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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I was banded 6/9/10 by Dr Ortiz at the Obesity Control Center in Mexico. I flew into San Diego on Southwest Airlines from Houston and was met in baggage by the driver from the Obesity control center. Since I landed after 12pm we went directly to the Mariott Hotel and it was Very nice. I have to say Dr Ortiz's office is literally right across the border and i mean literally about 500 feet you go threw the toll booth thing from USA entering Mexico and the office building is right there. you can actually see the traffic on the other side of the road waiting to get back into the USA from his office. So i tell people i went to San Diego, close enough! :scared2: When I arrived at the hotel I got unpacked and headed right for the pool. After a quick swim my friend and I went back to the room and got dressed for my last pre band meal of rib eye steak and veggies it was so good. 6:30 am in the lobby and the Marriott driver was ready to take us to the Dr Ortiz office. Once arrived i was in shock at how nice the office was I must say i did have a pre conceived notion of what i might expect going to Mexico and the office was more like a day spa. I was called back to meet with the nutritionist and she weighted me in at 224 down from 235 pre opt diet. From there i met the anthologist who talked with me and ran some tests and blood work, then it was off to my room where i got this ugly dress thing with no back. I sat in my room for a while and we watched the video of Dr Ortiz on Oprah and "the Doctors" and soon after that Dr Ortiz walked in and i was kinda star struck. He is such a cool laid back guy, we sat and talked for a while and he answered all of my questions. I cant think of anytime in the USA that a doctor has sat with me and spent so much time. The nurse came in and wheeled me into the operating room, I then got onto the O.R table and had lots of people all around me talking and hooking me up to wires. I remember laying on the table and looking up at the bright lights and my ears started to ring and i asked "am i going under now are we starting":eek: ? and then i heard a voice say how are you feeling? It was over i was banded :thumbup:. I was up and walking around about 1 hr after surgery which is odd because I have had other surgery and the anesthesia usually keeps me feeling crappy for a while, I asked Dr Ortiz if this normal to feel this "ok" he said they use a real high quality anesthesia in Mexico with a mix of tequila ( a joke) . but Im not sure what they used but no side effects at all. That night I had frequent visits from the nurse and she gave me meds every few hrs and Popsicle's. I stayed in the Dr's office that night and all thru the day. A special note, a friend was banded in Houston and he was send home the same night night, I felt good that i was being lookd after every few hrs. The next afternoon I was back to the Marriott for a day of rest and recovery. The recovery day at the hotel was the worst day of the entire process, I started feeling very Hungry and the area where my port was located hurt. I flew home the next day and the flight home was ok i just seemed to be peeing a lot not sure why. I arrived home safe and sound and my biggest pain was the pain i felt from that damn port. the first two nights at home were bad i took pain meds every 6 hrs but as the days progressed it felt better and better each day and today (10 days out) it feels 90% better. I returned back to work five days post opt and felt ok. I absolutely HATE, HATE, HATE:cursing: the liquid diet Dr ortiz makes you do 21 days of liquids. but the good news is i am at the 1/2 way point and trying to stay strong. My experience with going to Mexico has been great, I have a few different doctors here in Houston that will do my fills but have chosen to go to a Dr in College Station who does them under fluoroscope. Is going to Mexico for everyone NO way. I was a lower BMI of 36 and my insurance didn't cover me. I paid $6,000 total price which includes 3 nights in the hotel and transfers to the Airport, a savings of about $7,000 if it was done in the USA. If you pick Mexico MAke sure you have a Fill Doctor lined up in the USA unless you want to go back to Mexico which i was surprised how many of his patients do.

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Finally, got banded on June 18th. My surgeon had an out of town emergency and wanted to postpone it till the 25th because he would not be there post-op. But if I was ok with that then he would go ahead with the procedure. I was ok with it, and actuall ready to get it done, because it had already been rescheduled twice. Everything went well this time. In an out without incident. Stayed overnight and the Howard University hospital bariatric staff looked after me like I was family! It was really great. I came drove Saturday afternoon and was shopping and everything. I feel great no complaints. I thought the gas pain was hype...but it wasnt! But once the extra internal pressure was released I was fine, and am doing very well.

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I was banded yesterday June 28th. Really could not have gone smoother. I have gone for several walks and the incision site is sore especially when I get up and down but otherwise seems to be going well. Cant wait to get through this all liquid phase.

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I made it fellow bandsters. :)

I arrived at the hospital at 5am, walked in and straight to the pre-sugical room, changed and then had to wait. The lady came to me regarding my co-pay and sighing that other scary papers. The did the IV, blood work, ekg and x-ray all while my hubby was napping. Was outside my OR at 7:15 am and watched them prep my room. Everyone was nice and supportive my doc was a little agitated b/c the other staff wasn't on time and ready to go.

Went into the OR about 7:30am, they gave me some "relax u" juice, put the mask on me and it was night night time. When I was coming too, I did feel the tube coming out of my throat, it didn't hurt just felt them remove it.

Went to recovery and was there 4ever!! I was in a good deal of pain and when my hubby came back all he saw was his wife w/tears streaming down my cheeks - that set him off a tad but by the time he had gotten there they had given me some pain meds 3 or 4 times and explained to him that they had to space it out in increments or I'd stop breathing. Finally got the pain under control.

Then they took me to x-ray again and I had to drink the dye and saw it on the monitor as it went down. I thought I was gonna gag on that stuff but by noon it tasted like a mimosa!!

From there to my room where I walked to the restroom and couldn't have anything to drink until about 4 or 5pm. Talk about thirsty. A few teaspoons of broth and I was full. Drank diet lemonade and Water after that point. Didn't sleep well at all that night, was up and down - to the bathroom and walked the halls and back to bed.

I was discharged early this morning w/a grocery bag of meds. My gas pain was pretty bad right after surgery but it was lots better soon after.

I'm home, stomach still bloated, still running to the bathroom to get the Fluid off, throat hurts, some discomfort and pain but not bad. I only have 4 incisions. 3 small and one w/the port. I was able to swallow my HBP pills and other medication w/no problem.

They also gave me a binder....anybody else get one? I have to wear it for 2 weeks, it just wraps around and velcro closure & it fits from under my breast to below my waist.

Now I'm just a little paranoid that I'm drinking too much and/or not getting enough protein; I'll get it together, it's only day 2.

Thanks for all the support bandsters!!!:)

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I am now banded! My surgery was yesterday (6/29/10)! I was scheduled to be at the surgery center at 7:30 and my surgery was scheduled for a 9am surgery. The dr was running a bit behind and then I got bumped because someone was gripping about being there too long, needless to say I finally got wheeled in the OR at 11:15. At this point I was starting to get a little nervous thinking to myself OMG, this is really happening! So we got in there and the Anesthiologist gave me some "happy meds" and then I got to get on the OR table, they strapped my arms out to the sides of me and then it seemed like 2 seconds later I hear someone say "are you ready?" and as I said "uh hu" I was out! The next this I know I was waking up in the recovery room moaning in pain, my left shoulder was killing me and my stomach was a little sore. they gave me something through my IV and kept trying to get me to open my eyes. After I was more awake the nurse had me get up and walk a little and then went to the xray for the barium swallow test (yuck!). After that I got to rinse my mouth out with Water and take little sips. I then got to get dressed and be sent on my way! (note to those women who are having this done, you probably wont want to put your bra back on after, so wear a dark shirt).

My only complaints so far is the liquid pain and anti-nausea meds. Also, walking helps a lot with the gas pains!

Good luck to all of you whom has made the decision to change their lives! I am looking forward to being a big loser and living a new healthy life!

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I was banded yesterday, 6/29 too and you can read about it here!!

Sorry, too lazy to type it out again! :)

Diary of a (Former) Fat Chick: As a matter of fact, I AM with the Band!

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I too was banded 6/29/10. My surgery was scheduled at 10...I was finally being wheeled into OR around 1:30! Nurse said dr is always running late, and if you're not one of the earliest scheduled, you get pushed later and later.

I wasn't scared at all. IV took 2 nurses to try and put it in. I was so cold, finally told them to wrap my arm in a warm blanket (learned this trick for another surgery). Worked like magic, and was able to get the IV in. Anesthesiologist came in an gave me my happy meds. I remember being wheeled into the OR, the had some good music on and I was dancing to it, laying down on the gurney. Kind of funny!

The worst part is the nurses in post-op. They're so mean! Don't touch your eyes, don't rub ur face, no you can't have any Water, wake up!!! I was ready to smack someone! I must have been awake for just a little while, and already getting me into a wheelchair and taking the bed away. I felt ok. I finally went to Radiology and drank that nasty barium. At that point I was so happy to have something in my mouth I didn't care that it was so gross! Went back to the post-op area. Waited for ok on the xrays and then given my 5 med cup fulls of water spaced out over 10 mins. I drank them all fine. Then I had to pee before they'd release me. Sat for a while on the toilet, and tried to force myself to go. I'd say after 20 mins or so I finally did.

Then I was wheeled out. If you remember, ask them for a cup of ice or water for the way home. My mouth was soooo dry. My hubby finally stopped at a fast food place and got me a cup of ice. It was the worst feeling.

Got home and slept off and on. Laying on my side with a pillow propped against my stomach was the best way to sleep. Felt better on day after, but still sore. I feel a lot better today, but still funny feelings in the chest area. Walking has really helped, and sipping water constantly throughout the day.

So glad this part is done, and now I can begin my journey!

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I too had my Lap Band Surgery 6/29/10. I had to be at the hospital at 1:00 pm for a 3:00 scheduled surgery ( I was the last one for the day), but got there around 12:30 p.m. ( I was little anxious) . It was 2:00 before they called me back to pre - op area. Once I got changed into my beautiful tie in the back gown, the nurse asked me a few questions then gave me a shot in my stomach. (Blood thinner). Pretty soon the Anesthesiologist came in and asked me a few questions and explained what he would be doing once we got the OR. My Dr. arrived next, asked a few questions and said we would be getting started soon.:thumbup:

I was a little scared, but knew I was going to be ok. The OR nurse came to get me. Once we got to the OR she helped me schooch onto another bed. ( I remember this bed being very narrow). She told me to put my arms out to my side and BOOM thats all I remember!!

Next thing I know I am in recovery and it is about 4:30 ish. I fell fine, NO pain, just alittle sore throat. I am taking up to my room about 6:00. Very thirsty, but told I can not have anything to drink until G I test is done in the morning. But I was given some swabs to suck on. They did help. Dosed in and out until about 12:00 am when I turned the tv off. Only remember using PC a couple of times during the night. Pain not as bad as I thought it would be. Woke up at about 5:30 am experiencing a little more pain. Had GI test about 8:00 and at 9:30 given the ok for ice chips. I tolerated the ice just fine. Had lunch consisting of chicken broth, herbal tea and crystal light. Went down ok although by the time I finished broth was cold. Still tasted good though. I was released to go home at 3:00pm at have been home less that 24 hours. Feel great, just a little tender at port site. liquid diet is keeping me full. Took regular BP meds by mouth this morning as well as chewable vitamins and chewable calcuim. Wish I could poo though (usually go 2 to 3 times a day) lol. Can't wait to take a shower tomorrow either. Very happy with my experience thus far!!!!:)

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Well time to give you all my surgery story. I saw the Dr. the day before surgery (Mon.) and found I lost 12.6 pounds on the Optifast pre-op diet. Then they told me I could eat that day!!! Yippee!!!! Had a sensible lowfat chicken salad. We picked up my daughter from the airport that night as she was coming to do the driving. My mom has macular degeneration and can't see. Tuesday morning, the 29th I was to arrive at the hospital at 12:30 for 2:30 pm time. Arrived at 12:15 and taken to a pre-op area where I answered more questions, got my IV and Lovenox injection and signed more papers. My mom and daughter were allowed in with me. We were in there until 4:30 pm and I watched others going off to surgery. I was told my Dr. ususally runs behind and he was really behind this day. Finally at 4:30 pm they wheeled me to pre-op holding area and my mom and daughter went to the family waiting room. They got very worried about 6 pm wondering why they hadn't heard anything. They thought I should surely be done by now. The nurses then called the family room and told them I hadn't even gone in yet. They decided they had enough time to go get something to eat. In the pre-op holding area but butt went to sleep and my tailbone was killing me from laying on that stretcher all that time. The nurse adjusted the stretcher and got me warm blankets for my back which felt SO GOOD!!!!! Finally my Dr. popped his head in and said very soon and then the anesthesiologist came by and asked a few questions. He then wheeled me into OR-2 with the scrub nurse at about 7 pm. After a few minutes he put a lightweight mask on me (didn't even hold it down) told me to take a deep breath and I was out by the third. Woke up in PACU with nurse shelly telling me to wake up. I remember saying to her "did I get it?" She said yes it was all over and I did very well. Asked to rate my pain which I figured was a 3 so she gave me morphine twice. By 8 pm I was in my room and mom and daughter were there to greet me. I was told I would not be getting a barium study or xray. They brought me ice chips and kept asking if I had pain or nausea. Nope to both! Then I slept the rest of the night off and on. In the morning they took off the pump stockings and I walked the hall and peed for them. Breakfast was broth , sugar-free popsicle, Decaf tea, Jello and some sugar-free cranberry juice. I got a few sips of broth down and the popsicle and part of the tea. Not hungry at all. Left at 11 am for ride home. Gas pains were there but more like pressure. Just so darn sleepy. Slept most of day. Got a doozy of headache but assumed it was because I didn't drink the gallon of fluids they wanted me to have. Tylenol elixir took care of it. Today is more bearable still. Just some pressure and sore. Sneezed and coughed a few times. Just hold that gut!!! Went through the papers they sent me home with including the one from LapBand themselves. My Dr. posts a diet alert sheet to the diet booklet that states he believes you can lose more weight by folllowing his plan instead of theirs. It's strictly Clear Liquids for two weeks and that means no Protein or milk added. Week 3 and 4 I can add in cream Soups, pulpy juices and Protein Drinks. Week 5 and 6 will be mushies and then the protein diet itself which cuts out all yogurt, sugar-free puddings and products period and no protein drinks whatever, just solid foods. Got me kind of bummed out what with all the restrictions! But right now I'm taking it one day at a time. All the nurses I encounter were extrememly polite and helpful and encouraging. Couldn't have asked for a better staff. It's all over and I'm on my way!!

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good morning! i had my lapband yesterday 7/12. i got to memorial hospital in jacksonville at 08:15 for a 10am surgery time. i really like that hospital. they have free parking and free valet parking too so you just pull up, get out and go in. the lobby has a babygrand piano that plays by itself. it's very relaxing. the food there for guests runs on the high side though. anyway, i was preregistered so i just checked in, got my arm band and went straight over to outpatient surgery. i had to give a urine sample for a pregnancy test. which i knew would be negative. my baby just had his own baby on 72. then had to wait in the lounge for about 15 minutes or so. i got called back to the back area and they told my family in 45 min they would be able to come back and see me.

i had to get completely undressed and put on compression stockings. once i got into the bed, they gave me warm blankets and put on the leg compression machine. it was like a leg massage, very enjoyable. i also got a shot of heparin in my belly. my doc is very concerned about blood clots. in order to put in my iv, they first shot up my hand with lidocaine to numb it. only problem the lidocaine shot burns and since she got my iv in in just one poke i would have rather not even had the shot. they took some blood to check my potassium since i'm on blood pressure medicine and they ran the iv with an antibiotic and then my husband and son got to come back and visit. by then it was about 9:45. of course there was paperwork to sign and questions to be answered. the dr. cywes came by to talk and he had his new partner with him, dr. mcclure. he's a young guy and seems very nice. then the anesthesiologist came by. i got my little silver hat on and then it was off to the operating room around 10:15.

once in the or, i got strapped in and had to take some deep breathes and then woke up in the recovery room. apparently, my oxygen sats were in the high 70's, which is low. they put on an oxygen mask, told me to take deep breathes and took a chest xray. i had a little trouble catching my breath but it finally settled down. they asked if i was in pain , i nodded yes and they gave me something in my iv. i got pain meds twice. when i finally fully woke up it was around 1:00. i was given ice Water and then they got me up to walk around the recovery area twice. i was put in a recliner chair and taken to another room where my family could come back and see me.

the doctore came by to see me again and also the bariatric lady from the hospital. i was given pictures of my surgery, instructions, prescription for loratab elixer and phenergan for nausea. i had a little gift bag. they brought a meal try of sugare free Jello, chicken broth, and juice. i also got iv morphine, another antibiotic, and zantac. i got up to go pee and basically just waited to make sure everything was ok. we didn't get out of there till 7pm. we went and picked up my prescriptions and made the two hour trip home.

i took one dose of the loratab and went to sleep in the recliner. this morning the air bubble pain has mostly gone away except for a little in my right shoulder. last night it was in the left side and much worth. i haven't had to take any more pain meds, just take it easy. the worst part right now is having to crush my meds and eat them with jello. it's gross. i have to wear my compression stockings through today and then i can take a shower tonight. my diet right now is still liquids for a few days but i'm making it fine. good luck to the rest of you!:grouphug:

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My day started out just fine. I got to the hospital at 8:10 am and was taken right into the pre-op room, where I changed and then my sister came and sat with me. They gave me a shot in the stomach, put my IV in, I talked with a few people and then off to surgery. Next thing I remember is being in the recovery room and every one around me asking about my low heart rate and very low blood pressure. Then I would fall back to sleep. Appratently, I was very sick. From what my sister says is that when they went to do the banding, I had a hiatel hernia which needed to be removed and that caused some issues. After I was well enough (about 4 hours) they took me to a room to spend the night. Very uncomforatable bed, but the nursing staff was wonderful. I didnt sleep at all. They finally discharged me at 2:30 and I have been home for 1 day now. I am still having bad gas pains and wish I had something for that. I have 5 small cuts and 1 big one. Where the big one is is all swelled up and very painful. I guess thats all in the healing process. I am hoping to feel much better in the next day or two.

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Your guys stories make me feel a bit less anxious about the surgery. I mean I work in an animal hospital, in the ER part actually and I have been seeing animals go into the OR (whether it be just spays/neuters, or splenectomies or more) for over 15 years, but I have never been myself or seen a person go in.

I just have a question, I hope someone will answer. I am a very modest person, are you awake when you are naked on the operating table, before they knock you out? This is what worries me. May sound stupid, but that is my most nerve wracking part of it.

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Your guys stories make me feel a bit less anxious about the surgery. I mean I work in an animal hospital, in the ER part actually and I have been seeing animals go into the OR (whether it be just spays/neuters, or splenectomies or more) for over 15 years, but I have never been myself or seen a person go in.

I just have a question, I hope someone will answer. I am a very modest person, are you awake when you are naked on the operating table, before they knock you out? This is what worries me. May sound stupid, but that is my most nerve wracking part of it.

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Hey Jess- Hope I can put your mind to ease. Most of us are modest, self conscious probably due to being fat. Anyway no one will take your gown off. you are covered on the OR table with a sterile field. Your gown will be moved out of their way after you are out and after the sterile drape is placed over you. I know this because I'm a retired RN and we are taught to respect the patient's privacy even when they are out. When you come to in the Recovery room your gown will be on and you will be covered with lots of blankets. Hope this answers your question.

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Thank you Shelley, that makes me feel better.

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