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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I was banded on Wednesday (november 4th, 2009) and I arrived at the hospital around 9 and the show was on the road by 10am. When I woke up from anesthsia, I felt like I couldn't breathe, or take a deep breath at all, and I started heaving immediately. All of the recovery nurses freaked out and told me to stop because it would "undo my surgery" so they stuck a peppermint oil soaked gauze under my oxygen tubes, and pumped me full of anti-nausa meds through the IV. My left shoulder hurt immediately and I slept on and off for the rest of the day. When I finally got up to pee, I also walked around, and I was feeling pretty good with my morphine drip! THe next morning (I stayed overnight) after I was released, they gave me like 4 prescriptions (which my poor husband had to run all over our big town to find the correct meds, and eventually drove to another town to get my liquid pain meds). When I finally had all my meds I tried sipping Water, Jello, etc, and then I started to have GAS....BAD....but I took some (expired) gas-x and I passed gas finally, and it was like heaven! lol.

So that's my story...I'm on day 3 now, and I plan to go back to school (college) on Monday!

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I pretty much lurk but promised myself I would post my surgery story since reading previous stories were so helpful to me.

I'm usually not the type to panic, however, I was very anxious a few days before the surgery (I even cried a couple of times!). On the day of surgery, I was totally calm and sure of my choice.

I entered the outpatient surgery center on November 11th at 11:00 a.m. and had visits from the surgeon, his assistant and the anesthesiologist. I was weighed and then taken to my room where I changed into the hospital gown. The nurse came in and started my iv. She gave me protonix to reduce stomach acid, an antibiotic and about a half hour before surgery, gave me some sort of relaxer (Versed?). She also went over my history, asked if was allergic to anything, etc. I had severe nausea with my last c-section, so they put a scopamine patch behind my ear to prevent this. She also put pumping sleeves on my legs and gave me a shot of lovenox in my belly to prevent blood clots. I also had to take a pregnancy test even though I had a tubal eight years ago.

I was wheeled into the operating room on my bed and then scooted over to the operating table. The room was quite cold so they put several wam blankets over me. The surgical nurse put a clear mask over my nose and mouth and had me breathe deeply. The next thing I knew, I was in recovery being asked to wake-up. I was in recovery from around 2:00 - 3:00 where I was asked about my pain level and given sips of Water to drink and also a fast acting pain reliever in my IV.

Next I went back to my room to relax . My mouth was extremely dry from the scopamine patch so I was given more water. I also had a dose of liquid Loritab. The nurse gave me aftercare instructions and helped me get dressed. I left the hospital at 5:00 and was home a few minutes later (I only live a couple of miles away).

I'm not really in pain, just tired and a bit sore. I've had some issues with trapped gas in my collarbone and shoulder. It's so true that walking helps. My husband also gently massages the area and I've used a heating pad. sleeping is a bit uncomfortable because I have to sleep on my back for now and I'm normally a stomach sleeper. I also make sure to use my spirometer to prevent pneumonia.

My big challenge today is to get in enough clear Fluid. I've had water, water mixed with diet cranberry juice, peppermint tea and am also using the New Whey Liquid Protein shots (mixed with water) to get in enough Protein. Tomorrow, I start full liquids (protein shakes, thinned cream Soup, yogurt) and then on Monday, I progress to mushies.

Everyone was extremely nice, considerate and professional and I'm very happy with my decision to have the surgery.

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So I had my surgery today at 7:15AM. I was out by 9:00 and in main PACU for a couple hours. We went home around 1PM.

So here it is, I got there and they had me change in my nifty gown and compression socks. It really sucked that I have my period today. They didn't let me wear a tampon or pad! UGH... I know it may TMI but that made me mad.

Anywho, after the nurse started my IV in my hand instead of my forearm --- which HURT!!!, they took me soon to the OR.

I go there and I'm actually very familiar with their OR's cause I work in Labor and Delivery at that hospital and a lot of the time I have to take patients back to the OR for c/s's. My room was right next to the rooms they do those c/s in. Anywho, we got in the room and everyone was really nice and introduced themself. They made me comfortable and put my arms in those arm holder things. They kept putting the mask on me and I kept talking asking questions, next thing I knew I woke up a tremndous amount of pain in PACU -- it was hard for me to wake up since they had to give me benedryl with the anestheisa cause they used a "bear hugger" which is a device to keep you warm and it gave me a rash on my chest. Dont' knnow why... LOL

Anyway soon they wheeled me down to the step down area and I stayed there for a lil' bit. I was insistant I get up and walk around cause it felt worse to lay down. I went pee about 3 times. Since then I can't go #2 probably cause of the pain meds:frown:

So they discharged me and the tech brought me out to the car and then my husband just parked the car and went back in and got the perscription filled. We did this because they wouldn't allow me to just go wherever, they had to make sure I was gone OK but I didn't follow the rulses :) LOL . Anyway we dropped of my perscription for the Loratab liquid and then we walked down the hall to where I work just to walk of this gas and I saw all my coworkers and they were very happy that things went well. We walked back to the car after picking up the persciption and we headed home. So far I've been walking around the house just a lil' bit and resting as well. I feel pretty good otherwise.

So here's a video of my whole ordeal of my surgery --

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My Surgery was 11/9/09 at Tufts Medical Center with Dr. Julie Kim. It was originally scheduled for 11am and I would have to be there at 9am, However a few days before they changed it to earlier the same day...

The morning of surgery I got to the hospital at exactly 6:30am. They then had me fill out paperwork and weigh in. They gave me a ID Bracelet. I then had to change into a gown, a robe and booties. They provided a locker for my things. I then was sent to wait in the surgical waiting area until they called my name. I kissed my sweatheart goodbye and I was off.

I was told to use the bathroom now if I needed to which I did. I then was led to a curtained alcove where a bed and IV equipment was held. I laid on the bed and was bombarded with questions from different staff. Mostly the same questions were aske. Name, DOB, And what are you here for today?

Soon the anesthesiologist came in and he actually started my IV. I was then led to the O.R. My surgen was there and came over in front of me to talk to me and ask if I had any questions, which definately reasured me. I laid down on the other table and streched my arms out on the holders.The anesthesia dr then asked if I drank wine or beer? I told him wine and he said think of this as a glass of wine or two at happy hour and thats all I remember...

I woke up in pain and very very thirsty and the nurse was there she aske on a scale of 1-10 what my pain was I said 7 and she gave me something for it. She then fed me a spoonful of ice at a time until I finally told her I could do it myself. My sweetheart was then led in to see me. I was able to use the rest room and given a popscicle which felt like heaven fo my dry throat. I couldnt finish it though. I was then released and was actually home by 3pm. I was happy the ordeal was over. Its been a week and I am still a little sore. It hurts a bit to laugh or cough. But other then that I am starting to feel like myself again. I also have lost 6lbs since my surgery date and altogether 16lbs if you count pre-op dieting. I know it will come off better when I am allowed to start my exercise routine again. I am happy I decided on the lapband ( I actually have the realize).:redface:

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Hello all. I thought I'd share my surgery day story. Especially since it almost didn't happen due to abnormal blood tests and irregularities on my EKG. But eventually everthing was good and I had surgery yesterday (11/17).

I arrived at NYU medical center at 6am with my Aunt. I signed in and took care of my co-pay which was only $100. It all became real when I got my fancy wristband and was sent to the interview area. I changed into my gown and then was asked to remove my eyebrown ring. I totally forgot about that. When taking it out, it fell on the floor so I was in the room on hands and knees booty out and all. LOL! But I found it! The members of the team began to visit me one by one. The anesthesiologist (who was FINE!), the physician assistant, a nurse, my surgeon Dr. Kurian, and a few others. I had so many chances to ask questions. I felt pretty comfortable. I just kept asking them to be sure and prescribe anti nausea meds since I would be getting my period next week ( I get really sick).

My surgeon, Dr.Kurian was great (she did Al Rokers gastro). She informed me that I had the appropriate body type to get the single incision (SIL) but there could possibly be more incisions if everything wasn't accesible with the single incision. She explained that I would get a 10cc band and explained what it would be like in the OR.

When the nurse came to get me around 8:15, I started to get nervous. My Auntie held me, and we said a prayer together. The nurse held my hand as we walked to the OR. I started to freak out a little when I saw the bright lights and all the people. And that operating table scared the heck outta me. But I kept it together.

My tricky veins decided to play hide n seek while trying to get the IV. It took forever for them to find a good vein. Soon, I got my "happy juice" and then I drifted off as they worked their magic.

When I came to, I was a little nauseous and was in some pain. They quickly took care of it. I felt like I was slipping in and out of conscienceness. I then realized I wasn't in the OR and asked "Where am I? Is the band in?" (I had a dream last week that they couldn't put the band in.) Soon my Aunt was by my side and they informed us that I would be getting a room for the day.

I was a bit high, so I was calling and texting everybody, cracking jokes, and sending hilarious pictures. That certainly eased their minds that I was ok. LOL! (I have to post some of the pics soon). My Aunt left to fill all my scripts.

After a while, the pain started to come again and they gave me more "magic" drugs. I was told that once I urinated a sufficient amount, I could go home. One of the nurses came and asked me to take a walk with her and that it would make me feel better. Boy I tell ya, that walk was GREAT! I didn't wanna lay down again. I just wanted to walk, walk, walk. The nurse happened to live near me so we chatted like old friends while we strolled.

My body was being stubborn. I wasn't urinating enough. So I was told I would be there a while. I was given a morphine shot (burned like hell), a heprin shot (to prevent clots), and some meds for acid reflux (which I didn't have). So I spent my time watching TV, laughing with my Aunt (well more chuckling because laughing hurts), and going for walks.

Around 8pm, they decided I had urinated enough. I was like I better have!! I had chicken broth, a bottle and a half of propel Water, two cups of tea, three cups of ice chips, and two IV bags.

I was discharged around 9pm. The ride home was TORTURE. NYC has no shortage of potholes I tell ya. Thanks to suggestions on this site, I had a pillow pressed against my stomach to lessen the shock and jiggling when we hit rough Patches. It still got pretty bad once we entered the Bronx. I cried a little from the pain. I finally made it home and took my time going up the steps. I had everything set up in my apartment before I left. I am camping out in the living room. Its easier for me to get up from the couch than my bed.

I am having trouble sleeping. So I'm sipping peppermint tea while listening to music (and passing gas...tee hee hee) I am using my spirometer often . It really helps. Ok. Eyes getting heavy, maybe I can get some sleep now :-)

Feel free to ask me anything.

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Before I had my LapBand surgery I found reading everyone’s surgery day experiences helpful so I hope mine is helpful to someone out there!

I was called the day before my surgery to let me know what time to arrive at the hospital. The message said 5:45 am which meant I was the first surgery of the day at 7:30. Since my hospital is an 1 ½ hour away we left at 3:20 am which was supposed to give us ample time to get there. We got on the toll road headed toward the hospital when someone going too fast in the rain caused a wreck a head of us. I’ve never (ever) been stopped dead on the highway for an hour, but there it happened on the morning of my surgery! We didn’t move again for an hour and 5 minutes. Thankfully we had built in extra time, the hospital is in Philly so I know they have traffic, and I had the number for the hospital in my bag, just in case. I called the operator and they connected me to the head nurse at the OR and I explained the situation to her and she seemed really nice and told me not to panic, even if I was late they would make sure I was taken care of that day.

I finally got to the hospital at 6:20 and went to the administration desk where I filled out my final paperwork and was given my wrist band. Then I was taken to get changed into my gown and put into the pre op ward, which was kind of weird because I was in there with 35 other people waiting to go in for varies surgeries and most didn’t have their curtains closed. I closed my curtains and then the nurse came and took my vitals and asked a round of questions. Then they let my husband come in with me. After him, my surgeon came and signed my stomach (a signature that is still on me 2 showers later! I think he used a super sharpie) to show that I was in fact his patient, then his nurse who just wanted to say hi and ask a few more questions and then finally the anesthesiologist came and gave me my IV port. I suggest lying down for the IV because if you haven’t eaten in a while it can make you lightheaded. And then it was off to the OR.

Once in the OR things went really quickly, they hooked me up to a heart monitor, and then pushed something into my IV that made me really cold. I remember asking for blankets and being covered up, then a mask being put over my mouth and a lady behind me telling me it was just oxygen. Then I was asleep.

I woke up a little in the recovery room, but don’t remember it at all. I don’t really remember the first few hours after I was taken to my room, I was pretty tired and kept falling asleep. Once my husband left for the night I woke up really well and didn’t feel much pain. I had a button that took care of that. And then my nurse came to try and get me to use the bathroom, which I tried but couldn’t. After I couldn’t use the bathroom I walked for a bit and then sat in a chair in my room. I started to feel sick so my nurse brought me a bucket and I ended up getting sick. She said it happens from the anesthesia sometimes and we would just have to make sure I didn’t throw up any more to make sure I didn’t have a leak or anything. But I felt much better after and it didn’t happen again. But I wasn’t able to use the bathroom so they had to put in a catheter and my nurse assured me it was normal, they didn’t leave it in only to drain the liquid from my bladder that once. The next morning I was fine on my own.

I was woken every few hours for vitals and to walk a bit, and then at 7 am they came and took my blood and scheduled my barium test. The barium test went fine, I drank 2 different types of liquid one barium and one I don’t remember. The cool part was the tech doing my scan showed me the band inside of me, really amazing!

Then I was taken back to my room and had to drink liquids for 1 hour. A small cup of Water than a small cup of apple juice. Then I was free to go! I was given pain meds, Prilosec and Colace (which I didn’t need). I didn’t sleep great through the night, I was up and down but not in any pain which I was grateful for.

I hope this is helpful for anyone about to have this surgery! And if you have questions I’ll answer what I can! Good luck future bandsters!


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I have been reading this thread ( I believe I have read every single post on this thread) almost daily in anticipation of my surgery since I started this process in June. I have

enjoyed the knowledge that I gained as to what the actual surgery day would involve, and the personal stories that were heartfully shared, especially the engagement post! Talk about a TOTAL lifestyle change???:sad: But all kidding aside I hope all is well with that young couple has their life together will certainly be a loving and healthier one! Congratulations to them!

Back to the subject of which this thread is about... My surgery was scheduled for Tuesday Nov.24th,(4 days ago)

I too got the call from the hospital the day before my surgery date (IMHO they really should let us know earlier than a day before, this just adds to the stress of the whole thing!) and was told to be at the hospital at 2:00 pm for a 3:30 surgery.

No liquids or food after midnight and I have to wait until 2:00

stinking oclock??? I was bummed, but figured that extra time would be a great time to do all my school work that was to be completed that week, and I wouldn't have to try and do it under the influence of medication when I came home.

I woke up (naturally) at around 6am and was ready to seize this well earned and anticipated day! I fed the dogs, finished the remaining laundry, enjoyed listening to the Today Show and Oprah while completing my school assignments and taking an on-line test. About 10:30 I went and took my shower, and the hospital called and said if I could, please come at 1:00pm instead. as the surgeons were running ahead of schedule. That meant get my butt in gear and double time it! But I must admit, I was elated at being able to go earlier.

We arrived at 1 oclock sharp where we were told to go to the second floor and they would take care of me.

Well for petes sake one volunteer grabbed me and rushed me immediatly off, and another grabed my husband and ushered him to a table with all kinds of Snacks and refreshments, then showing him where he could wait until they where done with getting me ready.

I was placed in a small cubicle where they asked zillions of questions and had me sign all the forms. Then, amazingly they made me pee in a cup to test for pregnancy!!! Wait a golden minute, I am 54 friggin years old, with a 24 year old tubal ligation, and a vasectomized husband ( second marriage). I told the nurse if that thing comes back positive then I am a direct relation to a very famous Mary!!!

My nurse then drew the curtain around and had me change into my xxxxxxxxxxxxL gowns. These had to be made to fit an entire high school football team... all together, because no normal human being would ever need this much material. Anyway, up on the gurney I went and the fun began. The IV was placed beautifully and painlessly, I was given a pill for pain and two more , but I'll be darned if I can remember what they were for now, and a huge honkin glass of water.( now why do they not let you drink anything for hours, then give you this Water 20 minutes before surgery???). They also gave me a short shot of something that smelled like a delish fruit drink, but tasted like a bitter cough Syrup. NASTY, but is was to neutralize the acids in my stomach. Finally the shot in the tummy for clotting which did not hurt at all, but the medicine, once in was warming in that spot, but did not burn.

My husband and surgeon arrived shorty after all that and the doc explained everything and asked if I had any questions. I said only one, when does this show start??? He said very soon. Then a very funny Anesthesiologist and his assitant came in and asked a few questions, had me stick my tongue out and say AHHHHH and then left after assuring me that I will do great. They had told me that my sleepy-sleep medicine would be placed in my IV and I would be out. So I was deprived of the mask and counting backwards from ten:thumbdown:

Then it was show time shortly after that ( I think I was at the hospital for a mere 45 minutes) and zoom, off I went!

I was wheeled into what I thought was a small operating room, where there had to be at least eight different people. They had me slide onto the table, and like a well rehearsed ballet, they all went into their routine. One on each side placing supports into the table for my arms, and strapping them, while two more were working a simular routine on each leg. I rememeber saying now I know how a Thanksgiving Turkey feels when getting trussed. I again was greeted by my surgeon and the comedian Anesthesiologist appeared. That is all I remember because while I was laughing at the jokes, someone spiked my line...Blacked out cold!!!

The next thing I remember was in a hazy fog , burbing, and burbing, and burbing. The nurse asked if I had pain, and I felt alot of pain, but could not think about that because of these mysterious baby burbs that were constant. I finally burped out a burp form of SOS and the nurse got me more pain medication. I must have dozed off again, because I again woke to the same sweet nurse asking about my pain level. I told her between more baby burps that it was a seven, she again gave me more pain medication (morphine) and the wheeled me to the hallway where my husband met us and off to my private room. It was truely a great room, flat screen TV, a huge private bath and shower, big fluffy towels. The beds all had everything in and on them. They even weighed us and all the info was sent to the nursing station. If for whatever reason I grabbed the rails (usually to assist in helping myself pull myself up) the built in intercom in the bed rail would have a nurse asking me if I needed help. It was awesome.

Anyway once in my room I now noticed I had these inflating and deflating wraps around my legs below my knees. They where cool except they were another contraption that had to be undone before I could get up and walk. So I only got to walk around 4 times while there overnight. But thankfully I never had any gas pain, and my now new pain pills did the trick to relieve my stomach pain, so I really didn't pester the nurses about it too much. But it was cool because that evening I walked past the first room from mine and recognized a ladie I had talked to at our last seminar where we vowed to knock on everyones door and get them up to walk. Well we did, and there was eight of us, each pushing our IV polls down the long hallway. What a site we all must have been, all eight fat people dressed in the HUGE hospital gowns pulling these IVs and shuffling down the hall...ALL with the flatback hair do happening!!!!

It was a great experience and a wonderful start for my whole new life, and I am thankful for every second of this adventure!:Yawn:

Edited by GraciesMom

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Guest austrolatrishy

Tuesday night, I went to sleep feeling anxious I slept for a couple of hours, and then woke up every hour until 7:00 a.m., when I decided to get up. I kept dreaming of something bad happening, and it was hard to stay calm. I did the dishes that I had left in the sink the night before (lol), and then watched the morning news. Nothing to eat or drink since the night before, so my mouth was dry and my throat was scratchy. I took a shower with a surgical prep wash called Hibicleanse, and while I was in the shower, I lost it. I cried and cried and cried, because I was so scared of the surgery. I spoke on the phone with my buddy Jenny and she made me laugh and reminded me why I decided to do this. She also told me to ask for warm blankets, and warned me that they would keep asking me why I was there.

Miah and I left at about 10:40. We went and picked up Soup and broth for the next two weeks, and then headed into Houston for my surgery. We arrived at the center at 11:30, and after getting checked in, waited about an hour to go back to the pre-op room. I went back alone and changed into a gown and a funny hat, and then they put the IV in. They gave me fluids and checked my vitals. I was completely calm, I couldn't believe it. I think all the prayers and thoughts for me prevented me from freaking out! They covered me with two warm blankets (you were right Jenny!), and about three different people asked me why I was there. LOL I almost told them that I was there for a knee replacement, just to see what they would do. hahaha

They gave me a shot of heparin in my stomach, and it was supposed to make you feel like you are on fire, but I didn't feel anything. They also pricked my finger to check my Iron count, and gave me a Dora the Explorer band-aid. At about 3:30, the anesthesiologist came in and said that it was time. I heard them announce "OR 3 is green" - so I knew that I was going to room 3. The anesthesiologist was a very nice lady. She told me she was going to give me a margarita in my IV, and did she ever. the whole room was going around and around, and even though I was dizzy, I felt great. They rolled me into the OR, and had me slide onto the table. The OR was very small, and had huge floor to ceiling windows that overlooked downtown Houston. They put a mask on me and told me to breathe deep. They then put these cuffs on my legs to massage them while in surgery so I wouldn't get a blood clot.

They told me that my arm was going to feel warm, but I never felt anything. The next thing I knew someone was telling me to breathe deep, breathe deep. I was in recovery. I asked if everything went well, and they said everything did. I started asking when I could get up, because I wanted to go home. I laid there for about an hour, and the doctor came over and told me that everything went fine. He also said that I had a hiatal hernia that needed repaired, and a hole in my esophagus, which I didn't even know I had. Dr. Hollis fixed both of those for me during surgery. They even gave Miah photos of everything to take home. I'm such a nerd - I was asking to see the photos before they got me up walking around.

When I woke up, I felt a lot of pressure and pain on my abdomen. They had filled my abdominal cavity with air, and it was uncomfortable. I felt like I needed to burp, but couldn't. They gave me gas medicine, and then helped me get dressed. I went to the restroom and then to the step-down room. They went to get Miah, and we stayed in there for about a half an hour or so. I had to go to the restroom before I could leave, and drink half a bottle of Water. I had to breathe into this tube to show them that I could get enough oxygen on my own. They wheeled me out to the car, and then Miah dropped me off at home, and went to get a heating pad for my shoulder, and my pain meds. The heating pad really helps my shoulder. The gas that they filled me up with goes up to the left shoulder, and it feels like someone is sticking a knife in your arm. I'll be glad when all the gas is gone! My inscions are still numb, and I've been able to drink my Protein Shake (mmmm chocolate) this morning. I have no appetite though, and they said that I would have to force myself to drink liquids for the next two weeks. I took Bella out for a short walk this morning, and am going out to the store later. They said that walking will help with the gas pains in my shoulder.

All in all, it wasn't so bad. I am proud of myself for staying calm and having the courage to do this!

Thank you for all of your support. It means the world to me!

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I just had my surgery on Monday, November 30th. I got to the hospital at 9:00 am. By about 9:30 I was called back into pre-op. I was asked to change and do a belly scrub. I was given a shot of Heparin, which does burn, and was hooked up to the machine and massaging leg things. My IV was started and then my husband came back. He brought my iPhone with me so that I could play some games while I waited. I met 4 different nurses, including the 3 that would be in the OR with me. The anesthesiologist showed up, asked if I was ready, as did my surgeon. The final two nurses came to wheel me in. Hug and kiss from the husband, and a quick stop for anesthesia injectible, and I was on my in. I remember saying hi to the nurses in the OR and that's it. I have a feeling they lifted me onto the table. My surgery started at around 11:45

I had the sweetest nurses in recovery. I was very in and out during that time. I do remember they were all talking about going out after work was over - they were very cheery. At some point radiology came in and took my x-rays. By 2:30 I was in my room.

Then began the parade of thousands. I think I met about 40 different nurses. I asked right away to go to the bathroom, but it wasn't until about 3 that I got to go. After that, my dad, husband and I walked. I was told to walk as much as possible. By about 5, I was given ice chips. I dozed on and off. I was given one dose of morpheine, which didn't help much and then was started on vicodin.

Going to the bathroom took forever. I would sit for about 5 minutes and go, then would get up to wash my hands. By the time I was done washing, I would sit back down and go for another 5 minutes. Then I'd walk up and down the hall and would sit down and go for another 5 minutes. After that I'd get back in bed and would read for a while and then doze. I met a bunch of different doctors. I managed to walk by myself up and down the hallway 5 times.

My nurse came in at around 11:30 the next day and asked me if I wanted to take another pain pill. I was told that I would be leaving by noon, so I said I was fine. However, I wasn't released until 2:30. By the time I got home, and my husband picked up my pain pills, I was hurting.

Mostly I had gas pains, bad gas pains. When the gas started to pass, things got much better. It's now Friday, 4 days after my surgery. I'm still on the liquid diet, and I get a little hungry at times. I'm able to walk for about 30 minutes each day. Tomorrow I take off the incision tapes. Not looking forward to that.

I plan on returning to work on the 14th. By then, I'll be on soft foods, which should feel more normal.

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Not sure this will help anyone since everyone’s experience seems to be different, but I thought I would offer up how it went for me.

Arrived at hospital at 5:30am Dec. 3rd – around 6:00am taken back to weigh (lost 20 pounds after two weeks on liquid diet) then to my room, changed into gown and those hospital socks. Nurse took my vitals and went over my medical history and such. My family and a friend who had the surgery over a year ago waited with me until 6:45am when I was taken to pre-op to meet the anesthetist who went over my medical history again then he found a vein that would work for the IV. Given some “happy juice” in the IV and wheeled back to OR – scooted over to a table that looked much too narrow, but it held me up. Given the “real happy juice” and that was it.

Woke up in recovery and felt OK – dozed off a couple of times then was back in my room with the family and friend around 9:00am. Nurse brought in some ice chips, Water and cup of Jell-O. Between dozing off and not wanting to swallow anything it took me about an hour to get down about six ounces of water and a few ice chips (never opened the Jell-O).

Nurse gave me a dose of Loritab, checked my vitals, gave me a goodie bag that included a “coughing pillow” and one of those breathing apparatuses you have to suck on to keep your lungs healthy. Then around 11:00am I was allowed to walk out of the hospital and headed to our son’s home. Spent most of the rest of the day dozing off and on, but got up every 30 minutes to walk around a bit and sip some water.

Headed home around 4:00pm still with no pain only a little light-headed and a minor sore throat - took another dose of Loritab about 6:00pm just as a precaution. Tired a couple of bites of Jell-O and drank about 10 ounces of water. Tried to sleep in the bed that night, but to no avail – I don’t like sleeping on my back and it was a little uncomfortable on my side so I headed to the recliner – slept pretty good.

Next morning (Friday) and still no pain only a little soreness around my abdomen - had a cup of coffee. Did my best to take in some liquids through out the day, but only managed to have about 24 ounces of water, half a Popsicle and a couple of spoons of Jell-O. Found if I drank too much I got tightness in my chest which tells me to stop putting stuff in my mouth. Had no appetite or hunger pains and feel pretty good except for a minor headache and I move slow when getting up after sitting due to a little soreness around my incisions. Tried the bed again, but headed to the recliner after an hour of lying on my back.

Saturday morning and still no pain – don’t feel like drinking much of anything, but had half of a Popsicle. Felt nauseated after doing the breathing apparatus thing – felt like my lungs where pressing on my chest when they inflated – plan not to drink anything a few minutes before I do it again.

All in all this has been pretty easy. Monday I am supposed to be able to have Slim Fast (which I hate – thanks for the recall) – then on Friday I can have soft foods. Don’t know when the appetite will come back, but for now I am glad I don’t have one.

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Good Morning November Knockouts!! Since beginning my walking routine, I have been inspired to start a project that has been done before but still is very cool to me. To walk every street in Manhattan. Not sure how long it will take me if I dedicate a couple of hours each day. I walk anyway, I might as well make it interesting. I plan on blogging my experience along with pictures. I need a good map (to track progress) and good sneakers and I should be on my way. Starting Monday!!! As soon as I start my blog I will post a link.

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Guest austrolatrishy

That sounds awesome! Good luck to you and I will be following your progress!

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Ok so I was banded 11-16 I know im a whole month late

but here goes my surgery story. I arrived at the hospital at 6am sharp. Surgery was scheduled for 7:30 am. I got checked in got into my hospital gown all the nurses were running around it was a well orchistated dance i tell you. I got weighed in 243 for the record. Before I knew it I had an anesthesiologist who was starting my iv. He was a rather young oriental hottie. Back to the story. Once i had my iv in he asked if i was nervous and if i needed something to relax. I was like "No I'm not nervous but give me some of the good stuff anyway". So he did I was a little woozy. My doctor came in and asked if i was ready I said "yes and dont forget my low profile port o.k." He was like i wont and then the surgical man nurse who was very sexy by the way started to wheel me towards the OR. During that time the anestesiologist topped me off and I was out, didnt even get to see the inside of the operating room.I woke up in recovery asked what time is it. it was 11am. I was like DAM that was some good sleep. I asked the nurse to get my hubby he came in and i got to see him for a little bit before they informed me that I was beeing admitted and they were waiting for a room for me on the 8th floor. I freaked out and was like "EXCUSE ME". I'm here as an out patient and i want to go home. They called my doc and he came in to see me. He changed the orders as soon as he saw that i was walking aound by 11:30. I was wheeled over to recovery, I asked the nurse what do i need to do in order to go home. She said you need to go pee and sip on this Water without beeing nauseaus. Long story short I was home by 3pm. I'm alergic to codein so couldnt take the liquid lortab so had to crush my percocet yum. It was the nastiest thing i have ever tasted. I asked the hubby to get me some liquid tylenol he did but that just didnt take the pain away. I improvised I crushed the percocet and put them in a tiny bit of the liquid tylenol it worked.I slept for the first 3 days post op. Those meds make me sleepy. Like I said I am a whole month post op and down 20lbs best decision I have made. No buyers remorse here folks.

Edited by soocalchic

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Friday December 18, 2009 will be a day I shall not soon forget. I was to be registered at 9:15 AM. It was snowing that morning with a forecast of 10 inches by nightfall. I live 57 miles from the surgery center. The IV was started, and nurses started coming asking questions etc. Finally at 1PM I was taken back to OR waiting area, where the sleep doctor put some dream sauce in my IV and I drifted off. I awoke miserable and in some kinda pain. They quickly gave me an injection of Phenegran to keep me from vomiting. I had this hand Grenade looking thing hanging on my stomach with a tube going inside me. I was told this was numbing medication that I would be wearing for 60 hours. I have heard so many people tell of how they were just a "little" sore coming out of recovery. I felt like I had been hit with a coal truck. I am 6ft 300lbs and have been lifting weights in the gym for almost two months, so Im no pussy. It hurt! Now I leave headed for home after a couple of hours and get almost home as the weather gets progressively worse. My wife driving, and we slide in the ditch. Some very nice men in four wheel drive vehicles came by and got us out of the ditch and we sat there for over two hours waiting for rescue vehicles to come by and take us home. The battery went dead on the car and the cell phone went dead, but finally the rescue squad came by and took us home. Today is Tuesday, four days later and the gas pains are just starting to clear up. The pain at the incisions only lasted a day or so. I was sent home with morphine pills (thank God!) but they are all gone today. GasX strips were a life saver. So Im on the road to recover, as I go back to work tomorrow. Mine was a painful journey to say the least.

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