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I was looking forward to getting lap band surgery- (Realize band actually) but heard some things over the weekend that really scared me.

I heard about lots of pain for hours- not being able to swallow saliva!, no position being comfortable, food getting stuck - even when you think you're chewing a lot!, a bad band fill experience, getting bad reflux, lots of gas all the time. These things happened to one person I know.

Could someone tell me if these things are inevitable- or are they caused by something that can be avoided. Is it possible to have a lapband procedure that should be corrected? This person stayed on their diet-

I'd appreciate any helpful info on this-because all I've heard is the upside till this weekend and then- boom the floor dropped out



Edited by anneican

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I think there is a potential for there to be complications...as there is with any surgery...but I didn't have those problems. In fact I walked from the recovery room back to my little cubical and then had almost zero pain after that. Did she get a fill during surgery? I didn't have anything put in my band for 1 month after surgery. My doc wants that month to be about healing...not about achieving restriction. That could be an issue. If that does happen FORCE your doc to take some of the fill out. This is your body and you are paying for it (either as a self pay or through insurance premiums). I would say that from listening and reading here for several months that the case you are describing is rather rare...but certainly possible.

Yes I have had food stuck, I have been miserable for a couple weeks from being too tight (I live 6+ hours from my lap band doc and due to weather in the passes, I couldn't get over there). But I would consider those minor hiccups. I will take those any day when I look at the fact that I have lost 98 pounds, gained a life, and feel so much better about myself. FOr the most part all the pain that I have felt has been because I was an idiot and didn't chew well enough. You can prevent most of that if you don't get yourself too tight. For me I stayed pretty loose so I didn't have these problems as much.

For me the band was the greatest thing in my life! Good luck.

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Don't be scard... let me tell you some great things about the lap band:

1.) I can eat 6 strrawberries for Breakfast and be stuffed.

2.) The male attention is nice

3.) Everyone is flattering me now because i look better than I have in years

I love my band, and you will too. Read some of my posts to get a better look at lovely band life.

Yes, some food will feel like it's stuck and will take a few minutes to go down... but the answers is simple - don't eat those foods.

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Hi I had my surgery on Thursday 15th and apart from some soreness where the keyhole insicions are I am feeling quite well.

Everyone I think has different experiences with their surgery and the lapband but I certainly did not have any trouble swallowing my saliva. In fact on Saturday I started drinking Slimfast (A UK liquid meal substitute) and today I had a youghurt!

I was petrified about the surgery and I have suffered with aniexty and panic attacks since I was 16 (now 22) but it was something I belived would benefit me in the long run - so I went for it!

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Anneican--I was banded last Tuesday and so far, so good. Sure, there is some discomfort, but I feel a change every day. I have been on Clear Liquids with no problem. I think one of the best things you can do for yourself is to really research surgeons in your area and find one that has lots of band experience (over 200 done--mine has done over 1000) and has a great reputation. Use this board to help research. I think the surgeon makes the difference. My doc is strict--2 weeks preop Optifast, 2 weeks postop clear, then 2 weeks full liquid, then soft foods until I get to my goal. But he really wants me to succeed and so do I! In almost 3 weeks, I have lost 21 lbs and I feel sore, but fine. I'm not so perky as I am not eating much, but I am healing! Good luck!

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Just don't over do yourself when you get home and you will do just GREAT! I was banded nearly 3 weeks ago and I had soreness, of course, but no pain. The only complications I had after surgery was actually quite funny when I think about it. I woke up in recovery and I couldn't stop moving my legs. That lasted all of a few minutes. It just had to do with anesthesia and the way it reacts with certain people. All they had to do was give me a muscle relaxer and the kicking stopped. You will do wonderfully. You will be sore, but it's normal. My surgery was day surgery. After they get you in the room they will start giving you liquids. They will be small amounts of liquid, but it is to make sure you can handle them. They will NOT let you out of the hospital until you do a few things: Tolerate liquids, walk-- more than once!, and get rid of the liquids -- if you get my drift.

Everyone is nervous about their surgery, but when you come out on the other side you'll be so glad you did it.

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Thank you JB and Dex!- you two sound like you're doing great. I must say that I'm so glad I posted a message about being afraid - the feedback is really helping. :wink_smile:

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I was looking forward to getting lap band surgery- (Realize band actually) but heard some things over the weekend that really scared me.

I heard about lots of pain for hours- not being able to swallow saliva!, no position being comfortable, food getting stuck - even when you think you're chewing a lot!, a bad band fill experience, getting bad reflux, lots of gas all the time. These things happened to one person I know.

Could someone tell me if these things are inevitable- or are they caused by something that can be avoided. Is it possible to have a lap band procedure that should be corrected? This person stayed on their diet-

I'd appreciate any helpful info on this-because all I've heard is the upside till this weekend and then- boom the floor dropped out



I can't speak from experience yet but having been on this board for over 6 months now And reading posts daily... Yes these are things that CAN HAPPEN. But allot of them can also easily be avoided too. And should be things you discuss with your doctor.

lots of pain for hours- Can happen when getting stuck but there ARE a couple things you can do IF this happens, pineapple juice or papya enzyme tablets can help dissolve foods. others say warm vinegar or have other remedies.

Of course making sure you've well chewed food, small bites and wait a substantial period in between bites can reduce this greatly.

not being able to swallow saliva- Can happen if your fill is to tight or you have swelling. Allot of doctors make you drink during or after your fill before you leave the office to make sure you can swallow. If this is something your doctor doesn't do ASK him/her about it. You can do this yourself even if the doctor refuses to by carrying a bottle of Water around.

no position being comfortable- I would think this only lasts till you've healed well. Most people say their port doesn't cause any long term discomfort once healed. And they rarely notice it being there.

food getting stuck - even when you think you're chewing a lot-Again this can be most likely be avoided. Its not actually uncommon to have people here say they have NEVER been stuck. Others have. It is important to take your time small bites, chew well and give yourself enough time in between bites so if you do get stuck you don't add more on top of it.

a bad band fill experience-Something you need to talk over with your doctor or whoever will be doing your fills, find out NOW!! how they handle fills possibly ask to see it being done if you can get someone to agree to it. Ask if they numb you beforehand or do fluro when filling.

getting bad reflux- Again usually caused by being overfilled. Can be avoided or treated easily if it does happen to you.

lots of gas all the time-Well it depends on the type of gas? burping or intestinal? Burping allot can possibly be your eating to fast, swallowing air, using straws allot etc.. You might have to change how you eat.

Intestinal gases is most likely caused by diet more so then related to the band. And easily handled with gasx or other gas type products if its really that bothersome. Or figure out what foods is causing it and avoid them.

One thing you got to remember is as with any kind of support board your going to have people mostly posting about the problems with things. Asking advice etc on a problem. its not that people don't post about the good things its just people don't tend to bring attention to stuff when its going well. Only when its going badly or troublesome.

Sounds like the person you are hearing this from isn't following band rules very well and not keeping in close touch with their doctor about their issues. Because most doctors will get your right back in to un fill you a bit pretty quickly if your having problems or at least recommend you going to the ER if you can't get into them soon.

Best advice I can think of it ASK your doctor about all these things AND MORE!! That's one of the things they are there for. YOU PAY them for this. So never be afraid to ask. And read these boards I mean really read go back a few months and see just how people have handled their problems and how many haven't have allot of problems. Defiantly read the fills board and complications board. And Life after meeting goals section. You will learn ALOT :wink_smile:

Congrats on your decision to get the band and I hope it all goes well for you.!! :tt2:

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I have been banded for about 7 weeks. I think it is great that you are doing a lot of research and reading. I thought I had done that, but for some reason, I had so many of the same fears you are having as soon as I got out of surgery.

I am not trying to say I made a wrong decision or that you should not have surgery. I am just saying that it really helps you in the process to know all of these things up front. If you do decide to go ahead with surgery, you will probably know how to work with your band very well and not expect it to just do the job for you.

So far, I have decided to not have any fills. I have actually had a bit removed for what they flush through during surgery. So, I guess I am pretty "open".

But having the fears of getting stuck, having PBs, vomiting, and complications, have actually gotten me to slow down and think about my habits. I do eat slowly and take small bites and do all the things that you are supposed to do as a "bandster".

I do watch the types of food I eat, but I can eat most things. I have not tried to eat breads or rice. But I enjoy that I can eat "normal" foods and can go out with my family and friends without worrying about having problems.

During the liquid and mushy stage, I didn't have much energy. But once I got to real food, I have felt pretty good. I feel like I can run around with my kids and keep up with everyone - I would worry if I could only have 5 bites of food how I would manage that. I have lost about 27 pounds since surgery by working with the band.

I know there might come a point where it becomes harder to eat the smaller amounts or pass up some Snacks. And maybe I will become brave enough to try a fill. But I feel like having all this information has taught me that the purpose of the band is not to be so tight that you cannot eat. You should not get to the point where you can only have liquids or cannot get down saliva. I will try not to get to the point where I would say I don't want to have an unfill to get rid of these potentially dangerous side effects because I am afraid of gaining weight.

You are getting the information you need to make an inportant and scary decision.

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Wow! thank you Telecia and West Coast- it was great of you to take the time to answer my post. Very informative-I'm much less anxious at this point.

From what it sounds like, I think the woman who told me this stuff was overfilled. She didn't like her doctor- probably didn't call him enough.

thanks again!:(

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I have been banded for about 7 weeks. I think it is great that you are doing a lot of research and reading. I thought I had done that, but for some reason, I had so many of the same fears you are having as soon as I got out of surgery.

I am not trying to say I made a wrong decision or that you should not have surgery. I am just saying that it really helps you in the process to know all of these things up front. If you do decide to go ahead with surgery, you will probably know how to work with your band very well and not expect it to just do the job for you.

So far, I have decided to not have any fills. I have actually had a bit removed for what they flush through during surgery. So, I guess I am pretty "open".

But having the fears of getting stuck, having PBs, vomiting, and complications, have actually gotten me to slow down and think about my habits. I do eat slowly and take small bites and do all the things that you are supposed to do as a "bandster".

I do watch the types of food I eat, but I can eat most things. I have not tried to eat breads or rice. But I enjoy that I can eat "normal" foods and can go out with my family and friends without worrying about having problems.

During the liquid and mushy stage, I didn't have much energy. But once I got to real food, I have felt pretty good. I feel like I can run around with my kids and keep up with everyone - I would worry if I could only have 5 bites of food how I would manage that. I have lost about 27 pounds since surgery by working with the band.

I know there might come a point where it becomes harder to eat the smaller amounts or pass up some Snacks. And maybe I will become brave enough to try a fill. But I feel like having all this information has taught me that the purpose of the band is not to be so tight that you cannot eat. You should not get to the point where you can only have liquids or cannot get down saliva. I will try not to get to the point where I would say I don't want to have an unfill to get rid of these potentially dangerous side effects because I am afraid of gaining weight.

You are getting the information you need to make an inportant and scary decision.

I forsee great success in your future! Congrats on your weightloss...it is stunning! Take pride in what you are doing...because it is not easy, but YOU are doing it!

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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