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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I was banded yesterday, March 2, at Mountainside Hospital in Montclair by Drs Fresco and Strom.

I was scheduled for 8:45 am and arrived at the same-day surgery area for check-in at 7pm. Not too long after, I saw Dr. Strom stroll through. Before long, I was taken to a prep room. They had a gown waiting and the nurse kindly asked if I would be more comfortable in a larger gown. I said yes and the one she brought was significantly larger with I loved because I could wrap it around me. Various people came in to start an IV (always fun since I have small veins and they have to go in through the back of my hand) and check my glucose levels etc. it felt like I was there for a long time. It was interesting to overhear all other other goings on in the other rooms. Finally, the anesthesiologist game briefly and soon after I was taken to the operating room.

When I arrived, I saw Dr. Fresco sitting on a check on her blackberry - a surreal moment) Then an oxygen mask was placed on my face while they put balloon pumps on my legs (instead of socks). I was concerned about a catheter but since nothing was ever said, I assumed that if they did it, it would be while I was asleep. However, I did make sure that I peed last things before going in. And since they started putting those heavy balloons on my legs, I assumed that they would not be doing a cath after all that. Although I did not get a warning before they put me under, I did know when the stuff went in because I could feel the warmth in my veins.

Next think I know, Im being asked questions and I wasn't sure at first If they were just starting but realized that they were finished when I felt a bit of discomfort. They were ask me about my pain levels and giving me the morphine button (sweet) that would only give me so much at a time. I really had to pee but they would not let me up in recovery. Since my surgeon's always keep patients over night and do the barium xray in the morning, I was wheeled to a private room and told them to please take the balloons off my legs so that I could pee. After that, I sat in a chair (more comfortable) with my hand on the morphine pen :(. It as an interesting thing to feel the quick comfort. I woke up a few hours later. I spent most of the day in the chair since it was easier to get up to pee (although now I realize I could have asked them to try to lower the bed). I was told that I hardly used the pain button and the next morning they woke me up at 6am, took out the iv's, took me down to xray and then gave me clearance to go home. They gave me "breakfast" My choice of 4 oz clear Jello or broth or fruit ice. Even after 36 hours of no food, I was not very hungry.

I am now home and still a bit uncomfortable but looking forward to feeling back to normal and being able to chew food. Or at least swallow some puree :(

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My surgery was on Feb. 8th and was pretty standard. Just about the same procedure as everyone else except my "Gas" pressure lasted about 18 days. Ofcourse I thought the worst but at my two week appt. they let me know it is normal for a small amount of people to go up to a few weeks with that pain/pressure. It's gone now and I'm feeling great!

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Congradulations!!!!!!!!!! I too am going to be banded by Dr. Strom on March 24th. Nice to hear from someone else who has gone to him and their experience. I hope mine goes as well. Please keep in touch, I would love to meet you, I live in Caldwell. Where do you live? Have a great day. Eileen

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I was banded on March 1 2010 in Lone Tree Colorado (subburb of Denver) by Dr. Frank Chae.

The whole process was very smooth. They took some blood for some last minute tests. Then the Dr., Anestesiologist, Nurses and Dr. Assistant filed thru one by one for the next 30 min. I was then taken into Surgery. It took about an hour for the sugery. Eventually I was transferred to a regular room in the hospital and given lots of Ice ships and some Jello. My throut hurt quite a bit and did for several days. I did have some shoulder pain from the gas. My insisions were quite painful but the morphine helped. They kept me on an liquid IV and Antibiotic's most of the day and night. I did have the option to go home but decided to stay the night. My DH stayed with me all night. :thumbup: The next morning I got Breakfast (broth, Decaf coffee, and jello). The nurses kept measuring my urine output which was quite high since I had been on the IV all night. I had to go to the bathroom a lot. I have been home a week now. The first couple of days the insisions were very painful - it hut to move pretty much. I did have perscription painkillers which I used the first 36 hours but wanted to ween off of them as soon as possible. The gassiness is still bothering me and I feel like my stomach is still extended from the gas. :thumbup: I'm looking forward to feeling 100% so I can get on with my life.

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I had surgery March 9,2010.

My surgery was scheduled for 7:45am and I was to be at the day surgery center by 6am. Since I live 45 minutes away, my husband and I left at 5:15am.

Got to the Welcome Center and sat for about 10 minutes. I was then taken to a private pre-op room where I had a needle stick glucose test and a blood sample drawn. I was then instructed to change into the gown, hairnet and slipper socks. The entire surgical team came in to introduce themselves. I signed various releases, answered the same questions over and over, got patched for nausea.

I was wheeled into the OR at 7:50am. My whole crew was women and we were joking about, "So when will Christian Troy(Nip/Tuck) be coming in?". They put the leg massagers on, then the mask and the anesthesiology nurse said, "I'm going to give you something to relax..." . The next thing I remember was half sitting up in the recovery room and glancing at the clock - it was 9:30am. My surgeon manadated the use of a CPAP and indicated that if I didn't bring my CPAP to my surgery it would be cancelled. Imagine my surprise - it wasn't even taken out of it's case!

I had an IV of Ringers solution and an antibiotic, but no morphine pump. The nurse asked for my pain level - about a "4". I wasn't cath'd and really needed to go, but was so drowsy that it was about an hour before I did get up.

I sat in a chair for about half an hour, then got dressed and walked around. We left for home around 11:30am - I slept the entire way and for most of the rest of the day. I have scripts for Flexaril(muscle relaxer), Prilosec(GI), and Loratab liquid(Pain).

Felt pretty good yesterday - got up and did a few tidy up chores, but mostly slept. Later that evening I was slightly quesy,and the gas pains in my neck and shoulder made it impossible to sleep so I was up most of the night. Around 5:30 this morning I set myself up on the couch with some pillows, heating pad for my neck, a heated throw and my CPAP - by 7am I was feeling much better. Had a cup of coffee and some Tropicana Pom/Blueberry juice. Did some household chores, laundry and am working at my desk now but I can feel myself getting tired. From what I've heard this is pretty typical for the first week. No even remotely hungry.:thumbup:

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My surgery was done on Friday, March 12 by Dr. Richard Symmonds at Scott & White Hospital in Temple, TX.

I will say the process leading up to the surgery was quite frustrating. I got everything done that S&W Bariatric requested (the usual psych, etc.), but it seemed to drag on forever. Back in mid-February, I finally got the call with my date. I started my pre-op diet on February 26, and lost about 14 lbs.

I was scheduled for surgery at 9:20am, so I had to check in at 8:00am. My husband drove me and was prepared for what was sure to be a long day. Check in was very efficient, we went to the day surgery area, and were given a number so DH could see what my progress was on the screen (like at the airport).

Within 5 minutes of checking in, we were sent upstairs to the pre-op area. I got into the attractive gown (which was not made for a larger person, fyi), and got into the bed, with DH in the chair next to me. I was visited by several nurses, all of them doing something different. One for IV, one for the leg circulation things, a couple of anesthesiologists, etc., and finally, my surgeon and a resident who would be working with him. After this, it all went pretty fast. DH went downstairs to wait, I was wheeled into surgery where I was met with my all male crew! I somehow found this hilarious (giddy from nerves, I guess). The last thing I remember was laughing about the inflatable mattress they used to move me from the stretcher to the operating bed...then...nothing.

The next thing I knew, I was in the post-op room with many other moaning people. I had a nice nurse next to me who was asking questions and giving me pain meds. I kept falling back asleep. At 1:00pm, they put me in a wheelchair and took me to radiology to drink some liquid and take several views of my band. This was rough as I could not stand up very well, but we got it done. After this, they wheeled me to recovery and put me in a recliner. DH met me in here. Again, I could not stay awake. The nurses kept coming into check on me, and I would be out of it. Finally I said "honey, I could sleep in this chair all day, but let's get out of here". We got me dressed, Dr. Symmonds came in to check on me, and I was wheeled to the car for the drive home.

Of course, I slept the whole way home (20 minutes or so), and upon getting home, I fell asleep in the recliner. Only to wake up at 3:00am in extreme pain. It was hell. I walked to the bathroom in tears, and my stomach was so sore I couldn't even sit down. Finally had a realization that it was gas, as my midsection was so bloated. I tried to take the vicodin and got very nauseous, so there went that idea. Then I went for the GasX, and started to feel better. Between walking around and taking GasX and drinking Water, I was feeling a lot better within an hour or so.

Today is Monday and I am about 60%. The gas is going away, but my port area is still very sore. I am not hungry yet, but I miss food (of course). I am so excited to get this journey started.

Good luck to all of you who leading up to your surgery dates!

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I was banded March 10, 2010 at Phoenixville Hospital, in Phoenixville, PA by Dr. Kaczmarski.

I cannot say enough good about the people who work at Phoenixville Hospital and about my doctors who went out of their way to take good care of me.

While I was waiting on the gurney in my paper gown, getting the IV and heparin shot, a nurse who had had bariatric surgery came and chatted with me and my husband. The things she said almost mirrored how I have been feeling about my weight. I couldn't have asked for a better pep talk for myself and my husband. I know she wasn't required to do this, it's just something she volunteered. She was one of the gems in my experience at the hospital.

I remember a name, Cindy, the nurse who was finally able to find blood in a rock and get my IV placed. Apparently the catheter is an extra large one and after 2 failed attempts, the nurses told me they were calling in the big guns and Cindy arrived. Thank you Cindy!

Another gem is the anesthesiologist's assistant. She stayed with me and calmed my nerves until it was time to go to surgery. But she went the extra mile when she came and checked on me the next day to see how I was doing. If that's standard protocol, kudos to the hospital. But either way, I got the feeling that she was genuinely interested in me and concerned about my well being.

When I awakened in recovery, I remember intense pain in my chest and only managing to say the word "pain... pain" I'm not sure who was taking care of me at that point, but again, "thank you!" I was having cardiac issues, which I believe slowed my recovery. I don't remember much more than bits and pieces until the next day. But I do remember Dr. Kaczmarski, my bariatric surgeon and also my pulmonary doctor, Dr. Siva Ramachandran (who by the way visited me 3 times before I left the hospital -awesome) and members of my cardiologist, Dr. Krantzler's team, who also visited me at least twice that I remember.

The next morning I was still experiencing a lot of pain and I wondered if I had made a huge mistake. This is when I first remember Sharon Thomas, RN, Bariatric Surgery Coordinator at the hospital. I vaguely remember her from the day before but at this moment and until I left the hospital, she became the best part of my experience. She told me that feeling of doubt and regret was normal. Then she pretty much stayed with me and coached me through everything that was happening. She was completely amazing and supportive. She told me that she had been banded 3 years ago. I recognized her name from a note I got in the mail about support groups that had just started at the hospital. I felt like I had my own private RN and advocate. She is a wonderful professional and a great person for this position. She even managed to get me to smile in spite of my pain. It's like she was one step ahead of everything that I experienced, letting me know what to expect and what to pay attention to and what it all meant. When I returned from xray and after drinking the barium, I got very sick and was experiencing a lot of pain. She was at my side, talking to me, telling me this feeling is the band telling me I'm full. I was given medicine to calm the nausea and more pain meds.

Sharon walked with me, taught me how to cut my pills and how to take them. I love the lesson on sipping fluids .. she got little medicine cups, put Water in one and apple juice in the other and told me to sip them over a five minute period. This is how I learned the rate at which I need to drink Fluid until the swelling goes down in my stomach.

My surgeon said I could stay another night in the hospital if I felt like I needed to. But I wanted to go home. The ride home was not so easy. It reminded me of rides to the hospital when I was in hard labor .. lol. By the time I got home, I was wasted, I took pain meds and slept.

Everyday since has been better than the day before.


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I was banded yesterday March 18, 2010 and Sentara Nofolk General Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia. I was told to check in at 9:00 for my 12:00 surgery, but we made it ealier because that is a high traffic time and we left the house early. So after checking in and getting my armband and everything, my parents and I waited in the waiting room for about 10 minutes before I was called in back to get undressed and everything.

Upon going back to the pre-op area, I had to weigh in and get my vital signs done (found out I had lost 10 pound doing the 1 week pre-op liquid diet). I then went to my little cubby where I had to strip naked, scrub my belly for fifteen minutes, then put my gown on. A nurse came in after that to insert my IV and another two nurses came in to take down my medical history. Finally, my parents were allowed back and by that point it was 1000 and we were just playing the waiting game.

Unfortunately, the case before mine took longer than expected, so my surgery was delayed by about 1.5 hours. When the CRNA and nurse came to get me, my parents left to get something to eat while I got my first little shot of sedative. I remember being wheeled into the OR and put on the table and having my arms taped down and a maske going over my face. Next thing I knew, I was in the recovery room being asked if i had any pain. I got a little pain shot and had some O2 on for a while then I soon heard my nurse calling report to the floor I would be going to. Although I had been in recovery for two hours, it felt like only 20 minutes!

So, I was wheeled to my room already in my bed and a nurse came in to introduce me and look me over again. My parents and friend then came back to visit. I was so out of it though that they left soon after to let me rest. I was only allowed to have ice chips, but my chest and belly were hurting plus I was nauseated so I really didn't want anything. My friend did slip me a jolly rancher which I fortunately didn't choke on cuz it stayed in my mouth for over four hours while I slept and woke multiple times. My nurse got me up to pee a little after 10, but I couldn't go, so I went back to sleep. She got me up again at 1 am and made me try again since I hadn't gone since before surgery. I still wasn't able to go so she walked me in the hall a little bit and when I came back to the room, I was able to pee, but also started dry heaving a lot which hurt like heck!

The rest of the night was uneventful, just a few trips to the bathroom. I was taken downstairs for my barium swallow at about 8:30 and my doctor's nurse practitioner was already down there to check the results, so I was allowed to have Clear Liquids when I returned to my room. I had a little Water with crystal light and some Jello, then got washed up and slipped on some clothing and went walking the halls. I had to wait for some last minute education from the program coordinator, so I had to wait for her before I could go home.

Finally, after my last bit of instructions and drinking at least 1/4 of my water, I was allowed to go home with my parents. I didn't really have any gas or shoulder pain, but my belly is sore. I had a Dilaudid PCA pump the entire time and that didn't get taken away until just before I left the unit to go home. All in all, it was a pretty good experience. Now, I'm home and back on liquids for another week.

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I was banded yesterday March 18, 2010 and Sentara Nofolk General Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia. I was told to check in at 9:00 for my 12:00 surgery, but we made it ealier because that is a high traffic time and we left the house early. So after checking in and getting my armband and everything, my parents and I waited in the waiting room for about 10 minutes before I was called in back to get undressed and everything.

Upon going back to the pre-op area, I had to weigh in and get my vital signs done (found out I had lost 10 pound doing the 1 week pre-op liquid diet). I then went to my little cubby where I had to strip naked, scrub my belly for fifteen minutes, then put my gown on. A nurse came in after that to insert my IV and another two nurses came in to take down my medical history. Finally, my parents were allowed back and by that point it was 1000 and we were just playing the waiting game.

Unfortunately, the case before mine took longer than expected, so my surgery was delayed by about 1.5 hours. When the CRNA and nurse came to get me, my parents left to get something to eat while I got my first little shot of sedative. I remember being wheeled into the OR and put on the table and having my arms taped down and a maske going over my face. Next thing I knew, I was in the recovery room being asked if i had any pain. I got a little pain shot and had some O2 on for a while then I soon heard my nurse calling report to the floor I would be going to. Although I had been in recovery for two hours, it felt like only 20 minutes!

So, I was wheeled to my room already in my bed and a nurse came in to introduce me and look me over again. My parents and friend then came back to visit. I was so out of it though that they left soon after to let me rest. I was only allowed to have ice chips, but my chest and belly were hurting plus I was nauseated so I really didn't want anything. My friend did slip me a jolly rancher which I fortunately didn't choke on cuz it stayed in my mouth for over four hours while I slept and woke multiple times. My nurse got me up to pee a little after 10, but I couldn't go, so I went back to sleep. She got me up again at 1 am and made me try again since I hadn't gone since before surgery. I still wasn't able to go so she walked me in the hall a little bit and when I came back to the room, I was able to pee, but also started dry heaving a lot which hurt like heck!

The rest of the night was uneventful, just a few trips to the bathroom. I was taken downstairs for my barium swallow at about 8:30 and my doctor's nurse practitioner was already down there to check the results, so I was allowed to have clear liquids when I returned to my room. I had a little Water with crystal light and some Jello, then got washed up and slipped on some clothing and went walking the halls. I had to wait for some last minute education from the program coordinator, so I had to wait for her before I could go home.

Finally, after my last bit of instructions and drinking at least 1/4 of my Water, I was allowed to go home with my parents. I didn't really have any gas or shoulder pain, but my belly is sore. I had a Dilaudid PCA pump the entire time and that didn't get taken away until just before I left the unit to go home. All in all, it was a pretty good experience. Now, I'm home and back on liquids for another week.

Congratulations!!!!! It's over!!. I am very happy for you. I hope you feel better each and every day. I am having my surgery on Wed. 3/24 and wish it was tomorrow. Good luck to you and God bless. Eileen:thumbup:

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Hello all!

I was banded on my mother's birthday, 7/7/08, I was 19 years old and the surgery went fine!

I had heard of the LAP-BAND® system from 60 minutes about five or six years ago, and when I hit my heaviest (260lbs) and was having problems walking in my dorm and around campus something had to be done.

Although I love my band, and it saved my life, I wish I would have just saw the nutritionist first, then weighed my options more, but I think I was so tired of failed diets all my life that I just had to do something.

So it's almost been two years since my surgery, I'm 21 now, and in my Senior year in college, and I've never been so stressed and so poor in all my life! I remember last semester I literally had no food to eat, so I had to steal my roommates baked Beans just to eat something! Because of the added stress this year, I haven't lost anything, and I have actually gained some weight back :[

I've only had 1 fill, about a year ago, and I swear nothing happened (3ccs). So Wednesday Im going for a second fill, and to get myself back on track! No more messing around! It's me time..again!


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KayC, I'm sorry that you had to endure this, but I am confused. Did you have bypass or a band? The reason I ask is that lapband and realize bands (the adjustable bands have not been around for 16 years) so that would explain why you have not had fills.

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I was banded on March 19th 2010 by Dr. Lopez Corvala, at Hospital Angeles, Tijuana Mexico. I arrived at 11am, and was taken immediately in for a chest x-ray and blood work. I was then taken to my room, and met and spoke with each member of the surgical team individually, they all spoke excellent English.

I met with the psychiatrist last, and immediately after her departure, the nurse returned to have me put on the fashion-foward gown, and the horrible socks to prevent leg-clotting. I had my IV line put in and was downstairs awaiting my surgery. I went into surgery at 1pm, was back in the recovery room by 2pm, and back in my hospital room by 2:45. I was up walking before 4pm day of surgery. They kept me overnight, it was part of the package, so I didn't get to see my band location till the next morning when I drank the most disgusting pink chalk ever.

Everything looked good and I was discharged by 10am.

I am 5 days post-surgery, have lost 13 pounds already (yeah I know -- liquid diet doesn't last forever but I'll take it!)

I feel great, I strained one of my incisions lifting my carry-on wheeled suitcase into the overhead bin for flight and it's bled a bit but overall feel fantastic. I have had quite a lot of gas pressure but no hunger or internal pain.


Edited by vow

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I have to say, I thought the same exact thing Patsal when I read that story...


KayC, I'm sorry that you had to endure this, but I am confused. Did you have bypass or a band? The reason I ask is that LAP-BAND® and realize bands (the adjustable bands have not been around for 16 years) so that would explain why you have not had fills.

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I was banded in Tijuana, Mexico by Dr. Kuri on 3/24/10. Here is my story.

We spent practically all day Monday travelling and I was exhausted when we finally landed in San Diego at 8 pm eastern time. We spent the next 1.5 hrs waiting for our luggage. It turns out that while we made our connection in Arizona, our luggage did not. Luckily, there was another flight from Phoenix coming in after our flight and they put the luggage on that. We received a $40 voucher from Southwest because we waited for it rather than having them deliver it to us.

Once we got our luggage, we walked outside just as the van sent for us (from my Doctor in Tijuana) was circling for the 100th time! I asked the driver Miguel if he was dizzy and he didn't understand a word I said. Oh well, as long as he knew how to get to the hotel, I was happy. The Palacio Azteca was very nice and I just could wait to fall into bed! I was exhausted. Tuesday morning I sat with DH while he ate his yogurt and banana Breakfast with coffee. I was fasting due to the pre-op testing that I had yet to do. The hotel brought us to the hospital at about 9:30.

I was very impressed with the efficiency we were met with at the hospital. We were introduced to Anabelle and she told me that I was her responsibility and should not worry about a thing! I had my blood drawn, chest x-ray, ekg and urine done in about 45 minutes. She then took us to our hospital room which was more like a hotel room. Bed, recliner, pull-out bed for DH and bathroom/shower. All private. Very nice. She than told us to go and enjoy Tijuana. DH was not excited about this but was a good guy and we went. We had brunch at TGIF...I had a breakfast taco and he had a breakfast sandwich. We than walked around the city a little. I was hoping to find a t-shirt that celebrated my visit to the city. You know, something that said "I left my fat in Tijuana." Alas, I did not find anything! We did quite a bit of walking actually and found that the part of Tijuana where Hospital Angeles is quite nice!

Once we got back to our room, Anabelle took us to meet with Dr. Peterson. He is an internist who went over my whole medical history. basically he told me I am one healthy fat chica. Ok, he didn't quite put it that way but thats what he meant. I than got to meet my Dr. Kuri face-to-face. I've spoken to him on the phone but this was my first meeting with him. He did not disappoint. He was everything and more than what I had envisioned. He answered all my questions and told me to have a nice restful evening, he himself was going to a party but don't worry, "I see you at 7 a.m.!" With a wink and a smile, he was gone! I am assuming he was kidding.

Wednesday morning! Banding day! Woo Hoo! I was woken up this morning at 6:00 to take a shower and then taken down to the surgical floor around 6:30. Everyone could not have been nicer. My anesthesiologist was a sweet little woman whose name escapes me at the moment. She came in to talk to me a little and she gave me a pill to calm my nerves. I told her I've never come out of anesthesia without vomiting and she promised me she would do her best to change that. It’s now 3:30 pm. and I have not vomited nor felt nauseous at all!

I was brought into the OR and than really only remember them putting oxygen mask on and than that was it. Next thing I remember, I am in recovery and I hear them talking to Connie, the other woman who was also operated on this morning. I was in recovery for about one hour and than they brought me back to my room. DH was MIA but that was ok, I just wanted to sleep. DH came back about ½ hour later and told me he went back to TGIF to get something to eat. food? Whats that?

The pain meds they gave me were great! I didn't feel at all loopy and I also didn't have any pain! I cannot believe how good I felt actually.

All in all, my whole experience getting my band in Mexica with Dr. Kuri was a great one and I would highly recommend Dr. Kuri to anyone who was thinking about going to Mexico for this procedure.

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16 hours out of surgery. I don't feel anything. Going to exercize today. Will be back to work on Monday. I expect I may have some problems later on like most do, but so far so good.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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