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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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Does everyone have to take off jewelry ie.(body piercings) because I have quite a few and I want to know if it must be removed or if there are alternatives. I also read that no makeup or nail polish is allowed. Anyone ever heard of this??

My dr. said to take off fingernail polish-especially if it's very dark. They put the oxygen thing on your finger that measures the amount of oxygen in your blood and it cannot read it through the dark nail polish. They also told us that all piercings must be removed.

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I too was told no jewelry, makeup or polish or surgery would be re scheduled! I also found out that I couldn't wear my tampon b/c it has carbon fibers in it which could disrupt the cauterizer used on my incisions. I just had to lay on a pad! LOL

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I hear people saying that they take like 2 breaths from the mask before being knocked out cold. Is that true or just an exaggeration(sp)? Also, did anyone have any fears about the anesthesia?

Yah, they are exaggerating, it took me THREE breathes and I was O U T!

Its fine though, they told me it was oxygen wink wink

good luck...

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i can finally join this thread!!!

sorry if it goes on for ages, but so much to put!!

i had to leave where i live at 4am to get to the hospital for 7.30am and the taxi never turned up, but that was sorted by one of my friends helping out, can thank her enough. but that was the only bad thing that happened.

i managed to get the train and underground and got to the hospital at 7.20am. was booked in by this nice man who clarrified all my details including my next of kin (i went by myself, with only someone coming to pick me up the following day).

i then went back to reception and the porter came to take me upstairs to my room, he did not help me with my bags, but never mind, as it was on wheels and my handbag.

once he had explained the room he left me to sort my things out (i was not nervous at all) and i went to the toilet, thought the light switch was the nurse call thing oops as a nurse turned up.

she then came back again to ask some more questions, give me my back opening gown and my knickers (as i was on my period), she also measured my legs for the stockings.

once she had gone, someone came to take a bit of blood and then i was weighed and had my height measured. this was the first time my height was measured and i was 1 inch shorter then i thought i was, which cause i small problem with my BMI as it was 1 point over what the hospital was happiest operating on without a high dependancy unit. however, the aneasthetist (sp) came to see me and said he was happy to continue as i am young and quite fit for my size.

he took me down to the operating room and my nerves kicked in slightly, as ive never had an aneasthetic. but that was taken away by how high the bed was that i had to climb on without getting my gown caught!!!

then three people started working on me, one put the BP thing on my arm and gave me an oxygen mask(which was oxygen) and another but an IV line in my hand and the other put some foot massagers on my feet.

by this point i think it was about 9am.

the anaesthetic took about 3 seconds to kick in, and my last thought was im not tired, so why dont i open my eyes and then the next time i opened my eyes was in the recovery room looking at the clock that said 10.15am. i got the shakes a little bit, asked if they were normal, which if id thought about it i knew they were as i have seen animals come around from anaesthetic before.

i was then taken to my room (a different room to where i started from, this was due to my BMI issue) and a lovely nurse took my BP every 20 mins. i did not go back to sleep as everyone was coming back from their ops and my door was slightly open (i was the first one on the list for the day)

i had some oxygen in two little things up my nose and a saline IV as well as some leg massagers.

my shoulder started hurting at about 1pm (3 hours after i'd come round) so i pressed the bell to ask if i could go and walk, and the nurses were very suprised but let me.

i had my xray at 3pm and the surgeon came and saw me at 5pm. both of these were planned for the morning but as i was feeling fine they did them in the afternnon and he technically discharged me (bascically meaning he did not need to see me in the morning).

over night i had another IV saline and 2 IV paracetamols to help with the pain that i had in the top incision, all the rest i could not feel. i and walked around every 2 hours.

the nurses kept commenting on how i did not look like i had had an operation that morning, so i guess that is good.

my sister came at 9am and i was dressed and sitting on my bed ready to go home. went to the pharmacy to get my anti-clotting injections and antibiotics.

and got home at 11am. was in pain by then and had to send another friend to get some dissolveable painkillers, once i had them i was fine and have been fine ever since (now on day 3 post op and now pain killers needed, can not feel my port and feel perfectly fine)

i am very surprised with my quick recovery and wish everyone else one.


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Congratulations, I gather your from The UK? Your "accent" showed LOL. Just kidding it was the knickers and underground that did it. You had a very good experience how wonderful. I am being banded here in the States on Thursday and can't wait to have it done. Just weighed myself on my husbands fancy scale he got for the VNA (visiting nurse association) that comes to see him, he had open heart surgery a little over 3 weeks ago and is doing great. Have his aortic valve replaced.

I lost more weight then they wanted me too which is wonderful for my preop diet.

Just a question and I hope you don't mind me asking, was this self-pay or did your national health insurance pay for the surgery?

Now it's time to have fun with those lovely Protein Drinks LOL

take care and again congrats and for sharing your experience.


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I had to be a the hospital at 7am for a 9am surgery. I went in registered, and headed up to the pre-op room. The nurses had me change into a gown, and gave me another pregnancy test, just to make sure. I crawled in the bed and the nurses came to ask me my history, and also asked what surgery I was having. Then they started my IV and gave me a shot in my stomach, and stuck a little patch behind behind my ear for nausea, and also gave me something to calm my nerves.

Then they called my hubby to come back to sit with me until it was time to take in for surgery. My Dr. came and talked to me to make sure I was doing ok, then the anesthesiologist came in and talked to me and explained everything she would be doing and told me that she would be with me the entire time.

Then the time came, they wheeled me into the operating room, and had me move over to the operating table..they put ted hose on me, and gave me the 2 minute drug. It was literally just a few seconds before I was out.

I remember vaguely waking up when they were wheeling me up to my room. It was only an hour or 2 before I was up walking around, making trips around the nurses station and going to get my own ice chips. I had one instance that I had a problem with gas, the nurses told me to help it just get up and take a walk until the pain subsided. Walking worked wonders!

My Dr. requires his patients to stay overnight. The next morning I was taken for some testing and x-rays to make sure everything was ok. After my Dr. reviewed the x rays he came in to see how I was doing and told me everything looked good and I was free to go home, and gave me my prescriptions and a list of instructions to follow.

Good luck to everyone!

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Congratulations, I gather your from The UK? Your "accent" showed LOL. Just kidding it was the knickers and underground that did it. You had a very good experience how wonderful. I am being banded here in the States on Thursday and can't wait to have it done. Just weighed myself on my husbands fancy scale he got for the VNA (visiting nurse association) that comes to see him, he had open heart surgery a little over 3 weeks ago and is doing great. Have his aortic valve replaced.

I lost more weight then they wanted me too which is wonderful for my preop diet.

Just a question and I hope you don't mind me asking, was this self-pay or did your national health insurance pay for the surgery?

Now it's time to have fun with those lovely Protein drinks LOL

take care and again congrats and for sharing your experience.


yes im from the UK, it is obvious isnt it?!!

i was self pay, and from my first consult it took about 7 weeks to me op date. i cant finish a Protein Drink at the mo, its very annoying!!

good luck for your op

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Hey all.

I got banded yesterday. This is the first time I've been able to stay up for more than a few minutes at a time, so I thought I'd check in.

We got there at 10am and I was back in pre-op at 10:45. Changed my clothes, got weighed, had my IV put in, and got the painful Herapin shot in my stomach, and they put my compression boots on. My fiance went in at 10:45 and I remember them telling me he did very well and then the anesthesiologist came to talk to me. He asked a bunch of questions and said he'd be right back. He came back with some Versed (sp?) that he put in my IV to relax me and I was really loopy as they wheeled me into the OR.

I remember putting myself on the table and that was it. I don't even remember them putting the mask on.

I woke up in a lot of pain so they gave me morphine and something to help the nausea. I kept feeling like I was going to throw up so they gave me some more. I was able to get up about 20 minutes later and go sit in the chair they had in post-op, and a little while later, someone came and got me to take me to do my barium swallow and x-ray. And after that I got my first ounce of Water, was able to get dressed, and go home. I was home by 3pm!

I got SO carsick on the way home though and dry heaved a bit then and right when we walked in the door. I'm hoping I didn't cause my band to slip. It was pretty violent. The last time though I leaned over the sink and let out this horrible, long, demonic burp and felt so much better.

I won't lie, the pain has been awful for me. Any movement causes bad pain. More so yesterday than today, though. It does seem to be getting better. I've been keeping up with my Lortab doses and sleeping a whole lot so I'm doing alright. I've been able to eat a few bites of broth, 2 popsicles, and a little bit of Jello since I've been home.

I'm staying with my parents one extra night and tomorrow we'll be meeting up back at our apartment.

And that's that. More pain than I expected, but I'm holding out for the hope that it's really worth it.

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I arrived at the hospital at 0700. I was the first Lapband of the day and that my doc ever banded. He even had the man who brought the procedure over from Europe as his proctor. I went in the prep room about 45 minutes after arriving. The ladies there at the hospital were so nice. I've never been to a hospital where the nurses were so friendly and put you at ease. I remember when they gave me some meds to relax I was looking at the ceiling lights and said the covering of one looked like a kolidescope. I remember going into the OR and next thing I know someone was telling me to take a deep breath and then I was in recovery. I didn't learn until after I saw my husband that my surgery only took an hour. The ladies in the recovery area were really friendly also. They made sure I was comfortable and got me meds and warm blankets quickly. I was freezing! As far as pain goes, I wasn't in so much pain that I couldn't function. It was more of a achy, very uncomfortable feeling. I probably could have had some tylenol and been fine but I figured I might as well get the good stuff because I don't know what my pain will be like once the OR meds wear off.

I get into my room and my hubby was there. About 20 minutes after arriving I wanted to try walking. I sat up and things were good. I was moving slowly because I didn't want to get dizzy. I did feel a little dizzy but once I got my bearings I was fine. The only thing that happened was that I got the hiccups. I had to sit down and wait it out. They lasted for about 20 minutes. Once it was over I was able to walk up the hallway and back to my room. After that I wanted some more pain meds and go to sleep.< /p>

Once I took that first nap I was able to walk some more. I was able to walk about 4 times around the floor before settling in for the night. During this whole time I only needed pain meds after I went for a walk since I was using the muscles around that area. I got into a rhythm of nap, walk, pain meds.

Today I went to the X-ray room to swallow some of the nastiest stuff so they could make sure that things could pass through my new stoma. Once that came back ok then I was able to have some liquids. Since I hadn't had anything to drink since Tuesday I was more than excited.

Before I left the hospital I had lunch. Right now I'm sitting in my recliner and feeling great. Well I'm tired but I'm feeling good.

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Dr. Archer did my banding on Aug 5 at SCMC in Bend, OR. I feel lucky that I live in Bend, so I was able to sleep in my own bed the night before. I had to be at the hospital by 6:00 a.m. with surgery scheduled at 7:30. I was surprised at how many people were waiting for surgeries so early in the morning.

After checking in to admitting my husband and I went back to visit with a pre-op nurse. She did the usual; bp, temp, weight, etc. I was excited to be weighed (never thought I would say that):lol: but I wanted to officially see that number for the last time! We then went to a waiting room and were escorted to the pre-op room.

Note - I took the bowel prep when indicated the evening before and it waited until 5:15 a.m. to kick in - :thumbup:. So as I was waiting in the pre-op room, I had to keep running to the bathroom. They gave me a huge oversized gown, that had a nice little heat pump on it, so I could stay nice and cozy. It was kind of cool. The anasthesiologist came in and introduced himself, very nice. We chatted about what was going to happen and then he came back and hooked up my IV. Two tries and he got it. Glad that I don't mind needles.

The OR nurse came in and introduced herself, I can't remember her name, but she had a great sense of humor. I liked her. I asked about the bowel prep - she laughed and said I was not the first and surely would not be the last! After that Dr Archer and Stephanie (PA) came in to see if I had any questions and assured me we would start on time! He told me to relax - lip chewing makes the nerves obvious.

A little happy juice and I was rollin' to the OR, right on time. I remember going into the room and that is about it. I don't even remember the mask going on! The next thing I knew, I was waking up in recovery. :thumbup:

The recovery nurse was asking me some questions, but I could not answer, I had my CPAP on and it is very annoying when you have to talk - I felt like a spaz! The let me take some time waking up, checking vitals, and making sure I was comfortable. I can't remember the nurses name, but she was very nice and comforting. Once I was a bit more awake, the rolled me down to extended recovery. They did this because of the sleep apnea.

The nurse in Extended, Kathie, was super nice and helpful! She got me all set up and they let my husband come down to see me and wait in the room until I was ready to go home. I slept off and on for a little bit and then I wanted some Water, man was I dry! I was able to start sipping small 1 oz cups of water every 15 minutes. Kathie went through the list of things that had to happen so I could leave; drinking, walking, drinking, peeing, drinking. . . I was ready to get up and move pretty quickly. It felt good to sit and stand (note to self; hospital beds, not comfortable). I took a walk down to the bathroom and was able to peeps. Then I took a short walk and back to the room. I had to wait a couple more hours before they would let me go. But that was okay. I was able to take my first oral pain meds - taste is yucky, but they went down just fine.

Shortly after I was ready to go home. Short 10 min drive and I was home! My two kids were surprised at how awake and active I was. I felt pretty good and wanted to walk. I did get set up in my room with my water. My daughter had set up 6-1 oz cups on a plate so I could keep track of my water - what a good kid!:wub: That evening I went for a short walk up the street and out to the barn. It really did feel good to move, and I was even surprised at how good I felt.

All in all, I thought the surgery went really well. I am so glad to be past that phase and on to the rest of my new banded life!

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So my surgery was Monday August 11th. The time was scheduled for 11 am and so I needed to be there at 8 am. I was so nervous that of course my husband and I argued on the way to the hospital! But no big deal. So I get there, husband drops me off and I go up to the floor and get in a room, then I put the really lovely gown on, sit on the bed and cry just from the stress.

Finally the nurse comes in and we start things off she weighs me and we get all the vitals done. Then I get the IV put in, get the blood thinner shot and after about an hour the transporter comes to take me to the preop room.

Once in the preop room my doctor comes in to make sure I still want my surgery and to see how I am doing. I was in there for about 20 minutes and then off to the operating room. It is so cold in there!!

Once in there I get on the table and the nurse is talking to me then the anesthesiologist said that he gave me something that some people say burns, and it did but not to bad. But then I had a horrible taste in my mouth and said so and then...that was it, I woke up in recovery.

I was in recovery for about 2 hours because they were short handed on transporters so I slept mostly. The Dr came in to check on me and one of the nurses from his office.

I got back to my room and tried to get up right away but was very sick to my stomach so I had to get back in bed and wait for some medicine to kick in. That took 2 doses until I felt right. I was in my room for about 4 hours until they sent me home.

Alot easier than I thought but I was more soar than I thought I would be.

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Well, I am banded. I arrived at short term surgery at 8:30am Wed August 13th. I was called into the back and a nice young student nurse tech took my vitals and gave me my gown, booties, and ever so stylish bonnet to put on. Just a few minutes later, the anesthesiologist came in to meet with me and go over everything, ie: any loose teeth, problems with anesthesia in the past, allergies, etc. Dr Yood came in to see me at this point to see how I was doing and told me he would see me soon in the OR. Then they asked me if I could give a small urine sample. Good thing they said small because, I had worked all night and had nothing to eat or drink and really had very little urine to give them lol. Next, someone came and walked me into the operating room. This surprised me a little bit because always in the past when I had brought someone to surgery they had them on a stretcher inserted the IV and gave them some meds before they were ever taken back to the OR.

In the OR I hopped up onto the table. They had me lay back with my arms out stretched. One nurse put a strap across my thighs then put the air boots on my lower legs while someone else started my IV. They were extremely nice and gave me a numbing shot for the IV, I didn’t feel a thing. Everyone was very friendly and I got a chance to joke with Doctor Yood a little bit. And that is all I remember until waking up in the recovery room.

In the R.R. the nurse was very nice but seemed timid and unsure of herself. While I was sleeping they had inserted an arterial line, I woke up to the nurse removing this and putting a pressure dressing on. I am sure this is not the first time I woke up but it is from this point on that I became cognitively aware of what was going on. Since I was going home the same day they came in to do X-rays to check the placement of the band. While they were moving me around, I became a little nauseous but that subsided. I asked the nurse for something to drink and she gave me my shot glass of Water. My Mom was allowed to come in at this point. Dr. yood came in to see me and talk to me about my surgery. He told me everything went great. I was in some pain so the nurse brought me some liquid Tylenol with codeine. I sipped at it, drank almost ½ of it and just felt like I couldn’t drink anymore. This made the nurse very concerned, and at her strong urging I drank the last half. I promptly became sick. Oh well. They gave me some zofran via the IV and I began to feel better. A little later I got up to go to the bathroom. I had some more water and an ounce of juice. At this point it is almost 3pm I am doing well my vitals are great so we start getting ready to go home. I am unhooked from everything and get dressed. They give me a ride in a wheelchair to the exit and my mom gives me a ride home.

At home I talk to some family and friends and let them know I am doing alright. I am surprised that my throat doesn’t hurt. I was extremely worried about this because after my endoscopy I was sore for two days. My neck is sore on both sides though, and my back is killing me. I continue to sip my water and doze off and on through out the evening. I am impressed with my level of pain, don’t get me wrong I am definitely uncomfortable but I am in nowhere near as much pain as expected. I sleep downstairs on the couch wed night.

Thursday when I wake up I have two ounces of my Atkins shake and some Tylenol with codeine. Take a walk around the house and wash up. My hair is a sight to be seen. I have VERY curly hair and there is no taming it. Since I can’t take a shower yet and there is no way I am going to lean over the sink and wash it I say screw it put a ponytail and baseball cap on and call it a day. For lunch I have two ounces of strained cream of chicken and continue to sip my liquids. I take a walk outside around the yard with my daughter and it feels amazing to be outside. When I first start walking it is uncomfortable but as I go along I loosen up and it begins to feel great. I fall asleep very easy though and I continue to doze some throughout the day. When my husband comes home we take another walk around the yard and then I take some more pain meds. I have two more ounces of strained cream of chicken and sleep some more.

It is now 4am Friday morning and since I have slept so much, I am now wide awake and thought I would post my journey into bandlandia for anyone interested.

BTW I have a realize band.:):biggrin::biggrin:

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I had my surgery on Aug 11 2008, and I was told by the staff at the hospital that I was the quickest to my feet and reacted extremely well, I had no nausea or anything. It was like waking up a new person. The place that did my surgery have us stay over night, which was great until one of the machines figured I should not sleep, had me hooked up to monitor my heart rate and O2, and just as I would doze off, BEEP went the machine...So i unhooked my self and wondered the halls at 2 am, my normal wake up time...lol. After My walk around and watching the sky for falling meterors as it was the time for the meteror showers in August, I did see one :smile:...I went back to my room did not hook up to that monitor and slept for 3hours...:frown:

But I too have felt good, bruised and my insision sites are painful and sore but I am upbeat, have hardly any hunger, although I watched a movie today and a guy was eating a hotdog with mustard and kraut (my fav) and I wanted one...so craving not actually needing one...

I ventured out of the house to the grocery store, the normal girls there were laughing at my purchases, all liquids...and day two to the store was all jello...oh so funny really. And I actually can tolerate the fake sugar, before it would give me headaches and wreck havok with my stomach but my fav Protein drink myoplex, chocolate fudge is sugar free and has fake sugar can not even tell except it is less sweet and keep me fuller... it is so much better than the boost drinks which are too sweet and the sugar free one is chalkier...

I would say my only issue right now is getting up from laying down it really hurts under my belly button and at my port site which is near where my bra line is...although I have gas...I have not BM'd since the day before surgery, feeling kind of full but only got gas...so not sure really maybe my body is using it all...think I will call the office tomorrow and ask...:blush:

The other thing is I am bored as heck...and I live so far from work and friends that I am not ready to travel that far yet, maybe tomorrow...I'll drive to work and visit some friends...:wink2:

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My nose itched something fierce and they wouldn't let me stratch it incase I got some fresh "non-oxygen'd air"...lol

then next thing I remember...a nurse saying my name really loud to wake me up in recovery and begging for ice chips and told Dr says no-no not until you are in ur room...and my throat was so dry from that "oxygen"...and the tube...lol

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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