putting my arms out onto the armboards.

I don't remember the recovery room at all, I woke up as I was being wheeled into my room around 2:30pm. I could smell the chemical smell of the anesthetic I was exhaling and the betadine soap on my abdomen. I have one little puncture just below my breastbone and to the left which was sealed with dermabond, and one other longer incision about 3-4 inches also on my left side below my waist. That incision had a larger bandage on it; I suppose it's where the port is. My DH fed me ice chips because I was so dry, it really was the worst for me. I dozed on and off for a couple of hours then the nurse had me up and walking to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet for a long time trying to make myself wee. It was almost as though the anesthetic hadn't worn off my bladder yet.

When the second shift of nurses came on about 3:30 or so, she gave me a painshot (I hadn't asked for it) and another heparin shot (blood thinner) this time in the batwing part of my arm. It stung, but not has bad as the first one. She also brought me a food tray with broth, Jello, apple juce, crystal light iced tead and an Italian ice. There was nooo way I was going to get all that down! It felt like I had a weight on my chest. It felt as though if I swallowed too much that it would come back up. I had managed to bring some gas chewable tablets with me, I don't know if that helped or it was me walking up and down the halls but I did manage some little baby burps, and no gas pains.

I was home by 8pm, moving slowly. The pain meds make me feel sort of out of it, I know some folks pay for this feeling but I don't like it. I slept propped up on several pillows, and had to get out of bed every two hours to pee. Today I'm feeling kinda sore and bloated, just occasional gas pains, but overall I feel pretty good! Can't wait to get on this loosing weight business.


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Yesterday was also my day. Arrived at the hospital at about 8 am (after some confusion on the doctor's front). DH was with me, they took my back to change into that designer gown and fuzzy socks. Also, put the puff booties on me. DH then joined me for the anesthesiologist briefing and to meet the doctor, then he left and I was off to the OR. I remember being in the OR, seeing lots of white- lights, cabinets, then the mask, then nothing. (Oh, and I'd had the twilight drip and hep shot before being wheeled down the hall). The hep shot was in the arm, btw, and stung a little, but not too bad.

Woke up in the recovery room, cold and groggy but ok. Didn't have to have a catheter at all. Was stuck in the recovery room for a few hours because a room wasn't available yet- I felt like a jet who can't yet get to the gate.

Moved to my room, had a slew of visitors- interns, nurses, of course, my DH. I dont' remember much, except that I was unbelievably sleepy and just wanted to drift off. I had no sleep last night- being visited every 2 hours by nurses, doctors, interns, etc. for vitals, more heprin, bathroom visits, etc. I did have trouble urinating- which alarmed them more then me- so they doubled my Fluid intake and I looked like a beach ball. Fortunately the dam broke about 3 this morning and I have no problem now.

The gas is almost non-existent. I'd really been concerned by the referred pain and all the comments here, but it's not mucha-much. Have had a couple of Gas-X strips when I came home and have deflated, both in terms of fluids and gas.

Here's the thing that surprised me- I was given nothing more than Water for the whole time I was in the hospital (8 am- 3:00 pm the next day)- I thought that was unusual. I didn't miss anything else, though, as I'm not now, but I came home and had 1/2 a sf popsicle, and just finished some chicken broth. Yummy. Everything is relative now....

Good luck to everyone on the brink of this voyage. So far, it hasn't been nearly as rough as I'd expected.

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