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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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My surgery was scheduled for noon on 5/26. It actually was about 1 :30, and I had a major hiatial hernia repair on top of the banding and I didn't get out of surgery until around 3:30. By the time I got out of recovery I was the last patient in the post-op center and I got more attention than I really wanted.

I didn't feel good at all in recovery. I got a bunch of pain medication (as much as they could give me) and I remember this guy next to me asking to go home (yes, in recovery) and saying "that lady next to me is really bad". The nurse told him I had more major surgery than he did.

Anyways I spent almost 3 hours in the post-op center before I was able to go home. I had some Water and green Jello and went potty but I was just in terrible pain -- primarily left shoulder -- and I asked to be admitted but they refused.

Shorten the story -- within 12 hours I was pretty much back to a 1 or a 2 pain wise. I am walking, going to church and doing a couple other things this weekend.

My biggest recommendation -- take the pain meds they prescribe for you the first day -- it will make you feel better, enough to walk around and eliminate some of that gas.

This is by far the biggest thing I've ever done for myself and my health and I'm looking forward to the rest of this story!!!:cursing:

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Well, I finally had the surgery on 5/27/10!

I had thought about it for years (literally), but I wasn't sure I could commit to the necessary life changes until last year. I started saving my cash and cruising the message boards and such.

When I got banded on Thursday, I had never previously had anesthesia. It was kind of weird because I don't remember them actually administering the 'final' dose; I just went into the OR, went to sleep, actually had a couple of dreams I can't remember now, then woke up feeling like my abdomen was full.

The pain wasn't bad at all, but the discomfort was terrible. I had the gas pain in my left shoulder (glad my doc warned me about that or else I would have freaked out!). My wounds and stomach didn't hurt (thanks, pain meds), but my back was all tweaked out trying to compensate for my non-working stomach muscles. It was a long night. Thank goodness I started using the children's Motrin the next day, as well as a good friend who did Icy-Hot back rubs and hot pads. Since then, I have felt really good!

I don't have any flashy trackers, yet! :cursing:

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I was banded on 5/27/10. I got up at 4am, made the 3 hour drive to the hospital. I went through some paperwork and then went upstairs to my room. I got changed. They took my weight. I think I lost 10lbs on the Optifast diet. I followed it about 90%. It was really hard to stick to it.

I then went to the pre op room. Where a few nurses came in and talked to me about what was going to happen. I got a visit from the chaplain as well. The nurse came in and started my IV and then I got a briefing from the anesthiesiologist. I got my first dose of Heparin( blood thinner) It was a little past 10 am at this point. The last time I looked at the clock was about 10:15. I was then wheeled off to surgery.

I was a little intimidated because they wheeled me right into the OR. I was surprised , I thought I'd be sleeping by now. I mentioned to the anestheisoligist I was nervous. He offered me some kind words and then put a "mild tranquilizer" in my IV, as he put it. I was then told to breath deeply into an oxygen mask. Next thing I know i'm waking up in the recovery room. I had the worst cotton mouth you could imagine. It was very hard to take deep breaths as told by the nurse. She wet my lips and my tongue with a sponge and that felt great. The tape they closed my eyes with during the surgery, peeled some of the skin off my eyelids. I have sensitive skin. After about 30 minutes in there, they brought me back to my room. I laid down for a while and about 1:30 took my first walk. It felt good, but I felt a little woozy still. I had a clear liquid tray about 5pm. I walkd a few more times then went to sleep.

I'm still a little tender and its difficult getting in all the fluids I need, because I always have a full feeling. I'm still taking the Lortab elixer, for any little pain that I'm having. I can finally lay down on my bed instead of sitting up and sleeping.

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I read your story and thought about waking up. I think I was talking (under an oxygen mask) but I don't remember what about? The last thing I remember was the anesthesiologist asking me about Cayman Islands. I think??? That was my first general as well. Strange.

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I had my band put in on May 28, 2010. I went to Mexico where I never thought I would venture. I met a lady that went there two years ago and was fine. She also sent her daughter there for hers.

I have to say, I am not sorry one bit. I was treated very well, everything was very clean.

When I got there I went to my room and put on my gown and a nice dr. came in and talked to me about my medical history and I was given an EKG. All my vitals were fine. I walked to the surgery room and was put under. woke up about half an hour after surgery. Cant remember if i walked back or was wheeled back.

In any case I had no sickness. I watched TV and spent the night and got blood clot shot and some pain med cuz I wanted to sleep good. I spent the night got up the next morn and walked to bathroom alone and took a shower so they could redress my stitches.

All in all I feel great. I do have a bad headache and of course some soreness that I am sure will go away in a few days. I am sure the pain will be worth it once I can wear cute clothes again and look good and feel healthy.

All in all I would go back to Mexico if I need anything else. they were wonderful. It really helped that a few people had gone there before me and were very happy.

So I am home now and relxing and making my kids vacuum for me. I may play this out a little longer.:cursing:

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I was supposed to be banded on Thursday the 27th of May. They had to call off the surgery. The anesthesiologist tried to force a tube that was too large down my vocal cords to have the machine breathe for me while I was sedated:cursing:. I literally was not breathing for a little over 2 minutes. :thumbup: They place a mask over my face to take me out of the paralysis stage, but were not sure if the air got into my stomach as well as my lungs, because if so then all of the bile and other acidic juices, and moisture would have dire consequences. :smile2: My surgeon had to come and rescue her, as well as myself I ended up in their ISCU which it a more critical part of the regular ICU. I stayed in ISCU for over nine hours while being monitored every 30-60 minutes and taking continual vital sign checks and blood pressure reading. I also had to perform numerous breathing and lung tests. Needles to say I have to be rescheduled within the next 2weeks after the scarring from my throat heals and the blood is totally gone from my stomach from where she tried to force the tube. I have to cough up the blood!!! :ohmy: If I'm a general anesthesiologist, and the tube is not going in within the first 30 - 45 seconds then I'm getting a scope to go in or am going to get the attention of the surgeon. I'm not going to try to force the tube while leaving the patient without oxygen for over 2 minutes. Needles to say I wont be using her for the upcoming surgery. But GOD was with me and placed other capable people around me. I know she didn't intentionally try to hurt me but she should have let go of her pride and call for help. I could have ended up a vegetable ... or worse!! Praise GOD for his mercies!!

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My surgery was done Thursday, May 27th 2010. Pretty easy - showed up at 6:30am and was on the table by 7:30am.

Woke up and was doing ice chips - my mouth was really dry. Went home by 11am and slept most of the way home.

Got home and took liquid meds (I filled them before surgery and would definitely do that again), and went to sleep. I also started chewing gum to keep my mouth moist.

My doc had put pain killer directly into the incisions to help me stay numb - that wore off about 8pm the day of surgery - ouch. I stayed on the hydrocodone until Saturday night. Since then I have been ok with liquid ibuprofen.

The clear liquid diet is difficult - I recommend Isopure from GNC - 40 grams of Protein - fill a cup halfway with crushed ice, and Water and then the rest the drink - grape is the best flavor. I also have found that chewing gum is very helpful as you don't miss eating as much.

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When my surgery day arrived, I half couldn't believe it. It had seemed for months that the nurses, etc. were almost trying to screen me out with all their questions, disapproving looks if I didn't have the "right answer" and all those warnings ('the doctor will close you right up if ... etc. etc.'). I was particularly paranoid about my liver and had spent the last two weeks before surgery online trying to find out everything about people who had livers too big for surgery.

I hardly slept at all the night before going in. My husband ended up taking care of our kids and getting them off to school so my friend drove me to the hospital. She came in with me for check in, but once I was through those double doors and into the johnny, she left with my things. (Note: I had definitely brought too much stuff - phone, iPod, etc. My advice for others - don't bring anything. It will just turn into a pain when they need to inventory it for security.)

I was so nervous ... nervous about my liver, etc. ... it just seemed surreal. As for my surgeon, he had little to nothing to say to me except to smile for the few minutes he came by, crack a joke or two, and that was it! I had no third degree about how I'd been doing on the pre-op diet, etc. I had one nurse ask me what I weighed and they took my answer at face value. I mean, I told the truth - but wow. I could not believe they did not weigh me in. After all those months of classes, etc.!

Truth be told, I do now not even really remember them putting me under anesthesia. Just a little - but it's all quite vague. Next thing I knew - in recovery, where a parade of people came by and took vitals, etc., residents checked in, etc. When I seemed stable, they wheeled me on up to my room, which I had alone.

I have to be honest, it wasn't so great for the rest of the day and that night. I was hooked up to so many things I could not move comfortably. Talk about having to go to the bathroom and unplug yourself from a million places. My pulse-ox machine kept going off with this horrible alarm every time my finger slipped, and even if I did manage to drift off for a few minutes, there was someone else in to take my vitals, temperature, give me a heparin shot, etc.

I was actually glad I had asked friends and family to let me do the hospital room on my own - it would have been a pain to have them there. It was all I could do to just stay still and keep my mind entertained with the TV, much less have to have actual conversations.

Next morning my husband showed up - believe it or not they actually even let me walk myself down to the front lobby of the hospital. No wheelchair, nothing - my husband drove up in valet parking and I got in. Was surprised at how easy it was to sign myself out. The bumps hurt a little bit on the way home in the car, but nothing crazy. I was so happy I was banded!

Oh, and when I asked how my liver looked when the surgeon came by for another 5 minute post-op visit (if it was that), he said "oh, fine." Absolutely not another word about it!

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When my surgery day arrived, I half couldn't believe it. It had seemed for months that the nurses, etc. were almost trying to screen me out with all their questions, disapproving looks if I didn't have the "right answer" and all those warnings ('the doctor will close you right up if ... etc. etc.'). I was particularly paranoid about my liver and had spent the last two weeks before surgery online trying to find out everything about people who had livers too big for surgery.

I hardly slept at all the night before going in. My husband ended up taking care of our kids and getting them off to school so my friend drove me to the hospital. She came in with me for check in, but once I was through those double doors and into the johnny, she left with my things. (Note: I had definitely brought too much stuff - phone, iPod, etc. My advice for others - don't bring anything. It will just turn into a pain when they need to inventory it for security.)

I was so nervous ... nervous about my liver, etc. ... it just seemed surreal. As for my surgeon, he had little to nothing to say to me except to smile for the few minutes he came by, crack a joke or two, and that was it! I had no third degree about how I'd been doing on the pre-op diet, etc. I had one nurse ask me what I weighed and they took my answer at face value. I mean, I told the truth - but wow. I could not believe they did not weigh me in. After all those months of classes, etc.!

Truth be told, I do now not even really remember them putting me under anesthesia. Just a little - but it's all quite vague. Next thing I knew - in recovery, where a parade of people came by and took vitals, etc., residents checked in, etc. When I seemed stable, they wheeled me on up to my room, which I had alone.

I have to be honest, it wasn't so great for the rest of the day and that night. I was hooked up to so many things I could not move comfortably. Talk about having to go to the bathroom and unplug yourself from a million places. My pulse-ox machine kept going off with this horrible alarm every time my finger slipped, and even if I did manage to drift off for a few minutes, there was someone else in to take my vitals, temperature, give me a heparin shot, etc.

I was actually glad I had asked friends and family to let me do the hospital room on my own - it would have been a pain to have them there. It was all I could do to just stay still and keep my mind entertained with the TV, much less have to have actual conversations.

Next morning my husband showed up - believe it or not they actually even let me walk myself down to the front lobby of the hospital. No wheelchair, nothing - my husband drove up in valet parking and I got in. Was surprised at how easy it was to sign myself out. The bumps hurt a little bit on the way home in the car, but nothing crazy. I was so happy I was banded!

Oh, and when I asked how my liver looked when the surgeon came by for another 5 minute post-op visit (if it was that), he said "oh, fine." Absolutely not another word about it!

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I went in for surgery on May 17th. Had to wake up @ 4:30 am to get to the hospital by 5:50. I was the first case of the day, so I was special! Lol. Everyone treated me so kindly and gently. Never had surgery before, so I was nervous, out of my mind! Went in to the pre-op o.r., attemped an iv 3 times! Lol, put my gown on, and scrubbed down w/ yucky stuff. Which later made me itch all over. It mostly felt weird being nakie under there! Lol. They took me on the gurney to the o.r. wen we got in, I was kinda freaked out cus it was so cold, and I work in a hospital, and really saw it from the other side. The anesthesiologist told me too take three deep breaths, I don't remember the third one...lol. I woke up in the pacu kind of chokin, or crying cus I totally forgot I was having surgery, and freaked out a lil. But my male nurse was hott, and loaded me with awesome meds. Once I got back to my suite, I was doing fine. But its so embarrasing, I guess I had an accident in the pacu, which mortified me. Hope I'm not the only one! Ate lunch fine, super slow, but did good. Stayed the night and walked all night. I was very drowsy and sore, but I made myself walk so I wouldn't get gas pains. And never really did. Went and saw the beautiful Water fountain they had. Even got some good rest there. All the nurses were so sweet. The next morning took a shower and got to go home...it actually was a wonderful experience. Lol, I missed being papmered @ the hospital, and their morphine. But postop I only needed the loratab for 3-4 days after...now 3 weeks later I'm onto soft foods and doing great.

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I was banded June 10th. Showed up at hospital at 7:30. Pre-op around 8:00am – answered a bunch of questions, changed into the hospital gown, they started my IV, gave me Reglan & Zantac thru the IV. Anesthesiologist came in around 9:05 – gave me his “cocktail” then I was taken back to the OR – last time I looked at the clock it was 9:10 – remember being moved to OR table but nothing else until I was being wheeled into the recovery room around 10:30.

In my room a little after 11:00am. At this point I didn’t have any pain but just felt really sleepy. I have 5 small incisions. I also had an “On-Q” pain control device - basically looked like a drain attached but it is filled with medication that continuously flows to port area to control pain. Immediately, I was started on my liquids. I was to drink 2 ounce of juice or broth every hour – Water and/or ice chips in between – no limit on the water/ice, I could have as much as I tolerated.

Got out of bed for bathroom and to walk around 3:00 – I was lucky, I never had any nausea or dizziness and really no pain except for the gas pains that would come and go. I was so afraid of the gas pains that I got out of my bed just about every hour and walked the halls for about 5 minutes.

I didn’t sleep well that night – just could not get comfortable. I was up till 1am, finally dozed off for a few hours, woke up around 3:45am and could not go back to sleep. I was really tired the next day. Xray came around 8:30am – had to take a few drinks of contrast while they took a few views. The contrast was horrible – worse than the barium I had taken for my pre-op Upper GI.

I was discharged around 2:30pm. Came home, showered and went to bed – I was so tired. I went home with my “On-Q” pain control device – doc said I could just removed it when the bulb was empty – should be empty by tonight. He also gave me prescription for Lortab. I really haven’t had any pain – Im just sore. It is difficult to get in/out of flat bed – I had to pile my pillows up to make a wedge – I could not tolerate laying flat on my back.

I am to continue my Clear Liquids today – 2 ounces every hour with at much water/ice as I can tolerate. I can start Full liquids tomorrow – doc told me to take it slow and if I could not tolerate my Protein Shake to go back to clear liquids for another day. I do not have any pain – just feel really bloated & I’m really thirsty – my mouth is really dry.

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I was banded on June 8 and had some complications - had vomiting and horrid pains. They weren't sure what was wrong at first, but x-ray showed I was blocked. Dr. thought it was just swelling - on June 9 another xray showed that the band had slipped. DOn't ask me why - it just did

They had to give me an NG tube to drain the barium from the xrays, etc. And had to go back in for an another surgery. This one was not SILS (single incision) - so I have 6 incisions now. But aside from the initial problems I have NO COMPLAINTS!! I feel great (a bit tired). And I am looking forward to the help it can give me....

ALSO - not sure how common, but I didn GAIN 8 pounds in the hospital iv;s - it;s gone now, but keep it in mind


262 in December 09

235 on surgery day 6/8

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Just wanted to know if anyone had any trouble with the surgery from not following pre-op diet, perfectly. I usually ate one meal and maybe some popcorn the first week along with the Protein Drinks (2) that I had some fruit in. I'm trying to stay on the all liquid this week but worried I really messed up and they won't do the surgery..I know I'm a wimp but just worried:scared2:


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there were a few times I cheated pre-op and it did not cause me any problems during my surgery. The diet is for shrinking your liver & organs to make the surgery easier. I also ate some popcorn and other things. They really don't know unless you are over-indulging I would think.

As I said I did cheat and had no problems during my procedure

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Hi All,

I was banded on 6/7/10. The day went really well and the surgery was really the easiest part of this whole process.

My surgery was scheduled for 9:05 am. I arrived at the hospital at 7:30 am. I was taken up and weighed. I lost 20 pounds on the 10 day liquid diet my surgeon required pre-op. I changed into the gown and they gave me an IV with a bunch of fluids and a shot as well. I remember the nurse saying she gave me a blood thinner, some type of steroid, and an antibiotic. My blood pressure was taken and I was also given a pregnancy test (!?).

The surgeon and the anesthesiologist both stopped by to answer any last questions I had. My fiance and my mom were paged to come and spend time with me before I went in for surgery. We spent about 20 minutes together before they wheeled me off, right on time.

I was particularily anxious about the anesthesia since I have never had surgery before. I didn't want to be awake when they pulled the tube out. The anesthesiologist ensured me that I would not recall this part of the proceedure.

I remember going into the OR and beeing freezing. Why do they keep those rooms so cold?? Then the nurse anesthetist gave me a shot in my IV that she claimed was supposed to help relax me. They asked me to move on to the operating table and before I even layed my head down they had the breathing mask over me with the anesthesia. The anesthesiologist asked me where I went to college and I was out before I could finish saying "University of Minnesota."

I woke up briefly when the team was lifting me from the operating table to the hospital bed. Yuck. Wish I wasn't aware of anyone lifting me. Then I came to again a while later with a nurse telling me that surgery was over and that everything went well. She asked on a scale of one to ten how bad the pain was. And to be honest, the pain from the actual surgery was minimal, or unnoticable really. It was the pain from the Co2 they put in your belly to puff it up to do the surgery. My neck and back and shoulders were under terribly uncomfortable amounts of pressure. She gave me a shot of pain meds through the IV. I layed there for what felt like 15 minutes, but was probably closer to 2 hours before they wheeled me into recovery where my family could join me.

I got the first look at my incisions and was very surprised to see 7 different incisions that looked like they were in fantastic condition. The doctor used a sort of glue to clothes the wounds, so no bandages necessary! The nurse then gave me about 2 ccs of ice cold Water, which was the best tasting water I had ever had. My mom, dad, and fiance joined me.

My blood pressure was being taken on a regular basis and I had the boots on my legs that were constantly massaging my legs to keep the circulation going.

I had an outpatient surgery, so in order to go home, all I had to do was get an xray to make sure the band was placed properly. I was wheeled to the xray area and told to stand on this ledge. The technician was a newbie who was being supervised by a vet. Instead of slowly rocking me back from a standing position to a laying down position, she slammed me down so hard I hit my head on the table. That didn't hurt as much as the shift of gravity on my incisions and surgery site. I was in an extreme amount of pain during this. Then I was told to drink a nasty tasting clear liquid while they did another xray so they could see if the Fluid passed through properly. I was given the green light.

I headed back to the recovery area and got my prescription for liquid pain meds, was given insturctions by the nurse, and was sent on my way. I was home from the hospital by about 3:00 that day.

It was tough to sleep initially since I am a stomach sleeper, and since I had back pain from my back muscles trying to compensate for my traumatized stomach muschles. I was told to follow a seven day clear liquid diet post op with no Vitamins. This for me was the most gruelling part of this experience. The first two or three days were a breeze since I didn't really have an appetite, but by the 3rd or 4th days I was HUNGRY and so sick of clear liquids. I started to become dehydrated and light headed. Very scary. I moved more quickly to the full liquids per my doctor.

All in all, I am a week out now, and at about 90% from the surgery. Very happy it's all over!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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