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I will be banded in 7 days & I will post my story here. :party:

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Great idea Love. But your link may become lost if it is not daily updated. As for me, my story is old news and any problems i have had I have moved on as the overall experience has been terrific beyond all words.

Good luck on the banding journe.

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I have been going thru the 'last supper' phase for the last 5 weeks.

Did anyone else do that?

This week is the pre-period muchie week, soooo not helping!

I start my 3 day pre-op diet on Monday.

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Ah, the last supper.

I actually discovered something very interesting doing that.

The day before I started my pre-op diet, I bought a supply of chocolate.

I picked up a bar of Lindt 85% and my favourite M&M peanuts.

I ate a couple of pieces of the Lindt 85% - but it just wasn't doing it for me. It just wasn't delicious enough. So I put that aside and opened the bag of M&M peanuts.

I couldn't eat a single one. My desire for chocolate had been completely wiped out. I couldn't even make myself eat one.

And, apparently the high cocoa content of that dark chocolate has other health benefits, like lowering BP. Flavinoids or something...

I always keep a supply of the Lindt 85% and, believe it or not, it stays in my cupboard for weeks. Whenever I feel a chocolate craving, I eat a piece or two, and the craving disappears.

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Today is the first day of my pre-op diet: cottage cheese, yogurt, chicken, sole, fresh vegies. It's just 3 days, so it shouldn't be a problem.

My surgery is Thursday! :biggrin2:

I plan to attack each phase after surgery as an individual entity/challenge: 4 days of Clear Liquids, etc.

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Today is the first day of my pre-op diet: cottage cheese, yogurt, chicken, sole, fresh vegies. It's just 3 days, so it shouldn't be a problem.

My surgery is Thursday! :biggrin2:

I plan to attack each phase after surgery as an individual entity/challenge: 4 days of clear liquids, etc.

Jill must have changed the Pre-op diet since last July... All I was allowed was yogurt and cottage cheese... no chicken or vegies.

And I was on it for 2 weeks... I still can't eat cottage cheese... it makes me gag and gets stuck easily now..

Good luck on Thursday:tt2:

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I think the diet they give you depends on your individual stats. I had to go on that diet for two weeks too, but I subsituted a Protein shake for Breakfast (they okay'd it).

Three days will be a breeze! Good idea to take each phase as small increments. I did too and it worked out fine. I was a bit sick of Soup by the end of the six weeks though. I started making my own, as I hate the chemical taste of canned Soup.< /p>

On the last hurray before the pre-op, I had a blast but by the end of it, I couldn't think of a single thing I really wanted. Even my favourite, icecream, was just not that interesting anymore after having it every day. I've had it once since (at Easter).

Good luck on Thursday! Let us know how you get on.


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Good luck Love! Seems like it took forever to get to this point, but I guess it's only been 4 weeks since you and I last chatted.

I'm on regular food again and tomorrow is my first fill. I'm not really nervous about it, I'm just REALLY ready to start losing weight. I'm scared something's wrong with me since I recovered VERY quickly and honestly feel like nothing's changed. I have had no restriction for two weeks and because I was on yogurt and liquids for three weeks, when I was allowed to eat again, it was like the last supper, relived, with a vengence.

I did end up getting a very little infection at my port site. It was weird because it wasn't the incision that got an infection, it was the actual port. I had some redness and it was warm, so I didn't mess around, I immediately went into the clinic and after a bit of an ordeal (the nurse said she hadn't seen anything like it before, which was not comforting, and the doctor wasn't in, so they called him at his other clinic, and he said to give me antibiotics, without even seeing me! ) I was prescribed antibiotics for a week and it went away. It never hurt, so my advice to you is to keep an eye on your belly for the first few weeks. I'm not positive I even had an infection, I could have just irritated it by wearing tight jeans a little too soon, but I figured a round of antibiotics (which, oddly enough, the pharmacist thought was prescribed to me for a bladder infection??? Honestly, just a weird situation all around!) couldn't hurt, so I took them and have been fine ever since.

The only issue I have is that I've been eating like a cow and I'm so positive I've gained a huge amount of weight, I've stopped weighing myself.... I can't wait for tomorrow's first fill. I really really really need some restriction to kick start my efforts...

Good luck with the surgery and KEEP ME POSTED on all of your success!!!!

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Good luck Love! Seems like it took forever to get to this point, but I guess it's only been 4 weeks since you and I last chatted.

I'm on regular food again and tomorrow is my first fill. I'm not really nervous about it, I'm just REALLY ready to start losing weight. I'm scared something's wrong with me since I recovered VERY quickly and honestly feel like nothing's changed. I have had no restriction for two weeks and because I was on yogurt and liquids for three weeks, when I was allowed to eat again, it was like the last supper, relived, with a vengence.

I did end up getting a very little infection at my port site. It was weird because it wasn't the incision that got an infection, it was the actual port. I had some redness and it was warm, so I didn't mess around, I immediately went into the clinic and after a bit of an ordeal (the nurse said she hadn't seen anything like it before, which was not comforting, and the doctor wasn't in, so they called him at his other clinic, and he said to give me antibiotics, without even seeing me! ) I was prescribed antibiotics for a week and it went away. It never hurt, so my advice to you is to keep an eye on your belly for the first few weeks. I'm not positive I even had an infection, I could have just irritated it by wearing tight jeans a little too soon, but I figured a round of antibiotics (which, oddly enough, the pharmacist thought was prescribed to me for a bladder infection??? Honestly, just a weird situation all around!) couldn't hurt, so I took them and have been fine ever since.

The only issue I have is that I've been eating like a cow and I'm so positive I've gained a huge amount of weight, I've stopped weighing myself.... I can't wait for tomorrow's first fill. I really really really need some restriction to kick start my efforts...

Good luck with the surgery and KEEP ME POSTED on all of your success!!!!

Please don't kill me for saying this, but you are not supposed to lose weight in the four wks post surgery.

This time is for healing. We all eat a bit too much once our appetites come back.

Now, once you get your first fill, you may not have sufficient restrition until fill 2, 3 or #4... that's when you'll start losing.

Take it slow, patience is whats required now. You didn't put this weight on overnight, and it won't come off overnight either.

The thing is with the BAND, you'll never put it on again... Beauty!! :(

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Hey, Love

I am scheduled for Thursday 29th..just started my 10 day pre-op diet and I am finding that tough. I will get through it and all will be fine . Good Luck on Thurs.


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Well,….I survived. I am banded!

I have a Cousin – Bioring band. I am assuming 10cc,

since my wallet card says maximum recommended fill of 9cc.

My husband & I left Waterloo around 8am & made it to the clinic in Toronto by 9:50.

I was to check in at 10am.

We had to wait for a while.

Then we were taken to another room where I changed, got weighed, spoke to nurse Darrel,

Dr. Yau, the anaesthesiologist, nutritionist Jill & surgery nurse Stephanie, with more waiting in between.

I was dreading being force to take of my index finger nails. It’s painful & leaves them very sensitive.

No one said anything about my gel nails (which are very transparent) with clear polish.

I guess it wasn't a problem after all.

I didn’t have a watch on but I think I was walked to surgery a half hour after the 11:00 scheduled start time.

I felt the blood pressure cuff was on too tight & that I would bruise (did I ever).

Apparently, it had to be that tight.

Nurse Stephanie was a sweetheart.

She held my hand while I whimpered as the 2 nausea drugs & the sleepy drug where put into the i.v. in my hand.

It was quite unpleasant. Then I was out. No counting or anything.

The next thing I remember was being asked to get up & walked to my double room.

I have no memory of where I walked from. I assume it was the recovery room.

I could not get warm, even with all the blankets they put on me.

I had no pain, & surprisingly no nausea. My head was messed up though.

At some point I got a roommate, who snored, so I didn’t sleep anymore.

I had 2 little sips of Water.

The surgery part seemed to be a breeze.

I had felt the recovery would be a breeze too or hell.

Well, it is not a breeze, but it is not hell either.

Closer to a breeze then hell I’d say. J

I was then dressed & walked out to the waiting room to my husband & then out to the car.

I started coming out of the head fog about ¾ of the way home.

I just wanted my bed.

Important: When they tell you to take small sips, they mean tiny.

The first thing I did when I got to bed was to take the crushed Demoral.

My husband put a little Water in a medicine cup & I took 3 small sips.

Not good. L

I can’t remember the feeling enough to explain it, but it didn’t go down.

I thought I would throw up. There was a bit of foaming.

I do remember I urgently needed my husband to burp me 3 times.

Then I was fine. I think the rest of the day went well.

I actually slept ok that night & didn’t need the pain meds during the night.


The 2nd day was shoulder pain & some nausea.

If I moved the wrong way I’d get a twinge at incision sites.

Rolling out of bed helps.

I don’t like the shoulder pain.

It is definitely not gas related. I haven’t had much of that.

The shoulder starts aching when I’ve sat up for a while, burp, hiccup, cough & sometimes when I swallow.

I don't have any chest tightness.

Somehow it is connected the band / stomach.

I started the day on the clear fluids.

The apple juice went down fine.

The didn’t have the Endura at the clinic (they are couriering it),

so I had the Pedialite the nutritionist suggested.

I forced 3 servings of that down during the day,

well actually my husband made me drink it.

The chicken broth went down okay & I could only finish ½ the beef broth.< /span>

I found them both strong.

Half a cup of Jello seemed like a lot.

The amount of liquids we are supposed to consume seems like way too much.

I guess the meds have my head a little less clear than I though.

I’d asked my husband the same question twice, with no memory of the first time.

He walked me 3 slow laps around the back yard.

I found out the hard way, that when you already have an upset stomached (ulcer)

That certain crushed meds are horrible enough when they touch your tongue to make you gag.

My insomnia medication is the worst thing I have ever tasted.

The gagging set me off into uncontrollable dry heaves.

My husband tried burping me again while I retched. It was awful.

I just eventually stopped.

I did end up having a rougher night after that, I hurt everything.


Day 3rd day, my husband was away on a course.

He has everything set up for me on his bed.

I had strict instructions that if I had any trouble I was to call 911.

I was also to carry a phone if I went for a walk.

I think the 2 eposides spooked my husband.

He has been taking great care of me.

I was still in pain all day from the incident the night before.

I had more nausea.

I was done with crushed medication.

I make sure I can get a couple of sips of water or milk down

before I swallow the pill, then I follow with a couple more sips.

So far so good.

I kept medicated & replaced the broths with skim milk.

It helps sooth my ulcer.

I also couldn’t stomach the Pedialite again, so I had one of the Pedialite freezies.

They aren’t great, but much more tolerable than the liquid.

I am also finding the Jello too sweet.

But I am eating it, to put some volume in my new stomach.

I did the 3slow laps around the backyard again,

while my husband kept a close eye on me form the hot tub.

I slept pretty well for about 6 hours last night, then on & off.


Today, day 4, I feel pretty good.

Still medicating my shoulder pain.

I am more alert, faster moving, better head space & stronger.

I found my port. It’s under the bruise low in the picture on my profile.

Well, I didn't get my port under my tattoo like I wanted.

The band fastens to your stomach on the left side of your body.

My tattoo is on the right side.

My doctor pointed out that the tube would cross my body &

would be cut if I ever needed a mid-line cut for surgery &

would also be cut for appendix surgery.

We agreed to putting it on the opposite side in the same position.

I do know it is on my left side, but I don't think it is a low as I had hoped.

I am a bit worried that it will be behind my belt...where I wanted to avoid.

Today, I will shower! Yay! I was allowed to yesterday, but just wasn’t up to it.

I will post a pic of my unbandaged belly in my profile, later today.

I am no where near ready to wear clothes.

I wear really pig flannel pj bottoms, a jacket, flip flops & sunglasses to go for my walks.

I don’t understand why some people don’t lose weight in the first 4 weeks.

I don’t see how I could possibly get enough down to gain.

I am struggling to get enough in to keep my strength up.

Edited by *Love*

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Getting out of bed to have my shower, I realized I am getting the twinges at my port site, not my incisions.

Most of the shower went well, but we may have been in too long.

I had to get out fast because I started to feel strange, not dizzy...but maybe close to fainting. I have never fainted, so I am not sure what that feels like. It passed in about 10 minutes once I was back in bed.

As I wrote this, I had a similar feeling, but on a much smaller scale & it only lasted a couple of minutes.

I guess it's time for some more electrolytes.

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Getting out of bed to have my shower, I realized I am getting the twinges at my port site, not my incisions.

Most of the shower went well, but we may have been in too long.

I had to get out fast because I started to feel strange, not dizzy...but maybe close to fainting. I have never fainted, so I am not sure what that feels like. It passed in about 10 minutes once I was back in bed.

As I wrote this, I had a similar feeling, but on a much smaller scale & it only lasted a couple of minutes.

I guess it's time for some more electrolytes.

Take it easy Love and drink lots and lots... we are all different by day four post surgery I was driving from Toronto to Boston and by day 6 I was on a plane to Dallas and day 7 I was teaching classes for 10 hours a day but I didn't have issues keeping things down. And was up and walking through the mall on Day 2.

The dizziness will pass soon if it doesn't call the clinic and ask about it.

Good luck


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How are my fellow TLBCers doing?

I am doing well, though weaker than I feel I should be at this point.

I also don't think I will need my 1st fill at the 5 week mark, as I still have to eat carefully.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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