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Come out of the band failure closet!

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I know this is Rants and Raves so that's why I'm putting this topic here because I'm sure I will be ranted upon which isn't my point actually. Why are people made to feel afraid to come to this forum and discuss their band failures? When someone is searching out whys and what ifs they need a safe haven and I've gotten the impression the only way you can get people to talk about their personal problems with the band is by private messaging because they're too afraid to "come out of the my band is now working closet"

Would love to have them come out so I don't feel I'm alone here, thanks brandyII.:biggrin:

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there is a whole section devoted to complications and many posts are current so I'm not sure why you can't find people to talk to.

I guess perhaps the question is what kind of failure you think you have. There are people who have complications like band slipping or erosion and then there are the more confusing issues, where people have no problem with the band, but don't lose weight.

But in the complication section you should find someone with a similar problem. Good Luck. I'm sorry if you are having a problem with your band. It can happen to any one of us and we all keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't happen to us.

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Brandy, by band failure I assume you mean slow losers? I have slowed right down with my weight loss but I don't consider myself a failure. While we don't have the correct restriction we will always find it hard to stick with the rules of eating 1 cup of food per meal. I'm okay 80% of the time, it's the 20% that has stopped losing more. I will continue going for fills until I get there. No definitely not a band failure, just a work in progress. :biggrin:

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I thought people did. I read about band failures and patient failures quite frequently on this forum.

My thinking is people may tend to 'quit'...thus fail.

Someone can only fail if they themselves quit. If the band is defective, that's another thing.

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I think that for many of us (myself included) the band is the last measure in weight loss after having tried all the conventional means. For me, it meant here comes surgery so I really, wanted to do well. Also, there are little failures like slips, and major ones like erosion, etc. Some of the failures are not our faults, but some are. The band does not erase all of the mind issues that brought us to obesity. I hoped this helped and I wish you well.


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there is a whole section devoted to complications and many posts are current so I'm not sure why you can't find people to talk to.

I guess perhaps the question is what kind of failure you think you have. There are people who have complications like band slipping or erosion and then there are the more confusing issues, where people have no problem with the band, but don't lose weight.

But in the complication section you should find someone with a similar problem. Good Luck. I'm sorry if you are having a problem with your band. It can happen to any one of us and we all keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't happen to us.

Thanks I'm really not trying to come across as "bitchy" but when it comes to the complications section it's more medical probs like slippage and erosion not why isn't it working like I thought it would. And seriously there are a lot of people that keep quiet on the board they PM instead. I've gone to other forums where they actually have sites for people who may need revision because for whatever reason their band is not assisting them in losing weight or they have problems with their gastric bypass too.

So trying to get more feedback from people who just can't seem to get it right, thanks brandyII.

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Brandy, by band failure I assume you mean slow losers? I have slowed right down with my weight loss but I don't consider myself a failure. While we don't have the correct restriction we will always find it hard to stick with the rules of eating 1 cup of food per meal. I'm okay 80% of the time, it's the 20% that has stopped losing more. I will continue going for fills until I get there. No definitely not a band failure, just a work in progress. :thumbup:

I'm not playing the "band hater" card by all means because it's obvious to me that it has worked for a large group of people. You can call it whatever you want to call it but there are actually people out there who have never been able to lose the weight on the band from the beginning not just the taper off people or the plateau people. I think people are given the impression that it should work for most people and it hasn't. I've seen where it's taken people almost two years to get their fills to where it should be right and still no success so I assume there must be more like that, thanks brandyII.

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I thought people did. I read about band failures and patient failures quite frequently on this forum.

My thinking is people may tend to 'quit'...thus fail.

Someone can only fail if they themselves quit. If the band is defective, that's another thing.

I guess when I say "band failure" I don't mean physically the band is broken or the band isn't put in the right place that type of thing. It's more of a process failure whether it's people not being able to comply or not. Many people do very well on the band but there is a group out there besides myself that have just not been able to to lose weight with the band no matter what their situation is it's just not going to work for everyone and it's nice to know there are others that can feel free to come on here and share their stories too. Bands come in different sizes but that doesn't mean a banding in general will work with everyone. brandyII.

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I think that for many of us (myself included) the band is the last measure in weight loss after having tried all the conventional means. For me, it meant here comes surgery so I really, wanted to do well. Also, there are little failures like slips, and major ones like erosion, etc. Some of the failures are not our faults, but some are. The band does not erase all of the mind issues that brought us to obesity. I hoped this helped and I wish you well.


Thanks Fran and like I said I'm not here to bash the band but see if there are others like me who haven't been successful band patients. I've been to other forums where people are free to share their stories prior to revision or whatever choice there were going to make after "failure". I know it's easy for everyone to come on this thread and say the band doesn't fail you, you fail the band but it's not as easy as that for some people. The way I see it one band does not fit all and I'm not talking size. In this thread people are free to rant and rave and tend to rant and rave about many things other than the band so I felt this would be a good place to post it, thanks brandyII :thumbup:

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Do you really feel that way? I guess I dont read every thread here, but I always felt that people who were struggling were treated compassionately even if it was tough love.

Personally, I'll always argue with what I perceive as a warped attitude - I'll always have something to say if someone posts that their band just isnt working and then goes on to display some spectactularly self defeating way of thinking. I always start gently but you can guarantee when you point out that someone might *just* be sabotaging themselves they'll come back aggressively and defensively and then it can become heated.

Its just that you can so often read something so clearly in what someone says that they just cant see themselves and if they COULD see it, you know it would be really helpful, but of course, they have to want to see it. I just figure if they're here asking about it then they are ready to accept constructive criticism, but its not always the case.

From my own point of view it would never be my intention to belittle someone who was struggling with weight loss. But having had a few A-HA moments along the way myself, I really do feel I've got some information to share that will be helpful to some people - and that simply offering sympathy and commiseration is not really a positive contribution.

I do think too that if the band was (like for ALL of us, lets face it) your last ditch effort, then if its not working, to go through a stage of being very anti band is probably natural, and getting it out of your system on a forum is probably helpful to some.

Is that what you mean? That if you come out and have a good ol whinge about it, like everyone needs to do at times, that you'll get a lot of argument, negative remarks etc? I've seen many threads that begin with "I dont want a lecture.... I just want to complain" and those nearly always are met with sympathy and compassion, by me too, outspoken as I am. Make clear that you just want to know that others are feelign the same way and you'll get the support you want, I'm sure.

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brandy - are you looking into a revision at the moment?

i'm going to agree that the band is not a one size fit all, for WLS. i had coffee this morning after the gym with a neighbor & after talking for a bit (we became friends because our dogs are "lovers".. both FIXED now!!) she said she had the band put in 2yrs ago, and though she has gone from 364lbs to 184; gaining 55 back - she is looking to revise to RNY early this summer. She can no longer handle the fill/unfill drama that she's encountered over the last 9 months & she's found a way to eat around the band, which is apparently common.

she was shocked i too had the band in & that it was working as she's has 6 other GF's that are having problems.

i'm maybe a little "skeptic" - but i would be shocked if this band outlasts me. i'll be thrilled if it does w/no complications - but i'm not blind to the realities that "something" can & might go wrong. if that happens, i will have a backup plan (i like the sleeve option myself) to prevent any weight regain.

good luck exploring all your options!!

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I didn't want to give the impression that the people on this forum weren't compassionate, because I've enjoyed everyone here whether we agree or disagree, it's my favorite forum.

It's just that a lot of people have been afraid to come forward with "band-human-failure" for many reasons. Some are embarrassed, some don't want to hear it's not the band it's you, some just read posts and never write anyway but I do think some have been scared off.

I think it helps people who are going to get the band to know that maybe there's a chance it won't work out the way you think it will. But more for those who are already in that situation of "failure".

Maybe it depends on how the band is presented or not presented. I don't know why some fail and some don't but it helps those of use who have failed to know there are others out there and what options they're going to take etc...

We all wish we would be successful and when we can't it's really hard. It's not that we don't want to hear about the successful people but we all wish we were in that same group! It's not being anti-band to me it's more like what probs are you having and how did you solve that and do you think you'll get a revision surgery. It's really not band bashing at all and don't want to come across that way but we need a place to discuss these issues openly and freely and not have to hide because we're afraid we'll get bashed or lectured or be accused of being band haters.

Like I've said I've been PM'd by many people who you've never seen on these boards because they have similar stories and there must be more out there.

Your success stories have helped many people and that's a good thing but you can imagine how a person feels when they see everyone else is doing well and think they're the only one out there that isn't.

I'm not hear to bitch or vent, I basically want to see if there are others who can't get it to work like I haven't been able to not to bash but to commiserate in a way and go forward with ideas and such, thanks brandyII.

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brandy I have read many posts where people are having problems. All kinds of problems and some people are simply confused about why they aren't losing weight and others know that the problem may not actually be with the band itself. Of course the band may actually not be the answer for everyone, that's obvious from all the things I've read here.

I have seen several people in my doctor's practice who have had failed band experiences for one reason or other and have gone on to get the sleeve. I am not sure how I feel about that. At least for myself.

I have lost about 50 lbs and hit a spot where losing is just really, really hard. I've upped my exercise and I try very hard to keep the proper restriction and still it is hard to lose weight.

I believe that several things are at play here: 1) my age, 2) the medications I take, 3) the type and amount of physical activity that I can do, 4) my head, 5) the fact that I am short and didn't have quite as much to lose as many of the people who have lost major lbs that I tend to compare myself to.

I notice that you started with only about 50 lbs to lose, right? I am a little surprised that your doc even suggested the band. But I am certainly no expert. If you are just having a really hard time losing, trust me, you are definitely not alone!!!

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I feel like singing the song to the munchkins from Wizard of Oz "come out come out where ever you are....

I too have a lot of those same issues that you spoke about which make it more difficult to lose. I'm on anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds, have a thyroid issue but medicated, type II diabetes, not medicated at the momement, I'm 48 years old. My weight is 248 and I wanted to get down to 200, which to most people seems like a lot to weigh but for me it was basically my first goal and would probably be satisfied to get that far.

I had gotten close to 220 on Medifast right after surgery but since then with the fills adjustments, no fill, too much fill whatever I just put it all back on. So getting down to 220 was a big deal to me and I was almost thrilled at that weight! Then to go back up to close to the 253 where I started just about killed me! So I never lost I gained.

I don't think I was the right candidate and have been chatting with people on another forum that my nutritionist suggested and they have very similar problems and most are getting revisions or have already had them.

I'm afraid at this point or paranoid that no surgery would work for me or I for it, I've lost confidence. I'm at the point now with only 2 ccs that I can eat a WW tv dinner and try to follow the points plan but I can't always stick to it and exercising on the treadmill isn't always the best thing for me because I'm built like a candy apple! I have very thin legs and gain belly up. So I end up getting really muscular legs and thinner ones and it makes me look bigger on top.

Anyway that's about the gist of it. So like I said I just have a feeling it wasn't the right surgery for me (without sounding like a basher) and I'm trying to figure out what to do now. I had the surgery last august and that's almost 9 months now and I don't know how much longer I should go without making some drastic change. Thanks for your help brandyII.

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i have had band problems since march 2008. i gained 5 lbs in march then in april i lost the 5 lbs that i had gained. but my dr thought that my band was too tight so he loosened it and now i have gained about 15 lbs back.i am back where i started in october 2007 and i am so frustrated right now that i dont know what to do.

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