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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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This thread will be a sticky so that people can post their surgery day stories so that those who come after can have an idea of what to expect.

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May 21st was a long day, but I think it went well.

We were supposed to get there at 7 a.m. for a 10 a.m. surgery slot. DH was worried about being late, so we got there at 6:30 a.m. We checked in, and were taken to a small walled-in room where the nurse went over my vitals with me. I changed into the ultra-fashionable gown, opening to the back, as well as the socks with the tread design. Once I laid down on the gurney, they put the massaging things on my legs, and connected the air.

A scopolamine patch was placed behind my ear for possible nausea. It's supposed to last three days.

The IV of saline was started, and we waited. Julie, Dr. Clark's Physician's Asst, came in to check on not long before 9, and said that they were getting ready to do a bypass, and that I was next after that. She also gave me a goody bag.

The goody bag had several items from On-Q, a pain moderating apparatus. I had it when I had my last intestinal surgery, and wondered if I would have it for this, since this was going to be laproscopic. She said no, it was just some goodies she wanted to give me. On-Q is an IV type set-up where thin lines are run on each side of an incision to deliver morphine right to the incision, instead of having the morphine affect the whole body. I really liked it how it worked, but I'm glad I didn't get it for this surgery, and I don't think I needed it at all.

The items in the goody bag were a pedometer/FM radio combination and a set of pens, and a Water bottle, all embossed with "On-Q".

The nurse gave me a shot of Heparin in the leg. That stuff burns going in! It's not unbearable, but it does sting.

The IV was turned up pretty high to really pump in the saline, and I got up at about 9:30 to pee. The nurse said that they do this so that the patients will void their bladders, since they want empty bladders for surgery. After I got up, they turned the drip rate down.

Dr. Wong, the anesthesiologist came in, introduced himself to me, and he told me what would happen once we got to the ER. I've been operated on before, so I wasn't worried about that part.

I ended up getting wheeled into surgery at 10:52 a.m. Dr. Wong put a strap over my forehead that held monitors for my sleep rate, and my arm was stretched out to the side. An injection was made in the IV, and I could smell the taste (if that makes sense). He said that most people just comment that they can taste something in their mouths once they get that injection, but I felt that I could actually smell what it tasted like since the taste seemed to be right up at the top front of my mouth.

The oxygen mask went on, I was instructed to take deep breaths, and the next thing I knew I was back in my little walled cubicle. I think I recall being in a recovery room, and getting my mouth swabbed, but I couldn't swear to anything that happened there.

After I was more awake, but still groggy, I was taken down to radiology for the barium swallow so they could check the placement of the band. Once we got there, I sat up on the edge of the gurney, and sat there for a while because I was light-headed and felt nauseated. The nurse waved an alcohol swab under my nose to help with the nausea. I finally felt ready to go in for the swallow, and they handed me a large glass full of thin barium. I almost dropped the cup, but was able to warn them before hand, so they took it from me, and gave me another minute to stand there. I finally managed to get a few drinks down, and they decided that it would be better to by-pass the standing x-rays.

They put the x-ray bed down, and I laid down on it. Then the meanie doctor made me roll over a couple times. I told him that I was going to moon him for revenge for making me roll, and he just laughed. The rolling was uncomfortable, but I managed. Everything looked good, and I even got to see the screen to see what the band looked like on an x-ray.

I was then taken back to the cubicle, and could definitely feel every bump when we crossed the elevator threshold or any doorway thresholds. I didn't feel them on the way down.

My throat was really dry, so I was able to have ice chips and a popsicle, and that really helped. I was also given a dose of the liquid lortab, and was really happy to have that popsicle as a chaser to get rid of the taste.

I was given my choice of what I wanted to try to eat. Out of the cream-of-wheat, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, cream of chicken Soup, mashed potatoes, and pudding, I chose the eggs and potatoes. No problem getting that down. I was allowed 2 medicine cups full of food.

I was finally let go at about 4:30. As I was getting into the wheelchair, I told DH that I thought he should drive home. The nurse looked startled for a minute, and then she realized I was joking!

We're looking for a car for our daughter, and since we were in Indy where there are several car dealerships within a few miles of the hospital, we decided (I insisted) that we not waste the opportunity. DH stopped and got me a bottle of Fiji Water to sip on for the drive. He drove through several lots so we could see what was available. If we saw anything that looked like a possibility, he got the details from the salesman, but no test drives. We just wanted to see what kind of prices are being asked. I had no problems being in the car for that extra hour that we spent driving through the lots.

Anyway, I slept most of the way home. We stopped to fill my prescriptions on the way home. I was given liquid lortab, Ursodiol (to prevent gall stones), and Protonix (for acid reflux). The pharmacy had to make the liquid lortab, so that took a little while. Not that I really noticed, because I was asleep in the car.

Once I got home, I took another dose of lortab, and then rested a while. I went to bed at 11, and had to make a wedge to recline on using my pillows, since lying flat was not comfortable. I woke up at about 9:30 this morning.

I'm still sore, coughing hurts even with a pillow against my abdomen, and it's a bit painful to take deep breaths. It's definitely bearable though. I am planning on wearing my binder for at least one week, since it feels good to have that support.

Good luck to everyone else!

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I had my surgery on May 13th and I don't think things could have went any smoother....I got to the hospital at 5am and was prepped and taken to the OR at 7:30. The doc came out and told my hubby that everything went great at about 8:30. I rested in the room and went for my xray at about 1:00. I went home at about 6:00 that evening. Unfortunately I didn't get to rest much after I got home. My mother had a brain tumor and really took a turn for the worst on the 14th. We stayed at her bedside until she passed away on the 19th.

Thankfully, I had some gas pains that were pretty tolerable. Most of my soreness was gone in about 10 days...I haven't had any problems at all and as a matter of fact, I ate my first "meal" today. I had a small piece of salmon, some cottage cheese and blended broccoli, cheese and potatoes. It was wonderful!!

I hope you all had as good of a surgery as I did..God, I'm sure, made sure I would be able to be there and tell my sweet momma goodbye

love to all,

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I had my surgery on May 23. It went fairly smooth. I had the heprin shot to the tummy I really didn't feel it. Rolled into the surgery at 9:30 and was rolling out at 10:30am. Was in the recovery for 1 hour then off to a room. I was lucky didn't get the sore throat I was expecting. Once in the room I was basically left alone. Slept off and on till about 3pm. Then had to ask for help to get up. Waited awhile before some one showed up. At 4pm finally got up and walked the halls. Felt sore and some discomfort but not terrible. Walked the halls three more times. Had very little Water because wasn't thristy but I knew I had to drink. Left the hospital at 7pm and was in my own bed by 8:30pm. I had the option of staying but was not really impressed with the nursing staff. Better treatment from my hubby.

Today, still some discomfort walking around the house and out to the mail box. Took half a gas-X table because of some gas. Stopped it right away. Been drinking fluilds and trying to get the Protein in. Found a chocolate milk 1% with 17 grams of Protein only 210 calories.

Hopefully everyone has a sucessful surgery and recovery

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Hi, this is my first visit to Lapbandtalk. I had my surgery yesterday on Friday May 23 also. At the hospital I felt horrible gas pains, which I didn't expect would be so painful, but by night time after gas X and meds, i was feeling much better. After reading the previous threads I realized that whew, my doctor/nurse did not mess around with getting me out of there. I couldn't even see my hand infront of my face because the anestisia was still in my system and they were already trying to get me to blow into a tube deal and got me dressed right away and sent me straight off the bed to the restroom and then straight to get an x-ray. i know that my doctor is one of the best, so i didn't even question it, but at the time i really felt like i need a little more down time to get adjusted. all in all, i am glad that at least i was able to get home at a decent hour.

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My surgery date was May 1st. I had a 12:15 surgery time and was instructed to be at the hospital at 10:00. I checked in and proceeded to the ambulatory surgery center.

Blood labs were drawn. I had an IV started and they started Lactated Ringers. They also had a 2 gram bag of ancef ready to be started as I started to surgery. I was given a shot of Lovenox in my arm to reduce the risk of blood clots.

At 12:30, they took me to surgery. The anesthesiologist introduced himself and asked again if I had ever had any reactions in the past. They put me on the surgery table and applied a mask and told me to breathe deeply and count backwards from 10. I remember saying the number 8. LOL.

At 2:15, a nurse asked me how I was feeling and told me she was giving me 4mg of Zofran (for nausea). She told me I was in recovery and the surgery went well. Everything was blurry. I asked if that was normal and she explained they used a gel in my eyes during the surgery. She gave me a moist rag and instructed me to blink and carefully wipe my eyes. In about 5 minutes I could see normal. I asked if I could try to sit up and eat some ice. She said I could try. No nausea and it felt very nice to have the ice.

I asked how long I would be in recovery. It was 2:30 by now and I felt fine except when I initially sat up. I could feel some soreness and the "pulling" of the incision sites. I went to the post op area about 10 minutes later. By 15:30, I felt pretty clear and asked if I could use the restroom. They said I could but to sit on the side of the ned first. That went well. I asked if I could head home after that. Getting dressed was fairly easy. I brought sweats so I didn't have to bend much to slip my feet in and tug them gently up. I did ask my sister in law to assist with my socks. ( I forgot my sandals...bummer)

For three days I was sore when getting up or down and there was pain if I bent forward over about 15 degrees. I took Mepergan Fortis (demerol and phenergan mixed, demerol for pain and phenergan for nausea). It as a gel cap and they went down easily; I was taking 1 every 6 to 12 hours the first 2 days. Then at night for two more days. By one week I felt pretty good without pain medicine except when bending over.

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i had my surgery on april 21st. i choose a doctor 4 hours away from home so i asked my parents to go with me. i wasn't nervous until the morning of the surgery.

after i got changed into my gown, i was told i was 3rd in line. the one girl left and my surgeon stopped in quickly to make sure i was okay and make sure i didn't have any other questions.

about a half hour later i'm told it's MY turn but there was still supposed to be one guy a head of me! everything happened so fast after that.

i was rolled into the operating room and asked to scooch over to another table. the OR was SO bright and big... not like it is on tv lol. i was told to hold both arms out to the side and then i got some oxygen. next thing i know i'm in recovery.

i must have been enjoying the drugs and sleep because the nurses said i didn't want to wake up. even after i woke up i refused to open my eyes for some reason. i was moved to my room shortly after.

i was hurting a little more than i expected but it was bearable for the most part. i do know that when i had to go to the bathroom it took me forever to pee! i asked the nurse if i could walk around and she said yes. no on ever "made" me get up and walk which i found surprising.

the drugs made the pain manageable and sleepy if it weren't for the nurses coming in every 2 hours lol. i was glad to get home the next day!

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I had my lap band surgery on May 20th. I was told to arrive at the hospital at 11:45. I waited in admission for nearly an hour before they had room for me in pre-op. Once in pre-op they had me change, took blood, started my iv and got my first Heprin shot. I was a little nervous but not a whole lot. More like a little irritated from waiting in admission for so long. At 2:30 they came in to take me to the OR. The last thing I remember was being wheeled in there, them putting the "good stuff" in my iv and having me spread my arms out. I thought to myself hey this is just like how I was when I had the c-section. When I woke up in the recovery room the clock said 4:10 pm. I woke up in terrible pain, in what I thought was an odd place. I had pain at the bottom of my breastbone like in between my ribs. I looked there was no incision there so I mentioned to the nurse that I was in pain in that area and she replied " weel, yeah you just had surgery". Nice huh. So I laid there, this nasty nurse came over a few times to write things in my chart but never said a word to me. I asked her what time I arrive in recovery and she said 3:25. So my surgery wasn't even an hour long. Now here's the really bad part. I was stuck in recovery until 7:30 pm. Apparently they didn't have a bed for me. A nurse brought me some ice chips and left them with me. All the other patients that had been in recvoery were now gone. The nurses where walking around eating their dinners. No one was talking to me or even checking on me. Finally the nurse comes over and says she's leaving for the night and someone else would be checking on me. At 6 pm they said they had a room ready for me and were just cleaning it so it would be about 6: 20. I felt a small sigh of relief. I knew that if it was much later my son who is 15 months would not have been able to see me or more like it was I wasn't going to see him. That was hard for me since I have never been away from him over night since he was born. At 7:00 I asked again and the nurse told me they have a room, they just need to clean it. I was getting so irritated and upset. Finally at 7:20 someone came down to wheel me up to my room. As they were bringing me into the room there was someone in there still cleaning the floor so we had to wait. But out of the corner of my eye I see my little boy. My boyfriend and my mother had brought him to see me even though it was past his bedtime. I was all smiles. Finally I was in my room at 7:30. The rest of my stay at the hospital was pretty good. I had to stay overnight since my surgery was so late in the day. I didn't sleep too well as I could not get comfortable and had a roommate that talked really loudly in her sleep, snored and insisted the lights be left on. I got to watch a lot of late night tv. lol The next morning I was told that as soon as I had the upper GI and everything was ok I could leave. They suggested I not have anything to drink after 5:30 am so they could easily do the upper GI usually around 7 am. I didn't get taken down for the upper GI until 11:00 am. And then it took them 2 more hours to read it and clear me to go home. So by 2:30 I was finally home. I found out that the surgeon was supposed to call my family right after surgery to let them know I was in recovery and he enver did. He called them at 6:30 pm. 4 hours after I went in to surgery. My mother had been frantic calling trying to get info and no one would put here through to the recovery room. Finally at 7:00 they told her when she called that I was heading to a room in 20 minutes so they came up. She was a mess. I was pretty irrate too. My poor family was worried to death about what was going on. When I talked to the PA about it he said well the doc must have forgotten. Nice huh!! Well that's my story. I beleive the surgery went great it was all the other little things that made it a bad experience. I am thankful for being home now and doing a little better every day.:D

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Hey All,

It REALLy helped me out to hear everyone elses stories about their banding expearence, so I thought I would share mine as well in hopes it will help others who are going later this month!

I got up around 6am today and left the house at 6:30am, I had packed a bag the night before with all my meds, a blanket, an extra shirt, some Water and a pillow. I arrived at the surgery clinic (I was banded at North West Weight Loss Surgery) about 8:20 (I was a little early). I sat next to a nice man in the waiting room and chatted with him for a bit, he had been banded about 13 months ago and had lost 100lbs. His wife was being banded while he was waiting. After he left to be with his wife when she was out of surgery, I was given some papers to sign and read over. Then I was taken back into the pre-op room where I changed into a gown, robe and socks. They gave me a nice bag to put my extra clothes in and a thing of chap stick. Then I came back out and they had me sit in this sort of recliner chair thing and gave me a blanket. Then they gave me a shot in my thigh to prevent blood clots, I think that was the worst part of the whole procedure, I don't like needles and the shot stung for about 5 min after I got it. After that I had to wait a little while as the surgery before me was running a little behind. Then my surgen came out and chatted with me and my dad for a bit and asked if we had any questions. After that I had my IV put in, which actually hurt less than the shot because he put some numbing medication on my hand before.

After the IV was in, they got me up and I walked into the OR. I layed down on the table and they put some meds in my IV and put an oxygen mask on me, I remember looking at the nurse and her telling me I was going to be fine and thats the last thing I remembered.

I woke up as they were rolling me back into a recovery room, I was pretty groggy but came out of it well. (I started singing Gwen Stefani) They brought my dad to me and gave me some Water to start sipping on. They would come and check my vitals every 15min to 1/2 hour or so. They asked how my pain was and I decided I could use a pain shot, so they gave me some, I think it was called dafiral or somehing? It started with a D at any rate. I stayed i bed for about 2 and 1/2 hours, then they had me get up and walk about and I went to the bathroom. I was then lead to the "step down room" where I was in another recliner type chair. I sat there for about another 1/2 hour and was given my discharge instructions. Then I changed into my comfy clothes and my dad brought the car around. The nurse helped me out and I pretty much feel asleep the second I got into the car. So I don't really remember the car ride home. Once I got home I had some chicken broth and Soup and took a nap. Then one of my girlfriends came to see me and we watched a movie togther. I would get up about once an hour and do a few laps up and down the hall, I found it really helped with getting the gas out...or at least trying to get it out. My friend left, and I started watching the Heros DVDs and another girlfriend came over and watched a few episodes with me. My dad went out to get me some straws and juce and my friend left (around 10pm) I had some more soup and some juice. (My sweet dad also brought me back a giant princess balloon and a stuffed animal to make me feel better). I found its a lot easier to drink water/juice with a straw. As the night has gone on, I've been getting more sore, mostly on my port, I think this is because the numbing medicine they gave me in my tummy is wearing off. All in all, I feel pretty good, a little uncomfortable and sore, my best advice right now is to keep up on the pain meds BEFORE you feel like you need them, if you take them every 2-3 hours you won't really feel the pain, at least i'm not.

So thats pretty much my story, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, I've heard the second day is the worst!! Good luck to all of you upcomming bandsters!


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My story :lol:

I was banded on 4/30 in New Haven Ct. at the Hospital of St. Raphael.

I arrived at 10 am for surgery scheduled for 12 noon.:unsure:

They got me into a Johnny coat and into bed and started an IV. After 100 questions from a nurse then anesthesiologist, they gave me the blood thinner shot in my stomach-it burned a little-not too bad.

The wait was a little long as I wasn't wheeled into the OR till @ 1pm.

In the OR they moved me to the operating table-a little scary seeing all the equipment and fuzzy people/nurses (I am blind without my glasses). They extended my arms to put in the monitoring equipment-blood pressure was done thru an arterial line, and hooked me up to a heart monitor.

After the face mask was put on and the nurse said it was just oxygen-ha! Next thing I know I'm in the recovery room.

this is where you aren't sure whether to wake up or sleep some more but they encourage you to wake up. Then it's up to my room in the hospital.

I was lucky to get a double room all to myself!

I immediately had to pee big time and jumped out of bed to the bathroom-this stunned the nurse who said no one ever does this! lol I didn't want to pee the bed again as I had in the OR! oops!

[They monitor your urine output-400cc/day is considered baseline.]

The pain was very bearable at the incisions-it was uncomfortable under my left breast (port?) for days afterward. I rated it a 6-7 on 1-10 scale. It was a sort of throbbing pain that came and went.

I did refuse my morphine for fear it would dry me out-to be honest this was the biggest inconvenience-being parched and only allowed swabs-I sucked that swab like it was a popsicle!

After only 15 mins or so they took me down to the x-ray lab to check on the band placement and then I was allowed the 1 ounce of Water per hour-just sips!

The worst part of that time after surgery was nausea-I got serious dry heaves 3-4 times so bad I wet the bed [again] each time...

I was trying to vomit but nothing but spit [sorry] and belches came up...very uncomfortable.

It got better if I kept the bed up-do not lie down after drinking that water!!!

The next day was better-I never tasted better tasting orange Jello ever!! lol

And that hospital chicken broth could have been made by Emeril himself!! I had them reheat it 3 times because of the slow rate at which you eat it, it gets cold quick!

I was discharged that day and allowed to progress to step 3-full liquids.

Now I'm home and the worst part is the gassing up and heartburn type discomfort.

It helps to sleep propped up with lots of pillows.

I found that low sugar/sugar free items work best-sugar increases the digestive juices which you don't want to do!

The homemade/strained pea Soup I just made is sitting very well-I thought it would gas me up but it seems to quiet my gut down a bit-especially the 'heartburn'.

Good luck everyone!!:thumbup:

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I was banded on May 6.

I got there at 6:30 and they took me right back to the pre-op area. There the bariatric coordinator came in and made sure I was ready. She answered a few questions that I had. I was in there for probably 2 hours. Then they took me back to the holding area. There they started my IV and gave me my versed (I love that stuff). They then wheeled me back to the OR. They gave me another shot of versed and then I went to sleep. I woke up in recovery and they were asking me if I wanted some pain meds, well duh! It hurt when I took a breath. Well they kept asking and I kept saying yes. BIG mistake. I was so out of it. I couldnt hardly wake up. I finally got back into my room and was still half asleep. The nurse came and walked me down the hall to the bathroom. Then I got back in the bed. They wanted me to drink 12oz of liquid before I left. I just couldnt wake up enough to get them drank, I probably drank about 8oz and they said that it was fine and that I could get dressed and go home. So my mom helped me get dressed and drove me home where my husband helped me to bed. I was way more sore than expected. Turns out that I had a very large hiatal hernia and they had to repair that, so that is why it hurt more. Well the pharmacy didnt have the liquid loratab and couldnt use the generic because the Dr. had specified name brand... So the first night I drank Tylenol. It worked better than I thought. I stayed in bed most of the next day and by the 4th day I was ready to get out some. I drove to a friends house and visited for a little while. It really wore me out. I am 3 weeks out now and mostly back to normal. No real pain and slowly learning to eat again. Knowing what I know now, I would have gotten my prescription filled before I got home though. =)

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Warning - This story is boring!

Went very smoothly. I checked in at the reception desk and was called back to my day surgery "suite" (it's a series of 3 rooms. There's a little waiting room, then a bathroom, then the pre-op holding room). I met my nurse who gave me a gown to change into. He also gave me a preop solution to wash my torso with. So, after I'm in the gown (naked underneath, but modest gown....it was huge on me and that's saying something. I'm about 6'4 and was 355 lbs day of surgery) and then the nurse takes me into the preop holding room. I got weighed, layed down on stretcher and an IV was started in my hand. The bariatric surgeon poked his head in to chat for just a few minutes, then the CRNA poked his head in, and finally the anesthesiologist poked his head in. I wasn't the 1st case, so I had time to read a little and chitchat with the wife. About 10 minutes before surgery, I was given the opportunity to urinate again (no Foley catheter...Yay!). Right before surgery, I was given something in my IV that made me very relaxed (I can barely remember getting wheeled out of preop). I have some fractured memories of scooting on the OR table, and somebody putting the anesthesia mask on me, but the next concrete thing I remember is waking up groggy in recovery. The nurse told me I would be discharged when I could urinate, walk, and have my pain managed by oral meds. Bottom line, I was home by 2 PM. Easy. The next 2 days I was a little sore around the incisional area, but it was not very bad at all. I went back to work on day 4 with no problems.

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I was banded April 15th. I arrived at the hospital at 9:30 a.m. and surgery was scheduled at 12 (noon). I was put into a room to check vitial signs and given a gown to put on. I was given a blood thinner shot in my stomach. It did burn for a few minutes. Then I was taken to a surgical holding area where the doctors came in to talk to me and answer any last minute questions. The nurse tried to put the IV in my arm but had a hard time, so she gave me another shot and then I don't remember anything after that. That was about 11 a.m. The next thing that I remember is waking up with a nurse next to me and asking me questions. My throat was so sore that I had a hard time answering her. I was also so sick (vomiting) for a few hours until the nurse realized that I was getting sick from the pain meds that they were giving me. Once those stopped I was feeling ok but still sore. I arrived in my room about 9 p.m. that night. When I gto to my room, that is when I noticed that I had 2 IVs; one in each arm. The nurse had me up walking about 10:30 p.m and around 12 midnight the nurse came in and took out the cath. and then I went to sleep for a couple of hours. The next morning, I had my test done and see the doctor and went home. I was feeling better a couple of days later.

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I am from Ohio, and I went to Mexico....by myself, to get surgery. This is my story....

***beep, beep, beep*** Its 3:50am and my alarm is going off. I wake up and make my way to the bathroom. A quick brushing of my teeth, and pull my hair back. Get dressed in the clothes I laid out the night before. I grab my suitcase that I packed the night before, and head out the door. I am on the road by 4:15am. I have to make a quick call to mom to let her know that I am on my way...and a few more reassurances (family is not so sure at this point). I make it to the airport by 6:00am. Check-in, security, find my gate, quick call to my fiance (who is overseas). I am so hungry! Check the clock....I am told I need to fast for at least 6 hours before my pre-surgery testing. I have plenty of time, so its off to Quizno's for (probably) my last mesquite chicken sandwich. Yum!...ok thats better. Soon enough its time to get on the plane.

When I arrive in San Diego the driver, Ernesto, is standing at baggage claim waiting for me. He is very friendly and grabs my suitcase and leads me toward the van that is waiting in the parking lot. When I get to the van, there is a family waiting in there. I wasn't expecting that. After exchanging pleasantries, I learn that Becky, the mom, had gastric bypass by Dr. Aceves almost 1 year ago and is down 148 lbs! She was there with her 13 year old son and her husband, Don. Don is there to have a LapBand placed by Dr. Aceves. Although I am sure of my decision, learning that Becky is an American nurse who had surgery in Mexico and is so happy about her decision that she brought her husband back to have surgery makes me feel even more certain that I am doing the right thing. Its about a 2 hour drive to the Mexican border, and I am enjoying the view of the mountains. I live in Ohio, and we dont have mountains :sad:

I am surprised at how nice the hospital is when I arrive. It looks brand new, and less "industrial" than the American hospitals that I have been to. More like a hotel. Ernesto shows us to the waiting room, and we are immediately greeted by Yolanda. She introduces us to Lucy and Sergio, the nurses that will be in surgery with us. Its now about 3:00pm. Don and I are given cups and sent to the restroom to "make a sample." Then, we are immediately taken to the lab to have our blood drawn. This was a bit complicated, and I knew that it would be. Nurses have always had a hard time finding a vein on my arms/hands. I dont know if its the extra subcutaneous fat or what, but its just a difficult process. Luckily I am not afraid of needles. First they try poking me on the inside of my left elbow....no luck. Then, my right hand....no luck. Then, my left forearm and BINGO! Blood. After that, I am sent to a small room with another nurse (I forget her name, but she was sooo nice). She tells me to put on a gown and I lay down on the table for my EKG. I am afraid that she will be shocked at my huge body, but she is so unphased. I guess she is used to seeing bodies like mine? I lay on the table with some wires attached to me for about 1 minute, and she says "Your heart works!" Then, its to the X-ray room for a chest X-ray....easy enough. All of this pre-op testing took about 1 hour. Then I put my clothes back on and Yolanda takes us up to another room to discuss the surgery.

She explains that we have to take an antibiotic tonight, and also gives us a sleeping pill to take that night. She explains everything that is going to happen, reviews the post-op diet, incision care, fills, takes my our payment, and tells us that Dr. Campos (Dr. Aceves assistant?) will meet us that night in the hotel lobby at 7:30pm. It is about 5:00pm now, and Ernesto is taking us to the hotel. The hotel is only a few minutes from the hospital, and I am shocked at how beautiful it is. I have never stayed in a hotel this nice before...its like a resort/spa. I can't help but think "I want to come back when I am not having surgery!" Yolanda had told us that we can eat anything we want tonight, so I find an Italian restaurant in the hotel and decide thats a perfect place for my "last supper."

After dinner, I make it to the hotel lobby to meet Dr. Campos. He takes us into a conference room and explains exactly how the surgery is performed, and actually shows us the band so we can touch it and see how it works. He tells us how to eat post-op and what we can expect. He is VERY nice....and cute too! By this time I am EXHAUSTED and I make it back to the hotel, take a quick shower, take my sleeping pill and antibiotic, and go to bed.

***beep, beep, beep*** Its 6:30am, and Yolanda is picking us up at 7:00 in the lobby. I pack my things, and make my way to the lobby. She takes us to the hospital and I am led to my room. Its so nice...like a hotel room! I have a closet, bathroom, shower, sink, toilet, couch, and TV. I change into my gown, and then the parade starts. First the anesthesiologist comes in and tells me what to expect. He says that he is going to wake me up at the end of surgery, so I might be aware of being in surgery, but its not a bad experience. Sergio comes in to show me how to do breathing excercises. Then the internal doctor comes in and tells me that he has looked at my bloodwork and chest X-ray and assures me that I am in good shape for surgery. Then, a nurse comes in and gives me a shot of Lovenox (blood thinner) in my belly. Lucy comes in and gives me my "happy pill" and it is exactly that. Then I meet with Dr. Aceves and he explains more about the surgery, aftercare, and post-op diet. During this time, my happy pill starts to kick in and I am finding it hard to keep my eyes open. He's funny, and finishes the talk quickly before I lose consciousness. Then, they wheel me into surgery.

The last thing I remember is the anesthesiologist putting an IV in my left hand, and Sergio wrapping my feet and legs to prevent blood clots. The next thing I can remember is the anesthesiologist saying "Wake up Abby, youre all finished, the surgery is over!" I could feel that I was naked, and somebody is putting my arms back into the gown. I said to the anesthesiologist "I'm sorry, I'll look better naked in a few months." Hahahaha!!!! I heard him start laughing, and tell the surgeon what I said. I was then wheeled into the recovery room. I felt pain in my abdomen, and I told the nurse. Quickly a nurse gave me medication for the pain, and I can feel myself falling asleep again.

Pretty soon I wake up in my room and my nurse, Christopher, is there for everything. Becky comes in to check on me, and she calls my mom to let her know that I am out of surgery and doing well. My nurse Christopher looks a lot like my brother, and I am strangely comforted by all of this. Soon, he helps me out of bed and I feel a lot of pain in my abdomen....to be expected. I took a few steps out of my room and felt very light headed and nauseous. Christopher quickly helps me back to bed and explains that it is caused by the anesthesia. He gives me some medicine in my IV for the nausea, and also something for the pain. He tells me that a lot of my pain is from the gas and the only thing that will help is walking. About an hour or two later Becky comes in and says that she and Don are going on a walk and they ask if I would like to join them. Becky helps me out of bed, and this time I am able to walk all of the way into the lobby and back to my room.

The next day, I woke up and felt so much better! I could sit up in bed with minimal pain, and move around with ease. That morning I was taken to have a barium swallow and fluoroscopy. Another doctor did this but I forget his name. I took a big swallow, and immediately knew it was a mistake. I could see the screen and the liquid was flowing through my stoma that looked like it was the size of a pinprick. I felt full and uncomfortable. Gurgling, burping, and woops....I learned what a PB is! So, for the next hour or so I was very uncomfortable and PBing into cups and bowls that Christopher kept coming in and emptying for me. He then brings me lunch of broth, Jello, tea, and applejuice. I can't eat any of it. Christopher decides that I need more IV fluids since I cant eat. After I receive all of the IV fluids, Dr. Campos and Dr. Aceves come in to tell me that they put a fill in during surgery and that they can take it out to make it easier for me to eat. They were very concerned that I am able to eat before I go home. So, Dr. Campos takes me back to the fluoroscopy room and I get my first adjustment just a day after surgery! He swabs my belly, gives me a local anesthetic, and inserts a HUGE needle into my port. I didnt feel a thing. He took the whole fill out, and I could immediately feel the relief. lunch was brought when I returned to my room and I could eat just fine. I ate the whole cup of broth, and it felt so good. I think Christopher was happy too. Before the unfill he scolded me and told me that I needed to eat!

The next day I woke up and felt even better than the day before. I packed my things and cleaned up my room a little. I took a shower, and got dressed for my trip home. The "sunday driver" Juan picked me up and we were off to the airport. It took 3 hours of waiting at the border, but finally we were back in the US. I was on a plane home, and the easy part is over.

Edited by Aphrodite1984

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I'm happy for you and thank you for your detailed story it was very interesting. I just got approved for surgery thru Aetna and this type of feedback is just what I need. I can't believe they gave you a fill directly after surgery. I wonder if anyone else has had that experience...

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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