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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I was banded yesterday morning (Jan. 11, 2010) and came home this afternoon (Jan. 12). I received the Realize Band at Hazleton (PA) General Hospital. My surgeon was Dr. Michael Bono.

I arrived at the hospital at 0615, went through the usual pre-surgical routine, was taken to the O.R. around 0730, received some IV Versed while waiting in the hallway, and was taken in to the OR a few minutes later. I briefly woke up in recovery but don't remember much of that. I was in my room in the step-down unit by 1000. The thing that stands out most in my mind about waking up from the surgery was an amazing LACK of pain. All I felt was a little discomfort in the center of my abdomen. Throughout the rest of the day and night I would experience waves of mild to moderate pain, but the nursing staff was great about taking care of my pain.

I had nothing to eat or drink for the rest of the day. The scariest part of the whole procedure was my inability to pass urine until almost 7 pm. I was literally minutes from getting a "straight cath" when the tried and true method of running cold shower Water over my hand finally worked and I was able to at least partially empty my bladder (phew!).

Today, I have more of a nagging pain and tightness. I was "topped off" with 10 mg of morphine IV right before leaving the hospital so I didn't need any Vicodin until just now (8 pm) and it is already working.

My surgeon congratulated me on my pre-op diet (i lost 65 pounds in 6 months) and told me that it made his job much easier. Luckily, I have NONE of the shoulder pain from the gas used to expand the abdominal cavity. I'm just crampy and have some stomach and bowel gas which I am treating with Gas-X.

My biggest regret is that I did not have this done years ago. Good luck to all who are about to have the surgery and thank you to all who have offered me words of support throughout this experience.

Take care,


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I was banded yesterday at Georgetown Community Hospital in Georgetown, Ky. I had to be at the hospital by 7:30 a.m. I was pre-registered so I picked up a few papers at the main registration desk and took them to Surgery and then sat in a waiting room until I was called back to the prep area of the surgical suites. I gave another history to the nurse, and IV was started and I was given an injection of heparin. I was given a gown of very thick, sturdy paper with openings to facilitate the surgery. The anesthesiologist visited and the surgeon stopped by briefly then I was taken the the surgery suite. One second later I opened my eyes and the operation was over. (The surgery took about 40 minutes.) I woke up clear headed and stayed in the PACU for half an hour or so. I was given ice chips, which were wonderful. I was taken to a private room and given dilaudid for pain. The incisions have not hurt at all. A special pump/catheter was attached to the port incision in the surgurey. It's called an On-Q device. It delivers a non- narcotic pain medication directly to the site. It works great. All the medicine will be delivered in 3 to 5 days. I was uncomfortable from the gas used, achy pain in my midback, but it was helped by walking and I was walking quickly. I stayed overnight and was given 4 more heparin shots, three torodol injections and percocet for pain. I didn't need much. By 6 am this morning I felt really good. I am at home now and my stomach is sore but it's not bad. I am sipping liquids constantly and find if I go too fast I feel nausea. I am so glad to have the operation completed and to go on to my new life.

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Had my surgery Tuesday Jan. 12 at 9am. Arrived at 6am checked in, paid my co-pay and waited with my hubby to be called back to pre-op room. Anesthesiologist and Surgeon came in to go over a few things. Got a "nice" injection of happy juice and the last thing I remember is sliding onto the operating table and my ankles being strapped in.

The next thing I knew is I woke up in recovery. I was then moved into a private room and as the previous poster said I didn't experience as much pain as I thought. Wasn't able to urinate either until they said the catheter may be needed. I got nhooked from everything and made my way to the bathroom. A turn of the faucet in the sink and "presto"! I got through the night very well. My hubby was with me every minute to get me through.

Home now trying to get used the liquids getting the 64oz in each day is tough. Just resting my body walking and breathing as much as I can. Thanks to all who have shared their stories. It has been a great help to me. Good Luck...Here's to Being Thin in 2010!

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My surgery was 6am--I arrived at 5:30 and not a single person there:confused: Finally about 5:45am, people started coming in including the lady that would admit me. She told me to wait in the outpatient lobby, and that once she had the list, she would call us one by one (there where other patients waiting for other outpatient surgeries). To my delight, I was number one. Once back, I changed into a gown. Getting the IV in proved the hardest thing about the surgery. My tiny veins rolled--the nurses stuck me 5 times and nothing. The anesthesiologist end up finding something in arm to work with--he said right before surgery they would find a better one. They gave me the happy juice so I dozed a few minutes Anyway, I was whisked to the holding room, and switched to the operating table. I remember the mask and then waking up! The doctor came over and I think he said the surgery went good, then he went to talk to my husband I guess. I told the nurse the it felt like an elephant was on my chest and I was a littled nauseated, she gave me something because I woke back up in my roomAt 12:55--I felt great, so I asked to get up and walk. No pain. I was surprised how I really didn't feel anything. After I came back, that took me to do the barium swallow. I did get some pain medicine after that just because getting up and down the bed made me a little sore, but not much. Around 2pm--they said I was doing so well I could go home. It was good day--everything went pretty smooth:smile2:

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I was banded on January 14 in Alabama. I arrived at the hospital at 5:30 and they took me back almost immediately for a urine test. I was able to go back out and sit with my family while I waited for the results....only for about 10 minutes. They took me back and had me change into the oSOsexy hospital gown and put in the IV. The IV didnt hurt at all...they used the numbing stuff so it was a breeze! Then the round of nurses and doctors came through verifying info. They did allow my husband, mom and dad to come back and see me before they took me to the OR. I remember them wheeling me through the doors of the pre-op area at 7:30 and that was it. ( I didnt even know they had game me the "happy" stuff) They woke me up in the recovery area and told me they were done. WHAAT? really? I didnt really have any pain at all during my stay, but then, they kept me on morphine the whole time. I slept and vaguely remember having visitors. The nurses were fabulous! They really did everything they could to make my stay comfortable. When i got up to walk around, I got very nausous, so i would walk for a very short period of time and have a cold rag waiting to put on my throat and forehead.My husband had school Thursday night, so my dad came down and sat with me for a few hours...which was absolutley wonderful. He came in, said I am here if you need anything, go back to sleep. Gotta love Daddies! I kept waking up during the night...from all things...thirst. my mouth was so dry it was miserable. I kept wiping my mouth out with a damp wash cloth. i couldnt have anything to drink until the barium swallow the following morning. ( I had not had anything to drink since 9:30 on Wednesday night. ) I guess around 10 on Friday morning they came in and took me for the barium swallow (yes it tastes bad, but my mouth was so dry it really didnt matter) Everything looked good and by the time I got back to my room I had my Breakfast waiting. (2 tablespoons of broth, 2 tablespoons of Jello and 2 tablespoons of and unidentifiable juice) And it was the best thing I have ever put in my mouth! They wouldnt release me until after lunch though so I waited patiently (slept while my husband waited patiently). They finally turned me loose around 2:00 and wa back home by 3. Today, 2 days post op, I am feeling pretty good. I am sore, like i have been beat in my stomach and I have bad gas/indegestion. i am trying to walk a little. i hope tomorrow will bring even more improvements. Not sure if I will be making it to church in the morning though. Overall. a great experience so far. :w00t:

Edited by krstjump03
forgot something

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Can I ask you what was the name of the 1% chocolate Protein Drink, and of course how are you feeling now? Thanks Eileen D. edaum99@yahoo.com

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I was banded on 1-21-10 by Dr. Mark Paya, Glendale, CA.

I arrived at the surgical center @ 11:30am. I was taken in at 12:45pm (they were running behind schedule). I put on my lovely hospital gown and was taken to my bed where they took my vitals and inserted the IV. My surgery was supposed to be at 12:30 but I didn't get taken into the operating room until 2:30pm. During that time I spoke with the surgeon and the anesthesiologist to go over everything that would be happening during the surgery. At around 2:30pm I get taken to the surgery room and then get transferred to the other bed... the nurse wraps my legs in something and the anesthesiologist was talking to me and then the next thing I know is I am waking up in recovery.

The first thing I feel is discomfort in my stomach and nausea!! The nurse is by my side telling me everything went great. The office manager and my nutritionist came by to say hello to me. I don't remember if Dr. Paya came by to see me because I was in and out, but I do vaguely remember him walking by and saying everything went great. I know that he had another surgery after me, so maybe that's where he was off to. The nurse and the staff were awesome!! I left at about 6:00pm for my drive home.

The drive home was awful... it was raining and hailing!! I live about 30 miles away and I made my husband drive the streets all the way home instead of the freeway. I have no idea why but he said that's what I wanted.

Get home about an hour later... walk into the house and immediately feel like I am going to throw up but my hubby comes running over to me with the anti-nausea medicine and puts it in my mouth and instantly the nausea goes away.

I get on the recliner, take some pain medicine and out I go. I slept off and on throughout the night. The gas pain in my chest and shoulder area was worse than the discomfort in my stomach. The only way to get relief was to walk around.

Overall, the pain was not as bad as I prepared for, more of a discomfort. The gas pain was bad but tolerable.

Walking is what helps the gas pains.

I wish everyone the best and look forward to my new life and getting to know all of you a little better!!


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:thumbup:Thanks so much for sharing your experience with all of us. I personally thank you. Your experience has helped me knowing what is going to happen. Yes, I have heard the gas pains are worse than the surgery. I wonder if GasX would help? I hope you are doing well, and that the pounds are falling off. If you don't mind me asking, how much have you lost so far? Have a wonderful day and thanks again for your help letting us know what to experience. Eileen

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Well, my surgery, I was told, was to be at 10:30am, Jan 4, 2010, and to be at the hospital at 8:30. It's a 2 1/2 hr drive to the hospital, was there before 8 - & was told my surgery was actually scheduled for noon. ok - lots of waiting. Then even more waiting - they had to switch surgery rooms - so one waiting room, then surgical waiting room, then peri-op room for an hour or so, then, FINALLY I get taken back to pre-op. Anesthesiologist gives me numbing shot before putting in the IV (told the nurse i'm a hard stick, so she said she'd let the anesthesiologist do it - yea!) Small talk with him & a couple of doctors (i think - could have been people dressed in scrubs for Halloween). Didn't even know they had given me happy juice - next thing I know, I wake up in recovery.

My sister had taken me, and when I asked about going home that night, she said the doctor (Dr Christopher Eagon, Barnes-Jewish Hosp, StL, MO) said I was staying the night. I told the nurse - I want to go home, she said well, you have to pass urine, walk around, eat some ice chips, meet with nutritionist, etc. I said, ok, let's do it! So up I went to potty - no problem there. Ate a cup of ice chips, she called Dr Eagon, and he said ok - they gave me a nutrition sheet, script for pain meds, and off I went!

THEN . . . had to sit in a pharmacy drive-through for an hour!! Got lost in St Louis, long story short - didn't get back home till after midnight! But all's well that end's well!

Took it easy for 4 days (surgery on Mon, back at work the next Mon). No gas pain as others have had. But a little over a week later, my stomach felt so tight for a couple of days - had gas then - uncomfortable, but no pain. Doing great now - 3 weeks out, down 16 lbs. Go for my first fill next Monday! YEA!!

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My surgery was on Jan 13 and my experience was similar to several others who have already posted. But there are two funny things that happened to me (funny now, but wasn't so funny at the time!)...first, they had a terrible time getting the IV in and they stuck me so many times that I became dizzy, faint and started sweating profusely. Just as I was having this reaction, the surgeon showed up to talk to me. Nice timing huh?! Then he lifted up my gown to write on my stomach with a marker (he always writes the procedure he is doing on the person's belly). And he said, "Ewww, you are so sweaty!" How embarrassing!

Then when I was in recovery, I was having a bit of difficulty breathing, probably because I was still getting over a cold. My oxygen levels were below 90% and the recovery nurse had to keep nudging me and reminding me to take deep breaths. I was pretty out of it at this point so barely remember. So I ended up staying in recovery for several hours. They brought in a new patient next to me while I was there and he was crazy! He talked non-stop to the nurses and anyone else that would listen about anything and everything including his first wife, previous wife, kids being crazy, insulting people based on their appearance and race, and on and on. As if that wasn't bad enough, his surgery was a hernia repair so I had to hear him go on and on about how his "private parts" (he used much more graphical terms) hurt so bad and he said "he was going to pull out that aluminum mesh thing and walk out of there." I was visualizing things I never wanted to visualize, especially while under the influence of Morphine! :thumbup:

Anyway, the recovery nurses thought it was funny that he is the one that got me more alert and actually smiling. When the nurse asked my pain level, I said my irritation level was a 10! I stayed overnight because of the breathing issue and went home the next day. I was glad I stayed overnight as I did need to continue on oxygen through the night and also had a few scares where my heart rate dropped pretty low during the night and the alarms were going off on the monitors. One other complication I had was an allergic reaction to the surgical glue they used instead of steri strips. But that resolved within a week.

I am now 2 weeks post-op and feel pretty good, except for having no energy. I am planning to go back to work this Friday. There were a few days immediately post-op that I regretted doing this but now that I am feeling better, I am so happy that I did!

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It is a little before 5am and I am a few hours shy of 24 hours after my surgery. I can say I am in a better place now with my pain. As far as coming in yesturday morning there was nothing to it. I signed in changed into my gown and got an iv. I never felt the injection for the blood thinner and as soon as I was up on the table I got my happy drug. I blinked and I was in recovery. My family and the nurses kept me comfortable and after a test this morning I will be going home. I would elaborate, but its hard to type with the iv ans blood oxygen monitor on my hand. I don't want to say nothing to it, but it was easier than I imagined.:thumbup:

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:thumbup:Thanks so much for sharing your experience with all of us. I personally thank you. Your experience has helped me knowing what is going to happen. Yes, I have heard the gas pains are worse than the surgery. I wonder if GasX would help? I hope you are doing well, and that the pounds are falling off. If you don't mind me asking, how much have you lost so far? Have a wonderful day and thanks again for your help letting us know what to experience. Eileen

Hi Eileen,

I think it's great that this thread exists... It's amazing to see how similar it is for everyone.

Personally, the GasX did not do anything for me for the gas from the air that's trapped inside... Walking was the only thing to get rid of that "air" gas pain.

I am doing pretty good so far...I have lost 12 pounds since my surgery date.

Do you have a surgery date yet?


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I was banded on Friday 1/22/10. I went in to the surgery center about 3:00p for a 4:30p procedure. Prior to the surgery, I urinated in a cup and spoke with the surgeon and anesthesiologist. My whole recollection of surgery day is a little foggy, but I do remember going into the surgery room and laying down. The table reminded me of when I had my c-section. I remember looking up at the lights and the next thing I knew I was in the recovery room. I was nauseated and in slight pain, mostly what I think was a bloated gas pain. More out of it and delerious than anything. I think I left the facility at 7:30pm and my mother drove me home. Unfortunately I didn't get the pain prescription until after the surgery, so I remember having to find an open pharmacy on that Friday night. I wasn't going to go through the night without it. Well we found one and I remember walking around the grocery store like a zombie with my hospital wrist band still on. The liquid Vicodin was not pleasing at first, but after a day or two, it became pleasant tasting, maybe because of its mercy affects. I stopped with the pain medication about the end of day three. I am on day five now. I had really bad gas pains until yesterday. Walking does the best at moving it out. I woke up on day two and three with bad stiff neck pain, from what I read on here, it appears to be related to the gas. I had what felt like heart burn in the morning and was very nauseated for the first 3 days without any medication for that. Its still there, but not as bad now, not sure if it has to do with the reduced food intake.

Yesterday was my post-op appointment and everything went smoothly. The best part of it was sitting in the lobby waiting for the appointment listening to other lapbanders, who were further along, talking about their experience.

Right now I am missing the food more than I thought I would. Now, I know what others are saying in these forums and realize I really need to re-evaluate my relationship with food. Even passing a McDonalds triggers an emotion of some out of me! I am following the post-op diet strictly and will take this one day at a time.

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Hubby & I were banded on 1/27/2010 at The Reading Hospital by Dr. Federico Ceppa. I reported to the Surgi Center at 7:15 for a 9:20 surgery. Hubby went with me. His surgery was scheduled for 1:20 - he had a VERY long day at the hospital. They took my vitals and had me change into a gown & socks & they took me back to sugical holding area around 8:00. They started my IV - got it on the first try in my left wrist and put on the inflatable boots. That was it - there I laid on a gurney until around 9am - I expected a shot of Heparin like many of you report getting or some "happy juice" to relax me. I received neither. At 9 I was wheeled to an OR holding area & stayed there for about 15 mins. An OR nurse verified who I was & who my Dr. was & what surgery I was having. Then off to the OR. I schooched over onto the operating table. The Anesthesiologist was so sweet & had a very calming voice. The OR was full of people & I saw my Doc in the back with a big clear mask over his face. Anyway they strapped my arms down, inflated my boots, put oxygen over my face & said they were giving me the meds to fall asleep & that was it. I heard my name called in recovery. I looked at the clock & it was 10:25 - so I guess I was in surgery about an hour. I woke up fully by 11 & felt some pressure in my belly & a lot of phlegm in my throat. I had to cough. I told the nurse I was about a 6 on the pain scale and was nauseous. She gave me Toradol, Dilaudid & nausea meds. I felt better & laid there for half an hour. All my vitals were good & I asked the nurse to raise my bed so I could cough. I still had a bit of pain so they gave me more dilaudid - that did the trick I felt much better. I was taken to the post op surgical unit around 12. They continued my vitals and got me Crystal Light. I took 3 small sips & got really nauseous. I asked for meds for it. She said she would call the Dr. He ordered a Phenegram suppository & a presciption to take hope for tabs that disolve on my tongue. The Phenegram really helped. I told the nurse I had to pee (did since the recovery room)! So she wheeled me to the bathroom & wheeled me back & then sat me in a recliner - did not make me walk ??. My DD (19) was there with me & my MIL was with my hubby in his holding room. My doc came to see me at 1:20 & said my surgery went well & that they were putting hubby to sleep right now. About 10 mins later I got dressed and DD took me home. I did not feel bad at all - not a lot of gas. I feel ok this morning - more pain than yesterday though. I just walked my DD(9) to her bus stop a half a block away. Hubby on the other hand is having a lot more gas pain. He said it feels like something is sitting on his chest. He got home at 7 last night. He was feeling so bad - he was ready to leave the hospital around 5:30 and got all hot and dizzy as he was getting in the car that they made him get back in bed for another hour. The Dr. told my MIL that his surgery went well too. We both got 11cc realize bands. I am surprised that we were not made to walk around and they did not make sure we could drink after surgery. They were not concerned about that or emptying our bladders (I did anyway). My personal opinion is that the nurses needed to be more specialized in this type of surgery. They offered me soda & I told them I couldn't have it so they brought Crystal Light in a cup with a straw - I told then I was not allowed to drink out of a straw - Dr.'s orders. The nurse told me I could get Dumping Syndrome if I ate too many sweets - I told her No - that happens to Gastric Bypass patients. Oh yes, and I was supposed to get a nausea pill while in while in the holding area and they forgot to give me that. I mentioned it when I was waiting outside OR & the nurse said yes it was charted & someone missed it. She said it was too late now, but they would put something in my IV. So anyway, surgery was not too bad for me - another story for hubby :smile2: We are both taking liquid Lortab - yucky - but works, Gas X strips, nausea pills, and using heating pads on our bellys.

Edited by DB1119

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Yeah -- I was banded yesterday, January 27 at UNC-Chapel Hill Hospital. I was scheduled to report at 11 but got a call to come in early - cool! Got to the hospital around 10:15 or so and things moved pretty quickly. The nurses were super nice and put me at ease. The anesthesiologists also very kind. They had some trouble starting the iv but assured me that they would get it started soon to give me the good stuff. They were right, got the first 'shot' and was feeling pretty good. got wheeled to the OR and hopped onto the table - shot # 2 was delivered and even better. i just looked around the or and tried to take it all in, not sure why. again everyone was very kind then the mask came and i was out like a light. the procedure was about an hour, but i didn't wake up until around 2. was in recovery and feeling nauseous and in pain so i got some more meds and was in and out for a while. then i moved back to the recovery suite area and my husband was able to join me. i was still groggy, but anxious to get out of there. i had a few sips of Water and felt a little nauseous again. more nausea meds and i was feeling a little better. had a few more sips and it happened again. the nurse was a little concerned b/c they want you to be able to keep water down. i never got sick but just felt weird. i walked to the bathroom (holding my lovely gown in the back the whole time - didn't want to flash anyone), then walked back. i was feeling better. i don't know that i was actually nauseous it could have been gas pains since the gas i've had doesn't feel like typical gas. i've had some gas strips and that seems to help. also taking oxycodone. i'm definitely sore - like i went a few rounds with a heavy weight. yesterday i shuffled around and had some broth, a few licks of a popsicle and crystal lite. my throat has been sore and scratchy and super dry - i think it's from the breathing tube (which as predicted by the anestheologist, i have no recollection of whatsoever). today i'm walking around more and my neck is sore - probably from sleeping in weird positions last night and throughout the day today. it's still tough getting in and out of bed, the couch and chairs, but better than yesterday for sure. today i've been feeling nauseous and don't feel like eating. had a some broth and think i had too much. my hubby just got me some Protein Drinks so i'll try that later too. i have to remember that i can only eat a very little bit. been sipping on crystal lite (cherry is pretty tasty) and water. the port site is the most sore but i'm feeling more and more like myself by the minute. i'm worried that i'm forgetting to do something and i probably am, but i'm ok and anyone reading this and planning to have the procedure - you will be ok too! this is all over the place, i know but i'm hoping to return to being coherent next week! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU ALL and feel free to ask me any and all questions! This forum is great and can answer just about all your questions - especially the ones you were afraid to ask.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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