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I'm here! Surgery Wednesday went well and I am home and resting. Yesterday was kind of a out of it day for me, so I didn't get on here to post an update. I didn't get to leave the hospital until after 5:00 pm because I was having trouble peeing on my own and had to be cathed twice. Doing good now though and am glad to finally have my band and be on the way to the new me!

Hope everyone else who has gone this week is home and doing well!

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Hey Everyone, I'm doing well. Finally home. I posted my story on the surgery story thread if ya want the details. Thanks for all encouragement. It really helped me. I was not nervous at all! I knew what to expect and it payed off. You guys are the greatest!

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:party:Jazzy Junes! Count 295*

New members as of today in green

Two Full week of band surgery behind us!welldoneclap.gif A lot of prayers are with you ALL


Little Debbie, Mariamomof2, brubear, Yesindeed, sweetrepose, RAINWI, claireycurtis, Greatlyblessed, Snuffy65 ,Kkarryall, jaja2

:smile: 24

trtobiassen, Music Mom, theuse2000, ISmith, MRAMEY, bkladypm ,BumbleBree thuges113

:lol: 25

Tennessee Mom, dj bryan, Hollins2003, Sunflower00, rjtrimmer, brown bear, SkinnyMinnie, Waikiki, Kiki220, teford, teetee91477, krissyjean

:lol: 26 Suzyt, monicasf, MsChris72, frenchvanilla, Mns-ortiz, KayleighsMommy, MsMia2u


TexGal, nellie ray, Kalaipahoa, Susie70, kpa88, Armywife4life, lillygirl, onnie67, cherieinnv, Gab, Annabell1

:thumbup: 28


:thumbup: 30

maguirre67, Tai68, MS.MAURA NY, Brian, daniml, afisher4band, kdlee, Smarquezrn, erinbefore, Mamalovell, Kayleighsmommy, Brian, Kdlee, ann71

TOTAL 295(WOW) :redface:

Home on the couch :couch2: and BANDED!:party:

I will only give you 2 days on the couch! LOL OK Since I was banded, I realize we need longer on the couch! LOL

bananalama.gif2 Deb, Realme, LeighDee, BIG T, Mandi Jo, Kitcatnap, Jajeanne, BanTam, Utahgirl, Strikeuptheband, katkeen, kellystidham, wrestlersmom, kristin1975, pjanesville@cha, jbrod2616, allyfran, Banded2gether, HF2008, No~More~Waddy

Banane21.gif3 Huggie Bear, elvisfan, nicolerose, YoungNY, leepizz, Nuali, photobuf, Marlinda, STAN77, mrsjackson, amethystjade, vkcse03, MamaWalla, Zaxtana, shaki

Banane43.gif 4 Sellie, jills_adopting, ebinsc, Hunzi, jlck98, Alleyoppvolley, Anewkim, Snappymonkey18, Terrier Mom, Snakerivermusic, SanDiegoPhotog, marinemom, nikon harry, Insky67, ryansgirl

Banane10.gif 5 Irish Ladybug, Cadets 71, LMarie_MD2b, jkpenny376, Imagoofball, Lady Zique, mekadig, MsScorpio67, Long2bThin,Wandafromsc, rbparker, ttbikergirl, aimerus, summer08, Ms. CohCoh, JustPhyl, Sirus

Banane27.gif6 Kristybandy, Cathychatts, eagerbandim, mamamarie, luigismama, pitter, Peacedove, Shorty184, WVaCat, jessbychurch, erv, TXEG, livn4jesus, addy, HAPPYBUNNIE, bandedbyrd, wobin, sailingirl,TXEG


Bando, gardengrl, flirtyangel, vzghj3, Hayley, CarrieC, CarrieD, Hayley, Katies, pubrownsugar, justbob, ladybuy 238, LeslieR941906, beckyltriplett, pmvb11, rxdspncr, RAMES767, BubbleLove, Tazmin99, LisaV, TheYear Of Me, SassyV, SexxxxyAintI, Lizzard, badgirlink

Banane43.gif 10

Jules, Shaxmom, rearea1222, To Be Free, twinmommie, Angelshere, acadang, bandme08, Olive424, nancyb2003, Jillian68, micountryfarm aka stacey , kjillcarr, Barbarosa, allana, JeffR, Dino, Smantha39, nannypants and friend, Trishadish, RealSista85, justforme, cfuture88, Yaya24, LeslieR041906, Shanda, Cheri665, acadang

Banane27.gif 11

triser72, Mowree, aalves, jdrocks226, larakathyleen, Detroitdame75, PRCowboy, hopefulmom25, hippiechick, jeremiahsmommy, debbiefitz, lilnora2, Amisha

Banane21.gif 12

cris3, Angelyco, WannaDance,Susanm, MissWilde, Jewellj1, gina s, Dee 79, Ebeth0013, sks613, CPSimonton, DONNA ALT, sassylily, hoping, goodexample, cpforever, ghannouge, COPPERL, miladyscribe

Banane10.gif13 BATassbandita, elvisfan1219, KatW, cramadan, amyz, greythope, cantwait2bfree, ch4life, Bobbirs, lanaholuby, jlg, fntasa98, Camel Cracker, MINK, JTRMom, SofiaBell, bigrick

:couch2:16 babbs 3772, Phoenix, kdaniels11604, md4pa76, ajpink, mimieg, cjb, NavywifeJenn, Divamom, babygyrl36

:couch2: 17

TX Diva, Apples2, KerryConnor, Shome, iteachurkid, steveamy0503, Kim929, teacherofk

:couch2: 18 KathyStrick, JamesRN, kRiStI wItH a I,Rhondawood63, Kizzie, bochs

:couch2: 19 BigJedda, larinshine, ImGonnaLose, DIZ , Sara7venus, lapbandkenner08, RedPem1


alliemorris73 , CTGhostHunter, lolipopkd2, Sassy Lady

Edited by cathychatts

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My surgery was on 6/20th and all went well!! I am ever so grateful to all who posted about their surgery. Your stories really helped to put my mind at ease.

I really don't remember much about my surgery, as soon as they started the anesthesia I was out like a light. However, after the surgery I've had minor discomfort, but nothing to really dwell on. I have very little tolerance for pain, so I was completely amazed at not really having any. I am still in amazement that I am finally banded.

I wish all upcoming banders good luck and a speedy recovery to those recently banded.

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Wow! I'm just catching up on the posts since my surgery on June 17th, and am reading some amazing things.

Please know my heart goes out to those who did not receive their surgeries. You must know you are in everybody's thoughts and we are here for support.

My surgery in Tijuana went perfect! I am having an amazingly easy recovery. Day after surgery traveled the Revolution Street in TJ and spent the following day traveling on the sands of the San Diego Beach. I returned home by plane on the 20th and am feeling great. Missed all the shoulder pain & gas! YIPPPPPPEEEEE! I have nothing but good things to say about the hospital and motel facilities in TJ except I wish they spoke a little better english!

Since I am on day 4 of post-op diet I am ready to move to next phase of eating tomorrow, just not sure what it's going to be???? Any suggestions. I believe I stay on this next phase for 2 weeks.

Oh, and by the way..... Dr. Kuri did not insist on pre-op diet if your BMI was below 45. Mine was 43 so I didn't restrict my self from any food until 12 hours prior to pre-op testing. After testing was done I hed a large Steak and Prawns meal at a wonderful restraunt before checking into hospital at 7:00 p.m. the evening prior to surgery and came out fine. I know all Dr.s are different and I was very concerned that my dr. did not require this when most USA dr.s do, but it turned out just fine if that helps anybody.

To all my fellow June 17th buddies, let's share some eating suggestions o.k.? Actually any eating sugestions from anybody would be nice. "Silly Me"!

Wish I could find some of the surgical bandages that the used for my incisions. They sent me home with a handful, but am running out and don't seem to find them quite like that in the stores. I have found that regular large Band Aids don't work well for me and bind. Oh well, if thaqt's all I have to complaine about then "Life Is Good"!

Anxious to hear from all! Kerry:tt1:

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:ohmy: 2 Debi

;) Sellie

:smile: 5 JoannaG, Irish Ladybug

:mellow: 6 Kristybandy, cathychatts

:cool2: 10 Jules, Shaxmom

:frown: 12 cris3, Angelyco

:lol: 13 BATassbandita

:eek: 17 TX diva,

:thumbup: 23 SNADS08

:thumbup: 24 Snuffy65

:thumbup: 25 Tennessee Mom

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Somebody asked earlier about what people are eating now. I was banded on June 10 and am feeling wonderful! My planned eating today (according to Fitday.com---wonderful for tracking calories, Protein, etc.) is: 1 pkt instant cream of wheat, made very thin and add in 1 c. 1% milk, heated and splenda; tea, unsweetened, lots; 1 c. chicken better-than-bouillon; 1 slimfast chocolate shake; 1 Campbell's Soup at hand, creamy tomato; 1/2 sf jello; 1 sf popsicle. According to Fitday, this is 590 calories, and I'm comfortable with that. It sounds like a lot of food, huh? But I seem to always be drinking something...water, tea....:ohmy:

Tomorrow, I might try adding a beaten egg to a cup of bouillon to make egg drop Soup. I think if I beat it up well and it is just slivers, that would work for full liquids...if not, I can use my immersion blender to make it work!

Since I have been tracking what I eat, my calories have always been well under 600. If I have Protein shakes, the kind you blend, it ups the Protein a lot!

Is this pretty much what others are eating on full liquids?



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Can I get on board? Mp pre op is tomorrow (the 23rd) and surgery on 24th!

Welcome and good luck! There's lotes of information here that should help you alot.

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Hi all,

I can't beleive it but my surgery is tomorrow!!!! I have to be at NYU at 1 pm...I am trying not to think too much about it, because then I freak out! I am really nervous, I have never had surgery before. The anesthesia especially freaks me out--and being intubated. Hopefully, it will all go smoothly.....

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Hi Amy

I know you are concerned. It is only natural to feel that way with something new!.. I was anxious the day before my surgery. The day of my surgery I was fine. Tell the nurses and your doctor you are anxious they should give you a pre-med (diazepam or something similar) to calm you.. then enjoy a restful sleep!!... honestly you won't know anything about being intubated. They do that when you are fast asleep and in dream land.. and when you wake up you will probably have an oxygen mask on and be in a cosy bed with people around you. !!...

Good luck to you!!... you will be totally fine!> I personally LOVE the feeling of the anasthesia!.. I heard my anesthetist say to his colleague.. 'put it all in"... I looked at my IV port and there was the syringe slowly emptying. I had a lovely smile from the assistant (VERY CUTE).. and he said "sweet dreams;.. that was the last I knew of it!!..

you will be FINE!....

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Hi Jazzy Junes,

Just checking in. Had my surgery on Friday, June 20th. :crying:

Everything went well. They found a hernia and removed that since they were in there already! I don't really remember that much, except for the, take a DEEP breath. And that was basically it. :sad:

I had to stay overnight since our insurance required it. I was up and walking a couple of hours after the surgery and tried to keep walking the halls most of the day. It really does help alot with gas pains. I think those are the worst, but since being home, I have been taking the GasX strips which work pretty well and I keep walking around.

Best wishes to all of the "Junes" that are waiting and to those already banded much luck and blessings.:ohmy:

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:party:Jazzy Junes! Count 297*

New members as of today in green

Two Full week of band surgery behind us!welldoneclap.gif A lot of prayers are with you ALL


Little Debbie, Mariamomof2, brubear, Yesindeed, sweetrepose, RAINWI, claireycurtis, Greatlyblessed, Snuffy65 ,Kkarryall, jaja2, Snads08

:sad: 24

trtobiassen, Music Mom, theuse2000, ISmith, MRAMEY, bkladypm ,BumbleBree thuges113, ginad

:thumbup: 25

Tennessee Mom, dj bryan, Hollins2003, Sunflower00, rjtrimmer, brown bear, SkinnyMinnie, Waikiki, Kiki220, teford, teetee91477, krissyjean

:thumbup: 26 Suzyt, monicasf, MsChris72, frenchvanilla, Mns-ortiz, KayleighsMommy, MsMia2u


TexGal, nellie ray, Kalaipahoa, Susie70, kpa88, Armywife4life, lillygirl, onnie67, cherieinnv, Gab, Annabell1

:thumbup: 28


:thumbup: 30

maguirre67, Tai68, MS.MAURA NY, Brian, daniml, afisher4band, kdlee, Smarquezrn, erinbefore, Mamalovell, Kayleighsmommy, Brian, Kdlee, ann71

TOTAL 295(WOW) :ohmy:

Home on the couch :couch2: and BANDED!:party:

I will only give you 2 days on the couch! LOL OK Since I was banded, I realize we need longer on the couch! LOL

bananalama.gif2 Deb, Realme, LeighDee, BIG T, Mandi Jo, Kitcatnap, Jajeanne, BanTam, Utahgirl, Strikeuptheband, katkeen, kellystidham, wrestlersmom, kristin1975, pjanesville@cha, jbrod2616, allyfran, Banded2gether, HF2008, No~More~Waddy

Banane21.gif3 Huggie Bear, elvisfan, nicolerose, YoungNY, leepizz, Nuali, photobuf, Marlinda, STAN77, mrsjackson, amethystjade, vkcse03, MamaWalla, Zaxtana, shaki

Banane43.gif 4 Sellie, jills_adopting, ebinsc, Hunzi, jlck98, Alleyoppvolley, Anewkim, Snappymonkey18, Terrier Mom, Snakerivermusic, SanDiegoPhotog, marinemom, nikon harry, Insky67, ryansgirl

Banane10.gif 5 Irish Ladybug, Cadets 71, LMarie_MD2b, jkpenny376, Imagoofball, Lady Zique, mekadig, MsScorpio67, Long2bThin,Wandafromsc, rbparker, ttbikergirl, aimerus, summer08, Ms. CohCoh, JustPhyl, Sirus

Banane27.gif6 Kristybandy, Cathychatts, eagerbandim, mamamarie, luigismama, pitter, Peacedove, Shorty184, WVaCat, jessbychurch, erv, TXEG, livn4jesus, addy, HAPPYBUNNIE, bandedbyrd, wobin, sailingirl,TXEG


Bando, gardengrl, flirtyangel, vzghj3, Hayley, CarrieC, CarrieD, Hayley, Katies, pubrownsugar, justbob, ladybuy 238, LeslieR941906, beckyltriplett, pmvb11, rxdspncr, RAMES767, BubbleLove, Tazmin99, LisaV, TheYear Of Me, SassyV, SexxxxyAintI, Lizzard, badgirlink

Banane43.gif 10

Jules, Shaxmom, rearea1222, To Be Free, twinmommie, Angelshere, acadang, bandme08, Olive424, nancyb2003, Jillian68, micountryfarm aka stacey , kjillcarr, Barbarosa, allana, JeffR, Dino, Smantha39, nannypants and friend, Trishadish, RealSista85, justforme, cfuture88, Yaya24, LeslieR041906, Shanda, Cheri665, acadang

Banane27.gif 11

triser72, Mowree, aalves, jdrocks226, larakathyleen, Detroitdame75, PRCowboy, hopefulmom25, hippiechick, jeremiahsmommy, debbiefitz, lilnora2, Amisha

Banane21.gif 12

cris3, Angelyco, WannaDance,Susanm, MissWilde, Jewellj1, gina s, Dee 79, Ebeth0013, sks613, CPSimonton, DONNA ALT, sassylily, hoping, goodexample, cpforever, ghannouge, COPPERL, miladyscribe

Banane10.gif13 BATassbandita, elvisfan1219, KatW, cramadan, amyz, greythope, cantwait2bfree, ch4life, Bobbirs, lanaholuby, jlg, fntasa98, Camel Cracker, MINK, JTRMom, SofiaBell, bigrick

:couch2:16 babbs 3772, Phoenix, kdaniels11604, md4pa76, ajpink, mimieg, cjb, NavywifeJenn, Divamom, babygyrl36

:couch2: 17

TX Diva, Apples2, KerryConnor, Shome, iteachurkid, steveamy0503, Kim929, teacherofk

:couch2: 18 KathyStrick, JamesRN, kRiStI wItH a I,Rhondawood63, Kizzie, bochs

:couch2: 19 BigJedda, larinshine, ImGonnaLose, DIZ , Sara7venus, lapbandkenner08, RedPem1

:couch2: 20

alliemorris73 , CTGhostHunter, lolipopkd2, Sassy Lady

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
      · 0 replies
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
      · 0 replies
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
      · 0 replies
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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