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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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Hello Fellow Band Members. I received my lapband on Thursday, February 3, 2011. During my pre-op diet, I lost 12 pounds and was looking forward to surgery. Surgery is a short-stay here in New Mexico. I checked in at 7:30 a.m. at the hospital. I met one of the nurses for the blood draw as well as the IV prep. I was also given my heparin shot in the tummy. Leg and ankle compression pads were placed on my legs. I met the doctor who would administer my anesthesia. She nicely outlined what would happen once I was given the anesthesia. (Of course, I don't remember anything). I also spoke briefly with my great surgeon, Dr. Sanchez-Geswaldo and nurse practitioner Ms. Bazinet before surgery, which was scheduled at 10:00 a.m. At 11:30 a.m. I was awaken in the recovery room and given my barium test to see how well the band was doing. Great! At around 12:15 p.m., my husband and I left the hospital for home. It was quick and of course, I wasn't in much pain because of the meds administered to me. When I got home, I kept myselft hydrated and walked, walked, walked around the living room. I didn't experience pain in the shoulders, which I contribute to the walking and hydration. I couldn't sleep in my bed, but I found a comfortable spot on the recliner and slept quite well. I didn't have any problem with voiding, but I knew there would be some Constipation. The following morning, I had a post-op appointment to see how things were going. Both my pain and nausea meds were doing great...I didn't need much. I did regain 4 pounds, however. Wasn't too happy about that, but it was due to the retention of liquids. Until the first BM, I should be back on track. My next post op appointment is in a week, on Friday, February 11, 2011. The next support group I'll attend is on Monday, Valentines Day, at 7:00 p.m. I understand quite a few folks attend this meeting.

It's been at least 48 hours since my surgery. I could now have what some of you referred to as mush. I started with room temperature Water and some no-calorie/no-sugar Vitamin water. Then, I had a thinned down serving of cream of wheat Cereal. It took about 45 minutes to eat, but I didn't experience any difficulty in swallowing and maintaining the meal. Later, I'll have blended Soup (no chunks of anything,..just blended chunks with the broth). And, then for my last meal, I'll have my bariatric Protein Drink, which I'll mix with silk milk. I plan to finish my water and vitamin water before retiring for bed. I will eat similar meals until my appointment on February 11, 2011.

I signed up for the BMI and weight tracking program. I'll add that next time.

Thank you for letting me share!

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I am so glad I came across your post! Dr. Sanchez is my doctor too and it is good to hear you had a smooth experience with her. That makes me much less nervous about my surgery in mid March.

Hello Fellow Band Members. I received my lapband on Thursday, February 3, 2011. During my pre-op diet, I lost 12 pounds and was looking forward to surgery. Surgery is a short-stay here in New Mexico. I checked in at 7:30 a.m. at the hospital. I met one of the nurses for the blood draw as well as the IV prep. I was also given my heparin shot in the tummy. Leg and ankle compression pads were placed on my legs. I met the doctor who would administer my anesthesia. She nicely outlined what would happen once I was given the anesthesia. (Of course, I don't remember anything). I also spoke briefly with my great surgeon, Dr. Sanchez-Geswaldo and nurse practitioner Ms. Bazinet before surgery, which was scheduled at 10:00 a.m. At 11:30 a.m. I was awaken in the recovery room and given my barium test to see how well the band was doing. Great! At around 12:15 p.m., my husband and I left the hospital for home. It was quick and of course, I wasn't in much pain because of the meds administered to me. When I got home, I kept myselft hydrated and walked, walked, walked around the living room. I didn't experience pain in the shoulders, which I contribute to the walking and hydration. I couldn't sleep in my bed, but I found a comfortable spot on the recliner and slept quite well. I didn't have any problem with voiding, but I knew there would be some Constipation. The following morning, I had a post-op appointment to see how things were going. Both my pain and nausea meds were doing great...I didn't need much. I did regain 4 pounds, however. Wasn't too happy about that, but it was due to the retention of liquids. Until the first BM, I should be back on track. My next post op appointment is in a week, on Friday, February 11, 2011. The next support group I'll attend is on Monday, Valentines Day, at 7:00 p.m. I understand quite a few folks attend this meeting.

It's been at least 48 hours since my surgery. I could now have what some of you referred to as mush. I started with room temperature Water and some no-calorie/no-sugar Vitamin water. Then, I had a thinned down serving of cream of wheat cereal. It took about 45 minutes to eat, but I didn't experience any difficulty in swallowing and maintaining the meal. Later, I'll have blended Soup (no chunks of anything,..just blended chunks with the broth). And, then for my last meal, I'll have my bariatric Protein drink, which I'll mix with silk milk. I plan to finish my water and vitamin water before retiring for bed. I will eat similar meals until my appointment on February 11, 2011.

I signed up for the BMI and weight tracking program. I'll add that next time.

Thank you for letting me share!

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Good morning (and an early morning. More on that to come)

I was really scared of surgery. I've had a csection and a laparoscopy before, so with the laparoscopy I was under general anesthesia. I knew what to expect, but was still afraid of it. It's a control thing. I hate the lack of control going under and coming out.

I was banded at New Hope Bariatrics by Dr Fearing in Kansas City. I went from seminar to surgery in under a month, because I was self pay. Surgery time was scheduled for noon and arrival at 9. When I got there, the nurse said I they were ahead of schedule, so I'd probably go in at 11. When I arrived I gave a urine sample to make sure I wasn't pregnant. The nurse took my temp, blood pressure, put the heart monitor leads and pulse-ox monitors on. She then did my IV, and did a FANTASTIC job. If you know you have better veins somewhere for an IV other than the top of your hands, let the nurse know. I knew this and she put the IV in my forearm with no paid or retries :) Also, no catheter.. woohoo!

I got my lovanox shot in the arm to prevent blood clots, and then the legs massage things were put on. I hung out watching tv with my husband until the anesthesiologist came to meet with me. Then 15mins later I got verced (good stuff) to relax me and 5 mins later I was taken to surgery. The verced helped calm me down.

During surgery, I had to have a hiatal hernia repaired since the dr was already in the area. Surgery was about 90mins, and I don't remember anything up. I napped back in my room for about 2 hours, and they got me up to pee and stand up.

I have 5 incisions that were closed with deep tissue sutures and dermabond on the top (medical super glue). I got a prescription for Lortab liquid for pain and Zofran for nausea.

Pain wise, the hernia fix hurts the most out of anything. Second to that is the left shoulder pain. Yesterday my pain never went above a 5 with the med. I've been getting up and walking around my downstairs at least once an hour and am constantly sipping on gatorade, Water and Protein Drinks. I went to bed with no problems and slept on my back, which sucks since I'm a stomach sleeper. I wok up at 5:30 needing to pee and in a lot of pain... from the hernia fix, again. I'd say my pain when I woke up was about a 9. My diaphragm hurts the most. Don't expect that unless you have a hernia fixed. Within 10mins the pain subsided from the lortab.

So now I'm relaxing, watching tv and enjoying the pain meds.

I;m an open book in case anyone has any questions!!


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I was really glad to find this thread - I wanted to share my very positive experience with others heading down the same road.

My surgery was at OSF Saint Anthony in Rockford, IL and my surgeon was Dr. Shayani.

I got up yesterday at the usual time and took a shower, being very careful to clean by belly button (my husband is a former OR nurse and I've heard horror stories of the stuff they find during scrubbing!) and folds. Got dressed in loose-fitting, comfortable clothes and slip on shoes with warm socks. Luckily, I had six months of dieting before the surgery and had lost almost 30# so I had plenty of loose clothes available. We left for the hospital about 8:30 for an 11 am surgery.

Check in was unremarkable then we were sent to surgery waiting for about 15-20 minutes before being brought back to the pre-op room. Once there, I changed into the blue gown (open in the back), the calf "massagers" and the treaded blue slippers before I got onto the gurney. The gown was then hooked to warm air blower - how great is that?!?! They covered my feel with a warmed blanket and reviewed my surgery with me. There was a TV in the room and my husband was with me. Very comfortable (aside from the fact I was starving and thirsty).

A different nurse then came in and started an IV. She numbed the area first so I never even felt it. :rolleyes: She also gave me an injection of heparin in my stomach (that did sting a lot but it passed after 15 minutes or so) and two pills (famotidine and metronidazole) with a teeny cup of ice Water. That little bit of water tasted sooo good! The anesthesiologist came in and introduced himself and asked a few questions as did the nurse anesthetist. I was ready to go!

We were then informed by the charge nurse that there would be about an hour delay due to some complications with the prior surgery. I dozed a while and used the bathroom while waiting. I admit, hearing that there was some trouble with the surgery before mine gave me a little bit of trepidation but not so much that I needed the Versed they offered. About 12:15 the OR nurse came and wheeled me off to the surgery room. I scooted from my gurney onto the surgery table and they gave me a nice support for my head and hooked up the EKG. They gave me an injection and put the oxygen mask over my face and I then was out until I woke in recovery.

When I woke up, I had a really dry mouth and a little abdominal soreness but it was really not bad. The nurses kept checking on me because I would drift in and out (I was so nice and warm and cozy, it was hard not to just sleep!). I looked at the clock when I first woke up and it was about two. They transferred me back to my original pre-op room about 2:45. There I was given a sip of water (heaven!) and allowed to sit up. I asked to walk around and visit the bathroom.

I did have some shoulder pain by now and the incisions were a little sore but walking seemed to help. I walked 15-20 laps around the nurses station and they decided I could go home. It was about 3:45. Stopped to pick up the liquid pain meds and I was home by 4:30.

Only attempted water and a little sugar free Jello and was in bed by 9 pm. The whole process was smooth and I am thrilled with how easy it all was. Looking forward to getting off the liquid diet next week, though!

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ok here we go..... hahaha

June 16th 2009 I was scheduled for surgery at 12:30 in the afternoon. I went into the hospital at 11:30 with my husband he of course stayed with me as long as he could. They brought me into a small room took all my vitals, had me change into an ugly gown, put some ugly slippers on my feet and started an iv.... the doctor came in a few minutes later and talked to me about the process and I of course started crying really bad, telling my husband I didnt want this anymore to just take me home. He told me that he wasnt taking me home becuase he knew I really did want this but I was just scared. Next thing I know I was waking up in the recovery room. When I woke up I felt like I was gasping for air so insisted that the nurse let me use my inhaler which she did to shut me up. I laid there about an hour then got up to walk around. At 4:30 I was half way home walked into the pharmacy with my husband to get my meds and sleep the rest of the evening away.

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I was banded on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 7:15 no 8:00 am, I had to be at the hospital at 5:15 am but my surgeon was late. I got banded and also had a hernia repair as well. I didn't know about the hernia repair until after the fact. I am a very hard stick since I refuse to bring my veins with me when I go to the hospital or doctors office. I hate needles with a passion but the nurse pressed on and inserted the biggest needle she could find just in case I needed blood or anything else life saving funny thing is I don't accept blood (my choice). Any way I was rolled into the waiting area and I had to wait so you go through the rounds of questions like when was the last time you ate food, pretty funny especially when you have been on a liquid diet for a while and you really can't remember when was the last time you actually had solid food. So off I go with a kiss from my hubby and a promise to see him later, he is also none to pleased that he has to carry a purple handbag, I guess purple is not in season for some. I am wheeled into the final waiting area since they have 2 separates areas it is a little like a car factory, as I am wheeled into the operating room, it kind of reminds me of those horror movies when a person is in the hospital and the hallways are long and you can never find an unlocked door the nurses are laughing at my analogies of different things I guess that is my nerves just reacting to surgery but I was really calm. As I had to scoot from one table to another which is kind of hard when you have an IV in your right hand when hurts like hell when you apply pressure and I am not sure about those OR tables they are kind of narrow, but I get on and we wait for the surgeon who by the way, has not arrived yet so they can't put me under. So I finally went under and the procedure was not bad. Yes, I was and still am in some pain but I had a hernia repair as well. I have tolerated liquid, and full diet with no problems. I did and still do have gas pain that go from my belly to my left shoulder but I use a heating pad at night and take some gas x. I walk a lot during the day and when I get tired I stop, I even had to drive because my hubby's truck broke down and I had to get him. My hospital stay was uneventful except drinking broth for Breakfast, lunch and dinner sucks big time and so boring but I see the progress that I am making and I am happy.

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My surgery was 02/22/11. I was scheduled to be there at 10am and surgery at 12noon. With LA traffic I arrived at 11am. After completing paperwork, I waited in a lobby. The lobby was full of people waiting to get adjustments. This was a great opportunity to ask questions. One lady was getting her first fill. Another wa in to get unrolled because she had been vomiting. Not to mention, she found out she was pregnant. Quite entertaining!

At 1 pm or so, the nurse called me back. She had a condescending aura. She ticked me off with her tone. She wanted to debate with me about my aspirin allergy. Am I allergic or not? Finally she was over it and brought in the gowning. I changed and she got IV started. Surgeon came in to check on me. Then, anesthesiologist comes in. It's like a parade of doctors.

I am escorted to the OR, where I am slowly put to sleep. Next thing I recall is waking up in recovery-freeing and in pain! The shivering makes the pain unbearable. They finally connect my gown to the heater. And I had to request something for pain. I start to feel better. Surgeon pops in several times to check on me.

When I'm feeling better, I'm released to go.

Currently, at day 3. Experiencing pain and nausea!

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I have been so blessed to have a wonderful experience getting banded. My surgery was Feb. 22nd. I arrived 3 hours before hand and they did the usual "before surgery" stuff. Gowning, urine test, heparin shot, IV, questions, etc.... Everyone was so kind and thoughtful.

I was taken to the room where the anesthesiologist and nurses got all things ready. I wore these wonderful foot pumps. Again, very kind and loving. We were laughing and chatting away. The doctor and his peeps came to see me and we all chatted and joked for a bit too. They started the meds and off to neverland I went.

I woke up in recovery, in a bit of pain, as expected and I was given some wonderful pain meds. No nausea or chills, just sleepy. About 1 hour after waking up in recovery I was taken to my room where I saw my hubby and friends. We hung out, laughed, chatted, walked, etc... Things went really well. I had another dose of pain meds but my discomfort was air, not pain from the surgery.

I was able to have Jello, Water, juice, popsicles and broth. Eating and drinking went just fine. I felt bad that the gal in the room next to me couldn't even handle jello. :( The staff at the hospital was AWESOME! It was also great to have the opportunity to encourage a girl who had RNY and was in alot of pain and wondering "Can I really do this". It was nice to talk with her and see her doubt turn into a "yes I can" attitude, and by the end of that day she was already feeling better.

I had an overnight stay in the hospital with a total of 3 heparin shots. The only discomfort I have is the air that is right under my rib cage, but this to shall pass. Walking is helping and I am going to get some gas x strips.

I seemed to have amazed the nursing staff, they all said that no one would ever know that I had surgery.

They rarely see this. I was able to sleep on my both sides with no problems, get out of bed and go to the bathroom and remove and put on the foot pumps all alone. It was all good. I am doing so well and feeling great. I don't need pain meds (haven't since day 2 in hospital), I am exercising (what they told me I can do for the first 2 weeks) eating is fine (although nothing tastes good) and I am walking around the blocks already. Well, not today we have a nice snow storm.

So far, so good! My experience up to this point has been great and I attribute that to the awesome doctors, there staff and the wonderful hospital!

Good luck everyone!!!


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I have been so blessed to have a wonderful experience getting banded. My surgery was Feb. 22nd. I arrived 3 hours before hand and they did the usual "before surgery" stuff. Gowning, urine test, heparin shot, IV, questions, etc.... Everyone was so kind and thoughtful.

I was taken to the room where the anesthesiologist and nurses got all things ready. I wore these wonderful foot pumps. Again, very kind and loving. We were laughing and chatting away. The doctor and his peeps came to see me and we all chatted and joked for a bit too. They started the meds and off to neverland I went.

I woke up in recovery, in a bit of pain, as expected and I was given some wonderful pain meds. No nausea or chills, just sleepy. About 1 hour after waking up in recovery I was taken to my room where I saw my hubby and friends. We hung out, laughed, chatted, walked, etc... Things went really well. I had another dose of pain meds but my discomfort was air, not pain from the surgery.

I was able to have Jello, Water, juice, popsicles and broth. Eating and drinking went just fine. I felt bad that the gal in the room next to me couldn't even handle jello. :( The staff at the hospital was AWESOME! It was also great to have the opportunity to encourage a girl who had RNY and was in alot of pain and wondering "Can I really do this". It was nice to talk with her and see her doubt turn into a "yes I can" attitude, and by the end of that day she was already feeling better.

I had an overnight stay in the hospital with a total of 3 heparin shots. The only discomfort I have is the air that is right under my rib cage, but this to shall pass. Walking is helping and I am going to get some gas x strips.

I seemed to have amazed the nursing staff, they all said that no one would ever know that I had surgery.

They rarely see this. I was able to sleep on my both sides with no problems, get out of bed and go to the bathroom and remove and put on the foot pumps all alone. It was all good. I am doing so well and feeling great. I don't need pain meds (haven't since day 2 in hospital), I am exercising (what they told me I can do for the first 2 weeks) eating is fine (although nothing tastes good) and I am walking around the blocks already. Well, not today we have a nice snow storm.

So far, so good! My experience up to this point has been great and I attribute that to the awesome doctors, there staff and the wonderful hospital!

Good luck everyone!!!


Wendy, You made me smile while reading your accounting of your day. I was at the support group meeting Tues night and said that we had met on line and that you had your surgery earlier in the day. The support group was really nice and informative. Keep up the good work-looking forward to my day next month.

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Wendy- so good to hear about your wonderful experience. My surgery is scheduled for next Friday, March 4th. cannot wait. I hope my experience is similar to yours! haha. Wondering-where are you located? Where did you have the surgery? I wondered with the snow storm :)

I have been so blessed to have a wonderful experience getting banded. My surgery was Feb. 22nd. I arrived 3 hours before hand and they did the usual "before surgery" stuff. Gowning, urine test, heparin shot, IV, questions, etc.... Everyone was so kind and thoughtful.

I was taken to the room where the anesthesiologist and nurses got all things ready. I wore these wonderful foot pumps. Again, very kind and loving. We were laughing and chatting away. The doctor and his peeps came to see me and we all chatted and joked for a bit too. They started the meds and off to neverland I went.

I woke up in recovery, in a bit of pain, as expected and I was given some wonderful pain meds. No nausea or chills, just sleepy. About 1 hour after waking up in recovery I was taken to my room where I saw my hubby and friends. We hung out, laughed, chatted, walked, etc... Things went really well. I had another dose of pain meds but my discomfort was air, not pain from the surgery.

I was able to have Jello, Water, juice, popsicles and broth. Eating and drinking went just fine. I felt bad that the gal in the room next to me couldn't even handle jello. :( The staff at the hospital was AWESOME! It was also great to have the opportunity to encourage a girl who had RNY and was in alot of pain and wondering "Can I really do this". It was nice to talk with her and see her doubt turn into a "yes I can" attitude, and by the end of that day she was already feeling better.

I had an overnight stay in the hospital with a total of 3 heparin shots. The only discomfort I have is the air that is right under my rib cage, but this to shall pass. Walking is helping and I am going to get some gas x strips.

I seemed to have amazed the nursing staff, they all said that no one would ever know that I had surgery.

They rarely see this. I was able to sleep on my both sides with no problems, get out of bed and go to the bathroom and remove and put on the foot pumps all alone. It was all good. I am doing so well and feeling great. I don't need pain meds (haven't since day 2 in hospital), I am exercising (what they told me I can do for the first 2 weeks) eating is fine (although nothing tastes good) and I am walking around the blocks already. Well, not today we have a nice snow storm.

So far, so good! My experience up to this point has been great and I attribute that to the awesome doctors, there staff and the wonderful hospital!

Good luck everyone!!!


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Wendy- so good to hear about your wonderful experience. My surgery is scheduled for next Friday, March 4th. cannot wait. I hope my experience is similar to yours! haha. Wondering-where are you located? Where did you have the surgery? I wondered with the snow storm :)

I hope that your experience, as everyone's, is as good and easy as mine too! What time is your surgery? March 4th is my first post op appointment. So excited!!

I live in a suburb of Buffalo, NY. We got a lovely snow storm yesterday, Friday, so I couldn't walk outdoors. :( I go to Synergy Bariatrics and Dr. Pham is my doctor. He is awesome and so informative! Love the man! I had the surgery done at Sisters Hospital in Buffalo. They all even asked me to come back and update them. I loved it there.

Good luck, less then one week and you'll be a bandster!! As soon as you can update and let us know how you are doing!!


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I was banded march 1st 2011 and let me tell you comsething i was so nervous. I really prepared myself for the worst they had to give me 2 different IV meds to calm my nerves because i was emotionaly a mess @ the thought of being put to sleep when they took me in the operationg room. When i woke up in recovery my belly didnt hurt @ all but OMG my chest was in so much pain from the gas, and no pain med would relieve the pain. The second they wheeled me into my room i was beggin the nurse to let me get up n walk which she wouldnt let me do because she wanted the anastisha to wear off some more, so i waited till she left n sent my cousin to find a different nurse n asked her to help me to the bathroom but instead i went strollin up the hallway LOL. needless to say i think my nurse was a little upset with me but man did i feel a little bit better. So i would get up and walk about every 30 minutes for 5-10 minutes @ a time each walk goin a little bit further. I got released the same day and the car ride home was the worst every bump in the road had me alomst n tears and seeing as we have a SUV that sits a little higher off the ground it was hard to get in and out off but thank god i had my hubby there to help. That nite I was up every 2 hours walkin i dont think anyone in my house got any sleep that nite. And you can forget about sleepin in your bed because I am still sleepin semi sittin on my couch LOL. Over all I would do it all over again if i had to because once i got threw my first nite it wasnt that bad its just been more so uncomfortable then anything after that and you experience all new kinds of sounds and movement that your stomach make. GOOD LUCK.

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I was just banded yesterday Wed. March 9, 2011, heres my story:

I woke up, showered, then we headed to the surgery center. I got there around 5:45am, and when I walked in they had me sign a bunch of papers. I sat in the waiting area about 5min. I was pretty nervous, but trying to stay calm. They called me to the back, I changed into a gown, and socks, then they hooked me up to monitors and took my b/p, temp, ekg, etc....then they put the compression devices on my legs. Next the anestesiologist(sp?) came over asked me the normal questions, then left. They started an IV, gave me pepcid in the IV(said it helpswith the acid after the procedure). At this point they allowed my husband to come sit with me untill the Dr. got there, so I called my kids to tell them I love them and would see them soon. I started to cry. A nurse came by and gave me Robinol, I am not sure for what, and I havent looked it up to see what it is. Then they told me it was time. My husband went back to the waiting area and I went to the operating room, slid on to the table, they covered me up. Then I asked the anestiologist what he was giving me, he said propafol(sp?) I said, I guess I will be out in 30sec then, he said less than that, heres some oxygen, and put a mask on me! Next thing I knew I was in recovery, and asked the time. It was 8:03am. I was in pain, but not to bad, I was nauseated however. They gave me meds through my IV. then got me up and walking around. I was very very groggy, and nauseated. From this point they sat me in a chair, then my husband came back, and they asked him to help me get dressed. I was home by 10:30am. Went to sleep, woke up and didnt feel that bad. The incisions hurt, but I really dont feel so bad. I have been up walking alot around the house, and I am shocked at how well I feel!! Not great, but not all that bad. Well thats my story!!!

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I was banded 10/31/2006. I was nervous but they gave me something to be comfterable.

When I was getting ready to go into surgery. I remember a nurse saying to me (WELL, ARE YOU READY FOR A NEW LIFE? I said YES ! ! !" The surgery room was all covered in comfortable white soft cotton. "This way they pick it up,and throw it away, so almost no chance of infection." I was very comfortable.They put me on a Morphine pump which I didn't want to use. They couldn't understand why???? I was still fine from the anesthetic....

Only mistake they made was I got a call at 7:30 the next morning telling me I had no Ins. for Nov. Well we pd. to take it for 1 more month, So I took the lady's name, phone number,and extension for them to call, and find out it was paid for, and they were wrong. By that time it was 9:00, and they said I would be paying for that day. So my husband packed me up, and I was just getting wheeled out when the pone rang. They said it's our fault, and it's all straightened out, so yes you have Ins., were sorry for the inconvenience. I told them were leaving, we were on our way out when you called. She got so shook up. I didn't want to hear about it. I was suppose have the weekend in there "HE DID 3 DIFFERENT SURGERIES ON ME THAT DAY, 3 HRS. ON THE TABLE.' I was sore, so we went home

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I got banded today! I checked in about 6:30 a.m. My story is pretty similar to the other stories on this topic. I was super nervous before the surgery but everything went smooth. When I woke up in recovery I was slightly nauseated, the nurse gave me something to help with that but it made me really sleepy. I kept asking the nurse if everything went ok and I didn't really believe I had the band in until they got me up to do the barium test/x-ray and I saw it on the monitor for myself. Then she told me to get dressed and I was released. I kept thinking that it seemed like I was going home fast but I didn't mind. I was home by 10:45 a.m and sleeping soon after. I am in some pain, to me it feels similar to when I had a c-section but I just make sure I keep on top of my meds. The pain hurts mainly when standing up and sitting down and taking deep breaths which feels weird.

It has only been hours since surgery and I am already playing on the internet so the whole ordeal must not have been that bad but of course it could be the drugs talking :)

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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