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Anyone Else Fight This Feeling ?

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Wow I finally have restriction in my band... The head hunger thing is still a struggle for me. I have a 10 cc band with 5 ccs in it . I am so happy I could shout from the roof tops. I have lost 45 lbs and now weigh 200 lbs. I am embarassed to admit that it is sometimes a struggle to not be able to " enojoy " food like I did before. We went to a buffet and I over ate leaving very uncomfortable. I had such a tiny portion but kept going back wanting to just try a little of everything. Thats when the head hunger kicks in. Sometimes it doesn't affect me at all but once and a great while I seem to be trying to out smart my band only to be left feelig miserable. I feel foolish after and ask myself why did I do that ? It is so not worth it at all. I think this is where the food addiction theory proves to be true with me. I am going to get another fill on Friday and I know I will be VERY restricted as I am quite restricted now most days. Some days I can deffiantely eat more than the 1/2 cup everyone talks about so I think this will be my sweet spot. I hope. But what advice do you have for that feeling of wanting to enjoy eating ? I know it sounds twisted lol I would never want to go back to those days where I had so much FUN eating and getting to be the size that I was but sometimes I do feel like I just lost my Teddy Bear lol I am sure some of you know exactly what I mean. Thanks so much for your support I really appreciate knowing I am not alone.

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It is so funny, I was just discussing this today with my mom. I wont be banded for another three weeks but this is one of my fears. My mom even said she worries that I wont be able to enjoy life. We then said how sad it was that so much of our lives revolve around food. I think it would be wonderful to lose 45lbs.(congrats!) and yet its scary to think of losing that enjoyment you get from eating what you want! I wish all success to you. Tottie

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I remember being where you are right now, how exciting ! If I can do it anyone can... food was my life ! I can admit that now. I just keep concentrating on how good I feel, I try to find my happiness in the compliments that people give me and the fun I have buying new clothes rather than the fun I had eating. I believe it will be something I fight with my whole life although it may lessen as I shrink lol But I do love to eat but I know nothing taste as good as skinny feels lol I take my small portion of food and savor ever bite taking tiny pieces and appreciating it so much. I use to shovel it down so fast and eat so much. I over eat alot less than I did, after getting sick a few times and feeling the pain of over filling my pouch those days are becomming less but it is still hard . I am so happy for you that you are getting banded ! You will love it. It is worth these little struggles to have the reward of being slim and healthy someday. Thank you so much for you post. Good luck to you !

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I do believe this is the hard part! That wanting to eat just because it tastes so good, because you always could before, and because other people can.

I have been hungry this weekend for the first time since being banded. This weekend we had extra food around for parties...it was hard. When everybody else was eating two steak sandwiches, my 4 oz of grilled ground turkey burger with no bun just didn't seem to do the trick...I wanted to eat, just because I used to be able to. I ate much more than I should have, not only because I was physically a little hungry, but because it looked, tasted, and smelled so good. I missed eating whatever I wanted.

The good thing is, with the band, we maybe overeat a little, but it's not the extreme of the past. And there are consequences. And tomorrow will be another day! I love my band because I know I won't just be able to give up and go off the diet just because I had a bad day today.

I haven't had a fill yet, and believe I'm entering into bandster hell---working to find that sweet spot. But even when I have the right amount of fill, I know there will be those days of craving the foods that I enjoyed so much...thank goodness I can't deflate that balloon myself and give in to that craving long term!

Does it get easier as time goes on? Hope so!

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I am in week 3 post-op. I lost between 10-12 pounds in the first week in a half. I am kinda disheartenedit has hit a standstill the past 3 days. I have already introduced regular foods just chew chew chewing away. Had a few uncomfortable lump in the chest moments but as you said, your body just wants to keep eating. We are so used to it. I am Linus without a blanket. It is amazing to go somewhere you used to eat and eat maybe just a quarter to half of what we use to. Not even including having an appetizer. I was sitting across from my boyfriend watching him eat one day while I had my Soup last week. I was kinda in mourning while he was as happy as a clam. As sad as it is tough, I don't want to be 5-10 years from now thinking how sad it is that I didn't do something I really wanted to because of my weigh holding me back. I work in the medical field and I encounter diabetic people all the time. And by golly if I can do something to prevent that ever being an issue in my life, this is the time to do it. I see people spend hundreds a month on insulin, and testing supplies that insurance doesn't cover. I would much rather spend that money on a cruise or sweet vacation every year. I guess the easy pounds fell off and from now on I have to work hard at it. Hang in there. Have a good week!!! Alice

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I still fight the head hunger on a daily basis. Somedays it almost feels overwhelming! This weekend I went to dinner with some friends and I had a half of a piece of bread with a cup of Soup. Everything they had looked SOOO good that it was hard not wanting to eat what they had. My biggest change is that the portions look ginormous now, which is good. Were heading in the right direction and some day it will not even be an issue. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

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I have been spending time with a new bandster, and through her reliving some of these feelings you describe. It feels like such a cop out when she asks me a question about how much to eat, or what to do about hunger....because my answer to her is that eventually your thought process in regards to food changes----drastically!

I have the smaller band, so of course less fill---but I no longer feel hunger to speak of. I still enjoy food, but it no longer occupies such a huge part of my life. If I don't eat for hours, I don't care! I would have laughed you out of the room if you ever told me that someday I would forget to eat----but now it is the honest truth!

When you are not hungry all the time, food takes on a different appeal. You approach it with health in mind, as opposed to just filling the void!

My family---big extended family---meets once a month at a local buffet for Breakfast. That way we actually all touch base, and no one has to cook or clean, and then we can all go on about our weekend, and do our own family things. It was hard in the beginning. I eventually learned to take a teaspoon size of all the different things I wanted to taste, and even that was too much---but I did get around more of the items than if I were to take a larger serving! Then teeny, tiny (chewed very well) bites---one each of all the offerings, until I was full! I kid you not! My plate looked like the plate of a picky 1 year old!!! I would dip my spoon in the corner of a bit of quiche on my plate, then move on to a tiny nibble of cheesy hashbrowns!!!

Nope it was not all healthy food--but as I say it was once a month....not every day!

Now we still meet, I am comfortable in my level of restriction, and I am no longer tempted by each thing on the buffet, I put small servings on my plate, and still seldom finish it.....but it is no longer the torture it was at one point!! Used to be the cinnamon rolls called my name......oh my how I wanted them! Then I got stuck on one....not so much my favorite any more! Plus, when you chew something like that, with that much shortening in it, really well----it is not so good!

Hang in there, and do the battles as they come, some you win, others you don't win so big---but consider how much less you ate than if you were not banded---and you still win!

As time passes, things do change, and your tastes change---and passing those things just gets easier and easier.....at least in my experience. I wish you the same success in getting past this stage!!!

Welcome to LBT both of you!


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Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone on this thread! You have expressed so many of the concerns I have and I'm so happy to see you acknowledging them and working through them. I've yet to be banded and am so looking forward to it. I know there will be some tough days ahead as I struggle with the same head hunger I've had for many, many years but I also am confident the band will be the tool that allows me to stop long enough to look at the food and say "wait, NOT eating this will make me feel better (emotionally) than eating it."

I don't really think I'll mourn the loss of the food as much as the comfort it promises (falsely of course). That's the head hunger part for me. I have already started looking at portion sizes differently and trying to visualize how much I realistically will be able to eat. I think I'm beginning to understand when someone says a "normal" portion will look gigantic post-banding. I threw away half a sandwich this weekend because it made me physically uncomfortable to think of eating it. Now that's never happened before! :wink2:

But I do wonder how it will impact some of my relationships and social interactions. I'm single so eating out and having drinks with friends is a big part of my social life. Obviously there are many other social activities and I'm looking forward to more of those as well. But here's a question for you - does it make your companions uncomfortable when they are eating a regular meal and you are eating so little? I don't hang out with compulsive overeaters like myself so that's not the issue. And I know I'll have to eat very slowly so I can pace myself. But I don't want to tell every dining companion (particularly casual aquaintances) I've had surgery either. Nor do I want to sit at a table for 2 hrs while everyone else lingers over dessert/coffee/conversation. How do you handle that? :confused2:

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I Am Reading This And I So Agree. I Am Glad I Am Not The Only One Feeling This Way. I Was Banded On April 30th And Have Already Lost 8 Lbs Which I Know Will Slow Down. I Am Very Very New To This But Just Watching My Husband And Kids Eat Is Driving Me Crazy. I Want So Bad Just To Eat All That They Are Eating. When I Sip On My broth And Jello I Really Feel Like I Have Ate A Full Thanksgiving dinner But I'm Not Satisfied...i Want More. I'm Not Going To Eat More Cause I'm To Scared Of The After Fact. But Oh How I Just Want To Chew And Swallow. Please Tell Me If Any Of You Have Done This....just To Satisfy My Mind...and Yes Its Only My Mind. I Have Found Myself To Bite Something That The Family Is Eating Just To Get The Taste And Spit It Out...rinse My Mouth That Way I Don't Swallow Anything...it Soothes My Mind....the Omg I'm Going Crazy Thought. I Would Of Never Thought I Was This Addicted To food Until Now. Any Suggestions...am I Wrong For The Chewing And Spitting Out...i Just Don't Know...but I Am Very Proud Of Myself For What I Have Accomplished Before Surgery And Now Only 5 Days After

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Most of my friends and co-workers know about my surgery. I should have waited, I think, to say anything because I think they were expecting me to look drastically different right away or maybe that is what I think they are thinking. Oh well. But in a way it is a nice pressure or motivator for me to keep on a diet and exercise regimen. I am tired of being a failure at every diet plan that I have taken on. I am so thrilled to have the band and restriction to help with maintenance when I achieve a healthy or goal weight.

Instead of telling people u had surgery and u are out eating, just tell people your stomach is hurting a bit. That is a perfect excuse to you not eating or drinking very much. Maybe change some of your social gatherings with friends to something active like the gym or walking a park, or go somewhere that you can do other things- not just eating....like a comedy club, casino/nightclub or horse races. I live in Saint Louis temporarily for business so we have tons of casinos and clubs. It keeps the mind off eating. Good Luck, the band is a great decision.

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I am tired of being a failure at every diet plan that I have taken on. I am so thrilled to have the band and restriction to help with maintenance when I achieve a healthy or goal weight.

AMEN to that!!

And I like the suggestion about the "sensitive stomach" re: change in eating habits. That should buy some time, and is actually true. Yes, I've already started my list of all the new things I'll have time for when I don't have to spend as much time/effort/money on food related stuff. I have several friends that enjoy hiking so I'm looking forward to joining them without having to stop every 100 yds and pretend I'm looking at the view when I'm really catching my breath! lol Yipeeee!!!

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I rmember a day when going back for seconds was common place. I didn't even think about it. I had to laugh at myself. this past weekend I had just finished my salad plate of food, and my husband had eaten a full plate and when back for seconds. He came and sat down and started eating , and I thought, "EEEeeeewwww. That is so gross. How can he eat all that crap?" Then it dawned on me, that it was just 5 months ago that I ate the very same way. Times they are a changin!!!

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I am so glad I came across this thread! I am relieved that I am not the only one struggling with "head hunger" (and STILL struggling some, 4 months later). I get filled Friday, I hope to be nice and full. KEYWESTGIRL, I went thru a period of mourning, too. It is hard, I feel you on that, but keep pluggin' away at it. It does get easier I think. :thumbup:

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Going out to eat is not such a big deal as we all assume it will be. If you do not want to share the news of being banded, I would begin now talking of your new diet.....so the thought is in their heads, that you are eating less, because you are dieting. When you actually go out with them, do you watch them eat? You are usually so focused on your own food or the conversation, you don't watch what they eat (other than to naturally compare dishes!), or at what speed they eat it. The thing about that is, they are not watching you eat each bite of yours either. So....you have options. You can order as usual, a full meal, and plan to eat maybe a quarter of it, and take home leftovers, or just figure you would have spent that much before, and not worry about it--just enjoy the companionship--or you can order a la carte---sides.

Whichever you choose, when the meal comes, and everyone starts eating, you do too. You just take small bites, chew them very well, and sit your fork down. When you determine that the bite went down, and you are not done yet, you take another small bite. About the time you feel like you are done for----you cannot eat anymore, others will begin getting done too. But their entire plates will be gone. They take big bites, chew a couple of times and move on!! With your abbreviated way of eating, you all end up done in similar time.

You will want to wait awhile after eating to drink---the longer you wait, the longer you will remain full feeling. But if they make a night of it, after 45 minutes or so, order yourself something to sip on, and enjoy the people you are with.

I was surprised how little attention people pay who are really eating! Now I pay much more attention, the men who stick half a steak or burger in their mouth in one bite appall me! I see people stuffing food in their cheeks like little chipmunks, and know I used to! I pay attention now, I did not then, and most do not.

Going out is really easy---not the worry I made it out to be.

The first stages post op are more of a challenge, to find liquid, or mushie band friendly food--soups, chili's, mashed potatoes, it can be done. But like I say, you might start building up the diet you are going to try---the first stage being liquids....yadda, yadda, yadda----

The best thing about it is, when the group wants to go dancing, or even bowling, or hiking--------you soon will feel like going, and look forward to those outings instead of dreading them....at least I do!

Good Luck!


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Keywestgirl, Your weight loss is fantastic!! I would be natural for the body to slow down, how could it keep up such a high amount of wgt. loss? Could you run 10-12 miles and keep it up?

Be easy on yourself!! It will come off, just keep on doing what you're doing!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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