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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I have a similar story to most here...I had surgery two days ago (3/8/11). We arrived at 10:30 am. My doctor was running a little behind schedule so they call me in the back about 11:40 am. I changed my clothes, they took a urine sample, and had me weigh in. I went into a room with other patients (they closed off the room with a curtain) then we started the consent forms. I had to sign about three different forms. The doctors came in to say hi. They sent my husband back about 12:15pm. They put the IV in my hand and about 5 min later I was off to surgery. I remember being wheeled into the surgery room, they put a mask over my face, asked me to take a deep breathe, the next thing I remembered was waking up in recovery. I slept on and off in recovery for hours. The nurse came in to ask me about my pain level on a scale from 1-10. At the time it was about a 7 because of the pain in my shoulder mostly. She came back asked again it was about a 5 she give me a litlle more medicine, then they had me sit up in a chair. I fell asleep again. About 40 min later the doctor came and took me to do a barium swallow, he then cleared me to go home. I got home about 7:30 pm...

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I was recently banded on 3/8/11!

The day started pretty early, I had to be at the hospital at 530 am for a 7:30 am surgery time. I showed up and found that my son would not be able to even come into the hospital, even after surgery in my room. They took me in about 5:45 or 6am and the nurse immediately started asking a million questions. Then I gave a urine sample and was weighed. They gave me groovy socks and a giant gown, placed the massage cuffs on my legs. I then got a shot in my stomach for clotting, which really didn't hurt in the slightest. They started my IV and now it was time to wait. Then the OR nurse and the anesthesiologist, the doctor, and the assistan showed up with of course more questions. The assistant went ahead and scheduled all of my follow up appointments. My Hubby and Father-in-Law came in for some comic relief since I was so nervous I was starting to get scared. They helped out alot.

Then they came in and wheeled me into the OR, by this time I was almost to buyers remorse stage, lol. The nurses were really kind and they helped calm me down. I was asked to scooch onto the table, had my arms strapped out to the side. When they put the mask on my face I noticed they had an aquarium scene on the light fixture on the celing. I thought that was pretty cool, took a deap breath and that was the last thing I rememberd until I woke up in recovery.

I woke up with tears streaming down my face, I think I was sort of histerical for some reason. This seems to happen to me when I have surgery, as this was the second time I have woke up that way, lol.

They took me into the recovery room, and I fought to get my eyes to work properly. I had to pee and they gave me a pan, which I was unable to use, I just had to go in the bathroom. AS soon as I could walk we did that. After I finally got back around, they had me walk to my room with a wheelchair to help keep me steady. I tell you I wasn't in any real pain from the incisions but the gas pain was excruciating. It seemed to settle around my heart and in the middle of my back between my shoulder blades. I felt like I was having a heart attack. Again other than that discomfort I didn't really hurt.

At this time they told me to get some rest. My husband had to stay outside with the kids since they wouldn't allow my youngest into the hospital.

I couldn't lay down, the pain from the gas in my chest was so bad I had to sit up and kind of bend over. I was so tired I kind of snoozed right there. Finally they came in and walked me down to the x-ray department for the barium swallw. This stuff was pink and it was NASTY. Take two good swallows and hold your breath, turn and repeat. I almost vomited right then, but I got it down and calmed my stomach.

I went back to my room to wait for the results of the xray, I couldn't have anything to eat or drink until then. My mouth was so dry it felt like I had been licking carpet, so I had to keep swishing Water in my mouth. At this point I decided I was going to get rid of this gas, so I started walking up and down the corridors until my IV pump started beeping at me for a low battery. I was really determined to get this gas pain to stop.

I started to get some discomfort in my belly so they brought me a shot of Morphine, and I tried to doze again, tho I really had to sit up to do it.

When they finally brought me food it was Jello, broth, and crystal light. I got that down without any restriction at all, thank goodness!

I had to wait until 3:30 to get out of there, and only then because we informed the doctor that my family was waiting outside in the parking lot for me to come out. They gave me some pain meds for the road since we had a 4 hour drive home. Funny thing, I would have thought that the meds would be liquid but they were just the regular capsuls broken in half. I have done pretty good, the first night I was actually able to sleep in my bed, tho it had to be on my right side. Because of the pressure from the gas in my chest I couldn't do it on my back, and the port was on the left. Since then I have had little discomfort with the exception of the port area. I do need to be a bit less vigorous around the house but I hope to be fully back on my feet in a few days.

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I was recently banded on 3/8/11!

The day started pretty early, I had to be at the hospital at 530 am for a 7:30 am surgery time. I showed up and found that my son would not be able to even come into the hospital, even after surgery in my room. They took me in about 5:45 or 6am and the nurse immediately started asking a million questions. Then I gave a urine sample and was weighed. They gave me groovy socks and a giant gown, placed the massage cuffs on my legs. I then got a shot in my stomach for clotting, which really didn't hurt in the slightest. They started my IV and now it was time to wait. Then the OR nurse and the anesthesiologist, the doctor, and the assistan showed up with of course more questions. The assistant went ahead and scheduled all of my follow up appointments. My Hubby and Father-in-Law came in for some comic relief since I was so nervous I was starting to get scared. They helped out alot.

Then they came in and wheeled me into the OR, by this time I was almost to buyers remorse stage, lol. The nurses were really kind and they helped calm me down. I was asked to scooch onto the table, had my arms strapped out to the side. When they put the mask on my face I noticed they had an aquarium scene on the light fixture on the celing. I thought that was pretty cool, took a deap breath and that was the last thing I rememberd until I woke up in recovery.

I woke up with tears streaming down my face, I think I was sort of histerical for some reason. This seems to happen to me when I have surgery, as this was the second time I have woke up that way, lol.

They took me into the recovery room, and I fought to get my eyes to work properly. I had to pee and they gave me a pan, which I was unable to use, I just had to go in the bathroom. AS soon as I could walk we did that. After I finally got back around, they had me walk to my room with a wheelchair to help keep me steady. I tell you I wasn't in any real pain from the incisions but the gas pain was excruciating. It seemed to settle around my heart and in the middle of my back between my shoulder blades. I felt like I was having a heart attack. Again other than that discomfort I didn't really hurt.

At this time they told me to get some rest. My husband had to stay outside with the kids since they wouldn't allow my youngest into the hospital.

I couldn't lay down, the pain from the gas in my chest was so bad I had to sit up and kind of bend over. I was so tired I kind of snoozed right there. Finally they came in and walked me down to the x-ray department for the barium swallw. This stuff was pink and it was NASTY. Take two good swallows and hold your breath, turn and repeat. I almost vomited right then, but I got it down and calmed my stomach.

I went back to my room to wait for the results of the xray, I couldn't have anything to eat or drink until then. My mouth was so dry it felt like I had been licking carpet, so I had to keep swishing Water in my mouth. At this point I decided I was going to get rid of this gas, so I started walking up and down the corridors until my IV pump started beeping at me for a low battery. I was really determined to get this gas pain to stop.

I started to get some discomfort in my belly so they brought me a shot of Morphine, and I tried to doze again, tho I really had to sit up to do it.

When they finally brought me food it was Jello, broth, and crystal light. I got that down without any restriction at all, thank goodness!

I had to wait until 3:30 to get out of there, and only then because we informed the doctor that my family was waiting outside in the parking lot for me to come out. They gave me some pain meds for the road since we had a 4 hour drive home. Funny thing, I would have thought that the meds would be liquid but they were just the regular capsuls broken in half. I have done pretty good, the first night I was actually able to sleep in my bed, tho it had to be on my right side. Because of the pressure from the gas in my chest I couldn't do it on my back, and the port was on the left. Since then I have had little discomfort with the exception of the port area. I do need to be a bit less vigorous around the house but I hope to be fully back on my feet in a few days.

Thanks for sharing, my day is coming up, only 3 more sleeps!

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My surgery was scheduled for 7:15 am on March 7. I was instructed to arrive 2 hours early and as usual for me, walked into the hospital at 5:12. I was in short term surgery doing all the usual pre-op business (iv, heparin, vitals), I was given some information - but for the most part was left alone with my best friend waiting for the big event. Around 6:45 I met with the anesthesiologist, he gave me a little rundown of what he would be doing. This was my first surgery, so it was all kind of foreign to me. The next thing I know I'm being rolled into the OR and being told to scoot over onto another bed. They had me stretch out my arms to each side and I remember thinking - "this is just like the lethal injection table" - yes, I'm a bit odd. They put a strip on my forehead that was sort of prickly and then set a mask on my face. I remember saying that I didn't think it was on all the way and hearing someone say there was anti-anxiety meds in it, too and to just take deep breaths. The next thing I am aware of is being in recovery and being very irritated with the nurses because my mouth was painfully dry and every time I asked for something to help with it I was either told no or completely ignored. Finally someone brought me a wash cloth with one corner slightly dampened, it was a hollow gesture as it didn't help at all.

The next thing I remember is hearing someone say "ICU" and I asked why I was in the ICU. Turns out it was the "step down ICU" basically ICU-Lite. Apparently there had been some unexpected issues with being intubated and the surgeon wanted me to be monitored a little more closely. Worst Idea Ever! I felt ignored and that the nursing staff were treating me like a puppy, the whole pat-her-on-the-head treatment. I needed to pee, I pushed the call button for help out of the padded cage they had me in. Seriously, it wasn't a normal bed and I couldn't get the sides down so I needed someone to come let me out. After 20 minutes, my best friend going to the nurses' station personally and my finally shouting that I would pee the bed if someone didn't help me, someone came in with a bed pan. I told them I didn't need it, I could go to the bathroom if they'd let me out of the bed and she LEFT! OMG are you kidding me?!?! A minute or 5 later someone came in with one of those potty seat things. I'd reached my limit and lost my cool - I told them if they didn't put the rails of the bed down I would stand up and crawl over. They finally listened and put down the sides and I went to the restroom w/o further incident. When I was done I asked for something to help with the still painfully dry mouth. It was a repeat of the bathroom incident. After pushing the call button, my friend waited 10 minutes and went to the nurses' station and about 10 minutes later someone came in with a small cup of ice chips - 1 oz to be exact. She handed it to me and left. It was then that we realized my room had nothing in it, namely a table to set my cup on. So, I ended up holding it the entire time. Around 3 pm my best friend had to go home because the kids were getting out of school, but she was afraid to leave me there alone. I told her to go ahead and go and finally after a few minutes discussion she left. I could hear her in the hall and within seconds the surgeon was in my room asking what was going on. I told him that the staff in this department seemed to be completely incompetent and useless and if he didn't move me to the bariatric floor ASAP I would walk out of the hospital AMA because I could give myself better care than I was getting there. He got that I was serious, left the room and came back a minute or so later and told me that they were readying a room for me on the bariatric floor. Soon after he left the nurse manager of the "step down ICU" came in to find out what had happened and I told her everything. She was appalled and apologized profusely. She stayed with me until they came to move me to the bariatric floor.

I made it to the 5th floor by 4:30 and everything changed. The thing is, I have experience with this hospital. My best friend has had surgery there twice and the quality of care she received both times was amazing. Recovery and ICU-Lite was an aberration, no one I know who's had experience with this hospital has never had the omgwtf experience I had that day. But, the 5th floor was heaven. It was the quality of care that I was used to and expected from the hospital. Now, when I pushed the call button a nurse was there within a minute, two at the most. When I asked for something to help with the dry mouth they brought me swabs and a small cup of Water. My pain was minimal, I moved around just fine - however, my insurance requires an overnight stay after any surgery (aside from oral) and so, I settled into my new room. I had no problem getting in or out of bed, only a little pain when I moved from lying to sitting. I felt well enough to walk the halls, 3 laps and then rest for a bit before doing it again. I couldn't figure out why my mouth was still so dry, and then I realized I was breathing, mostly, out of my mouth. Trying to breathe through my nose I realized it felt a bit stuffy. So, my next trip the to restroom I blew my nose. I blew hard and often and finally got a hint of what went wrong during intubation when a huge blood clot came out of my nose. Suddenly I could breathe through my nose. My mouth began to hold moisture which was my biggest post-op physical complaint. After that first clot, more came out each time I blew my nose, lessening each time, for days. Coughing hard ended up bringing up further clots. I asked the surgeon and nurses and was told that the clots were directly related to the intubation troubles, not to worry and it would clear up. (It did by one week out.)

I slept sporadically, just couldn't find a comfy spot, and by 7 am the next morning I was being wheeled down for my upper-GI x-ray, no barium. Still at this point I was only allowed 2 oz of Water every 2 hours. I was wheeled back up to my room where I walked more laps, watched some TV and waited. When the nursing shift change came there was a patient rundown and when the new nurse checked the chart and saw that I hadn't had any troubles keeping down water, my Fluid intake was upped to limitless! Yay! The surgeon came and had a look at me, we talked for a few minutes (he's one of those guys that a 3-5 minute conversation is as informative as a 15 minute conversation with anyone else) and he told me that he would be singing my discharge orders when he left the room. I was home by 10 am. I left the hospital with strict diet orders, which is standard with the bariatric program I chose. I just didn't realize it'd be so hard to deal.

I am still on the strict post-op diet, which is all liquid. The thickest thing I can have is sugar free Jello or strained cream Soup. So, here I am 10 days post-op, my incisions are almost completely healed, I haven't needed any of the pain medication since two days after surgery. And I have my post-op appointments with the nutritionist and surgeon next week. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be bumped up on the diet and be able to have semi-solids like mashed potatoes and maybe even scrambled eggs.

Overall I had a good surgery experience with the exception of a few hours of totally freakish incompetent behavior.

PS: I had no idea about the whole gas issue until at home after surgery. I became a total gas machine. The constant rumbling and bubbling noises have my dogs forever trying to get inside my shirt to find the culprit. And let's just say that the word EPIC can apply to gas and the passage of said gas. LOL!

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My surgery wasscheduled for Monday, March 14 at 10:30 am. My husband drove me to the surgery center and we arrived around 8:40am almost an hour early. Around 9:15 I was called back and was given a very trendy gown and non-slip sock and compression hose(had to have help with those). I was weighed and then took to a room and then vitals and iv started. Dr. came by then anesthesiologist came by and talked about what she would be doing and what to expect. Surgery was a little late, I walked into the operating room at 11:10 got on the table stretched my arms out my legs were put in the compression cuffs the anesthesiologist put meds in my IV and then I woke up in recovery around 1:45 and in pain from gas which seemed to have settled between my shoulder blades and around my heart. If a heart attack hurts worse I pray I never experience one. I was informed that they also fixed a hernia and surgery took longer than expected. I was given pain meds and ice chips. By 2pm I was up walking and going to the restroom them my IV was removed and was discharged. We were back home around 4:15. I will have to say that the care I received was probably the best I have had and I have had several surgeries in the past. They were very caring and attentative to my needs and concerns. If anyone in the Atlanta area is looking for a surgeon for lapband I highly recommend going thru Real Results on Peachtree Dunwooody Rd.

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My surgery was this morning at Strax Rejuventation in Florida. I got there at 8am and was taken to the back where I was checked and preped for surgery. Everyone was nice and helpful. I didnt like my husband couldnt come back with me but they dont have the room there for family members. After they took my BP, chked for pregnancy, diabetes, etc I laid around waiting for a bit and then they came and got me. I remember NOTHING. Once I laid down on the Operating room table they quickly gave my the sleepy stuff and next thing I knew I was in recovery waking up. I couldnt believe it was over!

I have a pretty high pain tolerance but the larger incision was pretty hurty. I told the nurse and she gladly gave me more pain meds. I was in receovery maybe 45 minutes or so. The only thing really bothering me was the one out of 5 incicions. Once I got home I took a pain pill and put my self to bed for the afternoon.

I woke up around 530 from my nap and and a BIT with the gassy filling. The incison doesnt hurt anymore, but I do feel like I was punched in gut. Nothing horrible, just sore.....I am drinking 4oz of Clear Liquids every hour and for now I am ok!! I'll add more later if my pain changes!

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I have been so blessed to have a wonderful experience getting banded. My surgery was Feb. 22nd. I arrived 3 hours before hand and they did the usual "before surgery" stuff. Gowning, urine test, heparin shot, IV, questions, etc.... Everyone was so kind and thoughtful.

I was taken to the room where the anesthesiologist and nurses got all things ready. I wore these wonderful foot pumps. Again, very kind and loving. We were laughing and chatting away. The doctor and his peeps came to see me and we all chatted and joked for a bit too. They started the meds and off to neverland I went.

I woke up in recovery, in a bit of pain, as expected and I was given some wonderful pain meds. No nausea or chills, just sleepy. About 1 hour after waking up in recovery I was taken to my room where I saw my hubby and friends. We hung out, laughed, chatted, walked, etc... Things went really well. I had another dose of pain meds but my discomfort was air, not pain from the surgery.

I was able to have Jello, Water, juice, popsicles and broth. Eating and drinking went just fine. I felt bad that the gal in the room next to me couldn't even handle Jello. :( The staff at the hospital was AWESOME! It was also great to have the opportunity to encourage a girl who had RNY and was in alot of pain and wondering "Can I really do this". It was nice to talk with her and see her doubt turn into a "yes I can" attitude, and by the end of that day she was already feeling better.

I had an overnight stay in the hospital with a total of 3 heparin shots. The only discomfort I have is the air that is right under my rib cage, but this to shall pass. Walking is helping and I am going to get some gas x strips.

I seemed to have amazed the nursing staff, they all said that no one would ever know that I had surgery.

They rarely see this. I was able to sleep on my both sides with no problems, get out of bed and go to the bathroom and remove and put on the foot pumps all alone. It was all good. I am doing so well and feeling great. I don't need pain meds (haven't since day 2 in hospital), I am exercising (what they told me I can do for the first 2 weeks) eating is fine (although nothing tastes good) and I am walking around the blocks already. Well, not today we have a nice snow storm.

So far, so good! My experience up to this point has been great and I attribute that to the awesome doctors, there staff and the wonderful hospital!

Good luck everyone!!!


Hope to have a nice story to tell like you. I will be banded coming up in May!!!! Help me keep my chin up!!!

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Ok, here it is....I was nervous for nothing!!!!

I had an awesome experience in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. My surgeon was Dr. Armando Joya and assisted by Dr. Antonio Espinoza.

I went to Mexico the day before my scheduled surgery. At the airport, I was picked up via taxi and brought to the Krystal Vallarta hotel. I had a beautiful room and a kingsized bed all to myself. The room was updated and had a gorgeous marble tile and rainshower faucet in the shower. I had a TV and a nice balcony view.

The front desk had information about where I was to go and when I was to meet the Dr's assistant. I had a letter with money enclosed to pay for the taxi service to the hospital (San Javier Marina Hospital). The hospital was a quick 5 minutes away.

Upon arrival, I was hit with the scent of popurri! Not the usual gagging smell of antiseptic! That was weird! It smelled like apple/cinnamon! I had to chat with the Dr.'s assistant (Natalie) about everything and she answered my questions and I signed the necessary paperwork. I was escorted to a private Suite and was instructed to get "Full Monty" under a gown! Great sense of humor! I then waited a long time watching TV. Eventually I had blood taken for the necessary pre-op check and an IV placed on my left wrist. Kudos to "Christina" she was able to get it on the first try! The nurses joked that it was her very first IV and I was her first official patient! It was interesting that 2 nurses and Natalie were present at that time. I think Natalie wanted to make sure I was confortable. Pretty much all stafff spoke excellent english and I tried to speak as much spanish as I could remember. Many staff wanted to converse in English for practise I think.

I had the usual EKG done, a visit from an intern to check my vitals and a visit from a psychologist (which really was a pep talk) and then I waited. I waited and I waited. I had a nap, I waited longer.

I was moved into a smaller private room and then I met my surgeon, Dr. Joya. What a young looking doctor in his 40's. We had a discussion about why I wished a Lap Band over a Gastric Sleeve. I started to feel panicky that he didn't wish to do my surgery. He was stressing the Band is not the end-all answer to weight loss. He wanted to confirm I was going to my share of work of exercise, proper Portion Control and life style habit changes. Then he said he would see me for surgery in approx. 45 minutes as the hold-up was the wait for the blood work results. Everything was great.

Ok, the good stuff....

I was told, "It is time" and rolled into the O.R. Everything was modern, tidy and sterile.

I had a nervous heart rate for about a moment and then I heard music, "Mony Mony, by Billy Idol", I smiled and commented. It was mood music for the anesthesiologist! I loved it! Then more tunes came up. Everyone introduced themselves and smiled. I noticed I had 3 Doctors and 2 nurses in the O.R. with me. The anesthesiologist put something in my IV line and I commented it was kind of cold and then I said wow, I feel good!

The next thing I know, I lift my head and I am looking around wondering when things were going to get started. I noticed I was in a different location, "Wait a minute" I thought, I lifted my gown and saw bandages. I missed it, they already finished! Ha ha :P I didn't feel neauseous or anything. I wondered how much time passed. I had everyone laughing with me afterwards. I was rolled back to my room. I immediately phoned my husband long distance with the phone in my room, and he was so surprised. He said Natalie had phoned him when I went into the O.R. and that was only 30 minutes previously! He said I sounded "stoned" but he was very happy to hear all was well. I made another quick call to a family member. I remember everyone posting to walk ASAP to help with reducing gas pain, so I walked pretty much immediately. I kept walking every 2 hours for 30-45 minutes and then rested up. I thought I was going to groove the marbled floors with my IV pole, and was wondering if the nurses thought I was a cooke! They understood why I was walking as much as possible. Through-out the night nurses rotated and checked my IV and gave me pain injections in my IV. I kept saying I was fine, but it was "Doctor's orders" along with antibiotics.

Dr. Joya checked on me in the early AM and said I was a perfect case. I had done my pre-op diet and didn't cheat, I lost weight from that and my liver was a normal size. He remembered my request for minimal incisions and had placed the port through my bellybutton. I had 4 small tiny incisions under my boobs and one minimal one on the bellybutton with sutures. I had an Allergan LapBand placed as my medical history was no problems and he wanted to make sure I had no problems with my band regarding slippage, etc. He wished me good luck and then I took a picture of us together for my records.

I showered up myself and had a liquid meal: tea, consomme, Jello, apple juice.

The hospital had the pharmacy fill my RX for antibiotic, pain, and Nexium tablets. The cost was approximately $94.00 US Dollars.

I returned back to the hotel. I changed into a bathing suit and lounged around the pool reading. It was great!

I found I had little gas pressure, but occasionally my chest felt it and in my back. Approx. 30 hours post op I was a little uncomfortable, so I took my meds and had chicken broth and went to sleep. No problems.

Dr. Espinoza came to my hotel room to check on me the next AM and remove the dressings. I looked great! He told me he had sutured me up and we laughed about my vanity of wishing little incision scars. I took a picture of him and I was given a written report and booklet of my band used for surgery to pass on to my after care doctor here in town.

I came home on the plane 2 days post op, not too bad a flight. I showed off my incisions and my husband was very impressed with the surgeons and my experience.

I totally am happy with my choices and highly recommend Dr. Joya in Puerto Vallarta!

Best of luck to all considering this choice of weight loss surgery. Remember to do your work as well and you should be very happy with your results. Don't cheat, you are only cheating yourself! :welldoneclap:

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Wow... Reading everyone elses stories really set me up for disappointment. My surgery didn't go so well. I got out and was having a really hard time with the anesthesia and the air/gas they pumped in. My surgery was on Monday, and I finally got out today. I was way uncomfortable and hot and started dry heaving. I wanted the surgery reversed was all I could think. Then I finally got things under control. With no help from the non existent nurses. I had a CT scan done because the doctor was worried I was having leaking due to a hernia repair. The tech had me take big gulps of dye, which I had only been sipping Water. Thegulps were horrible, but turned a corner for me. This morning I was up and at it, requesting to be discharged. Still have some gas discomfort but it'll pass. Stick with it folks. It gets better

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Wow... Reading everyone elses stories really set me up for disappointment. My surgery didn't go so well. I got out and was having a really hard time with the anesthesia and the air/gas they pumped in. My surgery was on Monday, and I finally got out today. I was way uncomfortable and hot and started dry heaving. I wanted the surgery reversed was all I could think. Then I finally got things under control. With no help from the non existent nurses. I had a CT scan done because the doctor was worried I was having leaking due to a hernia repair. The tech had me take big gulps of dye, which I had only been sipping Water. Thegulps were horrible, but turned a corner for me. This morning I was up and at it, requesting to be discharged. Still have some gas discomfort but it'll pass. Stick with it folks. It gets better

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Wow... Reading everyone elses stories really set me up for disappointment. My surgery didn't go so well. I got out and was having a really hard time with the anesthesia and the air/gas they pumped in. My surgery was on Monday, and I finally got out today. I was way uncomfortable and hot and started dry heaving. I wanted the surgery reversed was all I could think. Then I finally got things under control. With no help from the non existent nurses. I had a CT scan done because the doctor was worried I was having leaking due to a hernia repair. The tech had me take big gulps of dye, which I had only been sipping Water. Thegulps were horrible, but turned a corner for me. This morning I was up and at it, requesting to be discharged. Still have some gas discomfort but it'll pass. Stick with it folks. It gets better

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I was banded on 3/18/11 at Magee Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. My husband and I drove down the night before and stayed in a hotel across the street from the hospital, since I had to be at the hospital at 5:30am. I was nervous, since this was my first surgery ever. We arrived at the hospital at 5:25am and signed in. We were taken back to a second waiting room where they had a computer set up with internet access, tvs and magazines. My surgery was scheduled for 7:30am.

We were taken back and put in the pre-op room about 6am. I had to get undressed, give an urine sample, and get the heparin shot. They then put the massaging things around my legs and tried to start the IV. The aid couldn't get it, so the anesthesiologist put the IV in. He said I had tiny veins and was very nice. My surgeon and her resident came in to see me next and before I knew it, I was given something to relax in the IV. I gave my husband a kiss and told him to take care of my babies. I got to the operating room and a bunch of people moved me to the table. I was told to breath into a mast and that was all I remember until 10:15am waking up in the recovery room. I asked the nurse for another blanket and she got me a couple of warms ones and put them right next to me. She told me that the surgery went perfectly and I would be going to a room soon.

I remember going to a holding room where I got to see my husband and my sister in law. I was still drifting in and out until I got into a regular room. I stayed over night. Everyone at Magee took really good care of me. I got nauseated from pain medicine they were giving me and itchy. They gave me medicine for that. I had an upper GI before I left and a straight cath...not a pleasant experience but not terrible. Almost had to stay over another night because I couldn't pee. I wish I could say that I didn't have pain but I do and am still taking the medicine. Have been walking and still on the clear diet. Not too bad for my first surgery. Dr. Hamad is a wonderful surgeon and I would recommend her to anyone who lives in the area!

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I was banded on 3/18/11 at Magee Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. My husband and I drove down the night before and stayed in a hotel across the street from the hospital, since I had to be at the hospital at 5:30am. I was nervous, since this was my first surgery ever. We arrived at the hospital at 5:25am and signed in. We were taken back to a second waiting room where they had a computer set up with internet access, tvs and magazines. My surgery was scheduled for 7:30am.

We were taken back and put in the pre-op room about 6am. I had to get undressed, give an urine sample, and get the heparin shot. They then put the massaging things around my legs and tried to start the IV. The aid couldn't get it, so the anesthesiologist put the IV in. He said I had tiny veins and was very nice. My surgeon and her resident came in to see me next and before I knew it, I was given something to relax in the IV. I gave my husband a kiss and told him to take care of my babies. I got to the operating room and a bunch of people moved me to the table. I was told to breath into a mast and that was all I remember until 10:15am waking up in the recovery room. I asked the nurse for another blanket and she got me a couple of warms ones and put them right next to me. She told me that the surgery went perfectly and I would be going to a room soon.

I remember going to a holding room where I got to see my husband and my sister in law. I was still drifting in and out until I got into a regular room. I stayed over night. Everyone at Magee took really good care of me. I got nauseated from pain medicine they were giving me and itchy. They gave me medicine for that. I had an upper GI before I left and a straight cath...not a pleasant experience but not terrible. Almost had to stay over another night because I couldn't pee. I wish I could say that I didn't have pain but I do and am still taking the medicine. Have been walking and still on the clear diet. Not too bad for my first surgery. Dr. Hamad is a wonderful surgeon and I would recommend her to anyone who lives in the area!

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Hi everyone:

So I finally have a moment to sit down and let everyone know how its going so far. My surgery was done at Providence St. Josephs Hospital by Dr. Quilici in Burbank, CA ...so got up on the 24th of March around 5am, and the laxative I took the day before was still working...I was a little worried about that as I had to be at the hospital at 6am.....so we get there, check in to admitting, 30 secs later, sent up to the 2nd floor to surgery waiting room with the wife. A nurse comes out with in 3 minutes, and I leave the wife there. They will get her again just before I go in. So they take me in to the preop surgery room where they put me in some snazzy "bair paw" scrubs, which has a bunch of slots and holes for different devices to be attached to...I was not nervous at all until I started to change, then I felt myself getting very emotional for a moment, realizing there was no turning back now. I had to run to the bathroom again...came back and they hooked up a hose that blows hot air into my scrubs to keep me warm. They weighed me again, I had lost a total of 25 lbs in 2 weeks. There were 2 nurses in the beginning asking me numerous questions, and I reminded them that I wanted sutures, not staples...not a problem. Then the Anesthesiologist came over to me and introduce himself. I asked him if he could give me something to take the egde off and he said he preferred not to as the more drugs he give the harder it is to wake up. He was the one who actually put in my IV. After 1/2 hour of questions and what not, they allowed my wife to come in around 7:20. The presurgery room was hopping with tons of other patients getting ready for whatever surgeries were going on that day. 10 minutes later 2 nurses came with their masks and hair nets on, kissed the wife goodbye, and they started to wheel me. They took off my glasses right away, which started to panic me as I can't see very well. As they wheeled me down the long hallway, there was a nurse behind me asking me a bunch of questions, she put a hat on me as well, and there was a nurse in front of me...they kept saying to me we were going to do timeouts as we went into the room, they kept asking me my name, birthdate, and what I was getting done...I remember the hallway getting colder and colder as we entered the operating room....in there was the anesthesiologist, and 3 other nurses, the doctor was not there....I remember looking around and there were 3 massive plasma big screens, a bunch of bright lights and lots of other gadgets. They helped me slide over from one bed to the other. A nurse came up to me and started to strap me in with my arms out to my side....all I kept thinking was I felt like I was in that movie "dead man walking". I remember saying how I had to go to the bathroom, the anesthesiologist asked me if I wanted to go...I said I am not sure, but within 30 secs of that I could feel going through my body the medicine...I even smiled and said you tricked me...I then said how I have a real funny taste in my mouth and hearing him say, that is a good thing :P . Next thing I know I remember slowly opening my eyes around 9:15ish, I felt something covering my mouth still, pumping in oxygen, apparantly I was intubated and had tubes down my nose during the procedure. They asked if I wanted any drugs, I said no as I was trying to be the hero. about 45 minutes later they put me into my own private room, my wife showed up about 15 minutes later. I was not in that much pain. about a 1/2 hour later, I said I would take some pain drugs. I met my new best friend for the next couple of hours and it was called "Dilaudid". They gave me a very strong dose via IV, and I felt it instantly...I actually got scared for a brief second as I felt so high and started to giggle...2 minutes later, you could have done open heart surgery on me and I would have not felt a thing. She came in 30 minutes later and gave me some Vicodin Syrup as well, the nurse said they would work great together and they did...I dosed in an out for a while at the same time trying to sip Water. I was so thirsty. So around 1pm they said time to get up and goto the bathroom and go for a walk. I got up no problem, did 3 fast laps around the floor. They could not believe how fast and mobile I was. They were ready to discharge me if I wanted to, I told them no. The wife went to go get lunch, I sipped on some diluted apple juice while taking breaths on my machine which you take home with you. I walked a few more times throughout the day and they wheeled me out of the hospital around 5pm. They had shaved my entire stomach, I hadn't been that smooth since I was 12 years old, my wife liked it, said it made me look thinner...so I guess I will be lasering when the time comes. I was in almost no pain when I left. Who was I to kid myself....around 7pm, the pain started to kick in. Not too bad, just felt like a small baby with nails on it butt sitting on my chest and stomach. I could not lay down at all. We went for several walks in the evening which really didn't help. I kept taking Lortab every 4 hours, which helped a little. I tried to goto bed around 3:30am, but had to sleep sitting up. The wife has had to help me with everything, getting in/out of bed (bed is very high), putting on pants (can't bend down). So I woke up at 7am today, with a lot of bloating...I was driven back to my mom's house while the wife was at work...I have been miserable all day, I feel so bloated. I am supposed to be back on a full liquid diet, but all I had today was a sugarfree gatorade, some chicken broth...need to be getting in 48-64 ounces of liquid a day...have not been hungry at all. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. :rolleyes:

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I was banded 3-29-11

I was very scared, it was my first surgery.

I arrived at the hospital around 6 am. I checked in and a few minutes later the nurse came and got me. I changed into the gown and got on the bed. The nurse did her thing... started IV and fluids, etc etc.. asked me a bajillion questions. The CRNA came in and asked me questions and he asked if I had any questions. I said "Are you really going to intubate me?" He looked at me with the most seriousness and paused and then said "Yea, I am". The Anesthesiologist came in and had me sign consent. Next thing I knew my surgeon was coming in and that's when I knew it was real. It was about to happen. The CRNA gave me something to calm me down because I started tearing up.

I remember being wheeled to the OR and saw a line of people wearing green (the surgical staff), I said "Hello people" and then I went into the room.

I remember them telling me to scoot onto the table. They had given me more drugs and I spaced out but I happen to remember them putting a mask over my face and saying "this is oxygen". I remember thinking "theres nothing coming out of this"

Next thing I know I'm in the PACU and I'm hurting and feeling so sick. And I was burning up!

So.. to skip all this other blah...

I am 4 days post-op. I have been to the emergency room once and to see my doctor twice since getting banded. I have been feeling very nauseous and the doc gave me some meds to help counter-act that. Thank God it's helping... I just want this nausea to go away!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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