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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I am home from the hospital after being banded today and it was not nearly as bad as I expected. The staff at west Chester university point were beyond wonderful. My surgeon--Dr. Watkins said it went well and he was wonderful as he could be. He actually just personally called me In the middle of this post to check on me....

So glad to be on the other side now.

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I had my surgery on 7/27/11; I had lapband with plication done so a one night stay at the hospital was expected. My doc does a swallowing study the morning after this type of surgery to make sure all liquids are going down and thru without problem. That's where my problem started. I failed the swallowing study, nothing was going down. The doc told me I was not 100% blocked, but I was 99% + blocked--only a trickle of liquid could pass through. So the fill was removed (2cc's) out of the band, which let me tell you, having that done on your fresh surgery belly is not fun, and I felt immediate relief, but still I could not take any fluids. It literally would take me all day to get 30cc down, so my IV fluids were restarted so that I would not become dehydrated ( I then had an allergic reaction to the IV antibiotic). I can not even explain how very miserable I felt; I couldn't even swallow my own saliva, I was literally spitting out foamy, frothy secretions out of my mouth constantly. Honestly, it looked like shaving cream, the nurses said they'd never seen anything like it and they have lapband with and without plication surgeries there ALL THE TIME. So lucky me, I was the first they'd seen with this kind of trouble. So on 7/30/11 another swallowing study was done, and that one went much better, no blockage but LOTS AND LOTS OF POST OP SWELLING. My doctor started IV steroids, which I was on three times a day for two days. By the third dose of the steroids, I turned the corner and was able to drink little bits and actually swallow! On Monday, August 1st I was finally discharged home. So for me, I went in expecting an overnight stay and ended up being inpatient 5 days. I was stuck numerous time for blood work to make sure my labs were stable, had a total of 5 IV sticks. I was feeling so down that my wonderful, wonderful nurse I had over that weekend arranged for my 19 month old granddaughter to come up to my room for a visit (I take care of her everyday and missed her so much that it was really getting to me). Thank God my nurse realized that sometimes that best medicine for a patient will not come out of a pharmacy!

My surgeon was wonderful, he kept a close eye on me. The nurses told me he was either on the phone asking about me, or up on the floor speaking personally to them about me, that was on top of him coming in to see me literally every morning, noontime and evening.

Would I do this again? YOU BETCHA!!! I started my pre-op diet on 7/13/11 and from that weight to my weight today, I've lost 23 pounds! Also, my surgeon told me that he could tell from my surgery that I had worked really hard on my pre-op diet (which I had) because my liver "looked beautiful!" So doing it right on your pre-op diet is important.

My doc told me he has not had another patient before me have problems with this surgery. Oh, did I mention I'm a nurse too? I should have prepared myself for not having the expected course--that stuff sorta seems to happen to nurses!

Sorry for the long post, but that's my experience. BTW, my daughter had the same exact surgery 3 weeks before I did---she sailed right thru without one bump on the road!


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Had my lap band surgery done yesterday. It was a trip! Came in at 7:30am and had my vitals taken. One of the nurses gave me some medicine. My fiance and family came in to see me which was great. I met my anesthesiologist who was really nice. They gave me some happy medicine and I felt like $1M bucks while being strolled into the surgery room. Last thing I remember I was looking at all the doctors and nurse and then I was waking up in recovery.

Gas was a little painful as was the port site but nothing I couldn't handle, especially with the pain meds they gave me. Waited in recovery for about two hours. I begged them to let me walk around which they let me do several times. I was pretty dang tired but walking felt good. After awhile they released me and I went home with my fiance and parents. The most difficult part about this whole thing has been sitting around the house being bored and in a little bit of pain. I have walked as much as possible and when I wasn't walking i tried to sleep. Every hour I was feeling better and better. My fiance gave me milk of magnesia, a laxative my doctor recommended to help with the gas, which seemed to not do anything for me but I woke up this morning ready to #2. I was able to release a LOT of gas and I have been feeling great ever since. I still have some pain around the port but no pain, no gain I guess.


Day 2 after surgery was pretty tough. Between the nausea, the hunger and the headaches I wasn't doing all that great. Day three (today) has been OK so far. I'm slowly getting better.

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i had the same thing happen but i think it was the white cranberry juice but i am happy to have a bm because i hear some people dont have it to start out

Had my surgery on 7/5 at 8:00 am. Home by 7/6 2:00 pm. Everything went smoothly. Had the runs all day yesterday and today!! Anybody else have that going on? I will probably change over to lactose free milk or rice milk. It may be my Protein Shakes with skim milk doing this to me!

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I was banded yesterday August 12, 2011 at 1pm. I can honestly say that it went more smoothly than I thought. I arrived at the hospital at 10:53 to register. After registration was completed they took me into the back where I had to undress and put on the gowns in the socks. During this time the took my vitals, my weight, gave me and IV, and a shot. My Doctor, Peter Liao came in to talk to me and confirm which procedure I was getting. We also discussed the different types of bands as well. The next person was the anesthesiologist, who came in to discuss the slim to none risk with anesthesia. He assured my husband that I would be fine and then he left. A few moments later I was being wheeled into the operating room. This all took about 2 hours, but didn't seem that long.

Once I arrived in the OR, I laid down they strapped my up and placed those pads on my legs to promote circulation. Honestly, the told me I would feel sleepy soon; however, I don't remember going to sleep, just waking up in the recovery room. I was in and out at that point and I remember them trying to wake me up about three times. Once they were ready for me in radiology I had to wake up fully, yet groggy so I can get off the bed into the wheelchair.

This was the worse part, (although not that bad ) I began to feel nauseous and was scared to throw up out of fear that it would damage something. Once they rolled me up to radiology, I began to gag so much that they sent me back because I wouldnt be able to hold down the barium. I went back down to recovery for 30 minutes where they gave me medication for the nausea, after the 30 minutes I went back up to radiology and swallowed the barium with no problem. The barium used for this one was not half as bad as the one used for the upper GI and I was so thankful for that.

After the Xrays were complete they rolled me down to recovery where I sat in a chair and my husband came to me. The nurse wanted me to drink a half of small cup of Water and urinate before I was able to go home. It took me a while, especially since I would get really nauseous after I stood up. After going to the bathroom finally, I was able to go home.

The trip home was fine, but when I had to stand up again I was nauseated and had to sit down. I took some pain medication, although the pain never became unbearable. I also took some of the medicine for nausea they prescribed and it made me feel better. I was in and out of sleep all night, maybe due to me sleeping on a chair, and then my couch because they nurse advised that I not lay down so that the gas can pass through better.

Now I am at the next morning, I feel pretty good, no real pain, just pressure from the gas I guess. I took my gummy vitamins and Gummy Calcium. I have been sipping on the same 16 oz of water since last night; however, I will make some hot tea in a little while so that it can help with the gas moving. All around good experience, Thank you God!

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Hello, my name is Tammy, age 39, starting weight 222Ibs and I was banded 8/23/2011. I am doing alright, but started having the gas pains that everyone has talked about, and must admit they are more painful (to me anyway) then the pain from the incisions. I am sleeping better, thank god, because the night in the hospital was the worst night sleep of my life, the pain medication caused insomnia big time, it took my pain away but could not sleep for more then 15 min at a time. I dont want to scare those that havent had thier surgery yet, just telling you my experience so you know what to expect. The pain is not intolerable by any means, mostly just "uncomfortable" I have to sleep with about 8 pillows to get comfy..lol

I do get up and walk around often, even went to the store today with hubby to get a few things and managed well.

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Well here's my little story...

Just had surgery yesterday 8/26 and It went way better than I expected :-)

Arrived at hospital at 8:30 am for my 11:30 surgery and went through all the preps. Everything went along as scheduled...Dr D came in to check as well as the anesthesiologist who allayed my fears of waking up during the surgery and feeling EVERYTHING--I made the mistake of putting in a movie about a surgery gone bad (Just a movie LOL)

IV put in (got it the 1st time!), Heparin shot-lucky me there was no sting, they put a funny looking plastic cover over me & hooked it to a hose that blew nice warm air all over my body-a nice feeling after being in a freezing cold room!, said goodbye to my hubby and he asked me if I was sure I wanted to do this-I really felt bad that I was a little grouchy with him as I was a nervous wreck all morning and was myself a bit doubtful about the whole thing so I really shouldn't have snapped :-(

Wheeled out of that room and taken to OR-Don't remember a thing after that until I woke up in recovery groggy but not in much discomfort, spent about 2 hrs there & taken to the ICU for the night-hubby & daughter there waiting. Daughter stayed the night & we had a regular little pajama party! Jello, broth, Water, Tea. Got up and walked the halls to get rid of "gas" but nothing helped. Pain was minimal and the came in every 4 hours with some Delauded and Lortab liquid--Very comfortable night I must say--forgot to mention that as Dr D was inserting my band he noticed I had an ulcer & so he repaired that as well!

Got up this morning and was released around noon with all my instruction---the staff there at Sebastian River Medical was GREAT and couldn't do enough to make my stay comfy!

Well here I am at home now, discomfort is minimal, drinking my post op liquids and WALKING to disperse the gas--NOT WORKING!!! I hear it can sometimes take a week-I hope not, so here I am about 36 hours post op and walking around the house to get some relief---

All in all if I were to be asked I would have to say YES,YES,YES I would do it again

Ada G

quote name='pennyt' timestamp='1211673254' post='840070']

This thread will be a sticky so that people can post their surgery day stories so that those who come after can have an idea of what to expect.

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[my lap band story of surgery was very different because it was on tape and some of my experience was taken away do to some of the cameras but i love being able to look back on that day and see how unhappy and scared i was [/snapback]


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:bananapowerslide: :bananapowerslide: :bananapowerslide: I'm finally in "BAND-LAND"!!!! After a long bumpy ride trying to get here I finally arrived and I could not be happier!! I arrived at the hospital at 5am yesterday morning (8/29/2011), I was the first surgery of the day so they took me right back and preped me and I was in the O.R. by 7am. My nurses and and surgery team were so nice! They went above and beyond my expectations! I had a hirena that had to be repaired during surgery so I am quite sore, but as long as I sit still I do not hurt at all, which is a plesant surprise! I was really worried about the gas pains, as some people (including my husband) experience AWFUL gas pains post op, but so far mine have been minimal. I am so excited to begin this new chapter in my life!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all the friends I have made on this site who have been a great deal of comfort and support during the last few months, you are all wonderful!!!:bananapowerslide: :bananapowerslide: :bananapowerslide:

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surgery day for me was great. I dont remember much but i was preped and saw nurses and some dr.s before then the anesthia guy gave me a cocktail told me i would be feeling better in a minute. they started wheeling me down the hallway and i was half asleep. by the time they got me into the or i was almost completedly asleep. they had me switch over to the table then they put an o2 mask on me and i fell asleep. next thing i know i was waking up in recovery. I never even go to do my countdown i was asleep before they even gave me the anesthia. in recovery everything went good and then theybrought my mom and my bestfriend in. I left the surgery center about an hour after i was waking from the anesthia. car ride home was good. I am doing great now. I am walking alot and drinking some Water just sips at a time. My stomach feels weird when the water gets down there and fells that way for a minute then i am fine. thought i would share.

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I arrived to the hospital around 6:15am an was takin back with in just a few minutes. I changed into my lovely gown and was givin my iv. I was accually scared most about the iv, but they numbed my hand and got it the first stick, thank God. My stomach was preped with a cleaning towel. I was then gave my antiacid and then a nice coctail to relax me. It realaxed me enough that I fell asleep and was woke up at 8am when my doctor came in and asked if I was ready to go. When of course I was, but apparently they were not as they didnt have my patient history from his office and by law have to have it on file. They tried to get it faxed and ended up having the receptionist run over and get it. (my doctors office is connected to the hospital) I was finally wheeled into the OR at 820. They gave my the mask and meds and I was out in no time. I did not have to have a cathedar which was another fear of mine. I remember waking up in the recovery fagile around 1030. I was gave a pain killer and my iv was taking out. I was able to get dressed and headed home at about 1130.

I am recoverying great. I only had to take the pain meds for the first 2 days and some at night here and there. I have lost 7more pounds. I had my first post op apt yesterday the 7th and I get my first adjustment on the 29th.

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Surgery date Aug 22

Got to NYU at 6:30am signed in and waited about 15 minutes for the clerks to “chat” finial went up to the desk and asked if there was anything else I needed to do….they took me right away

They have this new system where they scan your palm it is supposed to be easier than giving your info again and again well when I scanned my hand I was not in the system…had to sign in again

Next they asked for a copay of $150….no one ever mentioned this and even told me again and again not to bring any money or valuables so I answer NO you told me to not bring any money if you had told me about the copay I would have brought you a check…more typing so can you pay something to the bill NO I told them again I have NO money with I was told NOT to bring any money with me

She grumbles and gives me the forms and my wrist band. I go through the double doors to the nurses station and am told why are you late? Your surgery is set for 8AM. I respond NO I am not late I have been sitting in the waiting room since 6:25AM waiting for your staff to finish having coffee.< /span>

Never mind she says and takes me into a little room and tells me to undress

I undress and put my clothes in my little canvas NYU bag ( to remember nyu I suppose ) no plastic bags for them…..the nurse comes in and takes my blood press, temp and asks when did I eat, take my meds last ect… the surgeon (Dr. Ren) comes in and I notice for the first time how tiny and skinny she is (must be a size 0 on her fat days) her arm looks like a dolls compared to mine

She asks how the last 2 week went (the diet) I answer it was hard she never asks if I cheated and I never volunteer the info..i tell her I am worried and a little scared she is kind of flip in her response and I can tell she just want to finish with me and start her day. She asked why are you nervous? The pain we will give you drugs for that. Are you afraid of waking up? That almost never happens (great something else to be worried about) or what I tell her it’s none of those things I am worried about what comes next, she answer is well the unknown is scary but you have taken a good first step your ok right?

Well no but I just shake my head yes (defeated again) and she runs off and says she will see me in the afternoon…this was a lie she never saw me again (still hasn’t only saw the PA for the follow up)

The anestelogist PA comes in then the inter then the doc himself every one asks the same questions and we have the same conversation….he tells me it will be IV drugs then gas and the tube to breath for me …this scares me a lot (after my colon resection I remember waking up when they were removing the tube and being freaked out that I could not breath) I tell all of them this and they say sorry you will have to be awake to move your head and respond to us….then they weigh me 228 yea

Next they nurse comes and says we are ready (I think about leaving) we walk down the hall and about 10 people are outside the operating room…..i go inside and lay on the table it is now 8AM by the wall clock and I start to think why do they need such a big clock? No pronounce time of death I think (have watched too much house for my own good) (I think it was bigger than the normal one for us larger people) the iv gets started and I am still thinking of stopping ( I wonder what they will do if I scream NO I changed my mind) they have me move my neck up and around so they can get a good angel for the tube (freak out again) they start the gas at the same time they tell me they are starting the good drugs ……I am still afraid then everything goes black

I wake up in recovery and the nurse asks if I am in pain I say no as it’s not that bad…I so back to sleep for a while…I always want to sleep more in the recovery room. It seems to me that others get to sleep a lot longer than I do all….. after a while ( I look at the clock and its now after 11Am) my friend comes in with my stuff….the nurse tells her I won’t be able to leave till after 3pm so she should drop off my prescription and sends her back to work …they ask again if I am in pain and I say a little

That ask what kind of pain meds do I want? I don’t know I say what every you have

They tell me tell don’t have the liquid pain meds but I can give me a shot of something with a F

I say that is fine I am not allergic to any meds except aspirin the nurse then says well you had it during the operation then I say ok….well right after the shot I feel like I am flying..this is good stuff

I get a room after 1pm…the nurse tells me I can drink at 1:15PM but can has ice chips

I walk around the floor till I am tired and return to the room and pee and walk some more

It hurts a little around my stomach but what really hurts is the gas the pain in my left shoulder is real bad

I walk around some more and come back to my room to read and make a few calls

My roommate is real sick and every time I pass to go to the bathroom her friend/daughter gives me a dirty look….tuff luck I am considerate but what the hell if you want privacy PAY for a PRIVATE ROOM

I need to walk and pee and won’t compromise myself or my health for anyone

At around 3PM the nurse comes in and gives me the discharge papers . I ask when will my Dr. be in

Well she won’t I am told but the pa will see me before I leave…I walk some more drink a cup of chicken broth (wonderful on my sore throat )and drink some water

Honestly I am terrified of drinking anything and fully expect to choke. But happily I can drink just fine

I go in the bathroom and lift my gown to see the damage..it was not so bad four little heart shaped bandages four across of stomach and one between my breasts…the one on the right side and the one between my breasts hurt the most (I still do three weeks post surgery)

Around 4pm the nurse comes and says when do you think you will be leaving?

I say my friend is coming from work so around 5:30, I ask when the surgical pa will come around since the surgeon isn’t….she will check but is not sure he is even still on the floor…she never returned so when my friend came around 6pm I left

No one stopped me or even noticed

I decided to take the express bus home..boy was that a mistake …I figured the subway (with the stairs and a transfer would be too difficult on my stomach) and didn’t want to waste the money on a cab and get stuck in rush hour traffic…the bus was a bad idea first on all I sat in the first row and I didn’t care if a 100 year old with two broken legs got on I was not moving….moving hurt too much and I think we hit every pot hole in the city….i was holding my purse against my stomach but it didn’t help much just wanted to go home and sleep

It was a long day but not as bad as I thought it was

Overall the pain was not that bad for me about a 3 or 4 doable without meds but meds do help

The fear was much worse than the pain

I am glad I didn’t chicken out

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Good for you![ I'm glad you didn't chicken out either. I'm praying my experience won't be as flip as your was! Hope you are still doing well.

Surgery date Aug 22

Got to NYU at 6:30am signed in and waited about 15 minutes for the clerks to "chat" finial went up to the desk and asked if there was anything else I needed to do….they took me right away

They have this new system where they scan your palm it is supposed to be easier than giving your info again and again well when I scanned my hand I was not in the system…had to sign in again

Next they asked for a copay of $150….no one ever mentioned this and even told me again and again not to bring any money or valuables so I answer NO you told me to not bring any money if you had told me about the copay I would have brought you a check…more typing so can you pay something to the bill NO I told them again I have NO money with I was told NOT to bring any money with me

She grumbles and gives me the forms and my wrist band. I go through the double doors to the nurses station and am told why are you late? Your surgery is set for 8AM. I respond NO I am not late I have been sitting in the waiting room since 6:25AM waiting for your staff to finish having coffee.< /span>

Never mind she says and takes me into a little room and tells me to undress

I undress and put my clothes in my little canvas NYU bag ( to remember nyu I suppose ) no plastic bags for them…..the nurse comes in and takes my blood press, temp and asks when did I eat, take my meds last ect… the surgeon (Dr. Ren) comes in and I notice for the first time how tiny and skinny she is (must be a size 0 on her fat days) her arm looks like a dolls compared to mine

She asks how the last 2 week went (the diet) I answer it was hard she never asks if I cheated and I never volunteer the info..i tell her I am worried and a little scared she is kind of flip in her response and I can tell she just want to finish with me and start her day. She asked why are you nervous? The pain we will give you drugs for that. Are you afraid of waking up? That almost never happens (great something else to be worried about) or what I tell her it's none of those things I am worried about what comes next, she answer is well the unknown is scary but you have taken a good first step your ok right?

Well no but I just shake my head yes (defeated again) and she runs off and says she will see me in the afternoon…this was a lie she never saw me again (still hasn't only saw the PA for the follow up)

The anestelogist PA comes in then the inter then the doc himself every one asks the same questions and we have the same conversation….he tells me it will be IV drugs then gas and the tube to breath for me …this scares me a lot (after my colon resection I remember waking up when they were removing the tube and being freaked out that I could not breath) I tell all of them this and they say sorry you will have to be awake to move your head and respond to us….then they weigh me 228 yea

Next they nurse comes and says we are ready (I think about leaving) we walk down the hall and about 10 people are outside the operating room…..i go inside and lay on the table it is now 8AM by the wall clock and I start to think why do they need such a big clock? No pronounce time of death I think (have watched too much house for my own good) (I think it was bigger than the normal one for us larger people) the iv gets started and I am still thinking of stopping ( I wonder what they will do if I scream NO I changed my mind) they have me move my neck up and around so they can get a good angel for the tube (freak out again) they start the gas at the same time they tell me they are starting the good drugs ……I am still afraid then everything goes black

I wake up in recovery and the nurse asks if I am in pain I say no as it's not that bad…I so back to sleep for a while…I always want to sleep more in the recovery room. It seems to me that others get to sleep a lot longer than I do all….. after a while ( I look at the clock and its now after 11Am) my friend comes in with my stuff….the nurse tells her I won't be able to leave till after 3pm so she should drop off my prescription and sends her back to work …they ask again if I am in pain and I say a little

That ask what kind of pain meds do I want? I don't know I say what every you have

They tell me tell don't have the liquid pain meds but I can give me a shot of something with a F

I say that is fine I am not allergic to any meds except aspirin the nurse then says well you had it during the operation then I say ok….well right after the shot I feel like I am flying..this is good stuff

I get a room after 1pm…the nurse tells me I can drink at 1:15PM but can has ice chips

I walk around the floor till I am tired and return to the room and pee and walk some more

It hurts a little around my stomach but what really hurts is the gas the pain in my left shoulder is real bad

I walk around some more and come back to my room to read and make a few calls

My roommate is real sick and every time I pass to go to the bathroom her friend/daughter gives me a dirty look….tuff luck I am considerate but what the hell if you want privacy PAY for a PRIVATE ROOM

I need to walk and pee and won't compromise myself or my health for anyone

At around 3PM the nurse comes in and gives me the discharge papers . I ask when will my Dr. be in

Well she won't I am told but the pa will see me before I leave…I walk some more drink a cup of chicken broth (wonderful on my sore throat )and drink some water

Honestly I am terrified of drinking anything and fully expect to choke. But happily I can drink just fine

I go in the bathroom and lift my gown to see the damage..it was not so bad four little heart shaped bandages four across of stomach and one between my breasts…the one on the right side and the one between my breasts hurt the most (I still do three weeks post surgery)

Around 4pm the nurse comes and says when do you think you will be leaving?

I say my friend is coming from work so around 5:30, I ask when the surgical pa will come around since the surgeon isn't….she will check but is not sure he is even still on the floor…she never returned so when my friend came around 6pm I left

No one stopped me or even noticed

I decided to take the express bus home..boy was that a mistake …I figured the subway (with the stairs and a transfer would be too difficult on my stomach) and didn't want to waste the money on a cab and get stuck in rush hour traffic…the bus was a bad idea first on all I sat in the first row and I didn't care if a 100 year old with two broken legs got on I was not moving….moving hurt too much and I think we hit every pot hole in the city….i was holding my purse against my stomach but it didn't help much just wanted to go home and sleep

It was a long day but not as bad as I thought it was

Overall the pain was not that bad for me about a 3 or 4 doable without meds but meds do help

The fear was much worse than the pain

I am glad I didn't chicken out

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How are you doing?

give us an update.........

Congratulations to you!! I love reading these stories :D

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Hi there! Well I made it through surgery without any complications so far. We had to be at the Surgery Center by 545am which was kinda a bear but at least I was the first one up for surgery. I was prepped (I can't believe they made me wear a diaper), now I have much more empathy for my patients that have to wear them! They rolled me in to the operating room at 617am and thats pretty much the last I remember of it. By 830am I was awake and had been in recovery for about an hour. My hubby brought me home and I have been resting on and off most of the day. I have managed to get down about 8 oz Water sipping slowly and about a 1/4 cup chicken broth. My biggest complaints so far are: my throat is raw and raspy and I have cotton mouth. I couldn't PEE until finally about 230pm which was relief. What happened to the days where they wouldn't let you leave the hospital until you did? Oh well. The pain is mostly in my low back right now and I think it is coming from gas. I have taken my Gas X strips and I think they are helping already. I have taken a few short walks around the house so I think I am doing good. I feel like I need to burp but all that happens is my throat kinda gurgles, is that normal? Anyhoo's, the liquid pain med tastes like Crap but it works so I will endure getting it down. I checked out my Belly and I have only 4 bandages instead of 5 so I don't know about that one. I am going to go lay down some more but will keep in touch as the days go on. Thanks again to all my Blogster friends. I can now officially say I am Banded. If interested I have started a blog http://kellibelliband.blogspot.com Check it out!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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