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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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Greetings all!

I'm sure a lot of this is not new to people who've read a lot of this board, and who are already banded, but I know that it's been really helpful to me to read other's experiences in getting the. I hope my experience can be helpful to at least one person who's still curious and anxious what this experience is like.

I was banded and had a hiatal hernia repair on June 6, 2011 and here's how my surgery went:

Three hours before my surgery time, I took my anti-nausea and anti-fungal medications. I arrived at the hospital two hours early. Checked in and was brought back to prep. I changed into my hospital wardrobe and sat around for about forty-five minutes before I got my IV of fluids. Every few minutes, someone came by to ask if the doctor had shown up yet. Was getting pretty funny, I think they were getting a bit nervous. The anesthesiologist stopped by and went over my stats, asked a few questions, and explained to me that I would have a tube down my throat etc. My dietician showed up and went over everything with both me and my wife. Up until about this point, my wife wasn't really involved directly in my lap-band adventure. I told her about all my appointments, gave her the brochures, and explained everything to her, but I never took her to meetings etc. I just prefer to do that on my own. I got up to urinate twice before the doctor showed up. About fifteen minutes after the surgery was to start (and boy I wish they would have given me something for anxiety at that point), my doctor finally showed up. My doctor actually asked me what band I was getting! I thought that was very interesting. Actually, I was asked twice about which band I was getting, from him and from a nurse recording all my information.

I was then wheeled into the operating room, asked to move myself over to the operating table, then was told that I would be given medication to relax.

The next thing I remember was being awakened from a dream with the nurse calling my name. My belly was tender, my throat was killing me. I use a CPAP, and was asked to put that on. I did, but it was removed early since I was so alert and didn't really feel like sleeping/napping. I just wanted to get out of there and relax at home. I waited there for about forty-five minutes. While there, I could slowly start to become aware of the incisions in my belly. I had five. I tried to remember if that was normal, higher than normal, or lower than normal from what I've read in this forum. I know my wife was waiting for me when I got out, and I was quite anxious to see her. While waiting in recovery, I did not see my doctor at all. I was kind of hoping to hear from him that everything went well, and that my liver looked good (I was worried about that since I was told I had a fatty liver. I did the pre-op liquid diet, lost 30 pounds, but nevertheless, I was a little nervous since I snuck in a few pieces of cheese into the liquid diet.) I inhaled into Airlife measuring thingy, to make sure that I was taking deep breaths, and had no problems with that. The biggest thing on my mind now, other than getting the heck out of the hospital, was making sure I urinated before I left (I have a death's fear of catheters) and that I could swallow liquids.

I was finally taken into a semi-private room, where my wife was brought to meet me. My pain wasn't too bad. I was offered some meds, and I pre-emptively took them. I also was given a few little 'shots' of Water. I had no problems swallowing those. I thought that I would be able to feel the new 'pouch' given to me in the band. Nada. I kept slowly drinking the Water. It actually wasn't very easy to swallow the whole ounce of water, but I wasn't really concerned, because I read that I might have difficulty in that early on. I was just glad to get it down, and to keep it down. Then the milkshake test came. I nursed that ounce without any problems. Now all I had to do was walk down the hallway, and urinate. I accomplished that, and was promptly discharged. My dietician stopped by again giving me full discharge instructions, and explained to my wife what I was able to do, should do, and what I shouldn't do.I was able to get up and walk around on my own. No issues whatsoever. I felt awful that my wife was carrying my bag, and her stuff, while I walked empty handed, but she assured me that I need to just take it easy, and lift nothing.

The ride home was okay. I felt a couple of the pot holes, and had some burping which was slightly painful. Got home, and immediately took a Percocet. For the rest of the day I wasn't really in pain, just discomfort. What really hurt the most was my throat. I also discovered that my nostrils were lined with dried blood, and that I would cough up a little blood, but I attribute that to the tube in my throat. Oh yes, coughing, hiccupping and gas pains were the most painful. I was aware of the incisions, and upon examination, they seemed to look good, were tender, and covered with the superglue.On my first day, I managed to get down 2/3 of a normal Protein shake I would drink for dinner. I also managed about 16 oz of water. I tried to get more down, but that's all I could really do. I filled up really fast with water and shake. I used minimal amounts of Percocet, but used a lot of sore throat spray.

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Hi everyone! I'm so thrilled to be writing in this thread. :D

Anyhoo, I was banded today; June 8th, 2011 by Dr. Ziad Hanna at Ukiah Valley Medical Center in Ukiah, CA. Yes, I drove all the way from Junction City, Oregon to have surgery in Ukiah. (About an 8 hour drive). The reason I did so, was because well, I'm from Ukiah originally, and my stepfather Michael is a nurse at the hospital. He recommended Dr. Hanna to me because he works with Dr. Hanna and knows that he has an excellent reputation for laparoscopic surgery in general, and especially bariatric surgery. Dr. Hanna and his staff are WONDERFUL, and I recommend them highly. A really cool thing is that one of Dr. Hanna's nurses was a bariatric surgery patient herself, so she is very knowledgeable and empathetic.

So this morning, my mom drove me to the hospital. I took my first dose of Emend, which is an anti-nausea medication which was highly recommended by Dr. Hanna's nurse. It is supposed to help me all day today, and then I take another tomorrow. I thought for some reason that my surgery was going to be at 10:30, but I was actually scheduled for 8:30; the first patient of the day! I got there at 7AM. A very friendly nurse named Tonya helped me for Pre-op. I got weighed, she took my vitals, everything was great. My blood pressure has gone down significantly since starting the pre-op diet / exercise, I was pleased. She also gave me some nice warm blankets and ever so fashionable non-slip socks.

I changed into a gown, and waited for my IV. Two of Dr. Hanna's nurses walked over from the office just to say hi and see how I was, and to wish me well. I thought that was so nice! Dr. Hanna came in and said hi. My IV got started, I got some heparin subcutaneously, which I didn't feel at all, and some antibiotic. The anaesthesiologist, Dr. Lodge came in and examined me. I got some versed, and they wheeled me in.

I thought I would be waiting a really long time, so I brought a book, but I honestly never brought the book out of the bag once, they were so efficient and fun to talk to. Tonya and I talked about our pets and our families, and everyone wanted to know what my partner Greg looked like (he had to stay back up in Oregon because he just started a new job and couldn't get away). I had a great time!

I remember going into the operating room. Dr. Lodge put an oxygen mask on my face, and then put some stuff (I assume it was anesthesia) into my IV, and I was out. I woke up in recovery, and I had a surprisingly small amount of pain. I felt pretty sleepy for about 20 minutes, but I was talking to the nurse, and didn't feel nauseated at all! They gave me some Water (and actually a little bit of coffee... B) ) which I could sip in little bits, and it was fine. I got REALLY tired of sitting there, and I had to pee, so the nurse let me get up to do that. I was a little wobbly, but it all came out alright (pardon the pun).

My mom came in, and we sat and blabbed while I waited to get my last dose of heparin. I even drank some apple juice. I did need some pain medicine, I believe it was toradol (sp?), but since then I've been doing fine, no meds at all.

Mom and I walked around the supermarket on the way home, and I got a crossword puzzle book and some sugar-free popsicles. I tell you what, that sugar-free popsicle that I just ate is probably the best thing I've ever eaten in my entire life. I'm not kidding. So now I'm going to read some more threads on the forum, and finish calling my nearests and dearests to let them know I'm doing well.

Hope everyone has a great day!

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Glad to hear your surgery was a success Roziecakes!!! A very interesting read!!!

Hope you continue to recover well!!

Hi everyone! I'm so thrilled to be writing in this thread. :D

Anyhoo, I was banded today; June 8th, 2011 by Dr. Ziad Hanna at Ukiah Valley Medical Center in Ukiah, CA. Yes, I drove all the way from Junction City, Oregon to have surgery in Ukiah. (About an 8 hour drive). The reason I did so, was because well, I'm from Ukiah originally, and my stepfather Michael is a nurse at the hospital. He recommended Dr. Hanna to me because he works with Dr. Hanna and knows that he has an excellent reputation for laparoscopic surgery in general, and especially bariatric surgery. Dr. Hanna and his staff are WONDERFUL, and I recommend them highly. A really cool thing is that one of Dr. Hanna's nurses was a bariatric surgery patient herself, so she is very knowledgeable and empathetic.

So this morning, my mom drove me to the hospital. I took my first dose of Emend, which is an anti-nausea medication which was highly recommended by Dr. Hanna's nurse. It is supposed to help me all day today, and then I take another tomorrow. I thought for some reason that my surgery was going to be at 10:30, but I was actually scheduled for 8:30; the first patient of the day! I got there at 7AM. A very friendly nurse named Tonya helped me for Pre-op. I got weighed, she took my vitals, everything was great. My blood pressure has gone down significantly since starting the pre-op diet / exercise, I was pleased. She also gave me some nice warm blankets and ever so fashionable non-slip socks.

I changed into a gown, and waited for my IV. Two of Dr. Hanna's nurses walked over from the office just to say hi and see how I was, and to wish me well. I thought that was so nice! Dr. Hanna came in and said hi. My IV got started, I got some heparin subcutaneously, which I didn't feel at all, and some antibiotic. The anaesthesiologist, Dr. Lodge came in and examined me. I got some versed, and they wheeled me in.

I thought I would be waiting a really long time, so I brought a book, but I honestly never brought the book out of the bag once, they were so efficient and fun to talk to. Tonya and I talked about our pets and our families, and everyone wanted to know what my partner Greg looked like (he had to stay back up in Oregon because he just started a new job and couldn't get away). I had a great time!

I remember going into the operating room. Dr. Lodge put an oxygen mask on my face, and then put some stuff (I assume it was anesthesia) into my IV, and I was out. I woke up in recovery, and I had a surprisingly small amount of pain. I felt pretty sleepy for about 20 minutes, but I was talking to the nurse, and didn't feel nauseated at all! They gave me some Water (and actually a little bit of coffee... B) ) which I could sip in little bits, and it was fine. I got REALLY tired of sitting there, and I had to pee, so the nurse let me get up to do that. I was a little wobbly, but it all came out alright (pardon the pun).

My mom came in, and we sat and blabbed while I waited to get my last dose of heparin. I even drank some apple juice. I did need some pain medicine, I believe it was toradol (sp?), but since then I've been doing fine, no meds at all.

Mom and I walked around the supermarket on the way home, and I got a crossword puzzle book and some sugar-free popsicles. I tell you what, that sugar-free popsicle that I just ate is probably the best thing I've ever eaten in my entire life. I'm not kidding. So now I'm going to read some more threads on the forum, and finish calling my nearests and dearests to let them know I'm doing well.

Hope everyone has a great day!

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Thank you so much! I am feeling good today, but honestly, I did NOT sleep well. Lying down was pretty uncomfortable, and I'm generally a side sleeper, which I really wasn't able to do. So I was up and down all night, plus (and sorry for the TMI) I was peeing and peeing and peeing pretty much all night long. I think I got about 3 hours of sleep in, and by 6AM when my mom got up, I gave up.

However, I was able to have a full liquid Breakfast, and take a walk with my mom. Almost all my pain is gone today except for some mild shoulder and neck pain. I just feel a little swollen and slightly uncomfortable. I've been sipping Water. I'm truly relieved that I have not had one bit of nausea; and I think I owe it to the Emend pill.

I've been enjoying reading other people's surgery stories; it's interesting how many different experiences there are.

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Got a Recliner or Lazy Boy? They are comfortable, and much easier to get up from.

Otherwise Roll on your side so you will sit up from the side positions. Have your legs dropped.

When you sit up it will be less tension on the incision. Then with your feet dropped, just stand up.

I slept in a Recliner first, then later did the roll to the side for sitting up. You don't need a Hernia.

You are so smart! I'm going to sleep in the recliner tonight and see if I do better than last night.

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You are so smart! I'm going to sleep in the recliner tonight and see if I do better than last night.

Thanks for telling me I'm smart! I don't get that very often,,, usually the opposite is the comment.

So I'll take it while I can get it...

Hope it works for you, it did for me...


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Thanks for telling me I'm smart! I don't get that very often,,, usually the opposite is the comment.

So I'll take it while I can get it...

Hope it works for you, it did for me...


It DID work! I slept so well last night :) Thank you for the suggestion. You made my day. I am actually back to work today, and it's good to feel rested. :)

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It DID work! I slept so well last night :) Thank you for the suggestion. You made my day. I am actually back to work today, and it's good to feel rested. :)

Glad it worked for you. Hope it was a good night sleep.


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Hi everyone!

I had my surgery two days ago and I think I'm doing pretty well. My chest hurts the most (like someone is pushing two fingers right where the centre gore of your bra goes) but I'm up and about and having full fluids.

So my surgery day was so great! On June 8th at 11am I showed up at the clinic and the surgeries for the day were running ahead so I was taken in right away (my mom had to say bye to me almost right away!) They took me upstairs and sat me down in some really comfy, oversized chairs (awesome!) and just went over some basic questions (could you be pregnant, feeling well today etc.) I was then asked to change into a gown. I was completely naked except for keeping my underwear on. I was on my period, which randomly started during the pre-op diet, but the nurses said that was no problem and sometimes that happens to women. I was given some pain meds to swallow with the smallest amount of Water ever... The anesthetic doctor came in to talk to me and finally the surgeon came in to talk to me. I felt totally at ease, everyone was so nice and excited for me.

They lead me to the operating room. It was pretty small with lots of monitors. I had to lay on the bed with my arms out in a "T". What I really appreciated was that I was totally covered the whole time I was still awake. I'm shy and I had gotten used to the idea that they would see my stretch marked tummy and boobs but they kept me covered as best they could while they started putting moniters and leg massagers on me. The anesthetic kicked in fairly quickly, I was lightheaded and then I was in recovery!

In recovery I mostly just had pain in my throat and around the incisions. I didn't feel like I could feel anything different inside me. I was given some liquid codene for the pain. I had no shame when the nurse helped me back into my clothes. I had to wait a while with the IV in, the nurse wanted to get me some extra Fluid because it was a hot day. I went to the washroom, sipped some Water and my mom came to pick me up! We were both shocked at how easy it had all seemed...

I haven't had any nausea (thank goodness) but I've been dealing with chest and shoulder pain, still some pain in my throat and soreness around my incisions. Pretty average I think! I am so happy I decided to do this for myself, I almost can't believe that I'm already started on my lap band journey... I always could imagine myself doing something like this but now I've actually done it and there's no turning back! Looking forward to what the future brings!


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Looks like you're doing great! We got banded the same day :) I'm not having any problems either. Today I'm feeling just about normal. Hope you're doing well still!

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I finally did it! I was banded Thursday, June 9th.

Showed up to the surgical center, checked in, signed paperwork and was taken into prep. I had to get into a gown and was told to get naked. They checked my vitals, started my IV, went over my history and called in my husband. The anesthesiologist introduced himself, explained his role and about the tube that would be down my throat. My surgeon came by, asked how I was doing and left to get ready. Before I knew it, my husband was leaving and as soon as he stepped out, they started some kind of meds and I became instantly dizzy. A short bed ride later and I was in the operating room. I remember scooting to the other bed. Then remember getting a lot of air (from the mask but don't remember the mask) and was out.

I woke up to the anesthesiologist saying my name and talking about a small hernia that was repaired but he said I did great. I remember a lot of tugging at my legs, arms and such but I was also moaning in pain. The nurse made me sip on Water and gave me liquid pain meds and another helped me get dressed since I was hot and sweaty from sitting on the plastic bed they put me on. Once she helped me, boy was I still out of it, I had to urinate and she took me to the bathroom. I was over the whole naked factor and she had no shame as well. She wheeled me back to the area I was at and my husband came in shortly after. Nothing more was said besides wanting me to keep sippling Water and was told to start walking. The nurse said I could walk around and come back to be wheeled out or walking to my car would count as my walk. I headed for the hall to where my husband brought the car around.

I could have counted every pot-hole, uneven pavement spots, lane changes and all. Each bump caused me great discomfort. Just over an hour long car ride and I was home.

Day one and two were the worst. The gas pain is so intense and to go from an upright position to laying flat on my back was horrible. The gas would move around and settle elsewhere. I walked those first two days for an hour at a time and did this 5 times. I think it helped and finally started using a heating pad on my shoulders and neck and began getting a message on occasion which also helped. Not much sleep, just cat naps.

My surgeons assistant called day two and asked how I was doing. I asked about the hernia which she confirmed I had and I also asked about my liver. She said it was fatty and that they took a biopsy and should have results when I go back for my one week check. This surprised me since I thought my diet would have avoided this and she said not to worry, it was common and it's just another reason I know I did the right thing. They are checking for some early disease and wanted to be safe.

I have been very fortunate that everything is staying down and my Mom who is staying with us to help care for me, is forcing me and always offering broth, water and Protein. I made my husband the past three days get in the shower with me to be safe. I started thinking I could be a bit more independent and have not rested like I should. I'm slowly starting to get more rest. By day three, I was sleeping longer than an hour or two which really helps. I finally started feeling like myself and I gained all my color back since my Mom & hubby said I had been very pale.

Its day four and I'm still getting help getting out of bed, mainly the laying flat to upright position, it just pulls and tugs in ways I know I should be avoiding. I do get this sensation as if I'm going to burp but cannot and it causes pain for a couple seconds. The gas pain is much better but the gas is still not gone. My chest is sore and belly still swollen but much better than it was. With each passing day, I feel better! I'm glad it's finally over and here. It's now when the real journey begins!

P.S. I also because of my medical history, have to give myself injections of Lovenox. I have never injected anything and can tell you it was a piece of cake! Couldn't feel a thing and was very simple. The needles are very small and goes right into fat in my belly area. I was so worried for nothing!

Lots of Love to my fellow and soon to be bandsters!

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Roziecakes - It was great to hear your story! You sound really motivated and positive. I love that you walked around the grocery store on your way home! I'm sure that's why you are having less shoulder/gas pain than most people are talking about. Keep up the great work, and keep us informed! =)

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Thank you for the nice note! As of today I have not one bit of pain anywhere. I'm pretty hungry, but I'm keeping it at bay with sugar free popsicles, but I'm being well-behaved on my liquids. Tomorrow I go in to get the staples out, and to see when I can advance to mushies. I helped my mom clean her house this morning, and I'm trying to walk 2+ miles/day.

I've lost about 10 pounds since the surgery, but I think most of it is Water weight, as the places where I see it on my body are in my face, wrists, ankles and feet.

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Hello Everyone!!

I had surgery yesterday and have been feeling pretty good so far. I haven’t had any major gas pain and Im so grateful for that. My surgeon was Dr. Bryan Anderson from Boise, ID and would recommend him to anyone!!

I had to be at the hospital at 7:15am for a 9:30am surgery. When I first got there I was so nervous but calmed down a bit as the nurses started preparing me for surgery(gown, I.V, nausea meds, blood thinner shot, pregnancy test). Met my anesthesiologist who answered any questions I had as well as a few of the RN’s that would be in the operating room with me. While I was waiting the bariatric surgery coordinator came in to talk to me and answer any remaining questions I had. She has been banded 6 years and has done a fantastic job with her band. It was very reassuring to be able to hear her success story.

At around 9:15 one of the RN’s came in and gave me some “happy juice” before he took me to the OR. Gave my hubby a kiss and off I went. By the time I was in the OR I was not nervous at all and was feeling pretty darn good. They had me take a few deep breath from the oxygen mask and that is the last thing I remember. I woke up in the recovery room and I wont lie I was in pretty bad pain, was trembling pretty badly(even though I was not cold) and had a little trouble breathing. When the nurse asked me to rate my pain i think I said an 8 or 9. She immediately gave me some pain meds which made the pain a lot better and I stopped trembling. At this point it was still a little hard to take deep breaths, but nothing I couldn’t handle. I was a little surprised that my throat was not sore at all from the breathing tube, but wasn’t complaining.

After that they took me to my room where my husband was there waiting for me. He told me my surgeon has said surgery had gone great and only took about 30 minutes. My nurse asked me if I wanted to try some Water and maybe some Jello. I said sure and she brought it in. I took one sip of Water and immediately felt sick to my stomach. She gave me some anti-nausea med via my I.V and they took a while to kick in but I felt fine after that. Could not bring myself to eat the Jello but I drank water and apple juice. About an hour after surgery I started feeling more pain so she gave me some liquid vicodin. That took about 30 minutes to kick in. I dozed for about an hour and after this she had me go to the bathroom(i peed biggrin.gif) and I walked around for a bit. When I started walking I did feel some pretty bad gas pain but it went away after about ten minutes of walking. She then asked me If i wanted to go home(it was around 1pm) to which I immediately said yes. My husband helped me changed into regular clothes and they brought me my discharge papers as well as a wheel chair and I was off.

The drive home was long but wasn’t too bad. I dozed most of the way home. Picked up my pain meds, drank some water and then took some my meds at the time I was told to. I pretty much slept all day after that. I did drink some chicken broth, jello, ate a sugar free popsicle through out the day and took some gas-x chewables in case the gas decided to show up.

Im still not 100% and probably wont be for another few days. The worst pain is when I get in and out of bed but thats to be expected. This morning I didn’t take my pain meds when I was supposed to and boy did I regret it! I woke up in so much pain but luckily the meds kicked in about 20 minutes after I took them!! Overall I don’t regret this decision at all and would do it again in a heart beat. Hope this helps people that are still a little hesitant or nervous about surgery!!


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Hi everyone!

I had my surgery two days ago and I think I'm doing pretty well. My chest hurts the most (like someone is pushing two fingers right where the centre gore of your bra goes) but I'm up and about and having full fluids.

So my surgery day was so great! On June 8th at 11am I showed up at the clinic and the surgeries for the day were running ahead so I was taken in right away (my mom had to say bye to me almost right away!) They took me upstairs and sat me down in some really comfy, oversized chairs (awesome!) and just went over some basic questions (could you be pregnant, feeling well today etc.) I was then asked to change into a gown. I was completely naked except for keeping my underwear on. I was on my period, which randomly started during the pre-op diet, but the nurses said that was no problem and sometimes that happens to women. I was given some pain meds to swallow with the smallest amount of Water ever... The anesthetic doctor came in to talk to me and finally the surgeon came in to talk to me. I felt totally at ease, everyone was so nice and excited for me.

They lead me to the operating room. It was pretty small with lots of monitors. I had to lay on the bed with my arms out in a "T". What I really appreciated was that I was totally covered the whole time I was still awake. I'm shy and I had gotten used to the idea that they would see my stretch marked tummy and boobs but they kept me covered as best they could while they started putting moniters and leg massagers on me. The anesthetic kicked in fairly quickly, I was lightheaded and then I was in recovery!

In recovery I mostly just had pain in my throat and around the incisions. I didn't feel like I could feel anything different inside me. I was given some liquid codene for the pain. I had no shame when the nurse helped me back into my clothes. I had to wait a while with the IV in, the nurse wanted to get me some extra Fluid because it was a hot day. I went to the washroom, sipped some Water and my mom came to pick me up! We were both shocked at how easy it had all seemed...

I haven't had any nausea (thank goodness) but I've been dealing with chest and shoulder pain, still some pain in my throat and soreness around my incisions. Pretty average I think! I am so happy I decided to do this for myself, I almost can't believe that I'm already started on my lap band journey... I always could imagine myself doing something like this but now I've actually done it and there's no turning back! Looking forward to what the future brings!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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