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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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Hi all! I was banded this past Friday (June 26) by Dr. Stanley Hoehn.

I woke up the morning of surgery and arrived at the hospital at 7:30 for a 9:45am surgery. I was taken up to a pre-op room where I had my blood pressure taken, my IV was started, I took a pill to coat the inside of my stomach, got a shot in my stomach to help with blood clots, got compression garments put on, and changed into a gown. My parents then came up to see my and stayed with me until about 9:00. During that time, the anesthesiologist came by and so did the surgeon. Then, very quickly, the nurses came by, wheeled me to the operating room and I was instructed to move over onto a table where they untied my gown. Once on the table, they placed a mask over my face, had me stretch my arms out, and I was a goner.

(Apparently the surgery only took 30 min. and everything went great)

Upon waking up, I felt quite a bit of pain in my upper stomach. So, when asked to rate my pain I mustered out a "10." After receiving some pain medicine, I was in recovery for about an hour until I was taken down to my room. Once there, I was hooked up to an oxygen monitor and IV. To be honest, I was very, very sleepy and just wanted to go back to sleep. However, when I tried to go back to sleep, my oxygen would dip and the respiratory therapist would come by and tell me I needed to take deed breathes. Then, for whatever reason, I was frightened by this breathing thing (I'm going to guess it was because I was afraid I was going to stop breathing). Once comfortable in my room, my parents came in and so did a nurse who was monitoring my pain and IV. At about 2pm. I was still pretty woozy from the anesthesia, but was asked to get up and see if I could walk a little. As soon as I tried, I became horribly nauseas. So, I laid back down and was given some anti-nausea medicine. About an hour later, they wanted me to try again, but it ended in the same result. So, I was given a pain medicine/anti-nausea shot in my leg. I went back to lay down and slept. Finally, about 4pm. I was able to get up and walk a little. During this time, a portable x-ray came down to make sure my band was in place and all of that fun stuff. Once the x-rays came back, I was finally able to drink! YAY! After this, I was also encouraged to go to the bathroom. I was still having quite a bit of pain in the evening, mostly on my left side, so we decided that I would stay the night in the hospital and be hooked up to a morphine pump. My parents left about 8:45pm and I was asleep shortly after. I was monitored overnight (e.g. blood pressure, temperature, etc) and woke up at about 5:30 the next morning feeling so much better.

On Saturday morning, I was able to move around a lot better and the pain was much more tolerable. I was taken off the morphine pump and given liquid viactin and walked quite a bit. My parents arrived at 7:30 and I was discharged at about 9:30 that morning.

I came home and all was great--until the nausea set in. I'm not sure what triggered it--it had to have been the SF bomb pop or the unjury chicken Soup broth. Either way, I was almost in a panic because I really did feel like I was going to throw up. So, my mom calls the surgeon’s PA and he tells me that he won't send out any anti-nausea medication and it was probably just too much liquid at one time. However, the nausea intensifies an hour later and I was almost to the point of throwing up. So, my mom calls the surgeon's answering service again and this time the surgeon calls us back. He agreed to send out a prescription and about an hour after I took it, I was feeling much better--but it was a very scary 2 hrs. I had another decent night of sleep on the couch and woke up this morning in a little pain, but not much.

As far as the gas pains go, they've been mostly in my chest--which means I've been burping a lot. However, I think they're moving south because my intestines are starting to rumble. So, I keep the gas-X strips handy and take one every few hours.

All in all, the surgery wasn't too bad--the most frightening thing was definitely the nausea at home.

My pain has been pretty good, so I plan on going back to school tomorrow (I'm taking summer classes) and I'm hoping it won't be too bad.

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My surgery was on June 2, 2009. I never had surgery before for anything and i was not prepared for the amount of discomfort I would feel immediatly after ad for the fisrt week. I had plenty of pain, but I don't think it was gas pains. I was terribly constipated to the point where I thought something was very wrong and I could not move without sharp pains.

Week two I started getting hungry and the liquids were not cutting it for me, I wanted to push past the mushy foods. During week two I got the flu and had fever, nausea and bronchitis for about 5 days.

By week three I was past all of the discomfort aside from some pain I feel at the port site. I still can't lay down on my stomach. I was not advised to start eat solids, but I did and I have no problems eating anything yet. I am not very active and I am waiting to go back to my aerobics and toning classes for another two weeks, but feel fine but I am not healed.

I can't get over that am not hungry at ALL. I was worried during week two when I started getting so hungry and the liquids were not cutting it. But when I started eating more complex foods that all changed. I still have a craving now and again, but I am shocked when one or two bites is satisfying.

Right now I am not getting enough food in and I feel weak. I am having a protien shake for Breakfast and about 4 - 6 onces of food for the rest of the day which maybe ricotta cheese or some bites of chicken that I cut up or smashed baked potato with a little sour cream. I also have been having about 2 - 4 ounces of non-fat frozen yogurt every few days.

I am losing rapidly right now, I lost 20 at last weigh in over a week ago. Is it normal that I am not having problems eating? I know I should not have started this early, but I feel fine and I cut the chicken up so very small it looked just like it was in the Soups.

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I had surgery yesterday, July 1, 2009. The night before I had to have a Lovenox injection in my stomach. Even though I had done that to myself before with fertility drugs, I couldn't do it this time. Then my husband was going to (since he had done 11 weeks of progesterone shots in my backside when I was pregnant with both my children) but when I saw him coming at me with that tiny needle I decided to get my nurse friend to do it! I had a little bit of trouble sleeping. I had been excited and scared (and pretty emotional) most of the day. But the night was a short one since we had to wake up early for surgery.

I got to the surgery center at 6:30 am and after the prep work (IV, sign consent forms) I waited for about 30 minutes. One of my nurses was a band patient and the first thing she said was "you are going to love it!" So that set a pretty nice tone for the day. The anesthesia doctor stopped by and asked me about my previous surgeries. I told him I had problems with vomiting after anesthesia. He said he had 3 drugs to help me with that. Then I met with my doctor who asked if I had any questions. They took me back to the surgery room and they had the radio playing. They got me situated and then the anesthesiologist gave me some medication and put a mask on my face and told me to take deep breaths. I don't even remember going to sleep!

When I woke up in the recovery room I could tell I had surgery but other than being groggy I felt ok. They called my husband back and he said Dr. Buschman said it went great. They had also done an EGB to see if I had any hernia issues and that was fine too. I heard a nurse say the surgery was textbook.

As time went on I slept off and on. My left shoulder hurt a little right after surgery, but it wasn't too bad. The nurse asked if I was ready to get up but I felt a little nauseous so they gave me Zofran and some morphine for pain. She came back a bit later and said "I hate to be Nurse Hatchett but we need to get you up" I was a little shaky but ok. I tried to go to the restroom but found even after 3 bags of IV fluids my bladder was still asleep! So I went back. They did an X-ray so the doctor could watch me swallow this really NASTY tasting lemon liquid. He found everything to go through very well. I had to eat ice chips to try to get that taste out.

I had a friend that worked at the surgery center and she stopped by and was concerned I looked pale. So she got me a wet washrag (to me that is the ultimate cure-all). It was interesting that I did feel nauseous again but when I leaned back it got better.

I rested for a bit then tried to go to the restroom again. This time my bladder sort of cooperated. So they got me ready to go home. Of course I still felt nauseous so I leaned back again. I was dreading the 10 minute drive home. We leaned the seat back and as soon as I got home I went straight to bed. It was about 2:00. My kids (ages 9 and 6) came to check on me occasionally. I would get up to go to the restroom, but my head was hurting so I would lay back down. To get out of bed it really helped me to be on my side and prop myself up on my elbow then get up.

I finally decided I had to get up and try to get out of my room. I made it to the door and a serious wave of nausea came over me (you know the kind that means throwing-up is pending. I went and laid down and just tried to think of anything else since I knew I couldn't throw up. I just kept praying. The feeling did eventually go away. My husband called the on-call doctor and they prescribed some phenergan suppositories (that was an experience). But it made me feel a lot better. I was able to sit in a recliner and eat some broth. Then I went in the other room finally (about 9 pm). I tried to drink some Gatorade and Water too. I took another pain pill (Narco...or hydrocodone) and decided it was bed time even though I had been in bed all day.

I slept great last night even though I had to get up 3 times to go to the restroom. This morning I was really sore. Like I had done about 5,000 crunches. But the nausea was gone and I was able to drink a Protein drink. I had some Water and a little tea to help with caffeine headache (my version of coffee was always Diet Dr. Pepper). I was concerned about blood clots so I went and walked around my back yard a couple of times. So far so good today.

Now I'm tired and think I'll take a little nap then walk around some more. I'm not the type of person to lay around but my goal is to not be Super Woman....I plan on taking it easy for a couple of days. I see the doctor next week to have some staples removed. So till then I'll just concentrate on healing!

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I was banded July 2 in Tijuana. Pretty amazing and quick. There were several of us and we all worked through our tests and they took us in the back and got us ready for surgery. By the time they showed me my room it was here's your gown and here are your cute little disposable panties (hahaha) get undressed and put these on. Someone will be in to finish with your compression socks. Those compression socks took this little tiny woman about 5 minutes to put on me and she had to work really hard at it, but they felt wonderful.

Next step was IV set up and several shots which I really didn't feel. Then they were rolling me off to the operation room. My arms were spread out and tied down which was weird, but that was about the end of me. I remember telling the anesthesiologist "whatever" you're doing is working and that was it. I woke up back in my room in a blurr. I laid there dozing off and on for a while, then they got me up and helped me walk. I got up and walked several more times and decided I wanted to leave. Another lady there and I got permission to leave and we did.

I was really in no pain, had chicken broth in the hotel dinning room and we decided to head back to San Diego and find a room there. We got back so late we couldn't catch a flight back home, but we ended up finding a nice place to stay and caught a flight out a day early.

I'm home, slept well, experienced many bubbles floating around my insides. My stomach sounds a lot like my husbands. He was a very noisy stomach. I'm not in much pain (but I did take the pain meds they gave me). I am sore in a copule of spots and I know my brain isn't working at top notch, so good thing I still have a couple of days before I have to go to work, but I really don't see a problem with any of that.

I'll be walking some today and napping and taking it generally easy.

The best to you other banders out there. I AM NOT HUNGRY AT ALL. YEAH.


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I don't think my surgery could have gone any better. It was exactly what I was hoping for. I arrived at 5:30 for a 7:30 surgery. My best friend (who was banded about 3 years ago) took me since the DH needed to be at work. Check-in was swift and off to the one-day surgery floor. We waited about 10 minutes and then I was called back for pre-op. Lovely gown, lovely socks! Once I was changed, they let my friend come back and sit with me. Lots of questions from the pre-op nurse. She was fab! Then in comes the anesthesiologist! He was adorable! My only thought was, "This poor boy is going to have to watch my flab bouncing all over the place". Then came the shot in the belly - heparin. I don't mind shots but I remember thinking, 'Ouch'. Later came a shot of Versed. Not sure why I needed a sedatvie cuz I wasn't nervous at all. That stuff is like a ruffie! My friend was taking videos on her blackberry of me singing. I don't remember ANY of this. It was hysterical and a little creepy watching the videos later and not remembering any of it. I do remember them coming to get me around 7:45 and I remember rolling down the hallways and into the operating room. I was asked to lay my arm out and then BAM..I was out. I woke up in the recovery room with a nurse asking me how the pain was. I told her I really didn't have any pain, just a little tender. She gave me some pain med anyway. It was 9:05 so the surgery had to have gone really fast. We left at about 11:30. I don't remember if I stayed in the recovery room the whole time or how I got my clothes back on. On the way home we stopped to pickup up my liquid lortab. That stuff was great. Take it as prescirbed for the first couple days whether you need it or not. I slept most of the first 2 days with very little pain. I could walk around the house just fine and even bend over and pick things up, it just took longer! Everyday was better. I think about 3 weeks and I felt fully recovered. No more tugging or tender spots. I had a great surgeon, great nurses and no surprises. I have the Realize band and have had 1 fill to date. Still waiting for that magical restriction. Hopefully with fill #2 in a couple weeks. Good luck to all! I recommend this to anyone who is looking for an alternative to the yo-yo dieting.

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My surgery was scheduled on a Wednesday. We got a really bad snowstorm the night before. Fortunately my mom was able to come into town and she has 4 wheel drive. We had to be to the hospital at 6:00 a.m.

Once we got there it wasn't long at all before they called my name. I hugged my parents and went into the pre-op area. I got my gown on and sat there for a few minutes. Then the nurse came over and started to get my iv started. It took a good half hour and several attempts before they finally got my iv in my arm.

The anesthesiologist came into the room and gave me some xanax which was great because it made me stoned out of my mind and my nerves were gone.

About an hour later they wheeled me into the OR. They put those things on my legs to massage them to prevent blood clots. Then they poked me in the stomach. Then there were 2 anesthesiologists in the room with me and they were putting medicine in my iv and they put a mask on my face. That's the last thing I remember.

I woke up about 2 1/2 hours later and got right out of bed. I refused all meds. I didn't want any drugs. They removed my iv, I went to the bathroom and tried to pee. They gave me medicine to dry me up so I couldn't go. They told me I couldn't leave until I went to the bathroom. So I sat there another hour with my parents and went to the bathroom again. This time I lied because I was ready to go home. I got dressed and was home by 1:30 that same afternoon.

That 1st day I did alot of walking. I tried to sleep but I was very uncomfortable. I tried to sit on the couch and was very uncomfortable so I walked. When my back hurt too bad I had one of my parents rub my back. I took liquid tylenol for pain.

That 1st week was uncomfortable. I'm a stomach sleeper and had a very hard time trying to sleep on my back. Here I am 5 months later feeling great and I don't regret a single minute!!!

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I know this is silly, considering the purpose of this surgery - but I do not want ot be naked!!! I hope I get some knickers or crepe paper panties to wear!!!

Surgery day tomorrow 7-7-2009 - I'll post again to share the experience.

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I know this is silly, considering the purpose of this surgery - but I do not want ot be naked!!! I hope I get some knickers or crepe paper panties to wear!!!

Surgery day tomorrow 7-7-2009 - I'll post again to share the experience.

They allowed me to be very modest. Paper panties and they never uncovered me while I was awake. I was amazed and never felt vulnerable, at least not that way. I think you'll be surprised how considerate they seem to be.

Good luck!!! Remember walking is a good thing...helps with the recovery.:)

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When I was in the hospital and asked the doctors and nurses if I could throw a pair of boxer briefs on after the surgery so my junk wasn't hanging out and my rear end wasn't showing in the back they said no. They told me only women can put underwear on after surgery. I didn't mind but isn't that a little biased? I also noticed that in the pre-op area the women had the pants on that doctors and nurses wear under their gown and the men there, including myself, looked like escaped mental patients with just the gown on. lol

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Hi Everyone! As of 7/6/09 I am a banded woman!!! I was at the hospital for 8 for a 10:10am surgery. I first got asked the normal bunch of questions, name, what was I there for, when did I last eat, etc. I stayed in holding for about an hour. Then they brought me into the surgical holding room and asked me all the same questions all over and started my IV. The anesthiologist came in, and he was great, asked me if I had any questions, and of course I replied "No chance of me waking up right?" he of course responded no. Then he gave me some sort of cocktail to make me relax, it was wonderful! They then wheeled me into the operating room and had me scoot over onto the operating table. I remember the put my feet right up against some foot board and the strapped my legs down. They put my arms out to the side and the next thing I remember was them calling my name and asking if I was in any pain, which I wasn't. It seemed within minutes of me waking up we were on our way upstairs and they grabbed my fiance on our way. My nurse, Jamie was awesome! She made me get up and walk twice because she had to but was really good about letting me sleep. I was just so tired! I got some antibiotics through the IV but they disconnected it pretty quickly. I took one pain pill and I was discharged at 7pm. I had the most annoying roommate in the world!!! Over all it wasn't a bad experience at all.

Day 2 was a little tougher! When I first got up in the am, I got very nasueaous and dizzy. I managed to get a pain pill down and laid down on the couch and slept for a few hours. Getting up with out using your stomach, is a challenge! I think I took two pain pills all day and then one before bed. Using the stomach this morning was better. I managed to take a shower and have just been kinda resting all day. I still have a lot of gas in me, it's not painful just uncomfortable and I just can't seem to get it out of me. But overall I'm good, no regrets. I'm not hungry at all and I've just been sipping on juice and Water for the past few days.

good luck!:smile2:

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Had surgery on 6/69/09, performed by Dr. Aaron Hoffman in Buffalo, New York.

I was a little nervous heading into surgery day because the previous Friday, Dr. Hoffman's office called to push my surgery into the early afternoon on the 29th, but did not allow me to change the surgery prep schedule. That meant that I would have nothing to eat for 24 hrs before surgery and nothing to drink for 13!!!

Luckily though, just as we departed for the hospital, they called and moved my surgery up a few hours.

Got there at 10, prepped and in surgery by 11:30. Went pretty quick. hugged the fam and off we went.

The only thing I remember about that is the OR nurse asking me what I do for a living. I don't know if I answered her before blacking out.

Cut to the recovery room. Apparently, i slept for quite a while. it was nearly 4:00 p.m. before I got back to my room. Family was happy - Hoffman apparently told them things went very well and he was pleased. My parents loved him.

The nurses at Buffalo General cannot be praised enough. They were wonderful!!!! They appeared the moment you needed them - so understanding and helpful. They were amazing.

Lots of pain those first few days, but kept controlled by pain meds. Couldn't do anything but lay on my back and sleep a lot. Luckily, my bed was right next to the bathroom, so getting there was easy.

Went home early afternoon the next day. I live on the second floor of an apartment building, so going up the stairs was laborious and painful. but, according to the Dr. and team, not a bad thing - since it got me up and moving.

Once I got in the apartment though, I didn't leave for SEVERAL days. The liquid diet was perfectly fine by me because food was the least appetizing thing in the world that first week. (Now, however, if I never see a Protein Shake again, it will be too soon :) )

Dr. told me that "most people don't make it to the refill of pain meds". I call baloney on that one. I can't see how anyone wouldn't - I was still in pain bad enough to warrant liquid Lortab. that was gone though, by the middle of the second week.

Up and taking short walks by day 5. Regular daily 1/2 hours walks everday since then. I feel freaking WONDERFUL.

Lost 11 lbs that first week. Four more since then. On soft foods now - and frantically trying to gather recipes in preparation of returning to regular food.

Excited! Very happy with the way everything went. I feel great. It was a wonderful decision.

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I was banded on 7/17/09 at Provena Covenant Hospital, Urbana, IL by Dr. Sidney Rohrscheib.

I will skip the usual admissions stuff and get to the bits that interest me.

1) After successfully trying to get my weight down to qualify for insurance support (by losing 5% of body weight), I ended up going to surgery in a fairly weakened and dehydrated condition, this unknown to anyone. I lost 25 pounds immediately pre-surge. In the end, one of the worst threats to my health was the insurance company! I had lost so much so fast that I was losing body Water weight that I would need later.

2) I learned that there is a reason we are issued pain meds. They should be taken BEFORE the "faux heart attacks" begin.

3) Calling what I experienced "shoulder pain" doesn't quite do justice to that horrible experience. Dear God, that was dreadful. Mostly abated within 12 hours of onset, which was about 3 hours after surge. Worse than my kidney stone attacks - by far.

4) Lots of stomach gurgling going on much of the time now. Passing gas is a very good thing, so far as I can tell.

5) If you are O.S.A. and use a CPAP, be sure to ramp on and "ramp off." Otherwise the faux heart attack will be on you like car thieves on a beemer. If you don't know what I just said, give Google something to do tonight.

6) Gatorade G2 tastes like crap, but is handy stuff to have in the pantry for post op. I drank everything in site for almost 24 hours before being able to urinate. A little scary.

7) My surgeon made a house call to check on me. Did I mention that this guy is super? He found my pulse to be OK, but I was pretty spent and a little disoriented. Once hydrated, I started to come around. Doing pretty well right now.

8) People who tell you to walk for more "comfort" should be believed. The alternative is extremely unpleasant!

9) Things seem fairly normal right now. This is good.

The doctors and nurses were first rate. Some of my problems seem to have been influenced by what I did or didn't do. So I am in the "creamy soups" phase for the next two weeks. Woot.

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Ok My surgery Day June 26 at 1030am. I was not too nervous when I went in. I have been waiting for this for awhile now. They gave me a nice shot to make me feel good and then moved me to the or..they had me on some kind of matress that filled with air and they just slide you over on the table, thought that was cool. Woke up to a nurse asking me to take a deep breath..you kidding me..ouch! She finally moved me to my own private room where my family was there waiting for me. I was very sleepy. Later I went for a walk, and when I got up I thought my stomach was going to rip open where my port was placed. That feeling did not go away for about a week..(use a pillow to get up it takes that pain away) So I had a hernia that the doctor fixed that ment I had to stay two days in the hosptial. The first night was really bad. She woke me every hour to check my vitals..Oh man was I tired. The next day she let me sleep more which was nice. But the pain in my left shoulder felt as if someone was going to rip my arm off.( AND GASX DID NOT HELP) I used a heating pad and it helped to take the pain away fast. My shoulder pain was worse than my stomach pain. I did walk offten. It helped some but I was very tired and would get dizzy. Almost passed out in the hospital shower too. Had to pull the nurse cord..oh how embarssing..lol She gave me a shot that made that feeling go away. I finally got to go home on Sunday afternoon. I was really scared to get into my bed because I didn't want it to hurt. So I just layed in my lazyboy for the day. My sister brought me lots of pillows for my bed to use. There is nothing like being at home when your hurtting. Walking is very important just remember to use a pillow on your stomach when you get up. Now I am on soft foods thank god. I will never eat Jello again in my life. I was not hungry at all until now. I am starting to feel hungry. I will go in on the 23rd to get my first fill. I am down 40 pounds. I almost had a heart attack when I got on that scale. Would I do this again? Heck yes I would its all going to be worth it! Make sure to take your pain meds on time, dont wait for the pain to set in. I set my alarm at night so I would not miss it. I think having a hernia made it a little harder on me. But so glad for this lifestyle change! Good Luck Everyone!

Edited by MustLooseIt

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My surgery was Tues 7/21/09. It went really well. I was so nervous hoping my liver had shrunk. I had lost 16 pounds before surgery, doing a low fat diet. I was real happy with that. I woke up in recovery, not too much pain. It was so helpful in reading about all the people that had been banded and what to expect. I had to have an overnight stay, got home today about 11:30. I ended up having a roommate and it was awful. Half dimentia and alzhimers. I tried to be very compastionate but it finally came to me telling the nurses to either put her out and me. I got the pill.

I'm home and doing well. I've had to take some naps. My surgeon said she put in 3ccs. I've had my first Protein Shake and it went down really well. I don't have any hunger pains. Hope I have restriction. I've got 4 incisions. Hope all the Tuesday surgeries are doing well. :lol:

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hi all

i had srgery around 10:30ish, i can't remember the exact time i was in recovery. my heart rate and BP was high and kept rising. the nurse told me it was 104 right after surgery and she called the anesthiologist once it reached 113. i told her i had to pee but she did not want to get me up. once he called back he said he thught i might need more fluids and to take me to pee before giving me more. by this time my heart rate was 117. well after my BR trip it immediately went down to 104 and my BP dropped. went to xray band looked ok, went to my room. stayed there a few hours longer my choice, i wanted to make sure i was comfy with my vitals. when i was asked i told them i was ready to go.

today was a little worse than yesterday as far as pain goes. i was walking around yesterday and im up to abt 10 mins per walk. the NP told me for the 1st week to walk 15 min every hour im awake, im getting there.

the gas is horrible like most of you said, once thats gone i can deal with the other pain. its not bad at all.

excuse the typos, no contacts and of couse under meds

safe recovery to us all

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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