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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I had my surgery on 1/12/11, at UCI in Orange, CA. Dr. Nguyen was my surgeon. I arrived at 5:00 a.m. at the surgery desk. The hospital is brand new and beautiful. I went through admissions and then was taken to Pre-op to change and get my IV all hooked up. The chief Bariatric resident cam in to talk then the Anesthesia resident came in followed by the Anesthesia Attending and finally my Dr. This is a teaching hospital so there is always a group following the Drs. I told the anesthesiologist that I hadn't had prior problems with Anesthesia but that I am quite a light weight. He explained that he would give me something that would relax me and then we would go to the OR and I would scoot to the OR table. Weel, I kissed my hubby goodbye and they pulled my bed out of the cubicle and the next thing I remember was waking up in Post-Op in alot of pain. They quickly gave me pain meds and a morphine button and I felt much better quick. Very dry mouth. Eventually I was allowed ice chips and boy, they became my best friend. I was in the Post-Op a long time because they didn't have a room for me until late afternoon. Finally I was taken to a room and rested over night except for the vitals check every four hours and having to get up and go pee. I was released about 2:00 yesterday and cam home. Slept a straight 7 hours in my bed without waking but I dreamed alot. I had to get up and move to the recliner as the bed is too flat. I came home with pain meds but have only taken them a couple times. My pain is mainly when I get up and down. I'm going to rest today and try to to a bit more tomorrow. It's a weird feeling when liquid goes through your pipes. Also, I have alot of really weird noises going on in there.

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I arrived at the hospital at 9 AM as requested, filled out the paperwork, waited to be called back. Went back to the surgery prep area and was asked for a urine sample (kind of hard to give when you haven't been allowed to drink anything) for a pregnancy test (negative of course). Then was asked to change into a gown, hair net, and put all of my belongings under the bed so they would stay with me throughout my stay.

I had my IV inserted (the nurse numbed the area first with lidocaine - big sting), then put the heparin shot in my tummy, that hurt more than I thought it would, it lingered. Then spoke with my surgeon quickly and he said I should do fine, that I'm very healthy and should have no issues at all, which was nice to hear.

Then I went through my discharge instructions because I wouldn't have anyone with me after surgery other than my ride home.

After that I was given Pepcid through IV to reduce stomach acid, another chemical to empty the stomach (not a laxative), then spoke with the Anesthesiologist's assistant, then the Anesthesiologist. Then completed the final bit of paperwork then I was wheeled off.

All I remember is going through the doors and being told to breathe some oxygen and then I woke up around 2 PM and my pain was around a 5, bearable but definitely there. I was really dizzy and nauseated.

I asked to wait a bit before getting dressed so I could lose some of the nausea, they let me stay there for a while. I was really tired and kept closing my eyes and falling asleep. So they removed my nausea patch as it causes sleepiness. Then they got me dressed and moved to a recliner in another room after walking around and urinating.

I was given ice chips and that's it, which I was desperate for, very dry mouth.

After another couple of hours I was given my first dose of liquid pain meds, tastes horrible, and was given a wee bit of Water to wash it down.

I came home yesterday around 4:30 PM, my surgery was performed around 10:30 AM.

I am taking the pain meds, but they're minor - just liquid Tylenol 3 because Vicodin and Percocet don't do anything for me. I'm also taking Acetaminophen with Caffeine and Codeine pills, they're small and they work better than the liquid. The liquid also tastes like absolute hell.

I had no problems walking after surgery, there was a lot of pressure but no actual sharp pain.

When I got home I went straight to bed, I felt I couldn't keep my eyes open.

I slept well considering. I had to lay on my back, I could not move to either side and had to use my legs to move me around in bed. I got up a few times, every four hours or so to take meds. I took them at 7 PM, 11 PM, 3 AM, 7 AM, and then took pills at 8:30 AM.

Due to an injury when I was 12 my nerves are really sensitive so I'm feeling any twinge that happens.

I've had to remind myself not to gulp water but just to sip. I've had a sip of Aitkins chocolate shake for some calories, am currently sipping on Isopure Zero Carb. I feel like I need calories because I'm dizzy from low blood sugar. My blood sugar was tested at the hospital after surgery and was around 127, but they had been giving me some glucose. Normally it sits around 60 (low) and I'm being careful not to let it drop too low.

Today I'm feeling okay if I stay still, I'm very stiff in the shoulders, and neck, if I move my abdomen gets tight and I can feel the pain. It spikes at about a 6.

I did prop myself up in bed somewhat, laying flat hurt, and I've found I need a rolled up soft towel in front of my tummy to brace it, especially while sitting (which I'm doing now).

My office is downstairs so I had to do stairs today, they weren't too bad. I haven't gone back up them yet though. Fortunately I have a recliner and bathroom down here.

That's it for my op story for now. I'm crazy hungry but know I can't eat, which is frustrating. Hopefully the IsoPure will fill me up.

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Your stories have all been very helpful. Thank You all:)

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The hospital staff were super nice.

BUT I'm a fainter...and they took blood for a pregnancy test, then gave me a shot in the tummy (forget why) and gave me the IV all within a few minutes of each other....I was like "uhhh, I'm going down.....". !

The sensation of nearly fainting is very unpleasant. That was the worst part of surgery day for me.

That night I had to pee constantly due to the IV, and I was getting sick of no sleep as a result!!! Oh, and the Ice-chip dinner they give you is the bomb! NOT!

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I was banded two days ago 1/18/11. While I was in the hospital I experienced some discomfort from the gas bubbles trapped in my shoulder. The nurse gave me a heating pad and a couple of blankets which helped. I started walking the halls and eating ice chips after surgery.

Today I was driven to the mall, walked around for a bit, folded laundry, made some sewing repairs. I tracked all of my Muscle Milk, Instant Carnation and Water intakes. I've been using the breathing tool to do my breathing exercises. All is good so far. I'm taking Percocet, stool softener, & Nexium.

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Thank you all for your stories of surgery, it sure gives us all a little feedback of what to expect on our surgery day. After 3 years of trying to get my insurance to cover this surgery, my day has came. I am going in for surgery on Jan. 31, 2011 @ 8 am in Medford, Or., my doctor is Dr. Mark Eaton. It sure seems like from all of the stories the main problem is gas, nice to hear what you guys did in this case.

Thank you


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Ah, where to begin...

I was banded on Friday, January 21, 2011. We woke early and headed up to the hospital an hour and a half away. I went in to registration while my husband parked the car. I was quickly ushered to the check in area and told to undress. When I asked if I could go find my husband to let him know where I was, I was told I needed to get undressed now because my surgery had been moved up. Yikes! My husband walked in just then, so I changed into my gown and hospital socks, then watched as my husband stole 3 more pairs of hospital socks for home usage. I hopped on the gurney and a nurse arrived to start my IV. I patiently waited while she blew four veins in my hands before finally getting it right, all while mumbling to herself that I must be severely dehydrated. Actually, I had about four gallons of Water the day prior and you just suck at your job, but whatever. Luckily, I don't mind needles. That is, I didn't mind needles until the heparin shot they gave me in my stomach later that night after surgery. It would have been nice if they gave those shots before your stomach was incredibly sore...

Anyway, I kissed my husband and 11 month old goodbye and they wheeled me up to the pre-op waiting area. Once there, several nurses came by and asked me a myriad of questions, I met with the anesthesiologist, and my surgeon stopped in to answer a few questions I had. Before I knew it, I was being wheeled to the operating room. As they were taking me in, I was given something to help me "relax". Once we arrived, I scooted onto the operating table and commented on how many machines the room had. It was explained to me that this was normally a cardiac suite, and I suddenly blacked out. I was a bit surprised by this later, as I usually get to do a little count down when being put under. I woke up in recovery rubbing my eyes and being told by the nurses that I did great and to stop messing with my eyes! I was not in any pain, just very groggy. My throat was dry as bone and I desperately wanted water, but all I could have were a few ice chips fed to me as if I was a baby by some nurse. I wasted no time in asking how many incisions I needed, as that was a primary concern of mine before surgery. I was told I just had one incision in my belly button. I peeked down my shirt and saw a second mark just under my sternum, and the nurse said "oops". It wasn't bad, however, just the tiniest little scratch of an incision which was needed to flip back my liver. All in all, I was very pleased with the lack of scars I'd end up with. The belly button incision really is invisible.

My doctor stopped by shortly afterward and showed me pictures of my stomach with the band on it and my liver. I think I said something like "creepy" and he patted me on the shoulder and left. I called my husband and asked him to come back once I was put in a room, then told the nurse I needed to use the restroom. She brought me a bedpan, to which I said no thank you, and talked her into letting me get up and walk to the restroom. This was about an hour after waking up, and I had no problem walking around. Another hour or two passed before they had a room ready for me, but I arrived to see my husband and son waiting for me, so that was nice. By the time I arrived in my room, I was in some pain, and they began giving me IV pain medicine. It didn't really help, however, and by about 2am I was in severe pain. I had a lot of gas pain, which I've experienced before and recognized, but I was also incredibly sore from the belly button incision and port placement; I was also feeling a tremendous amount of chest pain. Walking only made it worse. I was also coughing quite a bit and that didn't help. I couldn't sleep throughout the night, and by morning had developed two black eyes (don't know why).

Headed home around noon on Saturday. The ride was bumpy and horrible. I was nauseated but maintained and climbed into bed as soon as I arrived home. Actually, I weighed myself before climbing into bed and saw that I had GAINED 8 pounds in the hospital. Awesome. Icing on the cake. Saturday night I began coughing up blood and my pain was at an all time high. I was getting chills as well. Called the on-call doctor who told me to double up on pain meds and get some sleep. Tried to sleep but couldn't and had run out of the limited supply of pain medication given to me by Sunday evening. Still felt awful Monday morning and finally went back to the hospital to be seen about the blood and pain. I was examined and told that the swelling caused by my band was severe, so they put a needle in my port and emptied the band completely...having it emptied really hurt my chest as I was still healing, but the needle going in wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was told the coughing up of blood was caused by intubation, which I suspected. They gave me more pain medicine and sent me home. They said my band could be refilled once I had healed a bit and the swelling had gone down. I headed home and finally managed to get a good night of sleep.

Today I feel much better. I'm still sore, but I'm not crying and hating my life anymore. This is the first day I've felt as though getting the band wasn't the biggest mistake of my life. I had what I thought had been the worst abdominal surgery ever earlier in the year, and the band was far worse. I should note that I have a pretty high pain tolerance as well. I was just very shocked by how bad it was, considering all the stories I had read about other people. I guess I expected it to be easy...don't make that mistake!

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I had my surgery yesterday January 25th, 2011. My origional surgery time was 2:00 pm, but they had a cancellation, so the day before I was called and told to be there at 10:30 am for a 12:30 pm surgery. I had to take osmoprep the day before surgery to clean out my intestines for some reason, and was happy when my last dose of that was taken.

The next day I woke up at 6:00 am and showered and scrubbed myself down with dial antibacterial soap as instructed taking a good 5 min. on my abdominal area. I packed my bag for the hospital with a robe, my slippers, camera, glasses case, baby wipes, and a few other little things I thought I may need. I headed for the hospital and got there early around 9:45 am and checked in early at 10:00. I was sent to surgery waiting and wasn't called back to get ready for surgery untill 11:45.

When I was called back I was made to pee for a pregnancy test, take all of my jewelry off and out, and put on socks and leg pumper-things that help circulate your blood while in surgery. My nurse told me she had heard they felt good, but not once did I feel mine pump. haha. I was given an I.V. in the bend of my elbow and a heparin shot in my belly. I was so nervous about the shot that I may have been more nervous about that than surgery itself. It didn't hurt at all. Not even a little sting for me. =)

after another hour of waiting in the surgery prep area my fiance and best friend from high school were all taking pictures and talking when my surgeon, anesthesiologist and 2 nurses that would be in the room came to introduce themselves and be sure that I didn't have any other questions. I asked a few, but everything was all set and I would be heading back. They gave me what my anesthesiologist called a "margarita" and I slurred all of my words together while saying "Wow I didn't even feel that till just now" LOL. They wheeled me back and had me climb onto a table which I vaguely remember. I remember putting my head on what felt like a wooden board or.....something like that, and stretching my arms out to the side. They put a mask on my face and put my feet up against something and asked me if I was ready to take a nap. I remember nodding while my eyes rolled back in my head.

My surgery began at around 1:15 pm. (a little behind schedule) and was done at 2:00pm. I didn't wake up until 3:00 and was MISERABLE. I have never been in so much pain. I still had a mask on my face, and I felt that the mask was making it hard to breathe. I couldn't take a deep breath anyways because of the unbearable pain in my stomach when I did. I told my nurse that I was in pain and she kept the morphine coming, but it barely touched my pain. I don't understand why...

I was told that once I could tolerate ice chips and urinate that I would be able to leave. I spent from 3-5:00pm in recovery. I was never take to another room or offered any broth or tea or anything lol. I wish. It was rather busy actually. When I finally could get up and put my clothes on my incisions were oozing. =/ They were covered with some dressings and I finished dressing and finished everything needed to go home and drove to a wal-greens to pick up my liquid loritab for the ride home. I also picked up a liquid Vitamin and some gas x strips.

I lost 20 lbs on my pre-op diet all together, and after coming home from surgery the day of, I had gained 10! My recovery is slow going although this is only day 2 haha. I am in horrible pain still and have gas to get rid of that wont go away. I've tried walking, gas x, a heating pad to my shoulder, (where my gas pain is) and nothing has helped so far. A few little burps...that's it though.

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Don't even look at the scale! That's all those IV fluids. You will do AWESOME~!

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my story has disappered on my twice so I'll write more late. :(

Ok, trying this a third time.

Had surgery on Jan 25. Went into the hospital a little early and was told the surgeon was running ahead of schedule. Cool! So stripped down, in to the johnny, iv in, fluids started swallowed the adavan (mmm relaxed). Got tons of meds for anti nasea and a shot in the belly for the blood clots. My little leg balloons were put on and not too much later, after a quick chat with the Anathesiologist (she says I got an A+) I was on my way. I only remember getting into the OR and thinking it was very busy! Lots of people milling around. Then that's it. Don't remember anything after that. My recovery I don't remember much about either. I do remember having to go to the bathroom really bad. They were not really hurrying so I had to remind them I had to go. They didn't want me trying to get up so they had to slip a bed pan under. Well by that time I really had to go! I think I overflowed it. Nurses had to clean up a mess. Oops. LOL. Sorry TMI... Then a bit later I remember one of the nurses walking me to the bathroom. I went again a lot. That's what they get for pumping me full of liquids. My husband and daughter visited me in the recovery room, but I don't remember. I do remember them visiting once I was settled into my room for the night. Pain was not bad. I did use that button though. When I got home, I was using the Roxicet and either that or something they gave me in the hospital caused an all over rash. :( Stopped the Roxicet, but am still in pain. Tylenol and advil don't really touch it. The gas is much much better. That was most of the pain. Not the gas they pump into your abdomen (although still have a little of that lingering) but the gas in my bowels. I ended up taking a ton of gas X strips and then took stool softeners and a gentle laxitive. Yesterday FINALLY I was able to pass gas and move the bowels. I know again TMI, but it was such a relief!!! I wasn't able to belch or the other it was just stuck and I felt like I was blowing up like a balloon.

It is now day 4 post op and I feel better. As stated I still have some lingering pain. I had a hiatal hernia which I think is the cause of the shoulder pain. Outside of that, I feel great. Ok, off to take a shower.


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@Tori (happygirl65) thank you very much lovely!!!! You'll do great yourself. I cant wait to eat regular food and get this diet and exercise thing started!

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I was banded on 1/31/11. Everything went really well and the whole staff was very encouraging. I was happy not to have a cathader! I am sore but definitely not the worse pain I've had. I'm a type 1 diabetic on the pump and that all went smoothly as well. Surgery was done at 8 and I went home at 12.

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I was banded on 1/31/11. Everything went really well and the whole staff was very encouraging. I was happy not to have a cathader! I am sore but definitely not the worse pain I've had. I'm a type 1 diabetic on the pump and that all went smoothly as well. Surgery was done at 8 and I went home at 12.

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Hello Everyone,

I had my surgery on Thursday, Feb 4th. Woohoo! Thank God everything went well. I've had other surgeries but was still nervous about this one.

I went in at 10:30am. I changed into my wonderful gown along with my stylish stockings (for circulation). Then I was preped with my IV and cleaned up with my special wipes. Shortly after my doctor came by to check on me and go over any last questions. I also met the rest of the surgical team along with the students that would be observing. So many people which were all very nice and comforting. Soon enough the nurses came by and put on my leg balloons (again for circulation) and rolled be off to the surgery room. I was switched over to the operating bed and straped in. As they were straping me in, I remember my anestysiologist and poof! that's it, I was out. Next thing I remember was waking up in the recovery room. I wanted to stay awake so bad and couldn't. I kept dosing off. I stayed there for about an hour and was taken to my room. They gave me my own private room with a big screen tv, cable and a dvd! It was awesome. I continued to dose off and on until my husband and children arrived. They were a little afraid of seeing mommy sick but realized I was ok. They didn't stay long since I couldn't keep myself awake much. I told them just to go home and I would see them the next day. I did get to have some broth, juice and Jello. Was full right away so I didn't finish any one of the items. Fell asleep again for about another 7 or 8 hours. Woke for a little bit and again, back to sleep. All in all, the nurses were wonderful. They continously gave me my drugs in my IV so the pain level was low the whole time. I was also given a couple of shots in the belly to prevent blood clots. They weren't painful at all. I did have some really bad shoulder pain. Not sure what that was from but as long as the drugs were there the pain was tolerable. I came home yesterday. I still had the shoulder pain last night but am much better today.

Everyone was great at the hospital and very encouraging! I'm glad I finally was able to put up my post and join everyone else. Good luck to everyone and let's have a great journey!


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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