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Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

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I was banded on the 27th Nov and all in all everything went really well.

I didnt have to be at the hospital until 12.30 so i kept my morning really busy with the aim of controlling my nerves and guess what it actually worked!! My friend arrived at 12 and then we headed of to the hospital.

Once there i booked myself in and waited for my pre-op nurse to give me the last check over. Once that was done i got changed into the stunning theatre gowns and got comfty on my bed.

The nurse gave me hypnoval to take and told me that it would make me feel sleepy and very relaxed!! Well i waited and waited but felt no real side affects and before i know it they are telling me im ready to go into theatre-argh! Once in they put my I.V line in and told me to move over to the table. I just remember alot of people around me putting things all over me and one lovely nurse holding my hand and then i remeber waking up in recovery.

I woke up really quickly and felt great the nurse asked if i wanted to ring my Mum and let her know that im awake and that ill meet her back in my room. That i did i think mum was surprised to hear me on the other end of the phone. Within 15 mins i was back in my room and feeling really good-my surgeon popped in and told me things couldn't have gon better :thumbup: I then chatted to mum for about two hours and once she left i must have gone to sleep. After two hours of sleep i woke feeing great and had more visitors. Still no real pain and no gas pains once visitors left the nurse got me up and washed and helped me into my pjs and then back to bed. The night ahead was a bit tough i just couldnt sleep and had pain off and on but the pain neds worked really quick:smile:

The next morning came and i had been up and down about 4 times throughout the night. The surgeon called in and said i could go home when i wanted! So within an hour i was up showered and dressed and off home.

From then on things have been great i have started coming off my pain meds and have no problems with gas pains. From day one i have walked as much as possible i think that has helped in my recovery heaps! Have absolutely no hunger :wink2:! Im certain this has been one of my best decisions yet!

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I had surgery yesterday and it went well. I got there at about 7:30am, checked in, went to room where I had to give a urine sample, which is hard to do when you're not allowed to drink anything and I already went first thing in the morning. Was asked to get into this gown and socks. Then the nurse put on these really nice thigh high things so I wouldn't get blood clots. Okay, so they weren't pretty, but they did keep me warmer. It was cold yesterday in FL and the hospital was very cold. Then the nurse was mad because apparenty I hadn't filled out some form when i came for pre-op and they were missing my blood work and chest x-ray.

I guess they got it all sorted out and then my mom came back. Suddenly, Nurse Ratchet turned into the nicest person around and she and my mom chatted about everything under the sun. I waited in that room with a TV for awhile, and then another nurse came and wheeled me through the hospital and on the elevators to another waiting area. My surgeon came by, as did the anesthesiologist, who was about 21 years old, but very good looking. They were running late, but finally wheeled me back into the OR. I was totally lucid at this point and they took me into the OR which had a bed with pads on the feets and arms and several people standing around. I scooted over to that bed and they started tying my arms down. I asked where were my happy drugs and informed them that I was usually out by this point, as i was getting pretty scared looking around. The cute anesthesiologist said that the nurse had gotten past him but he was here now and he shot me with something in my IV.

I woke up in recovery and It was painful!!! There was a male nurse there and I told him I can't breathe and it hurts. He kept giving me IV pain killers (I think he said torredal) until I felt better. I had the worst cotton mouth ever and felt kind of nauseous. I asked for ice and he said I wasn't ready for it due to the nausea. I asked him if I could have some ice if I promised not to swallow it. That made him laugh and laugh and laugh. He finally got some ice and it made my mouth feel better, but I pretty much had cotton mouth the whole rest of the day. I kind of chilled for while, all hazy on pain meds in recovery for awhile. The male nurse said that he thought he knew me from somewhere. I think he goes to the same gym I go to. He said he remembered my personality, because I guess I was being funny because he kept laughing. Then he wheeled me downstairs and my mom came and another nurse was taking care of me. They gave me some pretty awful tasting liquid pain meds (liquid loratab) and let me drink some Water. I had no issues with drinking. Then my mom noticed that I had a catheter. I guess they had put that in while I was out. The nurse took it out, which hurt, but not that badly. I then began to have some horrid gas pains that made me double over and cry. I begged the nurse to let me walk, which she finally did after telling me that I could stay in the hospital that night or go home. I wanted to go home. I guess most of the time they make you stay one night, but since I'm "young and healthy" (their words) I can go home. So, she undid my IV and my blood pressure monitor and let me walk around, which made me feel 100X better. My mom went and got the car and I got dressed by myself. My leaving blood pressure was 126/80 which is great. I had some hypertension in the first recovery room, but they think it was due to the pain. They gave me a script for liquid loratab and told me to crush my other meds.

I went home and followed the rule of drinking something or eating sugar free popsicles or Jello every hour. Walked down the driveway and around the house alot. Took the pain meds and felt okay and went to sleep. Woke up at 4am and walked around a bit, let the dog out, and took some more pain meds. Woke up at 9am, walked around, took some pain meds, and had some Jello. I crushed up my Wellbutrin last night and tonight and it was horrible!!! I called the doctor's office today and asked them to call in a liquid version of my wellbutrin, and they said they would. I'm on a clear liquid diet for today and half of tomorow and then on full liquids until my doctor's appointment on Dec. 9th. They said until that appt not to experiment with food, but only eat what's on the list which consists of cream of wheat, oatmeal (both thinned with no clumps) strained Soup, broth, jello, sugar free popsicles, Water, juice and non caloric drinks. I can have coffee but not really until tomorrow afternoon, because I can't have skim milk until tomorrow and I can't drink it black. The appointment is usually to get the staples out, but since he did glue with me, it's just to check in. I have my first fill in about a month and they will give me the rest of my post-op diet at my dec. 9th appointment. So far, so good. I'm in a little pain, but no nausea and the pain is manageable.

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I wll be having my surgery in Ga. How many surgeries will the doctor be performing that day? I was reading the surgery stories and it seems like it is a assembly line going on at the hospital.

I just know I'm first, but at 5am on 12/17 I may not be as happy about that. Just wanted to let people know their stories are being read. If I stay overnight, perhaps I'll add mine from the room. :whatchutalkingabout

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This was such a great idea for "Goddess" to start this thread for us. It really helped me to read these stories the night before my surgery and now I will write mine.

We thought we didn't need to sleep over the night before surgery at a hotel near the hospital as we realized as we had only driven an hour to get there but in the morning we were so glad we did. My husband and I stayed at a Hyatt Suite 20 mins from the hosptial as my surgery was scheduled for 6:15 a.m. A bit extravagant for these hard times but in this case these clean beautiful apt. like rooms were just what the doctor ordered for frayed pre op nerves.

We arrived at the hospital a bit early but waited only 5 minutes for the nurse to call my name. I was the first patient for the day and was lead to a large, clean, bright room with 4 adjustable, comfortable looking beds and a bathroom near each bed. I felt relieved as it was much nicer than I had anticipated.

The nurse who I was lucky enough to have assigned to me couldn't be nicer or more competent and it turned out that she went to the same high school as me many miles away. I was asked a few of the same questions and before I knew I was shuffling my body on to the rolling bed and a male nurse was covering me with warm sheets. So far so good and I'm still not really nervous. Then like planes on a runway you are parked behind other pateints ready to go into the OR. Each person is assigned their Anethisiologist. The man in front of me had more nurses than than I did as he was going in for heart surgery I believe. I heard him say that his previous surgeon was Dr. Oz.. The (oprah dr. OZ) but before he became famous, the nurses were impressed and commented how we had a celebrity amoung us.

The next part wasn't as easy ...I was wheeled in finally to the OR and it still is the scariest looking place on earth. It was a cross between a horror movie and a UFO room ...the lights were a weird green irredencent. I would say either just close you eyes through this part or ask your anethesiologist to be put you out right away as prep makes you uncomfortable - as it did me. My anesthesiologist was a kind elderly aisan man but I think he was a bit too gentle with the anesth. as i woke up:ohmy: while they were taking out the tube. I remembered later like it was a dream . I was grabbing my mouth and coughing very hard and saying I can't breath!! the nurses then shouted quickly to take a deep breath..I did and went back to sleep. :tongue2:

I was very alert after the surgery and could move myself to the bed easily. I think the aneth. was light on me because I had some alergies. I think I might have gone back to sleep and woke to my husband who looked anxious but relieved when we talked. I was in more pain than I thought I would be actually. The nurses repeatedly asked the level pain I was as in 1 - 10 ...I always said 8 but the pain did subside with every "nap". I was able to sip Water after an hour and have Jello after 2 hours. I left after urninating enough to show all was well. We were on our way home by 3:00 p.m. I felt fine on the way home:thumbup:

Best to you! Having this amazing devise is worth every minute of discomfort I went though!:):thumbup:

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My name is Erica and I just had surgery December 3rd. I am 5 days post op since surgery and doing fantastic.

I went in to the surgery center at noon. Was sent to the back and asked to change into a surgical gown at 1:00pm. The Dr. came in and asked if I had any last minute questions. I didn't have any since I had been asking him questions preop while deciding to have the surgery. The nurse was very kind. She gave me some electrolites through an IV since I hadn't eaten anything in 18 hours and before that it was a clear liquid diet for a full day. She walked me to the OR about 2:00pm and they put me to sleep.

When I woke up my tummy was sore, but not unbearable. My mother came to see me and I was released by 5:00pm. I wasn't hungry or thirsty. I put a pillow between me and the seatbelt for the 2 hour drive home. THANK GOD FOR THE PILLOW! I went straight to bed with a sip of painkiller meds and my yucky antibiotic med.

Day one post op was kind of weird because I still didn't want to eat anything and that worried me. I was still pretty sore and continued to take my pain meds (clear liquid hydrocodone). I sucked on ice chips and took a few sips of a clear Protein Drink. I also sipped on applejuice.

Day 2 was

1 cup of applejuice and 1/2 a Protein drink for the whole day.

Day 3 was 2 Protein drinks, 1 cup of applejuice and some Water, 2 chewable Vitamins.

Day 4 and Day 5 have been the same. I am eating a little more each day.

The great news is that the pain is almost all gone, and I have already lost almost 10 lbs. I still have a hard time putting on running shoes and I can't bend over to pick anything off the floor. I went back to work today though and I am a PE teacher.

Let me know if anybody has any questions about post op. So far, I am very pleased with how I am doing. I am working on eating more, but as long as I feel healthy and not weak, I will listen to my body.

Good luck to you.


aka teacherica

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My surgery went just like everyone told me it would. My surgeon told my husband it was a textbook case. The only thing that went wrong that day is my husband was downsized from his job over the phone while I was in the middle of surgery!! I hope that dose not happen to any one else!! It is a great story for me to tell!!!! :(

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just had surgery 48 hours ago and have a repeating dry mouth/ hope I am drinking enought liquids......I don't want to overdo.....anyone else having this problem?

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I remember the dry mouth well. I had experienced that also for the first few days. It's probably from the pain meds etc. I kept a huge water bottle with a spout you can open and close like a Water cooler on my night table with a sleeve of plastic cups. Just keep drinking ...the dry mouth reminds you. You will feel completelly different in 3 or 4 days. Hang in there...

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I was banded yesterday, 12/12. I went into the outpatient surgery center at 6 AM and was home by 11 AM. When I arrived, I was taken in to sign some paperwork, then eventaully the nurse came out ot get me. She had me answer questions about allergy to any med, etc., then I was raken to preop hold ing area, changed into the gown, and the nurse started my IV, and hooked me up to the vitals monitors. This part was the worst of it all. The waiting! The anesthesiologist came in and asked some questions and told me I was going to be just fine. My surgeon's surgucal assistant came and he was amazing. He went through everything so clearly and made me feel a lot better. Then the nurse gave me a shot of Heparin a blood thinner to prevent clotting, then another nurse gave me what she called a "double margarita". That was AMAZING, because I was so nervous. Then I was being wheeled away into surgery. When I got there, they asked me to scoot onto the table. As they prepped the room, they put the Oxygen mask over my nose and mouth and asked me to take a couple of deep breaths. THAT WAS IT! The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the recovery room. The doctor came into me and told me that everything was perfect and they gave me some Water and ice chips to make sure that liquids were going down ok. Everything was ok and about an hour later, I got dressed and signed thte discharge papers and we went home.

On the ride home, the shoulder pain was very painful. My back hurt too. I was prepared for the shoulder pain due to the gas, but I didnt expect the back, but I was told it was normal. They also repaired a minor hietal hernia which means that have to put in a stitch on the diapragm, so brathing was a bit challenging this morning, but it seems to have subsided. I tried to be brave today and not take the pain meds regularly, but I think I do need them, so I'll keep taking them. The port incision is the worst and general tummy soreness and sensitivity. I'm also kind of swollen in the abdomen region as well. All in all, I think I feel ok. I know it will take time, but the most interesting part is having 2 ounces of any liquid, and feeling completely full. Earlier I had some chicken broth and Decaf tea, and I must have had too much because I was painfully bloated for about an hour. Now I know what women feel like. :)

Anyway, that is my surgery day sotry.. Good Luck to all who still have undergo it. You will get though it.

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My prep for surgery, my actual surgery, and my recovery time in the hospital after my surgery overall went very well..... EXCEPT for one thing.... During my preping for surgery that morning in the hospital a nurse put a combination of two drugs in my IV, I forgot their names, I believe one of them was supposed to help empty my stomach and the other one, I think was an anti-nausea med, but that is all I remember (I know, I should have been paying better attention)...

Anywho, after she put it in my IV I became SO ANXIOUS, it was HOOOOOOORIBLE!!! These were some of the symptoms I had right after the meds were put in my IV (somewhat in order):

--Urgency to get up and move around




--Feelings of fear or doubt about the surgery (I know that one sounds weird, but it's the best way I can describe it, because before these meds I didn't have the faintest apprehension about the surgery)

--Extreme sleepiness

SOOOO, after surgery when I was recovering, my RN told me she was going to put some anti-nausea med in my IV and I asked her if the med was going to be like the one I was given before surgery and she said yes, she would be putting in one of those meds in my IV and I told her NOOOOOO, PLEASE, NOT EITHER ONE OF THOSE MEDS!!! And she gave me another anti-nausea med instead and I felt fine with that. She told me that she has heard of many patients that complain of the side effects of those medicines.

Therefore, if you are yet to have surgery, ask about the side effects of the meds they put in your IV and if they sound like the side effects I listed above, you may want to consider asking for an alternative med.

Just an idea!!! Good luck all!!!

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H Lisa, welcome back and I wanted to thank you for posting this...this was very responsible and good of you!

I had a ruptured appendix years ago and was given Morphine. The symptoms you listed were exactly what I experienced while on this pain med! The sleeplessness and anxiety lasted all through recovery which was very counter productive!

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I was banded Thursday Dec. 11. My dear friend (who is an RN) came over from Winston-Salem NC to help me through the process. What a great friend! :-) We arrived at the hospital at 6am that morning. I had been on a liquid diet for the two days prior to surgery. I was the first patient scheduled for Dr. Moran that morning so they took me back quickly. I changed into a gown (having showered that morning with Hibiclens antibacterial scrub) and put on a pair of TEDS. They are the knee high surgical hose to help prevent clots. The nurse numbed my hand and then put in my IV. I don't like needles but I have to admit it didn't hurt! I got nice warm blankets and something to relax me. Then they put in an arterial line. I am not sure why at this point and plan to ask. They then wheeled me into the OR and I moved onto the table...more warm blankets and then I was out. The next thing I knew I was in recovery with the dryest mouth in town.They let me have ice chips but nothing would help it the whole rest of the day. I wasn't in pain until a bit later and then it was my shoulder not my stomach. They gave me Toradal though the IV and I was fine. For a bit. I tried to eat some jello--too sweet--some broth---the thought made me ill...lol--- and some juice...That first day I discovered Water is all I wanted. Then the shoulder pain started and I started having nausea. The nausea resulted in dry heaves which I cannot stand. The only good thing was that once I had heaved for a bit I felt better. I got them to unplug the IV machine and walked with the help of a nurse. Be careful if you do get the dry heaves or you need to cough. Make sure you splint your abdomen. It really helps! I got up several times during the night and took a late night stroll. The nursing assistant came in at 2am and woke me for vitals and I could not get to sleep..so I walked. The walking also helped my shoulder. Honestly it felt like someone put it in a vise and squeezed! I have severe sleep apnea so my doctor requires that you stay overnight. I ordered some Breakfast to see if I could tolerate anything yet. I was starting to get scared that I would not do well. I ordered Jello, chicken broth, and grape juice. The jello---still awful-the broth tasted good---and I poured the grape juice into my water about 2:1 and it tasted sooo good!! I got released at about 10am on Friday. My abdomen has gone from sore when trying to get up to very very minor pain when I sit up. I have been taking Hydrocodone (liquid loratab) for pain as needed. It works and I try to take it when the pain in my shoulder starts getting worse. I tried gas-x but can't tell any difference so I am thankful for the pain killer. I will see my doctor on Tuesday at 9am. I am really doing well. I have been eating jello, juice, and broth. I discovered that the Progresso Beef Broth is wonderful. It tastes just like a pot roast! I really am not very hungry at all. I sip., sip, sip and keep hydrated. I have lost 6 pounds since Thursday so I am very happy with everything. I am glad I did this . Just remember that first day does get over and good days follow!!!! I have already been shopping! (My doctor said walk, walk, walk...so we did!):tongue2:

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I love it- can't even get away from that dog in the bed feeling at the hospital!!! :blushing: I'm going in for my banding on Dec. 30th. I hope to have a great story to post, too!

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Hi there! I FINALLY get to post my story! I was banded yesterday. We were to be at the hopsital at 6:30AM, which we were. I went into the surgical waiting area about 8ish. That was kinda funny beacuse I hadn't been given anything to make me sleepy, and a few of the nurses were not happy with each other, or life in general. I guess they forget that we can hear. Anyway, I met with the anestheologist and nurses going over all the questions and stuff. My husband was allowed to come back and visit with me until they were ready. about 9:45 the nurse anesthesiologist came back in with all my happy shots. My surgeon came in, chatted a sec, was pleased with my weight loss, and they came in to get me. I remember the operating room, and people chatting, and the next thing I knew I was in recovery. Ohhhh boy did I have cotton mouth! The wheeled me up to a room sometime after that. telling me to take deep breaths. It hurt to breath deep, but I did. The floor nurse came in got me a popsicle.. it was the best!! I had to wait until I could pee, and came home. I got home around 4. I had some shoulder and neck pain, which is gone today, and I'm really sore.. kinda like I did 1000 situps. But all in all it was a great experience. The Dr told me no bathing for 3 days... yikes! So I had hubby get baby wipes when he got the pain meds. I'm on liquid loritab, and I'm all about taking it at the prescribed times for a few days. Best way to stop pain is to never let it start! I'm looking forward to Sunday for soft food. I got a Magic Bullet, and have all the ingredients for my first meals!

One hugh suggestion is walk! I know you don't really feel like it, but it helps so much.

Hope this was helpful to anyone who is nervous. I was pretty scared, but I came thru with flying colors!


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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