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Wish I could but, like the originator of this thread, I'm eating more now than ever and I can't stop myself. All the things you guys have mentioned are great points, but honestly, at the time I'm binging (and yes, I'm binging with the band, and it's only been 4 weeks), nothing can stop me. Then I have no idea why I did it and I hate myself for doing it and I get depressed... we all know where that leads.

I have had no issues returning to my old eating habits with the band and have had no adverse effects and although I know I should stop, something inside will not let me...

So, am I the only one that's experienced this post-banding binge depression thing? I HIGHLY doubt it. And rather than hearing from those that faced limited obstacles and achieved their goals quickly (I'm not attacking you, I'm proud of you, all the power to you, but I don't believe we've had the same experience)....

How about we hear from someone who has been right where I am, unable to stop, eating more than ever before, etc. What did you do and did you determine the root of the problem?

Again, I'm sure this note sounds rude and someone is going to get mad at me... I'm not trying to be rude, I'm happy for everyone that's lost weight, I appreciate all of the comments and read every single one, but I'm looking for someone to share an experience with me.

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Wish I could but, like the originator of this thread, I'm eating more now than ever and I can't stop myself. All the things you guys have mentioned are great points, but honestly, at the time I'm binging (and yes, I'm binging with the band, and it's only been 4 weeks), nothing can stop me. Then I have no idea why I did it and I hate myself for doing it and I get depressed... we all know where that leads.

I have had no issues returning to my old eating habits with the band and have had no adverse effects and although I know I should stop, something inside will not let me...

So, am I the only one that's experienced this post-banding binge depression thing? I HIGHLY doubt it. And rather than hearing from those that faced limited obstacles and achieved their goals quickly (I'm not attacking you, I'm proud of you, all the power to you, but I don't believe we've had the same experience)....

How about we hear from someone who has been right where I am, unable to stop, eating more than ever before, etc. What did you do and did you determine the root of the problem?

Again, I'm sure this note sounds rude and someone is going to get mad at me... I'm not trying to be rude, I'm happy for everyone that's lost weight, I appreciate all of the comments and read every single one, but I'm looking for someone to share an experience with me.

No one is going to get mad at you - at least not me (and I am one that you are referring to)

Suggestion - and don't get mad - I think you may need to see someone about your head issue with food - alot of banders in your situation do seek out help from a counselor - shrink etc. Also you need to talk with your doctor too - he may have some resources for you too..

Our problems with food are mostly mental - I am lucky I have had my Ah Ha moment - this is no longer a game for me - it's about extending the quality of my life and hopefully extending the years I have left.

Obese people do have disciplined - look you have the disciplined to binge and over eat - your mind is doing it - you just have to flip the switch for it to work the other way - being disciplined not to binge - for me it was having major surgery - being put to sleep and cut open was a major thing to me - which i didn't take lightly.

Alot of people go into this thinking it's the cure all to their issues with food - that it's going to stop them from being hungry and wanting the wrong kinds of food - it's not - and I was lucky enough to be warned about this prior to surgery. It's only a tool - nothing else.

You haven't had a fill yet - so you are in bandster hell - but it is doable - I am no frickin diff than you - I weighed 250 lbs last July - I ate what I wanted when I wanted and was a total slug bug - and I gave all the same excuses as to why I couldn't lose weight - "who in the hell made up the portion size of 1/4 c of ice cream being a real portion" heck to me 1/2 of a 1/2 gallon was a portion..

For me I gave up making excuses - I made up my mind that I was no longer going to treat myself so badly - I made up my mind that I wanted to see my grandkids get married - I wanted to go on vacation and do more than just sit on my butt cuz if I had to walk too far I would be worn out after the 1st block.

My issues with food were more out of eating due to boredom and Portion Control - but everyone of us is diff on our issues - your issues with food may be more complex.

It can be done - and us successful ones are proof of that - we aren't any diff that you (we were all fat chicks too a short time ago - and for the record mentally we still are) it's just that we have made the commitment to our life - to make this a lifetime lifestyle change and we are using our tool along with our brains to be successfully. We have figured out that we are worth the work - that we deserve to live a healthier life.

You can do this - you really can - once you have restriction it will become a little easier - but you gotta get your head into the game too..

Good Luck...

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I will be taking a trip that involves a flight to and from California. I seem to remember something about what is neede before flights but I can not remember for the life of me what I need to do. I have acall in to the DR> but can any one here tell me?

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Banded 4-14-08, I am 4 wks out and I am hungry but I can bearly get anything down. I would be too scared to try popcorn. I am on normal foods, 3 meals a day and two Snacks. I can bearly eat chicken, unless it is boiled, I love any kind of chicken, so that is alright with me. I can eat a baked potatoe mushed up real good. I can eat but not like horse, I start to hurt or feel pain if I overeat and I have not had a fill yet. It is on May 27th. I am averageing about a 1-2 lbs loss a week since April 28th, a total of 25 pounds. I would suggest drinking Propel, that is what I do all day. It is only 30 calories a bottle and it has Vitamins. Soups are great, but no big chunks at your stage, I am going to try those recipes above, sounds good.

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I will be taking a trip that involves a flight to and from California. I seem to remember something about what is neede before flights but I can not remember for the life of me what I need to do. I have acall in to the DR> but can any one here tell me?

Nothing is needed as far as I know - I have been told that for some people their bands get tighter after they fly - I haven't flown yet so don't have any personal experience but will be flying next month..

If you want to take food on the plane (Protein stuff) you gotta have a note from your doctor to get thru security.

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I had my surgery April 30th, and after 1 week I had first major hunger pain. If I only ate 3oz per meal, I'd be starving; and I'm way past mushies. I don't eat hard foods though. I'm like Baggio, I've never been nauseous or felt that food was stuck. But I could sure nibble all day if I let myself. These past 2 or 3 days I've been really bad. My two week doctor visit is the 19th and I go back to work. I think that will help to get busier. I'm working at home right now by myself, and I get a little more bored. My problem is I'm a carbaholic; breads, Pasta and all that. I need to get back on track. I'm glad you're all here for support.

Hey Bowers.. i feel your pain and like yourself. i was a die hard carboholic. i must say that up until yesterday.. i had not eaten any carbs since surgery. such as bread , rice or potatoes. my only advice.. just get them out of your house ( if at all possible) i revamped my whole pantry. i think the only carb i have in my house now is oatmeal..

i also work on the road alot. and you have to remember to always have the good stuff on hand. otherwise, it is a WRAP! good luck on all your efforts..

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Banded 4-14-08, I am 4 wks out and I am hungry but I can bearly get anything down. I would be too scared to try popcorn. I am on normal foods, 3 meals a day and two Snacks. I can bearly eat chicken, unless it is boiled, I love any kind of chicken, so that is alright with me. I can eat a baked potatoe mushed up real good. I can eat but not like horse, I start to hurt or feel pain if I overeat and I have not had a fill yet. It is on May 27th. I am averageing about a 1-2 lbs loss a week since April 28th, a total of 25 pounds. I would suggest drinking Propel, that is what I do all day. It is only 30 calories a bottle and it has Vitamins. Soups are great, but no big chunks at your stage, I am going to try those recipes above, sounds good.

To those who have said eating soups is good, be careful! I was banded on 4/14/08, and work at the hospital I was banded at. The director of the Surgical Weight Loss Center warned me of the dangers of Soup. It tastes great and goes down easy, but what happens is, it is a liquid and passes quickly through the stoma so you get hungry again much more quickly, therefore you end up "grazing" eating small Snacks in between.

I am 4 weeks out now, and am finding it very difficult. I am hungry all the time, stomach growling and gurgling. I seek out food, and then feel guilty when I eat it. I did very well up to about 2 weeks ago, that is when the hunger hit. But I agree with all the others that posted, it is a boredom issue, or a "head" issue. I think part of my problem is, my doc has not cleared me for anything more than walking. I am dying to start a swimming regimen! But for now, I can walk and work and watch TV. I was glad to read on here that I am not the only one having the eating problem, it has given me encouragement that I can get back on track.

I want to thank everyone for their input, since I just joined the forum tonight, I have learned much from reading everyone's stories. This is really a great resource and I look forward to participating in more discussions.

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If you don't have willpower with this surgery then it is kind of pointless don't you think? You can't just eat and eat and stretch out your pouch or risk it slipping etc. Like everyone has said before this isn't a cure all.

Part of the job is the band, the rest is your emotions, and will to not eat when you're hungry, specially not bad foods.

I understand that one has to have willpower. BUT when someone says to someone who is very hungry and has not yet been filled ..JUST use willpower..the peoblem i have is the JUST, like it is easy. I realize that this is a tool, and I have had to sue willpower a couple of times so far. And I also think there is a difference between using willpower and following doctor's orders..I wouldn't even dare try popcorn or a sandwich at this point.

I guess what I was trying to say originally is that for someone to be crying out that they are struggling and feel they are failing at this..saying use your willpower is kind of a slap in the face. I think it needs to be more: Man, I know it is hard BUT here are some things that might help.

Just my thoughts


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To those who have said eating Soups is good, be careful! I was banded on 4/14/08, and work at the hospital I was banded at. The director of the Surgical Weight Loss Center warned me of the dangers of Soup. It tastes great and goes down easy, but what happens is, it is a liquid and passes quickly through the stoma so you get hungry again much more quickly, therefore you end up "grazing" eating small Snacks in between.

I think the "SECRET" lies in WHAT you eat as much as how much. IF I ate Tomato Soup then yes, I would be hungry an hour later. But the poster near the beginning of this thread listed some HEARTY soups. I went from there and started blending some real foods into a puree about the thickness of a creamed soup. The secret though is to make sure it has a lot of Protein....anyone who is truly getting in 60 g of Protein I think would have a hard time being truly hungry.

I used fish, potato, and some milk and made a puree that was like a chowder...and truly 1/2-3/4 cup is FILLING. I am only in week 2 but I am definately a food addict. I LOVE carbs, but carbs don't love me. FOr me, eating carbs such as bread and flour products makes me even more hungry and leaves me craving for more.

I think if you try to eat more protein at a meal then you might experience less hunger. ANd there definately is a difference between real hunger and mouth hunger, or head hunger. A woman at a support meeting is as thin as a rail now and she said..ny stomach is never hungry, my mouth always is." As food addicts, no amount of food is going to totally satisfy us...not until we truly change our mindsets. The first step in changing our mindset is realizing the difference in being truly hungry and just wanting food.


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Often the rumbling in your stomach is not hunger but only trapped air.

Hunger is not an emergency for those of us who are fat. I'm often surprised at how people sound so freaked out over being hungry. Drinking Water helps. Eating Protein helps.

I get hungry too, but I make decisions about food. If I can't resist it, I don't have it around. Every time you put a bite of food in your mouth, it's a decision you have made. That's how we all got fat. One bite at a time.

Hang in there, you can do it. Reclaim your power over food. It's right there waiting for you. :party:

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Often the rumbling in your stomach is not hunger but only trapped air.

Hunger is not an emergency for those of us who are fat. I'm often surprised at how people sound so freaked out over being hungry. Drinking Water helps. Eating Protein helps.

I get hungry too, but I make decisions about food. If I can't resist it, I don't have it around. Every time you put a bite of food in your mouth, it's a decision you have made. That's how we all got fat. One bite at a time.

Hang in there, you can do it. Reclaim your power over food. It's right there waiting for you. :cry_smile:

Well said !!!

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After reading through all this I am a bit surprised. I have a huge amount of will power and I can certainly tell the difference between head hunger and real hunger. All I can do is refer to what I am experiencing.

I have a large band that holds 14 cc's and my doctor put 0 Fluid in it at surgery. I can't get a fill for at least another 4 weeks so I will have some restriction. As I understand it, some doctors put Fluid in at surgery and others don't so that may account for why some of us feel this and others don't.

As I said in my previous post, I have not experienced any problems other than I have had to learn to limit myself because I can eat more than I should be able to without a problem. Clearly I was educated by my Dr. and realize I need to control it. My doctor informs me this will change when I find my sweet spot but first my body has to heal to be able to tolerate a fill. I have never viewed the band as anything other than a tool and know I must change my habits however, I did believe the band would offer more support at this point in time than it has, again I believe and my Dr. has confirmed it will in the near future.

Just for the record, I am hungary when I sit down to eat so it is hard to stop, with restriction this is easier so I understand these feelings. I am following the rules as outlined by my Dr. and would not jeopardize anything nor do I believe this is a lack of will power or head hunger. I'm not grazing or eating all day or washing my food down with liquid or not following the rules. I'm just hungary clearly why I'm overweight to begin with....Yes often times there is boredom and head hunger but this is something different and based on the number of PM's I have received on the subject this is something many of us are struggling with and finding it hard to get support that fits....I'm disappointed that the first reaction is to jump to saying we are not doing what we are supposed to or can't tell the difference between the head hunger and hunger etc....the truth is this is something that many of us are feeling.

I'm glad we can all reach out to each other and be supportive, it is nice to know that we are all in the same boat even if we don't have an answer for what we are feeling it somehow makes it easier to know we are not alone in what we feel.

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After reading through all this I am a bit surprised. I have a huge amount of will power and I can certainly tell the difference between head hunger and real hunger. All I can do is refer to what I am experiencing.

I have a large band that holds 14 cc's and my doctor put 0 Fluid in it at surgery. I can't get a fill for at least another 4 weeks so I will have some restriction. As I understand it, some doctors put Fluid in at surgery and others don't so that may account for why some of us feel this and others don't.

As I said in my previous post, I have not experienced any problems other than I have had to learn to limit myself because I can eat more than I should be able to without a problem. Clearly I was educated by my Dr. and realize I need to control it. My doctor informs me this will change when I find my sweet spot but first my body has to heal to be able to tolerate a fill. I have never viewed the band as anything other than a tool and know I must change my habits however, I did believe the band would offer more support at this point in time than it has, again I believe and my Dr. has confirmed it will in the near future.

Just for the record, I am hungary when I sit down to eat so it is hard to stop, with restriction this is easier so I understand these feelings. I am following the rules as outlined by my Dr. and would not jeopardize anything nor do I believe this is a lack of will power or head hunger. I'm not grazing or eating all day or washing my food down with liquid or not following the rules. I'm just hungary clearly why I'm overweight to begin with....Yes often times there is boredom and head hunger but this is something different and based on the number of PM's I have received on the subject this is something many of us are struggling with and finding it hard to get support that fits....I'm disappointed that the first reaction is to jump to saying we are not doing what we are supposed to or can't tell the difference between the head hunger and hunger etc....the truth is this is something that many of us are feeling.

I'm glad we can all reach out to each other and be supportive, it is nice to know that we are all in the same boat even if we don't have an answer for what we are feeling it somehow makes it easier to know we are not alone in what we feel.

I think you are right...if you haven't been filled (or are not filled to a sufficient level) you are most likely going to feel TRUE, HONEST hunger. As long as you are staying within the guidelines that your doctor is giving you, it is alright to eat more than you think you should...as long as it is the right food. I think the original poster on this thread however was eating before given permission by her doctor. That is where my (and IndioGirl's) concern lie.

I do think it is FANTASTIC that everyone can share that they are not alone in their struggle, but I do have a very hard time when people condone something that is being done that can actually HARM someone just so that they can feel better about what they are doing themselves. I am probably going to get flamed for this, but I would hope that if I was doing something WRONG or bad for me that someone would stand up and say "STOP...you are going to hurt yourself." If you have not been given permission to eat solids/mushy foods by your doctor I don't think you should be eating them. I don't care if you drink 1000 cans of Protein drinks and gain 21 pounds because you are healing. However I don't think it is good when people are eating the wrong foods at the wrong time. There is a reason for what doctor's tell you. If you don't think you can handle the liquids...you are not alone. But call your doctor and see if he/she can progress you faster. Perhaps they can based on how your band was applied.

IndioGirl and I (going to speak for her) do not mean to make anyone feel bad or to insult any one. We just want people to know that by taking the right steps you can be successful. I know for me that I wanted to take advice from people who had done well...not from those that were struggling. Perhaps there was some information that I could glean from them that would my journey a bit easier.

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I agree, I would never encourage anyone to do something to harm themselves or not follow Dr's orders. I do understand the difficulty though and that none of us are perfect. Sometimes a kick in the pants is needed, sometimes not....just making sure this stays balanced.

You should not get flamed for having your opinion, you obviously care a great deal for people and that is never a bad thing.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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