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Where Oh Where have all the Nymphs Been?

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Hello everyone,

I haven't been on here in a while and even when I was I don't think that I posted more than a time or two. Sorry about that.

Reading through this thread has been a great thing for me. To see that a lot of you are going or have gone through the same things that I am gives me hope.

I went the entire month of April without losing so much as a pound, I actually even gained a couple. Now for the last week or so I have been wavering back and forth, up and down, by about 4 or 5 pounds. On average down about 2 from before April's marathon of not losing, but yet I've felt so very stagnant. Looking at your tickers and assuming that they are current has shown me that my overall loss is right in line with a lot of yours. That is really nice to see, even though I wish the loss were more (as I'm sure some of you wish too).

I work out doing karate about 4 hours a week. I do occassional walks with a friend and am hoping to join a gym in the near future to start doing some weight training. I know I could be more active but this is more active than I was before, yet I'm not losing. I have 4.5cc's in a 10cc band. I have a visit scheduled with the surgeon in a couple of weeks and am hoping to get more of a fill.

A concern I'm having is my surgeon. In the materials and information recieved prior to surgery I was told I would be required to have monthly visits for the first year. A friend of mine who had the surgery with a different surgeon reinforced this information. Yet when I last saw my surgeon in March he told me not to return for two months. Now aside from the fact that I'm not really losing at the moment, everything else seems to be okay. March marked my 4 month post op. Seems kind of quick to not be going in more often. Is this fairly common? Also, when he does my fills, he does not numb the area first. My friend has always been numbed for her's and I seem to recall others on here mentioning being numbed first. It's not that it's been overly painfull, I've been able to manage, it's just that it seems like my surgeon does everything the opposite of what I've been told to expect. Thoughts anyone.

I will try to come by more often. You all seem like a pretty nice bunch of people. It's nice to be able to communicate with others who are going through similar experiences.

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Hi Holly, welcome back. It sounds to me like you need a fill. 4.5cc in a 10cc band is not much at all. You'll find most people find restriction from about 7cc onwards. It also depends on what you eat. I'm not a big Protein eater so I guess what I do eat goes down easier. But then again, even when I eat chicken or meat, I don't have a problem. Most drs do see their patients at least once a month so I would push for it if I was you. Good luck with your future loss and keep us posted.

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Hello everyone,

I haven't been on here in a while and even when I was I don't think that I posted more than a time or two. Sorry about that.

Reading through this thread has been a great thing for me. To see that a lot of you are going or have gone through the same things that I am gives me hope.

I went the entire month of April without losing so much as a pound, I actually even gained a couple. Now for the last week or so I have been wavering back and forth, up and down, by about 4 or 5 pounds. On average down about 2 from before April's marathon of not losing, but yet I've felt so very stagnant. Looking at your tickers and assuming that they are current has shown me that my overall loss is right in line with a lot of yours. That is really nice to see, even though I wish the loss were more (as I'm sure some of you wish too).

I work out doing karate about 4 hours a week. I do occassional walks with a friend and am hoping to join a gym in the near future to start doing some weight training. I know I could be more active but this is more active than I was before, yet I'm not losing. I have 4.5cc's in a 10cc band. I have a visit scheduled with the surgeon in a couple of weeks and am hoping to get more of a fill.

A concern I'm having is my surgeon. In the materials and information recieved prior to surgery I was told I would be required to have monthly visits for the first year. A friend of mine who had the surgery with a different surgeon reinforced this information. Yet when I last saw my surgeon in March he told me not to return for two months. Now aside from the fact that I'm not really losing at the moment, everything else seems to be okay. March marked my 4 month post op. Seems kind of quick to not be going in more often. Is this fairly common? Also, when he does my fills, he does not numb the area first. My friend has always been numbed for her's and I seem to recall others on here mentioning being numbed first. It's not that it's been overly painfull, I've been able to manage, it's just that it seems like my surgeon does everything the opposite of what I've been told to expect. Thoughts anyone.

I will try to come by more often. You all seem like a pretty nice bunch of people. It's nice to be able to communicate with others who are going through similar experiences.

Hi Holly-

By the way, love your name. Hollyberries is the name of the retail store I own. I second what Sades said. She took the words right out of my mouth. You need a fill because right now you are doing it all on your own without restriction. I absolutely have the same issue right now because I lose the first few weeks after a fill and than puff restriction gone and I spend the next few weeks just going up and down and trying to maintain. I can't wait until I hit the sweet spot and everything becomes more consistent.

I agree, exercise is the key for me too! I have lost a lot of weight without it but need to really find something that I will enjoy.

Keep coming back here because we are a family and we really do support one another. I must say I couldn't have done it without my Nymph family.


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Hi Holly,

I will broaden the range of advice. First of all, you didn't mention anything about what or how much you've been eating in your post. I also have 4.5 cc in a 10 cc band and I have enough restriction to have indulged in plenty of "territory marking" myself (loved that post, TexArcher). That's just luck, and you might need another fill, but maybe your experience over the last month means you might want to reexamine food issues.

I cannot imagine getting a fill without being numbed. Unless your doctor clicks his heels when you enter the room, greets you with an upraised right arm and speaks with a pronounced German accent, I just cannot imagine why he doesn't numb you. I think you should ask him, and I know you have the right to a painless fill.

As for the frequency of the visits, however, I see my doctor no more often than every three months although I am free to make an appointment whenever I want. Part of me thinks that the motive for these mandated monthly visits is as much financial as it is health-oriented. If your doctor is overseeing your overall progress and monitoring your food intake, that's one thing. Otherwise... I guess the most important question is, how often do you want to see the doctor?

Edited by bandpal

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I lose like Hollyberries. Meaning that I will lose up to 8 pounds in the first couple of weeks after a fill then not lose anything for 3 or more weeks.

I know my food cumsumption is not the best. More in the choices than the quantities. It is getting better but is still a work in progress.

On the one hand, I am fine with fewer visits to the doctor, but on the other hand, I feel that had I been going monthly, I would not still be in this slump as he most likely would have given me a fill.

I guess the main issue I have with my surgeon is that I feel a lack of support. When I'm there it's in and out. I had to phone repeatedly to get any info on classes and support groups (which I haven't managed to make it to yet). As for dietary guidelines - mine are simply 'eat Protein first'. Maybe it's me. I should probably be more assertive about my needs. Problem is, I don't always know what they are. I'm just feeling a bit lost in this, I don't know if expressing this to him would be helpful. It's not like he can hand me a map - it's a learning process, I get that, I ... oh, nevermind, I'm just babbeling now.

Thanks for 'listening'!

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I've really enjoyed reading all of your responses. Glad this thread got started. I was just reflecting on my wieght loss the other day. It dawned on me that I have been on this journey for 6 mos! I have been quite frustrated the last few months. The scale moves very slowly. I've gained and lost the same 5 lbs for two months! I've finally broken my plateu, but I was hoping to be under 200lbs. by this point. I have 2 cc's in a 4cc band. I don't feel a lot of restriction. I can eat just about anything. chicken, lettuce, bread, etc., just much smaller portions. I should probaby have a fill, but in a way I like where I am. Especially now that the scale is starting to go down again. I am scheduled to see my Dr. on July 2nd. I'll make an appointment then for a fill.

Here is how my life has changed in 6 mos:

In July I weighed 290lbs! When I had surgery on Nov. 5, I weighted 272, I now weigh between 211 and 213.

I used to wear 22-24W, now I can wear 16 regulars and I can actually zip 14's!

My idea of exercise before was playing volleyball (not very strenuous, due to my size) of course it was usually followed with pizza and beer. Now I go to a fitness class 2X a week, and run 3-4X a week. Last night I walked to the school's track 1 mile from home, ran a mile in 11 min, walked a lap, then ran another mile. Then walked home! I would some day like to enter 5K races or even challenge myself to run a marathon. Volleyball starts again in 2 weeks, and I am actually looking forward to it. Much easier when I can move!

Before I could care less what, or how I looked. Now I've gotten contacts and I actually like to wear clothes that fit me.

My whole family is eating healthier. My Dh has lost 25 lbs. (I actually weigh less than he does! That has NEVER happened before) My daughter's are exercising and watching what they eat.

We used to get fast food or eat out a lot. Now we cook at home and like to cook healthy meals. When we do eat out, it is a treat. Our bill is usually lower due to sharing meals, etc.

My whole self-esteem is better. Although I get down at times, I am not as depressed as I was. I like being around people and getting out. It's nice getting compliments, although sometimes it does get old. Is there anything else to talk about other than my weight loss?

Sorry this was so long, I had just written this in my diary so I thought I'd share.

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Welcome back Holly! I for one am GLAD to have someone else who is losing at my slow speed in the crowd. Not that I don't love the big losers, but I do feel like an underacheiver sometimes.

Like you, I almost never see my surgeon. I have only had two fills since banding in November and only saw my surgeon on those two occassions. I think about going back, because I can eat pretty much anything; but, I do get stuck occassionally, and I worry that being tighter will make that worse. Plus, he's 90 miles away.

MY big problem is knowing when to say when. I could easily stop eating about 25% sooner than I do now and be just fine. I have a terrible problem leaving stuff on my plate. I'm "full", but there it is staring at me. Of course, the OBVIOUS answer is to put less on my plate. But, it's not like I'm eating crazy portions of food. I track everything, and I usually range from 1200 to 1300 cal per day. I could cut back to 1000 without too much problem, but I wonder WHY that 200 cals would make a big difference.

Blah blah blah. I need to get my butt in gear and exercise. At least I have lost almost 40 pounds. This is the frst Spring in a long time when I could pull out all my out of season clothes and find they either fit or were too loose, as opposed to being too tight. I am going to revel in that little miracle for a while.

Best of luck.

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I enjoyed reading this wnt2lose because it comes from the heart. I think it's great that you're losing again... it's frustrating when you keep losing the same weight over and over again (my dilemma). You should be proud of youself, not only getting your weight down but helping your whole family get healthy! :) Sounds like you're going from beautiful to gorgeous in such a short time... good one! :biggrin::thumbup:

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Welcome back Holly! I for one am GLAD to have someone else who is losing at my slow speed in the crowd. Not that I don't love the big losers, but I do feel like an underacheiver sometimes.

Like you, I almost never see my surgeon. I have only had two fills since banding in November and only saw my surgeon on those two occassions. I think about going back, because I can eat pretty much anything; but, I do get stuck occassionally, and I worry that being tighter will make that worse. Plus, he's 90 miles away.

MY big problem is knowing when to say when. I could easily stop eating about 25% sooner than I do now and be just fine. I have a terrible problem leaving stuff on my plate. I'm "full", but there it is staring at me. Of course, the OBVIOUS answer is to put less on my plate. But, it's not like I'm eating crazy portions of food. I track everything, and I usually range from 1200 to 1300 cal per day. I could cut back to 1000 without too much problem, but I wonder WHY that 200 cals would make a big difference.

Blah blah blah. I need to get my butt in gear and exercise. At least I have lost almost 40 pounds. This is the frst Spring in a long time when I could pull out all my out of season clothes and find they either fit or were too loose, as opposed to being too tight. I am going to revel in that little miracle for a while.

Best of luck.

Ditto Foofy. I'm going for another fill on Wednesday. I'm not sure if they'll put .5cc or less because I was told that they slow it right down at this stage. Lucky mine are free for 1 year.

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I lose like Hollyberries. Meaning that I will lose up to 8 pounds in the first couple of weeks after a fill then not lose anything for 3 or more weeks.

I know my food cumsumption is not the best. More in the choices than the quantities. It is getting better but is still a work in progress.

On the one hand, I am fine with fewer visits to the doctor, but on the other hand, I feel that had I been going monthly, I would not still be in this slump as he most likely would have given me a fill.

I guess the main issue I have with my surgeon is that I feel a lack of support. When I'm there it's in and out. I had to phone repeatedly to get any info on classes and support groups (which I haven't managed to make it to yet). As for dietary guidelines - mine are simply 'eat Protein first'. Maybe it's me. I should probably be more assertive about my needs. Problem is, I don't always know what they are. I'm just feeling a bit lost in this, I don't know if expressing this to him would be helpful. It's not like he can hand me a map - it's a learning process, I get that, I ... oh, nevermind, I'm just babbeling now.

Thanks for 'listening'!

First, don't ever feel like you are babbeling...we are here to support one another. It is our way of leaning on each other through this journey. You need support and friendship especially from people who have been there and are going through the same thing as you are. If you need anything, need to know something or just plain need shoulder to cry on, we are here.

Everyone's doctor is different on dietary guidelines but for the most part we should stay between 1200-1500 calories per day eating Protein first, then veggies/fruits & carbs. Protein is most important to get in. I would definately get in and see your doctor and explain your frustrations. I must say that I need to go see my doctor on a monthly basis just to stay the course. I am only at 2cc's in my 4cc band and am not at the sweet spot yet and hoping this week will do it but I need to see my doctor every month because it helps me. That is the only time I see him but I need it.

Keep coming here for support and making friends. We are here for you.


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Hi Holly, You and I were banded on the same day and have lost about the same amount of weight. I have stalled the last two weeks, ( was on vacation one week) and feel like I'm back on track now, but scale will not budge downward. I'll just keep trying.

I am not at my sweet spot yet and having some problems getting there but it will all work out.

I do not get a numbing shot when I get fills. What's the difference if they give you a needle to numb you or the needle for the fill, wither way you feel the first stick. I usually do not find it very painful. I don't see the surgeon (ever), I see the PA instead. I feel they give me plenty of time to talk about where I am and how much I can eat etc.

I was losing about eight pounds a month, then five a month and I think it's slowing down more unless I can get the right fill amount. I try to stay under 1200 calories a day.

Just hang in there and find the support and info you need about your band here on the forum.

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That is one fantastic picture!

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That is one fantastic picture!

Right back at ya! Bandpal! Was noticing yours last week. I am trying to figure out why the heck we lose from the head down. Dang stomach won't go away.

Just finish reading your trip post...Glad you had a great time and control. I have got to admit I am having the same life changing status with food. Yeah!


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I guess the main issue I have with my surgeon is that I feel a lack of support. When I'm there it's in and out. I had to phone repeatedly to get any info on classes and support groups (which I haven't managed to make it to yet). As for dietary guidelines - mine are simply 'eat Protein first'. Maybe it's me. I should probably be more assertive about my needs. Problem is, I don't always know what they are. I'm just feeling a bit lost in this, I don't know if expressing this to him would be helpful. It's not like he can hand me a map - it's a learning process, I get that, I ... oh, nevermind, I'm just babbeling now.

Thanks for 'listening'!

I feel a bit lost too. You know the people who ask all the dumb newbie questions? That's me. I still don't quite get how this works - it's not yet working the way it's supposed to for me. Sometimes I get stuck, and at other times I can eat quantities of food that I don't understand how it fits in the 'pouch'. I feel like when I go to see my doctor he gives me a fill, let's me sit with a glass of Water, he checks 20 minutes later to see if it goes down, and that's it. I know I shouldn't, but I feel kind of silly asking him the dumb newbie questions - so I embarrass myself here instead! :party: I have literally learned all I know from my s-i-l who had the surgery, and from this board. As for maps, I think a lot of surgeons give their patients great maps, they understand where they've been and have a clear idea where they're going. Looking back, I realize I wasn't given a great map and had to figure it out mostly on my own. So we'll muddle through this and get it eventually, eh? :smile:

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I've been back to the NWLSS center 11 times for fills/unfills. Other than always giving me back 1/2 of what they took out on my emergency unfills, they let me do what I want. I can't eat eggs or most chicken unless I am very careful. I'm not much of a meat eater so I don't miss that. I've taken up spicey tofu and seem to survive on that and cheese. I also still use my Protein powder (Isopure) twice a day which gives me 50 grams of Protein. I mix that with Brown Cow whole plain yogurt. I don't do bread but I can eat small amounts of rice. I eat out daily so that makes lunches a challenge. Chili works or cheese casadias. Looking at what I just wrote, I guess I am probably too tight...but it works for me. I just have to eat slowly, which I usually don't. All this only works because I walk at least one mile every week day and sometimes two if it isn't raining. Also, I drink fluids constantly. I don't eat sweets except my sugar free pudding. Prunes play a big part too. :wink2:

Bottom line, I've never lost 66 pounds before so I am very pleased.

Hang in there everyone. It all takes time and the journey is different for each of us.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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