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Weight Loss Science??? (long boring moan!)

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........is there any such thing???? I feel like I'm going crazy here, struggling with this weight loss journey...and I wondered if there's any smart people out there who have figured out just what the hell happens during plateaus/weight loss/gain etc.... I was pretty discouraged recently (3 Feb) to come back from the UK after having another (2nd) fill - now at 6cc in my 9cc capacity band - I was very restricted for a week or two and then, well, not so much. So I spent a week feeling sorry for myself and then decided I needed to get my weight loss moving again...I have been dieting, since then, basically - not more than 1200-1400 cals a day, or 35g fat, making sure I eat more than 40g Protein, and drinking the damn water!!! This also went well for a few weeks - steady weight loss of 1-2lbs a week - then last weekend I kinda had a blow out - I ate a bag of chips on saturday night (this is a bag of Irish/english chips!!! ie French fries but really big and thick and em, yummy!) Then I went Kray-zay and had a baileys (alcoholic drink, creamy, like that Godiva stuff) - this is a pretty pathetic blow out by my pre-band standards - then I had apple pie on Sunday and shock, horror, BREAD! - and BAM! I weigh in on Monday morning at 240lbs - I had been 232 on the thursday before - I mean, what the hell??? Weighed today, 243...I'm back on my diet, what gives? Is this going to be a gigantic horrible struggle EVERYDAY for the rest of my life???? I am so pissed off and upset and, well discouraged to be more polite....How can weight come off so slowly and go on so fast?

Maybe I should just go to my fill doc and get another 2cc in and just not be able to eat?

Any advice or scientic data I could use?????!!!!!!!!:cry :cry :cry

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Oh, Bright, I WISH there were some magic wand I could wave for all of us. The fact is, of course, it is all about taking in fewer calories than we expend. That's how we lose weight in the long term. However, I know it's possible for me to flucuate 5 or more pounds based on one salty meal--all that salt makes me retain Water, and I can retain a LOT of water! :rolleyes

Sigh. It's not easy, and it's not magic. You're doing great, though, and these little bumps are just par for the course. Drink a lot of Water and stay away from salt for the next few days, and I'll bet those extra pounds will pop back off in no time. :cool:

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Bright I feel your pain. I have been in the same plateau for the last 6 to 7 months. I know the problem though. I eat the wrong things. Mounds candy bars, ice cream, cheetos, bread, cheeseburgers, same old stuff I was eating prior to being banded. I do eat less of them but nevertheless I eat them. I have discovered if I eat the right foods meaning Proteins, veggies, and very little carbs or fats and drink my Water and follow band rules then I will lose the 1 - 2 lbs a week. But where is the fun in that? Psychologically I knew that the band wasn't a quick fix and I needed to work with it, but I was hoping that I could still eat some junk foods once in a while and get away with it. I have come to realize that is not possible. My metabolism is just tolerating any junk foods. That sucks. This will be a way of life for me forever. I have to basically calorie count, exercise at least three to four times a week sometimes more and drink my Water to continue to lose the weight.

I am lazy, that is a fact with regards to my eating habits. If someone were to prepare my meals for me I would lose the weight but since I have to prepare them myself I eat what is easy and convenient. SIGH!! I have to accept this about myself and know I can't and shouldn't do that. I have come too far in the last year to revert back to gaining.

It still sucks but it is so much better than where I would have been without the surgery. RIGHT?

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It still sucks but it is so much better than where I would have been without the surgery. RIGHT?


( :cool: )

It's just I do everything right for three or four weeks....then have a day and a half of semi-junk, and whoa - the fat god dumps over TEN pounds on me - come on - what the hell!!!!

Mind you....Alex...when I read your post, a little tinkly bell went off in my head....since banding I have really tried to cut out salt - we're terrible in our family for salt - my three sisters need a salt shaker EACH at the table! Recently, I have been lashing the OTHER evil white stuff over everything... I KNEW THERE WOULD BE A SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION!!! I love science....

sigh.....phew! Thanks Alex - you know EVERYTHING!

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Hi Bright,

I can relate. I have the same problem. If I want a junk food or drinking weekend or even one day of reprieve from just Protein and veggies, I have to work for two weeks of being really really good so I can plan an enjoyment day. It work and one day of indiscretion sets me back a week or more now. And as you get closer to goal, its more of a challenge! Gosh, I only want to lose 10 more pounds. I have only lost 17 pounds in 5 months and I want to scream cause the scale goes 180, 182.5, 181.0, 184.5, 182 AND BACK AND FORTH OVER AND OVER AGAIN EVERYTIME i EAT A TORTILLA CHIP! OK, maybe two or three which is now my new weakness!

Sounds like you need a little more fill though....

Babs in TX



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Babs, thats exactly how it goes for me too....I know it's drama queen-ish to say it's heartbreaking, but it IS to me! I feel like i have struggled, and battled to lose the weight I have lost. Except for about 14lbs which came off after my 2nd fill, which in reality was the only fill I have had, the first one, the doc was just checking my band, as he wasn't the original band surgeon....Aaaarrrggghhhh - it's so frustrating...I read michelle's testamony this morning re a year being banded, and she talks about not having to count calories/weigh food/count points etc - but that's what I have to do every day or not lose....maybe I should have more of a fill....I dunno.....sigh

thanks for replying to me babs xx

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Hi Bright- It makes sence that when we eat ALOT of food that we haven't been eating regularly it stays in our intestins longer to break down & process. It may take several days for this "food" to be expelled & therefore you weight gain will be high until its all gone. That added with too much Salt- is the culprit.

But once you get back on track you will see progress.

I think alot of newbies & Those yet to be banded(myself) choose the band kinda for that reason. You know that we CAN eat the SAME stuff as before- we truely are not willing to give it up for a LIFETIME> At least I think its one of the componets for the band choice. With RNY- most wouldn't be able to do sweets & other things(dumping syndrome). But even they gain weight back.

I saw my GYN 2 days ago & she had had the RNY-lost 90 pd in 1 yr & gained 40 pds back. How sad? She thinks her tummy stretched. I may switch Docs & tonight go to a new seminar w/this new Doc who does both types of surgery. I hope to be even more convinced of the band but RNY does have pluses as well.

But as to gaining & plateus they are with BOTH surgeries & Both have pitfalls & most importantly BOTH will not work unless we follow them to a tee!!! Which means when we have fun- we will need a little mending period. I guess I wrote this for you as much for myself-because I am very scared of failure. You think I would be so used to it by now-lol

Keep your chin up Bright- & yes maybe go get a "tiny" bit more of a fill. Than do your thing- I know we will be hearing weight loss stories from you in no time!

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Hi Bright,

Dont compare yourself to others. It is harder when you start at a higher BMI. I hear of bandsters that are able to eat 1500-2000 calories a day and still lose 1-2 pounds a week. THat is not me. I dont lose if I eat more than about 1200. It also matters what I eat. If I stay away from the carbs and focus on Protein, I lose quicker. I have hyperinsulinemia and when I look at a carb, I gain weight Also,I am aware that in Ireland, you have limited access to low carb substitutes and Snacks with reduced fat or calories. I had the same problem when I lived in the Netherlands. If I wanted specialty products (which are mostly made in the US or England) I had to pay premium dollar for them. Its really easier (in my opinion) to lose weight in the US where so many options are available for us chocolate junkies such as low carb chocolate bars sweetened with Splenda or other sugar substitutes. We even have low carb chips, low carb Pasta, sauces and other goodies that make the evil word "dieting" easier. (you wouldnt be able to tell though by the large numbers of obese in the us though!)

It does seem like you could use more fill. But I will preface that by saying that sometimes more fill doesnt help you to lose the pounds unless you also do a mental adjustment. Today, I am sitting here eating 1/2 can of bumblebee tuna with lemon and some mulitgrain crackers. Total Calories: 210 Breakfast was a low carb yogurt smoothie with 13 grams of Protein and 100 calories. SO today, I am back to basics. Sure, I could eat the whole can of tuna if I wanted to, and yeah what I really want is tortilla chips with cheese, but lately the tortillas are stalling my weight loss. Get some more fill, stick to a bandster portion and waterload!!!! You can do it. Some of us have easier journeys than others. I have always had to work hard at it and if I slack up, I lose my momentum and I am prone to gain if I deviate from good bandster habits.

Babs in TX

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Thanks so much Christina xx

Babs - I am very interested in hyperinsulinemia - never heard of it - must go look it up - because I seem to be very sugar sensitive AND a hypochondriac, it definitely sounds like something I have!

Re the food choices - Ireland and the UK are WAY ahead of The Netherlands on food choices - and france too for that matter! It's hard to even get diet coke in Denmark - I almost went mad there one time, back when I was addicted to the stuff!

But, in Ireland, we have TONNES of diet products - we have all the low carb pastas, sauces, breads, chocolate bars, shakes, smoothies etc - we have the Atkins range of bake products and all the other crap they sell - not to mention the new slimfast lo-carb range....but do you guys ever read the ingredients in those things? Hydrogenated fat, trans fatty acids, chemicals etc so I mostly avoid them.....do you remember Marks & Spencers, the British dept. store? They have a fantastic range of diet/low fat/low glycaemic range of food which is a real help as do Tesco (do you remember them?) (anyone can click on www.tesco.ie to see how I usually do my grocery shopping - I do it online and they deliver it later - helps with impulse purchases!!! Y'all can see what products we have here! You can "marvel" at how expensive everything is here too - Ireland is now the most expensive country to live in, in the EU, after Finland - average house price in Dublin is $476,000 - and that's for a starter home!!!!)

Anyway - I diverse, as usual - I agree with you Babs, anyone who thinks they won't have to diet with the band is fooling themselves - the band is like the gas they give you during childbirth - just takes the edge off the pain!!!!! (in my humble opinion!)

Thanks for your suggestions - much appreciated, especially from Queen of the Bandsters!

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Hi BRight,

Hyperinsulinemia is a pre-diabetic disorder where your body becomes insulin resistant. Causes lots of problems, especially for women because it can also be confused with PCOS, which is polycystic ovarian syndrome. Similar symptoms for both. (Hormone imbalance, less menstrual or inconsistent menstrual cycles, hirutism, fertility issues and weight gain) THe only way to put diabetes or insulin resistance in remission is to lose weight, take meds and/or eat less carbs or all of the above.. If you dont have lots of sugar highs and lows, your body does not have to work so hard to process insulin, thus elimating carbs or limiting carbs in tandem with exercise, weight loss. will keep you from developing full blown diabetes.

I still think you need a good fill though......

Babs in TX

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Dear, Sweet Bright -

I feel your pain!! I know it seems impossible to gain 8 pounds overnight - and you know what? It IS impossible! At least it is impossible to gain 8 pounds of FAT overnight - and FAT is what we care about, right??? Most (if not ALL) of those 8 pounds is Water retention and excrement not yet passed (was that delicate enough??? lol)

Repeat after me: THE scale IS NOT MY FRIEND. THE scale LIES. :)

As far as science goes - yes, there is a science, but all the facts/data has not been combined into one place with the correct weight (excuse the pun) given to each element.

Insulin carries and deposits fat into the fat cells (number of fat cells can only increase, not decrease <except through surgical removal>, so when we lose weight the fat cells shrink, but are always there waiting to be filled back up again). That's why a high refined carb diet with a lot of fat is disasterous - your blood sugar is raised, which calls out the insulin, which runs around and deposits all that dietary fat into the open arms of those waiting, empty fat cells. That's one reason why the fat cells don't seem to replenish as much on a strict Atkins diet with low carbs/high fats - the blood sugar is not raised much with protein/fat, so the insulin doesn't soar and try to store that fat on your body.

Complex carbs have a lot of Fiber, which helps buffer your blood sugar and decrease the insulin reponse as well.

The worst things you can do:

Have refined carbs alone on an empty stomach.

Have refined carbs with high fat alone on an empty stomach.

Just like alcohol, eating/drinking on an empty stomach puts whatever chemicals we're ingesting into our blood stream more quickly. Having a high Fiber meal FIRST will help slow the release of refined carbs/alcohol into our blood stream and lower the impact of those items.

Hang in there, girl, you are doing GREAT!! and NO NO NO, being so tight you can't eat anything is NOT the answer to further your success. :)


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Would 2 x crumpets with butter count as a refined carb with a high fat??? Crumpets are really low in cals/fat and having two for lunch with half fat ordinary butter seemed intelligent, and kept me below my 1200 cal/35g fat limit.....this is REALLY annoying! I KNOW this - like Michelle said earlier - "you know what you have to do" - and she's right, I guess I do.....I swore I wouldn't ever count anything again, but I needed re-motivation and a spring-fresh new diet so I thought I would do the counting cals/fat one - then obviously I got sucked into the low fat/high sugar market....

Thanks Donali - wise and gorgeous guru to bandedkind! Luuuuuuuuurrvvvvvvvving you

And everyone else who posted here, and pm'd me re this - thank you most sincerely - you are all fantastic, coming up trumps with, not just support and encouragement, but with real science - just like I asked - Thanks so much, really really much - I was at my wits end here, and now I know what I have to do again....Bump all of this again in 3 months when I can't remember anything cos I'm hyperventilating after seeing more "lies" from the scales!!!!!!!!!!

Love and hugs to EVERYONE from an emotional and tired Bright (at 23.45 night time!)

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Dear Bright, I'm so sorry I didn't see this before. I feel what you're going through. I don't have anything to say in addition to what's been said. But, do you really know about childbirth? You look like you're about 16 years old! AND, if you're old enough, you'll know that I mean that as a huge compliment.

Look at how much you've already lost--you will succeed!


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