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Ch4life, You sound like your doing great and are focused. Being younger I'm sure may help, but it's still surgery. This board is a great motivator and there are so many people that are here to help, listen to how you're feeling and understand everything that you are going through. :biggrin2:

And I agree, this diet does suck, :behindsofa: but each day is getting a little easier. I am on Optifast and am 4 days in. I called my nutrionist yesterday and she said I could have 3 oz. of tuna, no mayo, and fresh raw veggies. I never thought I'd be happy eating veggies, but it satisfies me somewhat. :thumbup:

Good luck to all the "11's" out there. Let us know how everything went!:grouphug:

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I finally made it, I am on the couch and banded and drugged, so please forgive any misspellings. I had my surgery this morning and just checking in and reporting back.

My surgery was scheduled for 8am. My mom is staying with me, so we got up at 4:30, did the getting ready and drove the (about 30 min) drive to be there for 6:30. I had a few last minute papers to sign and then I sat and waited. Can I even tell you how my nerves were going 100mph?? I was so nervous and scared. In fact I pretty much didn't sleep last night cause I was so nervous and excited. First piece of advice, GET SLEEP THE NIGHT BEFORE. So anyway, sitting in the waiting room for about 30 min. They call me back about 7:15, had to do a urine test and then they brought me to my bed and got my IV going. My surgeon (who I just love) came by to say hi and ask for final questions and stuff. I met the anthesiologist and he went over everything with me. Then my mom got to come back and sit with me for a few minutes.

About 15-20 min later, they were ready for me. As we were going back, the dr gave me some happy drugs to calm me down. Then we went into the OR. I had never been in an operating room before and it looked very different from the ones on Grey's Anatomy! They had me change beds to the one on the table type thing. Then they had me start breathing in oxygen. The nurse kindof strapped me down a little bit and stretched out my arms and strapped those down and that's pretty much the last thing I remember.

Next thing I know I'm in recovery and they are making me wake up. I was exhausted. I couldn't wake up. I think its cause I was so tired from no sleep last night on top of the drugs. I have no idea what time it was but I'm going to assume that was bout 9:30 that they started waking me up. They asked how I was feeling, sat me up and gave me some drugs for nausia. Time gets fuzzy cause I was in and out, but then I had to get up, walk to the bathroom and make sure I could use the restroom. Then I went by and did an x-ray/barium swallow. That was pretty interesting to watch. Then they sat me in a chair instead of the bed. The nurse went over a couple of things then my mom came back. The nurse went over the important stuff with my mom, showed her my incisions (5 of them) and then helped me get dressed. I brought a very loose fitting sundress which helped. Then as soon as I was dressed I was free to go. I believe that was around 11:15. Fast fast fast. Sitting there I felt rushed, but now I'm glad I got home early. The ride home wasn't bad. Had a pillow and that cushioned all the bumps.

Not a whole bunch of pain from the incisions. Just sore, like I did sit-ups. I live in a town home type place and so from my garage I have to walk up a flight of stairs to the living room and then another to the bedroom and bath. Did both no problem, slower than normal but not bad, no add'l pain. The pain I am feeling is gas pain. Don't brush it off, it hurts, but I feel like as soon as it passes I will feel 100% better, again only pain I'm feeling as of yet is the gas. When I got to my bedroom I was dizzy and nausious. I was still heavily doped up on anthestisia. I feel asleep for a couple of hours. Layed on my back and that was ok, then was able to lay on my side that didn't have my port and that was ok too.

When I woke up I felt a lot better, the anthesia finally was wearing off. I was then able to get up, walk around a bit, use the restroom, and go downstairs. I walked and paced a lot and was able to get a tiny bit of the gas out. I sat on the sofa no problem and was feeling better. I ate a few slurps of chicken broth and drank some Water. Gas was hurting so I took some liquid vicadin that they gave me. Once that kicked in I started to feel week and dizzy and nausious. If that keeps up with that med, I might switch to liquid tylenol. We'll see how it goes. Taking the gas-ex strips hoping they are working, get that gas out and the pain will go away, that's what I keep telling myself.

So now I'm up, checking email and watching tv. I feel lucid, though just a tiny bit dopy.

Sorry this feels long and rambling, but wanted to give an account to all of yall that are coming up so you know what to expect. Good luck to all. Fellow June 10ths-- I hope you are all doing well and recovering nicely. Can't wait to hear from you!!

:grouphug: - Finally!!!!



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Hi Rachel, so glad to hear you're doing well. Who was your surgeon in Houston? I was curious if you went thru Lap Band Solutions. Take care.:smile2:

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hi, how do I add myself? just joined the site and am getting the band on thr 25th. I am going to get used to this site, what a great source of support

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Kiki220 you are already on the list. I go June Bug fishing every day and put new Jazzy Junes on the list as soon as I catch them. LOL Welcome! We are a great group and terrific support!

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Glad to hear everything went well for you. Thanks for the play by play. It's good to know what to expect. Best wishes to you.:smile2:

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Hi Rachel, so glad to hear you're doing well. Who was your surgeon in Houston? I was curious if you went thru Lap Band Solutions. Take care.:smile2:


I went with Dr. St. Laurent through Journey Lite in Houston. I really loved him. I did a lot of research on all the docs in Houston including Lap Band Solutions. I went to a meeting with LBS and was planning on going with them until I found Dr. St. Larent.

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:party:Jazzy Junes! Count 245

* New members as of today in green

There are a bunch of people this week! You will do great! Check in ASAP and you are in our thoughts and prayers!

June 12 Ready! Set! GO!

:thumbup: 12

cris3, Angelyco, WannaDance,Susanm, MissWilde, Jewellj1, gina s, Dee 79, Ebeth0013, sks613, CPSimonton, DONNA ALT, sassylily, hoping, goodexample, cpforever, ghannouge


BATassbandita, elvisfan1219, KatW, cramadan, amyz, greythope, cantwait2bfree, ch4life, Bobbirs, lanaholuby, jlg, fntasa98, Camel Cracker, Mink, JTRMom, SofiaBell, bigrick

:ohmy: 16

babbs 3772, Phoenix, kdaniels11604, md4pa76, ajpink, mimieg, cjb

:lol: 17

TX Diva, Apples2, KerryConnor, Shome, iteachurkid, steveamy0503, Kim929, teacherofk

:crying: 18

KathyStrick, JamesRN, kRiStI wItH a I,Rhondawood63, Kizzie

:glare: 19

BigJedda, larinshine, ImGonnaLose, DIZ , Sara7venus

:sleep: 20

alliemorris73 , CTGhostHunter, lolipopkd2


Little Debbie, Mariamomof2, brubear, Yesindeed, sweetrepose, RAINWI, claireycurtis, Greatlyblessed, Snuffy65 (moved from 24)

:blink: 24

trtobiassen, Music Mom, theuse2000, ISmith

:wub: 25

Tennessee Mom, dj bryan, Hollins2003, Sunflower00, rjtrimmer, brown bear, SkinnyMinnie, Waikiki, Kiki220

:eek: 26 Suzyt, monicasf, MsChris72, frenchvanilla, Mns-ortiz, KayleighsMommy, MsMia2u


TexGal, nellie ray, Kalaipahoa, Susie70, kpa88, Armywife4life, lillygirl, onnie67, cherieinnv, Gab

:thumbup: 28


:thumbup: 30

maguirre67, Tai68, MS.MAURA NY, Brian, daniml, afisher4band, kdlee

TOTAL 245(WOW) :smile:

Home on the couch :couch2: and BANDED!:party:

I will only give you 2 days on the couch! LOL OK Since I was banded, I realize we need longer on the couch! LOL

welldone.gif2 Deb, Realme, LeighDee, BIG T, Mandi Jo, Kitcatnap, Jajeanne, BanTam, Utahgirl, Strikeuptheband, katkeen, kellystidham, wrestlersmom, kristin1975, pjanesville@cha, jbrod2616, allyfran, Banded2gether, HF2008

welldone.gif3 Huggie Bear, elvisfan, nicolerose, YoungNY, leepizz, Nuali, photobuf, Marlinda, STAN77, mrsjackson, amethystjade, vkcse03

welldone.gif 4 Sellie, jills_adopting, ebinsc, Hunzi, jlck98, Alleyoppvolley, Anewkim, Snappymonkey18, Terrier Mom, Snakerivermusic, SanDiegoPhotog, marinemom, nikon harry, Insky67, ryansgirl

welldone.gif 5 Irish Ladybug, Cadets 71, LMarie_MD2b, jkpenny376, Imagoofball, Lady Zique, mekadig, MsScorpio67, Long2bThin,Wandafromsc, rbparker, ttbikergirl, aimerus

:tongue2: 6 Kristybandy, Cathychatts, eagerbandim, mamamarie, luigismama, pitter, Peacedove, Shorty184, WVaCat, jessbychurch, erv, TXEG, livn4jesus, addy, HAPPYBUNNIE, bandedbyrd, wobin


Bando, gardengrl, flirtyangel, vzghj3, Hayley, CarrieC, CarrieD, Hayley, Katies, pubrownsugar, justbob, ladybuy 238, LeslieR941906, beckyltriplett, pmvb11, rxdspncr, RAMES767, BubbleLove, Tazmin99, LisaV, TheYear Of Me

:couch2: 10

Jules, Shaxmom, rearea1222, To Be Free, twinmommie, Angelshere, acadang, bandme08, Olive424, nancyb2003, Jillian68, micountryfarm aka stacey , kjillcarr, Barbarosa, allana, JeffR, Dino, Smantha39, nannypants and friend, Trishadish, RealSista85, justforme, cfuture88, Yaya24, LeslieR041906

:couch2: 11

triser72, Mowree, aalves, jdrocks226, larakathyleen, Detroitdame75, PRCowboy, hopefulmom25, hippiechick, jeremiahsmommy, debbiefitz

Edited by cathychatts

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Tomorrow is my day...I haven't been nervous or really thinking about it until a couple of minutes ago when I called to see what time I am to go in...I have to be to the hospital by 6:35am and surgery at 9:35am...This group has been so supportive of each other I know that your thoughts will be with me and my Fellow June 12 Banders...Good luck to my day mates see you on the couch...:)

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Hi all-

I'm an official member of the couch! The worst part of recovery is the gas pain- it feels like I really need to burp, but nothing comes up! My Dr told me he gave me a fill of 3.5 in the OR- I don't feel it when I eat pudding or Soup (which are both allowed). I am just really nursing them, so that's why, I guess. I do have the sensation of heartburn, I think, It could just be the gas. Anyway, the only thing that went wrong were the air conditioning in the OR went down the morning of my operation, so we were delayed about an hour, and I had a bad reaction to the pain meds they gave me- so they loaded me up with epinepherine, and added alot of Benedryl to my take home stash. All in all, everything went really smooth!

Cant wait for the gas pain to go away!

Would do it again in a heartbeat!

Good luck to those on the couch, already off the couch, and those who are in line to be on the couch!

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Good Luck to all of you 12th people. My prayers are with you!

cris3, Angelyco, WannaDance,Susanm, MissWilde, Jewellj1, gina s, Dee 79, Ebeth0013, sks613, CPSimonton, DONNA ALT, sassylily, hoping, goodexample, cpforever, ghannouge

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Hi all well it's my 6th day out and I can't believe I'm still having this crazy gas issue. One day it will get better and then here it is again. Feeling much better other than that. I go to doctor Monday and is hoping he says I can start soft foods. Not really starving, but I'm getting kind of worried because my stomach is starting to growl a little. Well I have only lost 5 pounds sense surgery as well. I don't know today I was just feeling a little down I need some encouraging words.

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Who is your doctor @ Lady....and 5 lbs is still really good, it has only been 6 days....I hope you feel alot better

I can't wait to get banded on Friday, I am nervous but anxious all in one

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

    • Alisa_S

      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
      · 1 reply
      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
      · 3 replies
      1. GreenTealael


      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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