seepia 0 Posted April 28, 2008 It's time to resurrect the age-old tradition of afternoon tea parties. But in modern times, it is as much a health act as it is a social act -- especially for women. Each daily cup of green or black tea helps beat down ovarian cancer risk. Two or more cups per day helped cut risk almost in half in a recent study. The likely good guys in this scenario are the tea polyphenols, which are potent cancer fighters in both men and women. So dust off the kettle -- it's high time for some fine tea! Tea has anticancer powers -- at least in test tubes and animals. But just because something works in the lab doesn't mean it will work in humans, so researchers recently tested tea's powers in a group of women. Those who drank green and black tea had lower rates of ovarian cancer compared to those who rarely or never did. And the more they drank, the further their disease risk plummeted. What's the tea-anticancer connection? Right now, no one knows for sure, but researchers have some theories. Tea's polyphenols (powerful antioxidants) may prevent cancer-cell growth, hinder blood supply to the tumor, or encourage cancer cells to commit suicide. More studies are needed to confirm the results of the ovarian cancer study. In the meantime, tea still boasts many other powerful health benefits -- for men and women. So heat up some gourmet tea and serve it to friends, alongside these tea-friendly treats from EatingWell: Avocado Tea Sandwiches, Tomato & Basil Finger Sandwiches, or Totable Tea Sandwiches. Getting the right amount of antioxidants through diet or supplements can make your RealAge 6 years younger. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites