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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I flew to Monterrey Mexico for my surgery. There was a driver waiting at the airport with a board with my name on it. He took me to the hospital, and the coordinator met us at the door, and paid the cab driver.

From there she took me to an intake room, where I met with a doctor, and they asked me a lot of questions. Then off to be x-rayed, and have blood drawn, and have an ekg. At that point, I was escorted to a delux-ish hotel room on the 4th floor.

At 7 am the next morning, two interns showed up at the hotel room door with a gurney, and a gown. I changed into the gown, hopped onto the gurney, and was wheeled to surgery. A number of doctors, and nurses attended to me, giving me information, and asking me questions until about 7:45, and then the anesthesiologist told me it was nappy time. That's the last thing I remember before waking up in recovery.

I don't remember anything clearly about that time. My first clear memory was of being in a hospital room. I felt no abdominal pain, but I thought I was having a heart attack. The left side of my chest hurt, and it radiated down my left arm. I pressed a call button, and a nurse came quickly. She went and got my surgeon, who came in smiling, and told me that everything went great. He assured me I was not having a heart attack. He explained that it was from gasses, and that it would pass in a couple days.

I was up walking around within a few hours of surgery, and was surprised and delighted at the minimal amount of pain. I have had numerous abdominal surgeries, and this was by far the easiest of them all.

The next day, I was moved back to my hotel room. The day after that I flew home. That was the roughest day of all, because I was delayed in the Dallas airport for 7 hours, but still quite manageable.

After I had slept 12 hours at home, I felt so good and so normal that I was having a hard time obeying dr's orders, and keeping my activities to a minimum. I told my sister that I feel so good, I worry that they had just stuck bandaids on me, and told me "go home and have nothing but liquids and you will lose weight!" lol

I am excited, and thrilled to be banded. I wish I could afford to pay for my daughter and sister to have it too. All the women in my family look just alike, at least until my band does it's job! WOO HOO!!!

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This is a great thread!

My surgery was on July 9. I wasn't very worried about it, which kind of surprised me. I got to the hospital at 9:30 as instructed. They took me through the admitting process and brought me up to the surgical day area where I had to get into my johnny. Since it was also my time of the month, they gave me this lovely pair of mesh panties and a huge pad. Look out Victoria's Secret. I was in that room until about 12:30 or so. My dh was able to stay with me in there. Then they moved me to the pre-op room. The anesthesiologist came in. He was very nice. Unfortunately for him and for me he had a hard time finding a vein. I knew that would happen because I hadn't had anything to drink since 10:30 the night before. He did manage to get the IV into one hand; however, it wasn't running right, so he had to start over again on the other side. Once that was going, he gave me my first shot of heprin. Yes, that did sting a bit going in. Then I had to wait. They told me that my surgeon had an emergency surgery he had to do before mine, so it would be later than anticipated. My surgery was scheduled for 1:30 and they took me in at 2:30, so it really wasn't bad. The surgeon did visit with me before we went in. The OR nurse came in and put something in my IV to relax me. To be honest, I don't remember much of what happened after that. I vaguely remember getting into the OR, but other than that, nothing. The next thing I remembered was being woken up in recovery. I felt pretty good, not much pain. After a little while they brought me down for the swallow test. I was a little ticked off at the doctor who came in to watch as I swallowed. He said something stupid like, oh I tried to get that surgeon to do the band on me so I wouldn't have to work hard at losing weight. I looked at him and said, sorry to inform you, but this is going to be a lot harder than you can even imagine. He then said that's what they told him. Oh well. So after that I went to my room. I didn't sleep well that night because I don't normally sleep well anyway in a strange bed. Unfortunately the poor woman in the bed next to me was having some problems and people were in and out all night long. I really felt bad for her. I was also having back problems and the pain meds weren't even touching that. I couldn't get comfortable. I did a lot of walking that day though. The next morning the doctor came in about 9:00 and said that I could go home at any time. So, I was out the door by 11:30 or so on Thursday. I've been taking it easy, drinking my Water, going for short walks, etc. I feel pretty good. Each day the discomfort gets better. I think I may even try sleeping in bed tonight (I've been crashing in the recliner because it's easier to get in and out of). Good luck to everyone who is having surgery in the near future.

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I had my surgery on June 13 , 2008

Went to the hospital at 7.00 am, wore the gown, took me to the OR, had myself banded "YAY" and i woke up after the surgery CRYING from pain! it was the worse pain ever, the port pain!

Anyways went to my room, and they wouldnt let me drink Water only after 4 hours, so i did have my SIP of Water, and threw up, this happened for 3 times, until they gave me some Anti-nautia meds.

Next day i went home, still in pain, but bearable, stayed sleeping and walking, by the way to walk its GOOD, helps the gas go.

Third day i was at work, up and running :smile2:

I regretted doing it when i was in pain, but now i love it!

Had my first fill on July 13 , and i loved my fills :)

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Yes! I finally get to participate in this thread. I posted it in another thread but here's my story:

I got to the hospital at 8 am yesterday and was sent into the preop room as soon as I finished some paperwork. From there on I met with the department nurse and OR nurse, 2 anesthesiologists and my surgeon. Everyone was great. I was supposed to go into surgery around 9 according to my surgeon but she got an emergency case so i ended up going after 12 pm. the only thing i remember was the anesthesiologists giving me that pre anesthesia numbing agent and then inserting the anesthesia iv after that. when i woke up i was in the pacu (recovery). i was awake in there for about (im guessing) before i was transferred to a room. i would say i was a great patient. i got up and walked almost immediately and made it a point to walk around the floor every hour. i was able to leave the hospital a little after 10pm. all in all it was a very positive experience.

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Its the day after my sugery and I feel fine. I have some discomfort when I bend at all or try to get up off of furniture. I was really scared and nervous, but now I know there was no reason to be.

My hospital experience was wonderful(with the exception of constantly being woken up, lol). Everyone was great and everything went great. The Dr said that I had a small hernia that he repaired while he was in there, but that seems to be common.

I am very happy to be home and I'm stocked up on all the foods for all the different stages of my diet.

What else can I say, I'm just HAPPY! Much luck to everyone who still has their day coming. I'm finally a bandster! :thumbdown:

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I flew into San Diego july 18th from atlanta and was picked up by a guy named Ernesto, he picked up several other people which was good as i got a chance to meet other people going for the same procedure with the same doctor.

He drove us across the border in a minivan, I slept through the whole 2 HR ride so the border experience eluded me.

We arrived at the hospital first where we all had our pre-op testing done, urine, blood, EKG, CXR. We also all had individual meetings with the nutritionist.

Then we all had a meeting with the coordinator Yolanda to go over questions and answers, paperwork needed (consents) and payment was collected at this time.

We were then driven to our hotel for the night to freshen up and relax from the trip down.

A few hours later, one of the other doctors brought all of us together at the hotel conference room to go over Q & A again and to show us the bands and get used to the different sizes. After this we were all told to go get a last meal somewhere. Unfortunately for me the meal I ordered was so horrid, I simply couldn't eat it.

We were to take an antibiotic pill and a sleeping pill and go to bed by 10pm.

We were picked up at 0700 saturday, driven to the hospital, assigned to our rooms, put in gowns and waited for the doctors. First the internist to go over all your pre-op testing, then the anaesthesiologist and then the surgeon to discuss everything. At this time they give you an anti-clotting shot in your stomach.

Everyone gets a pill an hour before surgery for anxiety/pain.

I was wheeled in to OR at around noon and out before 1pm, my surgery time was 42 mins instead of 30mins because they had to repair a hiatal hernia.

As soon as you are awake they want you to walk! walk! walk! They give you ice chips and Water the first day, i was too terrified to put anything in my mouth so I deferred, the rest of the day for me was sleeping, the occasional walk and surfing the net.

The next day sunday started with the barium swallow to show pass through and then they give you Jello, Soup, tea and apple juice for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. The IV fluids stopped later that day and the doctors come in to check on you randomly during the day.

Today is monday and at 0700 Ernesto will come and drive us back to san diego for our flights back home.

They will give you your xrays/lab results/operative letter and info about your band for you to give to your physician:thumbup::ohmy::thumbup:

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surgery day!


ok had to be at the surgery center at 7:30, filled out some paper work, was taken back...dude it was fast! i was out of there by 11, i remember my first words out of surgery were "do i have a lap band?" lol lol just cause i read a few stories of people who's livers were too big or fat and they didn't proceed with surgery!

i'm in pain!!! i like reading stories of others who post like a few days after their surgery, gives me hope cause they'll say by day 3 they were ok...i want it to be saturday already!!!

oh but they scheduled me 3 fill appt already...awesome!

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Oh I can't wait two more weeks. I am on my own pre-op diet, send for some nifty Protein drink stuff advertised here. Ujury or something like that LOL Got my clear broths and crystal light, have to get some sugar free Jello and make some the day before surgery

Cleaning all the "junk" out of my fridge now. So nothing in there temping. Putting hubby on a high Protein and low carb diet also so his recovery from his heart surgery goes well, he's amazing after a week home he's almost back to normal. Have to keep him from doing stuff he can't do for weeks.

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I got up at 7am on Monday (the 21st) and my mom and I drove to the hospital where they put us in a pre-op room and I changed into a hospital gown (very large sized which is better than too small but too big has it's own problems lol!). As they were taking my vital signs I started to get very anxious again and did start crying. Not the crazy, anxiety sobbing/hyperventalating (something I haven't done in years) but just some tears. This continued, however during both attempts at inserting the IV. It's my bad luck that both times we just happened to go in at a point where the vein branches off which is apparently a problem. The second one was in "enough" for them to put me under but they established a 3rd while I was asleep.

Anyway, I met a ton of new people, they kept coming in to say hi etc, and it was obvious that I had been recently/was about/was currently crying and they were all very understanding and kind. I saw my surgeon, who I've met sevreal times, met his assistant and head OR nurse, the anesthesiologist and her assistant and some other people. Before I knew it the people were there to take me to the OR.

We got there and man, I have never seen the inside of an operating room before, and wish that I had. That place is terrifying (to me). It was bright and cold and there were so many machines around and a ton of people in gowns, gloves, hats and masks (I knew to expect this in an OR but still it was scary). It seriously looked like an alien autopsey room or something! Everyone was moving so quickly, transfering me from the gurney to the table and strapping me in and futzing with my IV that I got overwhelmed and started crying again. There had been one male nurse talking to me asking questions like what I do for a living (student), what do I study etc but once I started crying a VERY kind and gentle female nurse about my mom's age or maybe a little older came and held my hand and got very close in asking what was wrong (I wanted to know what they were doing to my legs--strapping them in) and just that this whole thing and everyone moving so fast was making me feel like I was really really sick or something. She assured me that all was fine and that I'd be just fine and she was really just great. Oh, also at some point I had an oxygen mask which I hate. I don't like the feeling of stuff restricting my face. All of this, with the exception of the look of the OR, I was well prepared for--the program coordinator went over all of it in detail, it's just a different animal when you're going through it.

I was still crying a bit when the anesthesiologist told me to think of my favorite vacation place and to go there right....now. Have a good trip :smile2: I said "I feel dizzy", and the next thing I knew I was coughing and was awake in the recovery room. I was, of course, crying again (have I mentioned I'm a high strung individual) which was really more just because I HAD been very upset only, to me, about 2 seconds ago so it took some time to adjust. I was in and out for a while but I know my recovery nurse was attentive and kind (a bit confused about the crying), my surgeon came to see me and told me that everything had gone perfectly. We had some trouble with my breathing, coughing and oxygen levels (not serious, just not ideal) because of a recent bronchial infection (I was cleared for surgery, but apparently those things can affect you 6 full weeks after!).

After about an hour in recovery I was taken up to my room where my mom was waiting and I was much calmer. We spent the afternoon talking, watching some tv, got a visit from the surgeon again, and the program coordinator.

I got blood thinner injections, and kept IV fluids into which they put some anti-reflux drugs and pain killers, but not narcotic (I never needed them), just the anti-inflammatory ones. I went for several walks on the ward, and took myself to the bathroom several times during the night. I only needed to call the nurse to help me out of the inflatable bootie things (to prevent blood clots) and to unplug my IV. I had and still have only discomfort--probably just the gas, and the slightest bit of actual pain from the port incision. I'm still coughing every now and again which isn't pleasant but isn't terrible either. I was able to sleep on my non-port side the first night.

Tuesday I got up, got the barium swallow study, everything was perfect. They had me eat some Jello and broth and waited to see if I had any nausea (nope) and after another vist from the surgeon and program coordinator with post-op instructions, I was released!

My mom and I went to the video store and to the pharmacy and also popped into a nearby antique store to browse a bit! I really felt that "fine". I am loving my full liquid diet (anything is better than clear liquids), and still feel gas pressure, like I have to burp but can't but it's nothing major. It's hard distinguishing among "full", "gassy", and "hungry" but as long as it's not "pain" or "nauseated" then that's fine my me :ohmy:

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Does the iv hurt? I have a thing with needles. And how do they get you from the surgery table to the gurney to be wheeled into recovery? Do they lift you up?

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I had to be at the hospital at 6 am on July 22nd. I met with my doctor, his assistant, the anestheisist and one other person before they came in to take me to the OR. I remember being wheeled out of the pre-op, but that's it. I woke up in recovery, feeling bloated and dry-mouthed.

No, my IV didn't hurt, at all. In fact, my hand was numbed before they inserted the IV. I was also given a tiny Heprin shot in my tummy, which I couldn't feel.

I know my surgery was delayed, but I don't know how long. I wasn't back in my own private room until a little before noon. I was given a sip of Water at that time. This is the first surgery....ever....that I didn't throw up afterwards! I was walking down the hallway within a couple of hours. I took three strolls before nightime. I was never given more than a sip of Water, maybe with a bit of ice while I was in the hospital.

I have restless leg syndrome and didn't have any meds for that at the hospital. The dr did not know, so left no meds for it. That bothered me more than anything!

My bodily functions returned the next morning with no problems. I was taken to X-ray for the barium swallow. Whatever they gave me before the barium was yucky. After that was deemed okay, the nurse came and took out my IV and gave me my discharge papers. I was taken home by my daughter and have had no problems. I was not happy to see about 8 lbs gained by surgery, but that has just about dissappeared now. I have been on liquids for a week. Today I start mushies.

I have yet to be hungry.

I am a stomach sleeper, and can do that as of last night. I have no staples, stitches or steri strips. I am glued together and have a little bruising. I personally found the 3rd day to be the most trying, or perhaps tiring.

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Let me try to give you the short version of my surgery day story. Banded 7-9-2008

Woke up 5:00am and drove myself and my mom to Potomac Hospital in Woodbridge, VA. Arrived at the hospital 6:30am. Went straight to registration and signed in (I was already pre-registered). Waited for the lab to come around and take my blood just incase I need a blood transfusion. After they took my blood I proceeded to the OR staging area. The nurse came in and gave me a gown to change into and a pair of puff puff boots. After I changed clothes the nurse came back and asked me what type of surgery was I getting? I guess just to be sure I knew what was going on. Then Dr. Halmi (my surgeon) came in all dressed in a suit to talk to me and ask me how I was doing. Then he left to change into his scrubs. Then the OR nurse came to hook me up to the IV, gave me a heparin shot followed by the anesthesiologist Then the anesthesiologist gave me some medicine to calm my nerves followed by the medicine to make you sleepy. At 8:00am I was rolled on the gurney into the operating room. The OR was bright and very cold. They asked me to slide over to the OR table and then they told me to think about my favorite food. 1 hour and 40 mins later I was in the PACU where a nurse was calling my name. I woke up and my first instinct…… was to look and see if I was bandaged in 5 areas and ask if I got the lapband? When I woke up I couldn’t tell how long I had been sleep. It felt like it happened in 10 mins or so. For those of you who hasn’t been banded yet. Waking up I feeling a burning sensation in my stomach (like I was a gun shot victim). So I asked the PACU for more pain meds. My throat was a lil sore and it felt like a lil lump was in there. I did a lot of coughing trying to get the gunk out from surgery, but it wasn’t moving. I tried to talk but my voice was gone. I was then moved to my room by 1230pm. My room was like a luxury hospital. I had a flat panel TV, a phone and full size pull out coach for overnight guest. Once I was in my room the breathing person came around with that breathing thing and ask me to keep blowing into it every 30 mins to make sure my lungs were fine. The nurse came around and took my vitals, hooked me up to the puff puff boots, and brought me some ice chips. After the nurse left I took a nap. Also after the surgery I had the cotton mouth. If this happens to you ask the nurse to bring you some mouth swabs. I was able to get some mint flavored swabs and it help a whole lot. About 2 hours later I was up and out the bed walking along with the IV machine around the nurse station. Dr. Halmi came to visit me at about 400pm that evening to check on me and his other patients. The hardest part was the 1st time I tried to get out of the bed. After that I was up and down the remainder of the day and night. Every time I looked up a nurse was coming to poke me and take my vitals. Also, I made sure I was receiving my pain meds on schedule so I wouldn’t feel any discomfort. When it was time to go to sleep they gave me some meds to help me sleep that night. Also, I was given a total of 6 heparin shots to avoid the blood clots, which no problems occurred for me. I was able to get a lil sleep that night. By 800am Thursday morning was wheeled down to take my upper GI test and everything looked good. Dr. Halmi came around to give me the ok to start liquids. I was excited because by then I was tried of the ice chips. So for Breakfast I ordered tea, plain yogurt and cream of wheat. I was only able to get down a little bit of tea and the cream of wheat. After eating the food my voice came back. I was released to go home at 1100am on 7-10-08. If you don’t pack anything make sure you pack a tube of chapstick. If I had to recommend a Dr. I would recommend mine because he took great care of me on my surgery day.

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Well hello all! I got banded today. We were at the hospital at 5:30am with a surgery time of 7:30am. Everything went so fast but I was calm. Didnt remember a thing which was great! Got discharged at 12:30pm and home by 1:00pm.

I am in a little pain but thought it was the gas bubbles. Took some mylanta but there still there. That can be expected right? The pain is obviously where they cut and stitched me up. I know I am probably being paranoid but I don't want to be too casual about it. Can anyone tell me of signs to look for (bad things)?

Good Luck to anyone who is still waiting to get banded!! It is worth it...New World, HERE I COME!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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