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Filled and eating WAY too Much..

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Dr. here in Michigan $13,000 for the surgery and 24 hour stay hospital costs. then $140 for fills. after.. He is only 30 minutes from where we live.

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You will know when they get it rite! There will be no doubt. they should be able to get closer the next time by watching the Barium and adjusting as they go....

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At the time......

For me, it was cheaper to go to Mexico for $9500 total banding cost (initial included transportation and hotel)+ $500 for 5 round trip air tickets + $50 meals (i am frugal)+ $400 for 4 future fills under floro + $100 for transportation (taking the buses)... no shopping. My hotel stay was included for my family and I do "turn around" one day trips for fills so no hotel needed as it is only a 45 min flight from Phx. Total: $10,550 over one year

If in the states was going to be $13,500 total band cost (lowest I found in the states at the time) + $900 (about 5 round trip tickets to Oregon) + $300 for hotel not included for family + $1200 (the cost of 4 fills at $300 each under floro) + $250 (cabs and buses 5 trips) + $400 hotels (staying cheap, low estimate) + $150 food (costs more in states but still frugal) Total: $16,700 over one year (plus, how long of a wait will I have for tests and doctor and appointments? I have not experienced a wait in Mexico)

however.... the only thing I would have liked was the peace of mind that I am protected in the states under malpractice rights, american standards of medicine, etc. The Mexico surgery clinic is very different from an american hospital experience. I was very happy with my surgeon himself though. $5,000 was a helluva savings factor for me to return to Mexico for my fills as I do not have local care (it would cost $450 per floro fill here in phoenix).

Good luck with your decision!

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My doctor here in VA does fills for other patients, but only if they were banded in the US. We have a lot of military in our area, so he would be a good source for families moving around the country. I don't have the amount he charges, my selfpay came with free fills for a year.

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Add a 25$ phone consult with nancy the nutrionalist

and a 89$ office fee for EACH one of my fill appointments

I really do not like the hidden fee's they dont tell ya about when I first asked and went in.

I mean what can I do about it? Nothing

But I do need to PLAN! (I am very poor)

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I went to Molding Surgical Center in TJ mexico and it cost me $6500 for everything including hotel for my mom and daughter. I was so treated like a Queen. I will return there for my fill and some fun.

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They insist I have a psychological counseling before I can get a fill..

this is not covered on my insurence.

I am so frusterated..

Why are they doing this?

I can eat ALOT! I should be able to have a fill! PERIOD!

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I don't know why they give us so much grief when we are trying to lose weight to fit in and to be fit. I wish I was a DR. I would do it for free!!!

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They insist I have a psychological counseling before I can get a fill..

this is not covered on my insurence.

Many doctors have this policy, if they see you are eating around the band and having mental issues. Even Dr. Ortiz will not continue to give fills if he sees you are abusing the band, he wants you to work with your band, you know the old saying, just because you can doesnt mean you should. I'm sure there are many of us out there me included who can eat more then they would like to but the key here is to do some of the work ourselves and not totally rely on the band also there are certain foods the band will not restrict no matter how tight you are. When I want to eat, I always ask my self am wanting to eat because Iam truly hungry or because I think I am hungry. Distinguishing that is half the battle, also not eating until you are full but only eating until you are satisfied. None of us are goping to starve to death and all of us are so used to eating until we are stuffed, that has to change in order for the band to work as well. Lots of head issues we have to work on and old habits we have to break if we want success. There are also some rules we need to follow with our bands like no drinking with our meals and waiting a good hours afterwards to drink. Nykee This could be why you are eating so soon after a meal.The band is not a magic wand, no one said it would be easy.

I can eat ALOT!

Again, just becuse you can, does not mean you should.

God Luck Nykee ;)

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I dont PB, I dont have restriction.. Thats the whole point.. RIGHT???!!!

To have restriction.

I do not eat until I feel uncomfortable.. Bread.. tortillas.. anything.. doesnt matter....

They had me do a test with spegetti.. "how much can I eat"

WITH nothing to drink of course.

I ate 2 and a half cups and a big peice of bread.. and I felt full and didnt want to do the test any more.. (I did this at home)

IT WAS NOT band related stuffness.. I could have kept eating and eating it if I felt like it.

I am not tight enough .. PERIOD.

I havnt even had a chance to eat around the band yet.....

I havtn had a chance to eat too much and HURT my band..

I KNOW what the restriction feels like... I HAVE had some restriction.

I was very restrictied while I was in Mexico and spitting up my own saliva and then Water, then for about a week after I got home... I felt a tightness when I tried to sway from liguids and taking my pills with the timyest juice was hard to do.

Since then I have felt it in the mornings.... so if I eat anything I eat till I feel weird.. I am terrified of eating more once I get that little feeling becasue i will never forget what the PBing feels like (in the hospital)

Example of what I ate today:


4 ounces of 1% MIlk


Half a large slurpee from 7-11


KFC chicken snacker (its a 99cent small chicken sand)

Cheetos' about 25


Cheetos about 20

Milk 1% 20 ounces


Chilli 1cup

bread bowl (half)

I weighed myself today and I have lost NO weight.

Officially I have lost 4 pounds since my surgery date.


Its just obvious I need a fill..

And I am going to Mexico on Monday to get one IF I can book the flight.

Dr. Ortiz says he uses scientific method (or such) to do the fills.

And he told me personally something about psychological Counseling that made alot of sense to me.

I feel very defensive wih Dr. eubanks office handling me this way, I DO understand.. But i feel like thet think I am a liar or some fat freak cow who cant control myself and I KNOW I am not.. If I were I wouldnt have given up eating my breakfasts of biscuits and gravy and mcdonalds mcmuffins...

I cannot wait NOT TO EAT.... I WILL LOVE every minute of it!

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Thanks for the advice and caring!!

Many doctors have this policy, if they see you are eating around the band and having mental issues.

>>>>>>>>>.I already went to the nutritional counseling and unless she didnt beleive me, she should of approved a fill.. I am not eating aroud the band at this point.

Even Dr. Ortiz will not continue to give fills if he sees you are abusing the band,

>>>>>>>>WELL, once I actually have a fill that gives restriction then he can make that descsion....

he wants you to work with your band, you know the old saying, just because you can doesnt mean you should.

>>>>>>>>>>>>Um.. yes, I know I have to work with it but right now there is nothing to work with.

I'm sure there are many of us out there me included who can eat more then they would like to but the key here is to do some of the work ourselves and not totally rely on the band also there are certain foods the band will not restrict no matter how tight you are.

>>>>>>>>>Thats not the case with me, I can eat anything..

AND I need restriction.. WHY would I ever get the band if I could do it on my own?

When I want to eat, I always ask my self am wanting to eat because Iam truly hungry or because I think I am hungry. Distinguishing that is half the battle, also not eating until you are full but only eating until you are satisfied

>>>>>>>>>Oh well if it was that easy I would of lost weight the thousands of other times I thought of that.. Hunger is not an issue.. restrcition is gonna have to be..

>>>>>>None of us are goping to starve to death and all of us are so used to eating until we are stuffed, that has to change in order for the band to work as well. Lots of head issues we have to work on and old habits we have to break if we want success.

>>>>>>>>This I know. Have known for many many years... I dont eat till I am stuffed anyway.. I eat 2 slices of pizza.. maybe three... I eat tons of junk.. The band had got to rrestrict food.. I wont be able to stop eating the junk I like.. I have tried for 20 yrs..

There are also some rules we need to follow with our bands like no drinking with our meals and waiting a good hours afterwards to drink. Nykee This could be why you are eating so soon after a meal.The band is not a magic wand, no one said it would be easy.

>>>>>> I do need to work on that and I will as soon as I have restriction and FEEl like I have the band I spent the 12.000$ on...

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4 ounces of 1% MIlk


Half a large slurpee from 7-11


KFC chicken snacker (its a 99cent small chicken sand)

Cheetos' about 25


Cheetos about 20

Milk 1% 20 ounces


Chilli 1cup

bread bowl (half)

Nykee, this is not a LOT of food at all!! What are you talking about? What it is is the wrong kind of food, though. To get to the point where you're satisfied between meals, you need to kick up the Protein and get totally rid of the crunchy Snacks. Cheetos do absolutely nothing to fill you up, they're 99% air and 100% empty calories. You didn't have any real food until 2:00 p.m. and then not again until 10:00 p.m. And you're surprised you're hungry?!? You're not eating any real FOOD!!

Try having a Protein Bar for Breakfast, eaten whenever you feel able to eat. Put another one in your purse for the next time you're tempted to buy Cheetos. Get some cold cuts and sliced cheese and have that for lunch or supper. I know the 7-11 near me sells Protein Bars, hard-boiled eggs, and pre-made sandwiches. Does yours? Buy a turkey sub and eat it from the inside out, leaving the bread for last. You may not even want the bread once you're done with the insides.

Psychological counseling is a great idea, and if your doc's office is going to insist you might as well get what you can from it. In the meantime, there is a lot you can do about what you're eating that really will help you use the band to its best advantage. Don't get frustrated, get busy! ;)

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Maybe they want you to be eating the right foods before they fill you. Perhaps showing them that you can make the right choices (Protein, veggies, salad) they will consider a fill. Getting a fill won't make you eat the healthy foods. You can't lose weight eating cheetos and KFC even with restriction. You will stay fuller longer if you eat Protein. Try adding Protein powder to your milk if you have to drink it. Atleast it will boost up the protein. From what I see, you are not eating a lot, just not the right foods. With the proper food choices you could be eating more, more often and still be losing weight. Try to plan a menu and add eggs, meats and Protein shakes to replace the milk. I'll bet you would feel pretty full then. Don't give up.

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I eat tons of junk.. The band had got to rrestrict food.. I wont be able to stop eating the junk I like.. I have tried for 20 yrs..

I just noticed this. If you don't think you can stop eating the junk, then don't try. But DO try to START eating better food IN ADDITION to the junk. Add Protein to your diet and just try to eat that first before heading for the Cheetos. You'll be amazed how much less appealing junk food is when you really are full. Our bodies know what's good for them, and if you've given your body nutritious food to use it really will ease up on sending you those signals that junk is desirable. Don't tell yourself you can't have it at all. Just tell yourself you'll be having something else first.

Trust me, it works! Try it! ;)

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Nykee, this is not a LOT of food at all!!

>>>>>>>>>Well that was a lite day.... Quantity has never ben much of an issue for me..

What it is is the wrong kind of food, though. To get to the point where you're satisfied between meals, you need to kick up the Protein and get totally rid of the crunchy Snacks. Cheetos do absolutely nothing to fill you up, they're 99% air and 100% empty calories. You didn't have any real food until 2:00 p.m. and then not again until 10:00 p.m. And you're surprised you're hungry?!? You're not eating any real FOOD!!

>>>>>>>>>>> I am not hungry. I have never claimed to be hungry..

I am not loosing weight. I eat junk. I always have and I always will.

I should of got the gastric bypass, I realize this more and more every day.

I know what I need to get rid of, and I have tried to change my eating patterns and choices for 20 yrs.. very educated on the subject..

I got the lap band becasue I have not and seemingly cannot do it..

Try having a Protein Bar for Breakfast, eaten whenever you feel able to eat. Put another one in your purse for the next time you're tempted to buy Cheetos.

>>>>>>>>>Good advice, wish my brain would listen to that!

Get some cold cuts and sliced cheese and have that for lunch or supper. I know the 7-11 near me sells Protein Bars, hard-boiled eggs, and pre-made sandwiches. Does yours? Buy a turkey sub and eat it from the inside out, leaving the bread for last. You may not even want the bread once you're done with the insides.

>>>>>>>>>I can eat unlimited bread.. even when I save it for last.

I need a fill. Those are all good advice.. I could write a book on these kinds of tips and more,.

Psychological counseling is a great idea, and if your doc's office is going to insist you might as well get what you can from it. In the meantime, there is a lot you can do about what you're eating that really will help you use the band to its best advantage. Don't get frustrated, get busy! ;)

>>>>>>>>>>>I dont have the money for the counseling or to mess around with this fill doctor. I would go if I could.. of course I would. I have a BS degree in psychology. I know the value of it. I am on SSI and have maybe 600$ left for fills. I need to go to Mexico where they have assured me I would be filled right.

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