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Hi Patty! I'm glad you're taking your pain meds. After I read your message, I went and took a hot shower. If felt so good. I had just forgotten I could take one--thanks for mentioning it. I've been walking on the treadmill some and now am going to go outside for a walk. The walking is really helping. Please stay in touch. Thanks.


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I shouldn't post here cause I am not post op yet but I am amazed at the number of people who are home within hours! In Buffalo we stay overnight and at this point I am very glad. I may not feel that way when I am trying to sleep in the hospital! My surgery is October 13th.

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I shouldn't post here cause I am not post op yet but I am amazed at the number of people who are home within hours! In Buffalo we stay overnight and at this point I am very glad. I may not feel that way when I am trying to sleep in the hospital! My surgery is October 13th.

I'm glad you wrote. And I wish you the best with your surgery. I am 63 years old and had my surgery on Oct. 1. I too wanted to stay in the hospital overnight, but my doctor said most people do better (and move around more) if they go home the same day. So I went home around 5 pm after a morning surgery. And I think it's working out very well. I was able to walk upstairs to my bedroom and down again a few times. And the day after surgery I was able to walk on the treadmill and took a walk around my block. I took a hot shower and washed my hair. I didn't think I'd be able to do all that, but actually it made me feel so much better. I am taking my pain medication as instructed; I'm not trying to be a martyr!! and endure the pain. And I think that is what is helping me to move around more. When I find myself sitting on the cough too long, I make myself get up and walk around and get busy doing whatever I can (not too much, though). I hope this has helped you. If you need any other information, please let me know. You can email me directly if you want: betty_dilley@comcast.net.

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I had my surgery yesterday, Oct.1,2008. I arrived at the hospital at 9:45. Went into the holding area at noon. I had to have blood work first, it took a while to get the results. The nurse started my I.V., gave me a shot of Lovenox (Blood thinner), checked my sugar, took my vital signs. Dr. Nease came in and talked to me. The anesthesiologist also came in to get my medical history. Then an nurse anesthetist and a student came in and asked me most of the same questions. They gave me Versed, and put an oxygen mask on me. The next thing I remember is being in the recovery room, with the nurse telling me that the surgery was over. It was about about 3:00. I was taken back to the holding area, drank some Water, went to the bathroom to pee and got dressed. First they put an abdominal binder on. I have to wear it daily until I see the Dr. again. I was given a prescription for liquid lortab and did take a dose last night. I slept well, I slept on my back with 2 pillows, I'm used to sleeping on my side so I did wake up a few times. I take a lot of meds, nothing changed except my Lantus insulin, I was taking 65 units a day, now I'm taking 30 units daily and have to record my blood sugars 3 times a day and take them to my return appt. I am not hungry yet. I am taking fluids well, I was on Clear Liquids yesterday and can start full liquids today. I'm off to GNC to get some Protein Shots. I can drink 1/3 of a tube 3 times a day and get 60 grams of Protein. I was told to eat 6 times a day, and to take in at least 64 ounces of water a day. So far so good. I enjoy reading all the posts and have been waiting to have this surgery since May of 2007.:cool2:

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Sounds like you're doing great. What is the abdominal band for? I had my surgery one day before you. I'm not getting 64 oz of Water in a day, but am getting in 64 oz of fluid; hope that's okay.

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The abdominal binder is an elastic binder (like one would wear with back pain) it is for support because of my bigger stomach. About the 64oz of Water, I think you are right, as long as you're getting 64 oz of any type of sugar free beverage, it's ok. Sounds like you're doing pretty good also. Have you had any bad gas pains? I haven't yet, been belching a lot, but no pain so far. I had some thin cream of wheat about an hour ago, so far so good, no problems with it. I got some Protein Powder today, haven't tried it yet.Take care and email me anytime.


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no gas pains -- i went to the theatre where i volunteer - think i may have done too much -- had to take the pain med just now to get some relief -- i need to start keeping track of my Protein grams -- have to be sure i'm getting in 40 to 60 grams a day. popsickles are really helping

it's nice that we are about the same surgery-time-wise. take care

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I officially joined the band wagon Sept 30th. I was in the surgical center at 615, prepped and taken back at promptly 730, nice to be the first one in. I was listening to them as I moved over to the OR table then the mask, & next thing I know, Im waking up in recovery. I only had pain on the right side (and still 3 days later, my port area I'm assuming just feels really tight when I stand/walk) I was back home at 1045 (there's an hour drive there & back) so I was more comfortable to be in my OWN home... the 1st couple days I just slept alot, today I went out and took a lil walk around the corner and back.. I too forgot I could shower, and since it's almost 11pm, I'll just do that in the morning. I have that 'gas bubble' pain in my left shoulder that I would be happy to see go, and other than that, I guess I'm doing ok. I too am taking the meds as not to be a martyr, pain is pain, and it's not going to make me a more successfull bandster if I do/dont take it.

Our daughter had been with my sister (she's an active 2yr old) and my husband picked her and our oldest niece today so that I can have my baby home with me, but still have enough help as to not do any damage to my new installation.

Sooo I'll be glad to get everything healed up again.. and when I can see the weight going else where.

Best wishes to everyone...we made a tough decision... we CAN do this! (I may need to be reminded later too!) :tongue:

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Hi. I know some of you know my surgery story, but I felt I should add it to the pages of LBT history. I live in Albuquerque New Mexico - lapband surgery is not performed here, so I went to Houston to have mine done. My procedure was scheduled for Friday September 12th. My mother and I flew down to Houston on Tuesday the 9th. We were supposed to stay for 5 days - due to fly home on Sunday. Well...... our plans were changed by Hurricane Ike. We were staying in a hotel suite and on Wednesday, I got the call from my surgery center saying they were closing down and leaving because the hurricane was on its way. My surgery was postponed..... but no one knew when it would be. Ike hit the Texas coast early Saturday morning. We had no power or Water in our hotel for 3 days. It was miserable. Of course we could not get home. The devistation was horrible and we felt very lucky that we had comfortable homes waiting for us. I finally got a call from my surgery center on Wednesday, saying that my surgery was rescheduled for the next Wednesday (24th). Because of the cost of flying, and not knowing if we could get a room if we came back, (most were taken by evacuees, FEMA, and emergency teams from all over the country), we decided to stay. The next day (Thursday the 18th), I got a call saying that they were going to do my surgery the next day - Friday the 19th. Finally!!! The surgery went very well and my mother and I flew home to Albuquerque on Tuesday the 24th. Our 5 day trip turned into a 14 day trip. We spent LOTS more money than we had planned to. It was the first hurricane that I have experienced.... and hopefully the last!! We did have some fun, learned a lot, and the most important thing was that I didn't have to come home without my band. I will be flying back to Houston for my first post-op visit on October 24th, and I will be checking the weather very closely this time. Becky

p.s.- In case you didn't guess - my band's name is Ike :crying:

Edited by MissBS

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I had my surgery on Wed, Oct 1. I meant to come on earlier to post what went on, but with the recovering and the travelling...time did not permit.

My husband and I travelled from Moncton, NB, on the east coast of Canada, to Toronto on Sept 30. I travel all the time...I know how airports work...yet would you believe this...I did NOT check the time of our flight, and we missed it!!!Just showed how nervous I was.

Luckily, we got on the next flight, and got to Toronto around 7:00 pm. We rented a car,and attached our GPS to show us where our hotel was...well, now our GPS did not work. Here we are, on one of those crazy Toronto highways, with no idea where we were going... Thankfully, my DH, who is a rock, calmly got off the highway and fixed everything. Any other time, he would have killed me...but I was so stressed, he took care of everything.

We got booked into our hotel that night. By then, we were both hungry, but I was still on vegetables and Optifast. I ordered some Soup, and some veggies, and it was all good - he had a club sandwich which I did not even want to look at.

That night, he slept soundly. For me, my stomach felt like there was a major league ball game being played. I was so sore, so upset...and this was the day before the surgery.

We got up early the next day, and I of course could have nothing. I had my shower, packed my bag, my surgery was at 10:40, we had to be there at 9:40. At 9:15, he fills his coffee cup, picks up the paper, and heads to the bathroom for his constitituional...no way. I told him he could wait to be comfortable after he delivered me to the Surgical Weight Loss Clinic.

We got to the clinic, they were very busy, came down and got me and we left DH. They took me upstairs, weighed me, took my pressure, got me to change. Dr. Cobourn came in, talked to me, then the anaestheiologist came by and told me what would happen. I then walked into the surgery room, lay down, and was out like a light in 5 minutes.

I woke up in the recovery, feeling very good. I was pretty well awake, the doc came in and asked me some questions, and next thing you know I was getting dressed. We were back at our hotel by 1:30. I slept on and off for the rest of the day, talked to friends at suppertime. I took some codeine(they had given me demerol in the hospital), and slept for the rest of the night.

The next day, we drove down to Hamilton(1 hour), saw another doctor, then checked inot another hotel and went to sleep. got up the next day and drove to the airport(1 hour), and flew home(2 hours).

Pain has not been too bad. It is day 5 today, I am tired, keep dozing, but the pain is hardly there.

Good luck to everyone.

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Here's my story... Beat the alarm at 3:30 am and took my shower with the anti bacterial soap. Got hubby up at 3:50 and we left at 4 am to be at the surgery center at 6 am. We got there early at 5:30 and finished the check in process. The receptionist was getting ready to take us to the elevator and I asked about when I paid my co-pay. She looked it up and had me pay $675 (it is supposed to be $887):tt2:. I'll get billed later for the difference.

Went up to the surgery center, introduced to one of the nurses, was shown to a curtained room, removed my clothes, put on the gown & socks and waited. The nurse told the CNA to put the leg things on, which she did. Another nurse came in to start the IV and decided the CNA had put the wrong leg things on because of a study the center is doing on a new type. So, I got soft blue ones instead of the white plastic ones.

After the IV, Anesethiologist and Doctor visit, I headed to the OR. The last thing I remember was the room was wiggling. I woke up to my husband talking to me. I was in at about 7:45 and out by 9:15-ish. I also had a hiatal hernia repaired so it took a little longer. I had a hard time waking up but they finally woke up enough to go to X-ray where I kept that NASTY liquid down long enough to get an x-ray done then promptly threw it back up! That HURT! They made me do it again and I was able to give a good pic before throwing it back up. :thumbup:

I went back to my recliner chair and slept a couple more hours. The nurse said it was a combination of the pain meds and anti nausea meds. I was home by 4 pm and that included the hour & half drive.

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My surgery day story:

My surgery was on October 7th, 2008 at 10:30 (needed to be at the hospital at 8:30).

I got up around 5:00 a.m. because I needed to get my daughter off to her day care (where she was staying the night) at about 6:15 so my ride to the hospital could pick me up at 6:30. I don’t have a good support system around me so I was depending on the husband of one of my staff members to take me to the hospital (another staff member’s husband picked me up!) (I love my staff!!!)

The drive to the hospital was about an hour and fifteen minutes and we made it to St. Agnes’ (in Baltimore) in plenty of time (around 8:00). I hopped out of the car, thanked my ride profusely and entered the building.

A very nice staff member of St. Agnes’ hospital checked me in and within about 45 minutes I was in the pre-op room being prepared. A pre-op nurse took my history and security took away my “valuables” (cell phone, wallet, checkbook, and keys). After about 30 minutes, various doctors visited me—the surgical residence with a medical student in tow, the anesthesiologist, the surgery nurses etc. My surgeon also popped in and had me sign off on a final waiver. We chatted and he assured me that all would go well.

My nerves were in okay shape but not great. I’m a single Mom so I kept thinking about my 2 ½ year old daughter and what would happen if something went wrong. Silly, but true.

At one point, when I was being given some of the first meds for the operation, there were about three or people in the room all looking at me, and, I must admit, for some reason (the drugs?) I felt sort of weepy. I kept flashing onto my daughter singing “Twinkle, twinkle little star” and that made me tear up a bit. The nurses kept assuring me that it was normal to be nervous and that all would be fine.

Well, I don’t remember too much more after that except being wheeled into the O.R.

Waking up, I felt groggy but I knew to expect that after reading all the surgery day stories on this forum! I felt some pain but it wasn’t too horrible. I had requested that I have the post-op x-ray on the same day as my surgery so I could check out earlier the next day (since I was depending on the kindness of a stranger, I wanted to get out as soon as possible). So, very soon after waking up, I went up to x-ray and had the post-op swallow test. Apparently all was well because I was allowed to “eat” later that day.

The rest of the day was spent in my room going between periods of sleep and restlessness. I had about 4-5 episodes of EXTREME nausea which was much worse than any of the pain that I had. I never actually vomited but came close a few times. The nausea actually made the pain worse because of the strain on the surgery site when “heaving”. Ugh. It was gross. I was also worried during those episodes because they talk about the band slipping due to vomiting but (I guess) that didn’t happen.

Later the nurse told me that maybe the pain medicine was causing some of my nausea so I stopped “hitting the button.” The nausea really sucked.

During the night I must have gotten up about 5-6 times to pee, so it was an extremely restless night.

Early the next morning, I felt pretty shitty. I was in lots of pain and had worries about getting nauseous again (which never happened, thank goodness). About mid-morning though, I started feeling better and I was able to walk about 5 times around the halls (pretty short jaunts really) while waiting for my discharge. I was visited by the surgical resident and medical student but not by my surgeon which I think is somewhat odd. I wonder if that is typical…

I wanted to check out of the hospital as soon as possible because I knew that my ride home was on his way and I didn’t want to inconvenience him anymore than I had too (he was already driving 1 ½ hours to pick me up). I had been told at the pre-op seminar that check out would probably be around 10-11, but, of course, that didn’t happen. My ride arrived and we ended up sitting in my room for a good hour and a half waiting for my discharge orders. I kept apologizing to him, but he was a true Southern Maryland gentleman and tutted away my concern.

FINALLY, I was discharged around 12:30 but it was more like 1:30 before we finally got out of there since I had to stop by the pharmacy to get a few prescriptions.

The ride home wasn’t too bad. I had my pillow as advised by my fellow forum members and, for some reason, the bumps in the road didn’t really bother me that much. About two hours after being dropped off, I climbed into my car to pick up my daughter from day care. Luckily, it is only five minutes away, but I was nervous driving. It turned out to be fine. She was glad to see me after spending the night with her day care provider.

I’ve been home a few days now and every day I’m feeling better. I’ve had a hard time getting in and out of bed (pain) and adjusting to the liquid only diet. I actually do feel some hunger but find that a few swallows of Soup or Protein drink or even Water will assuage it. I’ve been having terrible headaches. I’m not sure if they are from caffeine deprivation, high blood pressure or dehydration.

Anyway, today, three days after surgery, I feel like I’m at about 60%. That’s not too bad.

Edited by Betelnut

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My surgery took place on October 7th at Harper Hospital in Detroit which is part of Wayne State University where they train in medical fields. I was told to be at the hospital at 11:30 am and had spent the night at a connecting hotel/guest housing. I am a hard pick and the surgery requires a large IV. I was impressed that the student hit the vein the first time because other surgeries at other hospitals took up to 9 tries before getting it right. I also had blood tests pokes too but that wasn't bad either. Once that was over, I didn't care what happened because that is generally the worse thing for me.

I was laying there for a long time when another surgeon showed up and told me that my surgeon had a serious emergency and that he couldn't do the surgery. His new partner was the surgeon who was going to do the gastric band surgery instead. They took me to surgery at 4 pm. They had made 5 slots to perform the gastric lap band and most of them were glued shut. The surgeon had taken the time to speak to my husband and gave him a photo of my lap band placment. By 8 pm I was in my room again and I had wretched once on the way because I am supseptible to motion sickness even after multiple shots to try to prevent it. It scared me that I might have ripped the band loose but was assured that it would take more than that. After a few hours I was gotten out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I was on oxygen and had a machine I had to breathe into 10 times an hour and cough to prevent pnuemonia. I was given popsicles, Water, and Jello which I had no problem eating. They put these booties on my feet that inflated every few minutes to stop clots from forming in my legs. I still managed to sleep through it and fell back to sleep after multiple times of blood pressure and temperature readings.

The next morning, I was served Breakfast of Jello, popsicle, real chicken broth, and Water. I couldn't finish the jello. I was doing very well they said and by 11 am I was packing up and getting dressed to go back to my hotel room. We stayed the night and then wrapped myself with the adominal elastic band and a pillow in front where the seat belt was. Took a vicatin and started the 120 mile drive home. The nurse had told me to get out and walk at least every 20 minutes. We stopped at two rest areas on the way home. I took a nap when I came home. Without the pain medicine, I feel like I have had another hysterectomy or Cesearan. I am not hungry but I do have to get rid of gas yet and have not had my first BM yet. I am on my way to starting my new life!

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I was banded yesterday, Thursday Oct. 9th, at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

My mother, daughter and I had driven up the night before. It's only 45 minutes from home, but was worth it (we went to the bookstore, and swam in the hotel pool). I checked in at 7:15am. I was second on his schedule for the day. They got me situated - put on the lovely leggings, put in the iv, gave me an albuterol treatment. By 8:15, I was in pre-op and very, very scared.

Betelnut - I understand what you're saying about your daughter completely. I'm a single mom too (my daughter's father died when she was a baby) - and the idea of her losing another parent scared me to death.

They rolled me into the surgical suite. I remember seeing it and that's about it until recovery. I had some nausea when they moved me to my regular room. My blood pressure was a little slow to rebound as was my oxygen saturation level, so I was hooked up to a number of machines most of the time. I had been planning on going home - they had been planning on my staying. So, I stayed. Had I lived in town, I might have fought it harder.

I walked the halls a lot - the nurses teased me that my fellow bandster and I should have races. This morning, Dr. O'Byrne came by about 9:30 and checked on me and finally set me loose. After the drive home, I took some pain meds and took a nap and have slowly been getting more active and less sore.

My daughter is staying the night with my brother & his family - they even took the dogs - so I'm on my own until they bring her home from dance tomorrow around noon.

My next appt up there is for what they call "First Breakfast" next Thursday.

So, that's where I stand. I'm glad it's over, and I'm looking forward to feeling better and getting to work.

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I had my surgery on October 8th. My birthday is October 15th and the staff made sure I had my surgery for a birthday present.

We went to the hospital at 12:00 and surgery was set for 2:00. They started getting me ready with my IV gave me a medicine to calm me and I was on my way to surgery.

I stayed overnight because of my severe sleep apnea and they had trouble waking me in recovery. Everyone was so nice.

I am on day 4 and finally got to eat Soup. I am still taking liquid loratab. The gas pain is on the side of my port. I am swollen and the incisions are very sore when I move. But, I am doing well.


Edited by cheryl1952

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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