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Bitching and Moaning and Stomping my feet...Little bit of a Rant.

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Ok well Im gonna put in my 2 cents worth I too. I was banded in Feb. the 22nd and count this.... I have only lost 22 maybe 23 lbs since surgury.. I am really dissapointed but keep hanging in there because I have to ,,, WHat is the alternative? That is how I got here in the first place not continuing and falling off my wagon so to speak... I am 5'4 and started surg at 232 I have 7 ccs in a 10 cc band. I think I have the restriction I have a hard time with meats but stay pretty close to 900 -1000 calories a day ,, Im not following a "diet" but definetly can only eat about 1/2-1 cup of anything at a time.. havnt done much excersize due to a sore back (which I figured would be better as I lost ,,, slow too.....)and I work doing hair so Im on my feet sometimes 3-4 hours at a time. lets talk DISSAPOINTED>>>>>>> Id love some response... Thanks (just call me green to all that have lost 30+I am envious of you ......)

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Well RSG, I can hear an echo in my head! Those very same thoughts I have had and I'm getting ready for my third fill tomorrow! I question whether this will be adequate because my last fill has made it impossible for me to eat just one meal at a time three times a day. I am having to spread it out because I do have restriction and I had the after effects of trying to eat my 1/2 c of mostly Protein for each meal! I don't like that one iota! I get frustrated and just sometimes get so bitchy but I know if I just stay on target..SOMETHING is bound to give and hopefully it will do it soon!! :thumbup: I am in a rebel state right now and my workouts aren't as steady as they should be so I will quiz my doc on let's say..the AVERAGE loss?? Then I'll confess all to him and see if I'm still ok or just a raving lunatic!!:thumbup: Hang in there sweetie! You are not alone!!:thumbup:

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I am going to chime in on this pity party! :party:

I too was banded on 22 Feb...I have lost ~28lbs (or 13kg) and was disappointed with my 1kg loss last month. I had my second fill last week and at last have some restriction. I am eating far less than I was last week before the fill and I am satiated for a lot longer now. I just wonder how long that will last!

Plateaus should be spat on, they are a curse for us bandsters. I was hoping to lost 3kg last month but hey, 1kg is a loss and not a gain. And it will be a loss forever, and I am not grieving that 1kg at all!

However, these pity parties, cannot go without recognising the fact someone is in need, so let's have a group hug:

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( HUGS ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

After that tight squeeze, my motto is to get back on with it. OK, let's feel a little more pity and move on. Turn the corner, do what we have to to make ourselves feel batter. But don't eat for the sake of feeling sorry for ourselves.

This month, I am determined to lose 3kg. I am going to work my butt off (my DH says I have less of a butt, meaning I am less of a pain in the butt to him now!!!), but I am going to ride the stationery bike at least twice per week after work in order to work off more. I already play netball twice per week now, but I need to step it up a little more. Of course I will only be on the bike for 5 minutes each of those nights so I will start slow.

I have set myself a goal of getting to 18kg lost before the end of June. The single biggest loss I have had is 18kg with WW a few years ago before I fell pregnant with #3. So that is my mini goal! I have 6 weeks to lose 5 kg which could be a push, but hey one must set goals, even if they are a little unrealistic.

I hear you, I feel for you, I am with you all the way RSG. We are all here to support eachother during our good and bad times. It's just a bad time at the moment, but it's only temporary.

And a good friend once told me a long time ago which is my motto:

The grass is not greener on the other side, it is just a different shade.

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Coming from someone whose ticker had to go backwards it's hard to feel sorry for you but I know everyone has their disappointments.

It's funny how you wish you were taller but I am 5'6" and my daughter getting the bypass is 6' and both of us wish we were shorter. I guess it's true grass is always greener. I can tell by your pic you're a beautiful girl so don't get so down on yourself, it will happen we all have a bad times. You can do it!!!! brandyII. You live down in LA where food is king, it must be even harder! My nephew is graduating this weekend from Tulane and I wish I could go but I think my hair would frizz!!!

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Thanks for the persceptive.

Oh we eat in Louisiana. Life is focused around food, and the food is really awesome. When I go up north I will order something and the food is bland and dry to me. But here, we eat at church we eat after church we have group Breakfast at work, we Celebrate by eating out, we Celebrate with homemade mashed potatoes, souffles, cassaroles. Not to mention, that being so close to TX they want to TEXAS size everything. Texas toast, Texas steaks, Texas chicken friend everything. Then their are the Desserts. Don't even get me started on Desserts.< /p>

I HAVE cut my portion sizes at least 60 percent so that is something. And I really shouldn't complain, but I have been bitchy since I got my first fill. I have been trying to work out and paint, substitute life for food and all that, but I am STILL pissed off. Food has been my comfort for so long that now everything just makes me A N G R Y.

Maybe I should move up north, but I would miss my crawfish too much I think.

Oh and Peek, thanks for the group hug. You made me smile today. We should start a challenge exercise thread here. I was determined to go to the gym three times this week...and Monday was great, but it was been raining, and I mean flash floods, so on my way Tuesday I had to pull over and wait for three hours on the side of the road. Cars were flipped on the interstate. Some dummies tried to drive through the flood and their cars were randomly broken down in the middle of roads, so needless to say I spent three hours trapped in my car, angry and needing to pee.

So I was going to go yesterday...and the news said they expected more flash floods that day so I stayed at home and didn't go to the gym...and it never rained.

and I was like GRRRRRRR

Edited by ReadySteadyGo

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Sorry to hear about the floods! So much bad weather seems to be everywhere right now. Here in Cali we are going to deal with 100 degree weather starting today and going thru the next four days, and dry winds too... That spells disaster here in the way of fires.

Also as far as the bad feelings go, that is quite normal for people being restricted with food to go through. We talk alot about it at our group meetings. Don't worry, I'm sure that will pass. It may not for overnight, and maybe not even for awhile - but it will. Just keep plugging away. Besides, you don't have to give up your favorite foods. I don't, and I won't! Just don't do it all the time, and when you are eating it - you'll be eating very slow and small portions.

Keep being who you are, there are so many here who find you endearing and you crack me up! I love it when people are themselves, no matter what anyone else thinks. Vent here anytime - we are all here for you!


Loved your post! I think that's great you are going to work out more! Come through here more often, it' always room for one more. :cry_smile:


You know I love you girl! Stop being so hard on yourself, in my opinion you are running right along side the pack. Keep that dream alive and it will happen! :hurray:


I never send my ticker backward! I have a "NO BACKWARD" agreement with mine. It only goes forward! By the way, I'm 5'6" as well. I'm pretty comfortable with it, but sometimes I wish I could stretch my body a few extra inches. :hurray:

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Thanks for the persceptive.

Oh we eat in Louisiana. Life is focused around food, and the food is really awesome. When I go up north I will order something and the food is bland and dry to me. But here, we eat at church we eat after church we have group Breakfast at work, we Celebrate by eating out, we celebrate with homemade mashed potatoes, souffles, cassaroles. Not to mention, that being so close to TX they want to TEXAS size everything. Texas toast, Texas steaks, Texas chicken friend everything. Then their are the Desserts. Don't even get me started on desserts.

I HAVE cut my portion sizes at least 60 percent so that is something. And I really shouldn't complain, but I have been bitchy since I got my first fill. I have been trying to work out and paint, substitute life for food and all that, but I am STILL pissed off. Food has been my comfort for so long that now everything just makes me A N G R Y.

Maybe I should move up north, but I would miss my crawfish too much I think.

Oh and Peek, thanks for the group hug. You made me smile today. We should start a challenge exercise thread here. I was determined to go to the gym three times this week...and Monday was great, but it was been raining, and I mean flash floods, so on my way Tuesday I had to pull over and wait for three hours on the side of the road. Cars were flipped on the interstate. Some dummies tried to drive through the flood and their cars were randomly broken down in the middle of roads, so needless to say I spent three hours trapped in my car, angry and needing to pee.

So I was going to go yesterday...and the news said they expected more flash floods that day so I stayed at home and didn't go to the gym...and it never rained.

and I was like GRRRRRRR

Let me tell you something about a food/artistic outlet. Ever since my daughter has been on the liquid diet, it's been 4 or 5 weeks, can't remember now, she's not painting, not writing she's cooking!!!!!!

It's awful because she taken her love and lack of food and watches the Food Network Channel, came very close to changing her major from Art Restoration to going to Cooking School! I don't know how people can completely give up their love of food who really have it deep. I know there are times that are harder than others. I don't think I could, okay it's easy to tell with me but even if I were doing well. She's able to cook for others and not even taste it! I've never been that strong, it's almost crazy:scared2:

It's good to be angry, let it out, isn't that what depression is, anger you're not able to express. Be mad! Start some stupid thread and fight people just for the hell of it and see how many you can suck in!:lol:

Anyway you'll get back to it, like you said environmentally it's more of a challenge for you and that's not your fault. I always wished I could be like my friend who was thin ever since I was little that's a normal feeling. You'll get to where you want to be just remember you're a special girl and don't forget it!!! We all love you here!!!!:biggrin: brandyII.

Oh and I was raised on blue crabs, still prefer them over your crawfish but they're good too!

Edited by brandyII

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:biggrin: Well all of you are doing so great! Thanx Lil Miss..I luv ya! Went to my doc today..down 9 more pounds and pretty much begged him not to put another fill in yet!! :frown: Have been having some chewing issues here!:biggrin2: My poor hubby told me if I didn't chew more he was going to start mushing my food again! :biggrin: Doc said we're down 1/3 and only 2/3rds to go! I came close to slapping his grin off his face! HA! I knew he was being his sweet self, but those numbers made me feel like I was in the negative!:eek: But once he went over the whole picture I felt better..and I'm so happy to find out I'm not the only one that has had to wait for the gym!! The rains are starting to let up here so I'll get back into my routine, so RSG, we'll both play catch up!!:biggrin2: And I've been to your lovely state and I've eaten those yummy crawfish, and gator, and the dogs and the jumbalayas and the beingets and needless to say there's not much I didn't try when I visited! :eek: I'll have to look you up when I come back down there and we can go smell the wonderful aromas! :biggrin: Peek, we needed a good group hug! Thank you! :lol: Love you all!!;)

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Aw the evil of impatience. We're so susceptible to it. That's why people get the bypass. I personally don't think the payoff is good enough. Anyway, before you guys all lynch me because of my ticker, I've lost 40 lbs since my December banding. The rest was pure blood, sweat and tears pre-op program. But I have to say that you need to remember that the goal with the lap band is 1 - 2 pounds per week. That means that RSG is around 11 pounds ahead of where she should be.

I have two suggestions to help you with this frustration. I'm just as susceptible to it. Get the Beck Diet Solution book and start tracking your weight on a calendar or a program like fitday.com. I use fitday.com and when I look at the calendar that tells me when/if I've lost weight, I find out I'm trucking right along with the program. Also, I tend to weigh myself every morning but I had to learn how to not let the scale rule my moods. The Beck Diet Solution is NOT a diet book with a meal plan. It is a way to deal with the thoughts we have. For instance, I can have bread, Pasta, ice cream.... I choose not too. I know it sounds like I'm being cheeky and like I feel like I'm better than everyone else. WRONG!!! Been there, done that. Just last week we had a going away party for a co-worker. Now talk about setting yourself up....I BOUGHT A chocolate cheese CAKE TO THE PARTY. All the way to work I kept telling myself I was totally crazy because I was going to blow it by eating some of the cheese cake. I then decided that if I was going to have a piece it would be because I CHOSE to have that piece and I would count it into my daily calories. Guess what...I had a bandster size portion of the cheese cake and was totally happy with it. I also didn't beat myself up or feel out of control. It was amazing.

I have to work at this line of thought EVERYDAY! It's a matter of taking control and giving permissions to our inner children. Once we take control we can control the food we take.

So, once in a while give yourself permission to indulge. BUT make sure you weigh/measure that indulgence and count it. The next meal you're back on track and you will not have sabotaged yourself.

Keep on trucking those of you who feel like it's taking forever. Next year at this time you'll be amazed where you're at.

See ya!

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Like you, I have also been so discouraged lately and frustrated. Although I am so close to my first 50 lbs loss, I feel I have acheived nothing. I dont see a difference yet.. well.. except in my shoes but still I want to see more. It doesn't help that at my 6 week check up my doctor basically told me he thought i would have lost more. At that time I had lost about 14 kg (31 lbs). He really brought me down as I thought wooohooooo... I am doing good. I was so excited to get my first fill but then he knocked me off my feet by basically contracdicting himself and telling me that as I was still losing he wasn't going to give me a fill. Believe it or not my first fill is not scheduled until June 18th. It is so discouraging because although I lost this amount of weight... I am always hungry... I am always struggling... but I am so stubborn and I will not give this doctor the satisfaction of again telling me I didnt lose enough...although his last comment was he was expecting me to be in the 130 something kg's (between 287 -306 lbs)range. Who is he kidding? I wanted to slap the little man silly instead I burst into tears... and since then i cant express how much i am struggling.

The support we receive from each other here is the difining line between giving up and finding the courage to keep trucking.

A big hug to all of you.. for the rants and raves.... for the words of encouragement...and all the advice. I couldn't do it without all of you. I dont post much but i sit back and read...until now.

Lots of hugs and respect and admiration


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Like you, I have also been so discouraged lately and frustrated. Although I am so close to my first 50 lbs loss, I feel I have acheived nothing. I dont see a difference yet.. well.. except in my shoes but still I want to see more. It doesn't help that at my 6 week check up my doctor basically told me he thought i would have lost more. At that time I had lost about 14 kg (31 lbs). He really brought me down as I thought wooohooooo... I am doing good. I was so excited to get my first fill but then he knocked me off my feet by basically contracdicting himself and telling me that as I was still losing he wasn't going to give me a fill. Believe it or not my first fill is not scheduled until June 18th. It is so discouraging because although I lost this amount of weight... I am always hungry... I am always struggling... but I am so stubborn and I will not give this doctor the satisfaction of again telling me I didnt lose enough...although his last comment was he was expecting me to be in the 130 something kg's (between 287 -306 lbs)range. Who is he kidding? I wanted to slap the little man silly instead I burst into tears... and since then i cant express how much i am struggling.

The support we receive from each other here is the difining line between giving up and finding the courage to keep trucking.

A big hug to all of you.. for the rants and raves.... for the words of encouragement...and all the advice. I couldn't do it without all of you. I dont post much but i sit back and read...until now.

Lots of hugs and respect and admiration


Ohhh Hugs, Lynn. Don't worry after that fill I think you will feel like a new bandster.

I will keep trucking if you will.

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Hi There Queen,,, I just wanted to comment on chewing issues I think I am having the same issues (wonderng if its not pretty common for us) I know that there are times I eat too fast also. Im thinking that not getting more restriction is ok so #1 we wont have yaking and pb episodes as often which can cause long term issues(slippage etc.) and #2 hopefully learn to chew and slow down. then as we lose more we can get adjusted. yes it may be a slower way to lose but better for our bodies and mind.

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Vickie, nicely said! I also made this same pact with myself. If I eat it, then I'll count it and no guilt! It's the guilt that keeps you from getting back to plan as soon as you decide to eat that so called no-no food.< /span>

Lynn, please post more! Your insights are quite interesting. Don't let your doc get you down. He probably didn't even realize what exactly he said. He knows the average weight loss of a band patient, but sometimes I think they forget because they are so busy. Especially if they perform both surgeries.

Let me give you an example... Last night was our monthly group support. Well, first thing we do is stand up and say our name and mention our surgery date, how much we've lost since and if we are having to take any medications for HBP, or diabetes, etc. Well, I think there are only about 3 of us there last night with the band. Everyone else had GBP. It seems like the Bandsters aren't doing nearly as well because I say, oh, I lost 35 lbs. and my surgery was 3 months ago, and then the person sitting next to me who had GBP and had surgery just last month says, oh, I lost 56 lbs. :thumbup:

Heck, that seems like a dramatic difference. Wouldn't you say? :thumbup:

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Lynn - I had the same thing happen with my doctor but I did manage to brow beat him into giving me a small fill. I went home and did some really hard thinking and realized that there was a communication problem here. You see, I'm anal about journaling all of my food, exercising and limiting my food intake to less than 1000 calories most days. Therefore, I will loose weight most months but can still be ravenously hungry. I tend to use veggies when this happens. So the next time (and everytime thereafter) I saw my surgeon I explained this to him. I told him he COULD NOT go by the fact that I was loosing weight because I will not allow anything else to happen. I could see the light bulb go on. :biggrin2: With your doctor I would have added one more thing. I would have told him that considering his statement he was contradicting himself by not giving you a fill.

I really get peeved at these doctors who tell their patients that they haven't lost enough and therefore they won't give you a fill. Who do they think they are, our parents? This isn't something to be used as punishment. Talk about head games that will cause one to go back to old habits!:thumbup:

I'm happy that my doctor is really concerned about getting me too tight. I live about 3 hours away from the hospital he works at and it would be a terrible trip if I had to go get unfilled. I just have to figure out how to tell him things so he can get the whole picture in his head.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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