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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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It's DONE! wooo-hoo. After a year of tests, an unexpected major surgery that delayed my lapband and a lot of thought, research, etc.-----it is DONE.

Here's my story.

My husband and I got to Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn at 8 am for a 10:30 am surgery.

The nurses's assistant gave me my id Bracelet, took my temperature, blood pressure, asked me several questions and then the nurse came in an pricked my finger to check my blood sugar and ask some more questions. Then the anesthesiologist came in and we spent a bit of time together since it's difficult to intubate me and I had a bad experience in my last surgery in January. (during pre-testing for the lapband they discovered a large benign tumor that required removal of my appendix, a hysterectomy and tumor removal--thank goodness it was benign).

the anestesologist was kind and compassionate but a little difficult to understand with his accent. He said that he understood my fear and that he had a good track record with special intubations--mine was going to be Fiber optic again. Meaning it's a guided intubation--they can watch it on a monitor. he did help me feel more reassured and let's face it I have no choice but to trust him. i was proud of myself that i brought up my fear..in the past i would have been macho and not told them about my concerns.

We had to wait a VERY long time to get into surgery---hours! As you know it all depends on how complicated the person who is ahead of you..and so we had to wait a very long time.

in ther interim my pulmonologist showed up to help me set up a Cpap for when i emerge from surgery in the recovery room. During the last surgeyr..my pulse ox (amount of oxygen in my blood) went way down and it was great cause for concern. Even if this wasn't going to happen again--we were going to be prepared to make sure that the CPAP was ready immediately.

Pretty soon i got to walk the long hall to the OR, kissed my husband good bye and went into that big room..which was very blurry because they had taken my glasses. There were SO many people in the OR! People snapping things on me, doing the IV, adjusting sheets and towels around me..and they were chatting in that relaxed happy way that a well-oiled team does...they seemed to like each other and they exchanged quips, etc...but they were clear that i was their first priority. It made me feel safe and cared for. Everyone was very nice. I was nervous about the intubation--very nervous--but they sprayed some stuff in my mouth, made me hold some icky strong tasting numbing gel and then they suctioned it out. And then I was out like a light. Gone into la la land. I woke up in the recovery room...with a bustling team around me..getting me hooked up to pain meds and cpap, etc. The surgeon came right out and I think he said something like " that went great and you also had a hiatal hernia that we repaired and we biopsied your liver and took a small fatty growth off the outside of your stomach."

I felt good and was joking with the nursing staff..and people came to check on me, etc.

i'm getting tired as i'm writing this....so i may have to take a break to finish it.

They got me approved to stay over night and i went to my room. my husband was by my side for as much of this as they would allow.

i was given a morphine pump and i made use of it the first day..but it made me nauseous..so they gave me an antinausea iv and i took less of the morphine until i stopped it completely. i didnt like the feeling of it.

I am too tired to type more now..but i'm feeling great AND I'm so glad it's over.

I absolutely know i did the right thing.



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Had surgery on May 10th and survived.

It was so much better than I ever expected... other than some issues in recovery, the pain was very manageable.

I was in the hospital for right at one day... (overnight) and have been home for five days now and am starting to feel like myself!

Just wrote a blog entry and posted some pictures about my surgery day at my blog...


Go Check it out!

Good luck to all who are getting banded... it is so worth it and so not a big deal!!

You will wake up and within a few days will feel so much better..

Remember this..

Everytime you look in the mirror post-op, you are seeing yourself the heaviest you will ever be!

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Been looking forward to writing a story in this section for a while :-)

Got my surgery this morning in UPMC Horizon in Greenville, PA by Dr. Myers at scheduled time of 7:30...

Got to the hospital at 5:30 with my mom and my grandpa...got admitted and sat in the waiting room for about 2 minutes before somebody came and took me and my family to a room...was told to take everything and put on the awkward robe (which was blue at the time, keep that in mind)

Guy came, hooked up mu IV, shaved my stomach, asked me all these questions (name, DOB, surgery I'm having...boring medical history)...at a quarter till 7, They wheeled me out, rolled down the hall and they stopped where my family has to go sit in the waiting room...

Went to the holding bay for operations, got asked my name, DOB, my surgeon's name and name of surgery by EVERY nurse that asked me all the other questions...surgeon came by along with the anesthesiologist talk to me for like 2 minutes...then I got rolled away to the operating room...

Once I got in, realized there's alot of people in that room...all going around, grabbing something off a shelf. walking into small rooms with their mask on...they put some air into my mattress and slid me over to the operating table...released the air and now I'm on a slab (started freaking out a bit slightly in my head)...it was cold so they all were scrambling to get me comfortable (warm pads, heating pads, pillows, arm rests, foot holders, it was comfy within 4 minutes)....then my anesthesiologist walked in...had like 5 or 6 syringes in his hand and started putting them into IV...mentioned something about Margaritas, Tequilas while this nurse put an oxygen mask to my face...it smelled like plastic...I made the statement that it smelled like plastic, they agreed....

BAM, woke up in recovery at 9:05...tired of course...sore and realized that surgery was over...within a few minutes of coming to, I started feeling my one muscle spazzing very bad, like q dozen times in a row, over and over and over....mentioned it hurt pretty bad and they put in some morphine which helped ALOT till I got to my room an hour later...

Now it's 10, i've been up, I feel great besides the pain that's starting to come back...had lunch and my nurse gave me some liquid prekassete (sp?) which helped with tolerating the pain so I can get up and walk around...

Now it's 2 AM, I've been in and out of 1 hour naps all day, my family came visited, my girlfriend and best friend came visited me, walked around with all of them...my doctors came in...first my surgeon said that the surgery went so smooth...His 2 residents came and praised my surgery and recovery saying that I look like I could go home today since I've been recovering so well....my respiratory therapist is shocked at how clear my lungs are and that I don't have anything to cough...

Overall, today is already the best life-changing day of my life...I'm on fluids and drinking a couple of ounces of protien an hour...awake, watched a couple of TV shows, made some friends down the hall...hope everyone's story is like mine

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I'm feeling great...back home...relaxing, had friends come visit me most of the day and I took my meds and napped...not sure how to sleep exactly though...like afraid if I lay all the way down I won't be able to get up because of the muscle pain in my abdomen

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Got a Recliner or Lazy Boy? They are comfortable, and much easier to get up from.

Otherwise Roll on your side so you will sit up from the side positions. Have your legs dropped.

When you sit up it will be less tension on the incision. Then with your feet dropped, just stand up.

I slept in a Recliner first, then later did the roll to the side for sitting up. You don't need a Hernia.

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Here is my surgery day story: (May 20th, 2011)

I arrived at 6m for 8am surgery... went into get prepped...pregnancy test, tons of questions, IV (got it on second stick). Next, I went into the holding room, which was cold, so they gave me heated balnkets. Saw nurses, two student nurses( who I gave permission to observe in OR), anthesiologist(SP) and my doctor. Then I was wheeled into the operating room...scooted over to the bed, left arm was being strapped down, and that's all I remember.

Woke up briefly in recovery room ( I remember them saying they would make sure my husband new where I was being taken to on the 4th floor), I remember being wheeled to the room nd being hooked up to everything including the leg compressors (which I loved; it was like getting my legs massaged!), having pulse/blood pressure/temp taken (periodically). They asked me wht my pain was and I said 3 or 4 and they gave me morphine and more later on. I remember sleeping on and off between 10 am and 4pm. I got up once with help (still bit dizzy and shakey) to go urinate (because I really felt I had to go) only to find I could not. I got up and went a couple hours later and then (becuse I complained my mouth was dry like chaulky after urinating) was given a cup of ice Water. I sipped that and dozed back on and off. No on ever offered my Jello, broth, or anything else, but I was fine with that. Inever went for a barium swallow or x-ray, but did see a photo shot of the lap-band placed that Dr. Weiss (Finger Lakes Bariatrics, Auburn Memorial Hospital, Auburn, NY) gave my husband after my surgery.

No one ever offered to take me for a walk, which would hve been difficult b/c I was so sleepy (mind you I had only 4 hours sleep prior and I am SO NOT a morning person, I go to bed when many wake up LOL). Finally about 4:30ish pm Dr. Weiss came in and asked me how I was doing? (Fine) Did I go for walks? (Only to the bathroom 3 times) Did I see the picture of the Band in me? (Yes, my husband showed it to me) Did I want to go home? (Yes)

SO, he said okay he would discharge me, he left the room, the nurse came and unhooked everything and my husband helped me dress, then I was wheeled out to our vehicle.

First day out, I took my pain meds (liquid Vicodin) on schedule to be sure pain did not return. I did have and still do have gas pain in my stomach, shoulders, and neck; it seems to move around and rotate. I am hoping it will be much better by Tuesday am, because I have to take my husband for his clonoscopy Tuesday afternoon and go back to work Tuesday night with minimal duties for first 5 days.

The oddest part was as my husband started to leave the parking lot of hospital, I felt nauseated and ended up burping multiple burps and then spitting up saliva with nasty taste to it, but it subsided within a couple minutes. my husband wanted me to go back and stay the night and I said 'No, I'll be fine, just take me home." it happened again about 1am first night out; I am kinda hoping maybe i could get more out tonight, because even though it was a bit uncomfortable, it did give me instant (temporary) relief from the gas pain.

Keeping liquids, including my Protein shakes, all down fine, but cannot wait to get in some applesauce, cream of wheat, cottage cheese, etc.

Looking forward to my new body, even with the loose skin, because loose skin can be hidden, but the fat cannot!

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Well here goes!!!!!

Surgery date was May 20th. I had to be there at 11:30 am to check in. My friend rode with me and she drove me home. I had mixed emotions that day. I started a video blog, not sure what I'm going to do with that at this point. The day before there had been some issues with them accepting a credit card for my payment, which I was unaware of until the day before. Long story short I ended up having to pay 3% interest for using a credit card. What was i gonna do not pay it and not have my surgery! NOT! So i quickly got over that. I had been emotional cuz my sister had never even called me to say anything, not a text or anything. I had to pray to clear my mind. Well after the paperwork was completed I was called to the back. I walked to the back looking at my friend, like there is no turning back now. Went to the back and was made to give a urine sample. UMMM I havent had anything to drink since 10:30pm the nite before,all your gonna get is dusk! LOL! Well I gave enough to satisfy them and then I was lead to what would be my recovery room. I changed into my lovely gown and booties. A nurse came by to start my IV fluids and made me drink something VERY bitter to calm the stomach acid in my stomach.

They allowed my friend to come back and we chatted a while. The doctor was running late and I was like I wanna get this over with. The anasthesiologist came and explained what would happen and what her role was. soon My surgeon came in and we chatted he was very proud of th 13 pounds I had lost so far. Next thing they started my med in my IV and started rolling me out to the OR. NEXT THING I KNOW I WAS WAKING UP IN RECOVERY!!! WHAT THE WHAT!!!

I remember thinking OMG!!! DID I REALLY JUST DO THIS! I was very groggy and my throat was sore. I immedialty placed my hand on my stomach searching for some sign the band was placed. I found a tender spot and was relieved. Apparently and hour later(which felt like 5 minutes) the nurse comes back and says it's time for you to sit in the recliner! UMMM IS SHE CRAZY I THOUGHT TO MYSELF, MY INSIDES ARE GONNA FALL OUT! Nevertheless, she helped me get off the bed and walk to the chair. I immeditatly began to dislike her! LOL! A few minutes later she made me get up and start my laps around the nurses station holding on to my IV pole. My dislike for her was growing by the minute. then she had the audaticity to tell me to go to the bathroom! seriously lady! ugh! i know it was for my good, but i just wanted to go back to sleep.

I was in/out of it after my 2 laps around, my surgeon came in and said he had to repair a small hernia and everything went well. I had to have my friend help me get dressed and walk to the xray machine so i could swallow the nasty white stuff again. I was given instructions and my friend took notes, cuz i was soooo not listening. I got wheeled to my car and sent on my way.

the first 2 days of recovery where the hardest.

Do I regret my decsion? NOT ONE BIT!!!

I have had great support from my friends who have nursed me back to health!! returning to work tomorrow!

Best wishes everyone, hope this helps someone! it is sooo worth it!:D

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First, thank you so much for the support and encouragement! Now here's the details:

Surgery scheduled for 1:30 but didn't go in until 2pm. My husband stayed by my side up until the point and gave me a kiss as they wheel me in. There was a small TV screen and lots of nurses. I remember them giving me a shot through my IV and thinking they better get me on the operating table quick because I know this works fast. Sure enough that was the last thing I remember.

I woke up in recovery thinking no way is this reversal because I was in a lot of pain and couldn't imagine going through it again, but Part of my problem was an IV that was not fully funcioning. They asked how much pain I was in and I said a 7 (1-10), but I would highly advised you to not feel like you're exaggerating and be honest so they give you meds faster. I was on morphine drip but they gave me a needle of pain kilers with helped a lot. I was in recovery 2 hours until they managed the pain while my husband was in the waiting room. They didn't know he was inthe waiting room and I think he could have been in recovery with me. So ask when you're in recovery is yr spouce can be with you.

They took me to a private room. I was pretty dopey and at one point I just really wanted to sleep so at 7pm I told my Hubby to go home. But I couldn't sleep the entirenight because I had to keep pushing the morphine button every 10 minutes.The best thing I brought to the hospital was my ipod because I could close my eyes and relax. ...

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NJGirl, Good to hear from you. I am amazed at how quickly we are healing and the pain is getting better. Enjoy your liquids.< /p>

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Okay, I had my surgery on Wednesday, May 25, 2011. It was almost uneventful. I checked in at 8:30 for a 9:30 surgery time. I saw that there were patients every hour for my surgeon. Fortunately I was her last patient since my surgery took a little longer than normal.

First they had me put on the uniform (gown, cap, footies) and walk into the preop area on my own. Then for vitals. I had this done because of blood pressure problems. I have been taking all three of my meds on time EVERY day for weeks. They wanted a BP of Less than 160/90. OH NO, I checked in at 170/101. I was afraid they would cancel but they chocked it up to nerves. After the IV was started Dr. Holden came in and talked to me. Then came the Anesthesiologist followed by the OR nurse. While they all came by they started my IV and gave me a shot of heparin to prevent blood clots. With all the papers signed and the last visitor I was wheeled to the OR. They were giving me the shot in IV as I was moving over to the table and I asked them to wait so I could see the operating room. Well, I don't remember seeing it.

When I woke up in the recovery room the nurse was by my side and trying to control my pain. She never asked the level cause I was moaning. I was finally able to tell her that morphine doesn't work on me. She said okay, but I want to continue with it until we get your BP down. Often Morphine lowers the BP, so when it came down she gave me something better and from there the recovery was pretty quick. I was moved to the stepdown unit and my friend came back. They told us that they found a LARGE hernia and repaired it so I was in surgery about 15 or 20 minutes longer than normal.They also told my friend that I was doing find for someone my age (I'm 61 and don't think that is old) LOL

My friend took me to her house and allowed me to sleep and walk there. My husband took me home by 6 p.m.

So, yesterday was the first day after surgery. The pain was better and I could walk much better. Today I went several hours past my pain medicine time then realized that what I was interpreting as hunger might be pain so I took it. The hunger did get better.

Overall I can say it is amazing how fast the recovery is so far. When you have your surgery and if you have minor or major pain, remember it is for a very short time. The benefits are going to be lifelong and maybe help us have a longer life. It's definitely worth it.

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NJGirl, Good to hear from you. I am amazed at how quickly we are healing and the pain is getting better. Enjoy your liquids.

Hello!! Good to hear from you! I am sore but not too bad-I don't have a lot of the gas pains people talk about. I can'tget a loy down but that's from the swelling! Hope you are recovery well :) How do you feel?

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I was banded on May 25th and I'm still hurting pretty badly. I wish I was one of the easier cases but I guess I just got "lucky" that way. NOT.

Anyway, checked in at 8:30am for surgery at 10am. This is a TINY county hospital btw. I got all hooked up, peed, iv'd, leg squeegies and anti nausea drugs. Then waited.. and waited. Apparently my doc was running late in surgery. Then I started meeting different people around 11am. I warned them all that I don't come out of surgery well.. Sometimes I can't breathe, sometimes I can't wake up. I did a breathing treatment before hand and hoped for the best. I was wheeled in around noon (I really don't remember times after all this), They gave me a shot in the iv to calm me down about the same time as I was moving over to the slab. I remember laying down and someone pushing the oxygen mask on my face and it HURT! They were forcing it down and I tried to move it and that was the last I remember. I woke up GASPING for air. I sat straight up in bed (ignoring the pain) and was gasping hard. They shoved a breathing treatment tube in my mouth and I had three additional breathing treatments before I could breathe well enough without making whooping cough noises. It scared me so bad that I was crying. My nurse had to hand over my care to the supervising nurse and she later came back and told me that I looked "MUCH BETTER" than before.. apparently I was blue/gray.. not nice to hear. They wheeled me back to my same day surg room and doped me up on drugs. My bp and my oxygen levels were VERY LOW. The monitor kept going off because I wasn't getting enough oxygen and they kept running in to tell me to breathe deep. It HURT to breathe deep! Then my BP was in the low 80/s over 50's.. They increased the drip on my IV and put me on oxygen again. Then they asked me to eat some Jello. They said if I ate 1/4 of the cup of Jello that I could have more drugs. So it took me nearly two hours but I got 1/4 down. I asked for drugs, and they said "I don't know.. you are going home". WTF? I can't breathe without oxygen and I'm going home? They unhook me from the oxygen, and bp machine, practically yanked me out of bed to go pee. Whjile I agree walking is GOOD, I only had to walk two feet... I sorta wished htat I had been forced to walk more than that before being "allowed" to go home. I asked again about my bp and oxygen and was told that they didn't know.. only that it was time for me to go home and sleep. So I was up/dressed and a chair was waiting all within 15 minutes. I went home, and passed out. My hubby went and got my prescriptions of liquid loritab and anti-nausea pills. I drugged up and went to sleep. I woke up later asking for broth but ate only a couple bites. The next day I was in AWFUL pain. My port area hurt bad. I couldn't get up to pee, or move in bed. The lortab wasn't working and I was wishing I hadn't done any of this at this point. No gas pain though~ I was burping little burps so I guess that took care of it? I can't breathe deep at all though without a lot of pain.

Second day out was a tad bit better. I felt well enough to yell at my husband (hehe).

Today is the third day out and i made it out of bed without crying and haven't had any pain meds since last night. I have been able to drink down slim fast shakes, jello, broth and pudding (all on my list) but in tiny amounts. I get that lump in my throat feeling if I gulp to fast or if I have tried putting too much in at once. I am going to sit and watch a movie on the couch with the family (finally coming out of my room) and try to get to feeling like a human being again. I'm ready to make this work! I am ready to walk my way to onderland!

It may have been a bit of a rough beginning, but well worth it.

(my fingers are still shaky I guess so ignore the spell errors and grammar.. bugs me to see it but I'm too lazy to fix it)

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I had my surgery yesterday, May 31, 2011.

I got to the hospital at 9:30 and, after a short wait, they took me in to take my vital signs. They made my husband stay outside until they got the IV hooked up. Poor guy--he was more nervous than I was.

Everything looked good. Was prepped by the same nurse who was there when I had my ankle surgery last year. Good to see a friendly face. Hubby was back and came with me into the "holding" area. Had to do a breathing treatment due to my minor COPD and was given a shot of something to calm me (think my husband needed it more!). Kissed him goodbye and was rolled into the OR about 11am. I remember seeing a few people and they adjusted the ceiling lights. The anesthetist keep up a stream of chatter while putting on the oxygen mask and the next thing I knew I was in the recovery room and it was 2:00! My oxygen levels weren't high enough to allow me to go to have the x-ray, so I had to doing some breathing into some breathing thing that really helped. When my O2 level was up to 95, I was taken down to x-ray for the barium swallow. Felt like I had to pee and they put me on a bedpan, but couldn't do it. After the x-ray, went up to SDS unit and asked to walk to the bathroom. Relief!!

Back to the room and I asked to sit in the recliner. Felt better than laying down. My sugar was a bit high, 217, so there was some discussion about keeping me if it didn't go down. I did mention to the nurse that I was receiving IV glucose, right? That would increases my sugar (duh!)

After talking to the doctor, he said I could have some apple juice (3 oz.!) and that I should try to make that last 15 minutes. What a concept! I actually made it last 20!

The nurse came back to take my vital signs. BP was high (170/??). She didn't seem too concerned. Then she checked my sugar again. It was 245. I (again) pointed out that I had just had apple juice (which is loaded with sugar).

Anyway, home now. Have a bit of pain, mostly at the point where the lapband went in. Tossed and turned last night, even with the Vicodin. Woke up this morning to find blood spot on my shirt. Blood is coming from that lapband incision. Stomach also seems a bit more swollen in that area. Changed the bandage and am keeping an eye on the bleeding. Doctor is supposed to call today. I'll talk to him about it.

Looking forward to this journey and the new me at the end!


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