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Help! I am so hungry.....

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You know I have been banded 6 months and since being banded I have not had a day like this. I have been hungry all day some of it physical and some head. However, I have not won the battle over my head. I have picked and grazed all day and nothing seems to satisfy me. I have tried to make good choices and gave up awhile ago.

Has anyone had days like this where nothing seems to fill you up and you just eat and eat. I hate that the head wins over the body. Let me tell you I have tried today to avoid it but gave up.

Well, enough of my vent. Oh by the way, my stomach hurts now and I won't be able to do dinner later because of it. I guess even when the head doesn't want to cooperate the band is still there to remind you that you are doing a no no.


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Cindy, A few months ago, I had a day like that. I just gave in. I counted the calories and it wasn't as bad as I thought. I did schedule a fill right after that and I was better the next day.

Who knows? Hormonal changes, maybe? If it's only one day, then it won;t hurt.

I just got back from vacation and boy that was bad, I got on the scale and was horrified, but I ate a lot. Went for a fill today, so things should be better.

Just keep an eye on the hunger thing. Sometimes our head can try to sabotage us and it's so easy to think, "hey I've lost a lot of weight, relax a bit", so it's a struggle of the head, stomach and band.

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Hang in there!! I have those days and one day I ate doritos and it scared me to death!!! But, I got back on track and am doing real good.

Now, I have noticed tonight that since I am a little over a week until my next Dr. appt,, I was able to eat more that I usually do. It was good stuff (cabbage was heavenly tonight!!).

But when I get about a week away from a fill, I start to be able to eat more. I have had 4 fills and I guess I will need a fifth come the 15th.


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Hang in there!! I have those days and one day I ate doritos and it scared me to death!!! But, I got back on track and am doing real good.

Now, I have noticed tonight that since I am a little over a week until my next Dr. appt,, I was able to eat more that I usually do. It was good stuff (cabbage was heavenly tonight!!).

But when I get about a week away from a fill, I start to be able to eat more. I have had 4 fills and I guess I will need a fifth come the 15th.



Same thing with me. I am getting a fill next week and I have had only 4. I still do not have the sweet spot yet and hope with the next fill I will. I also started TOM yesterday and think that is why I was super hungry. Yesterday was a much better day. Sometimes you just have to have what your not suppose to have. It is how you pick yourself back up the counts.

By the way, you are doing awesome. Welcome to the family.


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Not to worry, Cindy. It's all about the long-term. I think "normal" "thin" people have big eating days and small eating days. Don't fight it, just get back on track the next day.

I remember when I was on Weightwatchers (one of the many, many times), there was a plan on the internet that followed WW but tweaked the point values so that you had high days and low days, but the weekly average was the same. It was called "The Wendy Plan".

The theory was that alternating high and low days keeps your metabolism from setting to a lower point. Several diet/lifestyle plans do a variation of that (several have one day "off" - BodyForLife and Biggest Loser).

I may start doing that. I keep my calorie intake pretty steady (about 1200 -1300 every day). Maybe I need to have a PigglyWiggly day and a few Meager days? It might goose my metabolism a bit (of course getting off my butt would do that, too).

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Not to worry, Cindy. It's all about the long-term. I think "normal" "thin" people have big eating days and small eating days. Don't fight it, just get back on track the next day.

I remember when I was on Weightwatchers (one of the many, many times), there was a plan on the internet that followed WW but tweaked the point values so that you had high days and low days, but the weekly average was the same. It was called "The Wendy Plan".

The theory was that alternating high and low days keeps your metabolism from setting to a lower point. Several diet/lifestyle plans do a variation of that (several have one day "off" - BodyForLife and Biggest Loser).

I may start doing that. I keep my calorie intake pretty steady (about 1200 -1300 every day). Maybe I need to have a PigglyWiggly day and a few Meager days? It might goose my metabolism a bit (of course getting off my butt would do that, too).



I need to get off my butt to exercise as well. I've lost all this weight with virtually no exercise but the life I lead is so busy and I am trying to figure out something that I will enjoy doing. I am in the hunt for a bathing suit so that I can check out Water aerobics at the Y. I think that I will really like that and it would fit my schedule.

I get you on calorie shifting and have tried it once during a stall. It worked for me. I do really think that adding exercise is going to help me with the last 80lbs or so. Dang it I hate exercise....

Here's to getting our butts motivated.


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You are lucky to have a lifestyle that causes you to be active. I sit in front of a computer or in meetings for 8 hours a day. It used to be that I wouldn't stand up for four hours! Now, I try to get up every 30 minutes and walk around the building. Drinking more Water helps because I have to get up to pee. ;o)

I'm just starting "formal" exercising again. I did the Portland Marathon in 2005 at 250 pounds and it just made me want to curl up on the coach and hibernate. I was sooooo sick of walking after that. I have to get over it.

I have a suggestion for the swimsuit. QVC has a really cute line of swimsuits called "It Figures", including little swimdresses that I haven't seen anywhere else. I don't think you'd have the problem of the girls escaping. They'll ship to your house and then you can try them on and send back the ones you don't want. They are very good about returns. I have been very happy with them.

I can't get the link to paste in correctly here (it gives me patio umbrellas LOL). Just go to QVC.com and search for "swimsuit".

Edited by Foofy

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I feel like CRYING!!!!

I feel like my mind is totally out of the game lately....I just can't concentrate on the goal. I feel like I just want to not worry about things for a while. Like, I want ice cream and chocolate and Mexican food every single solitary day!!!! I want queso and chips and cheese enchiladas ALL DAY LONG!!!

pLUS, I'm super duper, like, CRAZY unhappy with only losing 35 lbs so far. And, for the record, last time I weighed I was 198--I'm trying to pretend like I haven't actually GAINED three pounds!!!! And, the thing is, since right after surgery, I've been averaging 3 lbs per month lost, so seeing the scale at 198 is REALLy freaking me out.

I bought a size 14 business suit at banana Republic last weekend, but it's tight...and I'm SWIMMING in all the suits I already own and I just don't know what to do! 16's are too big and 14's are too tight...and I don't have any money to just go shopping like crazy for work clothes!

I have NO CLUE whether I need a fill, am good, or WHAT! My doc said he wanted me to come back in three months....which is 2 months from NOW. Plus, I DO sometimes get stuck and can't eat things I think I should, but other times I'm a bottomless pit.

I think I'm having a Lab Band Break Down!!!!! HELP!!!!!!

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You are lucky to have a lifestyle that causes you to be active. I sit in front of a computer or in meetings for 8 hours a day. It used to be that I wouldn't stand up for four hours! Now, I try to get up every 30 minutes and walk around the building. Drinking more Water helps because I have to get up to pee. ;o)

I'm just starting "formal" exercising again. I did the Portland Marathon in 2005 at 250 pounds and it just made me want to curl up on the coach and hibernate. I was sooooo sick of walking after that. I have to get over it.

I have a suggestion for the swimsuit. QVC has a really cute line of swimsuits called "It Figures", including little swimdresses that I haven't seen anywhere else. I don't think you'd have the problem of the girls escaping. They'll ship to your house and then you can try them on and send back the ones you don't want. They are very good about returns. I have been very happy with them.

I can't get the link to paste in correctly here (it gives me patio umbrellas LOL). Just go to QVC.com and search for "swimsuit".


You are the best! The wealth of knowledge is amazing. Thanks for the link...my problem is the upper thighs. I have found the extra skin is gross that is why I need a skirt. I wish I didn't have the extra skin because I would love to wear a bathing suit that doesn't have a skirt. Dang it! I love that I have lost almost 100lbs but I am not happy with the extra skin issues. I am a chicken about Plastic Surgery but I got to admit I wouldn't trade the 100lbs for firmer skin. LOL


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I feel like CRYING!!!!

I feel like my mind is totally out of the game lately....I just can't concentrate on the goal. I feel like I just want to not worry about things for a while. Like, I want ice cream and chocolate and Mexican food every single solitary day!!!! I want queso and chips and cheese enchiladas ALL DAY LONG!!!

pLUS, I'm super duper, like, CRAZY unhappy with only losing 35 lbs so far. And, for the record, last time I weighed I was 198--I'm trying to pretend like I haven't actually GAINED three pounds!!!! And, the thing is, since right after surgery, I've been averaging 3 lbs per month lost, so seeing the scale at 198 is REALLy freaking me out.

I bought a size 14 business suit at banana Republic last weekend, but it's tight...and I'm SWIMMING in all the suits I already own and I just don't know what to do! 16's are too big and 14's are too tight...and I don't have any money to just go shopping like crazy for work clothes!

I have NO CLUE whether I need a fill, am good, or WHAT! My doc said he wanted me to come back in three months....which is 2 months from NOW. Plus, I DO sometimes get stuck and can't eat things I think I should, but other times I'm a bottomless pit.

I think I'm having a Lab Band Break Down!!!!! HELP!!!!!!

OK! Breathe! I am about to cry right with you. First, you have done a great job with losing 35lbs. I want you to visualize 35lbs as 3.5 10lb bags of potatoes or 35 1lb packages of butter. Also, from your ticker it looks like you are about 1/2 way to goal. Think about the positives.

Now, let me ask you a few questions. How long are hungry between meals. If you cannot answer 4 hours then you need a fill. Are you eating around your band...if you get stuck a lot you may trying to eat things that go down easier and this will slow weight loss. The band is designed for you to eat solids that will stay in your pouch longer and keep you full for at least 4 hours. You will have trouble if you eat to fast and do not chew chew chew. You must learn these rules so that it will be more comfortable to eat for you. You probably already know this but it helps to be reminded.

Another thing that has really helped me is being on this website every single day. We all need support and I get it here. I get to write my thoughts down and I have developed great friendships with my bandster pals. We are a great resource to each other and what is great is that we are all experiencing the same thing and support one another through it.

I don't want you to be discouraged because I think you have done wonderful. Cut yourself some slack and look at what you have accomplished and remember that this is not a race. You have the rest of your life to lose weight. Right now it is all about learning to live with the band and making life changes.

You deserve the best the band has to offer. You will always have this tool to help you. Don't worry about bad days...we all have and need them. It is what you do the next day that counts.

Good luck and please come here. We are here to support you. REALLY!


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Stranger, Cindy is right. Take a deep breath and take stock. Losing 35 lbs and being halfway to goal is an amazing accomplishment. I've also fallen off the wagon a number of times but I did lose 43 pounds that I couldn't get off without the band. On bad days I try to remind myself of that. If you need a fill, call your doc and make an appointment sooner. I see the nurse practioner in my doc's office every 2-4 weeks depending on how I'm doing. 3 months seems too long to wait. I get stuck too but its been better as long as I remember to take small bites and chew a lot. Even if I give into a craving, I can't eat nearly as much as I used to so less damage is done. Do you feel as though your band is tight enough? See if you can go 4 hours between meals without feeling hungry like Cindy said. If not, call the doc and get a fill.

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Hunger isn't always the reason we eat. I know I can go 4 hours without eating and not be hungry, I just don't let myself because I think I should be hungry so I eat. That's probably why I'm one of the biggest laggers on here. I know I'm not at my sweet spot because if I was then I wouldn't be able to eat what I do. Don't be hard on yourselves, this is new to all of us and we are doing it the best we can. I know I need to follow the rules a bit better but I've said all along I don't want to stop living either. If I take another 6-12 months to get my weight off then so be it... I've certainly been overweight a lot longer than that. Good luck to you all.

Edited by Sades

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Hunger isn't always the reason we eat. I know I can go 4 hours without eating and not be hungry, I just don't let myself because I think I should be hungry so I eat. That's probably why I'm one of the biggest laggers on here. I know I'm not at my sweet spot because if I was then I wouldn't be able to eat what I do. Don't be hard on yourselves, this is new to all of us and we are doing it the best we can. I know I need to follow the rules a bit better but I've said all along I don't want to stop living either. If I take another 6-12 months to get my weight off then so be it... I've certainly been overweight a lot longer than that. Good luck to you all.

Sades we have vitually the same amount to lose in the end I started 102kg want to get to 63-64, i had my opp 18 sep 2007,have lost 34kilos so far,but in the same months as you are now, lost the same as you, i think you will get there sooner than expected, but even if it takes longer,it definately did not take us as quick to get big,our patience will get us there.

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Hunger isn't always the reason we eat. I know I can go 4 hours without eating and not be hungry, I just don't let myself because I think I should be hungry so I eat. That's probably why I'm one of the biggest laggers on here. I know I'm not at my sweet spot because if I was then I wouldn't be able to eat what I do. Don't be hard on yourselves, this is new to all of us and we are doing it the best we can. I know I need to follow the rules a bit better but I've said all along I don't want to stop living either. If I take another 6-12 months to get my weight off then so be it... I've certainly been overweight a lot longer than that. Good luck to you all.

A lot of this band thing needs to be worked out in our head as well. Many Desserts will go down with no problem ( as I found out too well on vacation). My eyes and head were so tempted by all the food no matter what my stomach/band was telling me.

when is your next fill Sades? I know we have about the same amount in our bands. This last fill (Monday) left me very uncomfortable. Not when I ate, but all the time. I'm confused b/c before this fill I could eat anything, bread, steak, pork etc. with no problem. didn;t even have to chew that much.

They put in .6cc and I went back two days later for .2cc to be taken out. Things seem to be calming down but I have not even thought of trying really solid food yet.

The PA wanted to put in 1cc. I am so glad I talked her out of that. I get so much swelling after the fill, it seems like the motion of pushing all the fill in at one time is what does it.

I just wonder now if I can get to my sweet spot without having pain. If I need more fill to get restriction but more fill is painful, I'm just kind of confused.

Let me know when your next fill is and how much they put in. I'm at 8.4cc's now.

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I feel like CRYING!!!!

I bought a size 14 business suit at banana Republic last weekend, but it's tight...and I'm SWIMMING in all the suits I already own and I just don't know what to do! 16's are too big and 14's are too tight...and I don't have any money to just go shopping like crazy for work clothes!



Everyone just gave you great advice on head hunger and how great you are doing - even if you don't think you are doing so great. I'm going to give you advice on clothes.

Have you ever watched the show on TLC - What Not to Wear? They give great advice. One of the things they say quite often is that you CAN NOT go shopping with the mindset that you are a certain size. Every manufacturer and designer is slightly different in their sizing. Use the size on the label as a guideline and then adjust. Don't freak out if it means going up a size, it's just that particular item of clothing. You are not a failure because of it. If the size 14 suit that you like is too tight, buy the size 16 version. It doesn't matter if your OTHER 16s are too big. We are talking THAT PARTICULAR piece of clothing.

I wear a size 18 jean, size 20 dress pants, and I vary between size 18 and size 22 for the tops - depending on who makes them and how they are cut. I'll admit that sizing up can be a blow to the ego - BUT ONLY IF YOU LET IT BE. Your goal is to find clothes that FIT and make you look and feel BEAUTIFUL. The number on the tag should NOT matter!!!

Change your thoughts - change your life!!! Go get 'em.

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