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Post-Surgery Check-In

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I'm home, I survived, and I'm very, very sore. Hocked up on drugs right now so I'll have to right more later. It's hard to type when you're looking at 2 or 3 of the screen! :smile:

How many fingers am I holding up :smile:??? Glad you're on the road to recovery!!!

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LOL Auburn girl!! I have never heard of Protein Jello??!! :confused2: Where do you get it? Had my visit with the nutritionist yesterday, only have to do one day of Clear liquids before the 22nd - yeah!


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Hello, all & greetings from the other side ~

Just as many others remarked, reading these stories helped so much, so I wanted to share mine as well.

Drugs are making me a bit disoriented, so forgive any weird typos or something that makes absolutely no sense at all!!!

I was banded May 7th, 2008 at 8:30am.

The morning started off at 4:40 am & I had trouble sleeping the night before, waking every hour or so. After getting up, a crazy nausea set in that kept me running to the bathroom (in retrospect this was probably a good thing!!!). 4 bathroom trips later, & everyone dressed, we left the house at 6:10am on our way to drop off our son at daycare. We turned it into a special day where both Mommy & Daddy got to drop him off (it helped that his favorite day care worker comes in at 6:30).

We (hubby & I) arrived at the hospital right about 6:30am, I checked in where the registration person put on my name band that was so loose I could literally pull it off. Immediately though this is NOT good, unless I ended up with a free boob job or something!!! Anyway, she re-did the name band, upside down no less, and then I was off to pre-op.

It was about 7am or so by now, & after getting asked about dentures, jewelry, pacemakers etc…got changed into a gown (keep in mind that you don’t’ get to wear a stitch under there except our new "oh so stylish" sticky socks they give you). This process in & of itself seemed to be my first ordeal, as the nurse so kindly mentioned the pocket was in the front ( I thought, well DUH!!! What would it be doing in the back) as the minute I picked it up, I it was like looking at a Chinese jigsaw puzzle with no instructions!!! Yes.. I was nearly bested by the sad hospital garb!!! Then, embarrassingly remembered the tip about the pocket & at least knew where to start…Turns out these weird flaps were the sleeves that you had to first snap together, then it all made sense, but man, up until this moment, I truly felt stupid and wondered if this was kinda a sick joke that all the nurses get a kick out of..to see how it takes the patients to get into the gown!!!

Anyway after the gown was finally on & I got strapped into the circulation boots, next came yet another drill about jewelry as I was able to get all of mine out with the exception of my nose ring, which I had tried repeatedly the night before & again in Pre-Op. I just would not come out without ripping it out. My thought is – do no harm, right?? Anyway, after many a lecture by the nurse about how the electrical impulse from possible cautery during surgery could reach the metal & leave a horrible burn/scar on my nose, and did I want to try one more time (this was getting really old already!!!), the Dr. swung by & said it was fine, and to just to put some surgical tape over it.

Next came my blood thinner shot which surprisingly went straight into my stomach & even more surprisingly I barely felt at all (thank goodness the fat was finally good for something!!!). Then, we had a bit were we waited together & goofed off until there were ready to take me to the holding area.

Then it was time. I kissed & hugged hubby, & off I was wheeled into the holding area. At this point, I had to go to the bathroom yet again (this was #5) & settled back in my bed with my cozy warm blanket. The anesthesiologist came along next & actually ended up starting my IV as he was ready to get going. Soon, everything was a flurry of activity, meds were being added to the IV bag, another nurse came by to give me a “feel good” cocktail, & frankly it goes a bit fizzy form there. I remember being wheeled to the OR & thinking what a great big room this was for little ‘ol me. I then kinds remember being scooted over & a mask over my face asking me to take a few breaths…and then nothing…..

I honesty don’t remember anything about recovery & only was vaguely aware when I was being taken up to my room (despite my request for a private room, I ended up with another in my room later that day that was also having the same procedure. The next few hours were in & out & not too terrible, even gas pains weren’t hardly bad at all. I had to go down for my swallow test about 3pm & this was the first really of the nausea. I made it thought the test with no vomiting (although very difficult..lots of pretty visual imagery & deep breaths) & got back up to my room.

My hubby & son came by just a few minutes later (4ish I think) & my son (5 yrs old) was a bit taken aback. They had just taken the other lady down for the same test & she was moaning crazy when she came back up & scaring my son, so they headed out pretty soon. I told hubby to not worry & to just take care of him & to not worry about coming back. Honestly, there’s nothing worse than feeling really bad & having a roommate whose feeling worse. This was the very reason I dreaded a non-private room and it became even more dreadfully apparent as soon this lady had her Mom, husband, son, then later daughter all up in this very small room with the kids running over my side to keep looking out the window & playing. Not a good moment!!! Fortunately, soon they left & I was left in the great hand so my nurse Becky who was a godsend & took care of everything, well except the poor lady laying next to me that was moaning, groaning & wailing most of the first night (she had another nurse). I honestly was feeling quite lucky hearing how badly she felt.

Anyway, then hell began about 3:30 that morning with insane pain right at the 2 incisions & on either side of my rib cage & nausea beyond belief . By this time a new nurse was in, & promptly brought some liquid pain meds (who thought of this one!!! To give HORRIBLE tasting liquid medicine <Roxicet> to a severely nauseated & in pain patient). Anyway, I struggled over the next about 10 hours as pain was hard to control & was always back with a vengeance before I could have the next dose…I finally got an order for something else that could be given in conjunctions, Fentanyl which could be given about every hour if needed. Anyway, my moaning lady next to me was doing remarkable well & already getting her catheter out. I was jealous, but also still in so much pain & so nauseated I couldn’t’ yet get up out of bed. She was already asking about going home, and here I was thinking I can’t even get up & walk. What a changing of tides!!!! Shortly after, I was determined to get up & with lots of drugs on board, got moving around, got the catheter out (yes, they do that too!!!), & was due to head out about 1pm on Thursday to go home.

Fortunately, our ride home was about 6 minutes (of bumpy torture, but at least mercifully short). The next obstacle was to choose to take the 3 short flights of 5 steps up to the house or use the underground garage elevator & walk a long, long way….I opted for the long way (smart move) & got settled at home. In my own jammies, pain meds on board & about 6 hours of sleep later, I was feeling much better & certainly past the “Why did I do this?” part”.

I’m just now getting more liquids in & tolerated a Protein shake & low fat cream Soup yesterday well. Pain meds are only about every 12 hours or so & I’m moving much better…Well, there’s my 36 hour journey thus far….

Just know that this is a real as it gets, no “fluff” or sugar coating things as I know for me it was just as helpful to know the worse parts as well as the funny and silly ones too.

Best of luck to you all still waiting…talk to you soon J

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Great stories everyone. Well I had my surgery yesterday at 1pm at a surgery center by Dr. Kirshenbaum. I got to leave about 6pm. I had a very good experience there. I just feel really sore still and bloated from the gas. I was thinking I could go back to work at my desk job today but I stayed only 5 hours(was supposed to stay 10hrs). Still nauseous, still with some pain but not unbearable and still with a lot of gas and bloating. I'm going to try and sleep some more this afternoon. I had to walk up 17 stairs after my surgery yesterday and it was a little challenging. When I get up, I may go for a walk around my complex.


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Katie, I get my Protein Jello, kool-aid and broth from my doc. But it's the Bariatrix brand. They want me to have at least 40gms of protein each day to help with hunger...and it does.

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i woudnt be able to, i had surgery on april 24 and went back to work today may 12. so tired i wish i had few more days off!

i couldnt even sit up by myself or get up by myself at that stage,, took abotu 8 days to accomplish that. i would be very careful. but then again every one is different.

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Hi everyone! I received my band on Friday, May 9th. I was a little sore the first day but have been fine since then. I don't have an appetite at all. My experience at the hospital was pleasurable. I had to be at the hospital at 7:30 and I went home a little after lunch. The nurses said they had never seen a patient get around so good after surgery.

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Hi everyone, its really great to see how everyone is feeling and doing (and mostly well!!!)

I had my band put in on the 7th May. I returned to the UK on Friday afternoon. Everything went well, I have a course of 10 blood thining injections which I have to give myself every morning for 10 days, and also had to wear long stockings for a couple days post op. I am back to work on wednesday so have eased myself off the painkillers - the last two I took was on sunday evening. So far all going well, have a bit of discomfort round the biggest incision (my port) the rest are healing well. A bit of pain in my left shoulder as well, but I am coping with it. My incisions were glued and look fabulous, will take a photo and pop it on - I know all DR's have their preferred places to put them but it will give everyone an idea (that is if you really want to see them!!!)

Right now I'm making chicken Soup and really looking forward to having that this evening. :)

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Glad every one is doing OK. I was banded the 7th and spent the night in the hospital. That experience was not good to say the least. My room mate was an elderly woman who was from the behavioral unit and was very irritating to say the least. I know she couldn't help it, but why in the world would they put us together when there were other rooms open. My nursing care lacked a lot to be desired as well. Good thing I'm a nurse or I wouldn't have a clue as to what to do post op, etc.......

Now that I'm home I'm progressing pretty well. I see the Dr the 19th and get the results of a node biopsy he removed while in there. It was enlarged which is worrisome. Just hope its the result of my having a "bug " a week or so pre-surgery. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Don't have much of an appetite yet, and the pain is Ok except for the neck/shoulder pain which could either be gas or from the node removal or hiatal hernia repair. Not sure. Will return to work by Thursday for sure.

Good luck to those going this week...........


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I don't read the posts and write as often as everyone else. I am now 4 days post-op and just now felt like getting on the computer.

I am sore and the worst hurt is where the port is. It does hurt alot to laugh and cough. I did not have any shoulder pain. Today is the first day I feel like myself. I am still on liquid vicodin every 4 hours until this Friday when I have my 1-week post -op visit. I can stop it anytime or just slow up on it like I am doing now.

All Dr. Verseman's patients spend have very realy surgery and spend the night and I went home at 4pm the following day. I was pampered by the staff. They were in the room all the time making me feel comfortable. The occupational therapist made a visit to ask about my home and if there might be any help I may need to manuever around.

I hold myself with a pillow pushed up against my incisions when I get up from a chair as the nurses suggested. Actually, I was given a TUMMY Teddy Bear the hospital gives all patients to use in the hospital and to take home to use for that purpose. It feels better and the pressure on the incisions don't hurt so much.

I am now on a 2-wk liquid diet and then onto mushy foods. Some of my liquid diet is Jello, cream Soups strained, f/f puddings and thin hot cereals like Cream of Wheat. I am doing well.

I am so glad I asked off for a week of vacation until this Friday. I would have not been able to get dressed for the office. I am still in pj's and I really don't feel like putting on office clothes quite yet. I walk slow and cautiously with the soreness. They say soreness I say HURT.

I will continue to post to let all of you know how things go.

Am glad to hear all your stories and post-op recoveries.

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I guess I'll be the first to post bad news. I went in for my surgery this morning, and everything ran smoothly until I started to wake up. The first words I heard were "Attempted Lap Band" and I knew something went wrong.

After the doctor made the first 2 incisions he discovered that I have tons of scar tissue on my stomach from a surgery I had when I was a baby, and they weren't able place the band. They basically said the only thing I can do at this point is have a surgery to remove all the scar tissue and adhesions, and then maybe the doctor would consider doing it again. The doctor himself didn't sound hopeful at all...he said my best bet would be waiting 2 or 3 years for a procedure they're working on where they go in down the esophogus.

I couldn't be more devastated or hopeless right now...I thought this was the beginning.

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I am so sorry that this happened to you. How frustrating but it is something that you didn't have control over. I wish you all the best in your journey although you have a different path. Colleen

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I had to postpone my surgery b/c I have a cold. But I'm now scheduled for May 20th at 7:00. Please put me in your prayers...and caterpillarfly, my Buffalonian friend, my dear dear lapbanktalk buddy...all will be well. These things happen for a reason. We don't always know what the reason is, but it's for the best. Keep in touch with us and tell us what you decide. My heart is with you.....

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I guess I'll be the first to post bad news. I went in for my surgery this morning, and everything ran smoothly until I started to wake up. The first words I heard were "Attempted Lap Band" and I knew something went wrong.

After the doctor made the first 2 incisions he discovered that I have tons of scar tissue on my stomach from a surgery I had when I was a baby, and they weren't able place the band. They basically said the only thing I can do at this point is have a surgery to remove all the scar tissue and adhesions, and then maybe the doctor would consider doing it again. The doctor himself didn't sound hopeful at all...he said my best bet would be waiting 2 or 3 years for a procedure they're working on where they go in down the esophogus.

I couldn't be more devastated or hopeless right now...I thought this was the beginning.

Jessica --

I am so sorry for your set back. But do not give up hope! They make great medical strides all the time. I'm sorry for your disappointment, but I believe everything happens for a reason... I wish the best for you!!!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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