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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I had my lap band surgery at Inova Fair Oaks Hospital on July 5, 2011. I arrived at the hospital at 1000 hours for my 1215 surgery. I checked in at the surgical waiting area and was given a pager. A few minutes later I was paged and finalized my registration with the desk personnel. She gave me back the pager and told me to stay close. 15 minutes later I was paged. I was taken back to my room, changed into a gown and slipper socks, gave a urine sample and an IV line was started. The anesthesiologist and my surgeon stopped by for final checks. I had, quite unfortunately, managed to develop bronchitis the night before and it almost derailed the whole operation. Lucky for me there was no fever and I managed to clear my lungs enough to be cleared.

I was taken by gurney to the operating room. I scooted over onto the cold table, put my arms out to the side and breathed in some oxygen from a mask. That is the last thing I remember before a very vague recollection of being wheeled to my room for the night. I snoozed on and off for the next few hours, enjoyed my PCA with dilaudid and watched TV. I walked somewhere in the 2300 hour. I walked a few times after that.

I had my barium swallow/upper GI at 0830 hours. Everything looks great. I am fortunate that the Ancef they gave me also covers my bronchitis. I'm feeling a lot better today. Still coughing up green stuff.

I have had some beef broth, Jello and pink lemonade. There is also a bottle of crystal light sitting on my hospital table. I'm not hungry at all. I think this is the first time in years. I'm looking forward to this new part of my life.

Starting weight: 205 pounds

Weight morning of surgery: 177.8 pounds

Goal weight: 120 pounds

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Congratulations! Welcome to the other side!smiley-happy110.gif

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Had my surgery on 7/5 at 8:00 am. Home by 7/6 2:00 pm. Everything went smoothly. Had the runs all day yesterday and today!! Anybody else have that going on? I will probably change over to lactose free milk or rice milk. It may be my Protein Shakes with skim milk doing this to me!

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Had my surgery on 7/5 at 8:00 am. Home by 7/6 2:00 pm. Everything went smoothly. Had the runs all day yesterday and today!! Anybody else have that going on? I will probably change over to lactose free milk or rice milk. It may be my Protein Shakes with skim milk doing this to me!

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Had my surgery on 7/5 at 8:00 am. Home by 7/6 2:00 pm. Everything went smoothly. Had the runs all day yesterday and today!! Anybody else have that going on? I will probably change over to lactose free milk or rice milk. It may be my Protein Shakes with skim milk doing this to me!

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First chance I had to sit down and tell my story.

My surgery was July 6th 2011. I reported in at 10am , they were running behind so I did not get to the back til about 11 and my surgery happened about 130pm. My recovery was not that great. I did go home the same day because my husband had to be to work the next day and were 2 !/2 hr s from home. I was in so much pain. My back on the ride home was the most trouble. Had not gas issues becuase he didnt inflate my intestines but my back..omg..we stopped every 30 min for me to get out. It was like it was on fire. I got home..took my pain meds and crashed..having to wake every hr just to walk around because of my back. Day 2 was a lil better..back still giving me most traoubles but slept most of the day and walked every hour. Im on day 3 and took the band aides off the surgery sites..doesnt look too bad. I spent all surgery day regretting my decision but now I am happy with it. I finally got my appetite back. but unfortunately it hit 2am lol so i had to get up and get some broth to sooth the hunger beast. About every 4 hrs I get hungry. Back still giving me issues but its getting better. My port was placed in my upper left chest instead of my tummy, so it has given me no issues at all..only feel pain when i touch it. So i think that was a smart idea, hated the though of it being in my belly and moving every time it jiggled. I am looking foward to the weight loss..i dont have a scale in my home just yet, hated to look at the numbers everytime i stepped on it..but i will get on this coming week to keep up with progress.


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Well It finally happened. I was banded on July 11th...here is my story.

Independance Day....

I started my liquid diet on July 4th. It really hit me that this was the start of my own independance day. This is finally the time that I break away from the fat and the never ending yo-yo dieting. I am ready to make this happen, and for once In my life I feel that I can do this with the tool of my band.

July 11th, I checked in at 8:30am for a 10:30am appointment tiime. I did not get nervous until I was rolled in the OR. Everyone was really great, talking me through everything, and explaining what was going on.

I got back to my room at 1:30pm, and felt ok. I guess the drugs kept the pain at bay. I did find out that I had to have a hernia repair, while my doctor was in there. That was unexpected, and that is what is causing the most pain. I slept as much as you can sleep in a hosptial, with people coming in all the time.

I was released at 9:30am, and resting at home by !0:15am. I only had to take something for pain twice. I have been up walking and trying to move the gas. I have a cough that does not help with the pain, but it is not too bad.

Today, my goal is to take a shower and actually get dressed. We will see if that happens, I am just a lot sorer that what I thought I would be.

I stepped on the scale today, and I gained 3lbs while in the hosptial. I know that it is ALL fluids, because I sure did not eat anythiing. I also had my monthly visitor decide to pop in for an unexpected visit.Better now, than next week, when I hopefully feel like going to Memphis for a little visit before I return to work.

I hope everyone who had surgery this week is doing well, and those waiting for surgery I am routing for you.


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I had my surgery today. We arrived at the hospital around 5:15 this morning (which was 45 min early). They got me in the back into a room to get changed into the dreaded hospital gown. We probably sit there an hour while they got everything together, from there we went into the surgery holding area for about 30 min, and then to the operating room. When they done my paper work they listed lap-band surgery with possible hernia repair. I was lucky and didn't have a hernia so my wife figured It took them about 40-45 min to complete my surgery. When I woke up I was sore at my incision sites, but more so where the port is stitched to my side. They gave some loratab liquid and also gave me some liquid gas reliever. I had already bought the gas-x quick dissolve strips to help with the gas pain itself. Once I got up walking around I started feeling better instantly. So we got home before 3:30 would've been home sooner but Walmart pharmacy dragged there feet getting my prescription ready. It's not as bad as I thought it would be pain wise, just having to take it slow walk rest and walk rest, and sip Water or Gatorade. My wife is a wonderful care giver and luckily she doesn't mind when I get a little whiny LOL.

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I was the first surgery of the day on July 18th. Got there about 6:30 and was in the room by 7:30. The last thing I remember was the nurse saying "be sure not to fall off the table!" I have a fear of going under, but the doctors at my hospital were understanding and didn't use a mask.

I woke up to a recovery nurse telling me not to fight the pain and just take the drugs LOL She was also praising my doctor on how great he was, and how perfect the surgery was....I think she has a crush on him.

I went home the same day and was extremely moody, we kept hitting bumps, then had to turn around and head back to the hospital because I had lost my prescriptions. My mom was not too happy with me and my attitude. The next day I started my monthly...stupid PCOS! It explains my extreme attitude though.

Gas pain was terrible, I mean TERRIBLE I felt like death the first two days post op, I'm finally (5 days post) starting to feel normal. I'm a stomach sleeper so night time is hard. Sipping beverages is not easy, with the heat I just want to gulp an entire cup of Water.

I'm experiencing chest pains, it like I want to burp but it won't come out and it's painful. Has anyone else experienced this???

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I was the first surgery of the day on July 18th. Got there about 6:30 and was in the room by 7:30. The last thing I remember was the nurse saying "be sure not to fall off the table!" I have a fear of going under, but the doctors at my hospital were understanding and didn't use a mask.

I woke up to a recovery nurse telling me not to fight the pain and just take the drugs LOL She was also praising my doctor on how great he was, and how perfect the surgery was....I think she has a crush on him.

I went home the same day and was extremely moody, we kept hitting bumps, then had to turn around and head back to the hospital because I had lost my prescriptions. My mom was not too happy with me and my attitude. The next day I started my monthly...stupid PCOS! It explains my extreme attitude though.

Gas pain was terrible, I mean TERRIBLE I felt like death the first two days post op, I'm finally (5 days post) starting to feel normal. I'm a stomach sleeper so night time is hard. Sipping beverages is not easy, with the heat I just want to gulp an entire cup of Water.

I'm experiencing chest pains, it like I want to burp but it won't come out and it's painful. Has anyone else experienced this???

Yes the chest pain from the gas is terrible, at the hospital they gave me some gas meds but I used the over the counter gas X strips, and I was using them as much as possible. It'll help but it will take some time to pass. And when you do burp expect it to not feel good at all it hurts. I'm 10 days post op right now and it's still taking some getting used to.I hope you get to feeling better.

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I had my surgery on 7/20. I was in surgery by 930am and went home around 2pm. I had my surgery in a pretty upscale surgical center. It was beautiful! The nurses were excellent. i was most worried about the IV because I am a hard poke and they have to get in a semi-lrge IV for surgery. The nurse got it in one poke, so I was so relived! I walked into the surgery suite and I felt like I was in a movie. The doctor asked if I would like a little "happy" medication before surgery (fentanyl) and of course I took it. Then I don't remember anything, I woke up and the surgeon was over my bed saying how well everything went.

The worst part was that I had a ton of nausea. They gave me loads of meds for this that made me even more tired. All I wanted to do was sleep. The car ride home was ok. I could feel every bump. I pretty much came home and slept off the entire day.

It was a hard day for me because of the nausea. I began to feel better about 48hrs after surgery. I am now on day 5 post-op and I feel pretty normal. No pain. I was off pain meds in 48hrs.

Good luck!

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My surgery was this morning, July 27th. I was at the surgery center at 8am, waited a few minutes then they took me back for all of the prep. I received a scopamine patch behind my ear for nausea. I had used one of these before for a cruise that I went on because of seasickness and it worked great then. Got into the operating room a little after 9am and then woke up in recovery at 11am. They said that they had given me pain meds before I woke up so I wasn't in pain, just a little sore, like I had did a bunch of stomach crunches the night before. I was home a little after 12 the same day. The doctor's office had called in my pain and nausea prescriptions prior to my surgery so I already had those at home. For the car ride home, I had brought a little pillow with me to hold against my abdomen and to keep the seat belt off my incisions. I have been walking around the house and I have been able to keep all of my fluids down without any problems. I have not had to take any pain meds or nausea medicine since I have been home and it's almost 8pm. No gas pain, I did burp a couple of times before I had even left the surgery center. My throat is a little sore and sherbet has helped that. Also the back of my neck is sore probably from the position that I was in in the OR. All in all this has not been a bad experience as of yet. My doctor even called me a little bit ago to see how I was feeling and if I had any questions. I would definitely recommend Dr. Brad Watkins in West Chester, Ohio, and his staff, and the staff at the University Medical Center Outpatient, to anyone in this area. They all have helped to make this a wonderful experience for me:)

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Omg--you don't know how happy I was to read this! My Dr is also Dr Watkins and I am being banded This Friday. Throughout your message I kept thinking "wow this person had a great experience and it sounded as good as it gets.". When I got to the part when you mention your doctor --I was thrilled to see who it was. Now I am extremely hopeful that my surgery experience will go well.

I hope you continue to feel better each day! Keep us posted on your progress!

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I was banded yesterday, July 28th. I am in so much discomfort, but most of that is due to the fact that i developed a cough the night before surgery (what are the odds!) Hopefully in about a week or so I can remember that it wasn't so bad after all, but being right in the middle of the pain and discomfort is not making me a happy camper right now. My doctor and the hospital staff were excellent and did everything they could to make it a successful experience for me. It's the gas and my cough that are bothering me the most. i will most likely sleep in my recliner tonight because laying flat hurts so much right now. It will get better...slowly but surely.

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I had my surgery today, July 29. Had to report to the hospital at 5:45 am. Got there early- 5:15 am. Checked in and they wheeled me back at around 6 am. Had an unfortuate iv started! I have large veins and she stuck me 3x unsuccessfully! I was pleasant to her because i didnt want her to feel bad, but inside I was like, 3x and your out! She had her coworker start it with no problem. Got changed into my gown and bright yellow "fall risk" socks lol, they put 4 braclets on my arm, signed consents, & took my vitals. Around 6:45 anesthesia & my dr came in to visit. At 7:17 am the surgery nurse came and rolled me back to the o.r. I only remember them strapping my arms down & feet together, & then they put a mask on me and asked me to take some "Deep Breaths" Next thing I know, I woke up in PACU! Vision was a blurry mess! Nurse was talking to me, i told her, I can hear you but my eyes are blurry, and back out Iwent! It was 8:30 when I was in with her. After that I went to Recovery area. Vision clear now, No pain, just a VERY SORE THROAT!! Had ice chips for that. A lil mild nausea, had some zofran IV and a lil dilaudid. Nurse told me although I requested the smalled dose (0.5mg) it put me out like a light! lol had another dose about an hour later. They wouldn't let me leave until I tinkled! So,, almost 2 bags of iv fluids and I finally went to the bathroom! I was pooped after that! So they make me lay down for a little while. 2 pm and they gave me my discharge papers. IT WAS A GREAT EXPERIENCE!!!! I was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly (beside the 4 iv attemps- but hey it happens) it went! And I dont really feel bad now. I do have " an odd feelng in my abdomen area" but very tolerable. Took some tylenol liquid at 3:30 and half dose of lortab liquid 7:30. I am tired of the bed, so sitting up in the chaise. Only on ice chips and sips of Water today. Starting Clear Liquids tomorrow( already picked up my Chinese restaurant plain chix broth!!) Protein Shakes with milk resume Sunday. I am glad I am finally a BANDIT!!!!!!!!! :D

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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