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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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My Day One was yesterday

Have had much less pain and the whole thing was much less of an ordeal than I expected. I was really scared. We had to drive an hour to the surgery center and I was grinding my teeth the whole way.

We got to the surgery center. They asked for a urine sample to do a pregnancy test, which was negative (bonus!) I gowned up, they got an IV started, and I said goodbye to my husband and they wheeled me into the O.R. They injected an anesthesia cocktail into my IV port, I was asked to breathe through an oxygen mask and I was out.

I woke up in recovery with no nausea and the only pain I had, or have continued to have, was on my left side where the incision for the port was located. I rested in the recovery room for about an hour. The nurse was great and gave me sips of cold bottled Water. I finished almost an entire bottle of water before I left. I was given a dose of Lortab for the ride home (liquid Vicodin and acetominophen). I was a bit apprehensive about taking a narcotic, but so far it has just helped my pain and not made me feel goofy.

I rested upright in a chair and watched TV for a little bit when I got home, but decided to try to go to bed. It was only about 6 p.m., so I lay awake for a while. I was a bit uncomfortable during the night, and awoke once to take more pain medicine. I had to sleep on my back to avoid the pain from the residual gas in my upper body, and I usually sleep on my left. I wear a CPAP for sleep apnea and I just hope I didn't wake my husband too much, as I am better off with the snoring if I sleep on my side.

Today I have had the following: diluted juice, chicken broth, herbal tea and water. I never realized how many cooking shows and commercials with food they show on TV. It is something I will just have to avoid. I am looking forward to tomorrow (Day 3) and having some Protein Shakes and pureed Soups. And a shower.

If you're reading this, and wondering if you should do it, don't let the fear of surgery stop you from getting the life that you want. I fully intend to make this a new start for me. I look forward to being a happy, healthy thin woman again.

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I had my Lapland Thursday, I am feeling overall pretty good. My question is I still feel gasy and my stomach is always rumbling, does anyone else feel this way? The Protein Shakes seem to make me more gassy. Any advice?

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I was banded 3/27/13; After surgery I was sick from the anesthesia, I had to pee in a bed pan, my 16 yr. old son saw me at my worst. I really had second thoughts. I didn't have to do it, why did I. Now I am home surgery was a week ago and I am feeling 60% of my old self. I drove my son through Mc Ds and the teenager at the register gave me the wrong change. My son asks why are you making a case over a nickel, I told him I was more mad at the fact that I could not eat any thing on the menu. I know I could have ordered a shake, or a yogurt but I wanted a burger and fries. Can some one tell me what happens if I do not stay on a mesh diet for two weeks? My surgeon said 2 weeks of food that can go through a straw. What happens if I eat a cracker?

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I was banded 3/27/13; After surgery I was sick from the anesthesia, I had to pee in a bed pan, my 16 yr. old son saw me at my worst. I really had second thoughts. I didn't have to do it, why did I. Now I am home surgery was a week ago and I am feeling 60% of my old self. I drove my son through Mc Ds and the teenager at the register gave me the wrong change. My son asks why are you making a case over a nickel, I told him I was more mad at the fact that I could not eat any thing on the menu. I know I could have ordered a shake, or a yogurt but I wanted a burger and fries. Can some one tell me what happens if I do not stay on a mesh diet for two weeks? My surgeon said 2 weeks of food that can go through a straw. What happens if I eat a cracker?

You could rip your stiches that are on the inside. please stick to your mushies. I just sent you a p message please check it and feel free to call.

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Had my surgery yesterday 4/3/13. The day prior my surgeon, Dr. Bagnato in Macon, Ga. Performed an EGD b/c of my hex of GERD. Hiatal hernia found-epiphany, we'll take care of that in surgery--nbd. My surgery was a breeze! I would recommend Palmyra surgical to anyone! The staff are professional and so friendly. There is a new surgical suite just for Dr. Bagnatos patients, in fact it's a whole floor. I remember be wheeled out of my room, that's it. Woke up in recovery very little discomfort. Only pressure in my chest from CO2 gases used for the procedure, I've had laparoscopic surgery before so knew that would be there. Walk and move to get those out!

So far so good very little discomfort.

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I had my surgery on Feb 5 2013. It went smoothly. I went in a 7 to register and prep then was awake by 9! I had to stay overnight for observation. Make sure I can you know,go to the bathroom and swallow. Boy did my tongue hurt though. It was numb for days, but Im ok now. Thank God.

Funny thing he does is he plays his favorite hits during surgery. Lol this is what I was told.

Thanks Dr T !!

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ok very new to this and i'm not sure how it works so here i go: i had the surgery Wednesday April 17th. got home yesterday from hospital. i had a tablespoon of pureed chicken in hospital because i wanted to make sure it was ok before i went home. i am so afraid of even trying pureed foods, any advice?

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I had surgery on the 15th of April. My surgery was 9 in the morning, but I had to get there at 7:30. The hospital I went to (Depaul Health Center) was about an hour away. My mom and husband came with me. I was extremely nervous. I had a battle going on inside me. I wasn't sure if this is what God would want for me. I had anxiety. I thought I was going to die. My brother passed away April 22, 2012, and I didn't want to do that to my mom again. I tried to remain calm and voice all my concerns, but the anxiety did not go away until they gave me medicine. Leading up to my medication, I was weighed and they gave me some prep medications (for nausea and things). I got a shot in the belly (a blood thinner). The nurse put in my IV. She hit a nerve and I still have a little pain in my hand today, but it is a lot better. When I put on my gown, I used the cleaning wipes on my belly (made from the same chemical as the shower the night before and that morning). All the doctors and nurses and anesthesiologist came in and introduced their selves to me and my family. I was wheeled toward the operating room, but I don't remember much after that. I woke up in recovery (yay, I didn't die) and my belly on the left side hurt. I later found out that I did not have any cuts where it hurt but that my port was right under the skin there. An ice pack did bring some relief, but the drugs helped the most. I slept a lot and walked at nine at night because I really wanted the gas pain to go away. I stayed in the hospital over night until 3pm the next day. I had a contrast x-ray done that morning to make sure everything look good. It did. I walked several more times while I was in the hospital. That did help.


Oh yeah, I posted that terrible picture of me after surgery 8)

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I had surgery on the 15th of April. My surgery was 9 in the morning, but I had to get there at 7:30. The hospital I went to (Depaul Health Center) was about an hour away. My mom and husband came with me. I was extremely nervous. I had a battle going on inside me. I wasn't sure if this is what God would want for me. I had anxiety. I thought I was going to die. My brother passed away April 22, 2012, and I didn't want to do that to my mom again. I tried to remain calm and voice all my concerns, but the anxiety did not go away until they gave me medicine. Leading up to my medication, I was weighed and they gave me some prep medications (for nausea and things). I got a shot in the belly (a blood thinner). The nurse put in my IV. She hit a nerve and I still have a little pain in my hand today, but it is a lot better. When I put on my gown, I used the cleaning wipes on my belly (made from the same chemical as the shower the night before and that morning). All the doctors and nurses and anesthesiologist came in and introduced their selves to me and my family. I was wheeled toward the operating room, but I don't remember much after that. I woke up in recovery (yay, I didn't die) and my belly on the left side hurt. I later found out that I did not have any cuts where it hurt but that my port was right under the skin there. An ice pack did bring some relief, but the drugs helped the most. I slept a lot and walked at nine at night because I really wanted the gas pain to go away. I stayed in the hospital over night until 3pm the next day. I had a contrast x-ray done that morning to make sure everything look good. It did. I walked several more times while I was in the hospital. That did help.


Oh yeah, I posted that terrible picture of me after surgery 8)


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Good luck on your journey.

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Its been one day since my lap band surgery only pain I had was from gas. Taking gas x chewables and they gave me pain meds as well. Also had hernia repair today feeling a little sore I know its worth it.

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Its been one day since my lap band surgery only pain I had was from gas. Taking gas x chewables and they gave me pain meds as well. Also had hernia repair today feeling a little sore I know its worth it.

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Its been one day since my lap band surgery only pain I had was from gas. Taking gas x chewables and they gave me pain meds as well. Also had hernia repair today feeling a little sore I know its worth it.

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I just had my surgery yesterday and so far so good! I got there at 8am and my doctor was running a little late with his first two patients so even though I went into preop at 9 I didn't go back to surgery til 12:30. Doc said the surgery went great, no hernias! I took a little while to recover from anesthesia so I was out I surgery by 1:15 but didn't wake up until about 3:30. They then took me to my room because my insurance requires a 1 night stay, and then had to do the barium swallow test. The test itself wasn't too bad but as soon as I sat up I felt REALLY nauteous and was sure I was going to throw up, though I didn't. I was really upset about that because I kept thinking I was going to hurt the band if I threw up. They gave me zofran before surgery and after surgery, but I still felt sick all day yesterday. That was definitely the worst part. Pain wasn't bad at all, just really sore when I had to move beds, but not even bad when I sat up or went to the bathroom. I had a hard time getting comfortable last night to sleep just because I usually sleep on my side or stomach, but I wasn't really in much pain. This morning the pain started to kick in some more and was given some liquid pain medication at like 8:30, and I hadn't had any since 8 the night before so that seems not too bad to me! I've been up walking with my nurses and doing the breathing thing every hour. My doctor actually just called and said I could be discharged this morning because he thought everything looked good! I've been having no problems sipping Water, apple juice, veggie broth, and help that the hospital gave me and was eating ice chips last night to help with nausea. I'm so excited to start my new life as a bandster!! Good luck to all future bandsters!

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I can't believe that it is finally my turn to post on here! I have been reading these constantly over the past few weeks and they have been a huge help in preparing me for what to expect.

I arrived at the hospital with my mom at 5:30 am and waited about a half hour. Someone came to get me and I checked in and they gave me a little tracking badge that tracks my location at all times and displays it on a screen.

Then I waited about 30 more minutes and a nurse came to get me. This is when my mom said "bye, I'll pick you up later!" and ran out of there. So much for support ...

They brought me to a place, I want to say room, but it was nothing like a room. It was a large common area that was divided into sections with very very very thin curtains that didn't close all the way. The nurse told me to pee in a cup and then put my gown on. I really didn't want to, b/c everyone could see me. But I guess that's a small price to pay to get skinny, so I just sucked it up and put the damn thing on. Then they put an IV in and asked me some questions, then wheeled me (while laying on the bed) up to the surgery floor.

On the surgery floor the "rooms" were exactly the same. I really don't understand the whole curtain thing. But I'm over it. The anesthesiologist came in to meet with me. So embarrassing meeting him for the first time while I'm laying there in a hospital gown and 7:30 am. Oh well. He gave me an anti-nausea patch to put behind my ear because I said I get really motion sick. And he also put some stuff in my IV and I literally remember nothing from that point on. I don't remember being wheeled into surgery, changing beds, etc. I am sure I did/said 100 embarrassing things.

So the scary things happened when I was in recovery. I woke up with this HUGE pressure on my chest, and I was so disoriented and I started screaming that I couldn't breathe, because I thought I couldn't. Someone came around and said "oh, yes you can' and then just left. Good thing i was extremely drowsy and was in and out and barely remember anything about recovering on that floor.

After that, they wheeled me down to the second recovery area where I would rest up and be out shortly. Unfortunately I had a horrible reaction to the anesthesia and I was so nauseous. I threw up a few times and just felt like I couldn't move, but all I wanted to do was go home. Eventually the nurse must have gotten tired of me and my bad attitude b/c she told me I had to get up and use the restroom and then go home. I told her I didn't feel up to it, she insisted, so I sat up and then puked all over her shoes.

Next the nurse brought me some diet coke and crackers and told me to eat and drink and I'll feel better. Good thing I was awake enough to tell her that I can't eat those! She then gave me some non-sugar-free Jello, but it had an anti nausea pill mixed in with it, so I ate it. An hour or so later I was wheeled out to my mom's car and she brought me home.

The best advice I got on here was to bring a pillow for the car ride home. Holding it against my stomach helped ease the pain. I was in really horrible pain that whole day and for the next 3 days. I could lay down, but I couldn't get up very well. I tried getting up several times to walk and go to the bathroom, but it felt like someone was stabbing me with 1000 knives, so I kept the moving to a minimum, even though I should have done it more. I did drink a lot of Water and had no problem drinking large quantities of water. I poured some in a shot glass and just sipped my shot glass. Another odd side effect was that the anesthesia made me soooo incredibly itchy for 2 days.

For the last few days I've been sipping water, gatorade, broth, and Protein Shakes. I'm not hungry, but I have no problem with anything coming back up, so I'm a little scared that I don't actually even have a lapband ...

That is my long surgery story! I am so PRAYING this works for me. Good luck everyone!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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