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:party:Jazzy Junes!

* New members as of today in green

Next up!

:lol: 4 Hope all goes GREAT! We are praying for you!

Sellie, jills_adopting, ebinsc, Hunzi, jlck98, Alleyoppvolley, Anewkim, Snappymonkey18, Terrier Mom, Snakerivermusic, SanDiegoPhotog, marinemom, nikon harry, Insky67

:lol: 5

Irish Ladybug, Cadets 71, LMarie_MD2b, jkpenny376, Imagoofball, Lady Zique, mekadig, MsScorpio67, Long2bThin

:tongue: 6

Kristybandy, Cathychatts, eagerbandim, mamamarie, luigismama, pitter, Peacedove, Shorty184, WVaCat, jessbychurch


Bando, gardengrl, flirtyangel, vzghj3, Hayley, CarrieC, CarrieD, Hayley, Katies, 1000words, pubrownsugar, justbob, ladybuy 238, LeslieR941906, beckyltriplett, pmvb11, rxdspncr, RAMES767

:wub: 10

Jules, Shaxmom, rearea1222, To Be Free, twinmommie, Anglesphere, acadang, bandme08, Olive424, nancyb2003, Jillian68, micountryfarm aka stacey , kjillcarr, Barbarosa, allana, JeffR, Dino, Smantha39, nannypants and friend

:thumbup: 11

triser72, Mowree, aalves, jdrocks226, larakathyleen, Detroitdame75, PRCowboy, hopefulmom25, hippiechick, jeremiahsmommy

:thumbup: 12

cris3, Angelyco, WannaDance,Susanm, MissWilde, Jewellj1, gina s, Dee 79, Ebeth0013, sks613, CPSimonton, DONNA ALT, sassylily, hoping


BATassbandita, elvisfan1219, KatW, cramadan, Greatlyblessed, amyz, greythope, cantwait2bfree, ch4life, Bobbirs, lanaholuby, jlg, fntasa98

:thumbup: 16

babbs 3772, Phoenix, kdaniels11604, md4pa76

:thumbup: 17

TX Diva, Apples2, KerryConnor, Shome, iteachurkid, steveamy0503

:thumbup: 18

KathyStrick, JamesRN, kRiStI wItH a I

:thumbup: 19

BigJedda, larinshine, ImGonnaLose, DIZ

:thumbup: 20



Little Debbie, Mariamomof2, brubear, Yesindeed, sweetrepose, RAINWI, claireycurtis

:thumbup: 24

Snuffy65, trtobiassen, Music Mom

:thumbup: 25

Tennessee Mom, dj bryan, Hollins2003, Sunflower00

:thumbup: 26 Suzyt, monicasf, MsChris72


TexGal, nellie ray, Kalaipahoa, Susie70, kpa88, Armywife4life, lillygirl, onnie67, cherieinnv

:thumbup: 28


:thumbup: 30

maguirre67, Tai68, MS.MAURA NY, Brian, daniml, afisher4band, kdlee


Home on the couch :couch2: and BANDED!:party:


Deb, Realme, LeighDee, BIG T, Mandi Jo, Kitcatnap, Jajeanne, BanTam, Utahgirl, Strikeuptheband, katkeen, kellystidham, wrestlersmom, kristin1975, pjanesville@cha, jbrod2616

:couch2: 3

Huggie Bear, Steveamy0503, elvisfan, nicolerose, YoungNY, leepizz, Nuali, photobuf, Marlinda, STAN77, mrsjackson

Edited by cathychatts
Caught another june bug

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Wow! Am I the first one back on the computer? Got banded yesterday bright and early. Everything went well. Had some pain last night but they kept asking me on a scale of 1-10 what was it and i judged up to about 7 once and less than that most of the time. They were good at keeping up with the nausea and pain meds. I stayed overnight because I had to drive myself home today. Glad I stayed because even with a nights rest I had to stop 3 times for a 2 1/2 hr drive. The hospital staff was great, although I never did see the doc before or after. Whatsup with that, its not like I left the car there for an oil change! But I am feeling better today. Got some pain in my right shoulder and of course tummy is sore but I am getting around. Slept a few hours after I got home at noon and now up and posting. I donn't feel hungry but my Breakfast of chicken broth sure was tasty! They limited me to 1-2 oz of Water or juice per hour, then as tolerated. I was really thirsty and I have been sipping fruit juice off and on. Tomorrow I will get back on the Protein Drinks. (Don't want to lose my hair yaknow!) Lets see....what else....got 5 bandaids, moving kinda slow, I guess I still don't believe its actually done! Didn't quite make my goal to go into surgery under 200; i was 201.5 but I had lost so staff was good with that. If anyone has any Q's just ask away and I will answer if I can. Good luck to those of you who are right behind me. I found it was a good experience and glad its past me now!!

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Hello everyone, I had my surgery yesterday and all went fine. I can say I do have gas pain and a little site pain by the port. This is not intense pain. I would also recommend to walk and soon as your able. I was a hour out of recovery and started to walk, nothing crazy! But it does help with the gas and bloating. Last night I had 2 shots of morphine and today I have taken liquid tylenol and gas -x strips they work great!!! Did my swallow test today- 6/3 and was released at 1:30. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE! We all can do this we have an amazing tool. - Kathleen

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It is good to hear you are doing well, I can't believe you drove yourself home 2 1/2 hours just a day after your surgery! You are tuff! :lol:

I am getting ready for Friday and so excited! Glad to know you are ok!

Glad to know you are doing well KatKeen! Thanks for the info!

Edited by cathychatts
Welcome back Katkeen too!

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I am so excited to read about the June bandsters who have just had the surgery! How amazing is it that a doc can go into your body and you can still drive yourself home! WOW! What a trooper.

I go in tomorrow morning. I have to be there at 6 am and they don't do the procedure until 9 am! Wish me luck!:lol:

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We all do wish you luck! I think it means a great deal to us all coming up to our surgery dates to hear details so we can know what to expect. Thank you all for sharing! Thoughts & Prayers are with you through your recovery. Kerry

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WooHoo!! Our first surgery reports!! Glad you guys are doing great! That's what I like to hear 2 days before my surgery! I'm almost afraid to read the surgical accounts because I'm afraid I'll read something bad, but am glad I did cause they were good!

Today is day one of pre op clear liquid diet, and I'm hungry, can't imagine what tomorrow will bring and then on Thurs. my surgery isn't til 1. Tomorrow is my pre op with the dr. and labwork at the hospital. Anxious to get that done.

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Hmmm... It looks like I'm 187!

After waiting a month and a half for insurance approval, I finally have surgery scheduled for June 26th. (Yippeee!!!)

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Add me in! I'll be on the 6th. Kramer/Ponce are doing the realize. Probabably see you in recovery Cathy!:eek:

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Congrats on getting your bands!!! I hope you all have speedy recoveries and feel good! I wish all those getting their bands this week good luck and safe surgeries! I can't believe I only have 6 days to go. I feel like a kid before Christmas and want it NOW!!!

Hooray for Jazzy Junes!!!

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Glad to see reports coming in and everyone doing well. I had pre-op today and start my diet tomorrow. Two more weeks!!

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:party:Jazzy Junes!

* New members as of today in green

Next up!

Ready set go for you guys! Your in our prayers

:eek: 5 Irish Ladybug, Cadets 71, LMarie_MD2b, jkpenny376, Imagoofball, Lady Zique, mekadig, MsScorpio67, Long2bThin, mekadig

:) 6

Kristybandy, Cathychatts, eagerbandim, mamamarie, luigismama, pitter, Peacedove, Shorty184, WVaCat, jessbychurch, erv


Bando, gardengrl, flirtyangel, vzghj3, Hayley, CarrieC, CarrieD, Hayley, Katies, 1000words, pubrownsugar, justbob, ladybuy 238, LeslieR941906, beckyltriplett, pmvb11, rxdspncr, RAMES767

:lol: 10

Jules, Shaxmom, rearea1222, To Be Free, twinmommie, Anglesphere, acadang, bandme08, Olive424, nancyb2003, Jillian68, micountryfarm aka stacey , kjillcarr, Barbarosa, allana, JeffR, Dino, Smantha39, nannypants and friend

:lol: 11

triser72, Mowree, aalves, jdrocks226, larakathyleen, Detroitdame75, PRCowboy, hopefulmom25, hippiechick, jeremiahsmommy

:lol: 12

cris3, Angelyco, WannaDance,Susanm, MissWilde, Jewellj1, gina s, Dee 79, Ebeth0013, sks613, CPSimonton, DONNA ALT, sassylily, hoping, goodexample


BATassbandita, elvisfan1219, KatW, cramadan, Greatlyblessed, amyz, greythope, cantwait2bfree, ch4life, Bobbirs, lanaholuby, jlg, fntasa98

:lol: 16

babbs 3772, Phoenix, kdaniels11604, md4pa76

:lol: 17

TX Diva, Apples2, KerryConnor, Shome, iteachurkid, steveamy0503, Kim929

:lol: 18

KathyStrick, JamesRN, kRiStI wItH a I

:thumbup: 19

BigJedda, larinshine, ImGonnaLose, DIZ

:thumbup: 20



Little Debbie, Mariamomof2, brubear, Yesindeed, sweetrepose, RAINWI, claireycurtis

:thumbup: 24

Snuffy65, trtobiassen, Music Mom, theuse2000

:thumbup: 25

Tennessee Mom, dj bryan, Hollins2003, Sunflower00

:thumbup: 26 Suzyt, monicasf, MsChris72


TexGal, nellie ray, Kalaipahoa, Susie70, kpa88, Armywife4life, lillygirl, onnie67, cherieinnv, Gab

:thumbup: 28


:thumbup: 30

maguirre67, Tai68, MS.MAURA NY, Brian, daniml, afisher4band, kdlee


Home on the couch :couch2: and BANDED!:party:


Deb, Realme, LeighDee, BIG T, Mandi Jo, Kitcatnap, Jajeanne, BanTam, Utahgirl, Strikeuptheband, katkeen, kellystidham, wrestlersmom, kristin1975, pjanesville@cha, jbrod2616

:couch2: 3

Huggie Bear, elvisfan, nicolerose, YoungNY, leepizz, Nuali, photobuf, Marlinda, STAN77, mrsjackson

:couch2: 4

Sellie, jills_adopting, ebinsc, Hunzi, jlck98, Alleyoppvolley, Anewkim, Snappymonkey18, Terrier Mom, Snakerivermusic, SanDiegoPhotog, marinemom, nikon harry, Insky67

Edited by cathychatts
new June bug

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Wow! lookie all the couch potatoes!! We will soon be off and running, I am sure. I am feeling so much better than yesterday. I think every day will be improvement. Surgery was monday and today I am going in to work for a short while--for a meeting. Going to try a half day tomorrow and I have to be there all day on Friday. So my couch days are getting very short! I feel good, a little sore but am taking Ultracet and its helping. As long as I take it slow I will do ok. And HEY! I don't need to use toilet tongs! Woooooooo Hooooooooo!!!! Good luck to those having surgery in the next few days. You will be up and moving before you know it!

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StrikeUp, glad you are doing so well. It's good to read those type of reports.


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StrikeUp, glad you are doing so well. It's good to read those type of reports.


Wishing you the best of luck, a speedy recovery and great band life. God Bless

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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