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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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My surgery day story......It is 7:45 in the evening on Tuesday, 2/21/12, and I had my surgery today!!!!!!! I wanted to blog about my experience while it is still fresh in my mind. First....I feel great, definitely sore, but nothing unbearable; my incisions look great, and I am so happy that I did this.

I arrived at the surgery center at 9:45 and did all the registration stuff...actually just signed a couple of papers, put on a Bracelet and waited to be called.

I was called very quickly (at 10:05) and put in a pre-op holding area where I:

1. gave a urine sample for a pregnancy test

2. changed into a lovely gown that tied in the back (nothing left underneath)

3. put on orange socks with grippies on the bottom and compression things for my legs

4. was given my party hat (lovely blue lunchroom lady style)

5. was weighed along with all other vitals

6. answered lots of basic questions...(allergies, meds, when ate last, who was with me, med history

7. given the opportunity to ask questions of my own

8. an IV was started with saline (and even a little lidocaine at the site to ease the stick)

9. at this point, my husband was allowed to come back and sit with me until I went to the OR

10. I was given several meds.....heparin shot in right arm, pepcid in IV, zofran for nausea in the IV, a steroid in the IV (can't remember the name, but that one had to go in really slowly and was given to held with inflammation) and Versed in the IV to help relax me

11. the waiting game then began...waiting for an OR to open up....this took a while and at this point, I kind of started losing track of time.

12. When we were almost ready to go back, my doctor, Dr. Gorjala, came in and met my husband and answered any questions that we might have had.

13. The Nurse Anesthetist came in along with the surgical nurse and wheeled me away to surgery.

In surgery:

1. I moved to the OR table (around 1:00)

2. Untied my gown

3. Covered with a nice warm blanket and had my compression thingies on my legs hooked up.

4. put on a pulse oximeter and three leads on my chest to monitor my heart rate during surgery

5. put on an oxygen mask and was given some oxygen to breathe while we waited to get started

6. Ready to start surgery, I was given the anesthetic agent. It felt warm going into my body and took seconds to kick in.

7. Next think I knew, I was in the Recovery Room

In Recovery: (around 2:15ish)

1. My vitals were monitored very closely and I was encouraged to take nice deep breaths of Oxygen.

2. It seemed to me as if I woke pretty quickly with everything and everyone coming into focus (NO NAUSEA)

3. Finally able to talk and keep my eyes open, my nurse moved my bed into a more upright position and gave me some Water with a pain pill (omg...that was the best water!)

4. It did not take long at all, and I was out of recovery and moved back into another area of the surgery center

In my final location of the surgery center:

1. My IV was removed and my surgical scars checked (I have 2 and they look great)

2. I was given a cup of juice (yummy)

3. My husband got to come back (My Dr. had already spoken to him about the surgery results)

4. I got up and got dressed, got my discharge papers and was wheeled out to the car; I still felt very groggy but was able to dress myself with my husband helping me not to lose my balance...

5. I left the surgery center at 4:00, so in total, I was in their care for 6 hours and a good chunk of that time was spent waiting on an OR to open up.

I came home and went straight to bed. My pain is not at all what I expected; it is much better and the gas has actually been less that I expected also. I've also had no nausea at all. I got up at 7:00 pm and walked around for a bit and feel really good.

Overall, my experience was fabulous....everyone I encountered was so great, helpful and informative I was treated fabulously and just couldn't be more pleased with my day....the first day of my journey to a new me.....

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Banded April 4th, 2012

My day begins with my husband and I being picked up at 2:30am for a 6 hour drive from San Jose, Ca to Hawaiian Garden, CA Los Angeles. We hit traffic when we got in to the city and was 20 mins late to my 8am check in. I called them just before 8 to let them know I would be late.

Got there checked in with the lady at the front desk waited and got really checked in with a lady that made sure everything was paid and paperwork. Apparently they didn't get the fax that I had already paid but luckly I took a photo on my phone and was able to email it to them right there so we were all good to go. They put me in a room cubical and I changed in to the gown and socks. They put an IV in my hand and the anthologist talked to me and the nurse took blood and every person that walked in I had to tell them my name and date of birth. I think i must have said it 20 times lol but I'm glad they do this. After that kissed my hubby for luck and they rolled me in the the pre-op room. I waited there for a little bit to get antibiotics, and relaxing meds. I had a chance to talk to my doctor. DR. Au Lee. Wonderful job and only 4 incisions.

I think I went in at 10:30am.

I was then rolled in to the or and the second they put that mask on me I passed out and woke up in the recovery room. Don't remember the exact time but I think it might have been at noon. I had a bit of pain on my side and arm so they gave me some medicine and helped me to sit forward get off my side. Once I was fully awake they rolled me in to a cubical room again and my husband came in. Called my Mom (which was worried sick) and called my Mother-inlaw (that was also worried.)

Finally walked around, drank a bit of broth, peed, and popped some gasx they said I could go home. Had to wait 2 extra hours due to the transportation van being stuck in traffic. Finally left at 5 . The shaking in the van made me very nauseous and sick to my stomach. I asked for a pit stop so I can take a few puffs of weed that is prescribed to me. It made a world of difference. The pain had dulled and my stomach felt 100x better.

Im still on the road now about 2 more hours to go.

Again I'm so happy I got this and know if anyone wants to talk message me. I would love to see people progress and help keep me accountable. I know this will work. Good Luck to you all. Happy Journey!

"In the book which is my memory, on the first page of the chapter in which I met you are written the words; Here begins a new life." ~La Vita Nuova

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I had my surgery on April 2nd. Arrived to Hosp at 530 am, reviewed paperwork, expected costs to be billed, got my arm band. Called back to go to the surgery waiting room around 6. Was there with like 6 different groups of people. Nurse called me back arround 630. Had to do a pregnancy test since it had been more than 10 days since my LMP. Got changed into a gown, and got under the covers on the stretcher. Met several of the recovery room nurses. I was asked several questions, just to verifiy information they already had about medications, allergies, past surgical history. Was given some pre op meds. A patch for behind my ear to help with nausea and motion sickness. I was given a pepcid to help with heart burn, my blood surgar was checked since I am a diabetic. Had the compression devices put on my lower legs to help with blood clots. Then my family was able to come back, talked with surgeon, asked if I had any questions. Anesthesia MD came and put in my IV, then I was wheeled back to the OR right at 730. Don't remember much after that. Came back to recovery room vomiting, kept going in and out for about an hour, vomiting off and on. Had oxygen in my nose, and nurses all around. Had to have my gown changed due to vomit. Stayed in recovery for about 2 hours, then went and had an Upper GI done to confirm band placement and since I also had Plication, to check for leaks. Then up to my hospital room. I was hooked up to an IV and since I was high risk for sleep apena, and my O2 sats were low on room air, I was on O2. I also was put on a continous pulse oximeter on my left middle finger and then that was attached to a telemetry box to monitor my heart rate and rhythm.

I have 6 small incisions that really never hurt, just were sore. The pain I had was from the gas. It made it hard to take in a deep breath. The only thing that helped was walking. I vomited a couple more times, but after about 12 hours after I stopped. Didn't feel hunger, IV pain meds worked well to keep me comfortable. Sent my family home around 8, Had to sleep sitting up right to keep any stomach contents at bay and prevent heart burn and on my back. Not fun for a stomach sleeper. My Vital signs were checked every 4 hours and between that and my telemetry monitor leads coming off every time I moved, I got little rest. Walked about 3 times the day of surgery. Was up, walked 2 laps around the unit, and washed up all by 630. Was up in the chair watching TV when family arrived at 7. Managed to eat a bite of Jello and about 1/8 of a cup of unsweetened tea. Didn't vomit. Was discharged home around 930. Car ride of 45 mins wasn't bad, had some soft cussiony stuff to protect my stomach from the seat belt which helped, but bumps were not fun. Most pain came from giant gas bubble that moved from my lower stomach to my chest and shoulders. liquid pain medication helped with pain, and took that until Thursday AM. Gas pain was only helped by walking. Minimal if any incistional pain, but still kind of uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach yet. Today is post op day 7, feeling pretty good. Took one week off of work, and back to work today.

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I found this topic very helpful before I had surgery so I thought I would reply:

My surgery was schedule at 10:45 am May 10th. I got up around 7 and showered and scrubbed with the special sponge they had given me. I went with my wife to the hospital which was nice because she had a shoulder surgery before and this was my first one ever and I was super nervous. There wasn't a bed available when I first got there so I had to sit in the waiting room. There were other lap band patients in there and they seemed anxious as well. Finally I was called in to a the OR pre op room and IV was started, my first one ever! It wasn't to bad in my left hand and the lady hit on the first try and today there's no bruising. I had my doctor come in and he talked to me and asked if I had any questions. I asked if someone would explain everything I should do after the surgery, because I was nervous and didn't want to forget anyting. He chastised me and said that if I didn't know what I was supposed to do by now and wasn't paying attention, then maybe I shouldn't have the surgery. My wife actually stepped in for me and said I had been paying attention but was super nervous because before this week I had never even had blood drawn and I wanted to make sure I didn't mess anything up. This was probably my low point of the day, and I am still a little upset with my Dr. about this. However we moved on and the anestiesologist came in and asked questions and talked to me. They got me a bed and got it and he came to give me some stuff to calm my nerves. He asked if it was working and I said it made me feel like I was going to throw up, but other than that I was still nervous. They wheeled me back into the OR room and I was staring at the ceiling and the had me raise my left arm and straighten, then my right arm and straighten to put arm rests under them, by the time they had done this I was out and didn't even get to do a countdown like i expected :) The next thing I know I a waking up and trying to get my wits about me and decide if I feel like I am dieing or not. They had a tube in my nose and the nurse asked how I was doing and I said I couldn't breathe please remove the tube and they did, which felt better. I wasn't in a lot of pain except for feeling very bloated. After I awoke they wheeled my into my recovery room and asked me to change beds, I said I would like to stand because it felt better and was allowed to. I asked for somethng for the bloating and they gave me some maalox or something. It started to help, but took awhile. I began to drink Water and walk around the hospital, what suprised me the most is that I really felt fine and was tired more than anything. I kept walking around the or floor doing about 15 laps to help work out the gas. It seemed to work and every so often I would burp some up. I would occasionally lay down in my bed and my wife would hook up the leg massagers they had on me and I drank three bottles of water. There was no X-ray and I wasn't forced to eat anything, just drink all the water I wanted. I just kept asking what I had to do to go home so I could get the heck out of there, and the nurse said in good time. They came in took my temperature and blood pressure 3 times and on the third time said I would be released soon. The nurse came in and explained instructions and I felt fairly good. I got dressed and walked down to the car and my wife drove home. I came home got into bed and slept, woke up a few hours later still feeling ok. I kept taking gas medicine and wasn't going to even take my pain meds, but decided there was no reason to tought it out since it was only tylenol with codiene. Today I am actually feeling just fine with being a little sore and a little gas, but honestly I have a desk job and could have worked today if I had. I actually logged in and did a little work from home and mainly took it easy. I must say I am super surprised that I really don't feel that bad and I am pretty sure I will be able to go to work on monday if everything keeps going this way. Except for my doctor being mean I had a great experience!

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I had my surgery May 9th. I was scheduled for 8:30am and had to be there at 6am. When I arrived I had to register and then I was taken upstairs to a room to put my gown on and get comfortable. Once I was in my bed they gave me a shot in the leg which suppose to help prevent blood clots and IV, after a hour I was taken to another room with other patients and a bunch of dr. After about 30 mins all my dr's came in and explained everything to me, once that was done I was wheeled to the operating room and they laid my arms out on each side and then put the mask on and said take a few breaths and it felt like seconds later I was waking up. After I was awake for a few I did have the pain in my left shoulder which was the gas they talk about, now that was a little painful. So after being in recovery for a few they sent me to another room an sat me in a chair and had me to take a few sips and then had we walk around. After a hour I was ready to go home. Once I got home I kinda slept allday, but felt pretty good.

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After having different emotions, it finally hit me when I put the gown on and slippers. Surgery was at 7:30 finished by 8:45. I had an hernia repair. Didn't get in the room until 12:00. Slept with constant meds to make sure I wouldn't hurt so bad. Didn't suffer with gas just soreness when getting out the bed.

First day nothing but ice chips. Next day I was given 2 ekg's at different times because of heart rate being high. I was feeling like this surgery wasn't bad at all, just the getting up was hell. Then the nurse informs me she is calling a cardiologists, now I said WTH, now fear creeped in. I said I made it through then surgery, now I have to worry about my heart.

They wouldn't give me a satisfied answer except it happens sometimes. Your body has taken on stress and trying to balance itself out. Then you tell me I'm calling your doctor and taking blood samples. Don't worry it happens, but my concern was the fact I take a heart pill for angina(mild case).

They sent 1 lead doctor in training and 2 students less knowledge then himself. He tells me the same thing. I go to sleep and wake up I'm hit with " I call another cardiologists because your heart rate dropped to 40.

Now you got me scared as hell, but not because of the lapband directly. I know I have a minor heart problem, now my mind was playing images of (what if) over and over again. I go take the barium swallow which was just a few swallows everything was fine.

Still wondering if I'm going home, my first walk was only down the hall the first day. It felt like I wanted to thrown up, that was the first ill feeling I had. It was due to my nurse giving me pepcid in my iv to fast, so my nurse order something for nausea started with the letter F, fen something. I didnt take it until the next day and my body was comotose. I was high as a kite. I was already taking Delotic(mispelled). This nausea medicine was 10 times stronger than my pain meds .I couldn't move my body was just like in a coma.

Finally my nurse got me up to walk and that was the first gas I experienced when I got back, so walking does help. Any way I saw a few more Doctors and the bottom line was for me to follow up in 2 weeks with my cardiologists.

Oh I had a little beef broth and later some vanilla supplement and I took my happy behind home.

* I would do it again if needed, the surgery itself wasn't bad at all, I worried at times for nothing.

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I had my surgery on the 24th the gas was so bad after the surgery they kept me overnight. To help me they put warm heating pads on the worst parts and gave me extra pain meds. Also had me walk around the room with help. I worry right now is I am not hungry and do not want to eat :) I did do 500 calories and 50 grams protien I am sure that will get better. Keeping positive thoughts.

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I was banded May 25, 2012.

Had to be at the hospital at 6 am. My family and I probably sat in the waiting room for 30 minutes before someone had me come some sign some paper work.

After that, around 7:15 am, they took me to the back. A nurse had me give a urine sample (for a pregnancy test) and dress down in my room, into a gown and socks. Another nurse came in and hooked me up to an IV. From 7:30-9:15 am, nurses and doctors would come in, tell me what would happen, asked if I had questions, took down some of my information/vitals, checked my blood pressure a couple of times and heart rate.

At 9:15 am, I was wheeled on my bed into another room. The doctors and anesthesiologist came out and talked to me, letting me know about how the procedure would be done, how many they have done, etc.

Minutes before I was wheeled into the OR, I watched a patient come out that was just banded. She was awake right away and crying. It kind of scared me, because I didn't know how much pain I might be in, or be sick from the anesthesia. I remember it being just after 9:40 am when the anesthesia kicked my butt and I was out.

I don't know what time I was out of the OR, but I was still in the room I was in before the surgery, with a nurse by my side monitoring me. She asked how was my pain level. It was maybe a 5 out of 10, so she administered some morphine into my IV. I didn't cry or anything, just felt really tired. Maybe 5 or 10 minutes later, she asked me about my pain level, again, and gave me more morphine. She did this one more time until I barely felt anything.

I was then wheeled back into my room with my parents waiting for me. Right away I asked for ice cubes because I was so thirsty. I decided to walk around a bit, so I walked up and down the hall twice before going back to my bed.

They gave me a bottle of Water, so I began to sip that slowly. Maybe a few minutes later, a nurse brought in a tray with liquids: another bottle of water, cranberry juice, some really watered down chicken broth, and Jello. I took a few sips of the broth and a couple bites of the jello. After the jello, I realized I was feeling a bit nauseous, so I stopped eating and lied back down.

Few minutes later my mom urged me to walk some more. I walked up and down the hall several times, then went to the restroom.

In order to be allowed to leave, I had to be ok with three things: my pain control, able to take in water and not get nauseous or vomit, and urinate. I was hardly in any pain. I just made sure to move slowly when getting up and off the bed. I wasn't feeling nauseous anymore and I finished half a bottle of water.

I was ready to leave around 1:30 pm. Had my mom help me change into my close and was out of the hospital by 1:45 pm.

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My surgery took place on May 11. I had lost 21 pounds during my pre-op diet and I was convinced I was going to be the best patient ever and had a very positive outlook. I had the surgery on a Friday and planned to be back at work on Tuesday or, at the latest, on Wednesday. Had the surgery and had a small hernia repaired at the same time. After surgery, had to drink barium so they could watch the liquid go through. It was not going through properly and the doctor said I would need to have another surgery to remove one stitch from the hernia repair. So back under anesthesia I went. Then more barium afterwards and more barium until I was nearly in tears. Finally, the doctor was satisfied and I got to go home. I was not ready for the pain I experienced. All I wanted was ice Water and grape juice. Days 2 and 3 after surgery were pure hell as the barium kicked in and it had an extreme laxative effect on me. I couldn't move without having diarrhea. I will spare you all the gorey details. I live by myself with 3 dogs and 2 cats. It was horrible. For the first 7 days after surgery, I just prayed to die. It was probably a whole week before I was able to stand upright. By Week 2 I was so weak and I wasn't eating right because all I wanted was something cold and something quick to prepare. I slept most of the time. Went for my post-op appointment with the surgeon the middle of Week 2. I was horribly weak. He talked to me for a long time and was very sympathetic but said that I needed to start getting some calories in me. He told me I could eat almost anything I wanted but I really needed to get some nourishment to get my energy back. On the way home, I stopped at Boston Market and got an order of mashed potatoes and gravy. Week 3 I just worked on eating more and getting my energy back. Ate mostly yogurt, fudgesicles, eggs, shredded wheat Cereal and tapioca pudding. By Week 4, I was feeling a lot better but still not ready to return to work just yet. I finally returned to work on June 11 - one month after my surgery. I'm happy to say that my energy is back and I'm getting back on track with my Protein Shakes and lots of nutritious low-carb food. I certainly wasn't prepared for all that was in store for me. Hopefully, a few months from now, I can say it was the best thing I ever did. But would I do it all over again? Probably not. However, I think I'm definitely the exception to the rule. Most people don't have as hard of a time. Good luck to all of you!

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I was banded on June 29th. My surgery was at 5 am so I had to be there at 430 yikes! It was so early that I decided I didn't care what I looked like so I wore my muumuu and was so comfy. Got there, they made me pee in a cup, and then I had to change into the hospital gown but they also gave me a warm robe and put the blood clot hose one. I honestly think that's the first hospital gown that has ever fit me ;). Dr. came in to answer any more questions for me or my husband and then the anesthesiologist came and gave me a shot and then I kissed dh and he went to the waiting room and we walked down the hall into the surgery room. (I think cuz it was surgical center they didn't wheel me in.) Got in, they helped me on to the table, told me they had to pull the back of my gown out from under me and put a warm towel over me. Then he said start breathing the oxygen and that's all I remember. I woke up when they asked if I wanted to go home and I said yes. I think I was half asleep when they made me walk because I don't really remember waking up until dh pulled into our driveway. Surgery was a success! However I have to say I really didn't expect the pain to be as bad as it has been. I'm about 3 days in and finally feel like this will go away - slept for days as much as possible, walked whenever possible and the gas only lasted about 2 days but the incision pain really does hurt. It's worth it though - I'm already down 18 pounds and like I said, today I hurt least of all so I can tell it's going to get better soon. Good luck to everyone else!

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Got banded morning of July 5th. Arrived at hospital at 6 a.m. After checking in nurse took us to Pre-op area. I had to change into a gown & those crazy socks. A nurse came in and started an IV. She numbed the spot then started it in my left arm; half way up on the inside. Never had IV in this spot. Didn't hurt at all. After this I met with anesetialogist (sorry sp), the team going in the room (several med students as its an educational hospital. I met with the room coordinator, the surgeon & I was given a shot in the stomach to prevent blood clots. Surprisingly this didn't hurt at all, except it burned a litle afterwards. One of the orderlies asked me if I liked wine & he said they had a good glass for me. They put something in my IV and wheeled me into the ER. I felt the bed blow up and them transfer me onto the operating table and felt them start moving me around then I don't remember anything after that until I was in Post Op. A nice man was my attendant and never left my side. He asked me about the pain and he gave me pain med. I looked at the time and saw it was 10:30. I was told I had to wait for a room. I got a room at about noon. I was suppose to take the swallow test later that day but they gave me morphine and I got dizzy, overwhelmed, sick and started crying. They took me down to sleep study & I tried standing for the xrays but I got sick and they said we'd do it the next day that I'd had trauma enough for one day. I had brought a long pillow to place across me & this was a godscend. I don't think I could have handled it without this pillow. They gave me hydrocodone mix for med & I was up every hour (couldn't sleep) and I shared a room with a transplant patient so it was extremely busy. It was pretty late when they brought in Water, applie juice, popsicle for me to start on. I got a shot for blood thinners in the tummy every 12 hours. I kept my own record, drinking 1 oz Fluid per hour, later moving to 3 oz. Took me down the next day and I did the study. I was sick and clammy feeling after drinking that chalk substance. I laid down for a few hours & they brought me lunch =switching to full liquids from Clear Liquids. I had to be able to keep carnations sugar free mix with skim milk down. I did and also had cream mushroom Soup strained which tasted like heaven. The admin that helped me with paperwork process stopped in with a butterfly pillow the local gastric support group makes for new patients. She also gave me a photo of my lap & port that they took when they did the swallow test with the pager number of the doctor on call over the weekedn. Then I was given meds and it was the ride home. Was so happy to get home. I got comfy with pillows & slept good that night. They next day I felt a million times better. Today a little bit better.

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I had my surgery on May 18th and quite honestly I have had oil changes on my car take longer. I was admitted at 0530 hours in pre-op at 0630 hours and discharged - wait for it - at 0840 hours. Not exaggerating - I was woken up in post-op at approximately 0815hours and told to drink a cup of room temp Water and when I completed that the curtain was drawn and I was handed my clothes. I was walked out to my wife in the parking lot by a nurse and deposited in her car with a sheet of post up directions. Respiratory skipped me, so I didn't get the Inspirational Respirometer or Physical Therapy instructions. My day was nothing like the brochures / pamplets and other literature said would happen, no barium swallow, really nothing like I was told to expect. My advice is to be prepared to advocate for yourself. I was still pretty doped up when I walked out, the nurse did tell my wife to have me up and walking for 10 minutes every hour, so my wife asked and got permission to take me grocery shopping on the way home - that was fun at least what I remember of it. Not to offend anyone but I am pretty sure I "crop dusted" my local Fry's grocery pretty thoroughly. It might sound like I am complaining, but I understand this is a money making business, however it is a shame that some hospitals still treat patients like a piece of meat. My surgeon appears to have done exceptional work, my results are solid - 65lbs since I started this journey, no post op infections, or complications to date.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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