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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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Hey- I'm a bandit since yesterday woohoo!!!!

I slept at home on my recliner couch on my side with a good sleep!! Here's my day if story~~

I got to the hospital at 7 with my DH ( darling husband :)) I was exhausted I didn't sleep a wink the whole night before. After being admitted they brought us to a room I had to change into a gown and socks and pee into a cup. I was soooo nervous I could feel my chest popping out of me. Then came my blood pressure check it was through the roof 157/109!!!! They r like calm down or else the anesthisiaologist (s/p) will not to the surgery. ThAt got me even more nervous. Then they took mr on the scale and i found out I lost 17lbs yes seventeen pounds!! I am overjoyed!!! I can't remember the last time I lost weight like that. All my hard work ( and 4x cheating) paid off!! So I Try to calm down listen to some Enya relaxing songs and meditate a bit watch tv wait for my doc who was in surgery still. My operating nurse came tonintroduce herself to see if I had any questions and to tell me later in she would be taking me to the operating room.

Around 930am my doc came in (dr Christine Ren fielding ) she was happy about my weight loss toldnme if I have a hernia she will also fix it which is common. She really calmed me down but ultimately she said the blood pressure issue was up to my anesthesiologist. He came in shortly after he was soooo nice really calmed me down we talked for a but knew some mutual people. He told me he would take care if me and everything will be okay.

I'd say 10 min later my nurse came to get me and yes to walk into the operating room with - yes WALK!- now I read here about some people having to do that but surely I didn't think NYU the #2 hospital in NY would. But yes and it was hellish the only thing that got me through was not having my glasses on so I couldn't see much except blurryness (no mess yet) I walk into the Greys anatomy style O.R. There's like at least 6 ppl in scrubs they were all soooo friendly I had to get onto a thin hard table in the shape of a cross and lay my arms out I mustve talked to them for 10 min making jokes about doing some Lipo while they're in there already lol again the anesthesiologist was chilling me out while he's putting in my IV (2nd try) they put the massage booties on me - so comfy - he said my bp is better - I couldnt believe I was in the O.R. Wide awake just hanging out but I was so scared I could only look up at the ceiling and they made me feel so safe - that's it I was out.

I wake up in the recovery room I could hear the anesthesiologist tell me I had a infection -bronchitis (I was sick the week b4) and I need to take antibiotics when I get home. They said s/t went well and I did have a hernia in all I was in for 40 min. I was so out of it my husband came in I got some morphine for my pain and was out sleeping till 130.

The brought me to my room I wanted to get up cuz my ass was killing. The nurse helped me up brought mr some ice chips I walked around the floor with my DH and then went to pee- they said this was important they had to measure it . To say I was in pain really wouldnt be true I was probably around a 2) I sat in s chair watched tv, walked around, sipped Water , diet snapple, chicken broth, Jello lol maybe 1/10 of each. Did my breathing excersise thing. The gas was manageable walking around was such a big help - thank you to everyone who recomended it.

Around 630 I became in pain around a 5/6 the nurse gave me morphine - still in pain, shot of Advil still in pain around my stomach area which they figured since it was lower down by my stomach they told me the meds werent helping cuz it was the gas they pumped in me to loosen my organs so they could move. Even gasx wouldn't help with that.

Around 8pm my doc came in she was in surgery all day!!! She said everything went well and if I want I can go home the end I'm home car ride was bumpy a drop a but painful but hey surgery isn't supposed to be a breeze.

Good luck everyone I know it's only day 2 for me but I already know it was the bestest thing I ever did.

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Hey- I'm a bandit since yesterday woohoo!!!!

I slept at home on my recliner couch on my side with a good sleep!! Here's my day if story~~

I got to the hospital at 7 with my DH ( darling husband :)) I was exhausted I didn't sleep a wink the whole night before. After being admitted they brought us to a room I had to change into a gown and socks and pee into a cup. I was soooo nervous I could feel my chest popping out of me. Then came my blood pressure check it was through the roof 157/109!!!! They r like calm down or else the anesthisiaologist (s/p) will not to the surgery. ThAt got me even more nervous. Then they took mr on the scale and i found out I lost 17lbs yes seventeen pounds!! I am overjoyed!!! I can't remember the last time I lost weight like that. All my hard work ( and 4x cheating) paid off!! So I Try to calm down listen to some Enya relaxing songs and meditate a bit watch tv wait for my doc who was in surgery still. My operating nurse came tonintroduce herself to see if I had any questions and to tell me later in she would be taking me to the operating room.

Around 930am my doc came in (dr Christine Ren fielding ) she was happy about my weight loss toldnme if I have a hernia she will also fix it which is common. She really calmed me down but ultimately she said the blood pressure issue was up to my anesthesiologist. He came in shortly after he was soooo nice really calmed me down we talked for a but knew some mutual people. He told me he would take care if me and everything will be okay.

I'd say 10 min later my nurse came to get me and yes to walk into the operating room with - yes WALK!- now I read here about some people having to do that but surely I didn't think NYU the #2 hospital in NY would. But yes and it was hellish the only thing that got me through was not having my glasses on so I couldn't see much except blurryness (no mess yet) I walk into the Greys anatomy style O.R. There's like at least 6 ppl in scrubs they were all soooo friendly I had to get onto a thin hard table in the shape of a cross and lay my arms out I mustve talked to them for 10 min making jokes about doing some Lipo while they're in there already lol again the anesthesiologist was chilling me out while he's putting in my IV (2nd try) they put the massage booties on me - so comfy - he said my bp is better - I couldnt believe I was in the O.R. Wide awake just hanging out but I was so scared I could only look up at the ceiling and they made me feel so safe - that's it I was out.

I wake up in the recovery room I could hear the anesthesiologist tell me I had a infection -bronchitis (I was sick the week b4) and I need to take antibiotics when I get home. They said s/t went well and I did have a hernia in all I was in for 40 min. I was so out of it my husband came in I got some morphine for my pain and was out sleeping till 130.

The brought me to my room I wanted to get up cuz my ass was killing. The nurse helped me up brought mr some ice chips I walked around the floor with my DH and then went to pee- they said this was important they had to measure it . To say I was in pain really wouldnt be true I was probably around a 2) I sat in s chair watched tv, walked around, sipped Water , diet snapple, chicken broth, Jello lol maybe 1/10 of each. Did my breathing excersise thing. The gas was manageable walking around was such a big help - thank you to everyone who recomended it.

Around 630 I became in pain around a 5/6 the nurse gave me morphine - still in pain, shot of Advil still in pain around my stomach area which they figured since it was lower down by my stomach they told me the meds werent helping cuz it was the gas they pumped in me to loosen my organs so they could move. Even gasx wouldn't help with that.

Around 8pm my doc came in she was in surgery all day!!! She said everything went well and if I want I can go home the end I'm home car ride was bumpy a drop a but painful but hey surgery isn't supposed to be a breeze.

Good luck everyone I know it's only day 2 for me but I already know it was the bestest thing I ever did.

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Just a litttle post surgery after note.....I weighed last night after surgery for grins....I had gained a whoping 7 punds from surgery. lol = ). This morning I was only up 2. 5 Thank goodness!

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My little story..........

I began my 2 week preop diet June 8th. I was so sick of meat and cheese after this since everything else is packed full of carbs and I couldn't have it. Even on my BIG 30th birthday on June 18th, no cake for me!

I received the long awaited phone call of my surgery time on June 21st around 3pm. The nurse said to report the 22nd at 8:30am to day surgery at the hospital and I would be spending the night, to plan accordingly. She also told me that they give me a time an hour earlier than I am actually scheduled to have my surgery, and since I am healthy I would be doing a lot of waiting around between 8:30 and 9:30.

6:00am June 22nd, morning of surgery........*beep beep beep* My alarm goes off and I'm up ready for my exciting day. I get up, take a shower and try to relax my slight nerves. They gave me some special soap to wash with so that's what I did the morning of and night before. I wake up my husband and get him going for the morning, then I wake my 3 year old twins up, then I woke my mom up who lives with us too. We all left our house about 8:00am, I live less than 5 minutes from the hospital. My husband drove one vehicle to take our 2 dogs to the kennel for a few days. My mom and I loaded up the boys and they dropped me off at the hospital. I walked up by myself, since she was taking my boys to a friends house to spend the night. My mom was quiet heartbroken that I didn't want her to come up before they left. :( Buttttttttttt I wanted to go up by myself, it helped my nerves and it would have broke my heart more to see my boys walk away when they had to leave. I was signed into day surgery barely 5 minutes and I was called back, peed in a cup and they started working on me. They took me to my lil' curtain room and asked me to change into a gown to get started. Well.....emotional me started crying! I wasn't nervous about the surgery really, but more so being put under and excited for this new journey in my life overwhelmed me. The nurses were awesome and gave me great comfort!!!!!!! Then BOTH nurses tending to me tried to start my IV and as ALWAYS I ended up getting poked 4 times until they finally "got it". I have weak veins. Yeahh my husband finally shows up after doing his morning errands. JUST IN TIME! The anesthesiologist came in and talked to me for a minute, the doctor doing my surgery checked in with me, the nurses wished me luck and said I was good to go. I remember everything about the waiting bed........then it all becomes a blur. I remember being wheeled out into the hallways on the way to the OR and then I was O-U-T!!!!!! The only thing I remember from the recovery room is them asking me if I was in pain and I said yes give me drugs! haha I couldn't tell you anything else about it. To the best of my knowledge I was in my room in the 11am time frame and in and out of sleep until 12am that night. I again remember very little of the rest of the day. I know I had a good bit of morphine and zofran. What I CAN tell you is I was throwing up A LOT! My mind wanted to cry it was so bad, but I couldn't stay awake long enough to do it. I thought maybe I had made a mistake, this is awful, I don't know if I can do this. I couldn't keep anything down nor did I WANT anything to drink. Finally around 1am I felt like walking the halls and getting out of bed. It wasn't too hard. Then I get back to bed and throwing up started again. Then I feel asleep, the sun rose on a new day and it was like a light switch.......I FELT AMAZING!!! Yeh my stomach was tender where my 5 holes were stiched up, but I wasn't sick and I felt functionable! The hospital finally allowed me to be released late morning. My doctor and the nursing staff at the hospital were amazing to me and if I remembered anything about them I would thank them. haha :)

1 week liquids sucked!

Wednesday I started my 1 week liquid/pureed and I finally feel normal again. LOVING IT!!

23lbs down since pre-op diet.

*****EDITED TO ADD: I also had a hernia repair with my surgery.*******

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Ashleigh, I'm glad you are doing well, now past the liquid stage. :lol: It's good to read a surgery story from someone in my area, by the same practice that I'll be using. Thanks for sharing. I don't think I'll have to stay overnight with mine, because I don't believe my insurance requires it. (unless I add the plication.) I am still thinking about it.....but then would have to go to Greenville. Not so sure if I'm up to that, or not. :unsure: I am still anxiously waiting for my work to get our new plans with BCBS so I can pick one that will cover the most. .

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I had my surgery today (May 30th) by Dr. Spivak in Houston, TX! I was in my room by 6:30am and a little after 7:00 they took be down stairs to get my IV started and wait. There were 2 other ladies that came down after me so we chatted for a bit... Woke up in recovery around 9:30 and was back in my room by 10:45. There were several patients in the recovery room having a lot of pain (one was a bander that went in after me) so they were busy with them....otherwise I would have made it to my room sooner. My nurses were great!!! I was given a liquid diet lunch of broth and a popscicle... but only ate a bit of the broth, Then I went for a walk... and went to the bathroom!!! Yea me! Then shortly after that the respitory nurse came in... that was around 1:00. I was ready to go home then but had to wait another 2 hours for the doctors nurse to come over from the office to give me my orders. Didn't need any pain meds so far but that may change when I try to go to bed... can't seem to get comfortable. My tummy is sore and I have a little gas but other then that I'm doing great!!! Hope that I continue to do well!!!

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My surgery was June 16th, 2011. It was so smooth and easy, I wish I would have known the day before I would have not freaked out as much. I arrived at 8:15 for a 10:15 surgery. I was in the prep room by 8:30, changed into the gown, sock and hair cap, iv was put in, and my husband was allowed to stay with me until I was taken in. I went to the Jacksonville surgical center in Florida. The nurses and anethesiologists we so kind and calming. I was wheeled in and the next thing I know I was asleep. I woke up to find out I had a very large hernia repair that took 1.5 hours to repair, lap band took 25 minutes. I slept the rest of the day and the next day felt pretty good except for severe cramping in all my muscles. I thought it was fromt he hernia repair. It was caused from dehydration. So drink your fluids even if you have to have someone wake you up to drink the. I was on fluids 5 days and then started soft food. I went for my post op and found that I was down 12 lbs and everything was healing perfectly. The key to having a smooth recovery is following the doctors orders to the "t". I did and I have not had any problems at all. Can't wait for my first fill July 15th.

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Ashleigh, I'm glad you are doing well, now past the liquid stage. :lol: It's good to read a surgery story from someone in my area, by the same practice that I'll be using. Thanks for sharing. I don't think I'll have to stay overnight with mine, because I don't believe my insurance requires it. (unless I add the plication.) I am still thinking about it.....but then would have to go to Greenville. Not so sure if I'm up to that, or not. :unsure: I am still anxiously waiting for my work to get our new plans with BCBS so I can pick one that will cover the most. .

You're very welcome! I love sharing any info that may help someone else. I'm glad I opted out of the Plication. I am glad my insurance required the overnight stay because I was soooooooooo sick. I felt like I left the hospital when I was ready to. I would not have been ready the day of. Good luck with your insurance and getting it all worked out! I know for me it felt like the time would neverrrrrr come, but it DID!

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Was Banded just yesterday, June 30 2011. Surgery went well and so is recovery. Pain is not too bad, feels like a burn when I need to take my pain meds. Great Dr and nurses at Unity hospital in Fridley MN. Also liquid intake is also going well. Got my timer going off every 15 mins. All in all I amd very happy with my decision. Tanya

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That's Great News all the way around. Everything went perfect, and not to bad.

Congratulations !


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Congratulations to you!! I love reading these stories :D

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Hello Fellow Bandsters,

I was banded on 6/17. I was to arrive at the hospital at 8:00 a.m. '

As soon as I arrived I was asked if I had a responsible person to drive me home. My Husband went with me. Then I was given a patien ID number that my husband can watch and keep track of on a monitor.

I was taken to the pre-op section where i was told to change into my gown. Then i went into a room and waited while the nurses came to take my vitals & blood.

My wonderful Dr. came in and asked how I was doing and informed my husbands and i that all we were waiting for was the OR to be ready to be patient and we would get started as soon as possible.

Anasthesia Dr. came in and asked a few questions about snoring, sleep apnea, loose teeth, etc. Then they check my throat and felt around my neck to make sure that there would be no obstruction for intubation.

Then my doctor came in and scribbled (YES SCRIBBLED) an "A" on my tummy with a marker and told me that in a few minutes i would be going into the Operating Room.

My husband was taken to a room where he was he waited and watched the monitor for updates. I was given happy syrum in my IV and was told to relax and count to 10.

I counted to 2 and the next thing I remember I was waking up in the Recovery room. I could not speak but when I did and i came to, all i could see were nurses around me hearing them say everything went well and I very low said "thank you" and went back to sleep for about 30 minutes. (or so they say because I dont remember how long I was aspleep)

When I woke up I was feeling LOTS OF PAIN it was horrible pain in my tummy. The nurse said that the pain was from air/gas trapped inside of me. That as soon as i could walk around for a minute that it would go away. (As soon as i was awake the nurse called my husband to come back to the recovery room with me)

Sure enough about 15 minutes later I was up and walking and the pain did begin to go away. After the nurse saw that I was walking around she called the doctor to do the barium swallow x-ray. If i passed then i could go home. I passed and 45 minutes later I was on my way home.

Arrived at hospital 8am

vitals and blood 10:45 am

APEC - anasthesia 11:15 am

surgery started at about 12 pm.

in the recovery room about 1:30

woke up about 2:30 pm

walked around by 3:30 pm

barrium swallow by 4:00 pm

heading for home at 5:00 pm

Fully recovered and back to work after 7 days.

Good luck to all the future bandsters!!!

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Congratulations on your positive experience!!!!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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