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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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Thanks for all the stories!!! My surgery is tomorrow morning and I am so nervous!!!

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Hello all well i am 4 days post op and feeling so much better. On Surgery day started out good i remember being moved on to the surgery table and that is it. I woke up in my room in alot of pain. I had a c section 6 years ago and the feeling was similer in my stomach area but not as bad. I take a look at my stomach and there are my 5 suture marks well one has sutures the rest are glued closed. I realize the main one where the port must be is about 1 1/2 inch long. Then after trying to reposition my self in the bed to relieve some pain that did not work i call the nurse and she helps me up to go for a walk. Well i must say that was the best thing i could have done. So I do recommend walking as soon as u can. The next morning after a not so good night of sleeping i go to xrays to make sure the band is in place and drink this drink that tasted like chalk that took everything i had to swallow to make sure there were no leaks in the band i was allowed to go home. All i can tell u is bring a pillow for the ride home pot holes are terrible and u feel everyone. The pain does get better everyday I am now on a thick liquid diet and that is working for me. No bathroom problems at all so i really have no complaints or regrets. By the way 5 pounds down today. Take care all

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I was banded on May 19, 2009. I arrived at the hospital around 10am with my dad and my sister. My mom showed up about an hour later. They took me back to pre-op around 11:30 or so. I was so ready and sure of this and calm that when the RN took my BP, it was like 120/80. The anestesiologist told me that when I woke up I might be a little nausceous. I was the 3rd procedure of the day for my surgeon, so I was not actually taken in to the OR until between 1-1:30.... I was so not nervous.. I was ready to rock and roll, but my family, they were a nother story... ....I remember them asking me to scoot over to the table and them putting the mask over my face and the next thing I remember is them waking me up in the OR, telling me it was over and that it went well... they asked me how I felt... I told them that I was nausceous, I don't know if I really was or if it just stuck in my head from earlier... but they gave me something for that. I don't remember them taking to to PACU, but I do remember eventually waking up, the RN asking me how my pain was on a scale of 1-10. I think I told her about a 6, so she gave me a shot of morphine... I felt back asleep.. LOL just before they were ready to take me up to my room, they hooked up my morphine pump... I liked that! LOL I actually didn't use it TOO much... I was up in my room about 5:40 pm.. my parents and sister and friend where there.... I work for a travel nurse staffing company and I vaguelly remember talking to the nurses about that and them asking me questions.. LOL I did ask for some ice chips because I wasn't allowed anything yet, so they gave them to me and they eventually brought me a tray w/crystal light, some broth and some Jello and of course, water.... I wasn't hungry but I was thirsty, so I drank the Water and the crystal light, but small sips... I eventually had the nurse heat up my broth about 11pm because I knew I had to eat. I had a few more friends show up to see me and I remember hitting the morphine pump while they were there and I had this big grin on my face according to them.. LOL My nurse took me to walk about 10:30 that night and then again in the morning before the change of shift. I remember the pain wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, it just felt like I had done like 500 crunches... I found that I could really only take one bite of jello and that had to wait for a while before I could have more because it made me a little sick to my stomach... but the next morning I was able to handle the jello better.... I went home the next day around 2pm. I have been reading everyone's experiences and a lot of you had an upper GI to make sure that the band was in the proper place, etc.. they never did that for me... but so far so good... I am about 3 months post op and I am down 34.4 lbs since the surgery but a total of 48.5 since May 4th, which was 2 wks before my surgery...

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WLS Las Vegas Meet And Greet 2010

wls las vegas meet and greet 2010

Hopefully this website will help you with any planning that you need to do to make it to the 2010 WLS Las Vegas Meet & Greet.

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I'm banded!!! I had my surgery yesterday and all went better than I had hoped. I had to be there at 9:15 and my surgery was scheduled for 11:30. The had trouble with my IV, but then again they always do. I sat and watched tv for a couple hours after that since the Dr. was a little behind schedule.

I went into surgery around 12:30pm and was out around 2pm. When I woke up I remember my legs being really restless and feeling some pain. They gave me morphin, which helped a ton, and then they gave me some anxiety meds for my restless legs. Once I got back to my room I felt pretty good. I was up and walking within an hour, went to the bathroom, ate a popsicle and was out of the surgery center by 5pm. The Dr.did have to fix a hernia in me, which kind of surprised me.

I was honestly expecting more pain than I have had (knock on wood). I just had a c-section five months ago and this was nothing compared to that at least. I've been walking a ton, my sister, mother, and husband have been rubbing my shoulders to help with the gas pain and that has helped a great deal. We drove back home today, it's a four hour drive but we stopped a couple times so I could walk around and I still feel pretty good.

So far I'm not hungry, I've been eating broth, Jello and sugar free popsicles and that seems to be enough for now. I've been drinking a ton and I don't feel any restriction. I thought I'd feel 'some' and only be able to sip Water but I can drink like normal?

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Hi Everyone!

I was banded on August 13th, 10 days ago! Here is my surgery story:

I had an 11Am surgery time so I had to be at the hospital by 9AM. When I got there they took vitals, had be put on the gown and robe. I sat around for a while and then the nurse came in to do my IV - as usual for me it took 2 sticks to get the IV in, then it was on to my heprin shot in the side of my butt. I didn't even feel the shot, nor the burning sensation I was told i would feel - nothing.

I was taken back shortly after 11, I walked into the OR and laid down, before I knew it I was out cold, I rember waking up in the recovery room a bit groggy but feeling well. I stayed in the recovery room for 1 hour and then was moved to a regular room. As soon as I got to my room I got up and used the bathroom then took a walk around the cooridor. I didn't feel bad at all. No pain, just sore around the middle oh and my calves hurt really bad.

I slept for a little bit and then they gave me my clear liquid tray, I was able to handle everything with no problem at 1 ounce an hour. My nurse came back and said I am going to see if I can get you discharged, an hour later I was. I was out by 5:30 PM!

I felt pretty good when I got home, I kept getting up and taking walks around my house and even did the stairs a couple times. Although I didn't need a pain pill, I took one to go to sleep. Although I didn't sleep the night Iit wasn't terrible. I did that the 2nd night too but never took another pill after that.

By day 3 I was feeling great, I even went matress shopping - day 4 out to a birthday party. I was fine sititng while everyone else ate around me.

I did have pretty strong hunger pains for the first full week but they have subsided. I am dealing with just 4 ounces a meall and am satisfied, but I am not getting full at all with each meal.

The only negative is that I am dealing with a ton of Constipation. I long to releive myself and it just isn't happening and I am getting frustrated!

The recovery was really easy and I am SO happy that I did this!!!! GOOD LUCK to everyone thinking about doing this, don't be afraid it really is a wonderful thing - oh and did I mention that I have already lost 17 pounds!!!

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i was banded on august 19th.my boy and i arrived at cleveland clinic surgery center at 7 am. checked in,and in 5 minutes i was taken to a room to change and start an i.v. of saline. my surgeon came to check on me. i was very nervous all of a sudden and started to tear up. i have never been put to sleep before. the nurse let my husband come back to me and she gave me a shot in back of my arm for preventing blood clots. told my husband to say goodbye-a quick kiss, love you, and they wheeled me off in my bed.right outside the o.r. i was greeted with anestesiologist who was asking to see my mouth and quick last minute confirmation of questions. they wheeled me in and i transfered to a operating table. i told them to put me out as quickly as possible. i was very scared. right then a mask came over my nose and that's all i remember. next, someone said time to wake up and i felt the breathing tube being pulled out my mouth. i immediately felt wet down there. i said"i am so sorry, i wet the bed!" they said it was all right , everything went perfect and wheeled me to recovery. the nurses there immediately washed me up. i felt no pain. i was on a pain pump of morphine and given a little green button to push when i needed a surge! my husband came back to see me and i fell asleep in and out till finally i was admitted and taken to the bariatric floor and given a private room. i slept well. and in the morning at 7 am i was taken (i walked) across the hall to have a barium drink(just a swig) and watched on x-ray of the Fluid go down through my realize band. back to my room where my doc came to see me and said if i can get off the morphine and do well on oxycodone9liquid) i can go home that evening. i did well. i walked up and down halls and even took a shower on my own and put on my make-up! around 1 pm i was taken off the morphine and wow!!! i suddenly felt like shit. i underestimated what the pain meds were doing for me. i sucked it up and about 6 pm my husband came and got me . i live about 1 and a half hours away, so the ride home was the hardest for me. i felt every bump. take a pillow for your lap. i have no regrets. only hope for the future. i will live now. i will live like i never have before. :)

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Yeaaaa, my surgery was on Aug 25, 09. I was told to arrive at Thomas Jefferson University at 5am and ofcourse I was late...lol I arrived at 5:30 am and was immediatley registered and directed up to the short procedure unit. I quess I was the first procedure of the day. I was a little alarmed because this was deffinatley not a short procedure. I was called five minutes after checking in and was led into the surgery prep area. I was told to wash my abdomen, legs and arms with these anticeptic wipes (they are sticky as hell). ofcourse my nerves were all over the place and I was anxious. The nurse came in and took my vitals, history and explained to my mother where she would have to go. He was not very personable, it almost seemed like he was reading from a script. That made me a little uncomfortable because I would have liked to trully feel cared for at that time. I mean this was a major surgery I was undergoing!

I was escorted to the PACU and all sorts of things starting running through my mind, what if this wasn't for me, what if I should be getting the Rue en Y, what if my liver didnt shrink enough!!!!!! I sat there starring at all of the people in the room, not knowing what surgeries they were having and if any of them were here for the same thing.I was driving myself crazy!!!!! I was introduced to the nurse and the anesthesiologist, who were very nice and caring. A short while later I was visited by my surgeon who assured me that all would be well. After Slipping me a little cocktail to ease the nerves, I was completely oblivious to my surroundings.

The escort arrived to take me down to the operating room, my heart was ready to jump out of my body!!! They rolled me into the operating room and I almost lost it! The medical team was very polite and helpful. They informed me of each step that they were taking. The last thing I remember was them telling me to breath in teh so-called oxygen they placed over my nose!!!!

I woke up to people prodding and poking me all over. Apparently I was in my room, the medical staff tried to talk to me but all I wanted to do was sleep. The nursing staff was asking all kinds of questions that I was not interested in answering at that time! The nurse let me sleep for a while before making me get up and take a walk. She was surprised that I requested to go to the restroom and that I remembered her name because I was high as a kite...lol I wasn't in very much pain, mostly discomfort. I remember felling a lot of pressure on my chest from the anesthesia. The nurse karate chopped my back to break up the anesthesia from settling in my lungs. The most I ever felt was pressure from gas and trying to breath. They told me I was allowed to have 1 once of ice chips every two hours and boy was I thirsty!!! I couldn't wait to get out of there and to the comfort of my own home where i could sleep in peace. You would think that an ill person would be able to sleep in a hospital right? Wrong, they bother you all day and night taking vital signs, administering medications by IV and bugging you to walk. The next day I was sent downt o complete the barrium swallow that proved everything was well and placed on a liquid diet. I was given lunch and dinner and discharged with instruction that evening. All in all, this was a very painless surgery and I am happy with my decision to go on this journey. I am amazed as I sit here writing this from my office computer only three days later just how fast this process was. I would like to encourage all who have decided to partake in this major journey to change the outcome of your lives forever!!!! Best wished and Good luck!:w00t:

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I had my surgery Monday and it's now Friday and I almost feel back to normal! The port site and the gas they blow your stomach up with were really the only two pain issues. The gas problem went away in 2 days and I am still having medium pain around my port site. I have two incisions, one little one right under my left boob...and a 2 1/5 inch one in the middle of my stomach on the left. They didn't use stitches just that liquid band aid or whatever it's called. I got to the hospital at 6am and was home by 10:45. I was only under anesthesia for about 40 minutes and then in recovery for a couple of hours. The hardest part was being ready to be wheeled back but having to wait till the doctor got there(for an hour and a half...). I just got in this weird mood and started sweating so I just closed my eyes and dosed. I don't know if it was nerves or something they put in the IV or what, but I just felt soo weird! After I woke up in recovery they had me do a barium swallow and it went right through, and one of the nurses said I'd probably need a few fills before I was happy with my level of restriction. But yeah, I can manage by myself now pretty well:) I'd do it again in a heart beat! Down 4 pounds since surgery and 15 lbs altogether!

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Yesterday, August 28, 2009 was my surgery day. I got at the hospital at around 0600 to check in and so on. Went into my room, got into the nice robe and relaxed in the bed, nervous as all get out because I had never had surgery before. The RN came in my room and I signed some paper, then she got my BP. The Anesthesiologist came in my room and started my IV and left the room. He came back a few minutes later and gave me the shot that relaxes you. The surgery staff came into the room and got me bringing me to the OR. I got into the OR and the Anesthesiologist came in and all I remember is that the put the mask on my face and told me to breath in deep, I did it twice and I was out for the count. I do not remember the recovery room lol. I remember being being moved back to my room where my Wife and family was. I was still very loopy did not want to do anything but sleep lol. I had to get out the bed and sit in the chair to make sure that I was okay. At around 1230 they discharged me and I left to come home.

I slept most of the ride home and was not hurting to bad at this point. Later in the night I started hurting really bad because of the gas. I had to sleep on my sofa because it was the only place that I could get comfortable at the time. The gas went away but I am really sore today.

Overall the hospital staff at West Jefferson was the greatest, they were all very nice and cared. :frown:

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I got my band yesterday morning. I'll leave out the hospital details because they are pointless; needless to say I ended up in the bed with an IV before I was wheeled into surgery. When I woke up I could immediately feel where the port was, and it felt like I had an extreme tightness in my chest and shoulders, which was more uncomfortable than any pain in my midsection. I was taken into surgery at about 7:30 AM. It was approximately 2 hours, and I slept a long time in the hospital. I didn't leave until about 6 pm.

The gas pain is much harder to deal with than the incisions or the actual stomach. They also had to deal with a hernia while I was under so I imagine that doesn't help either.

I've been getting up and doing cute little walking laps around my apartment every two hours or so, it really helps the gas pains when you walk.

Today I've had nothing but some Protein Shakes and Water. Smaaaalllll sips at a time otherwise it hurts. I'm finding the Carnation Breakfast powders to be really great (except they didn't have the sugar free ones at my store which could explain why they are so good). I have had to use pain medication two or three times, and I can't sleep laying down flat because it makes the gas pains hurt more.

I'm going back to work in 4 days and I hope to be recovered enough to deal with Starbucks customers by then. Best of luck to anyone going in. :wub:

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I was banded on Friday (Aug 28) and everything went very well. I went home the same day and back to work yesterday. The only pain I had was waking up I had a bad stomachache. The nurses took very good care of me and I slept a lot when I was back in my room.

you'll be fine! Hang in there and think positive thoughts!


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I did the lap band by myself in another city.

I decided to go to San Antonio from Atlanta, Ga. because Dr. Rincon's office was offering an 11K deal which was good since I was self-paying. So I flew into town a couple of days before and had my tests done and psych counsel which was good in that the psychologist drove home the point that he sees plenty of people who had the lap band done and did not lose weight b/c they didn't follow the rules.

I got to the hospital at 5am at Southwest General Hospital. The hospital provided a van free of charge and the driver was very friendly. The lady signing me in didn't help when she said I didn't need the surgery b/c at that point I was wondering what the heck I had gotten myself into. I had only told a few friends and none of my family. I really was by myself. I was quickly led into a room and changed into a hospital gown. The nursing staff was amazing!!! They knew I was this 20 something alone from out of state and made me feel very comfortable by bringing me socks, warm blankets, and cracking jokes. Dr. Rincon came some time later so in the meantime, I slept in the waiting room & they dimmed the lights. It was nice except the 2 big IV's on each arm pumping saline into me so i wouldn't be dehydrated.

Next thing I know they are wheeling me out of the waiting room where this nice lady, the anesthesiologist, said she gave me something nice and if I feel weird to close my eyes. I don't remember anything else.

I woke up feeling ok just really sleepy. 2 new males nurses kept bringing me warm blankets. I was happy b/c I had no nausea. I had a prior patient from Dr. Rincon's office help me drive me back to the hotel. I was fine - walked in by myself carrying my stuff. After the 1st 24 hrs, I started feeling weak and very sleepy. To make it annoying I had to give myself heparin shots every 8 hrs. I ate chicken broth, jello, apple juice, and Water the first few days.

So far so good.

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I did the lap band by myself in another city.

I decided to go to San Antonio from Atlanta, Ga. because Dr. Rincon's office was offering an 11K deal which was good since I was self-paying. So I flew into town a couple of days before and had my tests done and psych counsel which was good in that the psychologist drove home the point that he sees plenty of people who had the lap band done and did not lose weight b/c they didn't follow the rules.

I got to the hospital at 5am at Southwest General Hospital. The hospital provided a van free of charge and the driver was very friendly. The lady signing me in didn't help when she said I didn't need the surgery b/c at that point I was wondering what the heck I had gotten myself into. I had only told a few friends and none of my family. I really was by myself. I was quickly led into a room and changed into a hospital gown. The nursing staff was amazing!!! They knew I was this 20 something alone from out of state and made me feel very comfortable by bringing me socks, warm blankets, and cracking jokes. Dr. Rincon came some time later so in the meantime, I slept in the waiting room & they dimmed the lights. It was nice except the 2 big IV's on each arm pumping saline into me so i wouldn't be dehydrated.

Next thing I know they are wheeling me out of the waiting room where this nice lady, the anesthesiologist, said she gave me something nice and if I feel weird to close my eyes. I don't remember anything else.

I woke up feeling ok just really sleepy. 2 new males nurses kept bringing me warm blankets. I was happy b/c I had no nausea. I had a prior patient from Dr. Rincon's office help me drive me back to the hotel. I was fine - walked in by myself carrying my stuff. After the 1st 24 hrs, I started feeling weak and very sleepy. To make it annoying I had to give myself heparin shots every 8 hrs. I ate chicken broth, jello, apple juice, and Water the first few days.

So far so good.

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9/14 I arrived at the hospital at 8:45 am. I had to watch a 5 minute video, they collected urine and put me in a gown. They then started my IV, gave me pepcid and a Lovenox injection and sent me to the OR. I was there a total of twenty minutes before I was headed to the OR. I then got Versed in my IV and went sleepy. The next thing I remember I was waking up in recovery. I recieved Zofran for nausea and some Demerol for pain and I was shaking really bad. I felt fine after that. I got up and pee'd and they released me at 1PM. Ive been doing fine yesterday and today. Some port pain while getting up and walking and back pain. Every 3 to 4 hours I use my spirometer and walk for 5 minutes. I have a 4 incisions closed with Dermabond and a bupivacaine pain ball in my stomach to numb it..i take that out by myself tomorrow and then Ill have a little hole there. Even though Im having pain and I was scared to death going in Im am very happy I did this and cant wait to start losing weight and to start feeling alot better about myself.:mad2:

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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