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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I had my surgery on 9-2-08. I arrived at the out patient surgery at 6 am, my surgery was scheduled for 9:30. I check in and paid my $200. co-pay and waited just a few minutes. Then we were taken back to the pre-op area where I got weighed and vitals and a pregnancy test! (thought it was funny) and then I went to the area where they had the bed and hospital gown waiting for me. I got undressed and then was asked 100 questions. The nurse was very nice. She gave me a shot of heprin which stung a lot and then put those things on m legs to prevent clots. She started my IV and the DR. came in and said hi and said I was next in line there was one lap-band patient in front of me. I remember the nurse telling me she was going to put something in my IV and I would still be awake but wouldn't remember anything after that point. Which turned out to be true because next thing I knew I was woken up in recovery. I faintly remember them sticking something under my back and doing an x-ray. I kept dozing off and my mouth was very dry. Soon I was taken into a different recovery area where I had to get out of bed and sit in a recliner. Then they allowed my husband's granny to come in. (she took me to surgery my husband couldn't get off work) I had a horrible pain in my chest. The nurse said it was probably gas that they inject gas into your body during surgery so they can see better. ??? has anyone heard of this?? Anyways that was the only pain I remember right after surgery. Then he brought me some Water and said I could leave as soon as I could go pee. So soon I was off to the restroom. Then Granny helped me get dressed, and we got our post-op instructions and perscriptions and we were on our way home. I was home by 2pm. My husband got home from work about that same time and he went to the pharmacy to pick up my perscriptions. I layed on the couch and went to sleep. I only took my pain medicine (liquid lortab) that night and the next night, I really didn't have much pain. Don't get me wrong there was pain, the day of surgery I felt like I was hit by a truck. Over all it was a pretty good experience.

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Had my surgery Sept 23. It was my second rescheduled date so I had begun to become very nervous that I would get there and they would cancel it. Arrived at the hospital at 5am for a 7:30 surgery, half hour early. Once they took me back to the pre-op area I started to have an axiety attack. I worked so hard to calm myself down, didn't want to give them a reason to cancel the surgery.

They gave me a gown and booties and told me to change. The gown was "tight" so they brought me a huge gown, but that one felt good. Once naked, with but showing, they told me I had to step on the "dreaded" scale. When I stepped on and saw that I had lost 10 pounds since my Pre Op visit I started to cry and cry. The Nurse was so sweet and told me what a fantastic job I had done.

Back in bed, things begun to pick up and more people were walking around. The very young man in a white coat walked by and I jokingly said "How old is he - 12? The nurse told me "don't look now, but he is coming to see you" He Dr walked up to me and I busted up laughing. My emotions were spilling out everywhere. I was having my surgery done as USC University Hospital, so there are Young GOOD looking Drs everywhere. I may be old, but I am not dead :teeth_smile:

Found out the Dr was 27, he looked 12. Was asked every question you can image. Funny, they asked about prior surgeries. I told him two major ones, but forgot all the others. He kept asking, what is that scar from, and that scar. I even forgot about the tonsils, whoops.

The Surgery Fellow Dr came in, told me I had done fantastic. We spoke for a bit and then the anthesiologist came in. I love her. She told me she was going to give me somthing to help me feel better. She put happy juice in my iv and funny, I barely remember anything else. I was wheeled down a hallway. I remember getting onto a table with lumps under my back. I think I remember something touching my face. That was all.

I woke up in recover with a very sore throat, from the breathing tube. I closed my eyes, went back to sleep. Next thing I know they are speaking to me loudly telling me to breath deep and wake up. I would take a couple deep breaths and then go back to sleep. They became persistant. Seems everytime I fell asleep I forgot to breathe and my oxygen leven dropped, it kept getting down to 80-90%. Finally I was told I had to stay awake. I told my nurse to give me my glasses and a wash cloth. That worked. I was taken back to my pre-op area.

I have 6 incissions, one right where my bra hits, isn't that wonderful. No bra's for me for a while. Had gas, which they explained was from the CO2 gas and the diaphram spazzing out. Wasn't bad and felt pretty good, just wanted to go home.

I was told I had to pee before I could go home. I wanted to go so bad I LIED. This could have been bad because I couldn't pee until the next day, but it worked out.

The Dr was suppose to come in a talk to us. After waiting for over an hour, he was scrubbing for his next surgery. Finally we just left, one of the nurses was all pissed off that he hadn't come back. I guess I would talk to him at my post op visit. Seems the Dr was going to come out to speak to my hubby after the surgery but they called him and told him to go see me in Pre Op. Except I wasn't there, it was another Perez. Then when he got backhe found out he has missed the Surgeon. Hubby was pissed.

All in all, I am so happy. Yes there is pain, but not bad. Yes there is discomfort, but not bad and it gets better each day.

I had a fantastic Surgeon, he did and excellent job, we just had a miscommunication after surgery.

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Had my surgery Sept 23. It was my second rescheduled date so I had begun to become very nervous that I would get there and they would cancel it. Arrived at the hospital at 5am for a 7:30 surgery, half hour early. Once they took me back to the pre-op area I started to have an axiety attack. I worked so hard to calm myself down, didn't want to give them a reason to cancel the surgery.

They gave me a gown and booties and told me to change. The gown was "tight" so they brought me a huge gown, but that one felt good. Once naked, with but showing, they told me I had to step on the "dreaded" scale. When I stepped on and saw that I had lost 10 pounds since my Pre Op visit I started to cry and cry. The Nurse was so sweet and told me what a fantastic job I had done.

Back in bed, things begun to pick up and more people were walking around. The very young man in a white coat walked by and I jokingly said "How old is he - 12? The nurse told me "don't look now, but he is coming to see you" He Dr walked up to me and I busted up laughing. My emotions were spilling out everywhere. I was having my surgery done as USC University Hospital, so there are Young GOOD looking Drs everywhere. I may be old, but I am not dead :teeth_smile:

Found out the Dr was 27, he looked 12. Was asked every question you can image. Funny, they asked about prior surgeries. I told him two major ones, but forgot all the others. He kept asking, what is that scar from, and that scar. I even forgot about the tonsils, whoops.

The Surgery Fellow Dr came in, told me I had done fantastic. We spoke for a bit and then the anthesiologist came in. I love her. She told me she was going to give me somthing to help me feel better. She put happy juice in my iv and funny, I barely remember anything else. I was wheeled down a hallway. I remember getting onto a table with lumps under my back. I think I remember something touching my face. That was all.

I woke up in recover with a very sore throat, from the breathing tube. I closed my eyes, went back to sleep. Next thing I know they are speaking to me loudly telling me to breath deep and wake up. I would take a couple deep breaths and then go back to sleep. They became persistant. Seems everytime I fell asleep I forgot to breathe and my oxygen leven dropped, it kept getting down to 80-90%. Finally I was told I had to stay awake. I told my nurse to give me my glasses and a wash cloth. That worked. I was taken back to my pre-op area.

I have 6 incissions, one right where my bra hits, isn't that wonderful. No bra's for me for a while. Had gas, which they explained was from the CO2 gas and the diaphram spazzing out. Wasn't bad and felt pretty good, just wanted to go home.

I was told I had to pee before I could go home. I wanted to go so bad I LIED. This could have been bad because I couldn't pee until the next day, but it worked out.

The Dr was suppose to come in a talk to us. After waiting for over an hour, he was scrubbing for his next surgery. Finally we just left, one of the nurses was all pissed off that he hadn't come back. I guess I would talk to him at my post op visit. Seems the Dr was going to come out to speak to my hubby after the surgery but they called him and told him to go see me in Pre Op. Except I wasn't there, it was another Perez. Then when he got backhe found out he has missed the Surgeon. Hubby was pissed.

All in all, I am so happy. Yes there is pain, but not bad. Yes there is discomfort, but not bad and it gets better each day.

I had a fantastic Surgeon, he did and excellent job, we just had a miscommunication after surgery.

Debbie, you helped me SO SO much. I also had my surgery cancelled once. The doctor wanted an esophageal motility test done, and it came back as normal. So my surgery is scheduled for this coming up Tuesday, Sept. 30. I have to be at the hospital at 7:00; am not sure what time my surgery is. I wasn't put on any type of preoperative diet; were you? I too have lost 10 pounds since beginning this journey. I can't tell you enough how much your explaining things to me has helped. I would like to keep in touch with you. What is the best way to do that (if you're willing)? I am 63 years old. I live in Germantown, TN. I have a husband and 7 dogs we have rescued over the years. All our kids and grandkids live elsewhere, so our dogs are our "furry kids!" My husband is 66. We are both retired. I do a lot of volunteer work for a nearby small community theatre. He plays golf, fishes, and goes to garage sales. Anyway, I hope to hear back from you. You have made me feel secure and sane!!

Betty Dilley

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DebbiePerez your story was funny but one caveat....you shouldn't have lied about urinating! They don't ask that cuz it's fun for them LOL you could've damaged your kidneys etc. Just wanted other people to realize that lying about stuff to your nurses may be human but it isn't always the best course; trust me, they have good medical reasons for wanting certain things to happen. I've known people who have real trouble post op because they can't urinate and go on home and are back for a longer stay several days later w/impaired kidneys etc.

So I'm glad things all went well for you and your story was cute and I laughed along "with" you....but don't lie to your nurses! LOL

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DebbiePerez your story was funny but one caveat....you shouldn't have lied about urinating! They don't ask that cuz it's fun for them LOL you could've damaged your kidneys etc. Just wanted other people to realize that lying about stuff to your nurses may be human but it isn't always the best course; trust me, they have good medical reasons for wanting certain things to happen. I've known people who have real trouble post op because they can't urinate and go on home and are back for a longer stay several days later w/impaired kidneys etc.

So I'm glad things all went well for you and your story was cute and I laughed along "with" you....but don't lie to your nurses! LOL

You are so right - It is wrong to lie to the nurses. When I got home there was blood in my urine, I guess the cathader scraped. When I couldn't pee, I thought for sure I was going to end up back in the hospital. Then when I finally went, relief. :wink_smile: Not sure because I was able to go, but I really thought I had messed up big time. I guess I reacted to the anesthia in more than one way. So, NEVER lie, besides it does come back to haunt you. :teeth_smile: Debbie

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I'm so glad you were ok! And you know what, kudos for "fessing up" and admitting it was wrong. I know you will really Kick "A" with the band! Thanks for sharing, both the "good" and the "bad" :teeth_smile:

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I arrived to St. Francis Poughkeepsie at 8:45 surgery. Went into the holding room Where I gave a urine sample, got blood drawn, put on a gown with just my socks on, Iv starinted of saline and pepcid. A nice woman came in who had to do a belly scrub on me. That was basically to prep me for surgery. All it was iodine and a sponge. She was wonderful. then at 9:35 I went to the OR holding area where again many ques asked by anesthia, the or nurse, They added some pepcid to IV and something to my iv as I do get motion sickness, that did give me a slightly sedated feeling. I mentioned I was getting a little anxious. They then wheeled me into the OR at 10am. The dr came in. I asked my last ques. WHat is the life of the band. The oldest one he has is 18 yrs old they are to last a life time. Ideally. The or nurse was counting the instruments not something I wanted to see it made it sureal to me. They put me on an oxygen meter, strapped arms down. Started to give me some meds and o2 via iv and I apologized for falling alseep as it was rude. The next thing I knew I woke up in recovery. Apparently you do hear things as the nurse asked me do I remember telling them in the or as they wheeled me out as I said "Ill play pool with you.. lets go. " apparently theywere talking about pool and I heard them. When I woke I was not in pain, but when I moved the incision that is on my right side is sore.. but I did not take any pain med. I asked for tylenol.. they said sorry we only offer morphine. So I passed. About 1pm I went for barium swallow. Which was ok. I took probably 3 sips of chalky berry flavor stuff and watched my swallowing on the tv pretty cool. I was kept longer as I did not take in enough liquids yesterday. My bp was low. 88/44. I was encouraged to breathe, given a incentive spirometer which I finally got up to 2000 this eve.. Ya me. I asked to go to the bathroom, went potty. walked. Spoke with the dr. all went well. I am on liquids thru next week clear, but I can have coffe, no Soups. broth, Jello, my Protein Shakes. He told me to hold on my Multivitamin but gave me scripts for pepcid and vicodin. I am home now. And it is not bad. Getting up is a problem. Its difficult but I manage. So today is a good day. Tommorow may be a different story.. Shouting to the world I am banded.

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I had my surgery on the 29th. I went in at 10:45 am and filled out some paperwork then was taken to pre-op. There I was given a gown and socks. They did blood work, pregnancy test and reviewed a bunch of paperwork with different people.

Doctor came by around 12:30 pm and said they were running about 30 minutes behind and we would be going soon. Last thing I remember was talking to someone and I think I recall someone putting an oxygen mask over my face.

The next thing I remember was going into my new room at it was already about 6:15. Apparently it took me quite a bit to come out of it in recovery. All in all it went very well because i dont remember most of it, and im ok with that hahaha

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Glad to know you are doing pretty well. I'm having the same problem getting out of bed. Have you been advised to use hot packs or ice packs? Somewhere I read about them, but can't remember. Let's keep in touch.

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I have been home since the day after (tuesday) and have been doing ok i guess. I had quite a bit of pain on tuesday around 3pm because i had fallen asleep and my drugs must have warn off. So as of right now i take my liquid lortab every four hours till i get more comfortable getting around.

i have not used any hot/cold packs but took my first shower today and i felt a little better.

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I woke up at 4:30am, took a shower with the preop soap and was out the door with my entire family in tow. We arrived at the hospital at 6:30am, and waited for what seemed like an eternity. They finally got around to me by 930 ish. The nusre put the booties on my to massage my legs, gave me a shot in my belly to prevent blooclots. By 10:45 or so I was being given the pre-anesthisia shot. GOOD STUFF. LOL. Anyway, I remember them putting the mask on my face and thinking I'm not sleepy yet. two hours later I woke up. haha. I woke up in the recovery room with another woman snoring very loudly. I was in a great deal of pain. I saw my family through a door for about 2 seconds before the told them they couldn't come in there with me. I bawled like a baby. Then came the x-ray and upper GI test. It hurt moving from one table to another. Finally I get back to my hospital room , went pee and ate ice chips and a sugar free popsicle. After they walked me down a long hallway I was discharged. When i got home I was in so much pain I was ready to kill someone, and so my husband went to get me a smoothie from smoothie king. The rest of the day is a blur right now, due to the fact that I was on pain pills and still coming down from anesthisia. I know I walked alot...up and down my street..over and over and over. lol. I'd say the gas pain is the worst thing, everything else is not really much of a big deal.

:thumbup:Hope this helps!:cursing:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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