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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I arrived in Monterrey on Sunday nite May 17th 2009 about 6:30p. Meet with Alma and nobody nobody could have been as nervous as I was. While in the meeting with Alma, Dr Zapata called me & was the most well spoke man I've ever spoken too, very very kind. My husband went with me we went to eat later that nite. I just pick I was still way to nervous to even eat. We went back to the hotel and he slept and I walk the floors. Santos pick us up at 5:45a.m. By then I was throwing up and I know it was just nervous. Got to the hospital everyone was so kind but I was scared to death I thought my heart was going to jump out. While the little nurse name Erika was pep me my Anesthesiologist Dr. Eduardo Ahumda-Garza came in and ask me what was wrong by this time I'm also crying. He was the sweetest thing. He held my hand and was just so sweet. I told him that thier was 2 things in life that I'm afraid of and that was snakes & needles. I know big chicken. Dr Ahumda said is

that all, he told me that they would ONLY stick me one time to draw blood, IV & everything. I told him I had rolling veins and I didn't think so. But Erika did first try and never was stuck again. By then Dr Zapata was at other side of my bedside and he was sweet sweet too. He was telling me everything was going to be alright was just so kind. Believe me they won't have done that in the good ole USA. I got though surgery and it went well. My husband couldn't believe I had done it. My surgery was at 7a. and was in a room at 8:30 by 9 I was walking. THe shoulder pain was terrible but I got thought it in about 8 hrs. The nurses was very kind too. Never rang for the nurses station not once they came in to check on you. Our nurses here in the USA would have come to the door and looked at you like "you know you just had surgery and WHAT". Not in Monterrey you are treated like you are someone special. By 4p I was doing really really good walking, laughing just

was good. I had a nurse by the name of Carla or Kayla I could have brought her home with me. She was the best nurse of all the nurses. All the monterrey nurses was sweet but she stood way way out there. I hated to see her go. She made that extra step for me or I felt like it was for me. The next morning I was walking in the hall about 6a and ran into Dr Zapata and he walked me back to my room and told me that he was come get me between surgeries for my x ray. Dr Zapata did and come got me and stayed with me though x rays and even walk me back to my room. We all said our goodbyes. Santos came got me around 12:30 and took us back to the hotel. I rested for awhile and then went to the mall. I meet Alma at 7p for last one check on me. If I have anything done to me as far as surgery I hope that I have it done in Monterrey.

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My surgery went mostly like everyone else's except I have to give a special thanks and more thanks to my surgeon, Dr. D. Blaine Nease and the unbelievable staff at Cabell Huntington Hospital. They were unbelievable!!!!! Amazing!! The level of communication, compassion, not just for me but for my family as well, and excitement for my new life was amazing!!!


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I got to the surgery center at 11 am, changed into my "fat girl" gown and took a pregnancy test (which made me laugh). I got my heparin, my ekg and my presurgery antinausea meds. Next I recieved an IV and was given the opportunity to visit with my husbnad while waiting for the doctor. I also visited with the surgical nurse and the anasteisiolgist (sp?). As soon as they took me into the OR, I remember nothing else but waking up in post op. I was surprised by the pain and my body temp had dropped to 97 and i was trembling and my teeth were chattering. I had excellent care in post op and I was given pain meds and a heated blanket. They brought me right out to the car and my husband was a dear and was waiting to pick me up. All in al, the surgery went without a hitch, my surgeon was great. I have to say though that it is more uncomfortable then I expected and I am not a wimp. I am a belly sleeper and was miserable last night....gas, swelling and pain kept me from getting comfortable. Today I feel like I did about 600 crunches and I am stiff and the gas is making it hard to take deep breathes without pain. I just broke down and took my liquid hydrocodone and I think it is helping. All for now....going to lay down, or sit on the sofa, whichever is more comfy. I have been walking and taking sips and am surprised I dont feel starved but i dont :blink: yipppppppppppeeeee

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Don't know about all your backgrounds, but if you've never had surgery before this surgery will seem painful, I'm sure. If you've had previous surgeries like a hysterectomy or any cosmetic work, the body remembers that and will not react as strongly to this surgery. At least that's been my experience having had both a hysterectomy and liposuction around the tummy area. I have not been banded yet, but that hysterectomy was a butt kicker back in the 80s, and I KNOW this won't be as bad as that.

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I was banded on 11 June 2009. Here is my surgery day story.

Pre Surgery (getting to the hospital)

B and I don't have any family in Melbourne, which makes these types of events difficult as hospitals are not the place for two small and energetic boys. So, as I shed sad and lonely tears, B dropped me off at the entrance to the hospital at around 10am. I gave the boys a kiss each whilst they were still strapped into their car seats and waved them off. I've never felt so alone in my life as I did at that moment I saw them driving off.

First stop, after I managed to collect myself, was pre-admission before I was shown up to my ward. The staff were very kind and showed me to a beautiful room. I sat back and read my book for about an hour and a half before the nursing staff came to do some basic blood pressure, weight, temperature checks etc.

At around midday, the anesthetist came in and told me 'You've been moved up the order. You'll be going in in ten minutes'. Which got me all excited until he asked what I had eaten for Breakfast. When I replied 'An Optifast shake at around 6.50am' he looked at me and then said 'Oh. Well you won't be going just yet then because Optifast lasts around 6 hours in the gut and we want you to be empty. But it won't be long. An hour or two tops'.

Oh well. After that, I had to take a shower and wash with some special soap. I got to wear a lovely hospital frock and hat. But what made it all really special were the crepey knickers. See through crepey knickers.

And then I waited. And waited. And waited.

Holding Bay

Finally, at around 3.30pm, the orderly came to get me. He and another nurse got me to lie in the bed and I was wheeled me down to a holding bay. By this time, I was exhausted and actually fell asleep in the holding bay. Such a light weight.

Around 4pm, my surgeon came to wake see me. I was so grateful to see a friendly and familiar face. We went through a few final checks and then he said he'd see me in theatre. One gentle pat on the shoulder and that was all it took for me to finally just burst into tears. Poor man. He was very kind but I'm pretty confident he was thinking to himself 'Ok, crazy cry baby lady with see through knickers in Holding Bay #4'. He managed to calm me down, as did another theatre nurse, and I was ready to go.

Surgery Room

An orderly wheeled me into the theatre where my anesthetist and his nurse were waiting. The orderly moved my bed against the operating table and got me to shimmy over to the operating table. And then my frock opened up, exposing my 116kg body to everyone in the theatre as well as people passing by the theatre (the doors were still open).

The lovely orderly rushed to close everything up but I waved him away. 'I wouldn't bother. My lady parts are about to be a matter of public record in a few minutes anyway'. Which got everyone laughing, including my surgeon who was now probably thinking 'Ok, crazy cry baby lady with see through knickers is now naked and making inappropriate jokes'.

The anesthetist gave me a local injection in my arm and then the cannula. And then came the drugs. Which made me woozy and dreamy. A few deep breaths from the oxygen mask and I was out.

The anesthetic was the part I was most worried about with this operation, and it turned out my fears were unfounded. The anesthetist was fantastic. He put me at ease. Told me what he was doing. And by the time I was about to go to sleep, the drugs had already relaxed me nicely.


I woke up in recovery feeling very dozy and sleepy. And nauseous. Oh, the nausea. I told the nurse who immediately put something in the drip and I was out again.

I don't remember anything more about recovery. I don't even remember being brought back up to my room. Martians could have landed in and I would have still been dribbling into my pillow, blissfully unaware.


Finally I woke. My mouth felt like I'd eaten sand and I was still nauseous. More stuff went into the drip and my lovely nurse brought me some crushed ice.

I figured, in my dozy state, that it was about 6.30pm, but it was actually 8.30pm. I was a bit disappointed as my boys go to bed at 7pm. So I knew I'd missed talking to them.

The rest of the night was blurry. I got up a few times to go the toilet.

I don't remember this, but apparently I called B at around midnight telling him I wanted to go the toilet. He told me to call a nurse, but I told him that he had to help me and what kind of husband was he anyway if he can't help his wife to go to the toilet.

At around 3am, I was wide awake and read my book for about half an hour before drifting back to sleep.

At this point, I wasn't having any pain or discomfort. No shoulder tip pain. No gas pain. Even my wounds weren't sore.

The morning after

I was woken by the nurse at around 7.30am. I was feeling pretty good by this point. Still no gas pain and still no shoulder tip pain. I had some juice and a cup of coffee which went down a treat.

My nurse said they were really happy with my recovery. All I had to do was go for the barium swallow and then I could go home.

At around 9am, the orderly took me down to x-ray and I had the barium swallow. That was ok. It is chalky but it's very sweet. I watched the liquid go through the band on the monitor. And that was when I first saw Felix, sitting nestled in my belly. He's rather a handsome lap band, if I do say so. I think it was love at first sight.

As my barium swallow was clear, I was allowed to go home. B and Chuffy arrived at the hospital around 11am (Boo was at creche today) and we came home. Ahhh, how I loved being in my house, having a shower in my own bathroom and being able to relax on my couch. Bliss.

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I was banded on 11 June 2009. Here is my surgery day story.

At around 9am, the orderly took me down to x-ray and I had the barium swallow. That was ok. It is chalky but it's very sweet. I watched the liquid go through the band on the monitor. And that was when I first saw Felix, sitting nestled in my belly. He's rather a handsome lap band, if I do say so. I think it was love at first sight.

LOL what a cute name...Felix. I hope you are doing better. :)

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Jane, I really enjoyed your surgery day story. I also named my lap band, and I smiled when I read that you had too.

I hope everything goes well for you. Congratulations, and the best of luck!


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Surgery Date Friday June 19, 2009

I arrived at the hospital at 5:45am and was taken to change and then I waited on a bed for my anesthesiologist, nurse, and surgeon to come and talk to me prior to the surgery. They all came as expected and the anesthesiologist started my IV and gave me some medicine to calm my nerves, I didn’t have nerves, but I didn't object to the medicine lol.

Right after they gave me the meds they rolled me into the operating room and they lifted me onto the operating table. They strapped me in and put a mask of just pure oxygen on my face and then the anesthesia said he was going to put medicine in my IV and I was going to go to sleep and then I said "Ok goodnight" lol.

I woke up in a recovery room....it took me a long time to actually open my eyes although I was awake. I was so groggy from the anesthesia I was like trying to fall back to sleep lol. Eventually I opened my eyes but I had a hard time taking deep breaths because my port incision was killing me!! The nurse gave me lots of meds and it got better. I stayed there for 3 hours because they had a hard time finding a room.

Around 1:30 I finally got put into my own room. From then on they just came in on a regular basis to check my vitals and give me pain meds as needed. I had some pain in my chest so they did an EKG but it came back normal, I am sure it was just the gas.

The next day I didn't go home until around 7:30pm because I was having a little more pain than normal and they just wanted to make sure it was manageable before they sent me on my way, but I was finally ok and went home!

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Surgery Date Friday June 19, 2009

I arrived at the hospital at 5:45am and was taken to change and then I waited on a bed for my anesthesiologist, nurse, and surgeon to come and talk to me prior to the surgery. They all came as expected and the anesthesiologist started my IV and gave me some medicine to calm my nerves, I didn’t have nerves, but I didn't object to the medicine lol.

Right after they gave me the meds they rolled me into the operating room and they lifted me onto the operating table. They strapped me in and put a mask of just pure oxygen on my face and then the anesthesia said he was going to put medicine in my IV and I was going to go to sleep and then I said "Ok goodnight" lol.

I woke up in a recovery room....it took me a long time to actually open my eyes although I was awake. I was so groggy from the anesthesia I was like trying to fall back to sleep lol. Eventually I opened my eyes but I had a hard time taking deep breaths because my port incision was killing me!! The nurse gave me lots of meds and it got better. I stayed there for 3 hours because they had a hard time finding a room.

Around 1:30 I finally got put into my own room. From then on they just came in on a regular basis to check my vitals and give me pain meds as needed. I had some pain in my chest so they did an EKG but it came back normal, I am sure it was just the gas.

The next day I didn't go home until around 7:30pm because I was having a little more pain than normal and they just wanted to make sure it was manageable before they sent me on my way, but I was finally ok and went home!

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I can finally post my story YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was banded today 6/25/09. Arrived at hospital at 5:45. Went upstairs to waiting room to check in at 6 after parents got there (they got lost). Talked with them for a few minutes and got called back. Changed into my beautiful hospital gown and was taken to the bathroom to do a sterile scrub for 5 min. I have a phobia of needles so my nurse let my roomate come in while I got my IV. My roomate left and my parents came in and they all 3 switched out while the anesthesiologist and dr came in to see me and nurse gave me happy meds. Surgery was at 815. Rolled into the operating room and asked scoot over to the table. Nurse asked me what I was in there for, I told em it was a really bad hang nail. They all just stopped and stared at me. I told em then I was there for the Lapband. They put O2 on me and never even told me they were admistering the night night drugs. I just felt really dizzy and next thing I remember I was waking up in Recovery. She asked me if I hurt and I said yes, so they gave me meds for pain and nausea (this was at 1015 am). When I woke up again and was able to talk I asked her if I had gotten banded. I looked at the nurse and said woohoo and fell back asleep w/ a smile on my face. Woke up when they rolled me into a secondary recovery room and let my family come back. They said the doctor told them that everything went great. I had a small hiatal hernia but doctor fixed it while he was in there. At 145 or 2pm nurse came and wheeled me down to xray where I drank some contrast liquid and got to see it go down thru the band. Dr came in and brought me a Teddy Bear, gave us some instructions and told me I could go home. I was on way home at 320 pm. We got home around 430 pm. I've been sipping watered down sugar free juice. What sucks the most is I've had diareah since I got home. Every 2 hrs or so. Its only liquid but annoying. I've been focusing on taking deep breaths and taking my liquid hydrocodone. Right now I don't hurt, its just an uncomfortable ache. Maybe a 1 or 2 on the pain scale. Like I did a bunch of crunches. I've dozed on and off all day. I'm more comfortable in my bed so I have pillows and blankets propping me up so its comfortable. Not to mention easier to get in and out of bed. I hope everyone else banded today is doing well in our June Journey to a healthier us.

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Good luck to you. Wait till you get thin enough that you can feel your port through your skin. COOL because then you know you got rid of the abdominal fat. Be sure to get plenty of exercise after your recovery period, it will make that weight just fall off. I lost 120 pounds in 6 months!! That was going to the gym and doing cardio at least 3 days a week for 1 1/2 hours. Then I started running. Now I run AND I do weights because of all the loose skin. It was still one of the best things I have ever done. Good luck on your journey. D.

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I started the process in November of 2008 and finally got approved by my insurance on 5/21/09 and was banded on 6/25/09.

I'm a middle of the road guy and my story is very similar to everyone else. I took my anti nausea pill as instructed and I arrived at the clinic at 5:45 and had to wait until the doors open at 6A. I filled out a few papers, showed my ID and insurance card and was taken to the recovery area.

The nurse came by and introduced themselves and asked me to strip down into a gown. They started an IV bag and gave me a shot in the stomach. I think it was heparol? for blood clotting and had me put pressure stockings on.

The anesthesiologist came by to ask a few questions and the doctor also stopped by.

I was rolled into the operating room and placed onto the operating table which made me nervous because it was so narrow.

People started adjusting and rearranging the wires on me and the anesthesiologist put something into the IV. I started to feel real sleepy and pleasant and asked him, "did you put the pain medicine in already?"

The anesthesiologist smiled and said, "You tell me :)"

It was all over in the blink of an eye and I awoke in the recovery room. I distinctly remember having a real hard time waking up and was very groggy. As soon as I had my senses I asked how everything went. I was in some pain, my throat was sore and was thirsty.

I sucked on ice chips and took a while to feel better. After an hour or two they got me up and walked me around. There was no upper GI xray and they let me go.

I'm healing rather quickly and once had my gall bladder taken out to gauge my progress. I thought the gall bladder was worse. However, I'm still very sore. I've been up a lot to walk around to get some exercise and try and get the gas out. I've been taking my liquid vicadin (nortab?) and managing the pain ok.

I've been very hungry and drinking the clear chicken broth doing well. It kills me seeing the kids walk around the house eating nachos, doritos, and other garbage.

I'm trying to take it slow and ride the wave of excitement as long as I can and shed some weight.

My recommendations:

Be prepared - get everything organized the night before. Meds?

Are the prescriptions filled?

Is the house ready when you get back?

Do you have the right foods ready to go?

Jump on the forum when you have a question and need motivation.

Good luck to all!

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I started the process in November of 2008 and finally got approved by my insurance on 5/21/09 and was banded on 6/25/09.

I'm a middle of the road guy and my story is very similar to everyone else. I took my anti nausea pill as instructed and I arrived at the clinic at 5:45 and had to wait until the doors open at 6A. I filled out a few papers, showed my ID and insurance card and was taken to the recovery area.

The nurse came by and introduced themselves and asked me to strip down into a gown. They started an IV bag and gave me a shot in the stomach. I think it was heparol? for blood clotting and had me put pressure stockings on.

The anesthesiologist came by to ask a few questions and the doctor also stopped by.

I was rolled into the operating room and placed onto the operating table which made me nervous because it was so narrow.

People started adjusting and rearranging the wires on me and the anesthesiologist put something into the IV. I started to feel real sleepy and pleasant and asked him, "Did you put the pain medicine in already?"

The anesthesiologist smiled and said, "You tell me :)"

It was all over in the blink of an eye and I awoke in the recovery room. I distinctly remember having a real hard time waking up and was very groggy. As soon as I had my senses, I asked how everything went. I was in some pain, my throat was sore, and was thirsty.

I sucked on ice chips and it took a while to feel better. After an hour or two they got me up and walked me around. There was no upper GI xray and they let me go.

I'm healing rather quickly and once had my gall bladder taken out to gauge my progress. I thought the gall bladder operation was worse. However, I'm still very sore. I've been up a lot to walk around to get some exercise and try and get the gas out. I've been taking my liquid vicadin (nortab?) and managing the pain ok.

I've been very hungry and drinking the clear chicken broth doing well. It kills me seeing the kids walk around the house eating nachos, doritos, and other garbage. I snuck a spoon full of Peanut Butter.

I'm trying to take it slow and ride the wave of excitement as long as I can and shed some weight.

My recommendations:

Be prepared - get everything organized the night before. Meds?

Are the prescriptions filled?

Is the house ready when you get back?

Do you have the right foods ready to go?

Jump on the forum when you have a question and need motivation.

Good luck to all!

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Pre-surgery: I met with my surgeon in January and was approved by insurance in April. Before my surgeon would do the surgery, I had to have a colonoscopy since I have a family history of colon cancer. I also had to get cleared by a pulminologist because I use a cpap machine.

Day before surgery: I was only allowed Clear Liquids the day before surgery, so I all I ate was chicken broth for breakfast and lunch, and Jello for dinner. I was sort of nauseous, I think because I hadn't eaten very many calories that day. Went to bed about 10 p.m. One of the booklets I read suggested that I pack some favorite pajamas to take to the hospital. This meant that I had to sleep in jammies that didn't slide on the sheets and every time I turned over, I woke up. (AND.... since I had an IV, I couldn't wear my favorites in the hospital anyway... what a wasted night.):)

Surgery day: Got up at 2:30 a.m. since we had to leave at 3:30 in order to get to the hospital by 5:30. We left town and headed down the Buffalo Ridge to Sioux Falls. We drove through some horrible fog, but DH got us to the hospital on time:thumbup:

Once at the hospital they walked both of us through the surgery waiting area and showed hubby how he could check my status by checking a screen that looks a lot like an airport status screen. Then they took us to a small room where they took my vitals and I met with the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and the nurse liaison (who was DH's go-to person until I was in a real room).

We were pleased to notice that both the surgeon and the anesthesiologist appeared to be familiar with my medical history. (I was recently diagnosed with Factor V Leiden deficiency, which means that I am more susceptible to blood clots.) I got my shot of Heparin, and then they started my IV.

They took me up to the operating room, got me situated on the table, and then the next thing I remember I was in the recovery room. I really don't remember anything from there. I do remember the ride up to my room - going around 87 corners at 60 mph. As I got to my room, (about 10 am) my nurse asked how I was doing. I said that I was nauseous; she said that she would get me something, and I said, "No; I mean NOW!" I then proceeded to heave and heave, although nothing came up.

I was very groggy and couldn't stay awake. I was pretty uncomfortable and couldn't sleep for more than about 10 minutes at a time.

Around 3, I went down for my barium x-ray. Unfortunately, I think it was the same driver who took me up to my room. When I got to x-ray, I was afraid to swallow too much of the crappy drink, because I was afraid it would make me sick. When I got back to my room, I waited 15 minutes until I started heaving again. They brought me orange jello and chicken broth for dinner. I ate one square of jello and about 2 sips of broth - it was disgusting.

I kept sleeping on and off while trying to keep up-to-date on the Farrah and Jacko stories. I was sick one more time around 7:30. My hubby was able to sleep in my room on a couch that folds out to almost a twin bed.

Day after surgery: I woke up at 1:30 and was going to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, I forgot that I had the compression cuffs on my legs, and I got my legs tangled up. I called for the nurse, a male aide came in, I told him, and instead of taking them off of me, he untangled me and tucked me back in bed. I waited until 2, called for the nurse again, and this time a different aide came and she unhooked me so that I could go to the bathroom and walk the halls. That was my turning point. After that, I felt much more awake and less groggy.

I was still uncomfortable sleeping, mostly because of the IV. However, I was feeling pretty good. They told me that I had to pass gas before I could go home. I was never so proud of 3 farts! I was able to leave around 4:45, with my prescriptions in hand.

It was so great to be in my own bed last night!!!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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