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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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The gas is usually caused by them inflating CO2 gas into your stomach cavity so they can easily access your stomach.

The anethesia can cause nausea, vomitting, diarreha, and other side effects.

The anethesia only made me a little nauceous, but the CO2 is really uncomfortable. Takes awhile for it to leave your stomach! At least for me, but it was well worth it! -12lbs!

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Hi All,

I was banded on Friday April 10th 2009. The surgery was performed at the University of Chicago Hospitals by Dr. Vivek Prachand. My story went pretty much the same as most above except that I got the heparin shot in my IV. I remember being wheeled into the OR and transferred onto the operating table; after that the next thing I remember was waking up in recovery but my stay there is rather foggy. I can recall being moved to my private room but it's a bit cloudy. I spent Friday night and all day Saturday in my own room and was put on full liquids by mid afternoon Saturday. Wifey picked me up at 7 PM Saturday and we had to make several stops on the way home, I was able to get in and out of the car several times with little hassle althogh my belly was quite sore. So far, according to my bathroom scale, I've lost about 17 pounds since Friday and am feeling stronger with each passing day. The only complication so far has been gas but after reading some earlier posts I went out and got some Gas-X. I am so excited about reclaiming my body and health and would not hesitate to do it all over again if I had to!

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So, here I am 2 days post op. I had my surgery on 4/13/09. All went well. We got to the hospital at 7:30 am. First things first, a pregnancy test. Thankfully, not pregnant. (I have to pill babies already, so of course this subject always makes me nervous) We then met with the admitting lady. She could use a cup of coffee or a donut. She was def. not a morning person. Finally, we headed back to the pre-surgical area. They gave me my lovely gown. Very stylish. And then started my IV. All was going well. My husband was being his ever loving, ever playful self. Dr. O and Alli came to talk to me right before it was time to go to the or. As they were doing this, the mean nurse got me with a shot of heparin. That stung like a ----------! (you can fill in your own blanks here) Then one last smooch from hubby, and we were off! I remember going in the or and laying on the table. I remember the mask over my face, then next thing I knew, I was in recovery with a massive sore through, feeling like Mike Tyson had attacked my abs. Yikes! What did I get myself into! We went upstairs to my room shortly after. I was able to have some ice chips...yum! Then some broth...oh! Good Stuff! That night I went home, and am now resting comfortably. I have even managed to fold a load of laundry, and walk around the block a few times. What will tomorrow bring...Guess I'll just have to wait and see!:)

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Well I finally get to tell my story!!!:lol2: I ahd my surgery done on 4/9 and had to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM. MY DH and my olest son went along and when we arrived we were met by a very nnice nurse which done the weigh in, gave me a paper gown, which I thought was awful :eek: and done the usual question and BP. When I was taken to preop at 6:30 that terrible paper gown turned out to be very nice :party: They hooked a vacuum type thing up to it and it was a warming gown so that then you are laying there in the cooler room wating it heats up. Very nice !!! :sneaky: My surgery was scheduled for 7:30 and while in the pre op room my surgeon came in to see me, the anesthesia people and I was given my shot of heparin which I was dreading bc of everyone saying how bad it hurt and I was surprised because I did not feel a thing !!!:smile2: My hand was numbed before my IV was put in so I did not feel that either. At exactly 7:30 I was wheeled into the OR and asked to scoot on to the OR table and the next thing I remember was waking up in the Recovery room. There was a man snoring very loudly beside me and I had a very wonderful nurse who was very kind. She asked me to rate my pain which I gave a 5 to and she gave me a shot of morpheine which I did not like:sad: and decided I would take no more of that. I did not like the way it made me feel. I was taken to my room by 10:00 and was up walking around by 11:30. The nurse told me I was not allowed to use the Gas S strips which I had taken along but was having some pain so as soon as she left the room I got my son to give them to me.:woot: Went for my barium swallow at 1:45 and I do have to admit that was nasty.:hurray: I was taken back to my room then and was given broth, diluted apple juice, sf Jello and Decaf coffee. Had a few bites of the broth which tasted mighty tasty I do have to say :clap: and my doctor came back in at 3:45 and told me I could go home if I wanted, which needless to say I was taking off the hosptial gown and putting on my PJ top before he was back to the nurses station to do my discharge papers!!! Left the hospital and DH went to the pharmacy to get my drugs and I came home and slept the evening away. It has been 1 week today and I am feeling much better. Not 100 % yet but I am coming along. I have no regrets at all. I have lost 15 pounds in one week and am very happy about that. I have had some discomfort and some port pain but for the difference that it will make in my life that is nothing. I wish everyone that is reading this that you get the chance to do this surgery if it is want you want. I don't think that you will have any regrets. My surgeon and hospital staff were the tops. :mad2:

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I had surgery on April 13, 2009. I am doing better everday now. In at 6:45 surgery at 7:50am.........woke up in recovery at 10:45am. I was really sleepy and the recovery period was hard........hard to breathe and lots of pressure on my chest!! Very sick to my stomach!!! I was just better off sleeping of off....... They got me up at 10:45 and even though I was asleep off I went to radiation......... I was leaning against the wall ..........yep sleeping again!!! At 11am I was ready to leave and just waited for the docter and anesthesiologist to come talk to me!! They were in surgery still....at 12:30 they came in and said everything looked good and told me I struggled a bit coming out of anesthesia.......I don't remember much. But i I remember them telling the pacu nurse that something happened and to keep an eye om me! Than it hurt to breathe until of wore off!! I thought they were talking about my neighbor until the discharge when they told me it was me.........of coirse it was all foggy!! Idont know what happened and I good with that. Slept all the way home and slot the next two days!! Pain mess until today. Starting on the third dayreally bad gas pains which kept me awake all night........sipped Soup today and of has helped some. Still tired but awake more now.........did the dishes and some luandry today.......just to feel normal!! But it tired me out........the port is the worst it hurts slot.......specially getting up and down........now I can get up on my own if I go slow!!! :-). Lost 8 pounds since Monday..........,.... Stage 2 foods now!!

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I was banded on 4/13/09 also. My experience was different than yours. Surgery went well. Only complication was that I stopped breathing a few times (I didn't know I had sleep apnea). The dr said I could have went home the same day but I opt to stay overnight. The first two days were pretty uncomfortable but I was out playing bingo on day 4. I feel really good (except when I try to bend over). No gas pains or BM troubles. Best of all is no hunger pains yet. I thought it would be hard to watch others eat around me, but surprisingly I don't even want to eat (that's a new one for me)

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well I found out I am allergic to NSAIDs and not knowing this they gave them to me. That is why I could not breathe in the Recovery room. I was having and allergic reaction the the drugs they used...................so my experience was unique to be sure.

I had no idea I was allergic.

I was also diagnosed with asthma. I never knew I guess I have live with it for years without knowing.

This all explains alot about what happened on surgery day.

Bit still it that is the worst of it I survived and am feeling better everyday!! I think in another week all the soreness will be gone.........

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I was banded on 4-14 at 1PM by Doctor Brown in St. Luke's in Denver, CO. I'm a 30 year old male and had never had surgery before (or even really ever been in the hospital outside of minor injuries).

They wheeled me into the OR and that's the last I remember until waking up and struggling to catch my breath. They had me on oxygen, and every time I feel asleep, my sleep apnea would kick in and coupled with the anesthesia, I would stop breathing. They ended up keeping me on oxygen overnight til the anesthetic wore up. Went home around 1 the next day. All in all, a good experience!

Edited by cbergstrom

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I was banded on 4/21/09 at 7:30 am, had to be there at 5:30 am, got two hours of sleep the night before due to nerves. Everything went really fast, IV started, shot of heparin, spoke to the Docs, Anesthesiologist and Surgeon, was given some versed which made me feel so weird I literally started crying. I was wheeled to the OR scooted on the table mask over my face and out I went. The recovery nurses woke me up at 9:30 all I felt was slight soreness in my stomach and excruciating pain in my shoulders. I was finally able to get up out of the bed and get dressed and then sat in a wheelchair until my ride came to pick me up. I guess they needed my bay for the next guy. I went home the same day and slept most of the day. The next day I had to go back for the upper GI. I was able to walk half a mile. Today is day 3 and I haven't seen any weight come off yet, slightly discouraging since I'm eating next to nothing but I'm sure that will change soon enough. Other than the shoulder pain my soreness is pretty tolerable and I feel better and better each day.

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Remember you are probably swollen from the surgery and they prob gave you a bunch of fluids, so the weight I wouldn't stress over. I was banded on Monday and today I am down 10lbs from the band day weight. But, as of yesteday it was like only 2 lbs - so once the swelling went down it showed the true weight

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My surgery day was yesterday April 22, 2009.

Everything went great! The only thing wrong was with me. My daughter had surgery in July 08. I was expecting my experience to be like hers but Our doc had changed surgery centers since her surgery. She was in and out within 2 hours. I had to wait one hour in waiting room and then another two hours for surgery. Then 3 hours for surgery and recovery. All in all though it was not a bad experience ( I did laugh when they did a pregnancy test - I'm 51 !)

Also I'm working today the day after surgery and my daughter had to take a week off. She had lots of pain.

I haven't taken anything but tylenol today. She has lost 80 lbs and looks great.!

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I had my surgery yesterday. It was with Dr Yau with Slimband in Toronto. I arrived at 8:20 a little early for 9 am. At 9 the nurse came and got me to go get weighted, BP and change into the most flattering gown and robe :lol: From there DH and I just waited. Dr Yau came to speak with us and the the drug pusher came for a chat. The OR nurse came to get me around 10 am. We walked to the OR and I sat on the bed. She strapped these bootie type things on my calves to aid with circulation. Then I was given my IV and oxygen. A little while after that I was out. I vaguely remember going from the recovery room to my bed. So very sleepy. I remember them coming in to remove my IV then a whil elater the nurse dropped off my clothes and said that I could get dressed. I was amazed that I was able to do that on my own. I was so out of it. By 1:30 pm I was released and on my way home. Last night wasn't too bad by the gas is really coming in now. Not really hungry. So here we go.

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My surgery was on Tuesday April 28, 2009.

Arrived at the hospital at 6am with my DH.

Went right to the pre-op surgery room, put on the gown and slippers.

Nurse made sure I was ME - and then gave me the heperin shot in the belly. That burned a little.

I had brought my belongings in my new Vera Bradley bag - and ALL the nurses were coming in to take a look at it. They all wanted to see the inside and the little matching cosmetic bag, etc. My husband was not so thrilled with this part.

My surgeon and her residents came in and asked if we had any questions. we didnt'.

So we were just waiting on the anethesiologist, who was running late, so his partner said he would do this one. and away we went.

That is the LAST I remember until I was being transported up to my private room. VERY NICE

I had two cases of vomiting that 1st day/night. The first was nothing but dry heaves - and that was HORRIBLE.:ohmy:

The second was the liquid the pain medicine, still bad.

Slept well, then the next morning I was taken to the X-ray for the barium sallow............and yes it is really bad. SUPER THICK and a strange vanilla taste. But I was able to see my insides on the screen, so that was sort of cool.

A few hours later the surgeon came in and asked/told me it was time to go home. My DH and DD (6 yrs old) came and took me home. We made on stop for them to buy some BBQ from a church fundraiser, those ribs and chicken spelled SOOOO good. And they confirmed that yes, they were delicious.

I am now 3 days post op and still have some gas - but not much pain. I have not had a BM since surgery but I hear that is normal, since I have not had much to eat. I am walking alot and I am on a full liquid diet. I feel no restrictions, actually I feel like I could eat a salad, sandwich or something, but I DARE NOT -

Good Luck to everyone on their jouney - mine has been somewhat uneventful (meaning no real problems)...I am looking forward to shedding the pounds in the days, weeks, and months to come!!:thumbup:

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Off this morning for my surgery. Let's update this thread with current stories of surgery. I'm scheduled for

12:30 pm and have to be at hospital at 10 am. The pre-op diet has gone well. The only problem was gas pains and yes some diarreha yesterday. This morning I have no tummy rumbling and amazingly I'm not hungry. I'll try to post ASAP when I get home (that is if the circumstances will allow) to let you know what happened and how things went. Really anxious right now and I'm sure real nerves will kick in as I enter the hospital parking lot. I began my journey Feb 3rd with the first group visit consult about surgery. I just can't believe it's here! Pray for me today! Can't wait to see less of me!

My starting wait was 273, last week at last office visit was 268.

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Off this morning for my surgery. Let's update this thread with current stories of surgery. I'm scheduled for

12:30 pm and have to be at hospital at 10 am. The pre-op diet has gone well. The only problem was gas pains and yes some diarreha yesterday. This morning I have no tummy rumbling and amazingly I'm not hungry. I'll try to post ASAP when I get home (that is if the circumstances will allow) to let you know what happened and how things went. Really anxious right now and I'm sure real nerves will kick in as I enter the hospital parking lot. I began my journey Feb 3rd with the first group visit consult about surgery. I just can't believe it's here! Pray for me today! Can't wait to see less of me!

My starting weight was 273, last week at last office visit was 268.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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